15 al 31 dE agosto dEl 2016
Edicion 368
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
| Edicion 368
CONSEJOS DE SEGURIDAD AL CONDUCIR ALguAciL FrANk SchiLLAri Usa SIEMPRE el cinturón de seguridad: ¡Te salva la vida! Nunca lo lleves suelto ni lo pases por debajo del brazo. No reclines mucho el respaldo del asiento, porque frente a un impacto tu cuerpo se puede deslizar por debajo del cinturón. Además de tener siempre presente la importancia de usar el cinturón de seguridad, debes comprender que este elemento no es indestructible ni dura para siempre. El desgaste producido por su uso cotidiano, como los cortes que puedan haber sufrido, ponen en riesgo su óptimo funcionamiento. Ponerse el cinturón toma sólo dos segundos.
No use su celular mientras conduce. ¡Su seguridad está antes que cualquier llamada! No utilice el celular ni otros aparatos que causan distracción y tensión al conducir. La telefonía celular, que constituye una herramienta muy útil en la comunicación actual, resulta sin embargo un problema serio mientras se conduce. El uso del teléfono móvil es un factor que multiplica por cuatro el riesgo de sufrir accidentes. Mientras se habla por teléfono, se pierde la capacidad de concentración necesaria para conducir: no se mantiene una velocidad constante y el tiempo de reacción disminuye.
Redadas de inmigrantes dejan al menos seis jornaleros detenidos en Chicago
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Edicion 368 | Cine y Novelas
gentes federales llegaron a puntos de reunión de trabajadores inmigrantes, bajaron de sus patrullas, les pidieron papeles, les tomaron huellas y arrestaron a varios.
Varios operativos de la Oficina de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE, por su sigla en inglés) dejaron al menos seis jornaleros detenidos la semana pasada en Chicago, denunciaron activistas y organizaciones defensoras de los derechos de los inmigrantes. “Un grupo de agentes federales de ICE llegó a los lugares donde frecuentan los jornaleros y les pidieron documentos”, dijo a Univision Noticias Tania Unzueta, de la organización #Not1More, que exige a la Administración Obama que detenga su maquinaria de deportaciones.
“No sabemos cuántos operativos han realizado hasta ahora, pero le estamos pidiendo al gobierno que abra una investigación porque pensamos que se violaron los derechos civiles de nuestros compañeros”, agregó la activista. La Unión Latina, organización que trabaja en la organización de jornaleros, dijo en un comunicado que uno de los operativos se llevó a cabo en la esquina de las calles Milwaukee y Belmont, un punto que frecuentan jornaleros en busca de trabajo.
“En ese lugar detuvieron a tres y trabajadores el viernes 5 de agosto”, dijo a Univision Noticias Rebecca Harris. “Estaban en ese lugar esperando por trabajo. También recibimos denuncias de otros tres operativos similares en otro punto similar a este”. Analía Rodríguez, directora ejecutiva de Unión Latina, dijo a Univision Noticias que de acuerdo con la información que han recopilado, “las redadas de la semana pasada son un claro ejemplo de perfil racial”.
“Todos los trabajadores afectados son hombres e hispanos”, dijo. “Desde el viernes estamos averiguando sus nombres para contactar a los familiares y brindarles ayuda”. Según datos de la Unión Latina, los agentes de ICE llegan a los puntos donde se reúnen los jornaleros, bajan de las patrullas y les piden documentos de identidad. “También les toman huellas digitales”, explicó Rodríguez.
La activista dijeron que en uno de los operativos del viernes, luego de verificar las huellas digitales de los jornaleros, “se llevaron detenidos a tres” presuntamente porque tenían algún tipo de antecedentes migratorios.
“Una vez que les sacaron las huellas algo apareció (en la
computadora) y fue por eso que se los llevaron. Hoy (lunes) a uno de ellos ya lo han dejado salir, pero tanto él como su familia pidieron mantener su nombre en reserva hasta que primero hablen con un abogado”, dijo Rodríguez. La Unión Latina dijo además que las operaciones de ICE deberían ser consideradas como “una vergüenza” y un “ejemplo de racismo”.
Rodríguez anticipó que el martes, durante una conferencia de prensa, varias organizaciones denunciarán las redadas, “le pediremos al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) que abra una investigación para determinar si se violaron los derechos civiles de los jornaleros detenidos, y reiteraremos a la ciudad de Chicago que deje de colaborar con la policía para detener a inmigrantes”. Los grupos denunciantes creen que la policía de Chicago, que tiene vigente un acuerdo con ICE para ayudar en la localización y detención de indocumentados con antecedentes criminales, participó de alguna manera en las redadas de la semana pasada. PRESIDENTE Roberto Cueto GERENTE GENERAL Maria Monzon DIRECTOR-EDITOR Johanna Bodmer DIRECTORA DE VENTAS Elda Margarita Gonzalez DIRECTOR DE PRODUCCION Juan Vasquez DISEÑO GRÁFICO Mileidy Meléndez S.
El programa en cuestión es el PEP (Cumplimiento de Prioridad) que sustituyó al controvertido plan de Comunidades Seguras, que otorga poderes extraordinarios a las policías locales y las convierte en agentes del servicio de inmigración, explicó la Coalición de Illinois para los Derechos de Inmigrantes y Refugiados (ICIRR).
El PEP fue establecido bajo la dirección del Secretario del DHS, Jeh Johnson, en un memorándum fechado el 20 de noviembre del 2014, cuando se descontinuó Comunidades Seguras y se fijaron las nuevas prioridades de deportación.
“Queremos que la policía de Chicago rompa su relación con ICE”, dijo Unzueta.
ICE no ha hecho comentarios sobre los operativos en Chicago. La agencia, sin embargo, insiste en que sus agentes cumplen con las prioridades de deportación contenidas en el memorando del 20 de noviembre del 2014, lista que encabezan los indocumentados con antecedentes criminales y los indocumentados que entraron al país después del 1 de enero de 2014. ASUNTOS LEGALES Fernando J. Jimenez
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4 Portada
Luego de un encantador romance, Laura Carmine confió en redes sociales que terminó con Adriano Zendejas
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
aura Carmine y Adriano Zendejas han terminado su relación, luego de muy románticos meses, por lo que la actriz ha recurrido a redes sociales para confiar que quedaron como amigos, y que entre ellos siempre existirá un gran amor. “Con Adriano viví lo mejor que he tenido en mi vida, me enseñó que hay que seguir adelante siempre, a amar con todo mi ser, entre muchas otras cosas maravillosas. Reímos mucho siempre y ha sido la relación más hermosa que he tenido, me hizo sentir siempre como la mujer más amada del mundo”, escribió Carmine en Instagram, junto a una fotografía de ellos.
Según lo que explica en el comunicado, Laura siempre pidió a Dios por un hombre que la entendiera y ese fue Adriano, además de aclarar que sabe perfectamente que la carrera del intérprete llegará más lejos de lo que él mismo piensa. “Lamentablemente nuestra relación de
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pareja acabó, pero no acabó el amor que nos tenemos como personas, ambos nos admiramos y nos admiraremos toda la vida, tengo mucha fe en Adriano y sé que llegará más lejos de lo que él piensa, y sé que contaremos el uno con el otro siempre en nuestras altas y bajas de la vida”, indicó. Para aclarar un poco lo ocurrido, la ganadora del Premio TVyNovelas a Mejor Villana compartió que el fin del noviazgo no fue por “terceras personas”, sino porque ambos tienen mucho que vivir.
“Hay cosas que tenemos que vivir cada uno por separado, por más que nos amemos. Él es un gran hombre y llevaré conmigo todos esos hermosos recuerdos que construimos juntos, no sé si el destino en un futuro nos vuelva a unir como pareja o en algún proyecto. De mi parte les digo que fui muy feliz con él y le agradezco a Dios por haber puesto a Adriano en mi camino”, concluyó.
Edicion 368
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
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Edicion 368
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Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
Razones para ver la película del "Escuadrón Suicida" Entre las transformaciones más sorprendentes son las de Robbie y Leto, ya que tuvieron que prepararse física y mentalmente para dar vida a sus personajes.
3. Banda Sonora Innovadora Espera en esta película una mezcla explosiva de sonidos nuevos y clásicos interpretados por bandas como Skrillex y Rick Ross, Twenty One Pilots, Grimes, Eminem y Panic! at the Disco. Mientras llega el estreno mundial de la película "Escuadrón Suicida", no te pierdas una colaboración especial para esta cinta realizada por Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa e Imagine Dragons.
punto de cerrar la temporada de “blockbusters” de este año, llega una película muy especial protagonizada por un grupo de supervillanos que te hará reír como nunca. ¡Sí! Estamos hablando del "Escuadrón Suicida", el más reciente proyecto cinematográfico de DC Comics que ha generado gran expectativa en redes sociales y que promete sorprendernos en grande. Si aún no estás segura de querer ver "Escuadrón Suicida", te compartimos algunas razones por las que simplemente no puedes dejar de verla.
4. Reencuentro Con Cómics Aunque no es la única cinta del año basada en cómics, "Escuadrón Suicida" promete ser de las más divertidas y fuera de lo común. Por eso, si no te consideras una fanática de las historias de DC Comics o Marvel, ¡no te preocupes!
1. Suicide Squad 2. Jason Bourne 3. Bad Moms
4. The Secret Life of Pets 5. Star Trek Beyond 6. Nine Lives 7. Lights Out
$6.5M $6M
8. Nerve
10. Ice Age: Collision Course
9. Ghostbusters
5. Diversión Asegurada El trabajo en equipo de estos villanos tan especiales te hará reír y sorprenderte en cada encuentro peligroso, especialmente si la ves en compañía de tus mejores amigos o tu pareja. Te aseguramos que pasarás un rato inolvidable con estos personajes poco ordinarios pero memorables. ¿Estás lista para vivir las aventuras de este equipo?
1. Historia Fuera De Serie Si hay una razón por las que esperamos con ansias al "Escuadrón Suicida" es porque por fin veremos una adaptación del grupo más peligroso de villanos de la prisión Belle Reve conformado por Harley Quinn, The Joker, Katana, Deadshot, entre otros. En un mundo paralelo al de Batman, la película retrata la forma en que estos anti-héroes son reclutados por una agencia secreta del gobierno para trabajar en misiones peligrosas y secretas a cambio de reducir sus condenas. Sin duda, te sorprenderá descubrir la forma tan peculiar con la que este grupo opera.
Carlos Baute y Astrid Klisans presentan por redes sociales a su recién nacido
2. Elenco De Primera Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn), Will Smith (Deadshot), Jared Leto (The Joker), Cara Delevingne (Enchantress) y Viola Davis (Amanda Waller) son algunas de las grandes figuras que interpretarán a los personajes del "Escuadrón Suicida".
Lindsay Lohan sufre agresión a manos de su exprometido Egor Tarabasov
Últimamente la polémica alrededor de la relación de Lindsay Lohan y su exprometido Egor Tarabasov es el centro de atención de los medios. Lindsay quería pasar unas inolvidables y románticas vacaciones junto a su prometido en las playas de la isla griega de Mykonos pero todo se arruinó después de
| Edicion 368
una grave pelea que fue captada en fotos y video. Las imágenes fueron tomadas en Mykonos durante el viaje que hicieron para celebrar el cumpleaños de la actriz. En las fotos y el video se ve que la discusión empezó dentro del jeep que manejaba Egor. Lindsay lanzó el celular de Egor a la arena y esto provocó la ira del joven. Acto seguido ambos se forcejearon en la arena, Egor le torció el brazo y le gritó que le regresara su teléfono, finalmente Egor consiguió arrebatárselo. No sabemos exactamente lo que pasó, pero si podemos ver que desde ese momento las cosas fueron empeorando para la pareja hasta llegar al incidente que ocurrió en Londres. La actriz de 30 años reveló durante una entrevista con “The Daily Mail” detalles de su tormentosa relación con el empresario ruso de 23 años.
Lohan comentó que Egor ha sido violento y abusivo con ella en varias ocasiones. “Me he mantenido en silencio mucho tiempo, pero ahora tengo miedo de lo que Egor pueda hacerme a mí y a él mismo”, confesó Lindsay, quien además dijo: “Yo me enamoré de él, pero rompió mi confianza y me hizo sentir insegura. Yo sé que no soy un ángel pero he tratado de arreglar las cosas". “Esta no es la primera vez. Ese es el problema. Pero en esta ocasión alguien nos vio”, comentó la actriz durante la entrevista, refiriéndose al episodio cuando ella llamó a la policía británica pidiendo ayuda y esto fue grabado por sus vecinos quienes lo publicaron en internet. “Ahora me doy cuenta de que no puedes permanecer en una relación solo por amor. Ninguna mujer puede ser golpeada y estar con una persona que no esta preparada para decir lo siento”, concluyó la actriz.
El cantante Carlos Baute y su esposa, Astrid Klisans, compartieron por redes sociales fotos de Markuss, su hijo recién nacido. El cantante Carlos Baute y su esposa, la modelo Astrid Klisans, están extasiados con la llegada de su primer hijo: el pequeñito Markuss. Por ello, el artista venezolano compartió con sus fans unas bonitas fotos de su hijo y que publicó por redes sociales. "Ahora sí que está creciendo la familia. Les presentamos a nuestro hijo. Indescriptibles sentimientos. Bienvenido a la familia hijo mío", dijo Baute en su mensaje colgado este lunes y donde aparece con el nene y su querida esposa, con la que lleva 5 años de casado.
Markuss Baute Kilsans nació por cesárea el 22 de julio, pesó 2,910 kilos y midió 51 centímetros, y según reportes de la revista Hola! el nene habría nacido en un hospital de Madrid, España. La esposa del cantante fue la primera en colgar una foto del nene, mostrando solo un piececito del recién nacido en Instragram. "Pensé que lo tenia todo pero ahora me me doy cuenta que no tenia nada... Te amo mi bebé", dijo la también diseñadora.
Markuss es el segundo hijo del cantautor venezolano, quien luego de su boda en el 2012 tuvo que reconocer públicamente ser el padre del joven José Daniel Arellán, quien nació cuando Baute tan solo tenía 15 años.
Cine y Novelas |
NB Noticias 9 Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Edicion 368
Enjoying National Night Out Against Crime in North Bergen
50 deadbeat parents busted in welfare benefits sting: cops
A 51-year-old Jersey City man who owes nearly $120,000 in unpaid child support was one of 50 deadbeat parents arrested after their public assistance benefits were put on hold, authorities announced yesterday. Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari, whose office carried out the sting operation in conjunction with the Hudson County Department of Family Services, said those arrested owed a total of $379,537 in child support. Darrell Hargrove, 51, topped the charts with child support arrearages of $117,504, while authorities said Timothy Beckett, 46, and Darrell Bates, 34, both of Jersey City, owe $51,080 and $31,789, respectively. The arrests were made by putting the fugitives' food stamp benefits on hold. When the alleged offenders appeared at the county's welfare office to find out why their benefits had been frozen, arrest warrants were served and the fugitives were taken
into custody, Schillari said. "Every child who is brought into this world is entitled to the proper support from their parents and those who fail to fulfill this obligation will be brought to justice," Schillari said in a statement touting Operation Talon's success. Haraldgin Coopers, 31, of Jersey City, was arrested with $24,028 in unpaid child support, while 41-year-old Union City resident Anthony Delgado has $18,006 in outstanding child support. Others arrested are residents of Hoboken, West New York, Kearny, Guttenberg, North Bergen and East Orange. In addition to the child support matters, charges also included conspiracy, theft by deception, violation of probation and failure to pay fines. "This operation will continue and will continue to take a significant number of offenders off the streets while saving the taxpayer dollars," Schillari said.
