of colour Royal supplier summer2023zomer
2 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
EN JUB Holland has been a close-knit family business for generations. We have been a reliable partner for you for more than 100 years. We live in challenging times and that is why flowers are even more important. Flowers provide colour and happiness and that is exactly what everyone needs. Our wide range offers something for everyone: for garden, terrace, balcony and vegetable garden. We grow, package and trade our bulbs in the most sustainable way possible. We strive to be a reliable party for you as a customer. We are continuously focused on the changing environment, innovations, trends and of course your wishes.
JUB HOLLAND “Königlicher Lieferant von Farben” Royal supplier colour
FR JUB Holland est une entreprise familiale unie depuis des générations. Nous sommes un partenaire fiable pour vous depuis plus de 100 ans. Les fleurs sont importantes et apportent de la couleur et du bonheur. C’est exactement ce dont tout le monde a besoin. Notre large gamme offre quelque chose pour tout le monde : pour le jardin, la terrasse, le balcon et le potager. Nous cultivons, emballons et commercialisons nos bulbes de la manière la plus durable possible. Nous nous efforçons d’être une partie fiable pour vous en tant que client et sommes constamment concentrés sur l’environnement changeant, sur les innovations, les tendances et bien sûr vos souhaits.
JUB HOLLAND “Hofleverancier van kleur” the company
JUB HOLLAND, « Fournisseur de la Cour de couleur » DE JUB Holland ist seit Generationen ein eng verbundenes Familienunternehmen. Wir sind seit mehr als 100 Jahren ein zuverlässiger Partner für Sie. Wir leben in herausfordernden Zeiten und deshalb sind Blumen noch wichtiger. Blumen sorgen für Farbe und Fröhlichkeit und genau das braucht jeder. Unser breites Sortiment bietet für jeden etwas: für Garten, Terrasse, Balkon und Gemüsegarten. Wir züchten, verpacken und handeln die Zwiebeln auf möglichst nachhaltige Weise. Wir bemühen uns, für Sie als Kunden eine zuverlässige Partei zu sein. Wir konzentrieren uns kontinuierlich auf das sich ändernde Umfeld, auf Innovationen, Trends und natürlich auf Ihre Wünsche.
JUB HOLLAND “Royal supplier of colour”
NL JUB Holland is al generaties lang een hecht familiebedrijf. Meer dan 100 jaar zijn wij een betrouwbare partner voor u. We leven met elkaar in enerverende tijden en daarom zijn juist bloemen belangrijk. Bloemen geven kleur en vreugde en dat is juist waar iedereen behoefte aan heeft. Met ons brede aanbod is er voor ieder wat wils: voor tuin, terras, balkon en moestuin. Een aanbod gekweekt op een zo duurzaam mogelijke manier. We blijven continu gericht op de veranderende omgeving, op innovaties, trends en natuurlijk uw wensen.
Index JUB, the company Index / Contact Top 3 favourites Jaap-Jan JUB Holland All about JUB New stories New Information2023 on packages P.O.S. + Wooden displays Garden center Kleinverpakkingenpresentations/Prepacks + Displays 0232282220141210080604-0503-07-09-11-13-19-21-27-31-49 BIO bloembollen / Organic flower bulbs Low budget XXL Packs / Netlons / (125) Bulb bags Grow-it,PerennialsEat-it (edible garden) Kartonnen dozen met losse bollen / Cardboard boxes with loose bulbs Kados / JUBWebshopGiftsB2BSpecialists, Terms & Conditions 50 - 51 52 - 53 54 - 59 60 - 65 66 - 73 74 - 75 76 - 89 90 - 91 92 - 95 49BYDISPLAYSTHEME BLOOMING SUMMER 4 bags with bulbs in various mixes 80 SAMPLESPRESENTATION2860&PERENNIALSGRASSES GROW IT, EAT IT 66 INDEX 4 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
POTS & BALCONY 81 Contact JUB certificatesHolland Visit the JUB garden, nr. 14, at Keukenhof. Season 2023: March 23 - May 14 BUZZY BULBS50BIO83BULBS JUB Holland Robijnslaan 43 2211 TG Noordwijkerhout The Netherlands tel. +31 (0)252 373 762 LinkedIn:Instagram:Facebook:JUBwww.jubholland.nlinfo@jubholland.nlTODAYjubhollandjub_hollandjub-holland SKAL NL-BIO-01 DAHLIA PARTY 76 CONTACT 5JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
DE Sommerblühende Blumenzwiebeln wie Dahlien, Lilien, Gladiolen und die vielen besonderen Sommerblüher finde ich immer schön. Es macht auch Spaß, andere damit zu erfreuen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir zusätzlich zu den normalen Verpackungen schöne Geschenkverpackungen mit Schwerpunkt auf Verpackungen mit Blumenzwiebeln, die Bienen und Schmetterlinge anziehen. Obwohl wir derzeit fleißig mit dem Verpacken und Versenden der Frühjahrsblüher beschäftigt sind, sind wir im Hintergrund auch mit der bevorstehenden Sommersaison beschäftigt. Auch bei Sommerblühern habe ich meine Vorlieben. Siehe meine Top 3 auf die nächste Seite.
Jaap-Jan 6 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
NL Zomerbloeiende bollen zoals dahlia’s, lelies, gladiolen en de vele bijzondere zomerbloeiers vind ik altijd prachtig. Het is ook leuk om anderen er een plezier mee te doen.
I also have my preferences when it comes to summer bloomers. See my top 3 on the next page.
Naast de reguliere verpakkingen hebben wij prachtige kadoverpakkingen met een accent op verpakkingen met zomerbollen die bijen en vlinders aantrekken. Alhoewel wij op dit moment druk bezig zijn met het verpakken en verzenden van de voorjaarsbloeiers, zijn we op de achtergrond ook alweer bezig met het komende zomerseizoen. Wat betreft de zomerbloeiers heb ik ook zo mijn voorkeuren. Zie hiernaast mijn top 3.
FR Les bulbes à fleurs d’été tels que les dahlias, les lys, les glaïeuls et les nombreuses fleurs spéciales d’été sont toujours magnifiques pour moi. C’est aussi amusant de faire plaisir aux autres. C’est pourquoi, en plus des emballages classiques, nous avons de beaux emballages cadeaux mettant l’accent sur les emballages avec des bulbes qui attirent les abeilles et les papillons. Bien que nous soyons actuellement occupés à emballer et à expédier les bulbes de printemps, nous sommes également occupés par la saison estivale à venir en arrière-plan. J’ai aussi mes préférences en ce qui concerne les bulbes d’été. Voir mon top 3 sur page 7.
EN Summer flowering bulbs such as dahlias, lilies, gladioli and the many special summer bulbs are always beautiful to me. It’s also fun to please others with it. That is why, in addition to the regular packages, we have beautiful gift items with an emphasis on packages with bulbs that attract bees and butterflies. Although we are currently busy packing and shipping spring bulbs, we are also busy with the upcoming summer season in the background.
3. XXL Echinacea Mix
NL Het in een moestuin zelf kweken van groente en fruit wordt steeds populairder en heeft ons er toe aangezet om het, inmiddels al brede, assortiment ‘Grow-It, Eat-it’ aan te Vanbieden.aardbeien tot aardappels, voor ieder wat wils. Een mooie ontwikkeling voor zowel jong als oud.
EN Growing your own fruit and vegetables in a vegetable garden is becoming increasingly popular and has prompted us to offer the already wide range of ‘Grow-It, Eat-it’. From strawberries to potatoes, something for everyone. A nice development for both young and old.
JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
2. Grow-it, Eat-it
1. Dahlia Party NL De naam zegt alles: Dahlia Party. Een serie van in totaal 4 nieuw ontworpen tassen in vrolijke kleuren. Dahlia tassen met extra grootbloeiende dahlias. De z.g. ‘dinnerplates’. Iedere tas bevat 2 dahlia’s voor 10-12 weken bloei. Daar word ik vrolijk van. EN The name says it all: Dahlia Party. A series of 4 newly designed Dahlia bags in cheerful colours with extra large flowering dahlias. The so-called ‘dinnerplates’. Each bag contains 2 dahlias for 10-12 weeks of flowering time. That makes me happy.
My personal top 3 favourites
NL Nieuw in ons XXL assortiment. Echinacea (zonnehoed) is een mooie langbloeiende vaste plant. Deze verpakking bevat een prachtige kleurenmix. De bloemen van de echinacea hebben afhangende bloemblaadjes met een groot bloem hart en trekken veel bijen en vlinders aan. EN New in our XXL range. Echinacea (coneflower) is a beautiful longflowering perennial. This packaging contains a beautiful color mix. The flowers of the Echinacea have drooping petals with a large flower center and attract many bees and butterflies.
JUB HOLLAND DE KRACHT VAN JUB HOLLAND In de bloembollenmarkt realiseert JUB Holland ieder jaar een gezonde groei. Vanuit de moderne huisvesting, omgeven door eigen kwekerijen, bedienen we diverse markten. THE STRENGTH OF JUB HOLLAND JUB Holland achieves healthy growth every year in the flower bulb market. We serve various markets from our modern accommodation, surrounded by our own nurseries. 2 BREED ASSORTIMENT met ruim 500 artikelen in voor- en najaar WIDE RANGE with more than 500 articles in spring and autumn 3 GERICHT OP DUURZAAMHEID met keurmerken als Planetproof, MPS, GTP en Skal FOCUSED ON SUSTAINABILITY with quality marks such as PlanetProof, MPS, Sustainability seal and Skal SKAL NL-BIO-01 VOORRAAD UIT EIGEN KWEKERIJ Veel kennis over bloembollen STOCK FROM OUR OWN NURSERY Much knowledge about flower bulbs 1 8 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
4 VERKOOP CONCEPTEN Presentatietips en -ideëen voor het inrichten SALES CONCEPTS Presentation tips and ideas to set up displays 6 NABESTELLINGEN voor een lange periode leverbaar STOCK AVAILABLE for a long period of time 7 100% JUB bloei www.jubholland.nl/flowering-guaranteegarantie 100% JUB flowering www.jubholland.nl/flowering-guaranteeguarantee INNOVATIEVE PRODUCTEN op het gebied van kado artikelen INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS in the field of gift items 5 HOLLANDJUB 9JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Growing bulbs on our own nursery
From nursery to consumer
SINCE 1910
See website: www.sustainablesuppliers.nl SUPPLIER
The knowledge and expertise that has been passed down through four generations, is the key to the success of our family business. What began in 1910 as Jac. Uittenbogaard is now an internationally operating flower bulb company, under the name JUB Holland.
10 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
The great thing about JUB Holland is that we are one of the few companies in the bulb sector to do everything ourselves. We grow, we breed, we trade. That also characterises our history. On 35 hectares of our own land, 35 tulip varieties and 15 daffodil varieties grow in the open air, all certified of course (MPS A and PlanetProof). Breeding new varieties / Remarkable We love to pull our strengths with those of others. That’s why we are part of Remarkable Tulips, a collective of seven flower bulb growers and exporters that works on the bree ding and development of new tulip varieties. These bulbs are of the very best quality and have a high resistance to diseases. Breeding requires patience, but the result is more than worth it: the most stunning and most exclusive tulips.
