Introductory mailer from Don Wagner

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Wagner for Assembly 2010 3943 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 504 Irvine, CA 92602

D on Wa g n e r f or S tat e A s se m bly

T h e P r o v e n C o n s e r vat i v e

I ’m Republican Don Wagner. As your representative, I will vote to: 3 Cut spending 3 Fight new taxes 3 End illegal immigration OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENTS California Republican Assembly Republican Taxpayer’s Association

3 D efend traditional American values

Family Action PAC Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Hugh Hewitt, Conservative Radio Host

~Don Wagner

Conservative Don Wagner for State Assembly Balancing Budgets. Stopping New Taxes. Standing Up for Our Values.

Don Wagner: Elected Education Leader Balanced over $2 Billion in Public Budgets with No New Taxes A s the President of our local community college board, Don Wagner has passed balanced budget after balanced budget, paid off past debts, grown reserves, and did it all without raising taxes or issuing bonds. A s our Assemblyman, Wagner will help fix the problems in Sacramento by demanding balanced budgets and fighting new taxes. He will demand the kind of balanced budgets he helped pass on the Community College Board - budgets balanced with spending cuts not new or higher taxes.

Don Wagner: Conservative Constitutional Attorney A Track Record of Defending our Traditional American Values hen Americans United for Separation of Church and State sued to prevent the W traditional prayer before public meetings, Don Wagner took them on in court, protecting our religious rights. A s our Assemblyman, Don Wagner will continue to fight the liberals who run down our American history and heritage. He’s proven he’s not afraid to stand up against the ‘politically correct’ crowd and that he can beat them!


It’s time we started electing principled conservatives to office, not politicians who will say anything to get elected. Don Wagner isn’t afraid to stand up to liberals when it counts. ~Conservative Radio Host Hugh Hewitt

W a g n e r F o r A s s e m b ly. c o m Paid for by Wagner for Assembly 2010. FPPC #1320958

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