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Julian News

The Only Weekly Newspaper Serving the Backcountry Communities of Julian, Cuyamaca, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley, Mt. Laguna, Ranchita, Sunshine Summit, Warner Springs and Wynola.

May 13, 2015 ISSN 1937-8416

Julian, CA.

Laura Klugherz Returns With A Special Presentation Next Tuesday, May 19th come out the the Julian Library for a special evening of music and education with Colgate University Professor of Music, Africana & Latin American Studies and Director of Chamber Music and part-time Julian resident Laura Klugherz. Laura will be presenting “Roots and Flavors of Mexican Music: From Huehuetl to Acordion!” What is a “huehuetl”? Come to the Julian library to find out! Laura Klugherz will present a colorful lecture on the rich musical heritage of our nearest neighbor. The presentation probes Mexican cultural identity through music and features many musical clips and examples to illustrate the wide variety of regional music and dance in Mexico, beginning with the Aztecs and ending with Chicano rock. Laura, a concert violinist,who calls Julian home as a part time resident when she is not teaching at Colgate University or concertizing in Latin America, is delighted to share some of her favorite music with the Julian public, and perhaps help the audience add new musical jewels to their list of favorites!. You will leave the lecture not only knowing what a “huehuetl” is, but perhaps dancing and singing your way out the door! This special presentation will begin at 6 pm and the Friends of the Library will be providing refreshments after the presentation when you can mingle with friends and check out some of the other offering the library has for you to take home (we do ask you to bring them back) For more information call the branch at 760 765 0370.

Town Hall Forum

Electronic Smoking Devices Tuesday, May 12 from 5-7pm

Electronic Cigarettes, Vapor pipes, hookah pens, nicotine delivery systems, vapes… whatever you want to call them, these products are increasing in popularity at an alarming rate. According to the National Youth Tobacco Survey, while cigarette smoking has declined dramatically, use of electronic smoking devices (ESDs) among middle and high school students tripled in just one year, 20132014. First introduced to the U.S. market in 2007, these electronic devices often times look like cigarettes, but don’t contain tobacco. Instead, there is a heating element or atomizer that heats up and vaporizes a chemical-laced liquid solution into an aerosol mist that smokers inhale and exhale. Some e-cigs are battery powered and disposable, and some more expensive types are rechargeable and refillable. They can be purchased in convenience stores, liquor stores, at mall kiosks, and on-line. While proponents of ESDs say that they help people quit smoking, new research out of the University of California, San Diego shows that smokers who used electronic cigarettes were significantly less likely to quit smoking than those who never used electronic cigarettes. People who “vaped” were also less likely to cut down on the number of cigarettes they smoked. Many people mistakenly believe that ESDs are only water vapor and completely safe, but these views are false. Typically, e-liquids contain nicotine, flavoring agents, propylene glycol and at least 10 chemicals known to cause cancer. The heated e-liquid forms an aerosol that contains high concentrations of ultrafine particles that are inhaled and become trapped in the lungs. The chemicals in the aerosol are absorbed through

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Music On The Mountain - Special

the blood stream and delivered directly to the brain and all body organs. So why are these products so fascinating to our kids? The answer is simple…just like cigarettes had over the years, ESDs possess the fatally misleading “cool” illusion. The vape industry markets directly to young people, selling “e-juice” for these products in exotic flavors such as cotton candy, banana, and bacon, and using cartoon characters in advertising and promoting them as fashion accessories. What is most alarming, the majority of young ESD users were never cigarette smokers. These kids, who have grown up learning about the harmfulness of cigarettes and who would never dream of picking up a cancer stick, mistakenly believe that e-cigarettes are safe. The tobacco market, which has been losing money due to successful tobacco prevention campaigns, has found another route to creating a new generation of nicotine addicts, and a new way to make billions of dollars. To learn more about electronic smoking devices, come to the

Town Hall Forum on Tuesday, May 12th from 5-7pm. This important community discussion will be hosted by Drug Free Julian Community Coalition and led by EPIC Youth Coalition. Join us and hear presentations from experts about ESDs, butane hash oil, and Ultralight Aircrafts. A light dinner will be provided. If you have questions about this event, contact Jean Duffy, jean. duffy@eccasa.org. (760)7652228. Coalition meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Julian Library, 5pm.

Water Districts Must Comply With New Restrictions Since January the Governor’s Proclamation on the draught has been the topic of many discussions. Not the least of which is how it will affect the back country. We don’’t get our water from the big provider, we get it from wells, individual wells and community wells. Because of this some in the back country figured we wouldn’t have to worry, after all we are good stewards of our resources and we understand the issues of water and draught. We should be able to manage our resources effectively without any intervention from the State. The main thrust of the State’s action is: Conservation Standard for Urban Water Suppliers As drought conditions continue, all water suppliers will need to do more to meet the statewide 25% conservation standard. Since the State Water Board adopted its initial emergency urban conservation regulation in July 2014, statewide conservation has reached 9%. Everyone must do more, but the greatest opportunities to meet the statewide 25% conservation standard exist in those areas with higher water use. Often, but not always, these water suppliers are located in areas where the majority of the water use is directed at outdoor irrigation due to lot size, climate and other factors. As temperatures are forecast to climb to above average for the summer months, it will become even more important to take aggressive actions to reduce outdoor water use. The emergency regulation establishes tiers of required water reductions that emphasize the opportunities to reduce outdoor water use. This is further clarified to small district, such as those that serve the back county: Smaller water suppliers (serving fewer than 3,000 connections) will be required to achieve a 25% conservation standard (based on 2013 usage) or restrict outdoor irrigation to no more than two days per week. These smaller urban suppliers serve less than 10% of Californians. Talking and emailing with a number of the local districts, all have some plan in process to attempt to meet the restrictions. It was pointed out to me that the 25% reduction in water use would not just save water but would substantially impact the financial viability of almost every water provider in the region. 25% less water could mean 25% less revenue. None of the providers contacted believed they have the financial reserves to take that kind of hit to their bottom line. The State is also mandating a monitoring program of all providers: Prepare and submit to the State Water Resources Control Board by the 15th of each month a monitoring report on forms provided by the Board. The monitoring report shall include the amount of potable water the urban water supplier produced, including water provided by a wholesaler, in the preceding calendar month and shall compare that amount to the amount produced in the same calendar month in 2013. The monitoring report shall specify the population served by the urban water supplier, the percentage of water produced that is used for the residential sector, descriptive statistics on water conservation compliance and enforcement efforts, and the number of days that outdoor irrigation is allowed, and monthly commercial, industrial and institutional sector use. The monitoring report shall

also estimate the gallons of water per person per day used by the residential customers it serves. Adding some teeth to the new restrictions: Enforcement In addition to other powers, local agencies can fine property owners up to $500 a day for failure to implement the water use prohibitions and restrictions. The State Water Board can issue informational orders, conservation orders or cease and desist orders to water suppliers for failure to meet their conservation standard. Water agencies that violate cease and desist orders are subject to a civil

by Michael Hart

liability of up to $10,000 a day. The conclusion of the local agencies, who have yet to put formal plans into action, was that restricting irrigation to two days a week - and possibly only for a limited time period, was their only realistic action. Since the draught of the 90’s most reported that usage was consistent and not something that they could reduce to the levels that the State is asking for. Look for a letter in your mail box in the very near future spelling out exactly what your agency is going to ask you to do. Take shorter showers, get a low-flow toilet, reuse grey water.

Rain, Art, Flowers and Music Made For Busy Weekend

The wild flower show once again was a magnet for visitors from down the hill despite the rain and cold.

Don Weeke’s gords were a hightlight as was Leena Hannonen and her sea creature mosaics and paintings.

