JUB Holland corporate brochure

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J U B HOL L AN D “ Provi di ng t he best of n atu re for more t h a n a c entu ry ” We are purveyor of colour to the Dutch Royal Household. Our bulbs are colourful, as we are colourful; the fourth generation of a tight-knit family business, JUB Holland. On the flat, fertile polder landscapes of the Netherlands, we cultivate the most beautiful flower bulbs. In cities we design verges, parks and roundabouts, with JUB Landscape. In our test laboratories, we invent new types of tulips, in collaboration with designers and scientists. We’ve been passionate about cultivating the finest bulbs since 1910. And the wonderful thing is, one hundred years after the founding of our company, we can now call ourselves supplier to the Dutch Royal Household. A great honour. We

Jan & Jaap Uittenbogaard

are a prize-winning international bulb company where 40 people work with the best of nature, each and every day. Unique tulips, exclusive dahlias and exquisite bulbous plants: all in all, our company has more colour than the Paris fashion shows. Our bulbs are cultivated as sustainably as possible. Nature is our foundation, and the seed for all success. We are grateful for what has driven us, through the generations.

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obbert,, Jaap-Jan,,aR olph Fr nk & D

1 9 1 0 T he st a r t of t he c o m p any i n O e g st g e e st

1975 The ba r n a t t he Ro bij n sl a a n in No ordw ij ke rho u t

TIM ELINE in all thos e ye ar s ...

1972 The fi rst tuli p d e - headi ng mac hine

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1 98 5 Ja a p, R u u d a nd Ja n du r in g t he 75 t h an n ive r sa r y

19 29 Jacob wit h t he 2 nd g ener at i on Jan , Jaap and R uud

1966 Ja c o b in f r o nt of t he ba r n in O e g st g e e st

1978 C ol le c t in g bu l bs in 1989

ba ske t s a t t he nu r se r y

Ou r show ga rden ne a r the Qu een

1 9 9 1 R ud ol ph o n t he t r a c t or for t he fi r s t pl a nt pr o j e c t a t S c h iphol

Ju l iana Pavi lion at Ke ukenhof J U B H O L L A ND | p.5

2007 Openi ng of the new pre mi ses at the Robi jn s laan

2 0 10 Aw a rdin g of t he Ro y a l Wa r r a nt

2015 S i r Paul McC ar t ney baptises h i s tuli p wit h Jaap

2 0 17 Ja a p- Ja n lu nc he s w it h t he Kin g a nd t he Q u e e n

2 01 7 Winne r of the Hor t i cu ltu r a l Entrepreneur Award

2 0 18 W in ne r I nt e r n a t io n a l G r o w e r of t he Ye a r

4 G EN ERAT ION S Uitten bogaard


3 4

Fo under




Nu r s e ry

Tr ade






Tr a d e

Forc ing


Hy bridizing & Trade



Re t a il trade

L ands c ape trade

DOLPH F inance

J U B HO L L A ND | p.7

Coat of arms



SINCE 1910 The knowledge and expertise that has been passed down through four generations, is the key to the success of our family business. What began in 1910 as Jac. Uittenbogaard is now an internationally operating flower bulb company, under the name JUB Holland. Within our company, all facets of the profession are covered. This is

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how we distinguish ourselves.

Jaap-Jan & Robbert Uittenbogaard

JU B NOW Four t h generation : Ja a p- Ja n, Robbert, Fran k & D ol ph . Like our family predecessors, we want to build and maintain strong and lasting business relationships. In the same way, we also uphold the names in our family. It sounds like a family puzzle: From Jacob to Jan, Jaap and Ruud, from Jaap, Jacob and Rudolph to the current directors Jaap-Jan, Robbert, Frank and Dolph. Every generation was and is passionate in their own time, and seekers of innovation. The drive to innovate is in our DNA.

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The ladies of the Uittenbogaards; Mariette, Martine & Sofie


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“It’s a family business”

Only the very highest quality with our flower bulbs.

