Sibi work 2012

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SIBI is an instruction generator. The instructions are generated through the throw of the dice. The player, or players, every time that play, will have in the end 6 instructions: with these they would be put in the opportunity of creating an artifact. The instructions are designed in order to create 6 different typology of artifacts: sculpture, audio, composition, photography, performance and video.Each of them is divided into other 6 sections. The instructions, after the throw of the dices, will be always divided in this way: - 3 instructions about the medium - 2 instructions about the themes - 1 instruction about the title This is a possible example SCULPTURE/MATERIALS 1.rubber 2.wool 3. shorter than 10cm THEME 4.fear 5.veneration TITLE 6.the most present letter in the title has to be the b The player or the players should try to conceive an artifact made of rubber and wool, shorter than 10cm, that should represent the fear and the veneration and which title has to be a title in which the most present letter is the b


Considerando i cinque sensi work no. 534336324556614 You have to make a performance using (1) an object made in China, with (2) three performers and (3) the object has to be hidden for half of the time of the performance. The performance has to be about (4) magic and (5) the five senses. The title of the performance has to be composed by (6) three words. Each of them has to start with a consonant.



work no. 233636343162652 You have to make a (1) cover song of a french song. In the cover a (2) a whistle has to be present and the cover has to be interpreted (3) by a person older than 60 years. This cover song has to be about (4) death and (5) globalization. In the title that you’ll choose (6) the “e” letter has to be more present than all the others.

Through this video we present the globalization and death by showing people from different backgrounds and in different ages. We took more than 140 photographs of random people and interviewed some of them in order to understand their perspective in these matters. The contrast between old and young people and their thoughts are the theme of the video. In the end of the video we created a collage of words that people associates to globalisation and death. The interpretation of random people gives us an idea what do people think of death and globalisation.


AIUTAmix (GN-QP) work no. 225414455135334 You have to make a compilation with (1) brand new recordings* , (2) one-minute long and with (3) no male voices. The compilation has to be about (4) disease and about (5) paranormal. The title of the compilation (6) can feature only the following letters: A I U T M N P Q F G X *you have to create them

AIUTAmix(GN-QP) is a compilation of edited sounds of sickness merged together with basic beats. Illness is understood as something negative and uncontrollable which attacks people,while music and rhythm is seen as something full of life, created under and element of control. These two concepts were fused in order to melt into a paranormal state in people. The sound performance lasts exactly 60 seconds and was recorded with Miss Louise Mushet’s nasal, teeth and throat sounds; the bodily parts which are attacked under disease.


If the aquarium was frozen

work no. 134564334123456 You have to create a sculpture that (1) produces sound through (2) something’s combustion and that (3) features a magnet. The sculpture has to be about (4) signs and about (5) horoscope. The title of the sculpture has to feature (6) the word “if” (se,si)



work no. 154352564232463 You have to make a writing (sculpture) in (1) an asian language, written on a (2) plastic surface. This writing has to be an (3) affirmation. The sculpture has to be about (4) vegetables and (5) substitution. The title of the sculpture has to be composed (6) by 10 letters.

“Eat more vegetables� affirms the fact that eating vegetables is healthy. The plastic chopboard is a substitution for paper, where sculpture is formed from vegetables pels in chinese language. The aim is inviting people to eat richer and freshier and promote vegetables, since diet full of meat is not healthy and sustainable.


Second Rapunzel work no. 516415456465142

You have to make a performance with two persons: one with (1) a long beard and the other one (2)wearing make-up. These two persons during the performance (3) cannot talk. The performance has to be about (4) substitution and (5) about unit of measurement. The title has to contain (6) “ec” . Their roles have change, citing the story of Repunzel, the woman is making up her life with the man’ colours that are interpreted by his wise beard as he is taciturn. They seem so close, but 12 months of beard separate them. We kept the filming as natural as possible, the time, the incorrect direction of the numbers placed the performance into a more unique space.


SĂŹn Titulo work no.452155632612563 You have to make a (1) a series of three photographies. The same person (2) has to be present in the three photos and the photos have (3) to be shot in different places. The series has to be about (4) mistery and (5) equilibrium. The title of the series has to be (6) in spanish.


Un libro es un viaje work no.452155632612563 You have to make a (1) a series of three photographies. The same person (2) has to be present in the three photos and the photos have (3) to be shot in different places. The series has to be about (4) mistery and (5) equilibrium. The title of the series has to be (6) in spanish.

This is a tribute to the world of books. One can rest in the same place travelling through a book. (2 and 3 - same person in different places). Nobody, except the girl herself, knows where she really is in the three different moments (4 - mistery). The more you read, the more you have solid bases, for constructing a balanced personality (5 - equilibrium).


Etna Life

work no.325436522134325 You have to make a digital composition with (1) cliparts, text, vectorials and photos. Each of these category can be represented by (2) no more than one element. The dimension of the composition (3) has to be: 1600px x 1200px. The composition has to be about (4) paradox and about (5) rules. The title has to feature (6) the name of a mountain.

