2015 Edition
World Cuisine
|Primary 5
Boiled chicken .....................................................................4 Chips ...................................................................................5 Condensed milk ..................................................................6 French omelette (Plain omelette) .................................7 & 8 Hamburgers .........................................................................9 Hot Dog .......................................................................10 & 11 Potato omelette .................................................................12 Salads ....................................................................13,14 & 15 Scallop (US)/ Escalope (UK)................................................16 Tomato Salad .....................................................................17 Torrija (French Toast) ........................................................18
INGREDIENTS: -Chicken ( two) -Oil (75ml) -Water (½ litre) UTENSILS: -Pan. -Plate. -Frying pan. -Knife. -Fork. INSTRUCTIONS: First of all add the water in a pan and boil. Then add the oil. After that, add the chicken in a pan. Finally your chicken is ready to eat. By Aitor 4
Chips Serves: 2/3 Ingredients: ·3 potatoes ·Some olive oil ·Salt Utensils: ·Frying pan ·Wooden spatula ·Plate Instructions: First of all peel the potatoes. Then put the frying pan in the fire. After that, check the potatoes in the fire and mix. Next remove them from the frying pan and let cool. Finally put some salt in the potatoes. ENJOY YOUR MEAL!
By Leire
Condensed milk recipe Ingredients: -sugar (1/2 kilo) -milk (one litre)
Utensils: -A rod -A Tupperware -A measuring jug Instructions: First of all pour a litre of milk to the measuring jug. Then put half a kilo of sugar. After that, stir well with the rod. Next you pour it into an elongated Tupperware. Finally you put it in the refrigerator and leave it for one hour. ENJOY YOUR MEAL!!!!!!!
By Amaia 6
FRENCH OMELETTE (Plain Omelette) INGREDIENTS: Two eggs Some oil A pinch of salt
UTENSILS: A frying pan
INSTRUCTIONS: First of all put the frying pan on the stove. Then pour some oil into the frying pan. After that, heat the oil. Next break the egg and put it on the frying pan. Finally take the fried egg from the pan. Enjoy your meal!
By Julen 7
French omelette (plain omelette)
SERVES: 2 Ingredients: ·Two eggs ·Salt ·Oil
Utensils ·Pan ·Oil bottle ·Dish Instructions: First of all put the pan on the cooker. Then you pour some oil onto the pan. After that you let it warm up for a few minutes. Next you put the eggs to make the French omelette. Finally, after a few minutes, you put the omelette on a plate. Enjoy your meal! 8
By Younes
Hamburgers recipe Ingredients:
·Hamburger. ·Bread. ·Ketchup. ·Salad. ·Tomato. ·Salt
Utensils: ·Frying pan. ·Spatula. Instructions (how to make it): First of all put the meat on frying pan. Then you turn the burgers over. After that, put the bread in the frying pan until the bread is golden. Next remove the bread from the frying pan. Finally in the bread put the tomato, ketchup, salt and meat. Enjoy your meal! BY AROA 9
HOT DOG RECIPE SERVES: 4 INGREDIENTS: ·1 onion ·Some vinegar ·Some ketchup ·Four sausages ·4 hot dog buns · Tomato paste UTENSILS: ·Knives ·Fork ·Spatula ·Frying pan INSTRUCTIONS: First of all cut the onions. Then put them on a pan with a little olive oil and let it fry. Next put in sausages vinegar and tomato paste and cook a little. After that, cut the hot dog bread in half. Next put the sausages in the hot dog bread and add some onion sauce. Serve in 4 plates and... ENJOY YOUR MEAL! By Eneko 10
Hot dog Serves: 1 Ingredients: One sausage Bread Oil
Utensils: A toaster A frying pan A fork or a spatula Instructions: First of all put some oil in the frying pan. Next put the sausage on the frying pan. Then cut the bread and put it in the toaster. After that, stop the toaster. Next pick up the sausage. Finally put the sausage in the bread. Enjoy your meal!
By Gaizka
POTATO OMELETTE Serves: 2 or 3 Ingredients: -2 or 3
potatoes. -2 onions. -1 green pepper. -8 eggs. -Extra virgin olive oil.
Utensils: -A -A -A -A
frying pan plate fork knife
Instructions: First of all peel two or three potatoes. Next we cut them into small pieces. Then we take a little oil.
After that we take two eggs and beat them on a plate. Next add a little salt. Finally we mix everything and cook it on a frying pan on both sides.
Enjoy your meal! By Aiala 12
Salad recipe Serves: 1 Ingredients: -One lettuce. -One tomato. -Some olives. -A pinch of salt. -Some olives. -Some vinegar. Utensils: -One bowl. -One fork to eat. -One knife. Instructions (how to make it): -First of all cut the lettuce. -Then cut the tomato. -After that add the olives. -Next pour the vinegar, salt and the oil. -Finally serve the salad on the plate.
Enjoy your meal!
By Eider
SALAD RECIPE Serves: 3 Ingredients: Lettuce Tomato Vinegar Salt Utensils: A fork A bowl Ingredients: First of all clean the lettuce. Then chop the tomatoes. After that, put the lettuce and tomatoes on a plate. Next put some salt and vinegar onto the salad. Finally mix the salad. Enjoy your meal!
By Jon G. 14
·Tomato ·Olives ·Onion ·Cauliflower ·Olive oil ·Cucumber UNTENSILS: ·Bowl ·Fork ·Knife INSTRUCTIONS First of all put the tomato, olives, onion, cauliflower , olive oil, cucumber. Then put some salt into the bowl. After that, pour some oil. Next mix the salad. Finally your salad is ready to eat.
SCALLOP (U.S.)/ ESCALOPE (U.K.) Ingredients: one egg, salt, ground pepper, one tablespoon of cream, lemon wedges, some parsley, breadcrumbs, one tablespoon Utensils: A frying pan A spatula A fork A plate Instructions: 1.Season the scallops. 2.Beat the egg, add one teaspoon of oil, salt and pepper (very little). 3. Coats the scallops with breadcrumbs, spread with melted butter and warm for a while. 4.Put the scallops on the frying pan and grill them on both sides. By Unai 16
Tomato salad SERVES: ½ INGREDIENTS: 2 tomatoes Olive oil A quarter of onion Parsley Salt
UTENSILS: *A knife *A wooden spoon
INSTRUCTIONS: First of all cut the tomatoes into small pieces, as well as the onion and parsley. Then put everything in a bowl. After that, add some salt and olive oil. Next add parsley. Finally remove all. Enjoy your meal!
By Leire and Omar
Bread Milk Eggs Sugar
Utensils: .A blowtorch .A plate .A fork
Instructions: First of all slice four pieces of bread. Then pour some milk to soak them. After that, put some flour on a plate and beat the eggs. Then put the slices of bread on the flour and the beaten eggs. Next burn them slightly with the blowtorch. Finally sugar the slices of bread. They are ready to eat.