Nursing Review MediaKIT 2013

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NursingReview New ZealaNd’s iNdepeNdeNt NursiNg series

Media Kit 2013

New ZealaNd’s iNdepeNdeNt NursiNg series

Booking Deadlines 2013 Booking and


Nursing Review is looking forward in 2013 to continuing to provide a “must read” magazine for the nursing sector. For well over a decade, Nursing Review has been providing nurses in the know with informed, independent and credible content. Last year we were relaunched as a glossy compact magazine, making it a more attractive and appealing read for time-pressured nurses.

Fiona Cassie Editor

material deadline


December/January 2013 Best of the Year Vol 13 Issue 2

23 November 2012

December 2012

February/March Healthy Year Ahead Vol 13 Issue 3

15 February


April/May International Nurses Day Vol 13 Issue 4

12 April


June/July Long-term Conditions in the Community / Aged Care Vol 13 Issue 5

12 June


August/September Nursing Education / Leadership & Management Vol 13 Issue 6

Each edition has a specialist focus looking at themes from innovation to aged care and professional development to infection control, along with features and news stories that cut through the jargon to keep nurses informed about the clinical innovations, research, and policy decisions that impact on their practice, patients, and profession. Plus regular favourite pages like our Webscope, evidence-based practice page, Q&A profile and “A day in the life of a ….”. What you get :  A 32-page colour A4 magazine with glossy cover  Circulation of 6500 copies  Special focus theme each edition  Nursing stories from across the spectrum in print and on our website  RRR: our professional development learning activity  Regular online Newsfeed and email alerts  NEW regular Twitter updates and links


16 August


October/November Child & Youth Health / Wound 11 October Care and Infection Control Vol 14 Issue 1


December/January 2014 On the Ward / E-health Vol 14 Issue 2


25 November

Nursing Review’s regular professional development activity – RRR (Reading, Reflection and application in Reality) – was launched in 2012. The peer-reviewed RRR article and structured learning activity offers nurses an informative and readily accessible way to help meet their continuing competency requirements. The attractive four-page article and learning activity are positioned as a “pull-out centrefold” in our magazine so nurses can read, complete, and file the verified RRR activity in their learning portfolios. Subscribers can also download a PDF of the article and activity from our website. Each activity is linked to the Nursing Council competencies and is equivalent to 45 minutes of professional development towards the requirement of 60 hours of professional development in three years.

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Nursing Review New ZealaNd’s iNdepeNdeNt NursiNg series


2013 Issue themes

Nursing Review




Healthy Year ahead Turning New Year’s resolutions into healthy action. Each year, many of us get to February and find our good intentions for changing old habits or creating healthy new ones have waned or failed to get off the ground. This edition will focus on articles looking at how to revive these resolutions in areas such as exercise, nursing humour, safe patient handling and injury prevention, nurses and addiction, health screening and nutrition.

Nursing Education / Leadership & Management Turning our attention to career and workforce issues – and in particular, professional development – Nursing Review covers topics such as career pathways, urban and rural nursing, on-the-job training, and postgraduate study. We also delve into management best practice, interview inspirational nursing leaders, and look at nursing models of leadership.



International Nurses Day International Nurses Day is a time to honour the hard work and dedication of our nurses. Nursing Review will mark the occasion by focusing on articles that highlight the work of nurses excelling in their roles and by covering stories of innovation, celebration, and achievement. This issue is ideal to publicly thank your nursing staff for their dedication and loyalty or to congratulate them on achieving specific milestones in your organisation.

Child & Youth Health / Wound Care and Infection Control Since Florence Nightingale wrote the first nursing text book and the first germ theory was expounded, infection control and wound care have been key components of nursing. Nursing Review will focus on the latest research and developments in this area. In the second focus, we talk to nurses working with children and adolescents, covering trends, innovations, and highlighting the good work done in children’s health.

