OUR CLASSMATES’ DESCRIPTIONS Intxaurrondo Hegoa Primary School 2015-2016 School Year
He is medium height and slim. His hair is short, wavy and blond. His eyes are blue. He has got a small nose and a medium-size mouth. He's wearing a blue and white T-shirt, a pair of dark blue tracksuit trousers, a pair of grey socks and a pair of blue trainers.
By Aiala Primary 6
He has got short blond hair with a toupee, mediumsized brown eyes and a small nose and small mouth. He is medium height. He has a white and black t-shirt of Billabong, blue jeans and a pair of black trainers and blue and white socks with orange letters. He has a Real Sociedad jumper and a red sweater.
By Aitor Primary 6
MY DESCRIPTION I'm medium height and slim. I've got short, straight and blond hair. My nose is normal, my eyes are medium size and blue. My mouth is medium-sized. I'm wearing a light blue t-shirt, dark blue trausers, grey socks and blue shoes.
DESCRIPTION He has got short toupee hair and the hair color is blond. He is mediumheight and slim, his eyes are brown, his nose is small and the mouth is medium-sized. He has a white and black t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of blue shoes.
By Amaia Primary 6
DESCRIPTION He has blond hair and blue eyes, his nose is small and the mouth is medium-size. He has got a blue and white t-shirt, the trousers are dark blue and the shoes are blue (Kalenji brand).
By Amaia Primary 6
MY DESCRIPTION I'm medium height and slim. I've got short, straight and blond hair. My nose is normal, my eyes are medium size and blue. My mouth is medium-sized. I'm wearing a light blue t-shirt, dark blue trausers, grey socks and blue shoes.
I´ve got short straight brown hair, a mediumsized mouth, a medium-sized nose and big green eyes. I'm wearing a grey t-shirt, blue pants and grey trainers.
By Aroa Primary 6
DESCRIPTION I'm medium height and slim. My hair is long wavy and brown. I have brown eyes. I'm wearing a grey jumper, a pair of black boots, a white and red t-shirt and black trousers.
By Eider Primary 6
MY DESCRIPTION I´m a boy. I´m medium height and slim. My hair is short, straight and dark. I´ve got a small nose, small dark eyes, and a medium-sized mouth. I´m wearing blue trousers, a black and yellow sweatshirt, black shoes and yellow soccer trainers.
By Eneko Primary 6
DESCRIBING MYSELF I'm tall and slim. My hair is short straight and brown. My eyes are brown. I'm wearing a brown and yellow t-shirt, a colourful pair of shorts, a pair of blue socks and a pair of red, black and grey trainers.
By Izan Primary 6
I'm medium height and slim. I've got medium length curly brown hair, a medium sized nose, big brown eyes and a small mouth. I'm wearing a green t-shirt, green shorts, a pair of blue, green and grey socks and a green and black tracksuit.
By Jon C. Primary 6
I'm medium height and slim. My hair is short, straight and brown. My eyes are brown and medium-sized and my mouth is medium sized. My t-shirt is white, green and black. I'm wearing black trousers. My socks are grey. My shoes are grey and orange.
DESCRIPTION She has got long wavy brown hair, a small nose, big brown eyes and a medium-size mouth. She's tall and thin. She's wearing blue jeans and brown boots and a grey t-shirt.
By Julen Primary 6
I'm tall and slim. My hair is long, wavy and brown. I have brown eyes, medium sized nose and a big mouth. I'm wearing a pair of leggings, a top and brown socks.
By Leire Primary 6
DESCRIPTION He has got short straight brown hair, a medium-size nose, medium-size brown eyes and a medium-size mouth. He's wearing a white, green and black t-shirt, a pair of black trousers and a pair of orange, grey and black football boots. By Naiara Primary 6
She's has got long straight brown and fair hair, a normal nose, big green eyes and a medium size mouth. She's slim. She's wearing a black ankle boots, a T-shirt of many colors, blue jeans and a gray jacket.
By Nerea Primary 6
DESCRIBING ME I´m medium height and thin, my hair is medium size straight and brown and my eyes are green. I’m wearing a tracksuit jacket and tracksuit trousers. I have basketball shoes and a “Real Sociedad” T-shirt.
By Omar Primary 6
I am short and slim. My hair is short and fair. I`ve got grey eyes, a small nose, the eyes big and a medium-sized mouth. I’m wearing a navy blue tracksuit, a red t-shirt, black socks and white shoes.
By Unai Primary 6
Descriptions He’s medium height. He has got short brown hair, light brown eyes and white teeth. He's wearing a white t-shirt and black trousers. He’s medium height. He has got a curly long hair. He has got light brown eyes, a brown t-shirt, brown trousers and green socks.
By Xanti, Primary 6