14 All about JUB
Within our company, all facets of the profession are covered. This is how we distinguish ourselves from other suppliers.
GROWING & BREEDING More and more sustainable, PlanetProof bulbs
We have a strong reputation to maintain with our packaging. We work with world-renowned stylists who apply their talents to create distinctive designs. We are therefore always up to date with the very latest trends. The quality of our bulbs is our top priority. All our packaged bulbs now have the new quality mark ‘Sustainable Supplier of Quality Products’.
Purchasing PlanetProof flower bulbs encourages sustainable flower bulb production and protects the environment!
Biodiversity is a priority for JUB. The habitats of bees and butterflies have become increasingly smaller. Many bulb flowers are attractive to butterflies and bees. That’s why it is important to plant bulbs attracting bees and butterflies. See our bee and butterfly logos on the various packages. BIODIVERSITY
JUB AT KEUKENHOF 2023 Spring bulbs to enjoy HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
The 2022 theme was ‘SILK’ and the design was based on an evening gown of Queen Maxima, designed by Jan Taminiau. Main shade was soft lilac, through which royal blue, purple, cream and apricot tones were ‘woven’. For 2023 there will be a new exciting design. Please follow our @JUBToday updates. To see the result yourself, visit Keukenhof: March 23 - May 14, 2023
Creativity is our great strength
Greening up cities is an international trend, in which JUB Holland plays an active role (we can make a total concept). Indeed, you could even call us a trendsetter: in the 1980s we developed a planting machine which plants flower bulbs under grass at lightning speed. Our customers are local authorities, companies, gardeners, famous parks and well known landscape architects in Europe, United States and Canada.
We are proud of our environmental certificate PlanetProof, which has been developed in collaboration with various environmental organisations. With this certificate, JUB takes a leading role within the sector. Our company is MPS-A and NL-Greenlabel certified, and was one of the first companies to have achieved the PlanetProof label.
12 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of
Flower bulbs are about promises. After months of waiting, the most beau tiful spring flowers come from all shapes, sizes and varieties. JUB creates special concepts around these beautiful flower bulbs every year. Bloembollen gaan over beloftes. Uit alle soorten, maten en vormen komen na maanden wachten de mooiste voorjaarsbloemen. JUB creëert ieder jaar weer speciale concepten rond deze prachtige bloembollen. colour
NL 4 vrolijke tassen met in elke tas 2 dinnerplate dahlias voor 10-12 weken bloei. Frisse kleuren: oranje, roze, rood en geel. Ze passen in elke zomertuin of in potten op terras of balkon. Story 2, Dahlia Party
EN 4 cheerful bags with 2 dinnerplate dahlias in each bag for 10-12 weeks of flowering. Fresh colours: orange, pink, red and yellow. They fit in any summer garden or in pots on the patio or balcony.
JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
P 77 NL 4 kleurrijke verpakkingen in modern design. In elke verpakking een mengsel van zomerbloeiende bollen met een bloei van 10-12 weken die bijen en vlinders aantrekken. Een perfect kado artiikel. Story 1, Buzzy Bulbs EN 4 colorful packs in a modern design. Each pack contains a mixture of summer flowering bulbs with a flowering time of 10-12 weeks that attract bees and butterflies. A perfect gift item.
EN 2 beautifully designed packs ‘Kiek and Saar, with bulb mixtures that are especially suitable for planting in pots on a terrace or balcony. Two mixtures. A nice gift for family, garden friends or just for yourself.
New stories
P 83 NL 2 fraai ontworpen verpakkingen, Kiek en Saar, met bollenmengsels die speciaal geschikt zijn voor het planten in potten voor op een terras of balkon. Twee mengsels. Een mooi kado voor famile, tuinvrienden of gewoon voor jezelf. Story 3, Pots & Balcony
P 81
FROM THE GROWER We work hard every year to bring you the latest bulb varieties, packaging materials and presentation tools. On the following 5 pages we show you ‘What’s new for 2023’ Elk jaar werken we er hard aan om u de nieuwste varieteiten, verpakkingen en presentatie middelen te presenteren. Op de volgende 5 pagina’s laten we het u zien: ‘Wat is nieuw in 2023’ New 2023 14 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
100.450 size I Dahlia Labyrinth Twotone 100.570 size I OrangeDahlia Perception 100.763 size I SmokeyDahlia 100.945 size I Dahlia Belle of Barmera 100.007 size I Dahlia American Dawn 101.290 size I Mom’sDahlia Special 101.450 size I Dahlia Black Jack 101.465 size I Dahlia Bora Bora 102.370 size I SakuraDahlia Fubuki 103.945 size I Dahlia Copperboy 103.963 size I Dahlia Jowey Frambo 104.030 size I WizardDahlia of Oz 104.455 size I WaltzingDahlia Mathilda 105.085 size 12/14 Gladiolus Circus Color 105.380 size 12/14 MilkaGladiolus 105.110 size 12/14 DingadongGladiolus 105.735 size 12/14 SapporoGladiolus 105.890 size12/14 Gladiolus Fire Cracker 105.933 size 12/14 PrincessGladiolusFrizzle 105.935 size 12/14 Rik’sGladiolusFrizzle 2023NEW NEW 2023 100.955 size I Dahlia Break Out PREPACKS The most extensive JUB packaging line with over 300 articles.These packages are suitable for wall racks, cabinet displays and wooden racks. 105.945 size 12/14 Gladiolus Snowy Ruffle 15JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
105.980 size 12/14 VuvuzelaGladiolus Frizzle 106.000 size 8/9 Gladiolus Atom 107.550 size 14/16 ForeverLilium Summer 107.850 size 14/16 SugarLilium Love 108.205 size 14/16 LandiniLilium 108.475 size 14/16 YellowLilium Power 108.810 size 14/16 VirtuosoLilium 108.840 size 16/18 Lilium Annemarie’s Dream 111.510 size I Canna Happy Emily 111.500 size I HappyCanna Carmen 111.520 size I HappyCanna Julia 115.665 size 14/16 MagicZantedeschiaFire 115.810 size 14/16 PinkZantedeschiaPuppy 112.480 size i Eremurus Cleopatra 113.250 size 7/+ robustusHabranthus 112.990 size 14/16 candicansGaltonia 114.730 size 16/18 Scadoxus multiflorus NEW 2023 107.950 size 14/16 WhistlerLilium PREPACKS The most extensive JUB packaging line with over 300 articles.These packages are suitable for wall racks, cabinet displays and wooden racks. 16 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
2023NEWXXL PACKS The JUB promotional packaging line. These XXL packs are especially suitable for table presentations, cabinet displays (36) or freestanding promotional displays with 30 pegs. 132.157 size I Dahlia Deco Border Red/Rood 132.533 size I MysteryDahlia Day 132.535 size I Dahlia Pacific Mix 132.760 size 5/+ Babiana stricta Mix 120.470 size I Alcea rosea Peaches ‘n Dreams 120.500 size I Allium millenium 120.580 size I Alstroemeria Lutea PERENNIALS Perennials are important in the garden as a base for borders where spring and summer bulbs can be planted. Perennials come back every year and increase in size. 121.550 size I Astrantia major Rubra 128.820 size I Tritoma (Kniphofia) Ice Queen 128.920 size I GracillimusMiscanthus 128.950 size I HeavyPanicumMetal 128.960 size I GelbstielPennisetum 132.137 size I Dahlia Cambridge 133.270 size I Echinacea Breeders Mix 133.340 size I PeacockIris Mix 132.559 size I SweetDahlia & Honey 17JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
NEW 2023 POTS & BALCONY 701.125 outer 701.126 outer 701.531701.530 outer 701.536701.535 129.045 size I Asparagus Erasmus 129.140 size I Crambe Maritima GROW-IT, EAT-IT The edible garden. JUB offers a wide range of fruit and vegetables in various packaging. Enough choice to plant an entire vegetable garden. 701.130 outer 701.131 BUZZY BULBS 701.540 outer 701.546701.545outer 701.541 18 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
2023NEW DAHLIA PARTY GARDEN BAGS - 100 DAYS FLOWERS outer 701.571701.570 outer 701.576701.575outer 701.561701.560 outer 701.566701.565 outer 700.016700.015 outer 700.021700.020 BOLLETJE ZOMER 701.700 outer 701.701 Package has Dutch text only HELP NATURE GROW ISLAND DISPLAY 850.690 19JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
For more information go to: www. owerbulbsinfo.nl SUSTAINABLE SUPPLIER H ORTICULTURAL QUALITYPRODUC T S 100% JUB FLOWERING GUARANTEE www.jubholland.nl/ owering-guarantee Zon / schaduw Sun / shade Soleil / ombre Sonne / schatten Sole / ombra Sol / SunceSluncesombra/Stín/Sjena Высадка в полу тень Sn bloem Cut owers Fleur AptoSchnittblumecoupéenFiorerecisoparaorcortadaVhodnékřezuRezanocveće Цветы на срезку Ook voor TaTAncheAuAlsobloembakkenforpotsssipourpotsAuchfürTöpfeperoriereAptoparamacetaaképrokvětináčekođerzalončanice Подходит для посадки в горшки Plant de Knollen Plant the tubers Planter les tubercules à eurs P anzen Sie die Knollen Piantare i bulbi da ore Planta los tuberculos Zasaďte hlízy Posaditi lukovice dal a Посадка к лубней Grond toedekken en water geven Cover with soil and water well Couvrir le sol et arroser Boden zudecken und gießen Coprire il terreno e anna are Cubrir con tierra y regaz Zahŕňať zeminou a zalejeme Prekriti zemljom zaliti Посадить в землю и полить Dahlia NL-778213021 NL Bestemd voor decoratie en niet voor consumptie For decorative purposes only, not for consumption. Pour la décoration uniquement, ne peut être consommé Bestimmt zu Dekorationszwecken, nicht zum Verzehr geeignet. Prodotto ornamentale, non destinato al consumo. Sólo con nes decorativos, no para el consumo. Pouze pro dekorativní účely. Není určeno pro konzumaci. Samo za dekorativne svrhe, n e nam enjeno konzumiranju. Предназначено для декорации а не для потребления JUB01_104455.indd 2 24/06/2022 09:58 Information on packages www.bulb.com SUSTAINABLE SUPPLIER O CULTU A QUA T PRODUC T S Decoratief • Decorative • Decoratif • Decorativ • Георгина cm70 30-60 cm I 15 cm VII-XIII-V REGULAR CAPPERS FRONT BACK 6 pictograms with bulb information and planting instructions www.sustainablesuppliers.nlSupplierSustainableseal;Seewebsite: 5 pictograms with bulb planting instructions in 9 languages Recycling symbol Sustainable Supplier seal. See www.sustainablesuppliers.nlwebsite: Flowering height (cm) and flowering month Retail price code Plant Passport has the exact (traceable)informationabouttheoriginofthebulbs A unique bar code for eachpackageproduct/ FSC code: cardboardresponsiblefromsources Quantity per pack Bee attracting bulbs JUB flowering guarantee See www.jubholland.nl/website: flowering-guarantee 20 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
5 informationpictogramswithbulbandplantinginstructions NETLONS WITH LABELS BIO (ORGANIC) BULB CAPPERS IN ‘HOME COMPOSTABLE’ BAGS FRONT BACK Plant Passport has the exact information (traceable) about the background/origin of the bulbs Information about how organic bulbs are being cultivated The internationalofficialSKAL logo used for organic (bio) products 4 pictograms with bulb planting instructions Consumer www.bioflowerbulbs.com,websitewith lots of information about organic flowerbulbs Sustainable Supplier seal. See website: www.sustainablesuppliers.nl Sustainable Supplier seal. See www.sustainablesuppliers.nlwebsite: FRONT BACK A unique bar code for product/packageeach Our netlon labels are made of 100% recycable material 2-3 cm diep planten 10 cm uit elkaar Plant 2-3 cm deep and 10 cm apart. Plantez-les 2-3 cm de profondeur et à une distance de 10 cm entre les plants 2-3 cm tief p anzen 10 cm auseinander Посадить лубину 2-3 cm и в расстояние 10 cm Piantare 2-3 cm di profondità e ad una distanza di 10 cm tra le piante. Sázejte asi 2-3 cm hluboko ve vzdálenosti asi 10 cm Plant van maar t/m mei. Plant from March until May Plantez de mars mai. P anzen on März bis Mai. Поса е март по мая. Piantare da marzo maggio. Sázejte od března do května. en met grond en water ge Recouvrez de terre, et arrosez copieusement en mit Erde und gießen. Hакрой рошо пролейт дой Coprire con terriccio ed anna are. Zahrňte zeminou a zalejte Oogst in juli. y. Récoltez en juillet Уборка SklízejteRaccoltaурожinlugličer JUB NoordwijkHollanderhoutTheNetherlands2-3 cmIII V VII 10 cm A B DAllium NL-778213021 NLC Plant Passport The bags with the organic (bio) bulbs are made of special foil which is ‘home compostable.’ De zakken met de bio bollen zijn gemaakt van speciaal folie dat ‘thuis composteerbaar’ is. PACKAGESONINFORMATION 21JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Promotiemateriaal (P.O.S.) is essentieel voor een succesvolle bloembollenverkoop. JUB Holland biedt u een breed scala aan promotiemateriaal en houten vrijstaande displays inclusief vele praktische tips.