1.The title of our work is “Etna Life”.Etna is a volcano in Sicily,Italy,which is the biggest active volcano in Europe. 2.Active volcano represents a sense of rate and power, it’s like the busy and rough daily life we are facing to nowadays. With the development of society, human beings should have gained a better life, this is a natural law. But on the contrary, industrial production exceeds the boundary environment can bear.As a result, our environment is getting worse and worse, our quality of life is reversing to many aspects.This is a paradox. 3.This picture is the top view of a erupting volcano, you can see the magma is boiling and sparkling out from the center.The trapezoids are similar to the skyscrapers in the cities, with many wheel gears cliparts inside,representing the industrial production. The white straight lines diverge from the center point emphasize the directionality, which is a vectorial element. The orange backgrand is a picture of magma, in which there are people enjoying a kind of slow lifestyle, for example,yoga,jog,sunshine or a cup of coffee. 4.In the picture,slowness and speediness express a kind of paradox,the straight lines and buildings show a kind of rule.


Game Over

work no.113545323446152 You have to make a sculpture with (1) wool and (2) electronic materials, (3) shorter than 10 cm. The sculpture has to be about (4) miracle and (5) peace. The title of the sculpture has (6) to start with a G.

This sculpture shows a magical suspended river, and its extended meaning is “war and peace”. The plug metaphors weapons and the wool symbols the wave of water. This work shows an instantaneous that blood falling from the muzzle while a water-drop falling in the water evoke some ripples. The transient response the dawn after the darkness of the post-war peace. So we designed to give this sculpture a name called “game over”.

GROUP 11 SORPY (Wang Yang/Liu Xiaoxue/ Meng Xiaojing)

City in the sky

work no. 143111365514162 You have to make a sculpture with a (1) found object in (2) plastic,(3) and this object has to be repeated. The sculpture has to be about (4) truth and (5) monsters. The title of the sculpture has (6) to be composed by four words.

The sculpture is made of drinking straws. It portrays invented city and landscape which are located in the sky in a distant future. At first glance,it seems colourful and cheerful, handfull of happies. It’s like the wonderful and peaceful heaven. But then you will find some sewer pipes, so many plastic pipes collected in one place. They pollute the rivers and the air so that the earth can’t bear any more. So we build a city in the sky. At that time we will be living in a cities surrounded by rubbish.We are lost in the clouds.



work no.325436522134325 You have to make a video (1) one-minute long, (2) with no audio and with (3) just one character outdoors. The video has to be about (4) crowd and (5) brotherhood. The only consonants (6) you are allowed to use in the title of the video are:n,p,q,h,w,k,l,v,z.

“p&q” tells a story about a psychological person with “Multiple Personality Disorder”.In this 1-minute mute video,we use a special way to reveal “BROTHERHOOD”. The main character in the video has two distinct identities psychologically.”p” symbolizes one personality and “q” does another.”P” is the main personality and takes care of “q”.”p” and “q” both know each other exist. “p”and “q” live together everyday just like live with a mirror.


Expanding a square /

work no.131455141554141 You have to make (1)an object that produces something physical and that works (2) thanks to the exploitation of a human being. Tin foil also (3) has to be present. The object has to be about (5) math and (6) memory. The title has to feature (6) /.


Amduscia’s Avengers

work no.541464326235666 You have to make a performance in which a group of people (1) has to make performances in relation (2) to a sound. These performances has to be (3) unknown to some people in the group. The performance has to be about (4) curse and about (5) enemies. The title of the performance has to feature (6) the name of a monster or a demon.

Amduscias the Lord of Music. Grand Duke of Hades. He gives concerts,where one hears the sound of all the musical instruments but can see nothing. It is said that the trees themselves incline to his voice. He commands 29 legions. OUR STORY. A legion of the Grand Duke of Hades the Amduscias come down to the Earth with the mission to punish every human that threatens the power of the Grand Duke. The legion’s target are man and woman carrying devices that produce music just like the demon Amducias. This people will be pulled over until those devices are gone from their use.

GROUP 16 RICHELLE DOBSON/ Ieva Puodziukynaite


work no.452156634421561 You have to make a (1) a series of three photographs. The same person (2) has to be present in all three photos and the photos have (3) to be shot in different places. The photos has to be about (4) moment and about (5) despair.The title of the series (6) has to start with a K..

The name of the series is KADMIEL. This male name is taken from the Hebrew ancient language meaning “God first�. We have chosen it because it reinforces the basic idea of human origin - coming from God, represented in one of the most ancient and sacred languages. Photographically interpreting the human despair for perfection of the body, mind and soul. The moment is depicted in three personal dimensions using the same body of a man: The Spiritual ( The Hand ) The Mental ( The Head ) The Physical ( The Back ) Each dimension is depicted in a double photo of the same moment: The abstract ( left ) The context ( right ) The abstract photo is creating a certain mood and freedom to interpret where as the context is giving a different angle/ wider perspective on the subject and helping realize the despair of the seemingly perfect moment. Each of the three photos is a double photo with an extra tab on the right side. The format references the aesthetics of a storyboard therefore giving space for the viewer to finish the story.


