The HCOS Weekly Eighth Edition
I.M.O. With Grace: Christian Homophobic Hate By Grace Kelly
mean, come on, that’s not even a thing.) But you should probably acHello people. tively prepare yourself to disagree This week I’ve been tossing around with me. different ideas of what exactly to rant on, but many were just boring, The Bible states, clearly, that hoand let’s face it, there’s only so mosexuality is wrong. This can be much you can criticize about vege- an awkward subject for any Christarians before you start realizing tian to stumble into, because you that they’re right. Personally, I either seem like you’re disregarddidn’t want to give up my bacon, ing the Bible by being soft, or you so I stopped that rant short before go all one hundred percent homoI got converted to no-meating. So I phobe and act like a complete fool. decided to launch into another I’m wondering if we can’t find a hefty subject; one of my pet sub- happy medium where we share the jects, actually. I’ve decided to talk love of Christ without agreeing a b o u t h o m o s e x u a l i t y , with things our religion deems to flamboyancy, and our role in this be sinful. whole gay-rights biz. This is going Heading right into ranting mode to be more Biblyish and theologi- here, I’m going to start with what is cal (hate that word though) than w r o n g w i t h s o m e o f o u r either of my previous rants, so if (Christians’) actions towards hoyou’re not into that kind of thing, mosexuals. Most people are simply this is going to be super boring and uncomfortable with the subject of you should flip the page(s). I hope homosexuality, but some Christo cover a lot in this rant, and see- tians are so outraged by the idea of ing how it’s currently 12:30 AM and it that they pour their time and my insomnia doesn’t wear off until their life into metaphorically 2 AM, you will get the coffee-fueled, throwing gay people into hellfire. quickly typed, barely revised and Here are a few pictures that I found thoroughly sleep-deprived version that really underline my point: of Grace’s opinions. Goody. So let’s get started. I’ll kick this off by saying that I have gay friends and family, and have absolutely no bias towards them. I love them the same as anyone else, and this rant isn’t going to be ‘homophobic’ or demeaning to any version of sexuality (although urban-sexuality is a joke. I
(Out of the pictures, there are about three from Westboro Baptist Church. Another topic for another time.) These pictures make me sick, so sick and tired. Sick of stupid people and tired of bigots hiding behind religion. No wonder people want nothing to do with our religion. Who would want to be associated with a faith that shows such hatred and indecency? The extremity and extent of the hate radiated from Christians that think they’re doing God’s work by telling people how much God hates them is beyond ridiculous. It doesn’t matter that this is just a small fraction of our religion; it makes all of us seem like biased hatemongers with a personal vendetta to send every single gay person to hell. So, my slightly undercooked (i.e., very raw) ranting points that have to do with Christian people that make the rest of us seem like homophobic and bigmatic idiots: A) God hates NOBODY. He loves everyone on the same level. Even if you’ve done everything sinful you could possibly know to do, you can always find redemption. You are never too far gone and God is never going to stop loving you. That’s kind of His whole deal. He doesn’t hate you; He simply can’t. He hates sin, but He never hates the sinner. So stop telling people that God hates them. It doesn’t matter if they’re gay or not, God still made them, did He not? B) How is this sort of picketing and anger justified? It doesn’t matter who it is, we have no right to tell another person that God hates them and that they deserve hell. The Bible says that no one is righteous, not one of us. So by that logic none of us are better than others, and none of us deserve heaven. It’s judgmental, hypocriti-
The HCOS Weekly
cal and all levels of incredibly selfrighteous to say the kinds of things pictured above. How is that drawing people to Christ or showing any semblance of love that we’re supposed to be simply oozing? (Apologies for using that hateful word.)
