Portfolio 2014

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Portfolio Juil Eom flipdvinyl@gmail.com +821056226348 2014




Milk Music Samsung Music Muzever

VLUF Garage Party Sensorware Soundfair

First Screen Persimmon Turntable Player Maze Intelligent Responsive Space Multi Median D-Vinyl DJ PAD



Shape Touch 360째 Camera Pan Your Icon Air Gesture Panoramic Wallpaper

R/C Standardization Sensitive Scroller

Digital Media Motion/Music/Light/Sound LED Throwie VLUF X Twitter Media Conversion

Patent 10 patents as inventor 8 patents as co-inventor

Service Milk Music Samsung Music Muzever

Fine Tune:


Service Milk Music 2014 (US only)

원안에 모든 음악을 Listening Comes Full Circle

Leader of 
 Product planning part (Co-work w/ MSCA Music team in US)


Music Service G., Media Service Team, Media Solution Center, Samsung Elec.

Customize Dial: Up to 10 stations


www.samsung.com/us/ showcase/milk/



youtu.be/vjifnzXKDXA Review youtu.be/SUxYqO1yyxE TV CF


Google Play (US only) play.google.com/store/apps/ details? id=com.samsung.mdl.radio

Just turn dial to listen to over 300 stations

Create Station:

Based on Artist/Song



Service Samsung Music 2013

세상의 모든 음악 All the music in my phone

Leader of 
 Product planning part


Music Service G., Media Service Team, Media Solution Center, Samsung Elec.




Google Play

play.google.com/store/apps/ details?id=com.samsung.music



Service Muzever 2012

나만의 공연 캘린더를 만드세요 Make your own concert calendar

Product planning / BI design Muzever Team






Event VLUF Garage Party Sensorware Soundfair

X Art Toy

X Music Labels

X Animation

X Live Painting

Party VLUF

Biggest Garage Party includes UNIONMADE MINOS VOLCANO 2012~

공연/파티 노하우를 새롭고, 대 안적인 공간위에 그린다 Art / Street Culture / Tech. garage party

X Clubs

X Books

X Skate/Sub Culture

X Legend

Interactive Director / Founder VLUF












Exhibition Sensorware w/ SADI 2008 Lego Box 레고 박스(7종)에는 각기다른 센서들이 들어있다. 박스를 열면 해당 센서 로 플레이할 수 있는 게임이 스크린 상에 자 동 실행된다,

| Various Sensors, Arduino, Flash

Shake Shot Shake 리모컨을 쪼개면 두 개의 포인팅 건이 된다. 15초 동안 화면을 쏴 자신이 원하는 화면조각을 더 많이 맞춘 사람이 채널 승리자

| IR Camera, Arduino, Flash

Sento Sensor Toy. 활용 가능한 모든 센 서를 기반으로 사람과 인터랙션 하고 스스 로 학습하고 노는 센서 기반 인간형 토이 | Various Sensors, Mi-com, Linux

센서를 어려워 하는 사람이 너무 많아 Making sensors easy for all

Project Manager UI Lab DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec. Collaborate with SADI Product Design

Music Wave 아가는 원통이 시퀀스 악기 가 된다. 원통의 구멍에 막대기를 살짝 혹은 깊숙히 꼽으면 원통이 돌면서 그에 따른 음 악을 연주 한다 | IR Sensor, Phidgets, MaxMSP

Play the colors 뚜러뻥으로 사물을 찍으 면 사물의 컬러를 복사한다. 쉐이커 처럼 흔 들면 각 색깔에 맞는 BGM Beat가 흘러나 와 파티 분위기를 만든다, | Color Sensor, Arduino, Sounduino

Cocktail 2개의 칵테일 믹서를 합친후 섞 으면 서서히 중간의 색이 나온다. 빈컵에 새 로운 색을 따른다. 마음에 드는 색을 찾는 과정 | Color Sensor / Accelerometer, Zigbee, Arduino



 Shake Shot Shake


goo.gl/iOTorl goo.gl/UTUnVa goo.gl/mjB2mB Music Table LED는 빛을 내기도 하지만, 빛을 읽기도 한다. LED Matrix위에서 손으 로 제스처를 취하면 소리와 빛으로 연주되 는 LED Turntable | LED / LED(as PhotoDiode), Mi-Com

