Placemaking Patterns of Public Squares

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Understanding Public Squares Project Brief:

The Place Diagram:

As a final year architecture student at DAAP, I have begun to realize a growing interest in exploring scales larger than architecture, particularly those of urban public squares. Growing up in India has made me accustomed to settings of high-density cities, such that I have begun to enjoy studying the complex dynamics of urban life.

“Imagine that the center circle on the diagram is a specific place that you know: a street corner, a playground, a plaza outside a building. You can evaluate that place according to four criteria in the blue ring. In the green ring outside these main criteria are a number of intuitive or qualitative aspects by which to judge a place; the next outer yellow ring shows the quantitative aspects that can be measured by statistics or research.�

A school trip to Europe in August, 2014 then presented the perfect platform for me to engage in this Independent Study, that has allowed me to launch my research and documentation of public spaces in some high-density cities visited during this trip, particularly New York City, Paris, Rome and Istanbul. My main source of preparation for this research came from the resources of Project for Public Spaces, a New York-based NGO that is actively involved in planning and improving urban spaces throughout the world. With the help of an assessment tool developed by the NGO called The Place Diagram, I studied the Accessibility, Sociability, Activity and Comfort and Image components in different case studies. The challenge then was to observe and document the ways in which some of the most successful public squares in these cities incorporated these attributes in their own context and to begin to understand the ways in which these spaces were benefiting their surroundings.

Juhi Goel B.Sc Architecture University of Cincinnati Class of 2015

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Place de la Rèpublique Republic Square

+ Located in Paris, France + Transformed this year to become the largest public pedestrian square in Paris + Houses monument devoted to the Third Republic in 1879, now added with water features, cafe pavilion, Games store. + Vast scale but with priority to the pedestrians and cyclists + Occupied primarily by locals

all age group users: children to elderly

skateboarding & cycling plaza exhibitions

variety of cultures diverse wide range of activities

Family games center (L’R de Jeux)

active fun



welcoming relative number of women cooperative interactive

live music performances


Uses & Activities


surrounded by food & retail

PLACE public transit systems: bus stop & subway

proximity connected

parking availability

Access & Linkage

Comfort & Image

public user friendly attractive

convenient accessible

pedestrian traffic central location for neighborhood

public toilets water features & greenery

sittable historic identity

drinking fountain

seating as benches, ledges & steps

monument-fountain of French Republique: spot for protests, speeches, etc

Place Igor Stravinsky Stravinsky Square

+ Located in Paris, France + Placed next to the Centre Georges Pompidou and directly above the IRCAM, the center’s subterranean music department, the fountain consists of sixteen separate Tinguely sculptures inspired by Stravinsky’s music. + It seems fitting that such a modern fountain be built near the most famous modern museum in Paris. + Intimate scale + Occupied by tourists as well as locals

all age group users: children to elderly relative number of women occupied by different income groups children play here after school hours

street performers: musicians, yoga display street artists at work





welcoming Uses & Activities



local street vendors with diverse goods & services


celebratory beneficial

lined by restaurants on one side

attractive clean

water features wall art

PLACE public transit: subway


Access & Linkage


bike racks high pedestrian traffic from places of interest nearby

Comfort & Image



convenient accessible

artistic identity

two schools nearby tourist attraction: adjacent Pompidou Museum Center

Tinguely fountains: dynamic, colorful, interactive display by Pompidou Center

seating ledge around fountain

Pompidou Center

Piazza del Popolo People’s Square

+ Located in Rome, Italy + Marks the historical North Gate entrance of Rome & was a traveller’s first view of the city + Houses monuments, fountains brought to Rome from Egypt + Large urban landmark square + Vast scale + Occupied primarily by locals

accessible to various age groups

stalls & exhibitions adjacent properties

number of women and children friendly neighborly


local-tourist interactions

active indigenous

welcoming street life: kids running interactive around plaza


Uses & Activities

beneficial fun

street performers: musicians, dancers, etc

PLACE public transit: subway nearby


Access & Linkage



pedestrian zone plaza open space for cyclists

green attractive

readable clear signage


Comfort & Image sittable historic identity

surrounding building conditions

benches in park; steps, ledges at square

Egyptian obelisk monument, Egyptian lion fountains as a symbol

Union Square + Located in New York City, USA + Small urban square + Medium to intimate scale + Social hub for locals Rest stop for shoppers + Marks the historical intersection of two major thoroughfares of Manhattan + Displays monuments of Washington, Lincoln, Gandhi, etc.

accessible to various income groups used throughout the day

street life: soccer players interact with public

street performers: musicians, dancers, artists,etc


active fun


homegrown affordable

welcoming Sociability

everchanging activities

regular farmer’s market setup

Uses & Activities

chess games surrounded by restaurants & retail


PLACE public transit: subway

proximity connected

high pedestrian traffic

Access & Linkage

Comfort & Image

public user friendly attractive sittable


street closed off to cars heart of office, commercial, retail district Manhattan

historic identity

drinking fountain

adjoining park greenery

benches in park; steps, ledges at square

statues of Washington, Lincoln, Gandhi, etc are spots for protests & speeches

Conclusion Key Observations:

Benefits of Public Squares:

+ It was very interesting to see how the same attributes and intagibles were incorporated in completely different ways in the different public squares to indicate that social tendencies of people are the same throughout. + The real challenge is to adapt this general model, for some essential characteristics of the public realm that people throughout the world enjoy, to the context of the location they are planned for. + Public spaces are exceptionally beneficial to their surrounding community in ways that are detailed very well in the adjecent diagram (to the right) created by Project For Public Spaces.

Way Forward: I put this model to practice by applying it to create a design proposal for an effective public square in Istanbul, where this concept is still missing or underdeveloped (refer to Links). I hope to continue learning from this model in its use as a base reference in the future.

References: Project for Public Spaces Wikipedia (history of public squares)

Photo credits (unless otherwise mentioned): Rheaa Rao Juhi Goel

Links: Click here to download my design proposal for an effective public square in Istanbul. Click here to download my reflective essay on the experience of documenting these public squares.

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