4 minute read
Nature’s first aid
from Juiced! #16
by Juice Master
Hold the prescription! Many common winter ailments can be treated without the need for Big Pharma’s medicines. Follow our guide to healing with nature…
If you're feeling under par, it’s tempting to head to your GP or local pharmacy for a prescription or overthe-counter medicine, but many simply mask the symptoms of an illness with nasty side-effects. Instead, there are plenty of natural antibiotics used through history and which are the go-to remedies in many cultures.

Antibiotic, meaning ‘opposing life’, is an antimicrobial agent used to counter bacteria. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks used many plant-based medicines and even a form of mouldy bread as antibiotic treatments. As we become resistant to antibiotic medicines, scientists are increasingly returning to natural product derivatives to develop 'new' treatments. In fact, the discovery of penicillin in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming came about when the scientist returned from holiday during a study on influenza and discovered a mould had developed on a culture plate, preventing the growth of bacteria.
The following ‘clean team’ of ingredients have incredible natural powers to help our bodies fight infection and heal. While some are everyday ingredients, several are worth seeking out to help your body on the road to recovery, no ‘script' required.
One of the oldest known antibiotics, raw or Manuka honey was used by the ancients as a salve for wounds. Today it’s just as effective as a topical treatment, ingested or added to hot water or herbal tea to treat a sore throat – in a study of 105 children, honey outperformed conventional cough medicine.
High in calories and sugar, honey should be consumed in moderation. Take as… a spoonful neat or alternatively dilute in hot water or tea. Native to the prairies of North America, echinacea can increase and activate the movement of white blood cells which help us fight infections. In a study of 473 people suffering from flu, drinking an echinacea-based drink was as effective as an anti-viral medication at treating symptoms. Used in conjunction with anti-fungal cream it may help treat recurring thrush. Children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and diabetics should avoid taking echinacea.

This everyday ingredient needs no introduction, but studies show garlic has powerful antibiotic properties. Containing manganese, vitamins B6 and C, selenium and fibre, garlic can help to treat high blood pressure, diabetes and auto-immune and common brain diseases. To benefit from its full properties, eat up to two cloves raw or use generously in cooking. Take as… eat raw or garlic tablets.
Take as… a tincture, tea or capsules.

GOLDENSEAL Goldenseal is a herbal antibiotic used to treat a host of skin and mouth conditions, including acne, eczema, dandruff, ringworm, cold sores and ulcers, along with ear and eye infections. Sometimes referred to as Indian turmeric or curcuma, it can also be used to tackle colds, hay fever and upper respiratory tract infections. Infants and pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take goldenseal. Take as… goldenseal root extract in tablets or goldenseal powder as a tea or tincture.
Associated with Italian cooking, the oil extracted from oregano is naturally antibacterial and anti-fungal. Studies have shown it may help to lower cholesterol, reducing LDL (bad) and increasing HDL (good) levels in trials. Candida is a common cause of yeast infections and early studies show oregano oil may provide an alternative treatment. Take as… tablets or capsules.
and rheumatoid arthritis.
A potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, turmeric has many proven health benefits thanks to its active compound, curcumin, which blocks the action of inflammatory molecules in the body. In studies, people with rheumatoid arthritis found the spice to be more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs. Early studies have shown that curcumin may cross the blood-brain barrier and help to protect against Alzheimer’s.
Chances are if you’ve ever experienced toothache or a mouth infection, someone has suggested cloves as a natural pain-reliever. Naturally antibacterial, cloves increase our white blood cells to support our immune system and can help us to fight off infection. Take as… chew one or two whole cloves,

Widely recognised for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, ginger belongs to the same family as turmeric and is a natural antibiotic with the power to fight many strains of bacteria. Used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, it has long been a go-to for tackling nausea, sickness, stomach upsets and digestive issues, thanks to its gastricemptying properties. Ginger is also anti-inflammatory and can help to relieve the symptoms of conditions such as osteo- Take as… add to juices, blends or as an infusion in hot water.

make a cup of clove tea or use in cooking. Take as… a drink, capsules or use daily in cooking.
Without probiotics, antibiotics can sometimes damage the protective gut bacteria which can affect your digestive system. Taken regularly, probiotics can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, and Juice Master’s Biotic Blend is a unique formula of friendly bacteria which contains live and thriving soil-based organisms. Take as… two capsules daily before food.
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