Hombre de 51 años, debe casi $120.000 en manutención
Un hombre de 51 años de edad, de Jersey City que debe casi $ 120,000 en pagos de manutención fue uno de los 50 detenidos después de que sus beneficios de asistencia pública se suspendieron, las autoridades anunciaron ayer. Sheriff del Condado de Hudson Frank Schillari, cuya oficina llevó a cabo la operación encubierta en conjunto con el Departamento de Servicios de Familia del Condado de Hudson, dijo que las personas detenidas deben un total de $ 379,537 en pagos de manutención. Darrell Hargrove, de 51 años, encabezó las listas con deudas de manutención del niño de $ 117.504, mientras que las autoridades dijeron Timothy Beckett, de 46 años, y Darrell Bates, de 34 años, ambos de la ciudad de Jersey, le deben $ 51.080 y $ 31.789, respectivamente. Las detenciones se realizaron poniendo los beneficios de cupones para alimentos de los fugitivos en espera. Cuando los presuntos delincuentes se presentaron en la oficina de bienestar del condado para averiguar por qué se habían congelado sus beneficios, las órdenes de
detención fueron servidos y los fugitivos fueron detenidos, dijo Schillari. "Cada niño en este mundo tiene derecho al apoyo adecuado de sus padres y los que no cumplen con esta obligación será llevado ante la justicia", dijo en un comunicado Schillari promocionando el éxito de la Operación Garra. Haraldgin Coopers, 31 años, de Jersey City, fue detenido junto $ 24.028 en manutención de niños, mientras que Anthony Delgado de 41 años, residente en Union City tiene $ 18.006 en pagos de manutención. Otros detenidos son residentes de Hoboken, West New York, Kearny, Guttenberg, North Bergen y East Orange. Además de las cuestiones de manutención de niños, los cargos también se incluyen conspiración, robo por engaño, violación de la libertad condicional y la falta de pago de las multas. "Esta operación continuará y continuará tomando un número significativo de los delincuentes de las calles, mientras que el ahorro de los dólares de los contribuyentes", dijo Schillari.
10 Remedios Caseros Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas |
Edicion 368
Como usar el ajo prensado para revertir la pérdida de la visión
abías que los compuestos sulfurosos del ajo son ideales para reducir la hipertensión y los niveles de colesterol altos, que a su vez están relacionados con el daño oc-
ular? El debilitamiento de la visión es uno de los problemas de salud que suelen llegar con la edad. A pesar de que no se desarrolla de la misma forma en todas las personas, un alto porcentaje padece algún tipo de dificultad asociada con la vejez. El problema es que algunos ignoran esta situación y solo llegan a darle suficiente atención cuando las condiciones ya han avanzado en gravedad y son casi irreversibles. Por esta razón, los médicos y especialistas invitan a mejorar los hábitos de vida, en especial en lo que tiene que ver con alimentación. Los ojos necesitan ácidos grasos esenciales, vitaminas y antioxidantes para funcionar en óptimo estado y evitar su deterioro. En este sentido, es conveniente revisar las costumbres alimenticias y añadir a la dieta alimentos que los beneficien de forma directa. Por ejemplo, consumiendo ajo prensado todos los días se puede prevenir, e incluso revertir, la degeneración macular. Esto se debe a su alto aporte de compuestos azufrados y minerales esenciales que le brindan protección a las membranas del ojo.
¿Qué es la degeneración macular? La degeneración macular es una enfermedad visual que se caracteriza por la destrucción lenta de la visión central y aguda, lo cual dificulta la visualización de detalles finos y la habilidad de lectura. Es más común en los individuos mayores de 60 años, aunque también se han dado casos en edades inferiores. Se produce cuando la mácula, un área pequeña en la retina, colapsa o sufre algún tipo de lesión. Esto suele producirse como parte natural del proceso de envejecimiento, pero puede acelerarse por la práctica continua de malos hábitos y el desarrollo de ciertas enfermedades. Los pacientes con este trastorno experimentan visión borrosa, zonas oscuras o distorsión en la visión central y, algunas veces, una pérdida permanente de la visión central.
¿Cómo puede ayudar el ajo a los pacientes con degeneración macular?
El ajo se ha popularizado como uno de los mejores alimentos para cuidar la visión dado su alto contenido de nutrientes y propiedades. Sus compuestos derivados del azufre, así como el selenio y las vitaminas, actúan a favor de los pacientes con degeneración macular, disminuyendo sus síntomas. Su poderosa acción antioxidante y antiinflamatoria protege las células de la vista e impide que se destruyan por la acción de los radicales libres. Por otro lado, es uno de los mejores alimentos para controlar la hipertensión y el colesterol alto en la sangre, dos condiciones estrechamente relacionadas con el daño ocular y la pérdida de la visión. La presión arterial y su relación con los ojos Los pacientes con presión arterial alta tienen más probabilidad de tener problemas visuales que aquellos que no tienen estas dificultades. Esto se debe a la restricción que sufre el flujo sanguíneo, lo cual ocasiona un impacto negativo sobre la actividad de la retina. Esta parte de los ojos depende de los niveles de oxígeno para un funcionamiento óptimo, por lo que un flujo restringido compromete la salud visual. El ajo favorece el adecuado paso de la sangre a través del torrente sanguíneo y reduce la presión sistólica a niveles estables.
El colesterol y la salud visual El exceso de colesterol en el torrente sanguíneo no solo desencadena reacciones peligrosas a nivel cardiovascular, sino que tiene que ver con la acumulación de depósitos de grasa debajo de la retina. Esta sustancia lipídica disminuye la capacidad visual y, a largo plazo, puede conducir a la pérdida de la vista. El ajo contiene sustancias sulfurosas y poderosos antioxidantes que impiden la síntesis del colesterol malo y total. ¿Cómo preparar ajo prensado para cuidar la visión? El ajo prensado se prepara con una herramienta de cocina
llamada prensa, que está diseñada para aplastar ajos sobre un tamiz de pequeños agujeros. Esta cuenta con una pequeña palanca que sirve para presionar los dientes hasta obtener una pasta espesa. Por supuesto, en caso de no contar con este elemento, se pueden utilizar otras opciones como el cortar en láminas o triturar en un mortero.
Modo de consumo Para obtener estos beneficios del ajo se recomienda el consumo diario de uno o dos dientes. Este siempre debe estar crudo, ya que cocido llega a perder hasta el 90% de sus propiedades. De forma opcional se puede combinar con un poco de jugo de limón y aceite de oliva.
¿Con qué regularidad lo incluyes en tu dieta? Ahora que sabes sus aportes para la salud visual, déjate de excusas y consúmelo de forma continua.
Cine y Novelas |
Edicion 368
Comunidad 11 Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Felicidades a Deisy Abreu y su nieto Brian Rehrig
Brian se graduó el 23 de Junio, 2016 y va a comenzar sus estudios Universitarios en la Universidad de New Haven donde quiere obtener un título en contabilidad y también quiere estudiar música.
Le deseamos muchos éxitos!!.
12 Noticias Dios te bendiga y te de mucha salud, para que podamos celebrar tu cumpleaños muchísimos años más. Feliz cumpleaños viejo! Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
| Edicion 368
Otro boxeador olímpico enfrenta cargos de abuso sexual
El nuevo acusado fue el portador de la bandera en la ceremonia de apertra de los Juegos Olímpicos 2016. Sólo dos días después que el boxeador de Marruecos, Hassan Saada, fuera arrestado bajo cargos de agresión sexual, otro púgil fue aprehendido también en la Villa Olímpica bajo las mismas acusaciones. Esta vez el acusado es Jonas Junis, procedente de Namibia. En la ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos Olímpicos recién celebrada, él portaba la bandera de su país, el máximo honor que una delegación puede darle a un atleta. Una de las empleadas que atienden la Villa Olímpica lo acusó supuestamente agarrarla y besarla a la fuerza. También alegadamente lo inculpa de haberle ofrecido dinero a cambio de tener relaciones sexuales con él. De inmediato la empleada reportó el incidente a la policía, quien procedió a arrestar al pugilista, que tenía previsto hacer su debut en las Olimpiadas de Rio 2016 esta semana.
Bárbara Bermudo y sus consejos como mamá
Bárbara Bermudo no deja de aprender de sus hijas. Tras recién celebrar el cumpleaños de su hija Sofía Andrea Victoria, la copresentadora de Primer impacto (Univisión) reflexiona sobre las lecciones que ha aprendido en el primer año de vida de la bebé.
"He aprendido de ella tantas cosas, que la vida hay que tomarla con calma, que uno tiene que vivir el día y no precipitarse a
nada", dice la periodista puertorriqueña. "Que lo más importante son los hijos y la familia, tener salud para poder alcanzar lo que queremos". La mamá de Mía, Camila y Sofía se disfruta cada momento con sus hijas. "No soy de celebrar cumpleaños. Soy supersencilla. Prefiero que nos vayamos al cine, picar una torta pequeña y ya. Esto para mí es mucha emoción”, dice sobre la primera fiesta de Sofía, para la cual contó con la ayuda de una organizadora de eventos. “Ya con Mía y Camila no puedo decir el tema de los cumpleaños ni dónde lo voy a hacer. Ellas deciden ya que quieren, como lo quieren y me tengo que ajustar a ellas", confiesa. "Con Sofía fue fácil. Monica Pardo es una de las mujeres más talentosas que conozco en cuanto a decoración de cumpleaños. No se le termina la creatividad. Me dijo: 'Te puedo crear un bosque encantado, con unicornios, caballos, naturaleza, y hacer algo íntimo y con gusto sin gastar mucho dinero'”, dice Bermudo. ¿Qué le aconseja a las mamás planeando
fiesta de cumpleaños? “La era digital es nuestro mejor aliado. Puedes ver el cumpleaños más caro en Google y copiar lo mismo sin gastar una fortuna. Te va a dar millones de ideas mirar el Internet y hay tiendas que venden cosas muy baratas. Sólo tienes que dejar volar tu imaginación”, asegura. Un punto importante es considerar el clima el día del festejo. “Lo hice en un lugar cerrado porque estamos en Miami donde hay mucho calor o llueve. Lo quería hacer en mi casa pero dije: '¿Qué pasa si llueve o hay mucha humedad?'. Encontramos este local que podemos decorar como si fuera la casa”. Otro consejo dorado es fomentar el amor entre hermanos. "Ver a mis hijas en esa unión tan fuerte me hace sentir bien afortunada porque se aman. Mía tiene una obsesión con su hermana que es algo fuera de lo común. Le doy gracias a Dios por eso", concluye. "Estoy feliz. Es un momento muy especial".
Yahir intenta sacar a su hijo del mundo de las drogas
El hijo de Yahir habría sido internado, contra su voluntad, hace unas semanas. Yahir, visiblemente afectado, confirmó a un programa de TV mexicano que su hijo Tristán, de 16 afios, fue internado hace unas semanas debido a su adicción a las drogas. El cantante mexicano declaró a la periodista Paty Chapoy, de TV Azteca, que primero trató de ayudar a su hijo por cuenta propia y con asesorías independientes, pero al ver que el problema era más fuerte de lo que pensaba, lo internó en un centro especializado. Ante la pregunta si el joven ingresó a dicho centro totalmente de acuerdo, el ganador del reality La Academia (2002), admitió que no fue así: “Lo que pasa es que tengo algunos amigos que trabajan en el centro, entonces fueron los que se acercaron a él, y bueno no estaba ni enterado (que iba para el centro)”. La adicción del jovencito salió a la luz luego que supuestamente una revista mexicana le pagara por una entrevista en la que él confesó cándidamente su problema. Yahir dejó entrever en la entrevista que no le pareció justo que se hubiera entrevistado a su hijo ya que es menor de edad.
Cine y Novelas
Noticias 13
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
| Edicion 368
"Dominga Gimenez celebró su cumpleaños junto a su familia y amigos. Muchas felicidades de parte de Cine y Novelas"
El actor Raúl Méndez aclara si tiene un romance con Kate del Castillo Desde que Kate del Castillo y Raúl Méndez compartieron créditos en la película "Los Visitantes" se les ha relacionado sentimentalmente. Desde que Kate del Castillo y Raúl Méndez compartieron créditos en la película "Los Visitantes" se les ha relacionado sentimentalmente. Sin embargo, el actor desmiente romance con la protagonista de "Dueños del Paraíso". "Somos muy amigos. Ese rumor ya lo habían generado desde que estábamos haciendo 'Visitantes', una película", aclaró el actor a la prensa mexicana. Mejor conocido por su papel de Víctor Casillas "Chacorta", en la teleserie "El Señor de los Cielos", advirtió que tener a Kate del Castillo como pareja romántica es una tarea difícil. "No, no, no (Kate) es una cabrona. Pa'qué me voy a meter en broncas; estoy muy contento solito. Le tengo mucha admiración, mucho respeto; pero hay que saber dónde se mete uno", agregó. Pese a ello, Raúl Méndez confesó tenerle un gran cariño a la actriz, pero por cuestiones laborales no han podido reunirse. "Tengo tanto que no la veo a mi querida Kate. ", concluyó.
Arap Bethke y Livia Brito protagonizarán La piloto
Arap Bethke protagonizará junto a Livia Brito la serie La piloto, que estrenará la cadena UniMás el próximo año. De detective privado a piloto rebelde. Tras su protagónico en la telenovela Eva, la Trailera, Arap Bethke está por comenzar en México las grabaciones de un nuevo proyecto, La piloto, serie que combina el drama, la acción y la sensualidad. Se transmitirá el próximo año en UniMás, la cadena hermana de Univisión, en horario estelar.
En esta historia el actor compartirá créditos con Livia Brito, la inolvidable protagonista del melodrama Muchacha italiana viene a casarse. “No la conozco, pero sé que es muy entregada a su trabajo”, contó Bethke a People en Español de su
una red de narcotráfico. “Mi personaje es un piloto rebelde que se ve involucrado en el trasiego de drogas por lo que decide entrarle de lleno al negocio y formar una aerolínea para transportarla. Es un hombre discreto y frío, pero muy apegado a su familia”, avanzó.
compañera de reparto. “Nuestros personajes vivirán una relación de amor y odio con arranques de pasión y suspenso”. El actor reconoció que lo que más le atrajo de esta serie fue la historia, que gira alrededor de una línea aérea que encubre
La semana pasada Bethke -que mantiene un romance con la actriz venezolana Gaby Espino- comenzó a tomar clases de vuelo con el propósito de preparar su personaje de cara al inicio de grabaciones, como se puede ver en la foto que colgó en su Instagram. La piloto, que tendrá aproximadamente 80 capítulos, también contará con la actuación de Alejandro Nones, quien dio vida al malvado Erick Montenegro en la telenovela Pasión y poder.