June/July Long-term Conditions in the Community / aged Care With around 63 per cent of deaths attributed to chronic heartfelt difference conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases, Nursing Review explores the trends in combating long-term conditions at hospital, at home, and in rest homes. In the closely linked Aged Care focus, we report on the latest best practice and innovation in aged care and palliative care to better understand the unique challenges of caring for the elderly. FOCUS n Long-Term Conditions

Long-Term Conditions FOCUS: An estimated two out of three New Zealand adults have at least one long-term condition. In this edition, we focus on the nursing role in helping patients better manage life-impacting chronic illness.


NP making a

Anxious patients with chest pain who used to wait up to 100 days for review at Counties Manukau District Health Board are now being seen in less than 20 days. Nearly half of heart attack patients who used to wait up to six months for a cardiologist review are now seeing a nurse practitioner or CNS instead. FIONA CASSIE talks to cardiac nurse practitioner Andy McLachlan about the difference nurse-led clinics are making.



he heart is the source of many clichés. But it’s clear from talking with cardiac nurse practitioner Andy McLachlan that specialising in this “muscular organ” requires more than just clinical expertise. Expert clinician you have to be, but also educator, motivator, and even marriage guidance counselor. These are all things that good nurses excel at, so when McLachlan started on his nurse practitioner pathway last decade he saw real opportunities for nursing to become much more involved in managing people after heart attacks. That was back around 2004 when Middlemore had only one cardiology clinical nurse specialist working in cardiac outpatient services, and two cardiac nurse specialists (Andy and fellow future NP June Poole) working in primary health. Middlemore also had “embarrassingly long” waiting times for a cardiologist review after a heart attack – with the understandably frightened and concerned people waiting up to six months to talk to an expert about their heart health. “That’s long enough for you to develop new bad habits – like I’m not going to exercise because I’m frightened I’m going to have another heart attack,” says McLachlan. “Or I’m not sure about these pills, so I’m just going to stop (taking) them all.” The waiting lists were a driver in 2007 for the cardiology team to propose stepping up a notch

Nursing Review series Long-Term Conditions 2012

beyond nurses offering cardiac rehab education clinics to support (initially) its two new NPs, and then (latterly) suitably qualified and credentialed nurse specialists, to offer comprehensive outpatient assessment clinics. Now Middlemore’s cardiac outpatient service has two cardiology NPs, two clinical nurse specialists, two specialty nurses and four other RNs working with the team, providing cutting-edge clinics in acute coronary syndrome follow-up and chest pain; plus specialist NP clinics in heart failure (Poole) and post-valve replacement care (McLachlan). The impact on waiting lists has been marked (see sidebar) and this confirms McLachlan’s belief in what nursing could provide.. Originally from Glasgow, McLachlan says as a male nurse in Scotland in the 1980s your only options starting out were male urology or general surgery, but he always had a hankering for coronary care. He also had a craving for warmer climes, so in 1990 he went to America “chasing the sun” while nursing in a variety of coronary care wards in Florida, California and Texas. “I basically had a six-year summer,” he says. Along the way, he inevitably met some Kiwis and curiosity brought him to New Zealand in 2000. Now married with three children aged one to five, he isn’t looking to move again. continued on page 6 >>

29% of IPD cases in NZ children <2 years are caused by the strain 19A.4


Offer your patients the choice.