JUB offers you a wide range of promotional materials including many tips. Promotiemateriaal is essentieel voor een succesvolle bloembollenverkoop. JUB Holland bied u een breed scala aan promotiemateriaal incl. vele tips.
Promotional material (P.O.S.) is essential for successful flower bulb sales.
POS material
POS Material supplier of colour
Promotional material is essential for successful bulb sales.
22 JUB HOLLAND · Royal
JUB Holland offers you a wide range of promotional material and wooden free standing displays including many practical tips.
Posters & banners HEADER CARDS 979.000 Header cards for free standing displays 900.305 Banner (300 x 60cm.). Ook leverbaar met NL tekst BANNER PRICE CODE PREPACKSSIGN 977.300 for wall display small prepacks PRICE CODE SIGN XXL PACKS / NETLONS 977.310 for wall display XXL packs & netlons JUB posters on demand Have bespoke posters of your own garden centre or shop printed or designed by JUB on demand. Please contact us to discuss the possibilities. POSTERS 900.115 979.080 Header card for free standing displays HEADER CARDS 979.180 Header card for wall displays and cabinet displays HEADER CARDS BANNERS&POSTERS 23JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Wooden displays 910.075 Size 80x40x180cm. Display met 24 posities voor Vaste planten verpakkingen Display with 24 pegs for Perennial packs <<< 910.070 Size 61x40x180cm. Display met 24 posities voor Low budget en BIO verpakkingen Display with 24 pegs for Low Budget and Bio Packs >>> DISPLAY, 24 DISPLAY,LARGEPEGS,24PEGS,SMALL 911.490 Size Eiland100x100x160cm.display-groot‘Island’display-large 911.525 Size ‘Island’Eiland80x60x160cm.display-kleindisplay-small ISLAND DISPLAY, LARGEISLAND DISPLAY, SMALL 24 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
910.010 Size 120x41x188cm. Display met 30 posities voor XXL verpakkingen Display with 30 pegs for XXL packs 910.030 Size 120x41x188cm. Display met 48 posities voor kleinverpakkingen Display with 48 pegs for small packs 911.135 Size 80x60x190cm. Kadodisplay ‘Gift item’ display DISPLAY, 30 PEGS DISPLAY, 48 PEGSGIFT ITEM DISPLAY DISPLAYS 25JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Wooden displays 900.280 Size 120x80x71cm. Banner geschikt voor de aankleding van 4 gestapelde euro pallets voor het maken van een presentatie Banner suitable for the decoration of 4 stacked euro pallets, to make a presentation 911.155 Size 60x43x188cm. ‘Cabinet’ display voor diverse verpakkingen ‘Cabinet’ display for various packs BANNER FOR EURO PALLET PRESENTATION (excl. pallets) MEDIUM CABINET DISPLAY 911.160 Size 120x43x188cm. ‘Cabinet’ display voor 48 kleinverpakkingen ‘Cabinet’ display for 48 prepacks LARGE CABINET DISPLAY 26 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
911.536 Size 330x168x240cm. Bollenhuis robuust ‘Bulb House’ robust 911.180 Size 120x43x188cm. ‘Cabinet’ display voor 36 XXL verpakkingen ‘Cabinet’ display for 36 XXL packs LARGE CABINET DISPLAY BULB HOUSE (COMPLETE) 911.533 Size 330x168x240cm. Bollenhuis frame top ‘Bulb House’ frame top BULB HOUSE (TOP) 911.190 Size DisplayDisplay120x43x188cm.met5lagenwith5levels DISPLAY FOR CRATES DISPLAYS 27JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Garden Centre Presentations
FR Divers exemples de présentation de produits de détail. À l’aide des displays et d’autres articles de point de vente, il existe de nombreuses options pour convaincre les consommateurs d’acheter. Consultez également notre site web: www.jubholland,nl
DE Verschiedene Beispiele für die Präsentation von Einzelhandelsprodukten. Mit Hilfe von freistehenden Displays und anderen POSArtikeln gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, die Verbraucher zum Kauf zu überreden. Siehe auch unsere Website: www.jubholland.nl
NL Diverse voorbeelden van het presenteren van retailprodukten. Met behulp van vrijstaande displays en andere POS items zijn er vele opties om consumenten tot aankoop te overtuigen. Zie ook onze website: www.jubholland.nl
28 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
EN Various examples of the presentation of retail products. With the help of free-standing displays and other POS items, there are many options to convince consumers to buy. See also our website: www.jubholland.nl
Garden Centre Presentations 30 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
The most extensive JUB packaging line with over 300 articles. These packages are suitable for wall racks, cabinet displays and freestanding wooden racks. Also complete themed displays. De meest uitgebreide JUB verpakkingslijn met ruim 300 artikelen. Deze verpakkingen zijn geschikt voor wandstellingen, cabinet displays en houten pennenrekken. Tevens complete thema displays.
32 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
100.005 size I Akita 100.010 size I Arabian Night 100.120 size I Bluetiful 100.175 size I Cool Flame 100.200 size I Creme de Cassis 100.210 size I Creme de Cognac 100.250 size I Duet 100.340 size I Glory of Heemstede 100.450 size I Labyrinth Twotone 100.500 size I Le Castel DAHLIA Dahlia DECORATIVE 100.580 size I Peaches and Cream 100.610 size I Procyon 100.523 size I Marcel Dassault 100.525 size I Meteorite 100.310 size I Garden Wonder 100.550 size I Mystery Day 100.555 size I Okapi’s Sunset 100.530 size I Mikayla Miranda 100.007 size I American Dawn 100.190 size I Crazy Love 100.370 size I Glorie van Noordwijk 100.440 size I Jowey Gipsy 100.570 size I Orange Perception 33JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Dahlia 100.670 size I Rosella 100.680 size I Santa Claus 100.960 size I Bristol Stripe 100.950 size I Bohemian Spartacus 101.060 size I Fleurel 101.070 size I Frost Nip 101.090 size I Grand Prix 101.180 size I PerfectionLavender 101.150 size I Kelvin Floodlight 101.270 size I Mingus Alex 101.320 size I Penhill Watermelon 101.350 size I Tartan 101.360 size I Vancouver 101.355 size I Tyrell PLATEDINNERDECORATIVE 100.970 size I Café au Lait 100.763 size I Smokey 100.650 size I Red Rock 100.945 size I Belle of Barmera 101.290 size I Mom’s Special 100.955 size I Break Out 34 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
101.390 size I Alfred Grille 101.555 size I Gerry Scott 101.558 size I Gold Crown 101.580 size I Hy Trio 101.570 size I SpiderwomanHollyhill 101.640 size I Kennemerland 101.730 size I My Love 101.820 size I Preference 102.030 size I Wittemans Best 101.970 size I Veritable 102.263 size I Jaxon DAHLIA FIMBRIATA 101.850 size I Purple Gem 102.260 size I Deep Impact 101.680 size I Mick’s Peppermint 101.490 size I Color Spectacle 101.520 size I Dutch Explosion 102.160 size I Alauna Clair Obscure 101.880 size I Rebecca’s World 102.265 size I Lindsay Michelle 102.290 size I Myrtle’s Folly 101.450 size I Black Jack CACTUS 101.465 size I Bora Bora 35JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Dahlia BORDERDECORATIVE 102.510 size I Autumn Fairy 102.540 size I Bluesette 102.630 size I Sisa 102.660 size I Wittem 102.770 size I Melody Gipsy 102.840 size I Park Princess 102.870 size I Playa Blanca 102.900 size I Red Pigmy 103.020 size I Golden Scepter 103.070 size I Little Robert 103.110 size I Natal 103.200 size I Souvenir d’Eté 103.140 size I Nescio POMPON 102.570 size I Ellen Houston BORDERCACTUS 102.300 size I Noël 102.400 size I Tsuki Yori No Shisha FIMBRIATA - CONT’D102.370 size I Sakura Fubuki 36 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
103.230 size I Stolze von Berlin 103.260 size I White Aster 103.280 size I Wine Eyed Jill 103.480 size I Yellow Sneezy 103.470 size I Wishes ‘n Dreams 103.490 size I Art Fair® 103.510 size I Pablo® 103.520 size I Singer® 103.540 size I Yellow 103.530 size I Apricot 103.570 size I Purple 103.630 size I Pink 103.600 size I Red 103.660 size I White 103.680 size I Blue Bayou 103.820 size I Life Style 103.850 size I Soulman 103.830 size I Paso Doble DAHLIA GALLERY TOPMIX 103.425 size I Cherry Red FLOWERINGSINGLE ANEMONE 103.450 size I Sneezy 37JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Dahlia 103.990 size I Marble Ball 104.010 size I Sunny Boy 104.160 size I Fashion Monger 104.230 size I Kelsey Annie Joy 104.270 size I Pooh 104.290 size I Teesbrooke Audrey 104.320 size I Yellow Bird 104.325 size I Bishop of Leicester 104.330 size I Bishop of Llandaff 104.350 size I Bishop of York COLLECTIONCLASSIC 104.240 size I Mary Evelyn COLLARETTE 104.400 size I Fascination 104.030 size I Wizard of Oz 103.963 size I Jowey Frambo 103.950 size I Eveline BALL 103.945 size I Copperboy 103.910 size I Totally Tangerine 103.860 size I Take Off ANEMONE - CONT’D38 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