need to keep your opinions to yourself. But what you do have to be is loving. And according to 1st Corinthians 13, that means you have to be longsuffering, kind, patient, not keep a record of wrongs and not be conceited or proud….along with a bunch of other good stuff that I’m completeC) If you were gay and faced with ly aware you already know. this attitude from Christians, how would that make you feel? I sin- Okay, done with that bit. Now I’m cerely doubt that it would make moving to the other side of the you feel loved and safe; like you’re coin. I’m very hesitant to write this welcome into the Kingdom of God part because I don’t want to come and that you are cherished by the across as rude or homophobic, but maker of the universe. It’s bullying as a straight Christian I want to say with the pretty bow of religious what I don’t like about the gay obligation tied around it. That kind movement. of opposition and hate would make me feel like avoiding Chris- A) In all honesty, homosexuality tians and anything to do with God bothers a lot of people and makes for the rest of my life. We are using them uncomfortable. Personally the wrong techniques to oppose I’m not overtly bothered by it (alhomosexuality and obviously it’s though I don’t agree with it) and not working the way it is intended not meaning for this to be rude, to. We are hurting ourselves by try- but I know that a lot of people find ing to help ourselves and it’s get- it repulsive, strange, unnatural and ting us nowhere. are completely confounded by the idea of it. Addressing gay people, So do I suggest we sit back and now comes your part in keeping treat everyone with equal love and the peace between people. If dignity, no matter who they are? something makes another person Yes. We don’t have to be silent with uncomfortable, you shouldn’t do it our opinions and we certainly around them. And by ‘do it’ I mean don’t have to agree with homosex- that you shouldn’t be flamboyant. uality, but we do need to change I’m not asking you to hide who you our methods of opposition. The are, or not be true to yourself or Bible says to speak the truth…in whatever other jargon is used as a love. Isn’t that what it always right-of-way to get hormonal comes back to? Love. It’s the base changes or cross-dress; I’m just of what we believe, isn’t it? Then it asking you not to flaunt it everyshould also be the base of how we where you can. You can be who live. 1 John 4: 20, “If anyone says, you want to be, obviously, but if it “I love God,” and hates his brother, makes anyone you know feel bothhe is a liar; for he who does not ered, practice love and be more relove his brother whom he has seen strained around them. Making othcannot love God whom he has not er people uncomfortable on purseen.” And by ‘brother’, I believe pose is the opposite of love, which, that this verse is saying ‘anybody as it turns out, is kind of the centre you know’. You don’t have to agree piece here. We’ll do our bit to pracwith homosexuality and you don’t tice love, and so should you.
The HCOS Weekly
B) That’s pretty much my only point. Just as a side note: As Christians, most of us don’t agree with homosexuality and gay rights because of verses in scripture that clearly state its immorality (Rom. 1:26-28 being the main argument). The majority of us believe that it is a sin; but that’s not hate. There are many other things in the Bible that are sins, such as stealing, lying, murdering, coveting, idolatry, etc. Frankly, in God’s eyes, we are all sinners. We are all the same and we all deserve judgment because of the things that we have done wrong. There is no single sin worse than another, and I think that that’s one thing we as Christians don’t remember enough. We are just as bad as anyone else. Gay rights and marriage is just a hobby horse to jump on. If you need to condemn someone, look at yourself first; and remember that we can always be saved, we can always be forgiven, no matter who we are or what we’ve done. Obviously you guys already know all this, but my single point is that we need to stop judging other people as worse than ourselves when we are all the same in the eyes of God. And there is a perfect example of the annoying rabbit trails and wild goose chases I go on whilst traipsing about my vaguely unpleasant but often pandering thoughts.
Closing note:
Verse of the Week
Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; By Megan Ferguson Mark 12:31 -The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these. Luke 6:31 -Do to others as you would have them do to you. Romans 13:10 -Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. 1 Peter 4:8 -Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Corinthians 16:14 -Let all that you do be done in love. I was sitting here trying to think of something truly profound to say with this verse. But then I read the verse again and thought, “How could I even come close to saying anything as magnificent, beautiful, or profound as this?” God truly is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and our Prince of Peace. Christmas is about celebrating the fulfillment of a promise that was made to a people thousands of years ago. Christ came once as a baby, but behold He is coming again. That is truly something to celebrate. This week I’m going to break the rules and add another verse that touches me deeply: “He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.” –Revelation 22: 20-21
Alright my lovelies, going to sleep James 2:10 - For whosoever shall now. I feel like a loser because I keep the whole law, and yet offend never get messages, so you should in one [point], he is guilty of all. totally contact me on my Ning, Moodle, Facebook or Skype Romans 2:1 -You, therefore, have (grace.olga1). -Grace no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever P.S. This is called IMO for a reason, point you judge another, you are but if you still want to call me out condemning yourself, because you on something, let’s chat. Merry Christmas, and remember who pass judgment do the same that He is coming soon.