Blending 2대의 화면이 어디에 있는지 아 는것 만으로 훨씬 재미있고 쉬운 교환을 할 수 있다. | IR Sender/Receiver, Windows Mobile

Emotion Expression Cube 거짓말 탐지 기는 무섭지만, 귀여운 이모티콘으로 내 기 분을 알려주는 조그만 박스는 흥미롭다. | Heartbeat / Humidity / Thermal Sensor



Festival Soundfair 2005

기상천회한 문화활동으로 
 대한민국의 문화를 만들어간다 Sound festival held at NAMI-Island

Chief / 

지하공작소 / Underground Workshop




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UX First Screen Persimmon Turntable Player Maze Intelligent Responsive Space Multi Median D-Vinyl DJ PAD


UX First Screen


Hash Tags / Keywords


Frequently used apps.

굳이 Home 화면으로 들어갈 필요가 있을까? Widgets on lock screen

Project Manager


UX Solution G., UX Center, 
 DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.

My Social Activities



Friends’ Timeline


Lock screen widget as product (Galaxy S4, 2013~)

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UX Persimmon Versus Apple 2010 Prototype / Public Drawer

차세대OS의 표준을 만들자 3D transition / Layered interface for next-gen UX

Prototype / Music Player

Product (Drawer UX, 2013~)

Interaction Design


UX Solution G., UX Center, DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.


vimeo.com/95924237 vimeo.com/95924238 vimeo.com/95924239 vimeo.com/95924241

Prototype / Task manager



Prototype / Home Screen

Competitor’s product (Safari, iSO7, 2013~)

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UX Turntable Player 2006

음반을 가지고 놀자 DJ booth in your mobile

Interaction Design


UI Lab DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.





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UX Maze 2006

재미있게 풀자 Zig-zag unlock screen

Interaction Design


UI Lab DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.









Product (Android)

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UX Intelligent Responsive Space 2005

직관적이고 만질 수 있는 테이블 Intuitive & Tangible Meeting Table

UI Expert Intelligence & Interaction Center, KIST



vimeo.com/92944410 MBC News vimeo.com/92944664 Demo

Flash, VC++, C#

GUI, UI, Interaction Design & Programming



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UX Multi Median 2004

책상 앞에 앉을 필요 없잖아? HTPC: Controlling PC with a remote controller

Chief of Design Team


Design Team, Soundgraph

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UX D-Vinyl 2002

mp3로 믹싱할 순 없을까? Digital DJ set + mp3 player

Chief of Design Team


Design Team, Soundgraph

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UX DJ PAD 2001

Touchpad 로 믹싱할 순 없을 까? Touchpad DJ set + mp3 player

Design Assistant


Design Team, Soundgraph

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Interaction Shape Touch 360째 Camera Pan Your Icon Air Gesture Panoramic Wallpaper

Twist Finger

Seesaw fingers

Palm Sweep

Interaction Shape Touch

Lift up finger


손가락 끝으로만 만질 필요는 없잖아? Palm motion interaction design

Two thumbs on

User research / Interaction Design

Cover up


UX Solution G., UX Center, DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.



vimeo.com/92703779 Demo youtu.be/zDuvImf52xA TV CF



Multi-Touch Screen

include Firmware/Middleware


Product (Galaxy Note, 2011~)



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Interaction 360° Panorama 2010

주변을 훑는것 만으로 사진을 담으면 좋겠다 360° panorama camera interaction design



Interaction Design UX Solution G., UX Center, DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.



Product (Galaxy S4, 2013~)

! Password:1123 !

Gyro, Accelerometer




Competitor’s product (iOS6, 2012~)

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Interaction Pan Your Icon 2010

아이콘 이동을 내맘대로~ Pan interaction design in home screen


Interaction Design UX Solution G., UX Center, DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.




Product (Galaxy S2, 2011~)

! Password:1123 !

Gyro, Accelerometer

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Interaction Air Gesture 2010

책장넘기듯 휘리릭~ Air gesture interaction design for page/gallery browsing

Interaction Design


UX Solution G., UX Center, DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.



! Password:1123 !

Couple of IR Sensor




Product (Galaxy S4, 2013~)

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Interaction Panoramic Wallpaper 2010

바탕화면에서 탐험하자 Panoramic wallpaper interaction design

Prototype 6

Interaction Design UX Solution G., UX Center, DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.


vimeo.com/92809300 Prototype youtu.be/psxp45_GR3g Competitor



Gyro, Accelerometer Competitor’s product (iOS7, 2013~)



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PUI R/C Standardization Sensitive Scroller


Standardization 2007

대다수에게 편한 리모컨 Remote controller design easy for all

User Research / Layout Design




UI Lab DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.



