JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
Academic Projects
Catholic Church Capilla en Costa Alta Rosario - Argentina Academic Project at University
…And God said to Peter, “On this stone I will build my church”. Since then, Man has always looked for God in the heights, building churches increasingly higher to abide by the longing to reach heaven. Yet, at the same time, many values were left behind to be replaced by others, more superficial and intrascendental. As time went by, man felt the world was his, leaving aside God as well as his peers. At present, in today´s globalised world, gates are opened, but not for everybody alike and churches emerge. They are seen as “guides” to face present social responsibilities not only as places for worship but also as social service centres for marginal urban communities. The symbolic value of the new church lies in the direct relationship with the surrounding context where it is located. Thus they are in contact with the needs of people to become urban poles and new elements for visual reference in the existing disorder. Within this trend, that may be labelled as the “New Church”, the Chapel at Costa Alta may be included. Its close physical surroundings is the Parana River and its banks. There, the horizon separes heaven from earth; the sacred from the profane. There is a rupture between two different entities: the exterior and the interior world, of a transcendental nature. This rupture is also the reection of the present relationship between the Church as an institution and society. This becomes evident in a crack that advances in the profundity of the ground. A path that liberates the pilgrim from an immediate urban condition and allows him to enter the depth of a place suitable for peace, silence and spirituality. …a space suitable for the quest for the inner self, an encounter with God, with one´s self A discovery, a halt on one´s way where the visitor has the freedom to “choose” depending on one´s life experiences, feelings and moods; a place to sense God : in the chapel, in nature, in one´s fellow being.
Facultad Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Dise帽o
Proyecto Arquitect贸nico III. Cat. Pisano-Vidal
Montesano, Julia - Sajur, Silvina
Facultad Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Dise帽o
Proyecto Arquitect贸nico III. Cat. Pisano-Vidal
Montesano, Julia - Sajur, Silvina
Río, río, arrástrame Río, río, arrástrame Al lugar de donde vengo. Tan profundamente, tan lejanamente me llevarás sobre tu lomo a cabalgar Si me cayera, me tragarías muy profundamente. Río, enséñame a otar Siento como si me hundiera Pensé que podría seguir adelante Pero acá en el agua Mis pies no tocan el fondo Necesito algo para sostenerme. Irme lejos, lejos hacía el mar Río profundo, podrías levantarme y llevarme Oh, deslízate a través del corazón de la tierra Hasta que el sol haya dejado el cielo Río, río llevame alto Hasta que el movimiento del agua solucione todo Deja que el agua me alcance como lo hizo esta noche Déjalo ir, es tan dura La manera en que me hiere Desatar este amor Es tan duro quedarse con esto Porque si persisto Enfrentaré lo que niego Me libraré de estas ataduras Y sacaré los ganchos que me hunden en tus profundidades Mataré este temor al vacío, esa soledad que escondo. Río, oh río que corre profundamente Tráeme algo que me permita dormir el correr del agua arrastra todo Tráeme algo para borrar este dolor.
PETER GABRIEL (”Washing of the water”)
Facultad Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño
Proyecto Arquitectónico III. Cat. Pisano-Vidal
Montesano, Julia - Sajur, Silvina
Facultad Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Dise帽o
Proyecto Arquitect贸nico III. Cat. Pisano-Vidal
Montesano, Julia - Sajur, Silvina
Facultad Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Dise帽o
Proyecto Arquitect贸nico III. Cat. Pisano-Vidal
Montesano, Julia - Sajur, Silvina
Botanic Gardens Jardín Botánico Rosario - Argentina Academic Project at University
Among the green areas Rosario boasts, the riverside is one of the outstanding protagonists. Its geographical importance lends a special avour to different aspects of urban life. The various activities and events that take place along it enhance its role as one of the dominant components that bestow the city its identity. As years passed by the riverside started to be used for recreation. A meeting place for entertainment has gradually transformed it into “the” area with its own urban identity. This is based on the continuous use and perception of Rosario depending on the features and attributes that characterize the city holistically. Within this urban frame the Botanical Garden is located. It integrates itself with the green areas of the city. It adds educational formative assets and is used as an area for social gathering as well as a link with the riverside. The layout of the Botanical Garden is based on the geometrical regular order determined by the urban grid. Going through it bestows its structure. Its heights of levels vary and the dynamic discovery of different places of interest become possible In line with the main axis of The Centro Universitario Rosario (C.U.R.) the Botanical Garden reaches the highest height, where it becomes possible to have a full view of the Botanical Garden, then as you go downwards you may continue your way through. Each slot of the garden displays the typical vegetation of a certain geographical area of the country, as well as greenhouses. This caters for the needs of the climatic conditioning circumstances of the places of origin, as well as answering pedagogical aims to reect while going through, the process of growth and conservation of the different species.
