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NUMBERS AND HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM - Written by Héctor Iglesias Barnech CARDINAL NUMBERS 1 one
11 eleven
21 twenty one 31 thirty one
151 one hundred and fifty one
2 two
12 twelve
22 twenty two (etc.)
1,000 one thousand
3 three
13 thirteen
23 twenty three
1,000,000 one million
4 four
14 fourteen
24 twenty four 50 fifty
1,000,000,000 one billion
5 five
15 fifteen
25 twenty five 60 sixty
1,000,000,000,000 one trillion
6 six
16 sixteen
26 twenty six
70 seventy
312 three hundred and twelve
7 seven
17 seventeen
27 twenty seven
80 eighty
5,010 five thousand and ten
8 eight
18 eighteen
28 twenty eight
90 ninety
2,500,000 two million five hundred thousand
9 nine
19 nineteen
29 twenty nine
100 one hundred
6,279 six thousand two hundred and seventy - nine
10 ten
20 twenty
30 thirty
101 one hundred and one
40 forty
3,333 three thousand three
hundred and thirty -three
IMPAR VS PAR Odd number – impar Even number – par
Play odds and evens - Jugar a pares o nones MILLION OR MILLIONS? / THOUSAND OR THOUSANDS? / HUNDRED OR HUNDREDS? 2,500,000 Million or millions?
Definitely two million five hundred thousand. We use an 's' when it is an indefinite number: millions of people, hundreds of ways, etc. ORDINAL NUMBERS 1st first
La abreviatura de los números ordinales se forma con el número en cifra seguido por las últimas dos letras de la palabra completa: 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 20th (twentieth), 23rd (twenty-third). Del 4th al 20th tienen terminación th.
2nd second 3rd third
4th fourth
9th ninth
14th fourteenth
19th nineteenth
60th sixtieth
101st hundred and first
5th fifth
10th tenth
15th fifteenth
20th twentieth
70th seventieth
102nd hundred and second
6th sixth
202nd two hundred
NUMBERS AND HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM – VRS03MRCH2011 – hgib333@hotmail.com - Written by Héctor Iglesias Barnech
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NUMBERS AND HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM - Written by Héctor Iglesias Barnech eleventh 7th seventh 12th twelfth 8th eighth
13th thirteenth
and second
17th 90th 40th fortieth seventeenth ninetieth
1,000th thousandth
18th eighteenth
1,000,000th millionth
50th fiftieth
100th hundredth
La terminación th suena como <tiez>) Las decenas se unen con un guión al igual que los números cardinales, pero las unidades tienen la terminación -th, menos first que termina en -st, second que termina en -nd, y third que termina en -rd. 21st twenty -first 22nd twenty - second 23rd twenty - third 24th twenty - fourth
SPELLING OUT OR FIGURES? [1] Spell out numbers of one or two words or those that begin a sentence. Use figures for numbers that require more than two words to spell out. • It's been eight years since I visited Peru. • I counted 176 DVDs on the shelf. If a sentence begins with a number, spell out the number or rewrite the sentence. • One hundred fifty children in our program need expensive dental treatment. [2] In technical and some business writing, figures are preferred even when spellings would be brief, but usage varies. When in doubt, consult the style guide of the organization for which you are writing. [3] When several numbers appear in the same passage, many writers choose consistence rather than strict adherence to the rule. [4] When one number immediately follows another, spell out one and use figures for the other: three 100-meter events, 25 four-poster beds. GENERAL INFORMATION Generally figures are acceptable for dates, addresses, percentages, fractions, decimals, scores, statistics and other numerical results, exact amounts of money, divisions of books and plays, pages, identification numbers, and the time. Dates July 4, 1776, 56 BC, AD 30 Addresses 77 Latches Lane, 519 West 42nd Street Percentages 55 percent (or 55%) Fractions, Decimals ½, 0.047 Scores 7 to 3, 21-18 Statistics average age 37, average weight 180 Surveys 4 out of 5 Exact Amounts of Money $105.37, $106,000 Divisions of Books volume 3, chapter 4, page 189 Divisions of Plays act 3; scene 3 (or act III, scene iii) Identification Numbers serial number 10988675 Time of Day 4:00 p.m., 1:30 a.m. (Hacker, A Writer's Reference 310-311).
NUMBERS AND HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM – VRS03MRCH2011 – hgib333@hotmail.com - Written by Héctor Iglesias Barnech
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NUMBERS AND HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM - Written by Héctor Iglesias Barnech GENERAL FIGURES ¾ = three quarters 0.25 = nought point two five 0.33 = nought point three three 1 1/2 = one and a half 1/8 = an eight ¼ = a quarter 1.5 = one point five 0.125 = nought point one two five 1/3 = one third 0.75 = nought point seven five 42.195 = 42 point 1 9 5 8.2 % = eight point two percent 6,188,000 = 6 million and 1 hundred eighty eight thousand 20 = Score 2 = Couple 0 = Nought 1,000 = Grand 2 = Pair 2 = Brace 13 = A Baker’s Dozen 144 = Gross 100 = Ton FOOTBALL AND OTHER SPORTS MATCH SCORES 3 – 0 (tres a cero) = three – nil In tennis we say love Empate Draw (UK) / Tie (USA) / (votaciones) a dead heat Empatar to draw (UK) / to tie (USA) / (votaciones) to have a dead heat 0 – 0 = They drew nil – nil o nil – nil draw = terminó empate a cero 3 – 3 = They drew three – all o a three – all draw BECAREFUL 0 – 0 = We don’t say: a nill all draw. We say nil – nil draw Ganar Win Perder Lose Ganarle a Beat to BECAREFUL You Lose, Draw or Win a MATCH, LEAGUE, CUP You Beat a TEAM Scotland beat England in the final I beat my brother AT table tennis His team lost 4-2 I SUPPORT Atletico de Madrid I don’t like Mourinho. But I have to admit he is a great COACH (USA) / MANAGER (UK) On the other hand, he has a great TRAINER (entrenador físico) Oh! I work as a swimming INSTRUCTOR.
NUMBERS AND HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM – VRS03MRCH2011 – hgib333@hotmail.com - Written by Héctor Iglesias Barnech