JUB Holland Lanscape booklet English

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JU B HOL L AN D “ t he b est of natu re, for more tha n 10 0 y ea rs” We are Royal Supplier of Colour. Our bulbs are colourful, we are colourful; the fourth generation of a tight-knit family business, JUB Holland. On flat, fertile landscapes in the Netherlands, we grow the most beautiful flower bulbs. We design bulb plantings in cities - on roadsides, in parks and on roundabouts. We have been passionate since 1910. And… the great thing is, a hundred years later, we can call ourselves Purveyors to the Royal Court of the Netherlands. A great honour. We are an award winning international bulb company where 40 people are working with the best of nature every day. Unique tulips, exclusive dahlias and miscellaneous bulbs. All in all, our company adds a multitude of colour to the environment. In our nursery our bulbs are growing as sustainably as possible. Nature has always been the basis of our success. Our passion for bulbs has been our drive for generations

obbert,, Jaap-Jan,, aRnk& Dolph Fr J UB HOLL AN D | p . 3

1 9 1 0 T he st a r t of t he comp any in O e g st g e e st in t he Net he rl a nds


2 010 Aw a rd c e r e mo ny Ro y a l S u ppl ie r

197 5 Warehous e i n Noordwi jke rhout ( NL )

1989 O ur s how g ard en a t Keuken hof near t he Queen Juli an a J U B HOLLAN D | p . 4

p avi lli on

1991 R ud olph i n t he t r act or d ur i n g our first plant i n g pr oj ect at Schi phol Ai r p ort

19 66 Ta kin g of f t he f lo w e r s in t he f ie l d

2 017 W in ne r s of t he “ Hor t ic u lt u r a l E nt r e pr e ne u r Pr iz e ”

1 9 9 0 Fir s t mech anic al pl a nt i ng pr o j e ct i n Haarlem

2 018 W in ne r s ‘ G r o w e r of t he Ye a r ’

J U B HOL LAN D | p.5

Ve r s a t i l i t y

Of JUB Holland



We hence

L We






J U B HOLLAN D | p .6









S our



E own about



nursery, bulbs






H We


B are




Tulips’ and produc

C Do


T you










S the

winter? Good chance they are ours!

R We more

I of






ce new tulip varieties

T the














E supply

Y E AR - R O U N D

At JUB Holland A



T this




N the

flower bulbs are planted at our nursery and for forcing. Professional



out ambitious planting projects and also consumers roll up their sleeves to enjoy the most beautiful tulips, daffodils and crocuses in Spring








E in

R the

Autumn, the bulbs undergo the necessary cold period. The tulips are already in bloom in our greenhouses! These are being sold via auction. The summer flowering bulbs are also getting prepacked. J U B HOLLAN D | p .8

Outside first













This is our favourite time of year, the hard work now gets rewarded. The bulbs are in full bloom and add colour to cities, parks and gardens. In



nursery, and


tulips, are

coming into bloom. Every year it is a beautiful sight and even we still get positively surprised!


Summer S






The bulbs are lifted at the beginning of the summer. This is an exciting time because, until that point, we cannot really see whether or not it will be a good crop. The summer




as dahlias and gladioli, are also in bloom. In the meanready for the sales season.

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time, our sales team is getting

BIODIVERSITY Successful collaborations with Buglife, the British and Dutch Beekeepers Associations and the Butterfly Foundation, has resulted in an extensive range of bulb mixtures that are attractive to bees and butterflies. These mixtures are an important link in

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the development of nature.

J U B & s ust ain abilit y At t ent i on for the environ ment We are proud of our recent environmental

In addition to sustainably grown bulbs,

certificate ‘PlanetProof’, which has been

JUB Holland also supplies organic bulbs

established in collaboration with various

under SKAL, an independent organisation

environmental organisations. By achiev-

which supervises organic production.

ing this, JUB Holland took a pioneering

Increased colour and biodiversity in green

role within the sector.

areas are two aspects of the green policy of various cities. That is why councils are

Our company is MPS-A and NL-Green

planting more and more bulbs and every

label certified and was one of the first

Spring hundreds of thousands of bulbs

companies to get certified for PlanetProof.

colour the roadsides, public gardens and

PlanetProof meets "Environmental criteria

parks. Green space in the city or village is

for the sustainable purchasing of green

an important issue.

facilities", as published by PIANOo. With PlanetProof, local authorities are

Planting JUB’s biodiversity bulb mixtures

given a wide choice when purchasing sus-

will result in higher numbers of bees and

tainable bulbs. JUB’s flower bulbs make a

butterflies, which will increase the

very important contribution to biodiversity

pollination of many plants.

and provide a very colourful and refreshing For more information, visit jubholland.nl/en/sustainability

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start to Spring.