Proyecto III - Cรกtedra Pisano-Vidal
Proyecto III - Cรกtedra Pisano-Vidal
Proyecto III - Cรกtedra Pisano-Vidal
Proyecto III - Cรกtedra Pisano-Vidal
Proyecto III - Cรกtedra Pisano-Vidal
Work Experience
Buenos Aires - Argen na
Laboratory - Main Recep on Outpa ents
Imaging - Hall Outpa ens
JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
LABORATORY AND AND IMAGING LABORATORY IMAGING HOSPITAL ALEMAN 2007 - 2008 LOCATION Federal Capital SURFACE 980 m² PROFESSIONAL TASKS Documenter and Technical Supervision DESCRIPTION Work scheduled in successive stages, compa ble with uninterrupeted opera on of the sector. Refunc onaliza on areas of Ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine and Hemodynamics, incorpora on of PET-CT and Densitometry Studies, Urodynamics, Electroencephalography and Electromyography. A spacious lobby with recep on desk unifies the public wai ng areas, which were organized into islands with sea ng arranged by specialized digital panel system to announce turns. The light, color and plas c images aim to create a relaxed atmosphere and cheerful. A double circula on, both public and technical, covers all sectors: public access is through the hall of Pueyrredon Av. and technical access from A+E, ICU and Inpa ent. Outpa ent Laboratory sector, has been revamped priori zing the vision towards the garden. A mul -seat desk and IT support expedite the movement of pa ents. “Blood extrac ng booths” are arranged along a central technique circula on that allow the immediate movement of the sample to the processing area. In the booths we worked on the design of equipment se ng up computer terminals for receiving samples and making comfortable sea ng for pa ents.
Laboratory - Sec on
ASSIGNMENT Project and Construc on Management. Refunc onaliza on. Imaging - In construc on
JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
Laboratory - Main Floor Plan
Laboratory - Technical Corridor
Sec ons
Imaging - Main Floor Plan
Imaging - Construc on Stages
Capital Federal - Argen na
JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
EXPANSIONNEW NEW BUILDING JUNCAL JUNCAL EXPANSION BUILDING HOSPITAL ALEMAN 2006-2009 LOCATION Capital Federal - Argen na SURFACE 5000 m2 PROFESSIONAL TASKS Documenter and Technical Supervision As part of a General Plan for the en re Hospital, a new building was formed composed of a par ally buried basement that hosts highly complex func ons such as Radia on Therapy, Intermediate and Intensive Therapies and Pharmacy, and a high building with separate access along Juncal St, using the following design guidelines: Priori ze the use of exis ng resources, poin ng to the redevelopment and enhancement of the original structures. In this sense, exis ng structures of masonry bearing were reinforced, changing the func onality and interior finish while maintaining the original building iden ty and expression, especially in Pavilion VI, linear building which organize the assembly. Aiming to the flexible use and efficient use of space, privileging polyfunc onality of different environments. For example, the resolu on of cri cal care, both intermediate and intensive, was resolved in boothes arranged in a con nuous space that dis nguishes between two levels of complexity. The technology upgrade, both medical and compu ng, which aims to implement technology to medical equipment and systems for informa on management. Respect the environmental condi ons, while seeking an indoor environment with high pa ent's comfort, favoring views and natural ligh ng, using warm materials and finishes and introducing vegeta on and water as a therapeu c resource and at the same me op mizing efficiency energy and adapta on to climate condi ons, sunlight and orienta on of the different buildings. ARCHITECTURAL OFFICE ASSIGNMENT Project and Construc on Management (2007-2009).
JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
Fourth Basement Floor Plan
Third Basement Floor Plan
Public Surgeries' Corridor Oncology Department
Internal Private Corridor Oncology Department
Secondary Recep on Radiotheraphy Public Surgeries' Corridor Oncology Department
Second Basement Floor Plan
First Basement Floor Plan. Main Entrance
Nurses' Sta on in I.C.U.
Nurses' Sta on in I.C.U.
Main Entrance Juncal Street
Ground Floor Plan
Sec on A
Sec on B
View from the Main Entrance to the Gardens
Sec on C
Sec on L
Part of The Juncal St Faรงade
Sec on N
Inpa ent Individual Room in I.C.U.
