Graficas temperatura Arboretum

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16th International Passive House Conference Hannover 04.05. – 05.05.2012

PASSIVE HOUSE IN A MEDITERRANEAN CLIMATE Josep Bunyesc Architect UPC ETSAB Master EPFL Arboretum 21, 25198 LLEIDA, Spain. Tel: 0034 609287277, E-mail: Group 10- Completed Passive House new buildings and renovations

QUESTION The question is how it behaves a lightweight construction in Lleida, Spain, using a wooden platform frame structure with low thermal mass and high insulation with local wool during the hot summer, following the Passive House standard or Minergie plus and its monitoring system. METHOD To evaluate the passive behaviour of the building, once finished the construction in September 2009, there are placed four data loggers for temperature, while in the house live a family of 2 adults and 2 children. The first aim is to evaluate the passive behaviour of climate inside the terraced house constructed with lightweight structure of wood and sheep's wool insulation with thickness between 18 cm into the walls, with a U=0.2Wm2K, and 28cm to the deck, with a U=0.16Wm2K, but low thermal mass. The carpentry is a combination of wood windows and low-emission double glazing, with a U=1.5 Wm2K. The second aim is to evaluate the behaviour of a semi-open patio and how it affects the interior of the house. CONTENTS It is shown that an insulated and very lightweight construction system functions optimally during the winter to reduce heating energy to the buildings. From building a home in Lleida, Spain, 2 years ago, according to the criteria of German Passive House or Minergie Plus, we will know the behaviour of such buildings in hot summer conditions. This example checks also the climate effects of a semi-enclosed patio during both winter and summer. During the winter the temperature is between 2 and 3 Âş C higher than outside and during the summer the bottom is cooler than the outside temperature. The house consists of ground floor, first floor and a basement, used as house and office. Although the plot is narrow and deep, the project seeks to open up to the maximum south to capture passive solar energy free, but also protect itself during the summer.

Figure 1: south view of the house e without sha ading

Figure 2: strructure of woood and shee ep's wool

The central patio creates a new intern nal southerrn facade which w allow ws solar en nergy to circulatte througho out the building and avoid the typical situ uation in thhis kind of houses which h have one side s sunny y and the o other darke er. The pattio with thee stairs articulates the circculations and a create es internal crossed views v that allow the activities of each level visually intertwine. The co onstructio on system m used ha as some self-standin s ng wood ppanels con ntaining insulation inside composed d of sheep p's wool, OSB O board as interioor finishing g, and a breatha able board d in the external e s urface to prevent condensati c ion and breaking b therma al bridges. Those panels ma anufactured d, prior to the works shop with strict s precission planning, are mounte ed at build ding work k very eassily and quickly, q wh hich lead to a com mpetitive constru uction syste em and a total t work d duration off less than 5 months..





Figure 3 3: bioclimatic graphic in su ummer and tthe position of o the temperature data lloggers. al sensor, be 1: interna edrooms corr rridor; 2: up p patio; 3: down n patio; 4: arrchitecture offfice.

e two first years y the consumptiion was It is a building off great ene ergy efficiiency; the 10kWh/(m² year) and this last winter was 8kWh h/(m² year) , only forr heating because b there iss no activve cooling system, tthanks to the insula ation level between 18 and 28cm, low-emisssion glass and good orientation. Consum mption in hheating the e home and the e office is about a 200€ € per year and does not have the t terraceed buildings of the neighbo ours yet. Itt’s interesting to test the performance in summer, s thhe light building, a low inte ernal masss and a goo od insulatio on in the Mediterrane M ean climatee. The tre eated floor area forr these va alues has been 175 5.7m². Actuually we have h to congratulate the PHPP re esults beca ause they are much h more reealistic than other ammes in Spain S like LIDER or CALENER R. mandatory progra The grraphics exxplain the temperatu re evolutio on in a ty ypical sum mer day and a the other a winter da ay without heating. T This construction sys stem baseed with the e use of wood a and sheep p's wool as s insulatio on material of organic origin, 100% renewable, allows it to be a sustaina ng with a gray enerrgy, or eneergy to ma ake the able buildin materia als very lo ow. The balance em missions th hroughout the build ing are b o of CO2 mber store es proporttionally th he same amount of o CO2 neutral, becausse the tim genera ated from construction c n activity a and the use e of other materials m thhat are nott wood.

Figure 4 4: roof plan

Figure 5: inside pattio view

Figure 6: image of thee patio idea

This co onstruction n fits and d contributtes to rea alizing the ambitiouss guidelines and Europe ean medium m-term forrecast of d drastic red duction off emission ns from building b nd affordab ble option iin order to o realize energy y savings.. Here we present a simple an these g goals for en nergy efficiency and saving res sources glo obally. RESULTTS The evvolution off the temp perature in nside the building b du uring the sspring and d fall is within the comfo ort zone without w ene ergy suppo ort. During g the winteer must promptly p provide e a total en nergy of 10 0kw/h.m2 ye ear at a co ost of 1 € / m2 per yeaar. During spring an nd autumn it is state ed that the e temperatture insidee is always s in the comforrt zone, wh hile the ou utside temp perature is s the mostt of the tim me lower than the temperrature of comfort. c Th his averag ge tempera ature, in th he inside is always higher, achieve ed by the solar provides directtly and indirectly as well w as intternal gains in the use of home and office.

ºC 25,00 20,00

tem mp ext

15,00 10,00

tem mp int 21 gener

5,00 0,00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23

Figure 7:: Graph of daily temperature re evoluttion on January 211th 2010, a typical winter day, without heeating. Indoor and outdoor temperature re evolution

Daily hours h

Repetitio ons repetition ra ate of temperrature ºC dell 20/10/2010 2 20/11/2010 without w heati ng

800 600



Figure 8:: Graph of repetition r rate of teemperature each 30 minutes oon Novemb ber 2010 without hheating.