Andrea Constand asegura que Bill Cosby quiere llevar a su abogado para intimidarla en deposición
Los abogados de la mujer que acusa a Bill Cosby de haber abusado sexualmente de ella en el 2004 dicen que la solicitud del comediante de que su abogado asista a la deposición de ella en un caso civil en Pennsylvania es "una continuación de su campaña por acosarla e intimidarla". Andrea Constand pidió al tribunal la semana pasada que rechazara el pedido de Cosby de que su abogado esté presente durante su declaración jurada en su demanda contra el exfiscal de distrito del condado de Montgomery Bruce Castor. Constand está demandando a Castor por difamación. En el 2006, Cosby resolvió una demanda que Constand presentó en su contra. La moción de Cosby dice que Constand, según el acuerdo, no puede discutir sus alegatos contra el actor. Dice que Cosby quiere que un abogado esté presente para asegurarse de que el acuerdo de confidencialidad no sea violado. El juez no ha emitido su fallo.
Modelo de Hoy
14 Entretenimiento Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
| Edicion 368
Eiza González cierra la puerta a un regreso a las telenovelas y la abre a la música Lo más fácil para Eiza González hubiera sido quedarse en México, donde tenía ofertas de trabajo para seguir protagonizando telenovelas. Pero la joven mexicana quería dar un paso más, seguir creciendo y para ello era necesario salir de su zona de confort. Así lo hizo. Tras su exitoso en Amores Verdaderos (2013), Eiza tomó la decisión de continuar haciendo su carrera en Hollywood, aunque significara iniciar de cero en otro país. Sabía que no iba a ser fácil, pero poco a poco está logrando cumplir sus sueños.
Paso a paso, la actriz se está haciendo un hueco en Estados Unidos: primero con su protagónico en la serie From Dusk Till Dawn -que ya va por la tercera temporada- y ahora con su reciente participación en el film Baby Driver, cuyo rodaje finalizó hace pocos meses. “Dejar la seguridad no es fácil y a todo el mundo le da miedo. Pero para lograr a veces cosas grandes hay que dejar el ego y todo para crecer y recibir lo que nos toca”, confesó el pasado fin de semana a través de sus redes sociales. Pero, gracias a ello, Eiza está teniendo la oportunidad de dar vida a personajes complejos y diferentes, como el que interpreta en la película Baby Driver. "Es el que más he disfrutado interpretar. Me gusta su tenacidad, audacia y locura. Ella es quien y es fiel a sí misma", aseguró. La actriz estuvo inmersa recientemente en el rodaje de la tercera temporada de la serie From Dusk Till Dawn –que se estrena en septiembre- junto a la también mexicana Ana de la Reguera. "Ana no solo es increíblemente talentosa... es un ser humano incomparable", dijo sobre su compañera de reparto. ¿En cuanto a las telenovelas? "No tengo planeado en este momento, pero haré más cine este año", dejó claro.
Si eres modelo y quieres salir en Cine y Novelas como la “MODELO DE HOY mandanos tu foto a E-MAIL: cineynovelasnj@gmail.com
Horizontales 4. Regalo, muestra de afecto o consideración. 9. Que se ejecutan por un mecanismo o máquina. 11. Dueño, señor. 12. Departamento de Francia, cuya capital es Grenoble. 13. Símbolo del rutenio. 14. Poner en circulación. 15. Provincia de España, la más extensa de las Vascongadas. 16. Parte movible del ala del avión. 18. Lugar donde se expenden bebidas alcohólicas. 20. Río de Asia, en la antigua URSS. 22. Manija. 23. Pero. 24. Relativa a la seda. 27. Plaza pública de la antigua Grecia. 29. Someterá un alimento crudo, introducido en un líquido, a la acción del fuego. 30. Conjunción latina «y». 31. Hijo de Dédalo, que escapó del Laberinto de Creta con alas pegadas con cera. 32. En Argentina, gusano que se cría en las heridas de los animales. 33. Sitio donde se matan animales para el consumo (pl.). 35. Inventará.
Verticales 1. Querrá, estimará. 2. Arbol venezolano de madera imputrescible. 3. Irregulares, extraños. 4. Poner cotas en los planos. 5. Juego oriental de tablero. 6. Coger, agarrar. 7. Separaba, apartaba. 8. Especulará sobre valores. 10. Imitaba las acciones de otro para igualarle o excederle. 14. La primera mujer, según la Biblia. 17. Del color y brillo del nácar. 19. Endrino. 20. Dejará de hacer algo. 21. Línea isobárica. 25. Prescripción facultativa. 26. Oficial del ejército turco. 28. Uniese con hilos. 29. Signo ortográfico. 32. Bisonte europeo. 34. Terminación de infinitivo.
Cine y Novelas |
Edicion 368
Comunidad 15 Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Yoan-Rca de Pina Productionz poniendo musica Cubana a los mas alto
oan Linares Betancourt conocido como nombre artistico Yoan-Rca nacio en el seno de una familia humilde en el barrio de Alamar de la Habana Cuba. Dicho barrio muy influenciado por la musica Afro Norte Americano como Hip Hop, Reggae entro otras, debido a su posicion geografica en el este de Cuba frente al mar 90 millas de los Estados Unidos. “Asi se nos facilitaba escuchar todas las emisoras de la Florida” dice Yoan. En los anos 90’s empesaron las furias de los bailes callejeros y eso le llamo la atencion. Yoan empezo fuertemente a formar parte de los grupos callejeros de bailes urbanos destancando en todos los retos o competencias callejeras. Empezo a sentir la necedidad de espresarse musicalmente y empeso hacer musica urbana. En el ano 1997 empesaron las invitaciones a los mas grandes eventos del genero en Alamar lugar donde nace el fuerte movimiento cultural. De estos festivals salieron muchos grupos que hoy en dia son reconocidos mundialmente como “Gente de Zona”, “Orichas” entre otros. En el 2001 Yoan estuvo dentro los primeros Cubanos que participaron en un intercambio cultural en los Estados Unidos. En el 2005 fue parte de unas de las agrupaciones pioneras del genero Hip Hop en la isla , su nombre era “Primera Base.” Viendo mejores oportunidades hiso su propia agrupacion “Qbaniche” donde gravo la cancion “Azucar.” El cual abrio puertas como grupo internacional. En el 2014 fue invitado a otro intercambio cultural por todo los Estados Unidos y al final de la jira desidio quedarse en tierra Americanas.
En Diciembre 1, 2015 firmo como artista esclusivo con el Senor Carlos Pina de la compania Pina Productionz. El primer sensillo titulado “La Bomba” fue masterizado por el inginiero de musica Dave Darlington el cual gano premios Grammy. En Mayo del 2016 Yoan Rca salio #3 como Artista del mes en los Latinos Unidos Music Charts por su sensillo “La Bomba” y #26 como cancion en el genero de Reggaeton. Ahora Yoan se encuentra con los mas grandes de la musica Urbana estando nominado por los Latin Grammy’s junto a artistas como Gente de Zona, Nicky Jam y Jacob Forever para nombrar unos cuantos. Para mi es un gran orgullo y le doy gracias a dios por las oportunidades . Pero no voy a parar y les tengo muchas sorpresas dice Yoan. Yoan se encuentra gravando su album nombrado “La Bomba” con el proximo sensillo “Provocame” disponible en itunes, Google Play ,y tiendas digitales. El futuro se ve muy brillante por este cantante Cubano. Su sonrisa y carisma combinado con su talento musical es lo que lo hace un nombre casero y reconocido mundialmente.
16 Luz, Belleza y Acción Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
| Edicion 368
Sexy y Segura: El traje de baño para tu tipo de cuerpo 1. CURVY Tienes la típica forma de reloj de arena: pecho grande, cintura definida y caderas amplias. Bikini: El top siempre debe darte soporte y mantenerte confiada de que todo estará en orden, por eso añade a tu lista halters con almohadillas y varillas, o bien, spaghetti straps para no recargar la parte de arriba. Si eres una chica superatrevida, opta por los estampados o colores llamativos. Una Pieza: Afortunadamente todos los cortes se ven bien en tu cuerpo, especialmente aquellos que acentúan tus curvas de forma natural. Para el escote, elige la forma de corazón con un buen soporte para las chicas. 2. PERA Este tipo de cuerpo se caracteriza por tener hombros y cintura angosta, con una cadera y booty mucho más pronunciados. Bikini: Como sabemos que a veces quieres disimular tu dérriere, te recomendamos utilizar un calzoncillo que cubra por completo esta área (¡los shorts arriba de la cintura son una gran opción!) y un top muy llamativo para equilibrar tu figura. ¡Juega con las texturas, los detalles y los materiales de
tu top! Una Pieza: Tu clóset no puede estar completo sin un traje que tenga un color o estampado llamativo en la parte de arriba y sea oscuro en la parte de abajo. Los que tengan detalles en la espalda, cuello o pecho son un must para ti. 3. MANZANA Tu cuerpo se caracteriza por ser más voluminoso en el centro. Tienes poca cintura y abdomen pronunciado. Bikini: Más que un bikini, te recomendamos un tankini para mantener todo en su lugar, o bien, un bikini cuya parte inferior tenga un corte a la cintura. ¡Súper retro y súper sexy! Una Pieza: Como sabemos que amas tus piernas, elige un traje que las enseñe en todo su esplendor. También, tu mejor opción son aquellos diseños con fajas integradas que disimulan el abdomen y que se ciñen alrededor del cuerpo. 4. ATLÉTICA Tu espalda y tus muslos tienden a ser muy anchos y tu cadera es angosta. Bikini: Al igual que para los cuerpos planos, el secreto está en hacer tu figura mucho más femenina con pe-
Si quieres saber mas de Belleza escribenosa Cine y Novelas E-MAIL: cineynovelasnj@gmail.com
queños detalles. Para la parte de arriba, juega con cortes y texturas que añadan volumen. Para la parte de abajo, elige un corte brasileño debajo de la cadera para presumir tu cuerpo tonificado. Una Pieza: Los halters o trajes con espalda cruzada sin duda son un básico en tu guardarropa, al igual que los cut outs y los de un solo hombro. Recuerda: la clave está en un corte que haga lucir tu cuerpo al máximo.
5. PLANA Tus caderas y tus hombros están alineados. Tienes poca cintura, además de que por lo general eres una copa A, con una retaguardia pequeña. Bikini: Opta por estampados ultra girly tops triangulares. Elige una pieza que se amarre a los lados para el calzoncillo. Una Pieza: Eres de las pocas afortunadas que pueden utilizar un traje de baño con aberturas y lucir hot. Por otro lado, si no te gusta enseñar piel, escoge un modelo que tenga detalles en la cintura: ceñidos, broches o colores contrastantes. El corte debe ir casi a la cadera para dar la apariencia de una figura mucho más curveada.
Cine y Novelas
Horoscopo 17
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
| Edicion 368
Justin Bieber: el nuevo contrincante de Taylor Swift
la mediática batalla que mantiene la cantante Taylor Swift con Kanye West y su mujer Kim Kardashian por la mención tan desagradable que el rapero hace de ella en su último sencillo, 'Famous', acaba de unirse un nuevo contrincante: ni más ni menos que el polémico Justin Bieber.
Después de que la también cantante Selena Gomez -exnovia de Justin Bieber-, así como otros conocidos artistas hayan mostrado públicamente su apoyo a Taylor Swift, el canadiense ha decidido revelar finalmente por qué bando ha optado en esta guerra y lo ha hecho a través de una fotografía en su cuenta de Instagram que no deja duda, ya que aparece manteniendo una distendida videollamada con Kanye West. "¿Qué tal Taylor Swift?", reza la descripción de una impactante imagen que, aunque ya es reveladora de por sí, su título pone de
Selena Gomez ya no cree en el amor
A sus 24 años, la cantante Selena Gomez sabe muy bien qué se siente al ser fotografiada y perseguida por los paparazzi a cada paso que da, por esa razón cree que ningún joven en su sano juicio estaría interesado en mantener una relación con ella y arriesgarse a verse expuesto a ese mismo acoso mediático.
"Creo que a cualquiera le parecería una idea tonta salir conmigo. A nadie le apetece exponerse a una situación en la que cualquier detalle es expuesto y analizado públicamente. Quiero decir, ¿por qué iba a hacerlo?", reflexiona la intérprete en una entrevista a la edición australiana de la revista Vogue, donde reconoce que es incapaz de llamar la atención del tipo de hombre con el que le gustaría mantener una relación en un futuro. "Me gustaría conocer a un actor con un perfil bajo, o a un guionista o a un productor, pero esos chicos siempre se sienten intimidados por mí", reconoce. A pesar de que su vida privada ha sido sometida a un fuerte escrutinio desde su adolescencia, especialmente su fallido noviazgo con la estrella del pop Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez cree que el público no tiene ni siquiera una idea aproximada de cómo es verdaderamente su día a día. "Nadie sabe realmente todo lo que sucede, y la gente solo puede hacer suposiciones. Supongo que esta situación va a ser solo algo temporal. Afortunada o desafortunadamente, esta es mi vida ahora y tengo que aceptarla", insiste.
manifiesto que la intención de Justin Bieber era justamente provocarla. La decisión que ha tomado Justin de alinearse con el marido de Kim Kardashian no debería resultar demasiado sorprendente para sus seguidores, ya que era de dominio público que los dos jóvenes mantenían una tensa relación desde que Taylor aconsejara a su amiga Selena Gomez que abandonara al cantante en el periodo más complicado de su ya extinto noviazgo. En la actualidad, la opinión pública parece estar más centrada en resolver el misterio de si de verdad Taylor Swift era consciente de que Kanye West iba a referirse a ella en términos tan ofensivos -el artista básicamente se refiere a ella como una "zo**a" en la canción 'Famous'como trató de demostrar Kim Kardashian al publicar en Snapchat una grabación de un extracto de la conversación telefónica que ambos mantuvieron meses atrás para hablar del tema y en la que, todo sea dicho, el rapero no se explica con demasiada claridad.
MAYO 21 - JUNIO 21
Sin duda hay mucho trabajo por hacer en casa. Con la configuración planetaria de hoy, sientes una especial creatividad para hacer que tu casa se vea mejor. Pero no tienes que hacerlo todo hoy. En lugar de fregar suelos y limpiar el polvo de los muebles, ¿por qué no inviertes en unos pocos artículos de bajo costo que animarán el lugar un poco? Unas pocas alfombras y cojines aquí y allá podrían marcar la diferencia.