Spring Sports Schedule Track and Field

Sat, Mar 21 - 12th Annual Elmer Runge Classic Patrick Henry 9:00 AM Fri, Mar 27 - Citrus #1 Vista HS, 3:00 PM Sat, Mar 28 - Mt. Carmel/ ASICS Track Invite 10:00 AM Fri, Apr 10 - Citrus #2 Julian HS, 3:00 PM Fri, Apr 17 - Citrus #3 Julian HS 3:00 PM Fri, May 1 -Dennis Gilbert Small Schools Invite Mountain Empire HS 3:00 PM Sat, May 2 - Dick Wilkins Frosh-Soph Invite Del Norte HS 9:00 AM Thu, May 14 - Citrus League Finals, Julian HS 3:00 PM Sat, May 23 CIF-SDS Prelims Mt. Carmel HS 3:00 PM Sat, May 30 CIF-SDS Finals Mt. Carmel HS 3:00 PM Girls Softball Thursday, March 12 vs Warner Monday, March 16 @Vincent Memorial Wednesday, March 18 L 18-8 @Ocean View Friday, March 20 L 15-14 3:15 @West Shores Tuesday, March 24 L 30-16 vs West Shores Thursday, March 26 away 4:00 @Foothills Christian Tuesday, April 14 W 27-4 vs Escondido Adventist Thursday, April 16 Home 3:30 vs Lutheran Tuesday, April 21 L 21 - 7 3:15 @Calvary Academy Thursday, April 23 Home 3:15 vs Borrego Springs Friday, April 24 L 14 - 13 3:15 @Borrego Springs Tuesday, April 28 W 23 -5 3:30 @San Pasqual Academy Friday, May 1 L 14 -2 vs Vincent Memorial Tuesday, May 5 Home 3:30 vs Ocean View Thursday, May 7 away 3:30 @Escondido Adventist Friday, May 8 Home 3:30 vs Foothills Christian Tuesday, May 12 away 3:30 @Lutheran Thursday, May 14 Home 3:30 vs Calvary Academy Boys Baseball (updated) Thursday, March 19 19 - 0 @West Shores Tuesday, March 24 W 20-3 West Shores Saturday, April 11 L 20-7 L 13-10 11/2 (2)vs San Pasqual Valley Tuesday, April 14 L 13-6 Vincent Memorial Thursday, April 16 W 11-0 3:30 vs River Valley Saturday, April 18 W 6-3 Liberty Charter Tuesday, April 28 vs Lutheran Thursday, April 30 W 17 - 9 vs Ocean View Friday, May 1 Home 3:30 Vincent Memorial Tuesday, May 5 away 3:30 @Borrego Springs Monday, May 18 away 3:30 @Lutheran Tuesday, May 19 away 4:00 @Ocean View Thursday, May 21 Home 3:30 vs Borrego Springs

Librarian Colleen Baker introduced the Tall Man Group to a crowd of 100

Networking Breakfast - Wednesday, May 20 at 8am





Volume 30 - Issue 40



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May 13, 2015

2 The Julian News

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Jan Dyer

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Sheriff’s Report 05-03-15, A black 4-Door Toyota Camry was stolen from State Route 76 in Santa Ysabel, last 3 digits on the plate is 261. 05-03-15 @ 1:00 PM...A 22 year old male was cited for loud noise on Lakeview Drive in Julian. His stereo was confiscated. He is to appear in court at a later time.

The Julian News ISSN 1937-8416

Michael Hart and Michele Harvey ..... Owners/Publishers Michael Hart .................................. Advertising/Production Circulation/Classified Michele Harvey .......................................................... Editor Don Ray .............................................................. Consultant


1985 Featured Contributors

Michele Harvey Ed Huffman Bill Fink H. “Buddy” Seifert Lance Arenson

Albert Simonson Greg Courson Kiki Skagen Munshi Pastor Rick Hill Sherry Wilson Lutes

Jon Coupal David Lewis Marisa McFedries Joseph Munson Bill Everett

Syndicated Content King Features Syndicate E/The Environmental Magazine North American Precis Syndicate, Inc. State Point Media The Julian News is published on Wednesdays. All publications are copyright protected. ©2015 All rights reserved. The Julian News is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the State of California, Case No. 577843 Contacting The Julian News In Person

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Your Medicare Advantage Could Get Cut (NAPSA)-If you're eligible for Medicare, you are eligible for Medicare Advantage (MA), a program that lets you sign on with a private insurance carrier that then gets paid by Medicare to take care of you. It's popular; over 16 million, or about a third of Medicareeligible seniors, chose this option. MA is a win-win for enrollees and insurers because it moves away from the fee-for-service model and toward a preventative care form of health care. Certain people in Washington, however, decided they were paying too much to the private insurers for some of the benefits and preventative measures, so, as part of the quest to find money to pay for other Washington priorities, they decided to cut the MA payments. In the last two years, they've cut almost 10 percent and they are proposing more cuts in 2016 and beyond. A just-released study by Oliver Wyman indicates that by 2016 these cuts will raise the premiums for 1.1 million seniors in New York an average of more than $120 a month. Two million seniors in California will see an increase of over $100 a month and 1.5 million in Florida will pay over $80 more a month for MA. That's a big increase for people whose resources are already stretched. RetireSafe, a national grassroots organization that advocates and educates on behalf of America's seniors, sent an e-mail to its supporters asking them what they thought about these cuts to MA. It was inundated with replies; one responder said, "As a senior utilizing a Medicare Advantage program, I have already seen my benefits slashed." Another said, "For one thing, it advocates 'prevention' rather than 'after the fact' usage of medical coverage. The SilverSneakers program keeps elders up and moving." Even many members of Congress seem to be having second thoughts about these cuts, both Republicans and Democrats; 239 from the House and 53 from the Senate signed a letter saying the cuts should be stopped. Americans of all ages and either party are asking their legislators where they stand on this issue. You too can get involved. Call your representative and senators and tell them not to cut Medicare Advantage. Go to http://medicarechoices.org/ contact-congress to find their numbers. You can learn more about the problem and how you can be a part of the solution at www.RetireSafe.org.

Did You Know? (NAPSA)-According to the National Association of Realtors, 88 percent of recent homesellers used an agent. A Real_tor can provide expert advice and counsel on the selling process. Learn more at www. realtor.com/realestateagents. *** ASCD Professional Learning Services offers one-day programs that let educators learn something today and use it tomorrow. Learn more about the ASCD education

association or sign up at (800) 9332723 or (703) 578-9600, ext. 5773 or e-mail program team@ascd.org. *** To avoid fraud and make informed investing decisions, FINRA BrokerCheck lets you see if someone is licensed to sell securities. Always ask if a person or product is registered with the proper regulatory bodies-and check to verify before you invest. Learn more at www. SaveandInvest.org/LearnMore.


Rebecca Luers

B.A. Keresztury 760 765 0693 760 419 9949


• 435,560 people in San Diego County are food insecure (14% of total population). • 161,680 children in San Diego County are food insecure. • 67% of children at risk of hunger in San Diego County are eligible for federal nutrition programs (free or reduced-price school lunch or breakfast). • 53,354 children in San Diego County are not eligible for federal nutrition programs, making this segment reliant upon a charitable response to hunger. • The average cost of a meal in San Diego County is $3.17, higher than the national average of $2.79. • The annual meal gap for San Diego County is more than 77 million meals. Source: Feeding America/SANDAG

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*** Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us. — Henri Matisse *** WE INVITE YOUR OPINION! The views expressed by our contributing writers are their own and not necessarily those of The Julian News management. We invite all parties to submit their opinions and comments to The Julian News. All contributed items are subject to editorial approval prior to acceptance for publication. Letters must include your name and contact information. Letters may be mailed to: Julian News P.O. Box 639 Julian, CA 92036 email: letters@juliannews.com in person: Julian News Office 1453 Hollow Glen Road (9am - 5:00pm Wed-Fri) Deadline is Friday Noon for the next weeks issue

The Julian News 3

May 13, 2015

California 6th Nationally In Advanced Placement Exam Scores



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SACRAMENTO—Earning the state a sixth-place national ranking for the second year running, California's Class of 2014 kept the momentum going in the percentage of students taking and performing well on Advanced Placement® (AP) exams, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced last month. According to the College Board's "AP Cohort Data: Graduating Class of 2014" report, 29.1 percent of California's 2014 graduates earned a score of three or higher on an end-of-course AP exam taken during their high school career. This represents a 2.1 percentage point increase from 2013 and is 7.5 percentage points above the national average. The state has experienced an 11.3 percentage point growth in AP performance over the past decade. Nationally, 21.6 percent of high school graduates in the Class of 2014 scored at least a three on the five-level AP exam. Students who get at least a three can earn college credit. "Progress in AP scores is another sign California is on the right track," Torlakson said. "We have worked hard to better prepare students for careers and college in the 21st century by instituting new rigorous academic standards, moving to online assessment testing, giving local school districts more decision-making power, and providing more resources to the districts and students with the greatest needs." California is also outpacing the national average in advancing opportunities for students who come from low-income families. Of the 54.1 percent of the state's K-12 students eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program in the Class of 2014, 43.4 percent took at least one AP exam and 39 percent of those test takers scored a three or higher. Nationally, 49.6 percent of U.S. public school students were low income, 29 percent of them took at least one AP exam and 23.3 percent of those test takers scored a three or higher. "I am pleased to see growing participation among diverse student groups in our state. California is stepping up to serve all our students and giving them access to the kind of rigorous education that will help them succeed in college and the workplace," Torlakson said. California receives federal funding to pay a portion of the AP exams for income-eligible public school students. For the May 2014 testing cycle, the California Department of Education (CDE) reimbursed $8,503,858 to 411 local educational agencies (LEAs) for 229,834 AP exams for income-eligible students. End-of-course AP exams are usually given in May. For more information on the operation of the College Board's External link opens in new window or tab. Advanced Placement program in California, please visit the California Department of Education Advanced Placement Web page.