The Girl from Transformers work no.236553156123152 You have to make a (1) cover song of a song by a living woman. The cover (2) has to feature the sound of a metronome and has to be interpreted by someone between (3) 30 and 40 years old. The cover song has to be about (4) cinema and about (5) signs. The title of the cover song (6) has to start with a G.

The girl from transformers is a cover based on the classic Antônio Carlos Jobim Bossa Nova composition, most famously recorded by Astrud Gilberto. The recording features the vocals of Ashkan Shabnavard (30 years old at the time of the recording). Lyrically the cover presents a new spin on the jazz standard, and pays homage to Megan Fox, the talentless set dressing in the first 2 live action films based on Transformers (the 1980’s cartoon/toy franchise, nostalgic to many thirty something’s). The actress was replaced in the third installment of the Jerry Bruckheimer film franchise, and so the narrater woefully pays tribute to her absence. The strange alien robot ambiance is achieved by forgoing the warmth and simplicity of the original songs nylon guitar accompaniment, in favour of some more unnecessarily complicated orchestration using synthetic virtual instruments and the sound of a metronome throughout. Chord voicings are purposely muddy and off putting, in order to echo the pointless plot lines of today’s hollywood blockbusters.

Tall and tanned and young and lovely the girl in the trans-formers movie went walking and when she passes each car she passes went Keechookoochoocha! (and turned into a jet) When she moved it was just like a samba that swung so cool and swayed so gentle that when she passes each alien robot she passes went Keechookoochoocha! (and turned into a car) Oh - but they watched her so sadly Can - they give sign that they give that they loved her Yes - They - would give their parts gladly But they made a Transformers part 3 They’d changed the actress and their love could not be. Tall and tanned and young and lovely A new girl in a transformers movie goes walking But when she passes We can’t smile cause it just isn’t she It her that we see No it just isn’t she It’s not Megan Fox that we see What ever happened to Megan Fox??!


These eyes sell

work no.313254515615445 You have to make a collage with (1) tin foil, (2) photocopies and (3) scotch tape. The collage has to be about (4) impossible and (5) volume. The title of the collage has to feature (6) “they” “elles” “esse”.

The collage is called THESE EYES SELL, simply because using the letters set out in the words ‘they’ ‘elles’ and ‘esse’ we identified we could create an anagram. The tin foil has been used for the eyelid to create volume in the eye representing the eye muscles. We used numerous photocopies of eyes, which portrayed different shades of grey to represent the pupil, iris and sclera. The scotch tape was used to cover the entire eye which represents the cornea and anterior (the transparent fluid and lens). The collage is impossible because eyes don’t have hands and feet and also can’t sell eyes.



work no.152336132554312 You have to make a writing (1) in an american language, it has to be an (2) armation and has to be (3) on a green surface. The writing has to be about (4) syntax and (5) memory. The title of the writing has to feature the number 3.

We have created moss grati to achive the goal of our task. At rst sight it seems to be kind of a game – you have to think and nd proper letters to fill the gaps and get the sentence. But‌ it has also deeper meaning. In psychology armation is psychotechnic, which consists in repeating positive sentences about ourselves or things, which we desire to achive. We put this moss grati on the wall which we pass every day during our way to the university. As students of faculties of design we strongly believe that our duty is to create new products, ideas, things, which will help to ll the gaps in our everyday world.



work no.135612422451364 You have to make something that (1) produces light thanks to the (2) exploitation of external agents. (3) glue also has to be present. your scupture has to be about (4) revenge and about (5) loneliness. the title of the sculpture has to feature (6) =.

Our solution is an lamp designed for an imagined lonely housewife in the context of their kitchen. Constructed with cardboard and glue, this object contains different characteristics; a compartment for knives and ripped photos; elements that both allude to and provide solace from the emotion of revenge. Loneliness is portrayed through the organic form of the lamp on the left. The forms are pure and clean - this sense of isolation coincides with the multifacets that depress. Finally, the main compartment exemplifies personality and character - the power of the human spirit.


CLXXVII Inches of feelings work no.152336132554312 you have to record a (1) a personal interview to someone born (2) before christ and that lasts (3) between 5 and 10 minutes. the interview has to be about (4) nostalgia and (5) feelings. The title of the work has (6) to feature an unit of measure.

GROUP 22 Olga Nayanova

Where will we hide work no. 341335112433441 You have to make a painting (1) with ten elements on the same layer, (2) the background has to lighten towards the top and the size of the painting has (3) to be 70x100 or more. The painting has to be about (4) words and (5) anger. The title of the painting has to feature “noi” “we” “nous”.

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