Flower designer app I n n ova t i o n Crea t i vit eit i s ou r stren ght Since the start of our company in 1910,

Designer App, which offers a unique

innovation is our daily business. Having

opportunity to visualise future plantings.

our own nursery means that we have vast

It is also possible to share the design with

bulb knowledge within JUB. We use this

your customers. The JUB specialists are

knowledge to develop our own

happy to advise on the many possibilities


and applications of our App.

25 years ago we built a planting machine

For more information, visit jubholland.nl/

that can easily plant flower bulbs in


existing lawns or roadsides. This way we can plant large numbers of bulbs in a short time. In addition to mechanical planting, we reJ U B HOLLAN D | p .1 2

cently invented a special bulb mixing machine which creates tailor-made mixtures, with minimal damage to the bulbs. Our latest introduction is the Flower


Four years ago, we conducted research into the natural enemies of the OPM, in collaboration with Silvia Hellingman Research. As a result we composed a special bulb mixture which attracts number of moths and caterpillars.

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natural enemies and reduces the

'A l l i n o n e ' c o n c e p t

Everything covered


Vis it o f J UB s p e ci a l i s t W it h o pt io n a l de sig n

6 Mo n i to r i ng t h e re s u l t

J U B HOLLAN D | p .1 4

With op t i on al feed i n g


Pl a nt activi ti es Me c h a n ic a l or m a nu a l


C h e c ki n g te lo c a ti o n With opti on al g r ound t es t i n g

3 Vi s ual i sa ti o n


J U B HOLLAN D | p . 15

B e s poke m i xtu re With our bulb m i x i n g machi ne

Us i n g t he Flo w e rde sig ne r A pp

UNDER GRASS With our planting machine we can effortlessly plant bulbs under grass. The turf is cut open and lifted, after which the bulbs fall into the ground. J U B HOLLAN D | p .16

The turf then gets reinstated using a roller.

Planting slopes A p p l i c a ti o n s Pl a nt i ng a nywhere Planting bulbs has always been a la-

To make it possible to plant closer to and

bour-intensive job. With the use of our

between the trees, we have a designed a

planting machines this is now a thing of

‘side planter’ with the plant base mounted

the past.

on the side of the machine. This enables us to plant in a more targeted manner and

Since the development of the first planting

therefore almost fill the entire surface.

machine in 1990, we have kept innovating

As a last option, we can plant by hand, for

and can now offer a range of planting

projects which require special patterns

machines which can cope with (nearly) all

and shapes.

circumstances. One machine is especially designed for slopes, planting on a maximum angle of 30-35 degrees. This machine is equipped with caterpillar tracks and an extra plant base J UB HOLL AN D | p .1 7

which results in a well spread plant bed.


P O R T O F R O T T E R DAM These daffodils bloom beautifully between the transfer ports and containers. Every year in early Spring, these colourful flowers return J U B HOLLAN D | p .1 8

and attract various insects.

Port of Rotterdam B us i n e s s p arks A dded va lue by green in g u p Greening up the cities is an international

During Autumn our plantings contribute

trend, in which JUB Holland plays an

to taking up excessive rain water. Due to

active role.

this natural solution, less adjustments to the drainage are necessary. There are

We are increasingly experiencing hot

also ecological benefits: it creates more

and dry summers and wet mild winters.

space for flora and fauna. Biodiversity,

Introducing more greenery helps to absorb

which plays a vital role in our food chain,

these extremes. By adding plants to indus-

will function far better if the various green

trialised areas, they reduce evaporation

areas are connected.

during hot periods. They also provide necessary cooling of the environment, and cooling increases employee productivity and reduces the use of energy.

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Source: Wageningen University, the Netherlands: “adding value by greening up business parks�.