Intermountain Republican Women Federated To Honor Two Julian Seniors Bonnie Dumanis Featuerd Speaker

Bill Pay Phone & Utilities

MONEY ORDERS – ATM – COPY AND FAX SERVICE *** To believe is to be strong. Doubt cramps energy. Belief is power. — Frederick William Robertson ***

Wildcats Garner Awards Won the Manzanita league Girls Basketball 2015 Undefeated Awards given 1st Team All league Jenny Aluizo Angie Aluizo Iana Stewart player of the year junior and senior year 2nd Team All league Gabrielle Norte This is the first team to win league for warner high school in 16 years The last banner winners were 1998 There were coached by Tom Vargas Asst coach Gil Salinas.

All League Awards (Left to right) Gabrielle Norte, Iana Stewart, Jenny Aluizo, Angie Aluizo

Warner wildcat boys basketball take it all Champions of Borrego middle school tournament . Left to right back row: Elijah Hall, Blake Pena, Greg Gomez, Rueben Reyes, Coach Alex Smith, Ethan Rombal, Front row Zach Nevarez, Carlos Velasquez, Juan Valdivia

Intermountain Republican Women Federated luncheon will be Tuesday May 19th at Wynola Pizza 4355 Highway 78, Julian, Recommended Check-in and Social time 10:15 - Call to order 10:45. Lauren Marie Vandewalle is our 2015 winner and will receive our IRWF scholarship award of $1,000. Jessica Marie Nichols is our runner up recipient and will receive a scholarship award of $500. Both young ladies are seniors at Julian High School. Our winner’s application was forward to the San Diego County Federation of Republican Women to compete for the Charlotte Mousel scholarship and we are proud to announce Lauren is their runner up recipient and will receive a $1000 scholarship. Both winners have been invited to our May meeting where they will receive their awards and will present their essays and plans for college. Our speaker Bonnie Michelle Dumanis is currently the District Attorney of San Diego County, California. Dumanis has been the District Attorney since 2003, when she defeated incumbent Paul Pfingst. She ran for reelection unopposed in 2006 and 2010. She teamed up with the County of San Diego, Sheriff Bill Gore, Supervisor Dave Roberts and three local athletes to stand up against domestic violence. In addition to her dedication to the criminal justice system, Bonnie has never wavered in her support of community and civic organizations. She has served on the California State Bar Board of Governors, is past president of the California District Attorneys Association, was a Commissioner for California Peace Officers Standards and Training, is Vice-President of the National District Attorneys Association, is a member of the San Diego County Police Chiefs' and Sheriff's Association, served as past president of the Lawyers Club of San Diego, served on the Board of Directors of the San Diego Bar Association and taught ethics at the University Of San Diego School Of Law.

*** If life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels, it is a victory to him who believes. — Anonymous ***

4 The Julian News


5am - 7am WEEKDAYS - $1.00 Coffee* *a buck and your cup gets you some of our joe


Back Country Happenings Cygne (aka Laura Meyer) Debut Friday Night

Weekdays - 5am to 5ish

OPEN DAILYWeekends - 7am to 5ish

CALENDAR LISTINGS If you are having or know of an event in Julian, Lake Cuyamaca, Ranchita, Warner Springs, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley Sunshine Summit or elsewhere that should be listed in the Backcountry Happenings column, please contact the JULIAN NEWS at PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036, voice/fax 760 765 2231 email: submissions@ juliannews.com or bring the information by our office.


Julian Community Planning Group 2nd Monday Every Month Town Hall - 7pm Architectural Review Board 1st Tuesday of the Month Julian Historical Society Building/ Old Witch Creek School House 7pm Julian Chamber of Commerce Mixer - 1st Thursday of Month Board - 3rd Thursday of Month Town Hall - 6pm 760 765 1857 Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District 2nd Tuesday of The Month 10am at the Julian Women’s Club House - 3rd Street Julian Community Services District Third Tuesday of every month at 10:00 A.M. at the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office, Julian Substation, Public Meeting Room, 2907 Washington Street, Julian Julian Historical Society Presentations, 4th Wednesday of the Month Julian Historical Society Building, 2133 4th Street - 7 pm Julian Arts Guild General Meeting Second Wednesday of the Month, Julian Library - 4 pm (program) Fourth Tuesday of Month Julian Library - 6:00 Zumba Aerobics with Gaynor Every Monday and Thursday 6pm, info: 619 540-7212 Every Monday Round trip shuttle service to Ramona depart 10am/return 2pm Julian Town Hall Every Tuesday Healthy Yoga with Lori Munger HHP,RYT Julian Library - 4pm Open Gym - basketball Community event for all ages Tuesday and Thursday JUHS Gym 7-9pm Every Wednesday Beginning Zumba with Millan Chesman 9am - Town Hall Julian Library Baby Story Time with Ms Sandi - 10 am Preschool Story Time and Crafts with Miss Linda 10:30 am Sit and Fit for Seniors - 11 am Gentle Stretching and flexibility exercises with Matt Kraemer Second & Fourth Wednesdays Feeding America Julian Library parking lot - 10:00am Every 2nd and 4th Thursday Julian Lions Club 7pm downstairs at the town hall Third Thursday Book Club Meets at the Julian Library - 3pm Every 3rd Thursday - Lego My Library, Lego building for kids grade K-5. All materials supplied. Julian Library - 2:30pm. Every Friday Homework Helpers Math Tutoring for grades 1-6 Julian Library - 2:30 Friday Morning Yoga Class With Lori Munger HHP,RYT Julian Library - 9am Every Saturday BiLingual Story Time with Miss Adelina Julian Library - 10:30

Every Sunday (Weather permitting) Julian Doves & Desperados historic comedy skits at 1 pm, 2 pm & 3 pm – stage area behind Julian Market & Deli.


Wednesday, May 13 Feeding America Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. Julian Library Parking Lot 10-11

After nearly a decade on the road Cygne ("seen") has acquired a collection of songs rich in travel imagery and the particular wisdom of someone who walks an alternative path. Described as "illuminating" (Eugene Weekly) "with soul to burn" (SLO New Times) last year her original fingerstyle blues won her the title in the Telluride Blues & Brews Festival Solo Competition as well as Eddie Owen's renowned Songwriter Shootout in Atlanta. In late 2014 she traded the sunny coast of Santa Cruz for northern Vermont, where she joined her partner to write, record, and retreat from the road. When their housesitting engagement fell through they moved into an upstairs room of a haunted pizza restaurant, where lights flickered, unseen babies cried, and nerves frayed. Ultimately no amount of sage-burning could salvage what would be the end of their creative and romantic relationship. Friday Night she will bring all of the road trips, personal trips and life lonf g experiences to the stage at Wynola Pizza, inside the Red Barn, where you can discover the talent that has produced six CD’s since 2008. Her songs are all original and so is her approach. Come out this Friday for another opportunity to discover someone you may not have heard of, but should hear more of - See more at: http://www. laurameyer.net

Saturday, May 16 Older Americans Month Book discussion “Still Alice” by Lisa Genova. Julian Library -10:30am

Friday, June 5 JUHS- Graduation Sunday, June 7 Julian Historical Society Wine, Cheese and More Party Wynola Pizza (in Red Barn) 5 to 7pm Monday, June 8 Julian Triangle Club Meeting at the Women’s Club Building; Bring $10 and learn Tamale Making - 5pm Wednesday, June 10 Feeding America Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. Julian Library Parking Lot 10-11 Saturday June 13 3rd Annual Julian Garden Tour Benefiting the Julian Elementary Farm To Table Program - $20 Tickets available at Julian Chamber of Commerce and Julian Elementary School office Saturday, June 13 The Dance - Sponsored by SAL Menghini Winery 2 to 10pm tickets $20 in advance (at Post 468) Saturday, June 20 Eleanor Burns All Star Quilt Show Show times are 10:00am and 1:30pm and admission is $15.00, show is held at the Julian Historical Society, 2133 Fourth Street Reservations or Information, contact: Janet Bragdon (760) 765-4651 Sunday, June 21 - Father’s Day Hubbell Open House and Studio Tour Come tour the grounds, meet the artist and his family, and be inspired by art, architecture, and nature in a way that you won’t soon forget. Morning and afternoon tours are still available. Reserve your space today at: www.ilanlaelfoundation.org

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Open 11-5

Wed - Mon closed Tuesdays




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Wednesday, May 27 Feeding America Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. Julian Library Parking Lot 10-11



Five unique guest rooms, near town, on 3 wooded acres with extensive gardens, benches and pathways. Our guests enjoy a full breakfast each day, goodies in the afternoon and unsurpassed hospitality.