UT, FGI, In-depth interview, Ethnography, Survey


Low Tier



2008~ 2012~ Product

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PUI Sensitive Scroller 2007

볼하나로 모든 컨트롤을 Touch sensitive ball scroller

User Research / Layout Design


UI Lab DMC R&D Center, Samsung Elec.

UT, FGI, In-depth interview, Ethnography, Survey



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Digital Media Motion/Music/Light/Sound LED Throwie VLUF X Twitter Media Conversion

Media Motion/ Music/ Light/ Sound 2009~2012

몸짓과 음악을 소리와 빛으로 전환하는 퍼포먼스 Convert motion/music into light/sound

Media designer 1



Arduino, Processing, Kinect, DC Motor

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Media LED Throwie 2012

던져서 붙일 수 있는 LED로 관 객이 공간을 재구성 Redesign party space with throwable/attachable LED

Interactive Director VLUF




LED, CR2032, Tape, Magnetic, Glue-gun

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Media VLUF X Twitter 2012

#VLUF 태그를 단 트위터 멘션의 실시간 비쥬얼 큐레이션 Realtime visual curation with #VLUF hash tagged mentions on twitter

Interactive Director VLUF




Processing, Arduino

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Media Media Conversion 2005

소리로 볼 수 있다면 Video to sound conversion

UI Expert

Intelligence & Interaction Center, KIST

Max/MSP Jitter, CAM


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Patent 10 patents as inventor 8 patents as co-inventor

As Inventor (1/4)


Motion control touch screen method and apparatus WO 2012033345 A1, US 20120056837 A1, EP 2614422 A1 ABSTRACT An apparatus and method of controlling a motion of an object on a touch screen of a device including recognizing pressures at least two positions on the touch screen of the device, and controlling a motion of the object on the touch screen using a difference in pressure between the at least two recognized positions. http://goo.gl/VdYJEI, http://goo.gl/LZLYF3, http://goo.gl/PaFLxT


Method and apparatus for determining input WO 2013051785 A1, US 20130091553 A1 ABSTRACT A method and apparatus for determining an input are provided. The method includes authenticating an external device, when the external device approaches in a predetermined range; determining an area approached by the external device and determining whether the determined area is valid; and outputting a predetermined indication to a predetermined area related to the area approached by the external device. http://goo.gl/j0gbDS, http://goo.gl/Qv5lHL


https://www.google.com/search? tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=ininve ntor:%22Ju-Il+Eom%22

UX Researcher Samsung Elec.

Portable device and method for providing user interface mode thereof WO 2012074256 A3, US 20120137253 A1 ABSTRACT A portable device and a method for providing a User Interface (UI) mode are provided. The portable device includes a display unit, a sensor unit for sensing a user's motion, and a control unit for controlling, if the user's motion is sensed by the sensor unit, the display unit to release a standby mode of the portable device and to output a UI mode screen corresponding to a type of the motion. http://goo.gl/7Fp4iQ, http://goo.gl/XF28R5

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As Inventor (2/4) Apparatus and method for displaying variable-sized, grouped display information on touch screen US 8321809 B2 ABSTRACT A method and apparatus for displaying grouped display information by variable sizevariable-sized, grouped display information on a touch screen are provided. The apparatus includes an input unit that receives input from a user on a touch screen on which several pieces of display information are grouped and displayed in a predetermined number of groups, a determination unit that determines which group was input by calculating a location on the touch screen with respect to the user's input, and a display unit that displays the several pieces of display information in groups, and changes a size of the group region input as a result of the determination and the size of the other groups corresponding to the input group region size. http://goo.gl/HgzOly

Patents 2006~2014


https://www.google.com/search? tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=ininve ntor:%22Ju-Il+Eom%22

UX Researcher Samsung Elec.

