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Outcomes of the proposal

The re-use of existing structures is conceived not only in an architectural level in terms of new use, but also as urban elements that are articulated with the new layout of public and open spaces inside the district as complementary spaces for new purposes and activitites

Industrial structures are included in the public space offer to create spaces with identity, history and character of its previous function the proposal provides a healthier and contemporary urban scenario where walkeable areas are easily approachable, mobility is shared, densification processes are complemented by multi-functional and mixed use and the street takes part in the public life scene, producing, in this order of ideas a new reality for Puente Aranda users and future residents.


The redesign of the different streets typologies, offers a balance between the new population needs and better mobility for all-types of transportation systems The goal is achieved by minimizing physical barriers and the insertion of urban furniture in the street to allow more movement across but at the same time, keeping a clear structure of lanes and zones for an overall readable site.

Shorter and walkable corridors are proposed to improved commerce activities that are being held to help local bussines from a small-neighbourhood scale level. Commerce had been always been affected by traffic congestion and public space invasion, it is now proposed wider corridors where pedestrian users, shoppers, sellers and residents can find a short-walkable distance well equipped with urban furniture an enjoyable environment to shop and visit not only from Puente Aranda but from different parts of the city and region.

The insertion of collective equipment strategically placed follows the principle of a 15-minute city, where users reach at short distances different activities related with social gathering and leisure. By re-organizing the urban blocks morphology, the street hierarchy and the building placing and landuse, vacant spaces as product of all these processes are thought to provide two main big green areas that increase the open public space and green space percentage per citizen in the city and district.

While density greatly supports walkability, a dense urban area integrated with businesses in a new residential area, could face some challenges in terms of privacy, safety and accessibility of green open spaces.

Reason why, certain spaces changed their completely private or completely public character into something inbetween; semi-private, to offer to residents more spaces for gathering, like schoolyards becaming open sports venues in the evenings, cover spaces into communal meeting points and inner patios and gardens shared between housing towers.

Restricting access to neighborhoods for motorized traffic by introducing one-way traffic and changing permitted speed levels within certain streets can reduce the intensity and speed of traffic in the neighborhood, changing the domain of automobiles and improving the human dimension and protagonism in the urban landscape. As a result, the proposal provides new spaces to carry out collective activities, accessible by foot or by bicycle.

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