Es probable que hoy no te sientas demasiado bien. No hay duda de que tu enfermedad es el resultado de los excesos recientes. No puedes culpar a nadie más que a ti de tu gran dolor de cabeza y de tu estómago revuelto. Trata de no hacerle pagar tu mal humor a tu familia. Simplemente pídeles que cierren las cortinas y cierren la puerta. Al principio de la tarde te sentirás todavía un poco inestable pero sin duda en vías de recuperación.
No hay tal cosa como ser demasiado honesto. Has experimentado en el pasado como tu determinación por decir toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad puede herir sentimientos. Hoy trata de actuar con un poco de tacto y diplomacia. Todavía serás capaz de hacer oír tu opinión, con la ventaja añadida de que tu audiencia seguirá hablándote una vez que lo hayas hecho.
No quieres nada más que estar a solas hoy. Para que esto suceda, es necesario apagar el teléfono, la computadora y colgar una señal de "No molestar" en la puerta. Incluso así, tus amigos no harán caso de la señal. Es uno de esos días. La gente quiere reunirse y quiere hacerlo en tu casa. ¡Pide tu comida favorita y disfruta del caos!
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 29, 13, 19, 14
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 11, 10, 39, 64
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 50, 21, 33, 17
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 42, 8, 27, 30
No te sorprendas si una gran cantidad de visitantes no invitados aparecen hoy. Podrías organizar un evento social improvisado a medida que los vecinos pasan trayendo noticias de los cambios en la zona. Tienes energía de sobra en este momento, por lo que eres perfectamente capaz de acomodar a tus invitados. Pero no te permitas agobiarte. Simplemente ofrece los refrescos que tengas a la mano y deja que la reunión siga su curso.
Puedes esperar hacer muchas tareas hoy a pesar de que probablemente preferirías quedarte en casa. Tienes la obligación de cumplir con los amigos y la familia y no puedes soportar la idea de defraudarlos. Trata de hacer todo lo más rápido posible para que todavía tengas la tarde libre para ti.
Tienes energía que gastar y tienes la intención de usarla. Pide a tus amigos que se te unan en el parque. También puedes organizar un partido de tenis para la tarde. Disfruta de tu día al aire libre, pero ten cuidado de no pasarte. Si hoy sufres una lesión muscular, podrían pasar semanas antes de que te cures totalmente. Si mantienes tu propio ritmo y bebes abundante agua, entonces disfrutarás del día sin repercusiones.
Hoy puedes recibir la noticia de una promoción o de un nuevo reto emocionante en el trabajo. Aunque esto es algo que has querido desde hace mucho tiempo, es posible que dudes en aceptarlo inmediatamente. ¿Podría ser porque tu confianza en ti es bastante baja en este momento? Sin embargo, no dejes que eso te detenga. Este sentimiento es sólo temporal, mientras que la oportunidad podría convertirse en algo duradero. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad!
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 45, 24, 35, 19
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 86, 72, 28, 14
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 45, 25, 93, 51
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 18, 27, 36, 39
Puede que tus negocios vayan muy bien, pero los cambios intensos en el trabajo podrían hacerte sentir estrés. Los retrasos durante el inicio de nuevos proyectos podrían resultar frustrantes. No caigas en la trampa de pensar que esto va a ser una tendencia. Todo debería de estar en su lugar mañana. Ve al gimnasio esta noche y libera un poco de frustración, te sentirás mejor por la mañana.
Esto no es propio de ti pero hoy eres toda una máquina de limpiar. Te das cuenta de que este es el día para poner tu casa en orden y te dedicas a hacerlo sin ayuda de nadie. Es demasiada limpieza y organización para que lo haga una sola persona. ¿Por qué no consigues un poco de ayuda? Soborna a tu pareja o hijos, pon música alta y entre todos terminarán las tareas en poco tiempo.
No puedes evitar sentir un poco de frustración hoy. Hay lugares a donde ir, gente que ver y parece que no puedes salir de la casa. Tus responsabilidades están en casa ahora, y la situación no va a cambiar por un tiempo. Puedes, sin embargo, planear unas minivacaciones sin demasiado esfuerzo. Disfruta de una noche fantástica con comida para llevar y una vieja película preferida. Eso podría ser justo lo que necesitas para levantarte el ánimo.
Si te sobrepasaste anoche, es muy probable que hoy pagues el precio. Si tu cabeza está gritando y tu sangre se siente como melaza, sabes que demasiado de algo bueno puede hacerte sentir muy mal. Por mucho que sientas el impulso de salir de la cama y seguir adelante con tus tareas, no tiene sentido. Harías mejor en descansar. Vas a ser tu antiguo yo esta tarde. El trabajo puede esperar hasta entonces.
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 46, 25, 36, 20
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 87, 73, 29, 15
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 46, 26, 94, 52
NUMEROS DE LA SUERTE: 19, 28, 37, 40
18 Noticias Inmigración
Quiénes se benefician y cómo pueden pedir el perdón 601-A que elimina la Ley del Castigo Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Edicion 368 | Cine y Novelas
¿Cuánto tiempo demorará la USCIS en conceder el perdón? Al menos seis meses. Pero recuerde que primero tiene que haber una petición de ajuste de estado familiar o por trabajo. Y el tiempo en que el Departamento de Estado avise que ya existe un cupo de visa disponible. Algunas esperas son de seis años o más. “Pero una vez que existe un cupo, la USCIS le avisa que existe una fecha de prioridad y le dice que su visa está disponible. Ahí es cuando se presenta la solicitud de perdón 601-A”, explicó Castillo. “Cuando usted presenta el documento, la USCIS le comunica al Departamento de Estado y ellos ponen su caso en espera”, agregó. “Y en caso le negaran el permiso y usted encuentra una razón nueva para volver a solicitarlo, lo puede hacer”, dijo el abogado.
iles de cónyuges, hijos y padres indocumentados de residentes legales, y también de ciudadanos, podrán pedir perdón en EEUU antes de salir del país para hacer el trámite consular. El servicio de inmigración de Estados Unidos confirmó el viernes una nueva regla que permitirá a ciertos inmigrantes indocumentados cónyuges e hijos de residentes legales permanentes solteros –y también de ciudadanos- pedir un perdón para salir del país, llevar a cabo el trámite consular, volver a Estados Unidos como inmigrantes y recibir la tarjeta verde o green card. ¿Por qué un perdón? “Para que puedan poner un pie fuera del territorio de Estados Unidos y no les caiga encima la Ley del Castigo”, explicó a Univision Noticias Nelson A. Castillo, doctor en la ley de inmigración y residente de Los Ángeles (California). “Pero se trata solo de una parte de un proceso complejo que requiere varios pasos”, agregó. La gestión para pedir el perdón 601-A se tramita ante la Oficina de Ciudadanía y Servicios de inmigración (USCIS). ¿Quiénes podrán pedir el perdón 601-A? “Ciertos familiares inmediatos de residentes legales y también ciudadanos: cónyuges, hijos solteros y padres indocumentados”, dijo Castillo. La Oficina de Ciudadanía y Servicios de Inmigración explica que los inmigrantes que pidan el perdón 601-A deberán demostrar “dificultades extremas que sufrirían sus cónyuges o padres ciudadanos estadounidenses o residentes permanentes legales si la exención no es concedida”. ¿Cuándo entra en vigor la nueva regla? El 29 de agosto de 2016.
¿Cómo se gestionará el perdón? Castillo explicó que “el proceso comienza a partir de que una persona tiene una solicitud o petición aprobada”. Agregó que “además de considerar peticiones familiares, la nueva regla permite peticiones por trabajo”, y también incluye a “ganadores de la Lotería de Visas”.
¿En qué casos no se debería pedir el perdón 601-A? Castillo afirma que aquellos familiares que demuestran o tienen pruebas de la existencia de sufrimiento extremo son elegibles para gestionar el perdón 601-A. Pero advierte que “el permiso no garantiza que la persona gane el proceso consular y reciba la visa de in-
¿Cuánto tiempo hay que esperar para que la USCIS responda a una solicitud de perdón 601-A? Entre 7 y 9 meses. Pero algunos abogados advierten que aumentarán las peticiones y con ello los tiempos de espera. Una vez reciba el perdón y salga del país, tardará entre cuatro a seis semanas el proceso consular hasta que reciba la visa de inmigrante. Luego de pasar la frontera y le den la bienvenida a Estados Unidos, la USCIS le enviará su tarjeta de residencia (green card) por correo. La USCIS no aceptará solicitudes de perdón 601-A hasta que abra la ventanilla el 29 de agosto. migrante”. “En cada caso hay que hacer un análisis cuidadoso y revisar los méritos de una persona antes de pedir el perdón 601-A”, apunta. Agrega que “el perdón provisional requiere que toda la gente salga de Estados Unidos y tenga una entrevista consular donde le revisarán su historial, le tomarán huellas digitales, le harán pruebas biométricas, los investigarán y será un empleado consular quien determinará si usted ha hecho o no cosas indebidas que los haga inadmisibles para regresar al país". ¿El perdón garantiza el reingreso? Aunque le aprueben el Formulario 601-A y le den el perdón, usted está sujeto a otras leyes de inmigración que pudieran hacerlo no admisible para regresar a Estados Unidos. “Por ejemplo si ha mentido en otras ocasiones durante otra gestión migratoria, si ha violado múltiples veces la ley de inmigración, si usted tiene muchas entradas ilegales al país, deportaciones, etc.”, dice Castillo. ¿Todos los casos son iguales? No. Expertos consultados por Univision Noticias dicen que “cada caso migratorio es único, ninguno es igual a otro”. Será su abogado quien analizará y determinará con usted si conviene o no pedir el perdón 601-A. Porque si fracasa el proceso consular le cae encima la Ley del Castigo.
Los expertos también aconsejan que ante la menor duda “consulte con un abogado o una persona con experiencia autorizada por el gobierno federal” para ejercer la ley de inmigración y representarlo ante el servicio de inmigración. Tenga mucho cuidado con los “llena papeles y notarios”, apunta Castillo. También hay organizaciones autorizadas sin fines de lucro que cobran menos o tienen tarifas más acordes con su presupuesto. ¿Habrá que pagar por ese trámite? La gestión del perdón 601-A tiene un costo. Actualmente $585 dólares más $85 dólares por la toma de pruebas biométricas. En total son $670 dólares. Pero la agencia anunció que a partir de octubre aumentará las cuotas de beneficios, incluido el perdón 601-A que costará $630 dólares, más la tarifa de pruebas biométricas. “Pero no solo es este costo”, previene Castillo. “Tiene que sumar las peticiones de ajuste, beneficios adicionales que haya solicitado y lo que vaya a cobrarle el abogado que lo representará, sobre todo en el caso que requiera ayuda legal”.
¿Cuáles son algunas causas de inadmisibilidad? Algunas de las razones por las cuales pueden negarle el regreso a Estados Unidos por razón de inadmisibilidad son: carga pública, una enfermedad que lo convierta en un peligro para otras personas, consumo y tráfico de drogas, haber cometido un delito grave o inmoral, haber pertenecido al partido comunista o nazi, pertenecer a una ganga o grupo criminal, violaciones a la ley de inmigración o estar casado con más de una persona. También debe prestar atención a las prioridades de deportación anunciadas por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) el 20 de noviembre de 2014, cuando Obama anunció la Acción Ejecutiva migratoria.
¿A cuántos indocumentados beneficiará la nueva regla? La USCIS estima que unas 100,000 personas. “Yo creo que serán más”, dice Castillo. “Actualmente hay unos cuatro millones de extranjeros esperando por una visa de inmigrante, según el Centro Nacional de Visas del Departamento de Estado. Hay un potencial grande de personas indocumentadas que pudieran ayudarse con el perdón 601-A”. Castillo también dijo que dependientes de cónyuges o padres que se conviertan en inmigrantes también podrían calificar dentro de la nueva regla. "Esa información deben pedirla a su abogado para que les explique el alcance de la nueva regla", indicó. ¿Qué es la Ley del Castigo? En 1996 el Congreso aprobó que los inmigrantes que pasan de 180 días como indocumentados en Estados Unido reciban un castigo de tres años fuera del país antes de volver a ingresar previo gestionar un perdón a través de la Embajada o el Consulado. Y si la permanencia no autorizada pasa de 365 días, el castigo se eleva a 10 años. Por eso también se conoce como “Ley de los 10 años”. ¿Qué hace la nueva regla? Anula la Ley del Castigo en ciertos casos de cónyuges e hijos solteros menores de 21 años de residentes, y también de padres de ciudadanos. De esa forma, aquellos que ya tienen un cupo de visa disponible y ya recibieron una respuesta favorable, pueden pedir el perdón 601-A para salir del país y completar el trámite consular. Una vez hecho este proceso, el familiar indocumentado recibe la visa de inmigrante y puede regresar a Estados Unidos. ¿Cuándo se anunció la nueva regla? El 20 de noviembre de 2014 cuando el presidente Barack Obama dio a conocer la Acción Ejecutiva migratoria.
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
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20 Comunidad Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
| Edicion 368
Visita del Sindico/Alcalde de la Vega RepĂşblica Dominicana
Cine y Novelas
| Edicion 368
Comunidad 21
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
22 Noticias Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
| Edicion 368
Sarah y Chris Grant se casaron 7/24/16 en la iglesia de Teaneck Assembly of God in Teaneck, NJ. Recepcion en Glen Ridge Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club.
Los novios Chris y Sarah Grant.
Los padres: James y Raquel Christian con su hija la novia, Sarah Grant
La familia
Primer baile de los novios.
Los padres con el Novio. En orden: Angel Grant, Chris Grant y Debbie Grant.
Edicion 368 |
Horoscope 23
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
Josiah Duggar Is Courting Marjorie Jackson
< NEWS >
as a preparation for marriage, with chaperones and side hugs – the Duggar who's now in one wasn't even on the list.
Josiah Duggar, 18, reveals exclusively to PEOPLE that he has entered into a courtship with Marjorie Jackson, 17 – a young lady he got to know when he was taking Spanish lessons from her mother, Analucia, 40. The couple officially began courting on April 6, the same day his sister Jill, 23, and brother-inlaw Derick Dillard, 26, welcomed newborn son Israel David into the world.
fter a 70-hour delivery and surprise Csection, Jill and Derick Dillard open up about their firstborn's arrival. So, the last time the expansive Duggar family weighed in on who was most likely to enter into a "courtship" – an older-fashioned way of dating that has couples getting to know each other Anne Hathaway Shares Empowering Message About Post-Baby Weight Loss: ‘There Is No Shame If It Takes Longer Than You Think’ Anne Hathaway wants new mothers to know: “Love what you have been given.” The Oscar-winning actress’ latest Instagram wasn’t just a photo of denim cutoffs, it was an empowering message about body image, specifically postbaby weight loss.
