Pvc toy. Limited edition of 50 pieces. by Judas Arrieta Judas Arrieta是西班牙当代艺术家,现旅居中国。自从2005年他获得西班 牙巴塞罗那亚洲中心的奖学金来到中国做《北京之梦》的艺术项目之后, 他就爱上了中国,并把自己的工作室迁到了北京。 Judas Arrieta的绘画作品深受日本的动漫艺术,亚洲的东方文化和欧洲 当代绘画艺术的影响,并把它们融合在一起,用自己独特的绘画语言,创 作出极具艺术收藏价值的当代艺术作品,他的绘画作品被广泛地收藏在中 国,日本,澳大利亚和欧洲的艺术博物馆中,例如中国青山城博物馆,西 班牙驻日本使馆,西班牙毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆等等。 Judas Arrieta的艺术创作不仅在绘画作品上,他所创作的限量版潮流公仔 玩具也极具有收藏价值。玩具的灵感是来自于人生的喜,怒,哀,乐的四 种状态,结合画家本人的卡通造型,而诞生的Judasz公仔玩具。每款玩具 全球限量五十个,每个玩具都有画家本人的签名,限量版号和证书。其中 白色的一款公仔,画家希望通过收藏者自身在看到玩具的形象之后,能够 在公仔的身上做画,为玩具创造故事或者主题来赋予玩具以新的生命,让 艺术玩具的意义可以更广泛地延伸到生活当中。 Judas Arrieta is a Spanish Contemporary Artist, now he lives in China. Since 2005 he got the Scholarship to China to fulfill the project of <Beijing Dreams>, he fell in love with China. Thereby he moved his MA studio to Beijing. Judas Arrieta’s works are effected by Japanese cartoon art, Asian oriental culture and European contemporary art, he makes all of the elements together and uses his unique art language to produce a lot of outstanding contemporary works ,which are worthy to be collected. His art works are widely collected by Museums which are in China ,Japan Australia and all around Europe ,such as Guggenheim, Bilbao,Spain. Judas Arrieta’s art works are not only in paintings, he produced limited cartoon toy in PVC, which have mixed the characters of artist himself, heroic robot and the inspiration of toy faces came from four kinds of human feeling, joy anger grief and pleasure. Every toy has the signature of Judas Arrieta, limited No and certificated. Especially the type of white toy ,Judas Arrieta hopes the people who bought it could paint the toy by himself with the feeling of toy and create a new story or new topic for the toy, let art could be extended to daily life of collector.
旅居中国。自从2005年他获得西班 做《北京之梦》的艺术项目之后, 到了北京。 动漫艺术,亚洲的东方文化和欧洲 一起,用自己独特的绘画语言,创 ,他的绘画作品被广泛地收藏在中 馆中,例如中国青山城博物馆,西 海姆博物馆等等。 品上,他所创作的限量版潮流公仔 来自于人生的喜,怒,哀,乐的四 诞生的Judasz公仔玩具。每款玩具 人的签名,限量版号和证书。其中 自身在看到玩具的形象之后,能够 者主题来赋予玩具以新的生命,让 活当中。
Artist, now he lives in China. Since ulfill the project of <Beijing Dreams>, ed his MA studio to Beijing. nese cartoon art, Asian oriental cultukes all of the elements together and a lot of outstanding contemporary His art works are widely collected by ralia and all around Europe ,such as
intings, he produced limited cartoon ers of artist himself, heroic robot and ur kinds of human feeling, joy anger ture of Judas Arrieta, limited No and toy ,Judas Arrieta hopes the people self with the feeling of toy and create art could be extended to daily life of