Tuesday, May 19 Lecture with Music Laura Klugherz will present “Roots and Flavors of Mexican Music from Huehuetl to Accordion.” Julian Library - 6pm

Friday & Saturday, May 29, 30 2nd Annual Julian Fiddle and Pickin’ Contest Friday, Barn Dance 6:30 - 9pm Saturday, Contest - All Day registration 8am Spectators - FREE


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1921 Main Street 760 765 2900 Calendar

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A Gathering Place for Coffee, Good Eats and Friends Shaded, dog friendly patio

May 13, 2015

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All 23 rooms combine modern comforts of A/C, private baths, flat screen TV and free WiFi Vintage mountain charm perfect for groups or romantic getaways Saturday night from six to nine Wynola Pizza presents the Journeyman Band. The Journeyman Band is a well seasoned group of musicians who know their way around many styles of music and love to play together. As a band this will be their third trip to the Red Barn but individually they have been here many times before. Ron Richard (Percussion, harmonica, flute, sax, penny whistles & vocals) performs throughout Southern California and has played with San Diego heavyweight Clay Colton Band, and throughout the United States with Ernestine Anderson (multiple Grammy nominated jazz & blues singer), and musicians who have performed with Rat Dog, Further, Bad Finger and Eve Selis. As an encore to a career as a veteran sideman helping musicians and singer/songwriters bring their visions to life. Guitarist and singer Ken Gill brings over 40 years of entertainment experience to the bandstand. As a seasoned veteran of every style, Ken, a multi-instrumentalist, has played and toured with over 40 bands, and done countless studio sessions over the years. Ken has shared the bill or played with many name acts, including Doug Kershaw, Bo Didley, Jerry Jeff Walker, Shawn Phillips. Bill Hartwell - Guitar and vocals, is the singer and rhythm guitar player and has been playing and performing around the San Diego area for over 30 years. He performs as s solo singer / songwriter and currently has 4 CD’s out in the world and continues to work on new material. Ed Reeves - Drums and percussion, as solid as they come on the drums and has played and toured nationally with some of the best R/B - blues and rock bands in and around San Diego. Lance Jeppesen - Bass and vocals, a player with a great sense of tone and balance. He plays with ease and meshes so well with the band on a wide range of songs.

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(760) 765 1420

Pizza with a Purpose Encourage, Support, and Eat Great Pizza!

Come join us every month to honor a different local organization. Bring this flyer in or let the server know who you are supporting and Wynola Pizza & Bistro will donate 10% of all sales made on their behalf. Celebrate a “slice” of our community by raising some “dough”!

Beneficiary for the month of May:

4th Of July Parade

Donation excludes tax and tip For Dine-in or Take-Out Please see server for more information.


Upcoming Wynola Pizza & Bistro Shows:

EVERY THURSDAY — OPEN MIC 6-8, Friday, May 22 – Way Back Then Saturday, May 23 – Mojave Soul Sunday, May 24 – Gabriela Aparicio 1 – 4 PM Friday, May 29 – Mountain Tribal Gypsies For more information call Wynola Pizza & Bistro 760-765-1004

• On May 13, 1607, some 100 English colonists arrive in Virginia to found Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America. The first colonial council was held by seven settlers whose names had been chosen and placed in a sealed box by King James I. • On May 14, 1904, the Third Olympiad of the modern era opens in St. Louis, Missouri. Like the Second Olympiad, held in Paris in 1900, the St. Louis Games were poorly organized.

There were few entrants other than Americans in the various events, and, expectedly, U.S. athletes won a majority of the competitions. • On May 16, 1849, the New York City Board of Health is finally able to establish a hospital to deal with a cholera epidemic that would kill more than 5,000 people. The disease took hold on Dec. 1, 1848, when a ship arrived from France carrying the bodies of seven passengers who had died from cholera. • On May 15, 1937, Madeleine Albright, America's first female secretary of state, is born in Prague, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic). After immigrating to the United States in 1948, her father, Josef Korbel,

became dean at the University of Denver, where he would later train another female secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice. • On May 12, 1957, race-car driver A.J. Foyt scores his first professional victory, in a U.S. Automobile Club midget car race in Kansas City, Missouri. Foyt raced midgets and stock cars before moving up to bigger things in 1958, when he entered his first Indianapolis 500 race. • On May 17, 1970, Norwegian ethnologist Thor Heyerdahl and a multinational crew set out from Morocco across the Atlantic Ocean in Ra II, a papyrus sailing craft modeled after ancient Egyptian sailing vessels. The Ra II crossed the 4,000 miles of ocean to Barbados in 57 days. • On May 11, 1985, 50 people die in a fire in the grandstand at a soccer stadium in Bradford, England. The wooden roof, which burned in just four minutes, was scheduled to be replaced by a steel roof later that same week. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Julian Historical Society

Monthly presentations on the fourth Wednesday of the month The Historical Society Building 2133 4th Street


May 13, 2015

My Thoughts by Michele Harvey

My Grandkids

Attention Soon To Be High School Grads Julian Real Estate Assocation - College Scholarship Award Time Don't miss out - Go to Mrs. Rosenau for your application NOW! Deadline is May 18, 2015. With graduation time fast approaching, I wanted to remind all high school graduates to apply for the JREA (Julian Real Estate College Scholarship). Ever year, the members of the Julian Real Estate Association donates a substantial amount of money to our Scholarship Fund and with additional contributions from all our vendors and affiliate members, we are proud to be able to give several awards for applicants that are chosen by our committee. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

Health & Personal Services

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Julian Medical Clinic A Division of

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Cardiology, Joseph Schwartz, MD Women’s Health, Unneetha Pruitt, CNP, OBGYN Please call for appointments 760-765-1223

Most of you know that I have 2 sets of grandkids. The older set lives in Idaho and Iowa. Their mother and I have never been close, so I don’t hear from them. My younger set of grandkids lives next door to Mike and me. They are 5, 4 and 3 years old. All are easy to love and all have very distinct personalities. Aryana, the 5 year old is in pre-kindergarten. She is very smart and she loves to scheme. Being the oldest of three children gives her an advantage because her younger brothers trust her. She gets them to do things for her that she should be doing for herself, and I think that watching her is fascinating. When one of the boys gets a new toy, she tries to con him into letting her play with it first. She tries to wear them down by giving them so many reasons to let her have the toy first, that usually an adult has to get between them and stop her from getting her way. Then she pouts. Aryana also pouts when the drive to school is foggy because she can’t see the cows on the way to school. Part of the joy of being Aryana’s grandparent is the chance to hear her sing. Aryana can’t hold a tune, but thankfully that doesn’t ever stop her from singing. She is learning how to recognize written words and I’ve shown her that when we sing songs in church, looking at a large screen with words projected onto it, she will learn to recognize more and more words as time goes by. In school she was recently learning Louis Armstrong’s song Wonderful World and was thrilled when I showed her the lyrics on my computer as she could hear Louis Armstrong singing the song. She was also thrilled when she found out that once the song was finished, she could watch short movie cartoons on my computer. Aryana is as bossy as one could expect of an older sister, but not mean like some older sisters. We have discussions that make me glad that I can talk with her regularly. One day I told her that if I find clothes on her floor instead of seeing them in her dresser, I will assume she doesn’t want them and I will throw them away. She frowned and told me that she doesn’t like cleaning up messes. So I said, “Then don’t make them.” I could almost see the cogs in her brain turning as she understood the meaning of what I had told her. The more she understood, the bigger her smile got, and now when she sees me she often tells me that she is cleaning her room. She likes to be in my good graces. I’m the one who lets her use my computer. Nate is the middle child. He is 4 years old and goes to preschool 3 days each week where he learns his letters and numbers. After learning them, he teaches them to younger brother Ronnie. Nate loves watching his 2 favorite TV programs. He learns about all sorts of occupations when he watches Dirty Jobs. From the Dirty Jobs website, I learned that Mike Rowe, the host, shows “a hardworking group of men and women who overcome fear, danger and sometimes stench and overall ickiness to accomplish their daily tasks. Not one to just stand by, each week, Rowe will assume the duties of the jobs he's profiling, working alongside rattlesnake catchers, fish processors, bee removers, septic-tank technicians and other professionals: average folks tackling extraordinary tasks that simply must get done.” Nate liked telling me about the program he saw that profiled the camel dairy that is about 10 miles from our home. He got really excited when he learned about a dirty job that was so close to where he lives. His other favorite TV show is on PBS. Wild Kratts is an animated educational show, put on by brothers Chris and Martin Kratts. These two brothers teach children about biology, zoology, and ecology. They teach children lots of interesting facts about animals and also teach children to make big impacts on the world around them in small ways. Nate really likes to explain things that he has learned and often interrupts our Pastor Cindy to tell her something that he feels is important, when she is trying to teach the children a lesson from the Bible. Ronnie is our youngest grandchild. He likes to smile and laugh. He is very helpful and will close every door that he thinks needs closing, whether it needs closing or not. He says “Have a good day” “Have fun at work” And quite a few things that I would not expect from a 3 year old. Ronnie is a cuddly child and he is also a scamp. Some days he can’t seem to stay out of trouble. He will run after being told not to run, and when he does this I see the joy of the running free on his facial expression. I don’t see the face of a child who thinks he is getting away with something. Some days Ronnie gets into trouble so often that he puts himself into time out. Ronnie loves to play outside on one of his plastic vehicles. He provides his own motor sounds and if he isn’t making motor sounds, he is singing. We sometimes say that Ronnie is 3 going on 23. He seems more thoughtful than many 3 year olds and he asks very specific questions about where we are going, how things work and why we do the things we do. These three grandchildren of ours are purely delightful. I realize that I don’t spend all day every day with them, and that’s part of why I can love and appreciate them so much and so easily. Like my mother used to tell me, “The best part of being a grandparent is that when they are bad or when they throw up, you just give them back to their parents.” These are my thoughts too.