Artis Zoo

Antwerpen Zoo

Pa rk s & Ga rd en s Cr ea t e t he WOW f ac tor Add more colour to the experience of

We can advise on the best applications.

your visitor.

We also have a network of leading landscape designers and landscapers who can

Are you looking for an extra dimension in

help to create the most beautiful designs.

your park? Flower bulbs are a wonderful

When we create a design, we do so in col-

option! For example, every year over

laboration with the gardener/landscaper.

300,000 bulbs are planted in Artis Zoo in

We did the same with Ton Hilhorst of Artis

Amsterdam, which ensures a real WOW

Zoo. Read more about how we did this all

effect. The possibilities with bulbs are

at jubholland.nl/en/artis

endless! JUB Holland has vast experience in J U B HOLLAN D | p .2 0

advising parks and has been a Keukenhof supplier since its first year. This most beautiful flower park attracts over a million visitors every Spring.

KEUKENHOF Since the opening in 1949, JUB Holland has been an exhibitor at Keukenhof. Every year approximately seven million bulbs get planted and attract around 1.5 million visitors in Spring.

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Com b i n a ti o n w it h p eren n ials En j oy a longer f lowerin g time Harmonious combinations Many perennial borders are virtually colourless in early Spring when no bulbs are planted. To enjoy these borders for an increased time, bulbs can be planted that bloom in March, April and May. It is important to take into account which plants are already coming into leaf around that time of year. In addition, there are also many annuals which are Spring flowering and can be used in combination

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with bulbs. For more information, visit jubholland.nl/en/combinations

'S ti n z en' B ulbs Nat ur a l i si ng b ulbs, c omin g back for yea r s Create magical flower carpets. "Stinzenplants" is a collective, Dutch name for a special group of naturalising Spring flowers. They are mainly the bulbous, tuberous and root varieties that became popular in the 16th cenMarvel the fairylike results, often on a large scale but also in smaller plantings. Carpets of flowers in parks, woodlands, fields, orchards and at the foot of monumental tree avenues. Magical! For more information, visit jubholland.nl/en/stinzen

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tury and were (and are being!) planted at country estates, around castles and country houses.

Ro o f Ga rd en s G r eeni ng up t he cities Create an oasis in an urban environment. Lush roof gardens appear on more and more roofs. Beautiful borders of perennials combined with swaying ornamental grasses. Together with the supporting structure of trees, hedges and shrubs, bulbs form a beautiful combination. Space is limited in the city, but that does not mean that you cannot make a pleasing garden. Roof gardens are the solution for this scarce space. Besides their appearance, roof gardens also lower the temperature and the bees and butterflies

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have a place to refuel between the concrete jungle of buildings and streets.

C o n ta i n er s A ha ssle free conc ep t Many bulbs are ideal for containers and window boxes. They have the right height and flower during the months in which containers would otherwise have been empty, that is late winter and Spring. In fact it is possible to create an almost year-round display by combining them with plants in pots, so that they can be used to replace the Spring bulbs as soon as they have finished flowering. For more information, ask your JUB specialist.

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summer flowering varieties and plants. It is also possible to start off these summer flowering

Natur a l Ve ge t ation L ong flower i ng p eriod & great biodivers it y Biodiversity in the urban environment is becoming increasingly important. In addition, much attention is being paid to ecological management and the development of herbaceous vegetation. This concept has been developed to increase biodiversity and guarantee a long flowering period. As part of this concept, annual, bi-annual and perennial (native) seed mixtures are bundled with our bespoke bulb mixture. This ensures vegetation with a long flowering period,

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enhanced biodiversity and an extensive, ecological maintenance regime.

J UB TODAY In s p ir at io n and ne w s v ia soc ial me d ia Inspiration and news via social media You will find us on social media as JUB Today. Via Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn you can take a look behind the scenes of our company. From the first flowering daffodils and tulips in our own fields and at Keukenhof, to glimpses of trade shows at home and abroad. We also provide inspiration for our customers on social media with ideas, views and styling tips.

JUB Holland Robijnslaan 43 2211 TG Noordwijkerhout The Netherlands T: +31 (0)252 373762 www.jubholland.nl Info@jubholland.nl

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instagram.com/jub_holland facebook.com/jubholland

Flowerbulb nursery and trade Royal supplier

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