Juana Borbolla.
My name is Juana Borbolla. I am an Industrial Designer, currently freelancing in graphic and industrial design projects in Queretaro, Mexico. There I am mostly in charge of creative processes as well as communication and graphical material. I finished my bachelor in Mexico at ITESM Campus Qro in may 2017. During that time of learning I did my exchange program at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. I am Mexican however im completely fluent in english and french. As a designer I like to develop a holistic approach to enhance the way users experience and interact with products or systems. Always looking for something to learn and contribute, I am an organized but very creative person. I enjoy working in teams and solving problems.
Color addict. Stimuli Hunter. Life Enthusiast.
SQUASH. Squash its a dual compartiment bottle. The requirement was to keep two liquids separated in one bottle up until the time of washing. Pushing each side and lastly the middle valve, you get the right amount of for doing perfect laundry. This project win 3rd prize for the P&G dual compartiment challenge.
open box
different products
geometric shape
two compartiments
Packaging. Some of the packaging projects I have developed were while I was in the Netherlands for my exchange program. You can visit the links provided below. Either its innovation in material usage or presentation, packaging lets you interact and provide greater value than just preserving food.
box layout juana borbolla s1713924/ ilse latour s1239724
Selic. Selic came out after a bachelor challenge from all grades. Developed for elica, this project was the winner of the category “Out of the Box”. Aims to control and take advantage of smoke while grilling outside. The team thought of the pains that sometimes brings and with the expertice that Elica has in air technology it became a winner concept.
Drole. Ceramics collection inspired in the fun while eating as a child. This project was developed from conceptualization to production as a school project.
Greenhousing the right way. Developed within the international platform: POLE (project oriented learning environment). With only meeting once in Mexico before the delivery of the project in Switzerland, this team project was developed for Cemex. The aim was to broaden the emotional connection with concrete through new ways of interaction. The final output of this six month challenge, were smart construction blocks where seeds are mixed. This providing some edible plants for people who live in them. Mostly thought for developing countries. To see the full project click or scan below.
Vlotter. This is a line of furniture composed of 5 pieces. The project was done for Kaleidoscopio studio, the furniture producer of Carpicentro, a wood company in Mexico. The biggest challenge here was to produce these furnishings with 80% of what was for the company waste material. This project was the starting point for new ways of production with what they do not use.
To see the full project click or scan below.
Graphics & System.
IPO. International Programs Office. During summer of 2017 I developed the new logo and branding for international office of ITESM Campus Queretaro. This aiming to make the office more recognizable to foreign people. With this rejuvination, a special digital book was developed in order to welcome internationals with all the information they need in the process of coming to study to Mexico. More than the graphical part of the material, this aimed to make the process more efficient as well as interactive. Material like this did not exist before nor physical or digital. To see the full project click or scan below.
Graphics & Communication These are some of the projects I’ve done last year at Pata de Perro estudio, the industrial design studio I work. Mostly it strives to clarifying and digitalizing communication. From graphical elements to web pages or branding, the main issue that I have been addressing is digesting technical information or data to more approachable material for clients or final end users. More often than not companies are experts in what they do but customers do not get that insight. The latter is the same reason why an industrial designer is a good person to be the lin between those two stakeholders.
SIVAA PRO. Sivaa pro is a maintanance software for wind turbines. This book is the end result of the project that provides technical information as well as financial data. After Sommerset Technologies finished the research phase I developed the structure and graphical elements that provide clarity and a start point for branding.
To see the full project click or scan below.
CREAR EN OTOMÍ. This project was developed in different municipalties of Querétaro. It was a team effort between designers, artisans and gubernamental organizations developed in 2018. My input to this project was as a technical mentor and designer in the textile area, mainly developed in Amealco and Tolimán with different groups of women. We co-created a family of home products within the textile area as well as the other disciplines (clay, ceramics and basketry).
As a creative person, I like to think of me as a stimuli hunter or life enthusiast. Therefore I seek and pursue new skills that help me broaden my perspective and what I can give to any project. The following page shows some of them. Contact me if you have any question or visit my social media to see what am i up to. @juanabtt
juana.btt@gmail.com +521 442 121 3420
@juanabtt juana.btt@gmail.com +52 1 442 121 3420
Juana Borbolla.