Sliding input device and input method US 20080165127 A1 ABSTRACT A sliding input device and an input method are provided. The input method using the input device includes: moving an upper plate and a stick unit fixed to the upper plate when force is exerted on the upper plate; sensing movements of the stick unit along guide lines provided in a lower plate, and generating directional key signals corresponding to the movements. Accordingly, a user can input up, down, left, and right directional information by manipulating the upper plate by pushing or pulling the upper plate in a plane, without pushing buttons. Therefore, the user can easily and rapidly perform desired manipulation, and the user can have fun while manipulating the input device to input the directional information. http://goo.gl/hSbtYM Device for user interface using rotatable input device and method of operating user interface EP 1986081 A1 ABSTRACT Provided are a device for a user interface for efficient navigation and a method of operating the device interface. The device for a user interface includes a rotatable input device (310) which is manipulated by a user, a contact detection device (350) which detects whether the user contacts the rotatable input device and generates a first input signal if it is detected that that the user contacts the rotatable input device, a rotation detection device (330) which detects a rotation of the input device and generates a second input signal if the rotation of the input device is detected, and a control device (240) which performs a first operation based on at least one of the first and second input signals. http://goo.gl/jbscsX

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As Inventor (3/4) Remote control device and operating method thereof, and image display apparatus controlled by remote control device US 20100118195 A1 ABSTRACT A remote control device capable of being separated into two or more parts is provided. The remote control device includes a first remote controller, and a second remote controller which is capable of being connected to or separated from the first remote controller. If the first remote controller and the second remote controller are connected, the first remote controller and the second remote controller may function as a single unit, or if not, the first remote controller and the second remote controller may function as individual units. http://goo.gl/mxGHpQ

Patents 2006~2014


https://www.google.com/search? tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=ininve ntor:%22Ju-Il+Eom%22

UX Researcher Samsung Elec.

Apparatus and method for providing user interface WO 2011102656 A2, WO 2011102656 A3, US 20110202838 A1 ABSTRACT A method of providing a user interface, including receiving a motion signal from a pointing device including a pointing function for moving a pointer, while the pointer is not generated on a display screen; generating the pointer when it is determined, based on the received motion signal, that the pointing device is moved in a predetermined form; displaying the generated pointer on the display screen; and providing a menu on at least one corner of the display screen. http://goo.gl/iDAKPm, http://goo.gl/uMKydJ, http://goo.gl/i3KABD

Control device and method thereof US 20090320024 A1, US 20140032004 A1, US 20090299541 A1 ABSTRACT A control device which controls the power of a plurality of apparatuses in a home network, and a method thereof are provided. The control device includes an input unit which receives a power off command, and a control unit which concurrently turns off apparatuses which are currently turned on among the plurality of apparatuses in response to the power off command received by the input unit. Therefore, it is possible for a user to concurrently turn off currently running apparatuses so user convenience can increase. http://goo.gl/Lp33mH. http://goo.gl/QgVXFk, http://goo.gl/iZMtsf

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As Inventor (4/4) Graphic user interface device and method of displaying graphic objects WO 2007091772 A1, US 20090040179 A1, EP 1987412 A1 ABSTRACT A graphic user interface is disclosed. The graphic user interface comprises: a first area to receive a user's input to generate a graphic object therein; an input converter to convert the user's input into an electric signal to transmit to a processor; a control signal receiver to receive a display control signal from the processor; and a second area to display the graphic object therein based on the control signal. The graphic object includes a node representing a minimum unit of information and a link connecting node representing a relationship between the connected nodes. The users using a graphic user interface in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention can be able to understand the current items, the associated materials and their relationships in the meeting without resorting to any complicated exploring procedures. http://goo.gl/y1Ko0T, http://goo.gl/z5Srlq, http://goo.gl/PKLwcm

Patents 2006~2014


https://www.google.com/search? tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=ininve ntor:%22Ju-Il+Eom%22

UI expert Kist

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As Co-Inventor (1/3) Photographing apparatus for photographing panoramic image and method thereof WO 2012105768 A3, US 20140028791 A1, US 20120194637 A1, EP 2671377 A2, CA 2826081 A1 ABSTRACT A photographing method and apparatus is provided. The photographing apparatus includes a photographing unit; a sensing unit for sensing motion of the photographing apparatus; a display unit for displaying at least one guide image for panorama photographing; a controller for controlling the photographing unit to automatically photograph, if a photographing direction that changes in accordance with motion of the photographing apparatus corresponds to one of the at least one guide image; and a storage unit for storing the photographed image data http://goo.gl/LNxr3a, http://goo.gl/GdhTLO, http://goo.gl/LhTpBr, http://goo.gl/1wr9oK, http://goo.gl/0Q8vNU

Patents 2006~2014


https://www.google.com/search? tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=ininve ntor:%22Ju-Il+Eom%22

UX Researcher Samsung Elec.