References: 1. Prevenar 13® Approved Data Sheet, 9 March 2011. 2. Prevenar Approved Data Sheet, 1 November 2010. 3. Synflorix Approved Data Sheet, 21 September 2011. 4. Heffernan H, et al. IPD Q4 2011 ESR Report. Before prescribing, please review Data Sheet available from Medsafe ( or Pfizer New Zealand Ltd ( or call 0800 736 363. Prevenar 13® (pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine, 13-valent adsorbed) suspension for I.M. injection minimum data sheet. Indications: Active immunisation against disease caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F and 23F (including sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, bacteraemia and acute otitis media) in infants and children from 6 weeks up to 5 years of age. Dose: 0.5 mL I.M. Do not administer to the gluteal region or intravascularly (see also Precautions). Infants: 6 weeks of age: 3 doses at least one month apart. A single booster should be given in after 12 months of age, at least 2 months after the primary series. Previously unvaccinated infants 7 to 11 months of age: 2 doses approx. 1 month apart, followed by a third dose after 12 months of age, at least 2 months after the second dose. Previously unvaccinated children 12 to 23 months of age: 2 doses at least 2 months apart. Previously unvaccinated children 24 months of age or older should receive a single dose. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine, including diphtheria toxoid. Allergic reaction or anaphylactic reaction following prior administration of Prevenar. Precautions: Do not administer intravenously, intravascularly, intradermally or subcutaneously. Avoid injecting into or near nerves or blood vessels. Do not inject into gluteal area. Postpone administration in subjects suffering from acute moderate or severe febrile illness. Prevenar 13 will not protect against Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes other than those included in the vaccine nor other micro-organisms that cause invasive disease, pneumonia, or otitis media. Prevenar 13 may not protect all individuals receiving the vaccine from pneumococcal disease. Infants or children with thrombocytopenia or any coagulation disorder. Appropriate treatment must be available in case of a rare anaphylactic event following administration. Safety and immunogenicity data in children with sickle cell disease and other high-risk groups for invasive pneumococcal disease are not yet available for Prevenar 13. Prophylactic antipyretic medication recommended for children receiving Prevenar 13 simultaneously with whole-cell pertussis vaccines, or children with seizure disorders or prior history of febrile seizures. Antipyretic treatment should be initiated whenever warranted as per local treatment guidelines. The potential risk of apnoea should be considered when administering the primary immunisation series to very premature infants. Adverse Effects: Very common: Injection site erythema, induration/swelling, pain/tenderness, fever, decreased appetite, drowsiness, restless sleep, irritability. Common: Vomiting, diarrhoea, rash. Uncommon: Urticaria or urticaria–like rash, seizures, crying. Rare: Hypersensitivity reaction including face oedema, dyspnoea, bronchospasm.V10111. Contains: 30.8 micrograms of pneumococcal purified capsular polysaccharides and 32 micrograms of CRM197 protein. The decision to administer Prevenar 13 should be based on its efficacy in preventing IPD. Risks are associated with all vaccines, including Prevenar 13. The frequency of pneumococcal serotypes can vary between countries and could influence vaccine effectiveness in any given country. Otitis media and pneumonia can be caused by various organisms and protection against otitis media and pneumonia is expected to be lower than for invasive disease. Prevenar 13 is a fully funded prescription medicine for children meeting the high-risk criteria or pre- and postsplenectomy criteria (Immunisation Handbook 2011). For children not meeting these criteria, Prevenar 13 is an unfunded prescription medicine – a prescription charge may apply. Pfizer New Zealand Ltd, PO Box 3998, Auckland, New Zealand 1140. DA1212SW. BCG2-H PRE0123. P5786.

PRE0123 245X340mm Advert NR.indd 1

13/04/12 9:15 AM

Infection Control/Wound Care

Infection Control/Wound Care Keeping infection at bay and tending wounds – some of the basic tenets of nursing. This edition, we feature articles on campaigns against bacterial infection and avoidable wounds, plus nurses treating wounds with science and sensitivity.

Rheumatic Fever:

What is it and what does it do?

» Rheumatic fever is triggered by a ‘strep’ throat – otherwise known as a Strep A or group A streptococcus (GAS) infection – with 10–20 per cent of sore throats caused by GAS. » GAS is very infectious and can be transferred through droplets from coughs and sneezes (or indirectly through droplets contaminating food). » Most ‘strep’ throat infections get better without developing into rheumatic fever, but for a small number of people, it triggers a strong immune system reaction leading to inflammation of the heart, joints, brain, and skin. » Rheumatic fever is nearly always preventable with early detection and treatment of strep throat with a ten-day course of antibiotics. » About 70 per cent of children who get rheumatic fever will have some heart damage, and if the inflammation scars the heart valves, the person can develop rheumatic heart disease and may require heart valve replacement surgery. » After having rheumatic fever, children must have painful monthly intramuscular penicillin shots until they are 21 to prevent further bouts of rheumatic fever (or longer, if they develop rheumatic heart disease).