0 1





11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 1


During the summ mer which is warm an nd dry with h large thermal jump outside, between b 19ºC a at night an nd 37°C du uring the d day, the te emperature e inside thhe upper housing h ranges between 23 and 27 °C. The e low therm mal mass means thhat the buiilding is sensitivve to interrnal or extternal gain ns, so to keep all the t summeer in the comfort temperrature need ds special attention tto avoid so olar radiation and to do free co ooling at night. T This way you can gett the avera age temperature insid de to be beelow comp pared to the ave erage tem mperature outside. o H However, having h a lot of insu lating matterial or therma al mass wiithout an active sysstem of ve entilation and a free ccooling durring the night, m means tha at the insiide tempe erature of the buildin ng will graadually rea ach the outside e average temperatur t re. ºC

D Daily hours


Figure 9 9: Graph of da aily temperature evolutio on on 2 July y 2010, typical summer dday.

In Figu ure 9 we ca an see tha at there is a comfort zone that corresponnds to very y stable underground thermal mass s much mo ore effectively than other therrmal regulation of the land because e they are buried and d in the fact that cold d air floor and settles at the bottom.

800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

repetition raate of temperrature ºC betw ween 7/6/2010 0 ‐ 7/7/2010 w without coolinng

exterior interior

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 5 27 29 31 33 35 337 39

In Fiigure 10, we can seee the tempeerature evoolution durring a summ mer monthh (08/06/20 010 08/07//2010). The average teemperature taken each 30 3 minutes is lower th han the outsid de temperaature and major part of time the teemperature within the co omfort zonee.


Figure 10 According to PHPP, the overheating o g frequenc cy over 26 6ºC is aboout 18% an nd over 27ºC iss a 3%. The 27ºC are e hardly evver exceed ded with a free f coolinng during th he night and clo osing the house h during the dayy. For this reason is not necesssary to in nstall an active ccooling sysstem thoug gh the unde erfloor hea ating could be used to refresh gently. g If we w want to be more exig gent and w we don’t want w to tolerate at aany momen nt a hot temperrature, it would w be possible to install a cooling c sys stem that sshould be able to maintain the tem mperature within the e comfort zone with h a low cconsumptio on. For example, the ene ergy neces ssary for a cooling system s cou uld come ffrom solar energy becausse it’s during the hottter hours that there e is more solar s energgy that should be beneficced. The ad dvantage is the smalll amount of o cool thatt we need. Furtherrmore, we e observe no co orresponde ence betw ween the higher outside temperrature and d the high her interna al temperrature thatt we expllain by th he time necesssary for the e temperatu ures of the e outer wall surfaces to cross thhe wall. s we watch w the e influence e of the patio p as a transition n space In the second study en inside and outside e. betwee

Figure 11

Figure e 12

Figgure 13

Figure 11: image to the patio offfice in the un nderground. Figure 12: image to the t patio in th he ground flo oor Figure 1 13: two difere ents mobils systems to sshading de soon s in the patio: patio sliding door and roof canopy.

In Figu ure 14, we can see that t the pa atio temperratures, in summer, are not the same that outside: in th he patio are from 21 to 31ºC while w outside temperaatures are from f 19 to 36ºC C. This fact is important to obse erve: the patio p large windows are not su ubject to so high h external gains. g In winte er, the slid ding door placed p on tthe east fa açade (figu ure 13) is oopened during the day to have sunlight into the t patio a and it is closed c during the nigght to prottect the internal space, bu ut it is perm meable wh ich means s that air ca an circulatee. We obsserve that during win nter’s nightts the patio o temperatture is 2 orr 3 ºC high her than outside e. For exam mple, 0ºC and a not -2ººC : it seem ms insignifficant but itt allows to reduce by 20% % the patio o losses during d the night, it represents r a decreasse of 10% % of the losses during the night of th he whole b uilding (the e patio is the most oppen part). T TEMPERATURE EVO OLUTION 19‐21 JUN NE 2011

ºC 35,00 30,00


25,00 20,00


15,00 10,00



01:00‐02:00 03:00 04:00 03:00‐04:00 05:00‐06:00 07:00‐08:00 09:00‐10:00 11:00‐12:00 13:00‐14:00 15:00‐16:00 17:00‐18:00 19:00‐20:00 21:00‐22:00 23:00‐00:00 01:00‐02:00 03:00‐04:00 05:00‐06:00 07:00‐08:00 09:00‐10:00 11:00‐12:00 13:00‐14:00 15:00‐16:00 17:00‐18:00 19:00‐20:00 21:00‐22:00 23 00 00 00 23:00‐00:00 01:00‐02:00 03:00‐04:00 05:00‐06:00 07:00‐08:00 09:00‐10:00


Daily D hours

Figure 14 : Graphs of o temperatu ures inside, o outside and in n the patio on June 20100 Figure 15: solar cookking ideal to shave energ gy and shave e the internall gains in sum mmer.

CONCLU USION A light construction with a good insu ulation allo ows a large e energy ssaving thro oughout the yea ar: if we take the nec cessary pre ecautions to ensure that the suun does no ot enter directlyy and with a free coo oling, we ccan keep the t temperature com mfortable during d a hot sum mmer. The se emi-outdoo or spaces such as patios and d vegetal or mobilee systems of sun protecttion are re esources of o Mediterrranean tra aditional arrchitecture that we have to apply a and interpret to help us u to softe en the extre eme climatte and alloow the build dings to work biioclimatica ally better.

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