Garden Tour Preview Tickets are now on sale for the 3rd Annual Julian Garden Tour! $20 gets you a map to the gardens on the tour as well as 10% off any food purchase on Saturday, June 13, 2015 at Soups & Such. Tickets are available at Julian Town Hall Chamber of Commerce and the Julian Elementary School. Here's just one of the gardens you'll get to see: Gardening in raised beds since 1994 and in Julian specifically since 2007, the Millers grow enough veggies for themselves, friends, and family. The vegetable garden has been a work in progress over the last three years and they feel they've finally reached the happy place. There are currently 5 raised beds and multiple containers in a 20 x 44 fenced area. If you’ve ever wanted to grow your own salsa, this is the place to learn how it’s done! Be sure not to miss this garden as well as the others and support the Julian Elementary Farm to School Program! For weekly updates as well as photos, please visit www.facebook.com/ juliangardentour

The Julian News 5

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Julian Woman’s Club Presents

Eleanor Burns’ All Star Quilt Show

by Patricia Landis

My mother taught me to sew on an old Singer treadle machine when I was a child. For many years I made my own clothes and those of my children. I am a very good seamstress and had no doubt I would be a great quilter. Before beginning I watched quilting shows on HGTV such as Eleanor Burns’ “Quilt In A Day” and learned that quilting is an art as well as a craft. I learned how to find fabric that was “light, medium and dark” and find designs that were not daunting. I am not a great quilter, but I am good. This year I volunteered to help make the Julian Woman’s Club “Opportunity Quilt” that will be raffled off during the annual Quilt Show in July. Eleanor Burns provided the space, machines and fabric and then guided us through the process. I was floored to learn we would be making the “All Star Quilt” shown above. It is very intricate and precise. But Eleanor broke the process down into small sections and, basically, all one needed to know was how to follow directions and sew a straight line. Her directions and guidance resulted in an absolutely fabulous quilt. I am so proud to have been a part of the process and learn from Eleanor. On Saturday, June 20, 2015, Eleanor Burns will demonstrate how to make this quilt. If you know her or have seen her on television, you know she is cheerful, entertaining and funny. And I mean funny! She will make any project seem simple and instill confidence that you can do it. If you are a beginner or experienced quilter, want to learn to quilt, or want to learn more about this historical art-craft, you will enjoy this fun and educational show. Show times are 10:00 am and 1:30 pm and admission is $15.00. All proceeds are donated by Eleanor to the Julian Woman’s Club to support scholarships and other civic programs. The show is held at the Julian Historical Society, 2133 – 4th, Julian, CA. For Show Reservations or Information, contact: Janet Bragdon (760) 765-4651.

6 The Julian News

May 13, 2015

Back Country Restaurant, Brewery & Winery Guide

Lake Cuyamaca



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7 to 7

Julian/Santa Ysabel


Open 7 Days a Week

Serving Lunch and Dinner Monday: Farm to Table School Program Fundraiser: Penne Pasta with our Marinara Sauce and Caesar Salad just $15 ($10 goes to the school program!). Music with CoCo Brown Take Out Tuesday: Any Grass fed beef burger for $10 (to go only) or make it Taco Tuesday with Halibut tacos with our special chipotle aioli, avocado butter and pineapple Pico de Gallo just $4.95 each! Wine Wednesday: No corking fee on bottles of local wine (limit 2) Thursday: $5 Nickel Brewing pints and Fried Chicken for $12.95! Friday: Chef’s Whim Three Course Meal Special for Two just $55 by reservation only. Limited to 4 tables

Julian & Wynola

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BBQ chicken and ribs

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Come See What is NEW! NEW Faces to Meet, Same Treats to Enjoy! Julian

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OPEN 7 to 5 Wednesday thru Sunday


2222722 Hwy 78 POB 1261 Julian, Ca. 92036

Reservations Recommended

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Rong Branch Restaurant

with this ad

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ENTERTAINMENT EVERY Friday & Saturday 6-9


WOOD-FIRED PIZZA • Every Sat & Sun afternoon BBQ/Grill Specials • “From Scratch” Salads, Soups, Desserts (760) 765-1004 3 miles west of Julian on Hwy. 78/79

Dine Inside, Outside Take Out Conference Facilities

Over 35 varieties of beer, ale and hard cider

1. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of sea turtles called? 2. SCIENCE: For what field of science was Tycho Brahe best known? 3. LITERATURE: How many book-length novels about Tarzan did Edgar Rice Burroughs write? 4. GEOGRAPHY: What part of the world was once called Caledonia by the Romans? 5. HISTORY: Which French king greatly expanded the Palace of Versailles and moved his court there? 6. MATHEMATICS: How many zeros are in the number 1 billion? continued on page 14

Chef’s Corner Quesadillas Get a Healthy Makeover Quesadilla is a Spanish word for “little cheese thing.” The recipe typically calls for mounds of cheese and pork chorizo between two corn tortillas. Although there’s just a small amount of cheese in this recipe, it’s the lean ground chicken, the spices and the delicious salsa that are the stars of this healthy dish. The substitution of lean ground chicken breast for pork chorizo cuts down on the calories without sacrificing any of the flavor. Chorizo sausage is usually made with ground pork and combined with fat, wine, paprika and salt and stuffed into a casing made of tripe. Paprika and red chilies are the primary spices in Mexican chorizo and infuse it with a deep reddish color. This recipe uses the same spices as the pungent Mexican sausage to marinate the ground chicken, allowing you to mimic the flavor of chorizo while cutting

out the fat. Small, diced potatoes add a distinctive texture and also absorb the spices. The avocado salsa completes the dish and adds a burst of fresh citrus with the addition of the lime juice. Try one of these healthy quesadillas, accompanied by

a dab of fat-free sour cream, if desired, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You’ll never miss the original recipe! CHICKEN CHORIZO AND POTATO QUESADILLAS 1/2 pound ground all-natural chicken breast continued on page 14



Julian & Wynola Wynola

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Julian & Santa Ysabel

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continued from page 5

Lake Cuyamaca Julian

My Thoughts

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Tattered Tidbits No. 47

Our Time-Warp Road The road from Santa Ysabel’s crossing to Julian is fascinating. I can’t decide which is better – its history or its geology. Either one leads you to shifting levels of landscape and reality. The post office parking lot holds fond memories for Bob McDaniels, an early pupil of Witch Creek school. Our historical society runs a 1930’s movie that shows him and other local kids getting their physical checkups. They are easily recognizable after all these years. He says wistfully that the lot was their ball field and where you drive in was then a cesspool overflow. Less fondly, he remembers retrieving stray balls out of the yukkymuckedness. Across the road was Cleghorn’s blacksmith shop with old wagon parts scattered about. Check out the photos in the post office and the old store. The ball field once served as a workers’ camp during the construction of Engineer’s Road. Those were dandy days at the adobe Hoover store, now operated by Save Our Heritage


& Wynola

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Julian/Santa Ysabel

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Julian Julian



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The Julian News 7

May 13, 2015

Julian Julian

Foundation. Its cash register and safe are now prized exhibits of the Pioneer Museum and the Witch Creek school. Bob remembers when the heavy safe was brought into his parents’ house. Too heavy, it fell through the floor. They donated it to our collection. Kids enjoy ringing up sales on the ornate cash register. Yes, I mean “ringing up” quite literally, and the numbers pop up before their eyes, with stirring jangling ka-chings. Next to the store was the Santa Ysabel Inn, also a stage junction. Dances were held on the concrete patio under the big oak. You can still see the patio and steps. The oak looks much as it did in old photos – an overarching memorial to stirrings of sweet embraces. Behind the store is an old barn which SOHO is hoping to preserve. The old highway used to continue south to Flint’s blacksmith shop before turning uphill to Inaja picnic area. That dirt road still exists. At Inaja, named for an Indian

rancheria, you can hike a short loop to a lookout. You may then notice that the canyon cut by the San Diego River is quite straight. This is because the canyon has eroded fractured rock along the straight San Diego River Fault. This “linear” is oddly not parallel to the active Elsinore Fault, which runs from Banner through Lake Henshaw. This crosswise fracture is contrary to our region’s tidy parallelism, whereby we all migrate in occasional lurches toward our ultimate destiny submerging into the Aleutian Trench, becoming magma. Large crystals in the granite here resulted from slow cooling at great depth. Our puny lifespans are thinly sandwiched between enormities of dead yesterdays and unborn tomorrows. Further up on the Coleman Toll Road, just past Springview Road, was the toll house. In 1870, it cost you 25 cents to pass here on the toll road. As the road name suggests, you could water your horses here. Early stages were run by North & Knight, Tweed, and Foster. This stage stop became the farm of charitable Antonia “Grandma” Reed, Wynola’s first businesswoman who used to run her apple wagons down to San Diego and sell berries in Julian. Ed Huffman has researched her 320 acre homestead #555, which lay mostly on the west side of the road, a tract including most of today’s businesses. The initial land pre-emption was dated June 28, 1875. The flats were renamed from Coleman Valley to Spencer Valley for a very early and transitory settler. Coleman City was a likewise transitory mining camp. But Coleman’s name endures at Coleman Creek where highway78/79 dips a bit just before the site of Gilson’s homestead on the left. This is where two prominent ladies were swept a mile downstream in the flooding creek, in the 1870’s. Most stagecoach trips were less eventful. Foul play was suspected because money and jewelry were not recovered. Here, near the road, you will see a trio of high-wheeled carts, a reminder that our local Rancho

by Albert Simonson Volcan produced earlier oxcarts. Milled lumber was not yet at hand, so the earlier carts were made of hewn timber lashed together with pegs and rawhide strips. Carpenter ranchero Cockney Bill was our first manufacturer around 1850.