104.445 size I Happy Days Cream White 104.630 size I Fancy Pants 105.160 size 12/14 Espresso 105.166 size 12/14 Fairytale Pink 105.170 size 12/14 Far West 105.250 size 12/14 Fiorentina GLADIOLUS/DAHLIAORCHID FLOWERINGLARGE 105.007 size 12/14 Amber Mystique 104.710 size I Verrone’s Obsidian Dahlia / Gladiolus 105.085 size 12/14 Circus Color 105.490 size 12/14 Nova Lux 105.290 size 12/14 Indian Summer 105.460 size 12/14 Nori 104.455 size I Waltzing Mathilda 105.110 size 12/14 Dingadong 105.380 size 12/14 Milka 105.550 size 12/14 Oscar 105.580 size 12/14 Passos 105.730 size 12/14 Rose Supreme 105.700 size 12/14 Purple Flora 105.610 size 12/14 Peter Pears 105.670 size 12/14 Priscilla 39JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Gladiolus 105.790 size 12/14 White Prosperity 105.850 size 12/14 Large Flowering Mix 105.990 size 12/14 Ruffled Mix 106.000 size 8/9 Atom 106.130 size 8/9 Mix 106.500 size 8/10 Amber 106.600 size 8/10 Kim 106.700 size 8/10 Patty 106.800 size 8/10 Glamini Mix GLAMINI©RUFFLED BUTTERFLY+NANUS 106.310 size 10/12 Butterfly Mix 105.890 size 12/14 Fire Cracker 105.933 size 12/14 Princess Frizzle 105.935 size 12/14 Rik’s Frizzle 105.945 size 12/14 Snowy Ruffle 105.980 size 12/14 Vuvuzela Frizzle 105.740 size 12/14 Speed Date 105.750 size 12/14 Sugar Plum 105.760 size 12/14 Traderhorn FLOWERINGLARGE - CONT’Dsize 12/14 Sapporo 105.735 106.070 size 8/9 Nymph 40 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
107.650 size 14/16 Netty’s Pride 107.750 size 14/16 Purple Dream 108.380 size 14/16 Pink County 108.410 size 14/16 Red County 108.480 size 14/16 Baferrari 108.520 size 14/16 Casa Blanca 108.553 size 14/16 Corvara LILIUM ORIENTAL Lilium BICOLORASIATICASIATIC 108.475 size 14/16 Yellow Power 107.550 size 14/16 Forever Summer 107.850 size 14/16 Sugar Love 107.950 size 14/16 Whistler DOUBLEASIATIC 108.840 size 16/18 Annemarie’s Dream 108.810 size 14/16 Virtuoso 108.670 size 14/16 Stargazer 108.564 size 14/16 Hachi 108.845 size 16/18 Bald Eagle 108.350 size 14/16 Orange Summer 108.170 size 14/16 Kent 108.205 size 14/16 Landini 41JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Lilium 109.025 size 16/18 Apricot Fudge 109.070 size 16/18 Josephine 109.113 size 16/18 Pink Perfection 109.080 size 16/18 Lady Alice 109.149 size 16/18 Regale 109.600 size 14/16 Happy Heart 109.700 size 14/16 Happy Memories 109.800 size 14/16 Happy Snow 109.220 size 16/18 Anastasia 109.260 size 16/18 Friso O.T. SPECIALPOTLILY108.910 size 16/18 Fata Morgana 108.914 size 16/18 Must See 108.900 size 16/18 Elodie DOUBLEASIATIC - CONT’D42 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
110.010 size 5/6 Yellow 110.020 size 5/6 Orange 110.040 size 5/6 Pink 110.050 size 5/6 White 110.060 size 5/6 Mix 110.241 size 5/6 Florence 110.251 size 5/6 Sunray 110.255 size 5/6 odorosa Red Sunset 110.270 size 5/6 odorosa White Blush 110.290 size 5/6 odorosa Fragrant Mix 110.280 size 5/6 odorosa Yellow Flame 110.300 size 4/5 Yellow 110.320 size 4/5 Red 110.340 size 4/5 White 110.330 size 4/5 Pink 110.350 size 4/5 Mix 110.430 size 5/6 Pink 110.420 size 5/6 Red BEGONIA Begonia CASCADE PENDULA 110.030 size 5/6 Red GRANDIFLORA 110.310 size 4/5 Orange FIMBRIATA 43JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Begonia / Various bulbs SPECIAL 110.700 size 5/6 Non-Stop Mix 110.800 size 5/6 Pastel Compacta Mix 110.850 size 18/20 boliviensis San Francisco 110.900 size 18/20 boliviensis Santa Barbara 110.910 size 18/20 boliviensis Santa Cruz 111.159 size 5/6 Hollandiacoronaria 111.600 size I Picasso 111.580 size I Fantasy 111.650 size I Red Dazzler 111.655 size I Red Futurity 111.680 size I Richard Wallace 111.720 size I Wyoming ANEMONE 111.129 size 5/6 coronaria Bride 111.179 size 5/6 Mr.coronariaFokker 111.189 size 5/6 coronaria de Caen Mix 111.184 size 5/6 Purple-Pinkcoronaria Mix 111.369 size 5/6 coronaria St. Brigid CANNA 111.570 size I City of Portland 110.440 size 5/6 White 110.450 size 5/6 Mix FIMBRIATA - CONT’D44 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
111.780 size I Mini Lucifer 112.730 size 5/+ Double Blue 112.790 size 5/+ Double Red 112.760 size 5/+ Double Yellow 112.850 size 5/+ Double White 112.870 size 5/+ Single Mix 113.430 size 7/8 Blue 113.535 size 7/8 Picasso 113.595 size 7/8 White 113.600 size 7/8 Mix 113.590 size 7/8 Symphony 114.560 size 6/7 Orange BULBSVARIOUS FREESIA RANUNCULUS 112.820 size 5/+ Double Pink HOLLANDICAIRIS 114.530 size 6/7 Yellow 112.880 size 5/+ Double Mix 113.580 size 7/8 Silvery Beauty 111.500 size I Happy Carmen 111.510 size I Happy Emily 111.520 size I Happy Julia SOLFORCANNAPOTS;SERIES 45JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Various bulbs RANUNCULUS - CONT’D114.620 size 6/7 Red 114.650 size 6/7 Pink 114.680 size 6/7 White 114.690 size 6/7 Mix 114.695 size 6/7 Pastel Mix 114.860 size 5/6 Kaiser Friedrich 115.540 size 14/16 Captain Violetta 115.560 size 14/16 Dubai Nights 115.670 size 14/16 Manila 115.750 size 14/16 Picasso 115.680 size 14/16 Odessa 115.810 size 14/16 Pink Puppy ZANTEDESCHIASINNINGIA 114.890 size 5/6 Kaiser Wilhelm 114.920 size 5/6 Mont Blanc 115.530 size 14/16 Captain Ventura 115.665 size 14/16 Magic Fire 115.852 size 14/16 Royal Valentine 115.930 size 14/16 Summer Sun 46 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
111.030 size 16/+ Amarine Belladiva 111.100 size 20/+ BelladonnaAmaryllis 111.400 size 5/+ Babiana stricta Mix 111.980 size 20/24 Crinum Powellii Album 111.450 size I Bletilla striata 111.950 size 20/24 Crinum Powellii 112.100 size 6/7 Crocosmia Mix 112.160 size 8/+ Crocosmia George Davison 112.480 size I Eremurus Cleopatra 112.190 size 10/+ Crocosmia Lucifer 112.590 size 14/16 autumnalisEucomis 112.600 size 16/18 Eucomis bicolor 112.990 size 14/16 candicansGaltonia 113.250 size 7/+ RobustusHabranthus 113.350 size 14/16 SulphurHymenocallisQueen 113.750 size 5/+ Ixia Mix 114.000 size I Mirabilis Jalapa Mix BULBSVARIOUSVARIOUS BULBS A-Z 112.130 size 6/+ Crocosmia Emily Mckenzie 111.898 size 12/+ Chasmanthe Saturnus 112.350 size 13/15 Cyclamen hederifolium 113.300 size 16/18 FestalisHymenocallis 113.200 size 15/20 RothschildianaGloriosa 113.100 size 8/10 Gladiolus call. Murielae 47JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Various bulbs 114.200 size 18/+ SaundersiaeOrnithogalum 114.300 size 4/5 Oxalis deppei Iron Cross 114.400 size 12/14 Polianthes tuberosa The Pearl 115.100 size 4/5 Sparaxis Mix 115.350 size 5/6 Triteleia Corrina 115.300 size 7/9 Tigridia pavonia Mix VARIOUS BULBS A-Z - CONT’D114.100 size 12/14 Nerine bowdenii 114.150 size 12/+ Nerine bowdenii Alba 114.730 size 16/18 Scadoxus multiflorus 48 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Themed displays 850.800 Wooden display with 24 varieties Total: 120 packages (24 x 5) BULBS FOR BEES DISPLAY + HEADER CARD DISPLAYSTHEMED2 cabinet displays met ieder een speciaal thema: “Bulbs for Bees”: bollen voor bijen & “Balcony & Terrace”: bollen voor potten voor op terras en/of balkon. 2 medium cabinet displays with a special theme for each display: Balcony & Terrace”: bulbs for pots for patio and/or balcony. 850.850 Wooden display with 24 varieties Total: 120 packages (24 x 5) BALCONY & TERRACE DISPLAY + HEADER CARD 49JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
117.240 size I FantasticoImpression 117.233 size I Hartenaas 117.330 size I Menorca 117.380 size I Orfeo 117.350 size I My Love 117.410 size I Sandra 117.460 size I Summer Flame HOME COMPOSTABLEBAGS De zakken met de bio bollen zijn gemaakt van speciaal folie dat ‘thuis composteerbaar’ is. The bags with the organic (bio) bulbs are made of special foil which is ‘ home compostable.’ BIO (organic) Bulbs DAHLIAS 117.080 size I Bilbao 117.050 size I Avignon 117.140 size I Duet 118.010 size 10/12 New Release GLADIOLUS 117.750 size 10/12 Cookie 117.650 size 10/12 Bunga 117.850 size 10/12 Essential 50 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
BIO DISPLAY + HEADER CARD SKAL NL-BIO-01 701.260 Carrier Bag with 3 BIO (organic Dahlias in 3 varieties, size I 701.261 15 BIO Dahlia bags per outer BIO BEE BULBS BULBS(ORGANIC)BIO 850.161 Wooden display with 24 varieties Total: 120 packages (24 x 5) 51JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Low budget 150.215 size I Cactus White 150.350 size 10/12 Pink 150.400 size 10/12 Red 150.450 size 10/12 White 150.500 size 10/12 Purple 150.550 size 4/5 Grandiflora Red 150.600 size 4/5 Grandiflora White 150.700 size 12/14 Red-White 150.800 size 12/14 Asiatic White 150.845 size 4/5 Anemone de Caen 150.870 size 8/10 Crocosmia Lucifer 150.900 size 5/+ Freesia Single Mix 150.950 size 6/8 callianthusGladiolus Murielae 151.000 size 7/8 Iris hollandica Mix DAHLIA 150.315 size I Dinnerplate Yellow VARIOUSBEGONIA BULBS A-Z LILIUM 150.270 size I Decorative Dark Red GLADIOLUS 150.130 size I Cactus Orange 150.170 size I Decorative Purple 150.280 size I Decorative PinkWhite 52 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
150.312 size I Dinnerplate Pink 150.520 size 10/12 Mix 151.045 size 4/5 Ranunculus Mix 850.911 Wooden display with 24 varieties Total: 240 packages (24 x 10) LOW BUDGET DISPLAY + HEADER CARD BUDGETLOW 151.100 size 10/12 Liatris spicata This low budget line of prepacks contains a range of 24 varieties at competitive prices. 150.305 size I Decorative RedWhite 53JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