“There is no shame in gaining weight during pregnancy (or ever). There is no shame if it takes longer than you think it will to lose the weight (if you want to lose it at all),” Hathaway, 33, captioned her picture on Monday. “There is no shame in finally breaking down and making your own jean shorts because last summer’s are just too dang short for this summer’s thighs,” the mother of one explained, adding, “Bodies change. Bodies grow. Bodies shrink. It’s all love (don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.)”
Hathaway welcomed her son Jonathan Rosebanks with husband Adam Shulman in March. In May, the Alice Through the Looking Glass star joked about her post-baby body workouts, telling Ellen DeGeneres that she gained a new appreciation for her curves just eight weeks after giving birth.
"It's been going very well," Josiah tells PEOPLE. "I met Marjorie a few years ago, when I was taking Spanish lessons at her house, and I was very impressed with the way she was with her siblings and her love for the Lord."
When they both went on a mission trip to El Salvador in December, Josiah, who currently
works in his father's construction company, says he was particularly impressed with Marjorie. "She really caught my eye," he says. "That is really where I noticed her." For Marjorie, who is one of five girls born to Greg, 43, and Analucia, "liking" Josiah is something she says she's done for some time. "I met him at Spanish class a few years back," she tells PEOPLE. "For me it was an immediate thing. I have always admired him and his family." Fans of TLC's hit show 19 Kids and Counting can see a special message from Josiah and Marjorie on this week's episode, airing Tuesday at 9 p.m.
Want more Duggars? Click here to get weekly updates on the stars of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting in the Duggar Family Newsletter. How Josiah Duggar Took a Cue from Sister Jill When He Started Courting.
APRIL 20- MAY 20
MAY 21 - JUNE 21
You are never happier than when you are on a mission, and this week may give you a whole new mission. Monday will be one of your favorite days of the summer when you may set out on an exciting voyage or trip. Tuesday is also a fabulous day for travel, especially with a lover, since a glowing new moon in passionate Leo sets the stage for a whole new chapter in your affair. Loving Venus moves into detail-oriented Virgo on Friday and will help you take care of one another's needs in the most intimate way. But travel plans may go awry over the weekend, or communications could get confused, so try to be extra patient.
This may turn out to be a bit of an emotional week for you, Taurus. There are lots of positive vibes at the beginning of the week, with not one but two glowing trines lighting up the sky Monday. You may even want to give in to trying something new and kinky in your love life -give in to your feelings and just go with it! Tuesday's new moon in proud Leo will help you turn over a fresh leaf with a family member who may have been getting under your skin. Your ruler, lusty Venus, moves into detail-oriented Virgo on Friday and will bring some sweetness (and spiciness) into your love life. But some tense aspects Saturday urge you to not take a disagreement this weekend too personally.
This is a big week for you but could end up being something of a roller coaster. You will be very excited by some communications Monday that bode well for your love life or some crucial business relationships. This is a dream night for a date, or to get out and meet new people. The new moon in Leo on Tuesday will bring you tons of innovative ideas and new connections, so get out and network in the next two weeks. But situations are decidedly more delicate and complicated by the weekend. You could be prone to being emotional or overreacting if you have a disagreement, so slow your roll if someone gets under your skin.
You are focused on your career this week, Cancer. And things are going swimmingly Monday, when two glowing trines create a five-star workday. This is the perfect day to hit up your boss for a raise or suggest a bold new plan. You may get a resounding round of applause! This reinforces the sense of confidence and clarity you are feeling during Tuesday's new moon in Leo. But you may be prone to overdoing it now with the partying or indulging, so stay moderate in the next few weeks. Some conflicted aspects this weekend will give you some doubts about your new plans, but the key to success is clear communication.
LUCKY NUMBERS: 29, 13, 19, 14
LUCKY NUMBERS: 11, 10, 39, 64
LUCKY NUMBERS: 50, 21, 33, 17
LUCKY NUMBERS: 42, 8, 27, 30
This is sure to be one of your favorite weeks of the year, Leo! Two gorgeous trines Monday bode extremely well for your love life and for any trips you may be taking soon. You are sure to have a lot of fun in the next few weeks. Especially since the new moon in your sign Tuesday is so favorably aspected. This is an ideal time for you to write down a list of goals and intentions for the next year. But this weekend's aspects are slightly more chaotic and you could find yourself at a frustrating cross-purpose with others. Try not to be too stubborn in getting your way.
You may feel torn in two different directions now, as though you know exactly what you need to do but are struggling to make it a reality. Monday is a fabulous day when matters that have been confusing you will now become very clear. If you have a make a difficult decision, it's better to pull off the bandage and just do it. You will feel relieved after the new moon in confident Leo on Tuesday. And with alluring Venus moving into your sign Friday, you are full of magnetic charm until the 29th so don't be shy about working it. But there may be some drama with family members this weekend, so try to stay clear in your communication and be wary of hurt feelings.
This is a super-social week for you, Libra, but you may not be on the same page with everyone. Monday could turn out to be one of your favorite days of the summer, when both your love life and your work relationships are shining brightly. Make a plan to meet up with a crush IRL if you are still single — sparks will fly! The new moon in creative Leo on Tuesday could introduce you to a new friend group who you have shared interests with, so just be your friendly and charming self. But you may get some mixed messages from your new connections over the weekend. It's better to watch and listen now, and form fixed opinions later.
You are in a practical mood right now, and will benefit from focusing on your bottom line and financial realities. Monday is a five-star day when you will gain some serious public recognition in your field and for a job well done. A long-awaited promotion or raise could land on your desk. But you are likely to set your sights on an even loftier goal during Tuesday's new moon in confident Leo. With feminine Venus moving into caring Virgo on Friday, make sure you lean on your friends and do some girl bonding in the next few weeks. Mixed messages over the weekend will force you to confront an annoying work situation. Be patient and you will get to the bottom of this.
LUCKY NUMBERS: 45, 24, 35, 19
LUCKY NUMBERS: 86, 72, 28, 14
LUCKY NUMBERS: 45, 25, 93, 51
LUCKY NUMBERS: 18, 27, 36, 39
This is going to be one of your favorite weeks of the summer! All systems are go Monday when two glowing trines give you the confidence and reassurance that you have been waiting for that some major situations are going to work out favorably. Refine your vision and goals during Tuesday's new moon in confident Leo when active Mars also enters your sign to bring you extra energy. Travel goes very smoothly right now so consider a quick getaway. After magnetic Venus moves into precise Virgo on Friday, your career is on fire so ask for what you want. But be prudent rather than overconfident this weekend. You have momentum, but slow and steady wins the race.
So much is falling into place behind the scenes right now, but you still need to exercise your famous patience. You will know something has shifted based on how you feel Monday, so just follow your instincts and trust that everything will work out. Dig deep Tuesday during the new moon in passionate Leo. Now is the time to break a bad habit or close the chapter on an old emotional wound. Travel is in the air after loving Venus moves into your zone of exotic adventures Friday. But there may be some technical and communications-related complications this weekend so double-check all of your plans.
This is a fabulous week for you, Aquarius. Two glowing trines from your zone of relationships Monday make this one of your best date nights of the year. Pay attention to anyone who catches you eye right now, since this could become an epic romance. If you are coupled up, Tuesday's new moon in Leo is the ideal time to resolve an ongoing situation and turn over a new leaf. Feminine Venus moves into your zone of sex and intimacy Friday and the next few weeks could be some of the steamiest of the year. A tiff with a friend over the weekend may cause some confusion and distress, but if you try to be clear about your feelings, things will resolve.
You have been trying to get all of your ducks in a row with work, and this is the week you will finally be crossing an important finish line. Monday is full of happy surprises that could catapult your career to a whole new level. If you have been feeling under the weather, recommit yourself to your workouts during the new moon in Leo on Tuesday. Competitive Mars also moves into your zone of success Tuesday, and between now and Sept. 27, you will be on a roll. And romance kicks up also after Friday when the love planet, Venus, moves into your zone of relationships. But mixed messages will complicate things this weekend. Try to consider others' perspectives as well as your own.
LUCKY NUMBERS: 46, 25, 36, 20
LUCKY NUMBERS: 87, 73, 29, 15
LUCKY NUMBERS: 46, 26, 94, 52
LUCKY NUMBERS: 19, 28, 37, 40
24 News
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
The Rock Calls out His 'Chicken S', 'Candy-Ass' Fast 8 Male Co-Stars
| Edicion 368
sequel, its "hard working" crew, Universal studios and his "amazing" female co-stars – Michelle Rodriguez, Charlize Theron, Nathalie Emmanuel, Elsa Pataky and Helen Mirren. But wrapping in his message of support were some choice words for some unnamed male costars. "There's no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one," he explained. "My female costars are always amazing and I love 'em. My male costars, however, are a different story."
"Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don't," Johnson continued. "The ones that don't are too chicken s--- to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses." Just who could Johnson be talking about remains unclear. But Fast 8 stars Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Kurt Russell, Lucas Black, Tyrese Gibson, Chris "Ludacris" Bridges and Scott Eastwood – for those who want to speculate. And apparently, it'll be easy for fans to spot just who he's talking about when the film comes out. Johnson says he had a hard time hiding his frustration while filming.
wayne Johnson is finishing up his last week shooting the eighth installment of the Fast and the Furious franchise. And while the high-speed films are known for their intense action on-screen, it appears things off-screen can be just as intense. The 44-year-old actor took to Instagram on Monday to praise the
"When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I'm not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you're right," he noted. Despite his anger, Johnson – who has been with the franchise since its fifth installment – is confident in the work he's done in Fast 8. "Bottom line is, it'll play great for the movie and fits this Hobbs character that's embedded in my DNA extremely well," he wrote. "The producer in me is happy about this part." "I'll finish strong," he concluded – adding the hashtag #ZeroToleranceForCandyAsses.
Seth Rogen says he's ready to forgive and forget his feud with Katherine Heigl - but that doesn't mean it didn't sting. Rogen opened up about his apparent falling out with Heigl, admitting that her comments about Knocked Up initially caught him off-guard.
"As we were making the movie, honestly I was like, 'I would make a dozen movies with her, I would be whatever the s— version of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan is," the actor, 34, told Howard Stern while appearing on his SiriusXM radio show on Monday. "I thought we had a great dynamic, people seemed to like it, we were funny together – I was having a very good time." Heigl famously called the film "a little sexist" during an interview with Vanity Fair. Rogen said that because of how well they clicked on set, he didn't expect Heigl to speak negatively about the film.
"And then when I heard afterwards that she didn't like it, that she seemed to not like the process, and she did not like the end product either," he continued. "I think when that happens – also your trust feels somewhat betrayed. We have a very open process. We're like, 'You have the ability to say anything at any moment – I don't like this scene, I don't like how I’m coming
film came out in 2007 that he barely remembers what they were fighting about. "Honestly it was so long ago and I have damaged my brain so poorly in the last few years, I have a hard time recalling what it's about or who is supposed to be mad at who," he joked. "I have no bad feelings toward her at all."
across here.'" Rogen also addressed her comments on Watch What Happens Live on Sunday, saying he doesn't hold a grudge against the actress.
"I was never that mad, honestly," he said when a caller asked if he would work with Heigl again. "I assumed she didn't want to work with us anymore honestly, because she seemed to not like the result of the work we did together." He joked that it's been so long since the
During an interview with Stern earlier this year, Heigl clarified some of her remarks, admitting that it was "dumb" and she was embarrassed by her comments. "I liked the movie a lot. I just didn't like me. She was kind of like, she was so judgmental and kind of uptight and controlling and all these things and I really went with it while we were doing it, and a lot of it, Judd allows everyone to be very free and improvise and whatever and afterwards, I was like, 'Why is that where I went with this? What an a--hole she is!'" But Rogen said despite her on-air apology, he still hasn't heard from Heigl personally.
"When I apologize to people, generally I don't take a public forum to do it," he told Stern.
Bad sells as Squad sets records
This weekend, audiences were craving bad guys (and gals) as the comic book film Suicide Squad shattered August box office records with a towering number one debut grossing an estimated $135.1M in its first frame. Warner Bros. rolled out its latest adventure from DC Comics into 4,255 theaters and averaged a scorching $31,752 per site. The opening began with $20.5M from Thursday night pre-shows starting at 6pm which led to a full opening day gross of $65.3M. Both soared past the old August records held by Guardians of the Galaxy of $11.2M and $37.8M, respectively. The Marvel anti-hero team also launched on the first weekend of August two years ago and hauled in $94.3M. It also held the old records for this month for biggest opening weekend and theater count. Suicide Squad broke those records too. This record weekend take was a healthy 43% higher than Guardians. Suicide Squad generated the third best opening weekend for all of 2016 behind fellow comic smashes Captain America: Civil War ($179.1M) and Batman v Superman ($166M) and edged out the $132.4M debut of Deadpool, another darker and more violent super hero blockbuster. Final grosses are to be released on Monday. Reviews were mostly negative for Suicide Squad but that did not stop fans from rushing out to see the newest story in the extended universe. Like with soap operas, DC and Marvel are making interlocking movies so fans need to see each film in order to enjoy the ongoing cinematic story. Next year will see Warners release Wonder Woman in June and Justice League in November before continuing with more solo films for various characters in the years ahead at a pace of two per year. It was an extremely front-loaded weekend for Squad. Saturday tumbled 41% to $38.8M while Sunday is projected by the studio to drop another 20% to $31M. The Saturday fall was even larger than the 38% for BvS which had the added benefit of having the Good Friday holiday on its opening day. Both DC films were met with weak reviews and started with 6pm Thursday pre-shows, though BvS had more well-known characters in it. Batman v Superman had a thunderous opening weekend but then collapsed in the following weeks. Its first frame represented a very high 50% of its final. Suicide Squad is playing out in similar fashion and winning the same kind of feedback from moviegoers, however its August play period should lead to better mid-week grosses since all schools are out. So a final domestic haul in the $275-300M range is possible which is still incredible. The production budget was about $175M.
Cine y Novelas
Edicion 368
Laura Carmine C
armine was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico but soon moved with her family to Mexico. She was born with Heterochromia iridum. She obtained two degrees, one in Advertising and Marketing. In 2003, she began a master's degree in international marketing, but interrupted her studies when she went for her casting at the Center for Artistic Education at Televisa. Although, it was not until 2006 that she became a student. Carmine began her television career in 2008, in exclusive programs at SKY México.
In 2011, Carmine got her first leading role in Televisa's telenovela, Ni contigo ni sin ti, alongside Eduardo Santamarina.[3] In 2012, she gave Special participation in Rosy Ocampo's telenovela Por ella soy Eva. Later, she joined the cast of Carlos Moreno's production, Amor bravío. She played her first villain role as Silvia Navarro's sister, Ximena. That same year she got her second leading role in the remake of La usurpadora; ¿Quién Eres Tú?. She played the double role of the twins Natalia and Verónica, alongside Julián Gil. In 2013, Carmine starred as the main villain in Salvador Mejía Alejandre's La tempestad, alongside William Levy.
