2 minute read

Summary Section 1. Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1 Basic principles of the



Visual Identity


The general image of an organization constitutes a state of public opinion, as a result of the set of communications that this one emits, of its administrative management and of its behavior towards the diverse publics. indifferent or negative visual idendity, reinforces the general image and its philosophy is based on the principle that a complex organization with a certain degree of diversity, such as the project, needs to specify its identity on visual symbolic forms, since only a set of signs properly defined and coordinated among themselves, are capable of achieving a code to replace the complexity of the body.

In short, it is about creating a visual code, from a series of information that are not of a visual nature, but of concept and personality of

These factors generate The technique of a Visual conscious and unconscious Identity Program is to first associations, memories, establish specific signs, values and attributes that in and then develop the time form psychological structure of its application images in people's minds, to all communication media creating favorable, that the body uses. the project. attitudes towards the The Visual Identity Program organism. of the WYVERN Advisory project, has been realized But an corporation, in with the objective of addition to its management creating a harmonic, and performance, must be coordinated and experirecognized by a visual mental visual image, which image that identifies it, presupposes a stable link in personalizing their all the manifestations and communications to citizens. competences of the project This visual image, called sions. as such its future expan-

This volume consists of 4 sections, the first sections deal with design standards and configurations of the base elements (sign, logo and main brand), corporative colors, corporative images and typography to be used. The later sections explain the rules of application of these elements to different media.

The correct application of the rules presented here will contribute to an orderly dissemination of the visual image representative of the WYVERN Advisory project, the main objective of this Visual Identity Program.

When it is necessary to design any support, for internal or external use, not contemplated in this Manual, the project must be submitted to the responsible approval of the person in charge of the Visual Identity Program, before tackling its realization.

The basic elements of the Visual Identity, are known by the following technical names, whose definitions are provided below:


It is a graphic that acts as an emblem and whose visualization should be sufficient for the recognition of the entity.


A logotype is the verbal form of the entity represented graphically by a specific font that characterizes it, establishing identification in the minds of people.

Main brand

It is the visual set taken by the sign and the logo, graphic combination that forms the main institutional representation.

Institutional Colors

It is the fact that intensifies the aspects of perception of the graphic elements contributing to create a chromatic personality of the entity. Descriptor

It is the verbal form of the entity where it describes the activity of the company (being figurative or abstract) that is represented graphically by a specific type of letter that characterizes it.

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