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Julian Jenkins
Our Story Remember the days when we were children trying to find our way. How we escaped to a different world to battle the evils that we had to face anyway. We ran is circles….correction we ran in packs. Only to find we were playing roles that was ourselves to begin with. Fighting so hard to not rush head first into the Darkness… Watching as each one came face to face with the spiral…. Not truly understanding that we each had to come to that point ourselves. With Tooth, Claw and Klaive we took our steps and walked with the moon to lead us down the path that was always destined for us. We were only pups then… Our Hearts and souls held much Rage. As I sit here thinking about the transition that was made it brings a sense of claim. Eagerly I hop across the The Weavers web to check on those that I have fought many battles with. Smiling… For now we are the elders. So with this I say…. My Bothers and Sisters With my Klaive and head raised in the air I say unto you may Gaia bless your f