Work sample

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2010 sense of place

sarasota, fl



evoloskyscraper tower osmose linfen, china

Juan Felipe Sanchez


megablock personalized megascale Ć&#x;anjin china


Ava Restaurant Flags of origins


Ava Restaurant Flags of origins


Lo design Studio


Morrison Housing rjt+r


Skycourts Studio

Tower Collage Pro Mar n Gunderson UF

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Dwelling textures

Habitad enviroments Chicago



Thesis interior perspec ve Barcelona , Spain



Dwelling sec on

Thesis longitudinal site sec on Barcelona, Spain


2012 site model Thesis

Spa al purpose

Barcelona, Spain

Body+Material The hand cra ed chair is the result of a series of studies and movements that were documented through sketching the independent body postures. The chair extrapolates on each posture movements through the performance. The piece is fabricated with thin layers of plywood glued together, clamped to the mold holding the layers in the shape of the chair. Although this is a prototype, the design exceeded the expecta ons for usage and durability, it can hold up to 300 pounds and. the shape makes a truly comfortable piece of furniture and relates to the human body.

Three-Dimensional map of sound (3d prinĆ&#x;ng) The sound surface analysis yields a three dimensional form, the treatment of the surface makes it a remarkable element can be used for many purposes. The surface can be used to redirect sound in dierent direc ons, and to eliminate or amplify sound. Complex treatment of light on the surface, in a more expressive manner.



Dwelling textures

Habitad enviroments Chicago


Lo design Studio

VisualizaƟon My experience as a freelance designer enriched my communica on and interac on skills. The procedure is endless, always intent to have a clear explanaon and execu on of ideas, and making the effort deliver a sensi ve approach evoking life and emoƟon on each impression.


Paramslab1 Studio


34 Peachtree facade renova on Paraline

Developing an alternaƟve plan for development based on Landscape and Ecology as Urbanism Strategies This 14 week urban design studio held during the spring 2011 was framed through proposing an alterna ve form of development to the current proposal for the Tianjin eco-city through a framework of landscape and ecology as urbanism. Much development currently occurring in China is pu ng massive pressure of development onto the exis ng ecological and cultural landscapes. Ci es are literally popping up out of the landscape, as China shi s from being 80% rural to 80% urban, a figure being projected by some as happening by 2050. This is par cularly significant for a country which was predominantly agricultural, and where the majority of the popula on s ll lives in rural loca ons. Emerging new models such as those in Chengdu are beginning to look at one based on urban-rural integra on, in the “modern garden city” model derived from that of Ebenezeer Howard’s garden city model from 1910. Other models have included “eco-ci es” and low-carbon ci es.

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