EXTRA LARGE PACKAGES The JUB promotional packaging line. These XXL packs are especially suitable for table presentations, cabinet displays or freestanding promotional displays with 30 pegs. De JUB promotie verpakkingslijn. De XXL packs zijn speciaal geschikt voor presentatie op tafels, in cabinet displays of in vrijstaande promotie displays met 30 posities. XXL packs 54 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
132.050 size I Adorable 132.100 size I Arabian Night 132.120 size I Ballerina of Ruffles 132.165 size I Extase 132.170 size I Le Baron 132.400 size I Favourite Ballet 132.225 size I Rebecca’s World 132.310 size I Cactus White 132.320 size I Cactus Salmon 132.430 size I Favourite Dance 132.460 size I Favourite Love 132.490 size I Happy Daylight 132.500 size I Happy Single Mix 132.510 size I Honka Mix PACKSXXL XXL packs DAHLIA 132.137 size I Cambridge 132.155 size I Dahlegria Tricolore 132.157 size I Deco Border Red 132.150 size I Cupido Friends 132.530 size I Lumière du Soleil 55JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
XXL packs 132.561 size I Pompon Mix 132.563 size I Salt & Pepper 132.564 size I Sweet Lemonade 132.562 size I Topmix 132.565 size 12/14 Black & White 132.620 size 12/14 Pastel Mix 132.660 size 12/14 Purple Variation 132.680 size 12/14 Mix 132.700 size 10/12 Mix 132.725 size 5/6 Anemone de Caen Mix 132.775 size 5/6 Begonia Picknick Mix 132.830 size I Canna Mix DAHLIA - CONT’D132.560 size I Pink Purple Touch GLADIOLUS 132.535 size I Pacific Mix 132.760 size 5/+ Babiana stricta Mix VARIOUS BULBS A - Z & PERENNIALS 132.559 size I Sweet & Honey 132.533 size I Mystery Day 56 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
size 5/+ 132.930 size 6/8 Gladiolus callianthus Murielae 132.940 size 7/8 Iris Tiger Mix 132.960 size 14/16 Lilium Asiatic Mix 133.020 size 14/16 Lilium Tango Mix 133.050 size I Mirabilis Jalapa Mix 133.055 size 12/+ Nerine Breeders Mix 133.057 size 5/6 Ranunculus Mix 133.133 Zantedeschia Pastel Mix 133.170 size 14/16 Zantedeschia Mix 133.160 size 14/16 133.200 size 1/2 Agapanthus Blue 133.210 size 1/2 Blue-WhiteAgapanthus 133.240 size I Alcea rosea Mix 133.245 size I Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrid Mix 133.250 size 2/3 Astilbe Mix 133.255 size plg. Convallaria majalis PACKSXXL 132.895 Freesia Double Mix Zantedeschia Urban Romance size 14/16 132.870 size 6/7 Crocosmia Mix 133.270 size I Echinacea Breeders Mix 132.840 size 8/10 Crocosmia Lucifer 57JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
XXL packs 133.350 size 10/12 Liatris Blue-White 133.380 size I Lupinus Mix 133.445 size 2/3 Paeonia Pink / White 133.450 size I Papaver orientale Mix 133.460 size I Phlox Mix VARIOUS BULBS A - Z PERENNIALS - CONT’D700.005 Carrier bag with 80 bulbs. Size 10/12 720.006 12 Bags per outer 80 GLADIOLUSMIX XXL garden bags 133.340 size I Iris Peacock Mix 700.015 Carrier bag with 5 bulbs. Size I 700.016 12 Bags per outer 5 CACTUSDAHLIAMIX 700.020 Carrier bag with 5 bulbs. Size I 700.021 12 Bags per outer 5 DECODAHLIAMIX 60 GLADIOLUSMIX 134.310 134.311 size 12/14 outer with 10 netlons 60 GLADIOLUS PASTEL MIX 134.315 134.316 size 12/14 outer with 10 netlons XXL netlons 58 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
BAGSGARDEN/PACKSXXLXXL garden bags 700.045 Carrier bag with 5 bulbs. Size I 700.046 12 Bags per outer 5TOPMIXDAHLIA 700.050 Carrier bag with 125 bulbs. 5 varieties 700.051 12 Bags per outer 125 GARDENBULBMIX 700.055 Carrier bag with 125 bulbs. 5 varieties 700.056 12 Bags per outer 125 GARDENBULBBLUE 700.060 Carrier bag with 125 bulbs. 5 varieties 700.061 12 Bags per outer 125 GARDENBULBPINK 700.062 Carrier bag with 125 bulbs. 5 varieties 700.063 12 Bags per outer 125 GARDENBULBWHITE 700.065 Carrier bag with 125 bulbs. 5 varieties 700.066 12 Bags per outer 125 BULBS FROM HOLLAND 125 bulb garden bags 700.035 Carrier bag with 5 bulbs. Size I 700.036 12 Bags per outer 5 POMPONDAHLIAMIX 59JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Perennials 60 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Perennials are important in the garden as a base for borders where spring and summer bulbs can be planted. Perennials come back every year and increase in size. Vaste planten zijn belangrijk in de tuin als basis voor de borders waar voor jaars- en zomerbollen kunnen worden geplant. Vaste planten komen ieder jaar terug en nemen jaarlijks in omvang toe.
Perennials 120.200 size 1/2 Agapanthus africanus Albus 120.250 size 1/2 Agapanthus Blue Giant 120.385 size I Alcea rosea Pink 120.400 size I Alcea rosea Nigra 120.600 size I Alstroemeria aurea Orange King 120.900 size I Aster dumosus Apollo 120.950 size I Aster dumosus Jenny 121.175 size 2/3 Astilbe arendsii Gloria Purpurea 121.200 size 2/3 Astilbe arendsii Spinell 121.230 size 2/3 Astilbe chinensis Maggie Daley 121.380 size 2/3 Astilbe japonica Peach Blossom 121.420 size 2/3 Astilbe japonica Washington 121.600 size I Aquilegia Black Barlow 121.650 size I Aquilegia White Barlow PERENNIALS 120.396 size I Alcea rosea Red 120.397 size I Alcea rosea White 121.550 size I Astrantia Major Rubra 120.470 size I Alcea rosea Peaches ‘n Dreams 120.500 size I Allium millenium 120.580 size I Alstroemeria Lutea 61JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
123.660 size I Hemerocallis Diva’s Choice 121.950 size I Convallaria majalis Rosea 122.000 size I Cosmos atrosanguineus 122.200 size 2/3 Dicentra spectabilis 122.250 size 2/3 Dicentra spectabilis Alba 122.400 size I Echinacea purpurea 122.450 size I Echinacea White Swan 122.600 size I Eryngium alpinum 122.900 size I Geranium Akaton 123.050 size I Gypsophila paniculata 123.080 size I Gypsophila Perfecta 123.100 size I Gypsophila Pink Festival 123.350 size I Helleborus orientalis Montsegur 123.360 size I Helleborus orientalis White Lady 123.423 size I Hemerocallis Berrylicious 123.425 size I Hemerocallis Bestseller 123.429 size I Hemerocallis Bogeyman 123.600 size I DaringHemerocallisDeception Perennials 121.710 size I Aquilegia Mix 121.901 Convallaria majalis size plg. 62 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
124.160 size I VillaHemerocallisVanilla 124.300 size I Heuchera Palace Purple 124.550 size I Hosta Blue Ivory 124.560 size I Hosta Blue Mouse Ears 124.780 size I Hosta Halcyontardiana 124.950 size I Hosta Patriot 124.985 size I Hosta Stained Glass 125.050 size I Hosta White Feather 125.200 size I Incarvillea delavayi 125.270 size I Iris ensata Blueberry Pie 125.280 size I Iris ensata Cheese Cake 125.300 size I Iris germanica Batik 125.320 size I Iris germanica Crazy for You 125.360 size I Iris germanica Edith Wolford 125.370 I Iris germanica Emma Louise 125.450 size I Iris germanica Loop the Loop PERENNIALS 125.600 size I Iris germanica Night Owl 125.660 size I Iris germanica White Knight 125.750 size I Iris sibirica Concord Crush 125.760 size I Iris sibirica Double Standard 63JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
127.050 size I Papaver FornsettorientaleSummer 127.100 size I Papaver orientale Patty’s Plum 125.800 size 12/14 Liatris floristan White 125.850 size 12/14 Liatris spicata 125.900 size I Lupinus Blue 125.950 size I Lupinus Cream Yellow 126.000 size I Lupinus Red 126.070 size I Lupinus White 126.480 size 2/3 Paeonia Alexander Fleming 126.500 size 2/3 Paeonia Bowl of Beauty 126.518 size 2/3 Paeonia Cytherea 126.540 size 2/3 Paeonia Duchesse de Nemours 126.600 size 2/3 Paeonia RosenfieldKarl 126.640 size 2/3 Paeonia Pink Hawaiian Coral Perennials 126.650 size 2/3 Paeonia Red Magic 126.700 size 2/3 Paeonia Sarah Bernhardt 126.900 size 2/3 Paeonia Top Brass 127.150 size I Papaver orientale Perry’s White 127.200 size I Papaver orientale Picotee 127.250 size I Papaver orientale Türkenlouis 64 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
127.380 size I Phlox paniculata Blue Paradise 127.670 size I Phlox OrchidpaniculataGreen 127.700 size I Phlox paniculata Peppermint Twist 127.850 size I Phlox paniculata Sherbet Blend® 127.855 size I Phlox paniculata Swizzle Blue 127.910 size I Phlox YouniquepaniculataOrange Elite 128.200 size I Rudbeckia Black Beauty 128.510 size I Sedum Carl 128.800 size I Tritoma Alcazar PERENNIALS 128.820 size I Tritoma Ice Queen 128.920 size I GracillimusMiscanthus 128.950 size I Panicum Heavy Metal 128.960 size I Pennisetum Gelbstiel GRASSES 65JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
66 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour Grow-it, Eat-it
The edible garden. JUB offers a wide range of fruit, vegetables and herbs in various packaging. Enough choice to plant an entire vegetable garden. De eetbare tuin. JUB biedt een breed scala aan groente, fruit en kruiden in diverse verpakkingen. Genoeg keuze om een hele moestuin vol te planten.