Mezzanine Floor Plan First Floor Plan
Main Recep on Oncology Department
Surgeries' Corridor and Wai ng Room Oncology Department
Second Floor Plan
Fourth Floor Plan
Third Floor Plan
Fi h Floor Plan
Buenos Aires - Argen na
View of Historic Hospital Building (Beru St)
JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
PEDIATRIC ONCOHEMATHOLOGIC PEDIATRIC ONCOHEMATHOLOGIC CENTER DAY HOSPITAL - EXTENSION PEDIATRIC DEPARTMENT HOSPITAL ALEMAN 2008 - 2009 LOCATION Capital Federal SURFACE 720 m² ASSIGNMENT Programming, Project and Construc on Management. PROFESSIONAL TASKS: Documenter and Technical Supervision DESCRIPTION As part of a General Plan for the en re Hospital, this new unit was a model of medical care organiza on, covering the different levels of complexity and enabled interdisciplinary professional involvement. The proposal was adapted to the different child-pa ent needs and parent expecta ons, opposing to the conven onal hospitaliza on. Located on the third floor of the maternal and child center, this work duplicates the exis ng pediatric sector surface, including both physical and opera onal renova on of the sector, as well as its technological upda ng. It offers 8 rooms for day hospital, 2 units for accomplishment of procedures such as spinal taps, medica on and post-anesthe c recovery, 2 offices for the admission and pa ent monitoring, medica on prepara on area and a games room. Also, it is located next to the mental health service, to complete the comprehensive care of the child and his family. This approach benefits the pa ent in terms of quality of life, reducing the risk of prolonged hospital stay, the economic cost for families and allows for centralized care. In this case, design pa erns have con nued "humaniza on criteria," such as the use of natural light, color, ergonomic equipment, care and revitaliza on internal gardens and the u liza on of visuals through surfaces mostly glazed.
View from Nurses' Room to Corridors
JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
Pediatric Center Layout Plan Showing Materials
Corridor Rooms to Doctor's Room
Corridor Rooms to Recep on
View of Wai ng Room
View of Model Bathroom
Model Room Layout Plan
View of Model Room
View of Model Room
Views of Day Hospital Room
Model Room Sec on B
Model Room Sec on C
Rosario, Santa Fe - Argen na
Main Level Layout Plan
JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
ROOM T O M O GTOMOGRAPHY RAPH Y ROOM CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL "VICTOR J. VILELA" 2012-2013 LOCATION Rosario, Santa Fe - Argen na AREA 120 m2 PROFESSIONAL TASKS Technical Supervision and Administra on. DESCRIPTION The construc on was scheduled in successive stages, which would be compa ble with the uninterrupted func oning of surrounding areas to the new room, and according to headings of money that were earmarked by the provincial government for the execu on of it. Use of exis ng buildings was a priority, changing the func onality and internal termina on according to the construc on requirements for the installa on of high complexity equipment such as a Tomographer, while maintaining the iden ty and expression of the building, as it was intervening the oldest building in the hospital. Its strategic posi on, provides a uid connec on, both internal and external: a large wai ng outpa ent room communicates the new sector to the main entrance of the hospital, while one of the corridors links the surgery area and inpa ent pavilions directly with the room. The technological upda ng, both medical and IT support, aimed to implement the latest genera on technology, becoming a hospital with highly complex facili es.
Commands' Room
ASSIGNMENT Construc on Management and Administra on.
Recovery Room
JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
Sec on 1
Sec on 2
Medical Equipment Tomography Room
Sec on 3
Sec on 4
Recovery Room
CT Scanner (Tomographer)
Main Level Layout Plan
Rosario, Santa Fe - Argen na
UniďŹ ed Space - Living Room and Dining Room
Ground Floor Plan
JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
PROFESSIONAL TASKS Technical Supervision and Administra on DESCRIPTION The project in enlarging an old house, which was mainly developed on the ground floor. In an small and irregular lot (6,60 x 7.15 mts) not well-lit and rather crammed, the interven on in structures of bearing walls was the organizer of the open spaces, with clearly differen ated areas using simplicity as another criteria. The space orders itself, is aired and lit thanks to a courtyard, one more room in the house, where occasionally rainwater falls. The main premise was the need to find comfort stemming from simplicity, not exceeding the permi ed built surface and subjected to a predetermined budget The ground floor daily used is a well-defined space where few elements co-exist. The kitchen and the bathroom are more separate , more generous in terms of dimensions is the living-room. The common objec ve is that of se ng up a visual and spa al connec on with the courtyard resor ng to broad windows. The staircase becomes central due to its posi on and the materials it is made of. It is the element that leads to the upper floor where private family life unfolds without losing its spa al quality criteria. The interplay of planes, volumes and materials have turned this house into a project that voices the simplicity of forms, the nobility of materials and the spa al imprint.
JULIA MONTESANO - Architect juliamontesano@gmail.com uk.linkedin.com/in/juliamontesano
Balcony - Expansion rooms
Mezzanine - Bathroom
First Floor Plan
Corridor to the main room
Corridor Detail exposed beams Natural light into the corridor of the rooms through glass bricks
Sec on 1-1
Pa o - Doors that connect this space with the main social room
Pa o - Living-Room's Doors and Kitchen's window
Sec on 2-2
Pa o with sliding roof Staircase connec ng the main oors
View from a Kitchen to "Pa o"