Device and method for controlling rotation of displayed image WO 2013105715 A1 , US 20130176341 A1 ABSTRACT A device and method for controlling rotation of a displayed image is provided. The device includes a sensor unit for detecting whether the device has been rotated; a photography unit for taking a picture of the face of a user in response to a determination that the device is rotated; a rotation determination unit for determining a rotation of the displayed image based on the captured face image of the user; and an image rotation unit for rotating the displayed image according to the determined rotation of the displayed image. http://goo.gl/mjB2mB, http://goo.gl/1o0Lrt

Methods and apparatus for obtaining a service WO 2012047074 A3 , US 20120089719 A1, EP 2625666 A2, CA 2813932 A1 ABSTRACT Methods and apparatus are provided for obtaining a service is provided. Information about an external device is received at a terminal from the external device. It is determined whether the external device has been registered based on the information about the external device. Service information associated with the external device is provided when at least the external device has been registered. http://goo.gl/IVUbAb, http://goo.gl/Kj3nxj, http://goo.gl/8guO9K, http://goo.gl/ 8lT9JM

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As Co-Inventor (2/3) Method for transmitting content with intuitively displaying content transmission direction and device using the same US 20100313143 A1, EP 2261793 A3 ABSTRACT A method for indicating a direction of content transfer intuitively and a device applying the same includes determining directions in which surrounding devices of the device are located, and a direction to which the content on a display of the device is to be moved, and transferring the content to the surrounding device located in the determined direction. Accordingly, it is possible to select a device to receive the content more easily and intuitively, and also input a command to select the device to receive the content and to transfer the content with one single manipulation. http://goo.gl/UTUnVa, http://goo.gl/NgJXcp

Patents 2006~2014


https://www.google.com/search? tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=ininve ntor:%22Ju-Il+Eom%22

UX Researcher Samsung Elec.

Control device and method for providing user interface (ui) thereof US 20090300620 A1 ABSTRACT A control device which displays menus generated based on tasks is provided. The control device includes an input unit which receives a user command for performing a task, and a control unit which, if a task to be performed is selected via the input unit, generates a menu list showing menus for each of a plurality of apparatuses available to perform the selected task. Therefore, it is possible for a user to conveniently perform a desired task. http://goo.gl/vh9MZ6 User input apparatus for controlling image display device and method of controlling the image display device by using the user input apparatus US 20090237368 A1 ABSTRACT Provided is a user input apparatus for controlling an image display device including: a first input unit receiving an instruction to perform a predetermined function of controlling the image display device when a discontinuous signal is received; a second input unit coupled to the first input unit and receiving an instruction to perform a predetermined function of controlling the image display device when a continuous signal is received; and a controller generating a control signal for performing a second function in conjunction with a first function in the image display device when the continuous signal is received from the second input unit within a predetermined period of time after an instruction to perform the first function of controlling the image display device is received from the first input unit. http://goo.gl/9FzPH9

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As Co-Inventor (3/3) Method and apparatus for automatically changing color US 20090015593 A1 ABSTRACT Provided are a method and an apparatus for automatically changing a color of a user interface of an image displaying apparatus, and a computer readable recording medium storing a program for executing the method. The method of automatically changing the color includes: analyzing a color distribution of a predetermined image; determining a representative color based on the analyzed color distribution; and setting a color of a predetermined region in an apparatus displaying the image as the representative color. http://goo.gl/iRi5hT Intelligent computing device agent system for automatic recognition of multi user computing environment and information sharing setup WO 2007105838 A1, US 8190658 B2, US 20090083234 A1 ABSTRACT An intelligent computing device agent system for auto recognition of a computing environment of multi-user and optimum information exchange configuration is provided. In the computing device agent system automatically detects the user's computing environment and intelligently makes network access configuration and an information exchange type required between interacting computing devices identical to each other, so that fast, convenient interaction is carried out without complex network configuring or multi-step environment configuring for information exchange. http://goo.gl/erDncB, http://goo.gl/Uluks5, http://goo.gl/eAjj9I

Patents 2006~2014


https://www.google.com/search? tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=ininve ntor:%22Ju-Il+Eom%22

UX Researcher Samsung Elec.

UI expert Kist

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Portfolio Juil Eom flipdvinyl@gmail.com +821056226348 2014

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