JCMFanpage juancitymarket Vol. 9 No. 04 April 2019
Marikina City
he 2019 Philippine general election will be conducted on May 13, 2019. It shall be a midterm election, where the winners will take office on June 30, 2019. As a fully participating citizen of this country, we are encouraged to do our part and vote. Here are a few tips to make sure your voting experience goes wisely. TEN: There are 12 slots for senators. If there are only 6 candidates who qualify based on your beliefs, vote them instead of filling up all 12 slots. NINE: Do not be swayed by the popularity of a candidate. In its place, be aware of the candidate’s platforms which can benefit the country.
EIGHT: Be cautious of candidates who are against political dynasty without offering any solution to solve the country’s problems. SEVEN: Be careful of candidates who espouse to eliminate poverty devoid of specifics. SIX: A candidate for Senator who doesn’t want to engage in debates during the lawmaking process could be intellectually incapable to be a lawmaker. FIVE: Be wise in selecting local candidates as they will govern your dwelling place for the next 3 years. FOUR: Do not vote for a candidate just because s/he is most likely to win. page 2 THREE: Decide if the
Marikina City
Vol. 9 No. 03 March 2019
Election Day Tips Y
“ ou can’t be successful in business without taking risks. It’s really that simple.” -Adena Friedman
“ hen you find an idea that you just can’t stop thinking about, that’s probably a good one to pursue.” - Josh James
from page 1
candidate you’re voting for is worthy enough as part of your earnings goes to paying your tax. TWO: Be patriotic by educating gullible voters. ONE: Election Day can be considered a “great equalizer” as each person is only allowed to vote once, regardless of social standing or intellectual capacity. So vote wisely.
“ reat things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” -Steve Jobs
“ ailure defeats losers, failure inspires winners.” - Robert T. Kiyosaki What is Juan City Market?
“ e content to act, and leave the talking to others.” - Baltasa
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Marikina City
Vol. 9 No. 03 March 2019
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