In 2014, she appeared in a guest role in De que te quiero, te quiero as Simona. In 2015, Carmine worked again with Carlos Moreno in A que no me dejas, as Nuria. A role that earned her an TVyNovelas Award for Best Antagonist Actress. In June 8, 2016, it was confirmed Carmine will be part of the cast of José Alberto Castro's Vino el amor
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
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Edicion 368 |
Publicidad 27
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
COUNTYOFHUDSON SHERIFFFILE#20006042 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # J-125424-13 HARMON COVE II CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC, A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY Plaintiff(s) vs. MAKANE MAR Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 596 SANDERLING COURT SECAUCUS, NJ 07094 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $25,395.59, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 12 C0596H, BLOCK 21 TYPE: RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM ALL THAT CERTAIN CONDOMINIUM UNIT KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS UNIT 596 TOGETHER WITH ASSIGNED PARKING AREA 596 AND STORAGE COMPARTMENT 596 IN HARMON COVE II CONDOMINIUM, SAID UNIT BEING MORE SPECIFICALLY DEFINED IN THE MASTER DEED HEREIN MENTIONED AND WHICH UNIT IS HEREWITH CONVEYED IN COMFORMITY WITH N.J.S.A 46:8B-1, ET SEQ., TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED. 4666 PERCENT INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS APPURTENANT THERETO, SAID MASTER DEED BEING DATED AUGUST 17, 1977 AND RECORDED AUGUST 17, 1977 IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF HUDSON COUNTY IN DEED BOOK 3235 PAGE 307 , AMENDED BY DEED BOOK 3416 AGE 72, BOOK 3871 PAGE 153, BOOK 3871 PAGE 155, BOOK 4097 PAGE193, BOOK 4097 PAGE 195, BOOK 4097 PAGE 197, DEED BOOK 4097 PAGE 199, DEED BOOK 4245 PAGE 19, DEED BOOK 4311 PAGE 258, DEED BOOK 4350 PAGE 82, DEED BOOK 4350 84, DEED BOOK 4376 PAGE 282, DEED BOOK 4834 PAGE 329, DEED BOOK 44212 PAGE 60, DEED BOOK 4588 PAGE 34,DEED BOOK 4752 PAGE 31, DEED BOOK 4752 PAGE 36, DEED BOOK 4752 PAGE41, DEED BOOK 5031 PAGE 310, DEED BOOK 5031 PAGE 315, DEED BOOK 5031PAGE 320, DEED BOOK 5031 PAGE 325, DEED BOOK 5031 PAGE 330, DEED BOOK 5328 PAGE 333, DEED BOOK 5328 PAGE 340, DEED BOOK 5328 PAGE 345 AND DEED BOOK 5656 PAGE 158, AND AS THE SAME MAY BE LAWFULLY AMENDED. THE PROPERTY HAVING BEEN CONVEYED TO MAKUNE MAR BY DEED ON DECEMBER 20, 2005 FROM NANCY GELLER AND STUART GELLER, WHICH DEED WAS RECORDED ON JANUARY 27, 2006 IN THE OFFICE OF REGISTER OF HUDSON COUNTY IN DEED BOOK 07797, PAGE 00246, ET SEQ. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication.
Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff BUCKALEW FRIZZEL & CREVINA LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW TEL: 201612-5200 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20019536 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-029646-12 GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC Plaintiff(s) vs. KATERINA BALINT, ET AL. Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 546-548 BROADWAY UNIT 2C BAYONNE, NJ 07002 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $96,326.39, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT: 8.33 BLOCK: 184 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: CONDOMINIUM UNIT NEAREST CROSS STREET: E. 25TH STREET * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PLUESE, BECKER & SALTZMAN, LLC TEL: Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022286 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-031080-15 US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff(s) vs. SPENCER MALMAD, ET AL. Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 302 1/2 FOURTH STREET JERSEY CITY, NJ 07302 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal de-
scription can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $789,004.66, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 20 FKA M, BLOCK 11207 FKA 353 DIMENSIONS: 75.00FTX16.14FTX75.00FTX16.14FT NEAREST CROSS STREET: COLES STREET PURSUANT TO 28, U.S.C. SECTION 2410, THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO A 120 DAY RIGHT OF REDEMPTION HELD BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY VIRTUE OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE LIEN: c. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS HEREBY NAMED A PARTY DEFENDANT HEREIN FOR ANY LIEN, CLAIM OR INTEREST IT MAY HAVE IN, TO, OR ON THE MORTGAGED PREMISES BY VIRTUE OF THE FOLLOWING FEDERAL TAX LIEN. i. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE VERSUS SPENCER MALMAD AND LISA CREERY, DATED AUGUST 23, 2013 AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER 4, 2013 IN BOOK 204, PAGE 408 IN THE AMOUNT OF $128,083.10. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022287 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-014419-15 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Plaintiff(s) vs. CHRISTINE HORLACHER Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 172 HUBER STREET SECAUCUS, NJ 07094 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $482,183.04, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT 55 BLOCK 196 DIMENSIONS OF LOT: 50 FEET WIDE BY 100
THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022289 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-013031-15 CENTRAL MORTGAGE COMPANY Plaintiff(s) vs. JAIRO A. LORA, ET AL. Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 5509-11 MADISON STREET UNIT 204 WEST NEW YORK, NJ 07093 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $216,954.97, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 15C0204 FKA 15, BLOCK 117 DIMENSIONS: UNIT NO. 204 NEAREST CROSS STREET: N/A - CONDO UNIT PURSUANT TO NJSA 46:8B-21 ET SEQ., THIS SALE MAY BE SUBJECT TO A LIMITED LIEN PRIORITY OF THE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION AND ANY SUCCESSFUL BIDDER AT SHERIFF’S SALE MAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING UP TO 6 MONTHS WORTH OF UNPAID CONDOMINIUM FEES. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016
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28 Publicidad Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
COUNTYOFHUDSON SHERIFFFILE#20022290 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-006905-14 PENNYMAC CORP. Plaintiff(s) vs. KIMBERLY STEIN, ET AL. Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 108-110 WALDO AVENUE 1B JERSEY CITY, NJ 07302 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $475,328.43, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 105 C001B, BLOCK 10901 FKA 502 DIMENSIONS: UNIT 1B NEAREST CROSS STREET: N/A - CONDO UNIT PURSUANT TO NJSA 46:8B-21 ET SEQ., THIS SALE MAY BE SUBJECT TO A LIMITED LIEN PRIORITY OF THE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION AND ANY SUCCESSFUL BIDDER AT SHERIFF’S SALE MAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING UP TO 6 MONTHS WORTH OF UNPAID CONDOMINIUM FEES. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022701 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-001506-13 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Plaintiff(s) vs. TRANNIE WILSON, ET ALS Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 275 OLD BERGEN ROAD JERSEY CITY, NJ (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $301,354.71, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from
the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT 25 BLOCK 27005 DIMENSIONS OF LOT: 23.95 FEET WIDE BY 87.54 IRR FEET LONG NEAREST CROSS STREET: CATOR AVENUE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES TEL: 973-575-0707 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022754 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-044655-14 BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff(s) vs. ERASMO GUZMAN Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 45 KINGSLAND AVE KEARNY, NJ 07032 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $688,651.42, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 47, BLOCK 251 DIMENSIONS: 100FTX25.75FTX48.21FTX51.81FTX24.75FT NEAREST CROSS STREET: BERGEN AVENUE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by
Cine y Novelas
the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022756 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-029272-09 WELLS FARGO Plaintiff(s) vs. AMANDA GONZALEZ Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 2271 KENNEDY BOULEVARD JERSEY CITY, NJ 07304 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $196,547.33, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 32 C0204 FKA 5A.204, BLOCK 20601 FKA 1794 DIMENSIONS: 106.91 FT X 60.30 FT X 105.08 FT X 60.30 FT NEAREST CROSS STREET: N/A CONDO UNIT PURSUANT TO NJSA 46:8B-21 ET SEQ., THIS SALE MAY BE SUBJECT TO A LIMITED LIEN PRIORITY OF THE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION AND ANY SUCCESSFUL BIDDER AT SHERIFF’S SALE MAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING UP TO 6 MONTHS WORTH OF UNPAID CONDOMINIUM FEES. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022758 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-038330-14 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Plaintiff(s) vs. HARSHADRAI H. JOSHI, ET AL. Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 125 COTTAGE STREET JERSEY CITY, NJ 07306 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the
Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $366,889.58, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT 7 BLOCK 9403 F/K/A LOT 63 A/K/A 83 BLOCK 586.5 DIMENSIONS OF LOT: 324.86 X 15 X 125 X 25 X 107.67 X 25 X 107.75 NEAREST CROSS STREET: HERBERT PLACE BEGINNING AT POINT IN THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE OF COTTAGE STREET DISTANT ALONG THE SAME, ALONG THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES AND DISTANCES FROM ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDELINE OF KENNEDY BOULEVARD; THENCE. THE SALE IS SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, TAX, WATER, AND SEWER LIENS AND OTHER MUNICIPAL ASSESSMENTS. THE AMOUNT DUE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY. PURSUANT TO NJSA 46:8B-21 THE SALE MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO THE LIMITED LIEN PRIORITY OF ANY CONDOMINIUM / HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION LIENS WHICH MAY EXIST. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC TEL: 856-793-3080 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022771 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-049835-14 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUSTEE FOR HOME EQUITY LOAN ASSETBACKED TRUST, SERIES INDS 2006-3 Plaintiff(s) vs. MOHAMMAD YAHYAI Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 600 HARBOR BOULEVARD UNIT 869 WEEHAWKEN, NJ 07086 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $758,033.87, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT: 4.19, BLOCK 34.03 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: CONDOMINUM NEAREST CROSS STREET: WATERFRONT TERRACE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR
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HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff BUCKLEY MADOLE, P.C. TEL: 732-902-5399 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022772 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-039655-13 BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING Plaintiff(s) vs. ROBERTO VELAZQUEZ Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 56 FULTON AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07305 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $235,199.85, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT NO: 75 (FKA 1B.99 AKA LOT 1.B AND 7) IN BLOCK: 25202 (FKA BLOCK 1471.D) DIMENSIONS OF LOT: (APPROXIMATELY) 100X7X66X25X170X32 NEAREST CROSS STREET: FULTON AVENUE AND OCEAN AVENUE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff KML LAW GROUP, P.C. TEL: 215-627-1322 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/8/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016
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Publicidad 29
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
COUNTYOFHUDSON SHERIFFFILE#20022773 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-049668-14 HUDSON CITY SAVINGS BANK Plaintiff(s) vs. KRIS WILSON Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 4801 PALISADE AVENUE 4B UNION CITY, NJ 07087 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $478,276.37, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT NO. 1 BLOCK 280 QUAL C004B DIMENSIONS OF LOT: (APPROXIMATELY) CONDO NEAREST CROSS STREET: 48TH STREET * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff KML LAW GROUP, P.C. TEL: 215-627-1322 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022774 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-62803-09 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIAION, AS TRUSTEE FOR RASC 2006-EMX7 Plaintiff(s) vs. ANTHONY J. LOIACONO Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 27 MARITIME WAY UNIT 1307 BAYONNE, NJ 07002 (The concise description given does not con-
stitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $733,018.07, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT NO: 8.214 IN BLOCK: 47 DIMENSIONS OF LOT: (APPROXIMATELY) CONDOMINIUM NEAREST CROSS STREET: SCHUYLER PLACE SUBJECT TO ANY OPEN TAXES, WATER/SEWER, MUNICIPAL OR TAX LIENS THAT MAY BE DUE. SUBJECT TO TAX AND PRIOR LIEN INFO: TAXES/SEWER/WATER MAY BE DELINQUENT- YOU MUST CHECK WITH THE TAX COLLECTOR FOR EXACT AMOUNTS DUE. DUBJECT TO PRIOR MORTGAGES AND JUDGMENTS (IF ANY): NONE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff KML LAW GROUP, P.C. TEL: 215-627-1322 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022775 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-020366-14 BANK OF AMERICA Plaintiff(s) vs. ALLEN J. BECKHAM, ET. ALS. Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 164 VIRGINIA AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07304 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $317,008.42, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax.