the basics

Girl having throat swabbed as part of Northland DHB’s rheumatic fever prevention programme

The sore throat that can break hearts

Just a sore throat … too many families now know some sore throats last a lifetime. FIONA CASSIE talks with some of the passionate pioneers of school throat-swabbing campaigns as the national Rheumatic Fever Prevention programme rolls out.


elen Herbert can still remember sending her son off to school that day with just a sore throat. By the time he got off the school bus that afternoon, she knew something else was definitely wrong. She was right. He had rheumatic fever, leaving a mother feeling livid and let down by a health sector that hadn’t warned her how devastating “just a sore throat” can be. She has been a passionate rheumatic fever campaigner ever since – first in her home community of Whangaroa, then wider Northland and beyond, and this year, she became the national co-coordinator for the Ministry of Health’s Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme.

It all began with rheumatic fever levels peaking at internationally high levels at the turn of the millennium in the small Far North community of Whangaroa. Helen Herbert’s son was eight when he got rheumatic fever. He is now 21 and the family has this year just celebrated him being given the all clear to no longer have the painful monthly antibiotic injections required to keep further rheumatic fever, and the risk of major heart damage, at bay. “It is very traumatic for the kids when they first start – and for their families,” says Herbert. “My son packed his bags heaps of time to run up the hill. He told me he was running away from home and he’d come back later on.” Herbert says it was devastating in those early days realising just how many of the community’s children were getting rheumatic fever and all for the lack of treating a sore throat.

A driven community

Helen Herbert


Sue Dow

The Whangaroa Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme was launched on Waitangi Day 2002 in response to that deep community concern with the support of an equally concerned Northland continued on page 6 >>

How severe is the problem?

» New Zealand’s rheumatic fever rates are now 14 times higher than any other OECD country. » One third of New Zealand children have a 1 in 250 chance of a preventable damaged heart by the end of school. » The rates of rheumatic fever for Māori and Pasifika children aged between 5 and 14 are between 20 and 40 times higher than other Kiwi children of the same age. » The rates in high risk areas are thought to be a combination of crowded living conditions, difficulties accessing health care, and lack of awareness that ‘sore throats matter’. » Heart Foundation guidelines recommends throat swabbing any Maori or Pacific patient aged between 3 and 45 who presents with a sore throat and prescribing them antibiotics straight away if they meet strep throat criteria. » A research project in Northland in 2010 scanned the hearts of 636 Kaitaia children and found seven with previously undetected rheumatic heart disease and 13 with inconclusive or borderline rheumatic heart disease. » There are around 140 deaths per year from rheumatic heart disease.

Nursing Review series Infection Control/Wound Care 2012

December/January On the Ward / E-health Nursing Review wraps up the year by following nurses onto the ward. We explore the working lives of nurses in our major public hospitals, private hospitals, and specialist units, general practices, and those in the community. Nurses have precious little time on their hands, so we summarise the best of the year’s nursing news and look back on the obstacles the New Zealand nursing sector had to overcome. As a secondary focus, we explore the innovative world of e-health. FOCUS n Celebrating Innovation

Telehealth research:

empowering patients and freeing up nurses? Can telehealth monitors in the home help nurses and doctors care for more patients with chronic conditions? Preliminary results from the country’s second telehealth research project – ‘ASSET’ – indicate the answer is probably “yes”. FIONA CASSIE reports.