Fruits & vegetables EAT-ITGROW-IT, 129.020 size I Horseradish 129.040 size I Asparagus Backlim 129.045 size I Asparagus Erasmus 129.140 size I Crambe Maritima 129.170 size I Fragaria Elsanta 129.230 size I Fragaria Honeoye 129.260 size I Fragaria Korona 129.265 size I Fragaria Maxim 129.320 size I Fragaria Ostara 129.410 size I Fragaria White Pine 129.440 size I Helianthus tuberosus 129.460 size I Levisticum officinale 129.500 size I Rhubarb Holsteiner Blut 129.530 size I Rhubarb Red Champagne 129.560 size I Rhubarb Victoria 129.725 size 14-21 Onion Corrado 129.780 size I Ginger officinale 129.730 size 14-21 Onion Red Baron 67JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour 129.050 size I Asparagus Gijnlim 129.150 size I Curcuma longa
129.740 size 14-21 StuttgarterOnions Riesen 129.750 size 7-14 GoldenShallotsGourmet 129.760 size 7-14 RedShallotsSun Fruits & vegetables size 40-50 Garlic Casablanca 850.005 Display with 168 packages 24 varieties; 7 packs of each variety GROW-IT, EAT-IT CAPPER DISPLAY + HEADER CARD 129.765 68 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
EAT-ITGROW-IT, Netlons ONIONS RED BARON 129.845 500 gr. size 14/21 ONIONS STUTTGARTER RIESEN 129.850 500 gr. size 14/21 SHALLOTS GOLDEN GOURMET 129.855 500 gr. size 7/14 SHALLOTS RED SUN 129.860 500 gr. size 7/14 GARLIC CASABLANCA 129.864 250 gr. size 40/50 69JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Potato bags ‘POTATO BAG’ DISPLAY + HEADER CARD 851.296 Medium cabinet display with 96 bags (6 layers x 16 bags) 701.440 Bag with 500 gram potatoes Eersteling size 28/35 701.445 Bag with 500 gram potatoes Vitabella size 28/35 701.450 Bag with 500 gram potatoes Montreal size 28/35 701.460 Bag with 500 gram potatoes Lucera size 28/35 701.465 Bag with 500 gram potatoes Toronto size 28/35 701.470 Bag with 500 gram potatoes Vincenta size 28/35 POTATO BAGS, MIX BOX 701.455 21 bags; 7 of each early type POTATO BAGS, MIX BOX 701.475 21 bags; 7 of each mid early type VERY EARLY POTATOES MID EARLY POTATOES 70 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Garden bags EAT-ITGROW-IT, ‘GARDEN BAG’ DISPLAY + HEADER CARD 851.295 Display with 80 bags (4 layers x 20 bags) STRAWBERRIESELSANTA 701.365 Bag with 10 Elsanta, size I 701.366 12 bags Strawberries Elsanta per outer REDRHUBARBCHAMPAGNE 701.370 Bag with 3 Red Champagne, size I 701.371 12 bags Rhubarb Red Champagne per outer STUTTGARTERONIONSRIESEN 701.375 Bag with 1 kg. Stuttgarter Riesen, size 14/21 701.376 12 bags Onions Stuttgarter Riesen per outer GARDEN BAGS, MIX BOX 701.380 12 bags; 3 of each type GIJNLIMASPARAGUS(GREEN) 701.363 Bag with 4 Gijnlim, size I 701.364 12 bags Asparagus Gijnlim per outer 71JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Strawberries & Healthy Herbs CARDBOARD CRATE WITH STRAWBERRIES OSTARA 701.310 Cardboard crate with 5 Strawberry plants Ostara 701.311 8 Cardboard crates with 5 Strawberry plants Ostara per tray CARDBOARD CRATE WITH HEALTHY HERBS 701.4301 Cardboard crate with mix of parsley, basil & chives 701.4311 Tray with 8 cardboard crates with healthy herbs 701.385 Box with healthy herbs Basil HEALTHY HERBS, MIX BOX 701.395 27 boxes with healthy herbs 9 boxes of each variety 701.387 Box with healthy herbs Parsley 701.386 Box with healthy herbs Chives BOXES WITH HEALTHY HERBS 72 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
‘Grow-it, Eat-it’ display EAT-ITGROW-IT, ISLAND DISPLAY WITH VARIOUS ‘GROW-IT, EAT-IT’ PACKS, BAGS, CRATES & BOXES + 3-WAY HEADER CARD 851.700 Per display, per layer: 8 Paper bags with 500 grams potatoes Eersteling 8 Paper bags with 500 grams potatoes Vitabella 8 Paper bags with 500 grams potatoes Montreal 8 Paper bags with 500 grams potatoes Lucera 8 Paper bags with 500 grams potatoes Toronto 8 Paper bags with 500 grams potatoes Vincenta 12 Bags with 4 Asparagus Gijnlim 12 Bags with 10 Strawberries Elsanta 12 Bags with 3 Rhubarb Red Champagne 12 Bags with 1 kg Onions Stuttgarter Riesen 10 Cardboard crates with Strawberries Ostara 10 Cardboard crates Healthy Herbs Mix 8 Boxes with Healthy Herbs Basil 8 Boxes with Healthy Herbs Chives 8 Boxes with Healthy Herbs Parsley 73JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
74 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Carboard boxes with loose flower bulbs. Each box contains a colour card. Each bulb has an individual photo label and planting instructions. Kartonnen dozen met diverse losse bloembollen. Iedere doos heeft een info kaart met foto. Iedere individuele bol heeft een label met foto en plantinstructies. bulbs
Loose bulbs in boxes + labels BOXESCARDBOARDINBULBSLOOSE735.050 40 Begonia bertinii Worthiana, size 24/28 30 Cyclamen hederifolium, size 35/+ 735.200 40 Eucomis Comosa, size 30/+ 20 Agapanthus Blue, size TOP 735.400 20 Agapanthus White, size TOP 735.450 25 Crinum powellii Album, size 30/+ 735.300 40 Zantedeschia Black, size 28/+ 735.550 20 Paeonia Sarah Berhardt, size TOP ISLAND DISPLAY WITH 12 BOXES + 3-WAY HEADER CARD 850.710 12 cardboard boxes with loose flower bulbs and perennials 75JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
76 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
JUB offers a wide range of gift items. Stylish, inviting and practical. From beautiful luxury gift bags, trendy shopping bags to combination packaging with bulbs and seeds. JUB biedt een breed aanbod aan kado artikelen. Stijlvol, uitnodigend en praktisch. Van fraaie luxe kadotassen, trendy shopping bags tot combinatie verpakkingen met bollen en zaden. Gifts
Dahlia Party 701.560 Bag with dinnerplate dahlias in orange colours 701.561 16 bags Dahlia Party Orange per outer DAHLIA PARTY ORANGE 701.565 Bag with dinnerplate dahlias in pink colours 701.566 16 bags Dahlia Party Pink per outer DAHLIA PARTY PINK 701.570 Bag with dinnerplate dahlias in red colours 701.571 16 bags Dahlia Party Red per outer DAHLIA PARTY RED 701.575 Bag with dinnerplate dahlias in yellow 701.576 16 bags Dahlia Party Yellow per outer DAHLIA PARTY YELLOW 701.580 Mix box with 16 bags Dahlia Party 4 bags of each type DAHLIA PARTY, MIX BOX GIFTSBULB 77JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Wild garden bags 700.075 Shopping bag with a mix of pink flowering bulbs and perennials 700.076 9 Shopping bags Wild Garden Pink per outer WILDPINKGARDEN Jute bags 700.710 Jute bag with 30 red and white flowering gladiolus, size 12/14 700.711 16 jute bags with red & white gladiolus per outer JUTE BAG WITH RED & GLADIOLUSWHITE 700.715 Jute bag with 30 soft pink flowering gladiolus, size 12/14 700.716 16 jute bags with soft pink gladiolus per outer JUTE BAG WITH SOFT GLADIOLUSPINK 700.718 Mix box with 16 jute bags 8 bags of each type JUTE BAGS, MIX BOX 700.080 Shopping bag with a mix of salmon flowering bulbs and perennials 700.081 9 Shopping bags Wild Garden Salmon per outer WILDSALMONGARDEN 78 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
We love dahlias 850.520 Display with 80 bags We Love Dahlias 20 bags of each type 700.750 Bag with 4 Dahlias in pink colours size I 700.755 12 bags Pink Love per outer PINK LOVE 700.760 Bag with 4 Dahlias in purple colours size I 700.765 12 bags Purple Love per outer PURPLE LOVE WE LOVE DAHLIAS DISPLAY + HEADER CARD 700.790 Mix box with 12 bags We Love Dahlias 3 bags of each type WE LOVE DAHLIAS, MIX BOX 700.770 Bag with 4 Dahlias in salmon colours size I 700.775 12 bags Salmon Love per outer SALMON LOVE 700.780 Bag with 4 Dahlias in white colours size I 700.785 12 bags White Love per outer WHITE LOVE GIFTSBULB 79JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
701.100 Bag with a mix of various summer flowering bulbs
701.101 bags Blooming Summer Evi per outer BLOOMING SUMMER EVI Bag with a mix of various summer flowering bulbs 12 bags Blooming Summer Suze per outer BLOOMING SUMMER SUZE Bag with a mix of various summer flowering bulbs 12 bags Blooming Summer Lotte per outer BLOOMING SUMMER LOTTE Bag with a mix of various summer flowering bulbs 12 bags Blooming Summer Sofie per outer BLOOMING SUMMER SOFIE
Mix box with 12 bags Blooming Summer 3 bags of each type BLOOMING SUMMER, MIX BOX
Blooming summer
80 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Pots & Balcony 701.140 Mix box with 12 bags Pots & Balcony 6 bags of each type POTS & BALCONY, MIX BOX 701.125 Mix of various summer flowering bulbs for pots on patio, terrace and balcony 701.126 12 bags Pots & Balcony Mix - Saar per outer POTS &SAARBALCONY 701.130 Mix of various summer flowering bulbs for pots on patio, terrace and balcony 701.131 12 bags Pots & Balcony Mix - Kiek per outer POTS &KIEKBALCONY GIFTSBULB 81JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
82 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
JUB biedt een steeds groter aanbod aan kado artikelen met bloembollen voor bijen en vlinders. Decoratieve tassen en doosjes met bloembollen om in de zomer de hongerige bijen en vlinders van nectar te voorzien.