The only oxcart I ever saw in use was driven by a wizened farmer near the Mayan site of Iximché. The large wobbling wheels, swaying grease bucket, and plodding oxen were an arresting sight, even in Guatemala where oddities are commonplace. Our uphill grade is still called the America Grade. The name recalls a well-loved but quirkey washerwoman who patriotically took the name America Newton. Her fermentations called “muhthig-gullum” had a subtle but sneaky effect on unwary guests. She was a large woman with an enormous ear trumpet, usually kept in her apron pocket. She was said to have had good memories of youth as a Missouri slave. Most of the rock outcrops you have seen so far on the road are granitic. Overlying the granitic upwelling which produced this mountain range was metamorphic rock. This can be seen as darker layered rock as you approach Julian. The last half mile before Julian has outcrops of Jurassic Julian schist. This is very old rock from the age of great toothy disagreeable lizards which has been piggybacked up by upwelling hot magma. With stupendous heat and pressure and superheated water circulation, seashore sediments were slowly metamorphosed into gold bearing ore, which gave Julian its only reason for being [in the absence of tourism and apples]. The last curve reveals our historic mining town. It had charm already in 1870, as described by teacher Mary Morse after she arrived prettily perched on a buggy. “The sun was setting and shone upon the little town. I could have shouted with very joy at the sight.” “Every cabin and shanty had a strangely enchanted look,” she wrote. If you don’t see Julian that happily, try seeing it through a prism of human or geologic history, whichever works best for you.

Dance Lessons The Julian Dance and Back Country Barbeque is coming on June 13th. It’s a great party and celebration and nothing makes it more fun than getting out on the floor and dancing. If you can. So that everyone gets their chance to trip the light fantastic, there will be a great community event at the Town Hall. Dance lessons. This Wednesday, May 13 starting at 5:30 P.M. you can learn to Two-Step, Waltz and Swing in a series of four lessons. The lessons are free with the purchase of a ticket to the Julian Dance ($20.00 in advance). If you don’t have your ticket yet, they’ll be available at the door. Please bring exact change. Beginners and singles are welcome and experienced dancers are encouraged to attend as well. They are a great help to those that are just starting out. The other three classes are on May 20th, May 27th and June 3rd. All the classes begin at 5:30 P.M. sharp and last one hour. There’s a lot to cover so try to get there a little early. You can take one lesson or all four. Leather soled shoes are encouraged but not required. If you want to get there by 4:00 P.M., Kat does line dance lessons for an hour for $5.00 per lesson. It’s a great workout and yes there will be some line dancing at “The Julian Dance” For more information call 760 215-1711 and leave a message.

The "bar" for the Julian Family Fiddle Camp was raised even higher in 2015, and not just because of the quality of musicians and performances, but because of the help and support shown by the Julian Community.


R. Avery Ellisman, producer Chairman JFFC Steering Committee

Maril Parker

Volunteer Coordinators Community Liaisons

Maril Parker & Lysa Copeland Registration Assistance

Ada Ellisman, Ezra Ellisman Shira Ellisman, Dana Cordero Staging / Lights / Sound / Décor / Props/Parking

Allison Pettross, Sherry Horton Julian Boy Scout Troop 690 San Diego Folk Heritage Roger Sonnenberg, Ken Wright Marco Marquette, Dan Lynch Jay Brian Evarts, Lay Lay Tricia Elisara,Wynola Antiques Guided Hikes

Gregg Parker Special Desserts!

Candied Apple Pastry Company Julian Pie Company, MOM’S PIES Hosts & Hostesses

Christine & Sky Summers Jim Lydek & Kat Beck Sherry Horton & Friends Lysa Copeland & Friends Janice Bina-Smith, Nancy Kramer Bella Copeland & Friends Lisa & Brooke Ballard Flash Jam Security

San Diego County Sheriff’s Dept. Instructors' Welcome Baskets

Julian Merchants Association Patricia McConnell Raffle Prizes

Julian Candy Basket, Julian Jewel Box Ken & Carol Schloo Wright, The Birdwatcher TheViolin Shop, The Warm Hearth Roy Silberberg, Adi Silberberg Wynola Farms, Menghini Winery Julian Grille, Julian Hard Cider Julian Yesteryears,Tree of Life Nursery Orfilla Winery Dinner & Show Table Sponsors & Guests

Allison Conitz & Family, Anita Nichols – MOM’S PIES Brian & Nancy Kramer, David & Leslie Gomez Colleen Baker, Dennis Frieden - Julian Realty Ed & Doris Meyer The Elisara Family & O’Connor Family Howard &Virginia Levenson Jay Brian Evarts & Susan Aurand Jeff & Kristi Holt, Patricia McConnell Mrs. Paul F. Marsh & Family, Roger Hedgecock & Family The Wind & Sea Walkers Special Thanks for the lovely Table Décor

Sherry Horton – E. Barrett & Co. Photographers

Brian Kramer, Jim Humphrey Videographer

Christine Ouang Publicity

Michael Hart and Julian Chamber of Commerce

8 The Julian News

May 13, 2015

May 13, 2015



The Julian News 9

Est. 1967

(760) 765 0192

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We have our own private parking lot behind the office . . . entrance off ‘C’ Street

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This cabin has an open floor plan with a wood-burning stove in the living room area. The wood interior makes it cozy and warm.There is a small seperate “breakfast area” by the window. The front and side decks are great for some outdoor relaxing. On ⅓ acre with nice yards and off-street parking with a carport.

Priced at



Priced at


This home is located in the Gold Nugget Mobile Home Park - an easy walk to town. There are 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, and open concept living room and kitchen/dining area.

Priced at



Just two blocks off main street - an easy walk to stores, restaurants, library, schools and most everywhere in town. Located on a (almost half acre) corner lot with large trees and landscaping. Fireplace in the living roon, separate dining room, great kitchen with breakfast area, three bedrooms, double garage and additional parking area, secluded back yard with some spectacular sunset views.

Septic is in for a 2-bedroom home. Existing foundation was signed off by the County. Water meter is in, there is a circular drive. Complete set of plans, some renewals my be required. Previous home burned in Cedar Fire.

Priced at




Entry to this large outstanding home is down a gated driveway. It is on eight acres, which adjoin Heise County Park - very private with panoramic views from the house and from the large deck! There is a master suite on the main floor with a fireplace and office and there are more bedrooms downstairs - a total of four bedrooms + 2 extra rooms and 3 full & 2 half baths -.a very special house.

Priced at


Rose Steadman, Broker / Owner

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CA BRE Lic #00859374

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ail. send any materials nswer all reader Mr. Cox is unable e large volume of questionsforcox@ FL 32853-6475, Service,by P.O. LisaBox Rene Anderson© tinued on page PB ox in care of King *

ry Gardener

age 2

May Is National Pet Month: Tips To Save On Pet Care

(StatePoint) While pets deserve your love every month of the year, National Pet Month, celebrated in May, is a great time to go the extra mile. Spoiling your furry friends doesn’t have to cost a pretty penny. The discount experts at Dollar General are offering pet care tips for those on a budget. DIY Grooming Although it may be tempting to drop your pet off at a professional groomer to be bathed and brushed, you can save a fortune by doing it yourself. Set aside a time each week or month to bathe, brush and pamper your pet. You can even get the kids involved! Your pet will love the extra attention, and you will love the savings. Watch What They Eat It’s important to find a food that works for your pet’s dietary needs and falls within your budget. For great deals, consider shopping at a discount retailer. For example, Dollar General offers exclusive pet food and treats from Forever Pals and EverPet. Both offer a variety of choices at an affordable price that will make both you and your pet happy. They also carry a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee, so it’s a risk-free trial if you aren’t fully satisfied with the products. You can also save money on pet food by following label instructions on food packaging and not over-feeding pets. With a proper and balanced diet, you can help keep your pet healthier and happier, and spend less in the process. Quality Time The most important bond between pets and owners is quality time an love. Spending at least a small part of your day exercising and playing with your pets means the world to them and is a great stress reliever for you. Plus, it doesn’t cost a cent to shower your pet with affection! Smart Shopping Sometimes the cost of owning and caring for a pet can be stressful when trying to budget for the rest of your family. Instead of shopping for items like treats, flea and tick medication, pet shampoo, leashes and collars at a pet-specific store or your veterinarian’s office, consider shopping at Dollar General or online at dollargeneral.com, which has a variety of merchandise for your pets’ needs at affordable prices. With more than 11,800 stores nationwide, you’re likely to find a store nearby. You can also visit pinterest.com/mydollargeneral for more helpful tips to celebrate pet month. With some time, attention and smart budgeting, you can better celebrate National Pet Month.