The HCOS Weekly
An Interview With The Editor ships on. I can't imagine how life Q. When are you happiest? would be if I hadn't met these marvellous people. A. When I get a great mark on homework, get unexpected comQ. What could you not live with- pliments, and when I'm laughing out? my head off with my friends. I love my friends to bits. A. I could not live without water. I would dehydrate, shrivel up, and Q. Who is your favourite person die a slow painful death. I also can- from all of history, and why? not live without wifi. My entire social life depends on the internet! A. JESUS! What’s not to love about our Saviour? He’s the best friend/ Q. What does the colour blue dad anyone could ever have. He make you think about? doesn’t let me down, He’s always there when I’m frustrated about A. WATER! That lovely shade of life, and he loves me unconditionQ. What is your personal opinion aqua/teal blue, nearly icy blue. So ally! No one trumps Jesus ;D Also, of yourself? gorgeous. It's my favorite colour! if he didn’t exist, nothing would exist. GO JESUS! :P A. I think that I'm a kind person. Someone who really cares about Q. What is your favourite thing my friends, and looks deeper than about life in general? just the outward appearance and A. Those moments when things the way people act. Sometimes I work out for the better, and you rejudge too quickly, but I'm only hualize that God really does have evman. I can be really silly one moerything in his hands. Or when life ment, then really serious and isn't going so well but you have party-pooping the other second. your close friends nearby who unBad English makes me cringe, and derstand and support you, and you people with blenders in their Q. Can you imagine yourself living KNOW they have your back. In my brains make me really mad. I can in Mexico? opinion, those are the best mobe really passionate about the ments in life. things I love, and a tad too harsh A. I can't, but I would love to! about things I hate. Overall, I think Beaches and sunshine sounds like Q. What is an interesting fact I'm a pretty well balanced person, bliss. Maybe someday in the near about yourself that the readers or at least I hope so :P future… would probably not know? A. I made better friends through Q. How long have you been with Q. What is, in your opinion, the HCOS than in real life. I love my HCOS, and what's your favourite best kind of food? school friends to oblivion and part about the school? back, and they know it! Special A. In my opinion, soup is the best thanks to Jennica, Hannah, Micah, A. This is actually my 8th year with kind of food. I LOVE soup. Give me Davin, and Steven for making my HCOS. My favorite part about the soup and I'll love you forever ;D It’s last year with HCOS absolutely school is being able to meet so the best comfort food. spectacular! ^-^ many great friends, and just having a platform to build strong friendInterview with Jubilee Chiu By Jennica Wlodarczyk
The HCOS Weekly
Literature Corner A great place to showcase YOUR writing!
Waiting Love
He is the Reason
A Poem By Jennica Wlodarczyk
By Emily Pearson
Quotatious Quotes Compiled by Caleb Johnson
Water droplets on the window Looking into my hidden place Perfect pictures line the railroads Pouring into my cluttered space If I could bend the will of flowers Or cure an awful cold I would make sure you were near me And we would watch the stars grow old
"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." ~ Steve Martin
"The true sign of intelligence is not Snow falling from the sky, what a knowledge but imagination." beautiful sight ~ Albert Einstein Staying up all night watching the fireplace flicker with light "I believe in Christianity as I beAs the tree lights glisten against lieve that the sun has risen: not the bulbs of ornaments only because I see it, but because 'Cause picture-perfect paper flow- And the mantle decorated in fake by it I see everything else." ers snow, ~ C. S. Lewis Are cluttered on my desk My face set aglow I'd clean it up if you were with me With joy and happiness, ‘tis this "If we knew what it was we were But until that's true I'll rest season for loving one another doing, it would not be called reJesus's birth, how intricate and search, would it?" For you will always be my loved beautiful ~ Albert Einstein one We must remember You're my darling, sugar-sweet Jesus is the reason for this season "I am what I am, I'm doing very We'll just have to bear the mad- A cup of eggnog and a plate of gin- well in my life, and I'm thankful to ness ger cookies God for that." Until our warm eyes fin'lly meet Let us listen to Grandpa speak of ~ LL Cool J the story of Jesus’ birth For he is the reason that we are "Believe you can and you're here on this earth halfway there." Let us not forget our dear Saviour’s ~ Theodore Roosevelt birth, It may be a season of gifts and can- “To invent, you need a good imagidy nation and a pile of junk." Which I may say, is very dandy! ~ Thomas A. Edison From now on When you look upon the decorated "Nearly all men can stand adversitree ty, but if you want to test a man's Or mom and dad making turkey character, give him power." dinner ~ Abraham Lincoln Remember He is the reason for this season
The HCOS Weekly
may-not actually have a story for this edition, so I’m taking advantage of the fact that I can ramble when given paper and pen, or computer and keyboard. You are all welcome for the interruption to your school day, assuming anyone actually reads this).