Gifts for Bees
JUB offers an ever-increasing range of gift items with flower bulbs for bees and butterflies. Decorative bags and boxes with flower bulbs to provide the hungry bees and butterflies with nectar in summer.
Buzzy Bulbs GIFTSBULB 701.530 Bulb mix with blue & white colours 701.531 12 bags blue & white mix per outer BLUE - WHITE MIX 701.535 Bulb mix with pink & lilac colours 701.536 12 bags pink & lilac mix per outer PINK - LILAC MIX 701.550 Mix box with 12 bags Buzzy Bulbs 3 bags of each type BUZZY BULBS, MIX BOX 701.540 Bulb mix with purple & violet colours 701.541 12 bags purple & violet mix per outer PURPLE - VIOLET MIX 701.545 Mix with white & yellow colours 701.546 12 bags white & yellow mix per outer WHTE - YELLOW MIX 850.530 Display with 80 packs Buzzy Bulbs 20 bags of each type BUZZY BULBS DISPLAY + HEADER CARD 83JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
By using this bag we bring sustainability and biodiversity together. Wonderful dahlias that will attract bees. In addition, this mixture is packed in a Zero-Tree® bag. So no trees had to be cut down for this. This material is made from recycled jeans. A very nice combination.
Een schitterende collectie die bijen aantrekt. Daarnaast is dit mengsel verpakt in een ‘Zero-Tree® ’ tas. Hiervoor zijn geen bomen gekapt. Dit materiaal is gemaakt van gerecyclede jeans. Een mooie combinatie.
Met dit pakket brengen we duurzaamheid en biodiversiteit samen.
84 JUB HOLLAND · Royal
Sweet Bee Flowers 700.180 Mix of 3 Collarette dahlias, size I attracting bees Packed in a Zero - Tree® bag 700.181 12 bags Sweet Bee Flowers per outer SWEET BEE FLOWERS BAG
Help Nature Grow Mengsels samengesteld in samenwerking met de Nederlandse Bijenhouders Vereniging (NBV) en de Vlinderstichting. Mixtures in cooperation with the NBV, the Dutch Butterfly Foundation and Buglife. 851.280 Wooden display with 80 bags 40 bags of each type BEE & BUTTERFLY DISPLAY + HEADER CARD 700.850 Paper bag with a mix of 14 butterfly attracting flower bulbs. Bulbs for 1m² 700.860 12 bags Happy Butterfly Mix per outer HAPPY BUTTERFLY MIX 700.800 Paper bag with a mix of 25 bee attracting flower bulbs. Bulbs for 1m² 700.810 12 bags Happy Bee Mix per outer HAPPY BEE MIX GIFTSBULB 85JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Help Nature Grow 700.935 Bag with 10 perennials Echinacea purpurea 700.936 12 bags Echinacea purpurea per outer ECHINACEA PURPUREA 700.930 Bag with 5 perennials Aster novi belgii Milka 700.931 12 bags Aster novi belgii Milka per outer ASTER NOVI BELGII MILKA 700.940 Bag with 3 perennials Helenium Waltraut 700.941 12 bags Helenium Waltraut per outer HELENIUM WALTRAUT 700.960 Bag with 5 Dahlia Sunset Mix 700.961 12 bags Dahlia Sunset Mix per outer DAHLIA SUNSET MIX 700.955 Bag with 5 Dahlia Sweet Mix 700.956 12 bags Dahlia Sweet Mix per outer DAHLIA SWEET MIX 700.965 Bag with 5 Dahlia Honey Mix 700.966 12 bags Dahlia Honey Mix per outer DAHLIA HONEY MIX 86 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
700.945 Bag with 3 Tanacetumperennialsvulgare 700.946 12 bags Tanacetum vulgare per outer GIFTSBULB HELP NATURE GROW DISPLAY PERENNIALS & BULBS + HEADER CARD 851.288 10 Bags x 5 Aster Novi belgii Milka 10 Bags x 10 Echinacea purpurea 10 Bags x 3 Helenium Waltraut 10 Bags x 3 Tanacetum vulgare 10 Bags x 5 Dahlias Sweet Mix 10 Bags x 5 Dahlias Sunset Mix 10 Bags x 5 Dahlias Honey Mix 10 Bags x 5 Dahlias Sunrise Mix TANACETUM VULGARE 700.970 Bag with 5 Dahlia Sunrise Mix 700.971 12 bags Dahlia Sunrise Mix per outer DAHLIA SUNRISE MIX 700.950 Mix box with 12 bags with perennials 3 bags of each variety HELP NATURE GROW MIX BOXES 700.975 Mix box with 12 bags with dahlias 3 bags of each variety 87JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Help Nature Grow HELP NATURE GROW ISLAND DISPLAY 850.690 24 Bags Happy Bee mix 24 Bags Happy Butterfly mix 6 Bags x HNG Aster novi belgii Milka 6 Bags x HNG Echinacea Purpurea 6 Bags x HNG Helenium Waltraut 6 Bags x HNG Tanacetum Vulgare 6 Bags x HNG Dahlia Sweet Mix 6 Bags x HNG Dahlia Sunset Mix 6 Bags x HNG Dahlia Honey Mix 6 Bags x HNG Dahlia Sunrise Mix 30 Cardboard crates HNG Bees & Butterflies 16 Shopping Bags HNG Bees & Butterflies 700.985 Shopping Bag with 25 bulbs attracting Bees & Butterfies 700.986 9 Shopping Bags Help Nature Grow per outer SHOPPING BAG HELP NATURE GROW 700.980 Cardboard crate with a mix of 25 bulbs attracting Bees & Butterflies 700.981 8 crates Bees & Butterflies per outer CARDBOARD CRATE BEES & BUTTERFLIES 88 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
In het doosje zit een leuke folder met duidelijke uitleg, tips en informatie over wat groen met je doet. De bollen zijn duurzaam geteeld en de gebruikte materialen zijn volledig recyclebaar.
Zo maken we samen de wereld een beetje gelukkiger en gezonder!
BOLLETJE ZOMER Package has Dutch text only 89JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Vergroen je Leven is een sociale onderneming die zich onderscheidt door haar maatschappelijke missie om een fijnere en gezondere leefomgeving te realiseren door groen dichter bij mensen te brengen. Daarvoor ontwikkelen zij aantrekkelijke groenpakketten die het voor iedereen leuk en makkelijk maken om hun leefomgeving te vergroenen. Ook als je géén groene vingers hebt. Bovendien gaat van elk verkocht product een bijdrage naar een maatschappelijk vergroeningsinitiatief.
Bolletje Zomer is een uniek, duurzaam cadeaupakket (25,5 x 25,5 x3 cm.) van Vergroen je Leven dat past door de brievenbus en is gevuld is met vijftig zomerbloeiers die bijen en vlinders aantrekken.
GIFTSBULB Bolletje Bloem 701.700 Doos met 50 gemengde bollen die bijen en vlinders aantrekken 701.701 24 Bolletje Zomer dozen per omdoos BOLLETJE ZOMER
Webshop B2B 90 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Place your order practically and quickly via the JUB webshop at any time of the day. After submitting the order you will receive a digital order confirmation with an estimated transport date. Op ieder moment van de dag praktisch en snel via de JUB webshop uw order plaatsen. Na plaatsen van een bestelling ontvangt u een digitale orderbevestiging met een gekozen transportdatum.
FR En tant que client, vous avez la possibilité de vous connectez sur une plateforme sécurisée de notre site internet enfin de vous confirmer vos commandes online. Pour obtenir votre login, contactez notre service Enclientèle.commandons
DU Als Kunde haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Bestellung bei JUB online durch zu führen. Hierfür melden Sie sich im geschützten Bereich auf unserer Homepage an und fordern einen Login-Namen und Code an. Mit Ihrer online Bestellung sparen Sie Zeit und haben einen Überblick über die bestellte Ware. Es wird Ihnen auch die Verfügbarkeit unserer Produkte angezeigt. Vorrätige Ware kann schnell versendet werden. Wenn Sie Fragen zu unserem Webshop haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere Kundenbetreuung oder an unsere Spezialisten bei JUB.
NL Door als klant in te loggen op een speciaal beveiligd deel van onze website heeft u de mogelijkheid om uw bestelling bij JUB online te plaatsen. Via onze klantenser vice kunt u een inlognaam en -code aanvragen. Door het online, digitaal bestellen van uw bollen bespaart u tijd en heeft u direct een overzicht van wat u heeft besteld.
UK As a client you are able to log-in to a secure part of our website. You have the possibility to place your order at JUB online. Through our customer service, you can request a login name and code. By ordering your bulbs online you will save time and you have an instant overview of what you ordered. You also have an overview of the current stock of available products. Products in stock can be sent quickly. If you have questions about our webshop, please contact our customer service or one of our JUB specialists.
online vous gagnerez du temps et vous aurez de suite le détail de votre commande.Vous avez également l’état du stock actuel des articles disponibles. Les articles en stock pourront vous être adressés rapidement. Pour tous renseignements sur notre webshop prenez contact avec notre service clientèle ou un de nos spécialistes JUB.
U heeft ook een overzicht van de actuele voorraad van de beschikbare producten. Producten op voorraad kunnen snel worden verstuurd. Als u vragen heeft over onze webshop neemt u dan contact op met onze klantenservice of met één van onze JUB specialisten.
91JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
JUB specialists Jaap-Jan Uittenbogaard Directeur/Director - Retail +31 (0)6 5021 0935 +31 (0)252 204 jaap-jan@jubholland.nl110 Robbert Uittenbogaard Directeur/DirectorLandscape+31(0)65155 3625 +31 (0)252 204 robbert@jubholland.nl112 Jaap Uittenbogaard Verkoop Nederland +31 (0)6 5375 jaap@jubholland.nl0393 Jos Beelen Sales Central Europe +31 (0)6 5183 0080 +31 (0)252 204 j.beelen@jubholland.nl114 Cees van der Lip Export manager +31 (0)252 204 cees@jubholland.nl108 Pieter Teeuwen Sales Sweden +31 (0) 6 2223 pieter@jubholland.nl2750 Tony Lindhout Sales UK +31 (0)6 2250 3674 +31 (0)252 204 tonylindhout@jubholland.nl113 Peter van der Geer Sales UK +31(0)6 1453 peter@jubholland.nl8200 Jos Smit Sales UK +31(0)6 5161 jos.smit@jubholland.nl8326 Simon Verhoeff Coordinator BinnendienstRetail +31 (0)252 204 retail@jubholland.nl022 Rick van Zelst Assistant export manager +31 (0)252 204 rick@jubholland.nl105 Fleur van Dam DTP, design and marketing+31(0)252204 fleur@jubholland.nl103 92 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
TERMS&SPECIALISTSJUB Willem de Groot Verkoop NL/Verkauf D +31 (0)6 2063 willemdegroot@jubholland.nl2672 Willem Zandbergen Verkoop NL/Verkauf D +31 (0)6 1132 jubholland.nlwillem.zandbergen@5252 Otto de Vroomen Verkoop Nederland +31 (0)6 5773 4269 +31 (0)252 204 otto@jubholland.nl101 Olivier Vico Verkoop België / Vente Belgique +32 475 vico.olivier@jubholland.nl606378 Job van Eeden Sales UK +31 (0)6 4397 8319 +31 (0)252 204 job@jubholland.nl109 Tatjana Kraaijeveld Verkauf Deutschland +31 (0)6 4223 jubholland.nltatjana.kraaijeveld@4242 Dick Mosselman Verkoop Nederland +31 (0)6 8278 dick@jubholland.nl9544 Eline Guijt Verkoop binnendienst +31 (0)252 373 eline@jubholland.nl762 93JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Payment: Payment must be made within 30 days after the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed in writing. When paying within eight days, 1% payment discount is allowed. If the payment term is exceeded, JUB Holland is entitled to charge the statutory interest from the due date. As long as no full payment of all amounts invoiced by JUB Holland has taken place, the delivered products remain the property of JUB Holland and it has the right to take back the products. In the case of new customers, JUB Holland reserves the right to only deliver after advance payment. Complaints: The buyer is obliged to examine the products upon delivery for any visible and/or immediately observable defects. Complaints must be submitted in writing at the latest within seven calendar days after delivery. By submitting a complaint, the payment obligation of the buyer is not suspended.