Three Ways Your Technology Can Help You Go Green (StatePoint) These days, there’s no reason why you can’t be both tech-savvy and an environmentalist. More gadgets and technical appliances are trending green, and now is the perfect time to learn how you can adopt some of these innovations in your life. To reduce your family’s overall impact on the environment, consider this lineup of ecofriendly technologies: Green Apps There are hundreds of apps designed to help you make earth-friendly lifestyle changes -- from PaperKarma, an app which helps you stop the flow of junk mail to your home, to the Green Gumshoe, which facilitates the reporting of environmental incidents to the correct authorities. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a good resource for finding and locating the best green apps. What’s more, they offer developer tools for those wishing to make their own green apps using EPA data. Lamp-Free Projector Technology If your home, school or business could use a green makeover, an easy place to start is by replacing an outdated projector with something more energy efficient. For example, Casio’s Lamp-Free projectors consume 1/3 less power per unit than traditional lamp-based projectors by using a Laser & LED Hybrid Light Source. Guided by Intelligent Brightness Control, you can conserve power up to 50 percent because the projectors automatically adjust brightness to suit the room. For every 6,000 hours of use, that amounts to approximately $800 dollars saved compared to a traditional lamp-based projector.

Families Nationwide Pushing For Affordable Broadband (StatePoint) There’s no doubt about it, affordable broadband is no longer a frill; it is essential for most Americans. Unfortunately, there are many parts of the country where it is particularly challenging for carriers to offer high-quality services while keeping costs affordable for the average family. “In our increasingly interconnected society, most people who live in urban areas can choose from a variety of communication services,” says Shirley Bloomfield, chief executive officer of NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association, which represents nearly 900 independent, community-based telecommunications companies in rural and small-town America.

“However, many rural consumers -- who deserve the same opportunity -- are being denied the freedom to choose their communications options in the same way.” The Issue The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)’s Connect America Fund, which focuses

on expanding broadband, already supports larger carriers. However, the current support that small telecommunications providers receive is linked to a consumer’s purchase of traditional telephone service. As a result, many residents of rural areas are forced to pay for services they may no longer want, such as traditional landline telephones, to get the high-speed broadband services they need. “While consumers should certainly have the right to buy traditional telephone services if they want, they shouldn’t be forced to buy them,” says Bloomfield, who says the answer lies in updating universal service policies to meet the needs of continued on page 14

May 13, 2015

10 The Julian News



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Charming, simple home with clean lines and spectacular views. Located on 2.1 acres with uninterrupted views of the Cuyamaca Mountains to the the South. Independent living off the grid with a well and solar panels. Custom home with 1568 SF of living space, high quality insulated panel construction. $358,000

View Parcel, 5 acres. Nice gently slopping parcel, good well, water storage tank, shed and pump house. There is a septic tank installed but the condition of the system is unknown at this time. A very good buy at $123,000

A RARE FIND! 3.97 Acre View Parcel. This parcel is situated within walking distance of town and is ready to go with electricity, telephone, shed and a well completed. Spectacular views overlooking the townsite with Volcan Mountain beyond. Reduced to $105,000

Cute and Clean. 2 bedroom plus ngan iGreat office, 2 bath, large lot, deck, d views of the Julian countryside. en Excellent buy at $249,900

Quaint Pine Hills Cabin. Two bedrooms, a wood burning stove, nice lot with huge trees and a swing. g nthe A prefect get-away place for funiin d mountains. en Offered for $219,000

Genuine Historic Julian Home. This home built in 1899 is charming and unique. Perfect for someone who wants to be active in preserving Julian's rich heritage. 3 bedrooms/ 3 full baths, 2 car garage, studio g guest house with full bath. Hasn been imany used as a weekend rental for d years. Located in the heart enof Julian. $425,000

Spectacular views from the building site on this 2.2 acre parcel. Electricity and well on the property. Seller motivated! $109,000

Custom Home with terrific views on 8.41 acres. 2 - 2 car garages. Two g nbrick i story. Well on Property, Large d courtyard. en Short Sale - $450,000

Harrison Park, 5 acre two 2.5 parcels with fabulous views of the Julian countrysides. Perc test and survey completed. Unique property with terrific potential. $120,000

Charming and immaculate, late model home located in the Gold Nugget Park. This 1644 SF modular has a fantastic view, sits on the edge of open space yet is within walking distance of everything in town. This is the nicest, affordable living space in Julian. $90,000

Custom home over-looking Lake Cuyamaca, Floor to ceiling windows on the South and East sides provide natural light, spectacular views and an impressive passive heat source in the winter. Rare, oversized .58 acre lot, 2+ bedrooms, 2 baths, and an atrium style family room. Entertaining Offers: $337,900 – $367,900



Beautiful 10 acre Lot with incredible northwesterly views. Pad, well, tank, roads in, private. Must see to appreciate! $184,000


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by Bill Fink

Free Speech Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Heresy in 1789. Nowhere on earth at the time was such freedom granted to a people. At no time was the responsibility for governance of the people granted to themselves. The First Amendment to the Constitution was revolutionary for a revolutionary new country. The First Amendment was sweeping. The government was not only banned from affecting an individual’s right to religion and practice thereof, stifling speech of individuals and the press and to gather and to call the government to the carpet when they failed the people, it became the law that the government, through the courts, would be called on to enforce and protect the people from those that would usurp their right. In the world of the eighteenth century, the rule of law was made by kings and tyrants. Entire countries were of a single or predominant religion that granted few freedoms to minority groups or sects. Advancement in life was often limited to or advanced by birthright. The American colonies, in the development of the inclusive culture of American freedoms and principles put it in writing in their founding. The Preamble of the Constitution states, “We the People of the United States, in Order to form

a more perfect Union…” We’ve been working on it ever since. After the first ten amendments which are referred to as the Bill of Rights, it is obvious that the American people have been active in forming a “more perfect union”. There are now a total of twenty seven amendments that are part of the Constitution with the last being ratified on May 7, 1992. It is difficult to pass a constitutional amendment and it was intended by the Founders to be so. Rather than changing the Constitution due to popular politics or whim, the procedure requires that the populace think the issue through as it will be a national referendum of change to the basic tenets of our laws and often to our way of life. The Fifth Amendment prescribes how an amendment becomes part of the Constitution. Prior to an amendment going to the people (the states) it must receive approval and be ratified by two thirds of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There have been thousands of proposed amendments but the bar of approval and advancement is very high. After Congressional approval three fourths of the states must approve the amendment prior to it becoming part of the Constitution. The President may not veto an amendment. The approval process is often long and arduous. The last amendment (27th) that was passed in 1992 was submitted to the states in 1789. It took over 202 years for ratification. What it did was prohibit an increase or decrease of Congressional salaries prior to the start of their next terms. The quickest ratification was the 26th amendment (July 1, 1971) that granted the vote to eighteen year olds. It took three months and eight days. The other method for creating a Constitutional amendment is by two thirds of the states calling for a Constitutional Convention and proposing an amendment. Then three quarters of the states would have to approve it before amending the Constitution. This has never been done though the Founders left this option



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Seller Representitive Specialist Risk Management Specialist Senior Real Estate Specialist 16 years experience CALL 760 • 445 • 1642 open should Congress not be responsive to the people. There are well known amendments. The 13th abolished slavery. The 15th prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The 18th amendment passed in 1919 prohibited making or selling alcohol and the 21st amendment repealed the 18th. It wasn’t until August 18, 1920 that the 19th amendment was passed granting women the vote. Odd as that sounds by today’s standards, women weren’t fully enfranchised in Switzerland until 1971, Lichtenstein 1984. In 1964 when the 24th amendment passed ending poll taxes at the voting booth signaling the end of “Jim Crow” laws, Mississippi was the only state to vote no. The Constitution, the basis of our legal system, has always been under attack and it remains so today. Our system of laws and courts base their decisions on the Constitution. When a litigant feels that a court has erred, it will often appeal to a higher court for relief or a rehearing of an issue. A case may advance through state courts and into the federal system all the way to the Supreme Court if the Constitutional issues merit review of the highest court in the land. Free speech, one of the rights we enjoy and have used as an example to the rest of the world is despised by repressive societies. At times the message and messengers are despised in this country but we generally protect their right. As early as 1798 during the Adam’s presidency the Alien and Sedition acts were intended to strengthen security during the Quasi War with France. In reality what it did was limit speech of those that opposed the Federalists and a prickly John Adams. Many were fined and imprisoned during Adam’s term for speaking against him. The laws eventually fell as Jefferson and the Republicans came to power. In 1917 the Espionage Act was passed. During WWI, the case of Schenk v. U.S. came before the Supreme Court. The case argued the right to free speech by the defendant who distributed