TAX LOT NO. 36 F/K/A LOT 113A BLOCK 21001 F/K/A BLOCK 1792 DIMENSIONS OF LOT: (APPROXIMATELY) 27 FEET WIDE BY 188 FEET LONG NEAREST CROSS STREET: BERGEN AVENUE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff KML LAW GROUP, P.C. TEL: 215-627-1322 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022776 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-2143-09 BANK OF AMERICA Plaintiff(s) vs. DENIS D. BUDNIK Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 431 52ND STREET UNIT NO 9 WEST NEW YORK, NJ 07093 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $297,708.24, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. BLOCK 98, LOT 10 C0009. DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATELY: N/A CONDO. NEAREST CROSS STREET: BERGENLINE AVENUE PRIOR LIEN FOR OUTSIDE. LIEN CERT. #: 15-0285. SOLD TO TTLBL ON 12/16/15. REDMEMPTION AMOUNT $1,099.13. THE SALE IS SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, TAX, WATER, AND SEWER LIENS AND OTHER MUNICIPAL ASSESSMENTS. THE AMOUNT DUE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY. PURSUANT TO NJSA 46:8B-21 THE SALE MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO THE LIMITED LIEN PRIORITY OF ANY CONDOMINIUM / HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION LIENS WHICH MAY EXIST. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT IN-
VESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff STERN LAVINTHAL & FRANKENBERG LLC TEL: 973-797-1100 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022777 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-025446-14 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff(s) vs. CECILIO CORREA Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 518 GARFIELD AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07305 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $200,230.28, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. lot 7 (F/K/A 0.27), BLOCK 26001 (F/K/A 1466) APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS 109.00 X 20.60 X 110.00 X 20.50 FEET IRREGULAR NEAREST CROSS STREET: RICHARD STREET* SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN
ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff BUCKLEY MADOLE, P.C. TEL: 732-902-5399 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022778 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-007324-15 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON Plaintiff(s) vs. GINA LEAL Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 261 PARK AVENUE UNIT 5 WEEHAWKEN, NJ 07086 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $678,468.93, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT NO. 5 BLOCK 16 DIMENSIONS OF LOT: (APPROXIMATELY) CONDO NEAREST CROSS STREET: WILLOW AVENUE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff KML LAW GROUP, P.C. TEL: 215-627-1322 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016
Continua en la pag. 30 >>
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
COUNTYOFHUDSON SHERIFFFILE#20022789 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-006663-15 LSF8 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST Plaintiff(s) vs. ANNA THORPE Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 7 SISSON COURT BAYONNE, NJ 07002-3506 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $262,857.40, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 16, BLOCK 247 DIMENSIONS: 25.00FTX67.90FTX25.00X67.90FT IRR NEAREST CROSS STREET: CHASE COURT * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022790 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-044443-13 SANTANDER BANK Plaintiff(s) vs. XIOMARA REYES Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 541 78TH ST #3 NORTH BERGEN, NJ 07047 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the
Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $622,250.69, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 26 BLOCK 317 DIMENSIONS: 98.77FTX33.33FTX98.48FTX33.33FT NEAREST CROSS STREET: BERGENLINE AVENUE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022793 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-059981-10 DEUTSCHE BANK NAT'L TRUST Plaintiff(s) vs. KEVIN EDWARD COMO Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 37 WALES AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07306-6411 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $403,694.58, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT B, BLOCK 1614 DIMENSIONS: 100.00FTX20.00FTX100.00FTX20.00FT NEAREST CROSS STREET: BROADWAY ADVERTISE SUBJECT TO PRIOR MORTGAGE: MORTGAGE FROM KHRISHNA NAGESSAR AND SURUJDAI GOPIE, HUSBAND AND WIFE TO FLEET MORTGAGE CORP. DATED MAY 12, 1998 RECORDED JUNE 1, 1998, IN (BOOK) 6582 (PAGE) 47, IN THE AMOUNT OF $101,000.00, HUDSON COUNTY, NEW JER-
Cine y Novelas
SEY. ADVERTISE SUBJECT TO PRIOR LIEN: MORTGAGE FROM KHRISHNA NAGESSAR AND SURUJDAI GOPIE, HUSBAND AND WIFE TO FLEET MORTGAGE CORP. DATED MAY 12, 1998 RECORDED JUNE 1, 1998, INN (BOOK) 6582 (PAGE) 47, IN THE AMOUNT OF $101,000.00, HUDSON COUNTY, NEW JERSEY * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022823 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-29175-15 WELLS FARGO Plaintiff(s) vs. LOUIS MORENO, ET ALS Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 424 67TH STREET WEST NEW YORK, NJ 07093 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $656,843.70, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT NO. 2 IN BLOCK NO. 218 DIMENSION OF LOT APPROXIMATELY: 27 X 100 NEAREST CROSS STREET: 64TH STREET BEING LOT(S) 2, BLOCK 218 TAX MAP OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH BERGEN, COUNTY OF HUDSON. SEWER OPEN WITH PENALTY $3,412.08 TOTAL AS OF APRIL 28, 2016: $3,412.08 * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REA-
SON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff FEIN SUCH KAHN & SHEPARD, PC TEL: 973-538-4700 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022824 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-34638-15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK Plaintiff(s) vs. ANGEL ANDRADE Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 547 56TH STREET WEST NEW YORK, NJ 07093 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $296,430.58, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT NO. 30 IN BLOCK NO. 164 DIMENSION OF LOT APPROXIMATELY: 25 X 118 NEAREST CROSS STREET: GRAND AVENUE BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDELINE OF 51ST STREET (FORMERLY FISHER AVENUE) (50' WIDE) DISTANT 300.13 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY FROM THE INTERSECTION FORMED BY THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF GRAND AVENUE (FORMERLY 3RD STREET) (50' WIDE) AND RUNNING THENCE; SEWER OPEN WITH PENALTY $20.53 TOTAL AS OF APRIL 19, 2016: $20.53 * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SUR-
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PLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff FEIN SUCH KAHN & SHEPARD, PC TEL: 973-538-4700 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022849 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-32265-09 CITIMORTGAGE, INC. Plaintiff(s) vs. BEATRIZ GARAY Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 130 MANHATTAN AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07307-3812 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $565,159.89, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 19, BLOCK 4302 DIMENSIONS: 100.00FTX22.50FTX100.00FTX22.50FT NEAREST CROSS STREET: SUMMIT AVENUE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:57-2 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016
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Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
COUNTYOFHUDSON SHERIFFFILE#20022850 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-033776-15 U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff(s) vs. NARANJAN SINGH Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 206 SUMMIT AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07304-3108 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $716,956.37, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 21 FKA 37.A, BLOCK 15103 FKA 1900 DIMENSIONS: 15.67FTX90.82FTX12.49FTX82.33FT NEAREST CROSS STREET: CLIFTON PLACE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022852 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-028763-15 WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB DBA CHRISTIANA TRUST FOR HLSS MORTGAGE MASTER TRUST FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE HOLDERS OF THE SERIES 2014-4 CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THE HLSS MORTGAGE MASTER TRUST Plaintiff(s) vs. OTONIEL BOLANOS Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016
803 WEST STREET UNION CITY, NJ 07087 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $445,484.94, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT # 30 BLOCK # 41.01 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: 17.40 X 49.58 NEAREST CROSS STREET: 8TH STREET TAXES: CURRENT 1ST QUARTER OF 2016 IS PAST DUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,157.66, GOOD THROUGH DATE 5/10/2016 *PLUS INTEREST ON THESE FIGURES THROUGH DATE OF PAYOFF AND ANY AND ALL SUBSEQUENT TAXES, WATER AND SEWER AMOUNTS * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff LAW OFFICES STERN & EISENBERG, PC TEL: 609-3979200 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022853 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-000487-15 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY Plaintiff(s) vs. JULIO FRIAS Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 8717-8719 1ST AVENUE C/K/A 8717-8719 1ST AVE, #AA2 NORTH BERGEN, NJ 07047 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $125,577.10, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th
day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT # 46 BLOCK # 395.15 QUAL #C0AA2 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: CONDO UNIT NEAREST CROSS STREET: UNKNOWN TAXES: CURRENT THROUGH 1ST QUARTER OF 2016 * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff LAW OFFICES STERN & EISENBERG, PC TEL: 609-3979200 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022854 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-20194-14 HAYDEN ASSET II, LLC Plaintiff(s) vs. DONNA M. HOLOVACH Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 14 SCHUYLER PLACE BAYONNE, NJ 07002 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $556,752.11, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT # 12 BLOCK # 295 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: 29.86 X 99.57 NEAREST CROSS STREET: AVE A TAXES: CURRENT THROUGH 2ND QUARTER OF 2016* * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE
NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff LAW OFFICES STERN & EISENBERG, PC TEL: 609-3979200 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022855 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-039531-14 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Plaintiff(s) vs. SUNG PARK Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 300 COMMUNIPAW AVENUE UNIT 308 JERSEY CITY, NJ 07304 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $373,400.87, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 25, QUALIFIER C0308, BLOCK 15802 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: CONDOMINIUM NEAREST CROSS STREET: MONITOR STREET SUBJECT TO: A VAN DAM BILL, A COUNTY CHARGE BILL AND A ADMIN FEE BILL ADDED TO THE SECOND QUARTER AMOUNT IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $2,253.41. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or
any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff BUCKLEY MADOLE, P.C. TEL: 732-902-5399 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022856 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-27230-15 DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS Plaintiff(s) vs. DEBRA ARROYO Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 12 SILVER STREET BAYONNE, NJ 07002 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $713,780.70, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT # 33 BLOCK # 326 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: 25' X 100' NEAREST CROSS STREET: BROADWAY TAXES: 2015 BALANCE - $2,024.61 (GOOD THROUGH 4/22/16)* 1ST QUARTER OF 2016 DUE = $1,724.74 PLUS INTEREST* OTHER: WATER BALANCE = $200.00 PLUS INTEREST* * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff LAW OFFICES STERN & EISENBERG, PC TEL: 609-3979200 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016
Continua en la pag. 32 >>
32 Publicidad Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
COUNTYOFHUDSON SHERIFFFILE#20022857 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-024310-15 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON Plaintiff(s) vs. Carlos Bernal Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 803 SIP STREET #504 UNION CITY, NJ 07087 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $515,973.61, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT NO. 30 C0504 FKA 30, 31, 32 BLOCK 172 DIMENSIONS OF LOT: (APPROXIMATELY) CONDO FEET WIDE BY FEET LONG NEAREST CROSS STREET: SUMMIT ST. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff KML LAW GROUP, P.C. TEL: 215-627-1322 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022858 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-030427-13 ONEWEST BANK FSB Plaintiff(s) vs. RACHEL GREEN Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 300 CHAPEL AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07305 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount
of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $286,205.55, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT: 12 FKA 40; BLOCK: 27201 FKA 1354 DIMENSIONS: 25X106 AV NEAREST CROSS STREET: OCEAN AVENUE FOR A HOUSE OR OTHER PROPERTY (NOT CONDOMINIUM) BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF CHAPEL AVENUE DISTANT THEREIN 475.0 FEET NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SAME FROM ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF OCEAN AVENUE. PURSUANT TO A TAX SEARCH OF 03/30/2016; 2015 TAXES $4,022.22 BILLED, INCLUDED IN LIEN $2,024.81; 2016 QTR 1 $1,005.56 INCLUDED IN LIEN, DUE DATE 02/01/2016; 2016 QTR 2 $1,005.55 OPEN, DUE DATE 05/01/2016; WATER ACCT # 30300537540000 TO 03/18/2016 $311.04 OPEN, SUBJECT TO FINAL READING; LIENS PART OF 2015PART OF 2016 3RD PARTY LIEN TAX, AMT $3,40.95 + SUBSEQUENT TAXES + INTEREST, CERT. # 2015-2241, SOLD ON 12/17/2015, SOLD TO PAT CARABELLESE, MUST CALL PRIOR TO SETTLEMENT FOR REDEMPTION FIGURES; 2015 TAXES SENIOR CITIZEN DEDUCTION DISALLOWED, $250.00 OPEN AND DUE 06/01/2016, CONTACT TAX OFFICE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN & GORDON TEL: 973325-8800 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022859 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-03271-14 BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff(s) vs. TAKASHI KAWACHI Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:00 PM September 1, 2016 415 PALISADE AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07307-1670 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $575,983.84, PLUS the Sher-
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Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication.
Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 812 OCEAN AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07304-2755 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $215,697.79, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 25 FKA 6, BLOCK 19602 DIMENSIONS: 86.00FTX16.04FTX86.00FTX16.04FT NEAREST CROSS STREET: UNION STREET PUSUANT TO 28, U.S.C. SECTION 2410(c), THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO 1 YEAR RIGHT OF REDEMPTION HELD BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY VIRTUE OF ITS LIEN: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS HEREBY NAMED A PARTY DEFENDANT HEREIN FOR ANY LIEN, CLAIM OR INTEREST IT MAY HAVE IN, TO, OR ON THE MORTGAGED PREMISES BY VIRTUE OF THE FOLLOWING MORTGAGE. HENRY SUMTER AND NAOMI SUMTER, H/W TO SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, DATED 12/17/2008 AND RECORDED 01/14/2009 IN BOOK 17246, PAGE 188.TO SECURE $330,000.00. * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PUR-
Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022860 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-032008-13 DITECH FINANCIAL LLC Plaintiff(s) vs. PAOLA DILONE Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 132 WEST 8TH STREET BAYONNE, NJ 07002 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $625,550.21, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT: 21 TAX BLOCK: 285 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: 100' X 25' NEAREST CROSS STREET: AVENUE A * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REA-
Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PLUESE, BECKER & SALTZMAN, LLC TEL: Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022861 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-036491-14 WELLS FARGO BANK Plaintiff(s) vs. BARBARA ANN DANIELS Defendant(s)
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SUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20023216 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-017239-15 BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff(s) vs. HEATHER SIMONE Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 24 AVENUE AT PORT IMPERIAL WEST NEW YORK, NJ 07093 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $707,219.29, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT NO. 8.01 C0211 BLOCK 8.01 FKA 168.01 DIMENSIONS OF LOT: (APPROXIMATELY) CONDO NEAREST CROSS STREET: RIVERBEND * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff KML LAW GROUP, P.C. TEL: 215-627-1322 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016
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Publicidad 33 Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
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COUNTYOFHUDSON SHERIFFFILE#20023217 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-015594-14 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY Plaintiff(s) vs. ATIF SAADI Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 4315 PARK AVENUE UNIT 6C UNION CITY, NJ 07087 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $812,875.13, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT # 33 BLOCK # 253 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: CONDO UNIT NEAREST CROSS STREET: UNKNOWN TAXES: CURRENT THROUGH 1ST QUARTER OF 2016* * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff STERN & EISENBERG, PC TEL: 609-397-9200 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20023219 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-033738-14 VENTURES TRUST 2013-I-H-R BY MCM CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC ITS TRUSTEE Plaintiff(s) vs. MARIA VELASQUEZ Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016
133 HUTTON AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07307 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $698,949.17, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. TAX LOT NO. 14 F/K/A 5.M BLOCK 3702 F/K/A 829 DIMENSIONS OF LOT: (APPROXIMATELY) 25 FEET WIDE BY 101 FEET LONG NEAREST CROSS STREET: SUMMIT AVENUE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff KML LAW GROUP, P.C. TEL: 215-627-1322 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20023222 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-044426-14 HSBC BANK USA, NA AS TRUSTEE FOR NOMURA ASSET ACCEPTANCE CORP MANAGEMENT PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2005-AP3 Plaintiff(s) vs. EDWARD C. OLIVER Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 32 MARTIN LUTHER KING DRIVE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07305-2925 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $531,708.62, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 38 FKA 23.A, BLOCK 26404 FKA 1352
DIMENSIONS: 68.40FTX19.99FTX70.38FTX20.01FT NEAREST CROSS STREET: WARNER AVENUE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20023223 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-029842-15 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Plaintiff(s) vs. HAPPY HUYNH Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 401 UNION STREET JERSEY CITY, NJ 07304 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $311,776.99, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. BLOCK 20501, LOT 12 (FKA BLOCK 1758 LOT 65) DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATELY 25 FEET WIDE BY 90 FEET LONG. NEAREST CROSS STREET: MALLORY AVENUE * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE
MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff STERN LAVINTHAL & FRANKENBERG LLC TEL: 973-797-1100 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20023314 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # F-4117-14 JOHN ACUNTO Plaintiff(s) vs. 677 BERGEN AVENUE ASSOCIATES, LLC, MICHAEL J. ANDALAFT, JOHN AND JANE DOES 1-10 Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 677 BERGEN AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $826,849.46, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. BLOCK 16502, LOT 26, QUALIFIERS C0001, C0002, C0003, C000C LOT SIZE OF THIS PROPERTY 20 X 198.38. CROSS STREET IS FAIRMOUNT AVENUE IN JERSEY CITY. THIS IS A VACANT BUILDING, WHICH CONTAINS PARTIALLY DEVELOPED PROPERTY THAT WILL CONTAIN 3 CONDO APARTMENTS AND ONE COMMERCIAL SPACE. JOHN ACUNTO: $774,611.50 SB MUNI CUSTODIAN C/O LBNJ (C000C) $18,386.28 SB MUNI MUNI CUSTODIAN C/O LBNJ (C0001) $16,790.56 GREGORY JUDGE (C0002) $17,489.60 GREGORY JUDGE (C0003) $17,396.99 TOTAL: 844,674.93 * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PUR-
SUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff LEONARD J. TARANTINO TEL: 201-488-0080 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016 SHERIFFFILE#20022788 SHERIFF'S SALE HUDSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, CHANCERY DIVISION, HUDSON COUNTY DOCKET # f-029373-15 WELLS FARGO BANK Plaintiff(s) vs. RITA ANUSZEWSKI Defendant(s) Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Property Premises By Virtue of the above-stated Writ of Execution, to me directed and delivered, the following described premises will be exposed for sale by public auction at the Office of the Hudson County Sheriff, 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ in Courtroom at 2:30 PM September 1, 2016 44 WEST 44TH STREET BAYONNE, NJ 07002-3016 (The concise description given does not constitute a full legal description. The full legal description can be found at the Office of the Register.) The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the sum of $362,076.36, PLUS the Sheriff's Execution Fees. The successful bidder must present the deposit immediately after the successful bid is made. The deposit paid will be by certified check for at least 20% of the amount bid, from which the Sheriff's Execution Fees will be deducted. The balance of the bid is due and payable within 30 days from the date of the sale with certified or cashier's check, with lawful interest calculated on the unpaid balance from the 11th day after sale. The bidder is responsible for the payment of the Realty Transfer Tax. LOT 37, BLOCK 89 DIMENSIONS: 25.00FTX100.00FTX25.00FTX100.00FT NEAREST CROSS STREET: AVENUE C * SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLANTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/ OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY A RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT PAID. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE MORTGAGEE, THE MORTGAGEE'S ATTORNEY. SURPLUS MONEY:IF AFTER THE SALE AND SATISFACTION OF THE MORTGAGE DEBT, INCLUDING COSTS AND EXPENSES,THERE REMAINS ANY SURPLUS MONEY, THE MONEY WILL BE DEPOSITED INTO THE SUPERIOR COURT TRUST FUND AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING THE SURPLUS, OR ANY PART THEREOF, MAY FILE A MOTION PURSUANT TO COURT RULES 4:64-3 AND 4:572 STATING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THAT PERSON’S CLAIM AND ASKING FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING PAYMENT OF THE SURPLUS MONEY. THE SHERIFF OR OTHER PERSON CONDUCTING THE SALE WILL HAVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SURPLUS IF ANY. Any additional liens and encumbrances or any defects or clouds upon the title of the property, supplied or made known to the sheriff, will be made known at the time of sale. This Notice is subject to the Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff, who reserved the right to adjourn the sale without further notice by publication. Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff Hudson County (201) 795-6300 Ext 7235 Attorney(s) for Plaintiff PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, PC TEL: 856-813-5500 Advertised in CINE & NOVELAS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 8/9/2016, 8/15/2016, 8/22/2016, 8/29/2016
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
Edicion 368 364 || Edicion | Edicion 367
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Edicion 368 |
Cine y Novelas
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Comunidad 35
El Bautizo de Danny Jose Jimenez El bautizo se de Danny Jose Jimenez se efectuo en la Iglesia Ephiphany de Cliffside Park el Domingo 7 de Agosto del 2016. Los padrinos fueron Karlos Alvarado y Marjorie Koestner. Los padres Danny y Milagro Jimenez aparecen en la foto con Danny, Danny Jose Pastor Milardro y Yolanda Estefaro tambien asistieron Gloria Mique, Giovanna Manturano, Carlos Alvaisil y Ernest Manturano.