Leveringsvoorwaarden Terms & Conditions 94 JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Algemeen: Alle offertes en leveringen door JUB Holland (Jac. Uittenbogaard & Zonen B.V.), geschieden uitsluitend op basis van de algemene verkoop- en leveringsvoorwaarden bloembollen van Anthos, de brancheorganisatie van de handelsbedrijven in bloembollen en boomkwekerijproducten, alsmede onderstaande aanvullende condities. De verkoopen leveringsvoorwaarden bloembollen van Anthos zijn beschikbaar op de website van JUB Holland. Eventueel door de koper gehanteerde voorwaarden worden hierbij expliciet van de hand gewezen, tenzij schriftelijk anders overeenge komen. Door het plaatsen van een bestelling verbindt koper zich volledig en zonder enig voorbehoud aan deze leveringsvoorwaarden en aanvullende condities.
Offertes: Alle door JUB Holland gedane offertes en prijsopgaven zijn geheel vrijblijvend. Offertes hebben een geldigheidsduur van 30 dagen. Een overeenkomst komt tot stand nadat deze schriftelijk door verkoper is bevestigd. Alle prijzen van de producten worden vastgesteld in euro’s (€) exclusief BTW, Ex Works Noordwijkerhout, tenzij anders overeengekomen. De minimale besteleenheid per product is vermeld op de prijslijst. Bestellingen vanaf € 200,00 worden Franco huis geleverd in Nederland.
Levering: Indien JUB Holland producten in geval van overmacht, waaronder mede maar niet uitsluitend oogstresultaten, niet kan leveren, behoudt zij zich het recht voor de overeenkomst geheel of gedeeltelijk te ontbinden of aan te passen. Ofschoon de opgegeven levertijd zoveel mogelijk in acht zal worden genomen, geldt deze levertijd slechts bij benadering en kan deze nimmer worden beschouwd als een fatale termijn. JUB Holland is niet aansprakelijk voor schade als gevolg van niet tijdige levering. Betaling: Betaling dient te geschieden binnen 30 dagen na factuurdatum, tenzij schriftelijk anders overeengekomen. Bij betal ing binnen acht dagen is 1% betalingskorting toegestaan. Bij overschrijding van de betaaltermijn is JUB Holland gerechtigd om vanaf de vervaldag de wettelijke rente in rekening te brengen. Zolang geen integrale betaling van alle door JUB Holland gefactureerde bedragen heeft plaatsgevonden, blijven de geleverde producten eigendom van JUB Holland en heeft zij het recht om de producten terug te nemen. Bij nieuwe kop ers behouden wij ons het recht voor alleen na vooruitbetaling te leveren. Reclames: Koper is verplicht de producten bij aflevering te onderzoeken op zichtbare en/of direct waarneembare gebreken. Reclames moeten uiterlijk binnen zeven kalenderdagen na aflevering schriftelijk zijn ingediend. Door het indienen van een klacht wordt de betalingsplicht van koper niet opgeschort.
JUB & conditions
General: All quotations and deliveries by JUB Holland & JUB Holland UK LTD (Jac. Uittenbogaard & Zonen B.V.) are exclusively made on the basis of the general terms and conditions for flower bulbs by Anthos, the Royal Trade Association for Nursery Stock and Flower Bulbs, as well as the additional conditions below. The full Anthos Terms and Conditions for bulbs are available on the JUB Holland website. Any additional conditions applied by the buyer are hereby explicitly rejected, unless otherwise agreed in writing. By placing an order, the buyer accepts fully and without reservation these terms and additional conditions.
JUB terms & conditions
Quotations: All offers and quotations made by JUB Holland are entirely without obligation. Offers have a validity of 30 days. An agreement is concluded after it has been confirmed in writing by the seller. All prices of the products are quoted in Euros (€) excluding VAT, Ex Works Noordwijkerhout in The Netherlands, unless otherwise agreed. The minimum order unit per product is stated on the price list.
Delivery: In a case of force majeure, including but not limited to harvest results, resulting in that JUB Holland cannot deliver products, we reserve the right to cancel or adjust the agreement in writing, completely or partially. Although the stated delivery time will be taken into account as much as possible, this delivery time is only approximate and can never be considered a strict deadline. JUB Holland is not liable for damage as a result of late delivery.
Allgemein: Alle Angebote und Lieferungen von JUB Holland (Jac. Uittenbogaard & Zonen B.V.) erfolgen ausschließlich auf der Grundlage der allgemeinen Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen für Blumenzwiebeln von Anthos, der Handelsorganisation für Blumenzwiebel- und Baumschulhandelsunternehmen, sowie der nachstehenden zusätzlichen Bedingungen. Die Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen für Blumenzwiebeln von Anthos finden Sie auf der JUB Holland-Website. Vom Käufer verwendete Bedingungen werden hiermit ausdrücklich abgelehnt, sofern nicht schriftlich etwas anderes vereinbart wurde. Mit der Bestellung verpflichtet sich der Käufer uneingeschränkt und vorbehaltlos zu diesen Lieferbedingungen und Zusatzbedingungen.
Zahlung: Die Zahlung muss innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Rechnungsdatum erfolgen, sofern nicht schriftlich etwas anderes vereinbart wurde. Bei Zahlung innerhalb von acht Tagen ist 1% Zahlungsrabatt zulässig. Bei Überschreitung der Zahlungsfrist ist JUB Holland berechtigt, die gesetzlichen Zinsen ab Fälligkeit zu berechnen. Solange keine vollständige Zahlung aller von JUB Holland in Rechnung gestellten Beträge erfolgt ist, bleiben die gelieferten Produkte Eigentum von JUB Holland und es besteht das Recht, die Produkte zurückzunehmen. Bei neuen Käufern behalten wir uns das Recht vor, nur nach Vorauszahlung zu liefern.
Offres : Toutes les offres et devis de JUB Holland sont entièrement sans engagement. Les offres ont une validité de 30 jours. Un accord est conclu après avoir été confirmé par écrit par le vendeur. Tous les prix des produits sont fixés en euros (€) hors TVA, Ex Works Noordwijkerhout, sauf convention contraire. L’unité de commande minimum par produit est indiquée sur la liste de prix.
Plaintes : L’acheteur est tenu de contrôler les produits à la livraison pour détecter les défauts visibles et / ou immédiatement observables. Les réclamations doivent être soumises par écrit dans les sept jours calendaires suivant la livraison. En déposant une réclamation, l’obligation de paiement de l’acheteur n’est pas suspendue.
Lieferbedingungen Conditions de livraison
Reklamation: Der Käufer ist verpflichtet, die Produkte bei Lieferung auf sichtbare und / oder sofort erkennbare Mängel zu untersuchen. Reklamationen müssen innerhalb von sieben Kalendertagen nach Lieferung schriftlich eingereicht werden. Mit der Einreichung einer Reklamation wird die Zahlungsverpflichtung des Käufers nicht aufgehoben. Conditions générales : Toutes les offres et livraisons par JUB Holland (Jac. Uittenbogaard & Zonen B.V.) sont exclusivement effectuées sur la base des conditions générales de vente et de livraison des bulbes à fleurs d’Anthos, l’organisation professionnelle des entreprises de commerce de bulbes à fleurs et de pépinières, ainsi que des conditions supplémentaires ci-dessous. Les conditions de vente et de livraison des bulbes de fleurs d’Anthos sont disponibles sur le site Internet de JUB Holland. Toutes les conditions éventuelles appliquées par l’acheteur sont expressément refusées, sauf accord écrit contraire. En passant commande, l’acheteur s’engage pleinement et sans réserve à ces conditions de livraison et conditions supplémentaires.
Paiement : Le paiement doit être effectué dans les 30 jours suivant la date de facturation, sauf accord écrit contraire. Lors d’un paiement dans les huit jours, une remise de 1% est autorisée. Si le délai de paiement est dépassé, JUB Holland est en droit de facturer les intérêts légaux à compter de la date d’échéance. Tant qu’aucun paiement intégral de tous les montants facturés par JUB Holland n’a eu lieu, les produits livrés restent la propriété de JUB Holland et elle a le droit de reprendre les produits. Avec les nouveaux acheteurs, nous nous réservons le droit de ne livrer qu’après paiement anticipé.
95JUB HOLLAND · Royal supplier of colour
Angebote: Alle Angebote und Angebote von JUB Holland sind unverbindlich. Angebote haben eine Gültigkeit von 30 Tagen. Eine Vereinbarung kommt zustande, nachdem sie vom Verkäufer schriftlich bestätigt wurde. Alle Preise der Produkte sind in Euro (€) ohne MwSt. Ab Werk Noordwijkerhout festgelegt, sofern nicht anders vereinbart. Die Mindestbestellmenge pro Produkt ist in der Preisliste angegeben. Lieferung: Wenn JUB Holland bei höherer Gewalt keine Produkte liefern kann, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Ernteergebnisse, behält es sich das Recht vor, die Vereinbarung ganz oder teilweise aufzulösen oder anzupassen. Obwohl die angegebene Lieferzeit so weit wie möglich berücksichtigt wird, ist diese Lieferzeit nur ungefähr und kann niemals als strenge Frist angesehen werden. JUB Holland haftet nicht für Schäden, die durch verspätete Lieferung entstehen.
Livraison : Si JUB Holland ne peut pas livrer de produits en cas de force majeure, y compris mais sans s’y limiter, les résultats de la récolte, il se réserve le droit de suspendre ou d’ajuster l’accord en tout ou en partie. Bien que le délai de livraison indiqué soit pris en compte autant que possible, ce délai de livraison n’est qu’approximatif et ne peut jamais être considéré comme un délai strict. JUB Holland n’est pas responsable des dommages résultant d’une livraison tardive.
Royal supplierRoyal supplier 2022herfstautumnof colour Royal supplier summer2023zomer