Friends of Steve Jones for Garden Grove City Council ID#: 1300173 11542 Montclair Drive Garden Grove, California 92841
PRST STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit #772 Santa Ana, CA
City Councilmember
Steve Jones For Garden Grove! Garden Grove City
Councilmember Steve Jones is endorsed by our Garden Grove Police Officers Association Garden Grove Firefighters Association Steve Jones was born and raised in Garden Grove he understands the needs of our residents. Steve knows how much community and our small town atmosphere means to all of us. City Councilmember Steve Jones and his wife, Manivone chose to raise their two children, two year old Jaden and two month old Ashton in our town because he appreciates that Garden Grove has become a vital community for families. Steve Jones earned an MBA in Finance from USC and understands the value of education to a community. Steve has owned and operated a successful local business since 2001. His record on our City Council proves that he supports a vibrant business community.
You may contact Steve Jones at: Telephone: 714-537-9299 email: website:
Steve Jones served for seven years on our Planning Commission. Steve focused on encouraging new quality residential development and expanding our commercial tax base. He protected our neighborhoods from traffic congestion and made them cleaner and safer. Councilmember Steve Jones has shown that he has the best interests of Garden Grove in his decision making and has earned our vote for a 2nd term this November 4th.
Elect Steve Jones November 4th!
A Record Of Accomplishment!
Steve Jones Garden Grove City Councilmember Garden Grove City Councilmember Steve Jones has earned the support of our friends and neighbors because of his work to keep our community safe. Steve Jones has kept his pledge to listen to all of the concerns of Garden Grove residents when he makes decisions on our City Council. Steve Jones has been a leader in the effort to revitalize our business community and improve the quality of life we expect from our home town. Vote for Steve Jones on November 4th!
Councilmember Steve Jones has been an effective leader on our Council. Steve Jones will continue his work and focus on the following:
! FAMILY ENVIRONMENT: Continue to support our police, fire and paramedics. Public safety is paramount. Our public safety professionals are succeeding in their fight to eliminate gangs, crime, domestic violence, and graffiti. ! QUALITY OF LIFE: Championed an overlay zone to attract biotechnology and bio-medical companies, increasing employment, higher paying jobs, and our favorite retailers to locate in our City. ! PARKS: Supported the building of a new dog park, adding recreational equipment at the Senior Center, and planning other facilities including a competitive swimming pool and a skate park. ! TRAFFIC CONGESTION: Key supporter of traffic mitigation, worked to create smart streets, linking signals, and widening streets and turn lanes to help ease traffic. ! ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Supported Our “International West” vision along Harbor Boulevard producing 2,800 hotel rooms, adding over $12 million in annual revenue to the city. The Plan includes more hotels, a themed water park, destination dining and entertainment venues, and the opportunity to bring a world class theme park and professional sports team our City.
“The Jones family is here to stay! I pledge to make Garden Grove a better place to live, work and play. Lets work together to keep our town moving forward!”
Steve Jones Garden Grove City Councilmember
VOTE Steve Jones For Garden Grove City Council