health provider Ngāti Porou Hauora. Funding for the trial was provided by the Primary Health Care Innovations Fund. Parsons says the rationale for the trial was the rapidly ageing population and the resulting increase in demand for chronic care management. Using telehealth technology is seen as a way of promoting self-management and improving the case management of chronic care patients, while at the same time making better use of limited health professional resources. He says the two DHB specialist services were chosen for the randomised, controlled trial as their “usual care” standards were basically at the “cutting edge of evidence-based practice”. “If you were looking for the perfect services these were the perfect services.” There was a need for a rural primary health study, and Ngāti Porou Hauora was seen as an obvious choice because of its strong rural nursing model. The trial was clinician-directed, with the health professionals selecting the equipment and developing the clinical processes for gathering and monitoring patient data. Some initial hiccups with the chosen technology saw some participants pull out and some trust lost, but Parsons repeats that qualitative results showed that patients and health professionals had responded positively to the telemonitoring intervention. He says in some large overseas studies the standard of the care service is poor, and therefore telemonitoring meets with a positive reaction that is highly statistically significant. For ASSET, the baseline standard of care was high. Parson says the “raw data is tending in the right direction”, indicating a positive impact overall, but the most significant finding for Parsons is that telemonitoring appears to allow health professionals to work with more clients with no detrimental impact on the clients already under their care. “Let’s say the intervention has no impact on hospitalisation rates, the satisfaction levels for the clients are the same and there’s no difference between the (control and telemonitoring) groups. However, a Matthew nurse practitioner or nurse specialist Parsons, a worked with 80 or 90 clients instead co-principal of 40 or 50 clients. “If we had no investigator of ASSET. difference all in the outcomes but we could use staff more efficiently, then that would be a positive outcome.”

ith telehealth, nurses can encourage patients to be more hands-on with their care, while the nurses themselves literally can be more hands-off. And according tow Matthew Parsons, one of the coprincipal investigators of the telehealth ASSET (Application of Self-management Systems Trial), patients and nurses have responded positively to it. The research project’s purpose was to see whether home telemonitoring could help more people with long-term conditions continue to live well at home. In the just-completed trial, more than 90 heart failure, respiratory and patients with multiple chronic conditions were trained to measure their own “vital obs” and then send the results via the internet to their nurse’s computer screen using a hand-held hub device. The health professional group found telemonitoring to be effective (by freeing up time) and it altered their practice so they could manage a higher-need client group. “Which was exactly what we were hoping to achieve,” says Parsons, who last year became the country’s first professor of gerontology nursing, a joint appointment between The University of Auckland and Waikato District Health Board. ASSET was a joint initiative between The University of Auckland, working with Auckland District Health Board’s heart failure team, Counties Manukau DHB’s respiratory team and rural East Coast iwi

Facts at a glance about ASSET (Application of Self-management Systems Trial) Primary Health Care Innovations Fund joint research project by The University of Auckland in league with: n Auckland DHB: 98 heart failure patients (48 randomised to telemonitoring intervention for up to three months). n Counties Manukau DHB: 8 respiratory failure patients (24 randomised to telemonitoring for up to four months). n Ngāti Porou Hauora:25 patients with multiple conditions (the majority with diabetes). Post design so no control group and all using telemonitoring (19 using equipment for six months or more.)

ASSET equipment » High-quality weight scales » Blood pressure and heart-rate monitor » Oxygen saturation probe » Blood sugar monitor for diabetics » Hub to record and transfer data through phone line to website Self-measurements Participants regularly measured observations relevant to their condition including: » oxygen saturation rates; » blood pressure and heart rates; » weight; » blood sugar results.

Reporting Results (and answers to three to four open questions pertinent to their condition) were sent via the hub to be monitored during the week by the patient’s clinical team. Results were reviewed as falling into either “green” (stable and requiring

no action), or “red” (results outside set parameters), or “black” (no results recorded) and requiring nurse follow-up.

Sample open questions on the hub » How are you feeling today? Same as/better than/worse than yesterday? » Have you taken your medication today? » Is your breathing more difficult today? » Have you got more swelling? » Is your blood sugar high? What do you think contributed to that? » Are you more tired?

