Actividad extraescolar 2º ESO – IES ATEGUA – Curso 2011/2012
You Y arre goingg to the city of o Maddinat all-Zahrra, buillt by thhe self-pproclaim med C Caliph of AlA Andalus Abd A al--Rahmaan II II betweeen 936 6 and 940. The T neew caliphh decidded to leave the old o capitaal of the Emiraate and settle in this privilege p ed locattion to show thhe worldd its power. The T ciity of Maddinat ala Zahra hadd a shoort his story, as a duringg the civil c w war in the finnal momeents of the Caaliphate, the city was sacked s and des stroyed.. You will continu ue the visit v inn the citty of C Cordobaa, choseen caapital of o Al--Andalus froom the early years y oof the Musli M im innvasion.. On a walkk througgh the city, you will appreeciate thhe chharacterristics of Muslim urbanis u sm throough thee streetts of thhe J Jewish h quarter, andd concllude thhe tour in onne of the t most im mportannt buildiings of the Is slamic art, a in Spain: S the Mosque M o of C Cordoba a. Du uring the visit you will have to complete thhe activiities that yoou willl find in this booklett. Therre will be a reeward for f thos se w finish the work who w fiirst.
M Madin at al-Z Zahraa. Â Wee starteed the visit inn a mo odern bu uilding that makes m thhe fu unctions s of receptio r on centeer for visitors andd archaaeologiccal m museum. . Here we shall see a visual explaanation of thhe arrchaeoloogical site and a thhe mus seum contains c s pieces froom M Madina at al-Z Zahra (constru uctive and a deccorative items,, potterry, uttensils of dailyy life...))
A Activit ty 1. Find F thhem at the mu useum.. W Which o the followiing item of ms are exhibiteed at thhe Mu useum of o M Madina at al-Z Zahra?
During the walk through the ruins of the Alcazar of the caliphs’ palace. The rooms that you are going to visit had various functionalities (Housing service, guard, reception of embassies, the throne room ...). Keep in mind that all the way you are going to do is by the offices of the palace of the caliph, but the city extended beyond the limits of the Alcazar. In the plain you can see from the viewpoint that is at the entrance of the archaeological site lays a city with all the elements of an Andalusian city: houses, mosques, souks, a wall ...
Activity 2. Locate on the map. Locate on the map the following spaces: Aljama mosque – Throne hall – Eastern portico Upper basilical building – Walls
Córdoba – the Jewish quarter Let's go the historic centre of Cordoba by the Almodovar Gate. From the moment we enter we can see an irregular urban layout with narrow streets, winding, with small squares and dead ends. This street is typical of the medieval Muslim cities. Activity 3. A walk through the Jewish Quarter. In the map below, indicate the way that your follow up to theMosque of Cordoba:
El recorrido empieza aquí
4. Identify various
of the
Jewish and Christian C贸rdoba. Identify each picture below and relate to one of the three cultures that lived in Cordoba.
Cordoba – Aljama Mosque The last stage of our tour is the visit to the Mosque of Cordoba. The building that now houses the Cathedral of Cordoba was built on a primitive Visigoth basilica; it was converted into a Muslim place of worship by Abd al-Rahman I and had several expansions throughout its history, as you can see the plan you have more down.
Activity 5. Inside the mosque. • Point on the map the different phases of construction suffered by the Cordoba mosque until it was transformed into a Christian cathedral. • Indicate the following parts of the Mosque: Minaret – Ablutions yard – Prayer hall Quibla - Mihrab
The Cordoba mosque was built on an ancient Visigoth basilica. What saint it was devoted?
In Cordoba, December 7, 2011 Team: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
2º ESO ___ – IES ATEGUA (Castro del Río) Time: _______
Number of failures: _____