National franchise video production by videobuzz

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THE PROBLEM One of the biggest problems faced by franchises today is the growing need for video content that is on-brand, localised and relevant to the franchisees’ unique customer demographics.

But this can be really tricky because every video production company will have varying levels of expertise. Their filming, story construction, equipment, and postproduction techniques will vary considerably, potentially leading to an inconsistent, misaligned brand message.

Whilst a central video marketing campaign are highly effective, there is also a growing need for the franchisee to communicate at a local community level, in order to grow.

So what’s the solution?

For these franchise businesses, it’s about sharing their specialised knowledge and expertise with their local community, as well as sharing a visually relevant and recognizable customer experience. All of which ultimately lead to a heightened sense of connection.

Work with an experienced video production company who are proficient in working with individual franchisees and approaching local stories in a meaningful, authentic way. Together, we will build a unified, on-brand, fully customised video portfolio where quality and brand is controlled centrally.

As you know, video production is not as straightforward as the creation of other marketing collateral. You need a team of highly skilled video producers onsite, capturing the footage of the business and talking with local customers to build an authentic video message.

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CONSISTENT BRAND MESSAGING ACROSS ALL YOUR VIDEO REQUIREMENTS Promotional Videos Customer Case Studies Testimonials Internal and External Training Videos Product/Service Videos Customer Experience Videos

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WHO IS VIDEOBUZZ? VideoBuzz is a boutique, video production company based in Melbourne, but with the capability to film across Asia Pacific. We don’t just make videos, we tell stories that capture the hearts and minds of the viewer. But it’s not about us, it’s all about YOU. We promise to:

Work with you to develop concepts & ideas to bring

your message to life

Clarify and understand your business objectives

Capture your brand personality

Build a story that resonates with your audience

Capture high-end, beautiful footage

Help you to leverage the opportunity.

Let us help you to amplify your stories by creating and curating your messages on-brand everytime.

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HOW WE WORK Stage 1 - Pre-production 01

Stage 2 - Production

BRIEF & CONCEPT Gain an understanding of your business, video purpose, targeted audience, key messages, usage and distribution.


FLIM Arrive at location & film according to pre-arranged shot-list.

Stage 3 - Post Production 02

LOGISTICS Ascertain the shoot location(s), tentative dates, agenda, deadlines and resources required. Bookings made.



Post - production experts review the footage, choose the best takes and start piecing the story together. Add music, sound effects, broll, transitions, colour grading and more...


CONFIRMATION Call Sheet Emailed - Final shoot arrangements such as shot-list, staff, shoot times, filming location, equipment, catering and contact details.



Once approved, we hand over High Definition (1080) .MP4 or .MOV file, along with our PDF guide with some helpful tips on Hosting and Marketing.

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We get under the skin of your brand and your story to craft a video message that connects emotionally with your customers.

We love to challenge your ideas to see if we, collectively can come up with something different. Something that your customers will love.





We start with your message, not the visuals. If you don’t get the message right, then it doesn’t matter how great your video is, it simply won’t work.

Business doesn’t have to be boring. At VideoBuzz, we always like to have a laugh along the way, particularly at ourselves.

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Provoke an emotional response..... humour, sadness, amazement......

Challenge thinking

Get people talking......




Because you can and should create something worth viewing.

A powerful, thoroughly planned, well-crafted video marketing strategy

It’s never about you!

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OTHER WAYS WE CAN ASSIST YOU 1. Video Marketing Plans

4. Video Editing

Sometimes you just need help to unravel the best strategic approach, and we would love to help you. Working closely with you and your organisation, we will help you to devise a robust video marketing strategy.

Today, anyone can take quality footage, simply take out your mobile phone and start filming. But editing the footage and turning it into an engaging video takes skill, so we highly recommend that you get VideoBuzz to help you manage all your footage editing projects.

2. Motion Graphics/Animation Videos 5. 60 Second Event Highlights Videos

At VideoBuzz, we love the power of motion graphic/ animated films. It has the unique ability to make complex messages simple and boring concepts interesting. We use the latest video production technologies, combined with our captivating scripts and eye catching animations so that you’ll be amazed when your ideas come to life.

Just want to capture the atmosphere of an event but don’t want the cost of a high end production? Well talk to us about our 60 second customer experience videos where we film your event on a mobile phone over 2 hours and then produce a really cool highlights video with some really great music to capture the mood and atmosphere of your school events.

3. Video Production Training This training program is perfect for organisations looking to produce more video content, more often for less money and effort. It condenses all the knowledge and skills required to produce high quality videos and packs it into one nicely balanced, theory and practical session, jam-packed with great content.

It is our quest to grasp your great ideas then conceptualise different ways we can embody them in video to best demonstrate the essence of everything you or your business stand for.

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WHY VIDEOBUZZ? Unlike our competitors, we come from a strong background in sales, marketing and business communications.

SO….when you choose to work with VideoBuzz, you and your business benefit from our creativity and unrelenting commitment to help you succeed.

First and foremost, we’re messaging experts with a keen eye for creative design.

We do what we say we will – when we say we will – and we put in that extra special effort to ensure your complete satisfaction.

We find the heart of what our clients are trying to say and turn that into a compelling story that resonates deeply.

And we do all this with a huge smile our our faces, because we love what we do!

Video is all we do.

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HOW TO WORK WITH VIDEOBUZZ Whether you’re looking for assistance with one-off projects or you require ongoing video production, we’re able to design a program that best suits your needs, at whatever level. Our mobile film crew is ready to jump on a plane and work with your business owners. Our producer Jules, has this uncanny way of getting the best out of people on camera. No project too big, too small, or too complex. Tell us your ideas, hopes and dreams and we can’t wait to start brainstorming, writing, sketching, illustrating, filming, cutting, pasting and editing Let’s do business :)

19 ©VideoBuzz 1300 820 108 Chat with us!

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