GR OWING, FORCING & BREEDI NG More a nd more su stain able bu lbs. The great thing about JUB Holland is that

That’s why we are part of Remarkable Tulips,

we are one of the few companies in the

a collective of seven flower bulb cultivators

bulb sector to do everything ourselves.

and exporters that works on the breeding

We grow, we force, we breed, we trade.

and development of new tulip varieties.

That also characterises our history.

These bulbs are of the very best quality and have a high resistance to diseases. Breeding

On 35 hectares of our own land, 35 tulip

requires patience, but the result is more

varieties and 15 daffodil varieties grow in

than worth it: the most stunning and most

the open air, all certified of course (MPS A

exclusive tulips.

and PlanetProof). Within our greenhouses, we force some four million tulips from January until May. With Polder Pride, a collaboration of six renowned tulip forcing companies, we bring our A1 quality cut tulips to auction. We love to pool our

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strengths with those of others.

FORCING Between January and May each year, four million cut tulips of A1 quality leave our company for auction. JUB is the first company to trade in cut tulips which carry the quality mark for sustainability, PlanetProof.

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T O TAL C O N C E P T Year-round colour in verges and green areas in local authorities, cities and parks. We offer biodiversity, mixtures to attract bees, and the most beautiful flower bulbs, and think J U B H O LL A ND | p . 1 4

along with our customers about the overall plan.

Bee Mixture L AN D S C APING Crea t i vit y i s o u r great stren gth. Greening in cities is an international

from design to planting, where advice is

trend, in which JUB Holland plays an

given about the best assortment to ensure

active role. Indeed, you could even call

green and colour all year round. An art

us an ‘early adopter’: in the 1980s we

in itself. We can also create customised

developed a plant machine which planted

projects. Consider, for example, company

flower bulbs under the grass at lightning

logos, mosaics and art installations.

speed. Our customers are local authorities, companies, gardeners and landscape architects in Europe, the United States and Canada. We deliver a total concept:

JUB Holland is the inventor and initiator of the nature-friendly bee and butterfly mix that was developed in collaboration with the Dutch Beekeepers Association and the Butterfly Foundation. J UB H OL L A ND | p . 15

Packaging Crown Jewels

R E TAI L From nurser y to con su mer Romantic or minimalistic? Gold italic or

comprehensive range of small packages,

matt black? Our packaging has a repu-

we also offer complete instore presenta-

tation to maintain. We work with world

tions for garden centres, supermarkets

renowned flower stylists who apply their

and large retail chains. We deliver to

talents to create distinctive designs. With

customers in 40 countries.

this, we’re always up to date with the very latest trends.

With our extensive stock and digital speed,

The quality of the bulbs is our top priority,

we are also an essential partner and

so it’s logical that we have a label from

supplier for mail-order companies

Stichting Keurmerk (Quality Mark Foundation). But, besides good bulbs, the look of J U B H O LL A ND | p . 16

the packaging is also an important factor for success. That’s why, as well as a

PAC K AG I N G Trendy packaging made from sustainable, minimalistic materials or luxury packaging with gold, italic letters. We follow all the trends.

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J U B TODAY I nspiration and news on social media JUB Today is the name that we use on social media. On Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn you can take a look behind the scenes of our company. From the first flowering daffodils and tulips on our own site and in the Keukenhof to visits to trade fairs in the Netherlands and beyond. On social media we also provide inspiration for our customers, with mood imagery and J U B H O LL A ND | p . 1 8

styling tips.

Our wintershoot with flowerbulbs

Guus and Teun Uittenbogaard, fifth generation


Fall is here!

Time for a colourfull picknick

JUB Holland Robijnslaan 43 2211 TG Noordwijkerhout The Netherlands T: +31 (0)252 373762 www.jubholland.nl Info@jubholland.nl

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instagram.com/jub_holland facebook.com/jubholland

Flowerbulb nursery and trade Royal supplier

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