Quantitative research data collected Baseline surveys of patients followed up at three months and six months, including Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Selfefficacy Survey, Self Care of Heart Failure (SCFI) index, Saint George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and Self Care of Diabetes Index (SCDI). Preliminary analysis indicated trends toward modest or no improvement for telemonitoring over the “usual care” control group. Costs: initial findings showed potential to increase client caseload caseload and potentially lower hospital-based costs while the client was using the equipment, but technological issues reduced trust in telecare equipment. Still to come is in-depth analysis of first and second trial results, costs, health-related quality of life, plus hospital admission and ED attendance data.

8 8Nursing Review series Celebrating Innovation 20122012 Nursing Review series Celebrating Innovation

Belle Hanrahan Sales & Marketing Manager

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Nursing Review New Zealand’s independent nursing SERIES


Nursing Review reader testimonials

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I eagerly anticipate each and every edition and am amazed at how you hit the mark for so many areas of nursing. From the academics to the clinicians, the educators to the policy makers, there is something for everyone in every edition. Nursing Review ranges from newsy innovative bytes but gets to grips with larger topics with more detailed articles. Well done to yourself and your team. I am sure there are many who feel the same as I. In fact, here at Bupa, we love it so much that during the RN training days we held last week, we gave away three free subscriptions to some lucky staff! Gina Langlands, General Manager – Quality and Risk, Bupa Care Services When Nursing Review arrives in my workplace, I always grab it quick as it is certainly very high on my preferred nursing reading list – a wonderful publication, thank you. Blair Donkin RN, Dialysis Unit, Dunedin Hospital

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1/4 page vertical 92mm (w) x 135mm (h)

We get the hard copy Nursing Review here, and I was just searching your website for relevant articles and found heaps – so good! For someone like me coming from education and research into the aged care sector, these articles give a great background into what is happening in aged care. Well done! I now found have a selection of experts that I could contact. Helen Gibson, Health Education Trust

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Nursing Review New Zealand’s independent nursing SERIES


In every issue Nurse profile – q&a We profile a personality in health, in ‘Q & A’ format, covering their background – training and work history – and also offer some of their personal insights. A day in the life of… A look at a busy day in the working world of a healthcare professional, from triage to palliative care. People, Practice & Policy Articles on best practice, research, profiles and policy development in five broad areas: primary care, secondary care, mental health, management/ education/ leadership and aged care. Each edition will have one to four pages covering these areas depending on the timing of conferences, industry reports, etc. Evidence-based practice A look at the latest research findings on a clinical practice issue, presented by Dr Andrew Jull, associate professor at The University of Auckland’s nursing school. Webscope WEBSCOPE

Want toCHECK learn THESE OUT something new My for Hospitals Matariki?

Leaving cookie crumbs in cyberspace

Are you an unknowing Hansel or Gretel, leaving a trail of ‘breadcrumbs’ behind you as you wend your way through the internet? KATHY HOLLOWAY explains cookies.


ow do you track where you have been as you click from one fabulously interesting site to the next on the net? You are probably aware of the useful history facility provided for your use by two common browsers - Firefox and Explorer. You can check here where you (or others) have been surfing. However, as you gaily embark upon your surfing odyssey, spare a thought for the ‘breadcrumb’ trail you may be leaving behind – that trail may not only track where you have been but also predict where you are most likely to go. I refer to ‘cookie’ technology. What is a cookie? The following outline of the function of cookies was obtained from a very useful site: A cookie is a small piece of information about you (actually, about your computer – the IP or internet protocol address). A cookie is a small file that a web server automatically sends to your computer when you browse certain web sites. Cookies are stored as text files on your hard drive, so servers can access them when you return to web sites you’ve visited before. To check out your cookie files in Internet Explorer, go to the Tools button on your browser and select Internet Options and Settings on the Temporary Internet files section. Clicking on View files will let you know what is stored there for access by sites when you visit – you will note that cookies are designed to expire within varying times – however, the latest technology allows cookies to be stored until 2037. Prepare to be amazed at the number of files that you store unknowingly! For other browsers, use the help function to find the cookie files. But wait! Cookies are not all bad – they contain information that identifies each user, for example: login or username, passwords, shopping cart information, preferences, and so on. When a user revisits a web site, his or her computer automatically ‘serves up’ the cookie, which establishes the user’s identity,