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas
| Edicion 368
ElPor Ultimo Chinche que vivir lleno de insectos y roedores, sobre todo esos malvados chinches, porque estas lleno de picadas, porque pasar pena exhibiendo esas marcas desagradables en su cuerpo, le recomendamos llamar a Flash Exterminating Co. recuerde después de fumigar si los chinches desean usar mascara de gas, si los chinches se mudan de cama, si se mudan de cuarto, si se mudan de edificio, si se mudan a otro pais quedaran totalmente exterminados, nuestros pesticidas son los mejores.
Economia- Rapidez-Servicio | Residencial | Comercial | Industrial
Cine y Novelas
Beauty 37
Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
| Edicion 368
8 Ways to Treat & Avoid Athlete’s Foot Athlete's footYou don’t have to be an athlete to get athletes foot. Officially known as “tinea pedis,” this uncomfortable condition is a fungal infection that typically causes itchiness between and around toes, scaly or cracked/peeling patches of skin, dryness on the bottoms or sides of feet, and thick, ragged, and/or discolored toenails. More likely to affect men than women, it thrives in a damp environment, and thick, tight, shoes. When your toes are pressed together (usually by shoes) it creates a warm moist area between them that is extremely appealing to the mold-like fungi that causes athletes foot. To sum it up…it’s very unpleasant to deal with. To help you feel comfortable kicking off your socks, and to spare you chemical-laden creams, here are some natural ways to let fungus know it’s not welcome on your feet. 1. RUB ON CORNSTARCH Cornstarch absorbs moisture like nobody’s business. If you brown the cornstarch first so much the better, as that sucks out any moisture that may have been present in it before. You will need… -Roughly ½ cup cornstarch -Warm water -Mild soap -A clean soft towel -An oven or stovetop (optional) Directions Preheat your oven to 325 degrees. Pour a ½ cup of cornstarch, or enough to cover both of your feet when rubbed on, onto a plate and pop in the preheated oven. Bake for only a few minutes, or until it takes on a light brownish color. If you prefer you can pour some cornstarch into a small cooking pot and heat on a stovetop BREIFLY and stirring constantly until it browns slightly. Always keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t burn. Rub the cornstarch onto your feet and toes. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, and brush off with a clean towel. Wash your hands after applying and after brushing off.
out where sandals or open-toed shoes. You may not be keen on the idea of flaunting your feet if they look less-than-appealing, but it may be worth it if it means healing them up faster. 3. USE A PVPI SOAK Povidone-iodine (PVPI) is more commonly known by its main brand name, Betadine. It is a chemical complex used to treat and prevent infection in wounds. It is also used for the prevention of treatment of skin infections, and is an effective bactericide. Expanding from that, it is helpful to combat yeasts, molds, and fungi, among other things. The key word here is fungi-like the kind causing your athletes foot. Soaking your feet in Betadine can help get rid of it. Note: If you are pregnant, do not attempt this remedy. You will need… -Poviodone-iodine (or PVPI) -A large bowl or basin -Warm water -Clean towel -Hairdryer (optional) Directions Fill a bowl or basin large enough to comfortably soak your feet with one quart of warm water, and add 2 capfuls of PVPI into it. Soak your feet 2 times day for 20 minutes each (a total of 40 minutes a day) and make sure to dry them completely afterwards. 4. DUNK THEM IN HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Hydrogen peroxide is ideal for killing off bacteria and fungus, so soaking your feet in it can help clear up the little buggers that are making you so dang uncomfortable. It will also help with any fungus that may be clinging around or under your nail as well. Just remember that it can sting, and this may be especially true if you have cracked skin. You will need… -1 pint 3% hydrogen peroxide -1 gallon of clean, distilled water -Spray bottle (optional)
2. LET ‘EM BREATHE! The key is to remember that a warm, moist, environment attracts fungi. Go barefoot when you’re not in a moist environment, and if possible when going Si quieres saber mas de Belleza escribenosa Cine y Novelas E-MAIL: cineynovelasnj@gmail.com
38 Home Remedies Del 15 al 31 de Agosto del 2016
Cine y Novelas |
Edicion 368
Ways to Get Rid of Gas & Bloating where natural bacteria feasts on it. As a by-product of their munching they produce a variety of gases, which produces a whole range of problems for us. Pumpkin is helpful because it can reduce the amount of gas created. Eat along with any meal to nip your problem in the bud.
as let’s be straightforward. This is a page about gas, so, that’s what it’s going to sound like it’s about. No dancing around the subject matter, no putting things tentatively, no shame, no giggling…ok a little giggling is fine. Call it whatever, gas, toots, breaking wind, farting, flatulence, air attack, the nether belch-we’re all referring to the same uncomfortable situation that crops up at the worst time-during a test in a silent room, or in a crowded elevator. Usually harmless, intestinal gas can be uncomfortable in more ways than one, and is a symptom rather than an illness itself. Because there are so many possible causes there are many ways to treat it, and you can usually find relief with simple natural remedies. 1. Drink some peppermint tea Peppermint is great for soothing churning stomachs and easing gas pains. Its essential oil contains menthol, which has an antispasmodic effect of the smooth muscle of the digestive track. It also soothes nerves, and therefore can soothe stomachs that really feel the effect of nervousness and stress. Drink a cup after dinner to help keep things moving slowly. You will need… -1 bag of herbal peppermint tea -1 cup or so of freshly boiled water Directions Steeping tea seems like something that’s simple enough, but there’s a proper way to go about it. We often times let the tea bag sit in the water for several minutes, then pull the bag and drink the liquid. This doesn’t allow all the goodness of the tea to infuse thoroughly, and we’re shorting ourselves a good chunk of the benefits. After you boil your water, pour it over the tea bag in a mug, and then cover the mug (a plate works fine.) Let it sit for a full 10-15 minutes. Remove the cover and take out the tea bag, squeezing it to get out every last bit of the healing mixture. If it’s too hot to grab, press it against the side of the mug with a spoon. Sip, relax, and enjoy. 2. Let ‘em loose My first day in 9th grade I was terribly bloated for some reason. The whole day I held it all in, despite my stomach bubbling angrily. When I got off the bus at the end of the day to walk home I am pretty sure I made it back in half my usual time, powered by a self-made jet pack. The moral of the story: if you have gas, try not to hold it in. This isn’t always possible of course, but if you could nab a moment to yourself or run to the bathroom you’ll do yourself a favor. The air has to come out some way, and it’s only going to build up and get worse if you hold it in.
3. Ginger is a tummy tamer Whether you’re nauseas, struggling with the stomach flu, or suffering from indigestion, chances are you’ve been given ginger in some form to help calm your upset tummy. It is capable of performing its wonders because of several different chemical components it possesses. Two chemicalsgingerols and shgaols- relax the intestinal track and ease any inflammation, while the root in its entirety act as a carminative-that is it prevents the formation of excess gas, or helps expel it. You will need… - 1 fresh gingerroot -A grater (optional) -1 cup of boiling water, if making tea -Lemon and honey (optional) Directions There are several ways to make gingerroot tea but for gas, we liked this one. Get a medium sized piece of raw gingerroot that looks nice and fresh. Scrub it clean, much like a potato, under warm water. Slice 4-6 thin quarter sized pieces and place them in a large mug. Add a touch of honey or lemon if you like, and then pour very hot water over the
You will need… -Around a cup of pumpkin, baked, steamed, or broiled OR whip up a different pumpkin recipe Directions Eat approximately 1 cup of pumpkin with your meal to ward off gas. You can have it baked, steamed, or broiled, or whip up a recipe all your own.
slices. Don’t let it boil-turn off the kettle just before or immediately afterwards. Cover and steep for 10 minutes before enjoying. Drink a cup before or after a meal to help with digestion. Another way to reap the benefits of ginger is to eat a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger before meals, or nibble a root throughout the day. 4. Crunch on caraway For centuries caraway has been used to give trapped gas in the digestive track a little shove out the back door. In England from the Middle Ages onward, it has been reported to help gas “caused by wind trapped in the body.” Of course air is only part of it but, if you find yourself puffing up from too much trapped gas, munching on a small handful of caraway seeds straight, or caraway crackers if the taste is too strong, might help. You will need… -a pinch of caraway seeds OR several caraway crackers Directions When you feel bloated and you’re unable to pass gas, eat a pinch of caraway seeds or a few caraway crackers. If you suffer from regular bloating due to gas, try eating a pinch every morning until you feel you no longer need to. 5. Drink chamomile tea If peppermint doesn’t suit your fancy, or doesn’t seem to work for you, chamomile is a good route to go. In Germany, a place where herbal treatments are used more frequently than in the west, they call chamomile alles zutraut which translates to “capable of anything,” because it is so useful. Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and just plain relaxing, chamomile can help with gas due to indigestion as well as heartburn, whereas peppermint is better for gas caused solely by indigestion. You will need… -1 bag of chamomile tea -1 cup or so of freshly boiled water -honey or lemon juice (optional) Directions Boil approximately 1 cup of water and pour over tea bag. Cover the mug, and let the tea steep for a full 10-15 minutes. Squeeze the bag to get out all the last bits of goodness, and add a bit of honey and lemon if you like. Avoid milk, which tends to trigger gas. 6. Eat pumpkin Gas is usually caused by improper food digestion, which is why high fiber foods (like beans) often times create some issues with flatulence. Fiber is hard for us to digest, so it passes through our gut in bulk. When food does not break down in the small intestine, it goes into the large intestine
7. Activate yourself Activated charcoal has helped a number of people with their gas, although no exact reason is known. It is thought that it’s because the activated charcoal is porous (its created like regular charcoal, but oxidized with hot steam or air that makes it develop pores) and these internal spaces are good at trapping chemicals, which is why it is used in the case of drug overdoses. One could apply the same train of thought to excess gas given off by bacteria in our intestines. If you want to see if this could be effective for you, talk to your doctor and read the dosing on the back of the packaging. There is powder, capsule, and tablet form.
8. Chew food thoroughly Gas is created, in most cases, by food that we’re having a hard time breaking down. If you chew your food thoroughly you’ll digest it faster, and it will pass through your body with ease. That means it’s not sitting your intestines causing more and more gas that builds up and needs to be expelled.
9. Drink warm lemon water A glass of warm lemon water every morning keeps the doctor away. It may not sound as good as “an apple a day” but it’s still a helpful habit. Lemon is good for you in a number of ways, including lending a hand when it comes to easing your gas pain. The acidity in lemon stimulates the production of HCL (hydrochloric acid) which is what breaks down our food. More HCL = food breaking down more efficiently = less bloating and gas. The water flushes your system and keeps your digesting tract moving along smoothly. This mixture also works as a mighty fine way to detoxify your entire body, because the lemon helps the livers enzymes work more efficiently. You will need… -3 fresh lemon wedges OR 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice -A cup of water Directions When you wake up in the morning, before you eat and when you have an empty stomach, warm up one cup of water. It doesn’t need to be hot-just nice and toasty warm. Cut 3 slices of fresh lemon and squeeze the juice into the water. Give it a little stir and drink the whole glass. If you don’t have fresh lemon, substitute it with a tablespoon or so of lemon juice. You can adjust the amount of lemon you add, really, just make sure the water is cloudy.
10. Whip your diet into shape Many of the foods we eat today, particularly in western culture, just spell trouble. Caffeine laden beverages, sugary sweets, fatty fried foods, and a number of other unsavory edibles mean that your doom is imminent. And by doom I mean having to pass gas in a crowded elevator that’s stopping at every floor. While it is without a doubt best to avoid these unhealthy triggers, healthy foods like beans and broccoli can cause gas too, thanks to their high fiber content. You can try to limit yourself when it comes to healthy culprit foods, but really focus on the unhealthy ones. You’ll feel better overall, and if you’re gassy, at least you know its natural gas…
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