This show is generally geared to a more mature audience but I found that on the viewers tested the violence was not enough to overly shock any of the subjects. If you are interested in the weapons and armed forces of different countries this show is for you. Just make Essentially, I have just taken up sure to clear it with your parents 2.75 paragraphs telling you all first. what I could’ve said in one sentence: I have nothing for the paper A Show Review this week, but I’ve been saying I’ll By Davin van Urk write an article for it since the paper started in, um, June, so I really In our modern world where viohad to submit something this week lence and war are an ever-present other than funny pictures. danger, sometimes it is reassuring to see the rough and tough men Have a lovely Saturday/Sunday/ and women that make up the By Genevieve Ward whichever day the paper comes armed forces of the united nations. out on! Deadliest Warrior pits the skills of I’m a fan of good news. By which I each army or fighting group mean, I don’t mind reading the against each other to discover who news, but the majority of it is quite would win in a real life conflict. depressing. Therefore, the odd news story that has nothing to do Plot/Story with catastrophic events or which celebrity got their hair cut last As this show is more along the week, appeals to me. I’m fine with lines of an informative show, there serious subjects, but I also enjoy is no real plot or storyline that we slightly whimsical and on-the- By Jennica Wlodarczyk can follow. lighter-side stories – some of them even encouraging. "This edition was done by our Objectionable Content Editor-In-Training, Jennica WlodarAs such, I’ve decided to try and czyk!! Props to her for a job well As this IS a show about warriors write a column, chronicling at least done, on such short notice." - Head there is a copious amount of one random, slightly off-kilter Editor, Jubilee Chiu. weapon testing and violence to- news story in each HCOS Weekly wards mannequins and dead pigs. edition. Please note the usage of Remember that we are always willSeveral of the mannequins DO the word “try” – as anyone who ing to accept one-time submissions, spurt blood when hit and this knows me well will tell you, I’m a whether they be articles, stories, poalone may upset younger or person of good beginnings and ems, questions for Dr. Wise, or anysqueamish viewers. At the end of failed completions. It’s rather un- thing else that might benefit the paeach episode there is a live action fortunate. per. If you've written something in simulation of a fight between the your spare time or even for school two contesting groups and like- Now, the point in this rambling that you think could contribute to wise there is blood, violence and written work was to form an intro- the HCOS Weekly, know that they the rare case of gore in them. Lan- duction for the as-of-yet unnamed will be greatly appreciated. Reguage is fairly polite and the odd column, which I’ll hopefully be member to send your submissions curse word is censored out. starting in the New Year. (It must and questions to hcosweekly@outalso be admitted that I may-or- Thank you!
Deadliest Warrior
COMING SOON: New Article Series!
The HCOS Weekly
Note from the Editor Continued This will be the HCOS Weekly's LAST edition before the Christmas holidays. The next edition will be returning on January 11th, 2014. So again, remember that you can still send us stu over the holidays - it just won't be compiled into an edition until January 11th, 2014.
Weekly LOL
Super Comics
Homeschoolers - Joshua Wlodarczyk
The HCOS Weekly
Cool Facts
Fun Fact!
For Your Warehouse of Useless Knowledge
By Jennica Wlodarczyk Most dust particles in your house are made from skin. King Louis XIX ruled France for fifteen minutes.
NING: Music Contest Results!
We are proud to announce that the If a frog's mouth is held open for Christian Music Sharing and Poll too long, the frog will suocate. Competition winners have been decided! A duck has three eyelids. Congratulations to Thomas Panio A hippopotamus can open its and Matthew Panio who tied for mouth wide enough to fit a four- first place. Thomas entered the foot-tall child inside. song "Beautiful Things" by Gungor, while Matthew entered the song A woodchuck breathes only ten "By Your Side" by Tenth Avenue times in hibernation. North. Both of them won $25 Amazon gift vouchers. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
"Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Scotland". The picture of the "Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Scotland" is PHOTOSHOPPED!! It is actually a photoshopped version of Shotover River,
Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a 50,000 word novel without using the letter 'e'. Human feet perspire half a pint of fluid every day. "You" is the second most spoken word in the English language. US dollar bills are made out of cotton and linen. Norwegian scientists have hypothesized that Rudolph the reindeer's red nose is probably the result of a parasitic infection in his respiratory system. Each year more than 3 billion Christmas cards are sent in the US alone.
Second place went to Ethan Johnson, who entered the song "Favorite Song" by tobyMac. He won a $15 Amazon gift voucher. The competition was lots of fun and it was great to see so many new songs being introduced to people! Again, congratulations to Thomas and Matthew Panio! Shotover River, New Zealand.