SPIRALIA HOUSE The concept behind this project was to create a building which would describe a spiral like shape formed by straight lines on it’s front facade which progressively encloses within itself, and at the same time tilts towards it’s front, generating a cantilever that increases gradually, making its upper floor stand out little by little over its ground floor. All of this alongside it’s large glazed facades provide a great perception of lightness to the building, which if observed from the front part seems to be almos floating freely in space. The only element that stands out as a solid on this vast transparency and lightness in the front facade is the central volume in which houses the main access door to the, the rear exit door which connects with the garden at the back, and inside the hose the stairwells, acting as a nucleus of vertical communications between the different levels, also passing through the roof slab, and giving access to a large terrace at the top of the house.