thus eliminating the need for you to re-enter the information. Basically, the server needs to know this information in order for the web site to work correctly, and the information is nothing more than a string of letters and numbers. However, within the internet industry, advertisers are able to track your browsing and buying habits using cookies, unless your privacy settings exclude this. In this realm, cookie technology enables advertisers to target ad banners based on what you’ve said your interests are – ever notice how targeted the Google ads become? Cookies allow sites to tailor their appearance to suit a user’s established preferences. It’s a double-edged sword for many people because on the one hand, it’s efficient and pertinent in that you only see ads about what you’re interested in. On the other hand, it involves actually ‘tracking’ and ‘following’ where you go and what you click on – a disturbing thought for some. Further information as to how to restrict cookie collection is best obtained at sites like The bottom line is that you, as the user, should find the web portals and online services that suit your needs and only sign up with a select few. In New Zealand, privacy concerns for local e-commerce are governed by legislation that does not apply to international companies. A recent forum in Wellington – Think Big? Privacy in the Age of Big Data – warned of our generally relaxed approach to the privacy of our own information. Make a habit of checking out privacy policies on the sites that you visit and check your own browser’s privacy settings. Further information can be accessed here Remember that with awareness comes choice – you can take control of your trail in cyberspace. Increasingly, the internet is being used by consumers to rate their experiences of services received from trades professionals, retailers, and the hospitality sector. This is now possible for consumers of the health care sector, and internationally, patients are using the internet to research their local hospitals, doctors, and residential care facilities. In Ireland (USA and Canada also) there is a Rate My Hospital ( website, where patients can rate all parts of their hospital experience. In contrast, there is no patient involvement as yet in this Australian site, launched this year, but it marks an interesting government initiative to inform the community about their hospitals. The website provides information about hospital services, patient admissions, waiting times for elective surgery and emergency department care, measures of safety and quality (hand hygiene and staph. aureus rates), cancer services, and hospital accreditation. The website also provides comparisons to national public hospital performance statistics on waiting times for elective surgery and emergency department care. [Accessed 19 August 2012 and last updated 2012].

BMC Nursing – free access journal BioMed Central is an independent publishing house committed to providing immediate open access to peerreviewed research, a growing area for professional and clinical journals. BMC Nursing is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of nursing research, training, education, and practise that has been published since 2002. The journal is included in PubMed and all major bibliographic databases. The editorial board is comprised of esteemed nurse scholars from Australia, USA, Canada and the UK – this is a useful avenue for publication. [Accessed 19 August 2012 and last updated 2012]. Dr Kathy Holloway is dean of the Faculty of Health at Whitireia Community Polytechnic.

Nursing Review series Infection Control/Wound Care


Tips on utilising the web for day-to-day nursing responsibilities and management, written by Kathy Holloway, dean of Whitireia Community Polytechnic’s Faculty of Health.

Opinion Opinions from leading industry figures and columns. For the record A round-up of national and international nursing news, including background, analysis and feedback on news and events broken on the Nursing Review website since the previous issue.

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Belle Hanrahan Sales & Marketing Manager

P +64 4 915 9783 F +64 4 471 1080 E

Nursing Review New ZealaNd’s iNdepeNdeNt NursiNg series


Nursing Review


New ZealaNd’s iNdepeNdeNt NursiNg series

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 A1 size.  3000+ circulation with Nursing Review.  Gives advertisers a strategic position in the nursing sector nationally.  Annual.

Website advertising specifications


Leaderboard banner 728pxl x 90pxl

The annual A1 size Wall Planner provides advertisers with a prime location for an entire year at the most cost-effective rate. Facts at a glance

12 months



2 emails (1 month coverage)

Leaderboard banner






Subscriber email advertising specifications Leaderboard banner

728pxl (w) x 90pxl (h)


120pxl (w) x 600pxl (h)

File format

GIF * or JPG

File size

100KB or lower preferred


(size in millimetres)


Top banner Displayed across the top of the wall planner your company will enjoy maximum branding exposure.

595 (w) x 70 (h)


Vertical spots Positioned on the vertical sides of the calendar providing substantial space for your artwork and prominent display. Four positions available.

110 (w) x 165 (h)


Lower based horizontal spots Positioned along the horizontal base of the calendar, maintaining your brand for 12 months.

110 (w) x 70 (h)


Mechanical specifications Format A1 Full colour File types PDF files. Please ensure all the fonts are embedded or text converted to paths/outlines. If colour, ensure all photos are CMYK. For in-house design, send your text document and images by email. The images and logos to be at 300dpi, line art 600dpi, attached as a TIFF, JPG or EPS file.

* Please note email format does not allow for animated GIF or FLASH files.

Belle Hanrahan Sales & Marketing Manager

P +64 4 915 9783 F +64 4 471 1080 E

All advertising rates exclude GST. Accredited agency commission 20 per cent. Note: all advertising is booked under the current terms and conditions of APN Educational Media

All advertising rates exclude GST. Accredited agency commission 20 per cent. Note: all advertising is booked under the current terms and conditions of APN Educational Media

Belle Hanrahan

APN Educational Media prefers that advertising material be supplied via the Quickcut validation and delivery system. By using Quickcut you are assured that your ads will meet our exact specifications and arrive right first time.

Sales & Marketing Manager

P +64 4 915 9783 F +64 4 471 1080 E


Contact details

This issue:


ConferenCe Programme

p12When To p8 PresenTer Wear gloves Profiles


feaTure sessions

General sales enquiries advertising (04) 915 9783 email Nursing Review (04) 915 9783 (03) 981 9474

Aged-Care & Retirement INsite advertising editorial email

FuturE FoCus oF CarE:

Health, Politics & Your Business

Conference programme Conference One voice for2010 the aged residential care sector

DEEpEr and WiDEr nZaCa ConferenCe 2012 10th – 12th september 2012, rotorua




advertising editorial email

Rotorua 13th -15th September NZACA Conference 2010

Conference 2010 One voice for the aged residential care sector

(04) 915 9783 (07) 575 8493

Best of Times advertising editorial email

(04) 471 1600 (04) 917 9787

Education Review series advertising editorial email

(04) 915 9783 (07) 575 8493

Education Gazette advertising (04) 915 9798 editorial (04) 915 9795 Fax (04) 471 1080 email International advertising email

(04) 915 9783

Editorial phone

(04) 915 9795

Production phone

(04) 915 9788

Subscriptions phone email

(04) 915 9797

General manager phone

(04) 915 9786

Postal address pO Box 200, wellington 6140, New Zealand

Street address level 1, saatchi and saatchi Building, 101-103 Courtenay place, wellington 6011, New Zealand phone Fax Accounts

(04) 471 1600 (04) 471 1080


0800 110 579

Custom publishing • •

print and internet services international and domestic

Marketing, institution and brand materials are invaluable to all businesses; this is why apN educational Media offers a custom publishing service in multiple languages. Because your brand is instrumental to your business’s success, we employ a range of specialists in advertising, design, layout, copy writing, editorial, finance, and administration. these skill sets along with our expertise in the education and health fields, our customised service, reusable methodologies and flexibility enable apN educational Media to guarantee a high-quality job, with an ethical approach. Further, apN educational Media is part of a global media network with access to preferential rates – this enables us to pass savings on to you, our customers. we can assist you in developing techniques, tools and proven methodologies to get the most out of your marketing material whether that is in print or online. we look forward to the opportunity to demonstrate our proven abilities to you.

examples of custom publishing • • • • • • • • • • • • •

New Zealand universities directory NZaCa excellence in Care wellington education guide education gazette school prospectuses Yearbooks posters Flyers Banners industry magazines stationery Conference programmes Mahi toa, curriculum-based magazine

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