Jade is a 2 year old spayed Boxer who weighs 44lbs. A high energy girl, she requires an active home to tire her out. Running, hiking and adventures to dog parks are right up her alley. Jade is friendly and after she burns off her initial energy, she is an affectionate love-bug who enjoys a good rump scratch. Meet this beautiful gal by asking for ID#A1629093 Tag#C195. Jade can be adopted for $69.

literature that urged men against the draft and the war. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.’s opinion for a unanimous court argued “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic… “ He later sided in opposition to the majority of the court as thousands were prosecuted. He then wrote “that our intention to put out all our powers in aid of success in war should not hurry us into intolerance of opinions and speech… It is better for those who have unquestioned and almost unlimited power in their hands to err on the side of freedom.” Never forget that “free speech” created under the first amendment was created to protect unpopular and unconventional thought and speech. Hence the cry of years past that “I may not agree with your opinion, but I will fight for your right to have it” is a guiding American principal. As Justice Holmes saw, the tyranny of the masses and prevailing thought can be the basis for usurpation of our rights under our First Amendment.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Free dance lessons to get you ready for the Julian Dance. See the article on page 7 for details. And ... if you want to get some practice in, check out the “Barn Dance” on Friday May 29th at the Town Hall, it’s part of the Fiddle Contest that will be going on all day Saturday.

The Pacific yew tree of northern Idaho produces a substance called taxol, a component of anticancer chemotherapy regimens.

Kaiser is a 3 year old neutered Tabby who who weighs 10lbs. He can be found playing around along side his feline pals in the shelter's "zoo" area. When he's tuckered out, he enjoys a good cat nap. Kaiser is a friendly guy who would do fine in a multiple cat household. If you are looking for a low-maintenance fur companion, come meet Kaiser! Ask for ID#A1640478 Tag#C114. HE can be adopted for $58.

All adoption fees include vaccinations, spaying/neutering (upon adoption), a microchip and free Vet visit. Dog fees also include a 1 year license. Jade and Kaiser are at our Central County Shelter, 5480 Gaines Street, San Diego . The Shelter hours are 9:30AM to 5:30PM, Tuesday through Saturday or visit www.sddac.com for more information.

Iron Cookware Q: I have a Wagner 1891 6-inch iron skillet and a 10-inch Wagner griddle. I would like to know how much they are worth and where I can sell them. -- Brenda, Daytona Beach, Florida A: The Wagner Manufacturing Company was founded in Sydney, Ohio, in 1891. It was family owned until the mid-1950s. The company was acquired by Griswold and eventually liquidated in 2000. The skillets, cooking pots and griddles made by Wagner are popular with collectors, but aren't all that valuable. I found a set of three Wagner skillets -- a 10 inch, 8 inch and 6 inch-- on eBay for $35. Most of the ones I have seen in shops and at antiques malls sell in the $25 to $50 range, depending on size and condition. As to the ones you have, you might begin with shops and dealers in your area. *** Q: I purchased a figurine called "Bath Time" made by Lladro. I paid $300 for it and was told that Lladro pieces have become quite collectible. -- Liz, Homestead, Florida A: Before making a purchase, always do your homework. Case in point is your figurine. Yes, it was made by Lladro in 1997, but is not considered rare. I found it in "Collecting Lladro: Identification & Price Guide" by Peggy Whiteneck and published by Krause Books. Whiteneck places the value of your figurine at $195. *** Q: I have an unopened pack of Hit Parade cigarettes made by the American Tobacco Company of Durham, North Carolina. Does it have any value? -- Janet, Oswego, Illinois A: The Cigarette Pack Collectors Association was organized in 1976 and currently has about 100 members scattered throughout the country. The group publishes a newsletter for members, "Brandstand." This

might be a good place to explore the value of your cigarette pack. Contact is 86 Plymouth Grove Drive, Kennebunk, ME 04043; cigpacks@aol.com. *** Q: I have 26 volumes of Reader's Digest condensed books. Are they worth keeping? I am downsizing this summer. -- Ethel, Memphis, Tennessee A: The Reader's Digest books were abridged and are not of interest to book collectors. My suggestion is to donate them to a charity.

*** Write to Larry Cox in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@ aol.com. Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox is unable to personally answer all reader questions. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

1. In 2014, Penn State turned two triple plays in one game, only the second time it happened in NCAA Division I baseball history. Who did it first? 2. Who was the last Chicago White Sox rookie before Jose Abreu (2014) to be selected to the All-Star Game? 3. Who holds the Pittsburgh Steelers record for most rushing yards in a season? 4. When was the last time before 2014 that Villanova’s men’s basketball team won the Big East regular-season title outright? 5. How many players were on all four of the Montreal Canadiens’ Stanley Cup winners between 1976 and 1979? 6. When was the last time before 2010 and 2014 that Canada’s men’s hockey team won back-to-back Olympic gold medals? 7. Name the three men in golf’s modern era to have topfive finishes in each of a PGA season’s four majors. continued on page 14


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Hear Ye!

May 13, 2015


Howdy From Lake Cuyamaca

~ No Report ~ Take Small Steps To Better Health

ntinued on page PB

ot of fun. sed in 25 cent ill be auctioned ousehold items om cleanser, e available and s $2.00, drinks ht, April 21 at their periodic aving another Tuesday, the you that get uitar. omeone brings aul McCartney ailable. There’s usic, food and e monthly open n members, this

Hear Ye!

(StatePoint) Staying healthy doesn’t have to mean overhauling your lifestyle. Sometimes small changes can have big impacts. Take it from celebrity fitness trainer, Latreal “La” Mitchell, “Everyone can reach their health and fitness goals. It’s all about setting attainable goals and staying motivated to see results.” To look, feel and live better, Mitchell is offering tips for small lifestyle changes you can make that can inspire you to make more in the future: Get Moving If exercise is not a part of your life now, don’t worry. “In a short time, you can be doing quality exercises,” says Mitchell. “The key is to start small.” Try short sets of push-ups, planks, squats, and lunges and work your way up. Ten minutes can make a real difference. Remember, little things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator will keep you feeling great all day. Just be sure to make exercise non-negotiable. Life is busy and it’s easy to find any number of reasons to skip a workout. Make yourself a fitness schedule and stick to it -- and then don’t let anyone or anything stop you from staying on track. Eat Right The small goal of adding more fiber to your diet can lead you to better nutrition choices. Aim to get 25 to 38 grams of fiber every day. In addition to upping your fruit and vegetable intake and swapping out processed white bread and pasta for the whole wheat variety, fiber supplements can help you meet your fiber goals. But choose wisely, as some options have additional benefits beyond supporting digestive health. For example, Meta offers products made with psyllium fiber which has multihealth benefits. Try adding Metamucil powder to a morning smoothie. Also try new MetaBiotic probiotic supplement. For many people, snacking can be a downfall, especially during a busy workday. Try substituting your usual temptations with healthier options. For example, almonds and light popcorn are a good substitute for chips, and are more satisfying. If you have a sweet tooth, ditch the afternoon pastry that’s high in calories but won’t actually help you feel full. Instead, look for a delicious, easy-to-pack snack like a Meta Health Bar that helps satisfy hunger as a healthful snack. Lastly, stay hydrated. Skip sugary sodas and sports drinks and opt for water throughout the day. If you need a boost of flavor, add a lemon wedge, cucumber slice or some fresh herbs. Water helps you feel full and process fiber, while helping to keep you hydrated. More tips can be found at www. metawellness.com.

The Julian News 11

May 13, 2015

12 The Julian News


Dear EarthTalk: What is the Great Green Wall of China? —Jacob Williston, Tempe, AZ Unlike the Great Wall of China, a 5,000-mile fortification dating back to the 7th century BC that separates northern China from the Mongolian steppe, the Great Green Wall of China—otherwise known as the Three-North Shelter Forest Program—is the biggest tree planting project on the planet. Its goal is to create a 2,800-mile long green belt to hold back the quickly expanding Gobi Desert and sequester millions of tons of carbon dioxide in the process. If all goes according to plan, the completion of the Green Wall by 2050 will increase forest cover across China from five to 15 percent overall. The Chinese government first conceived of the Green Wall project in the late 1970s to combat desertification along the country’s vast northwest rim. Soon thereafter, China’s top legislative body passed a resolution requiring every citizen over the age of 11 to plant at least three Poplar, Eucalyptus, Larch and other saplings every year to reinforce official reforestation efforts. But despite progress— according to the United Nations’ most recent Global Forest Resources Assessment, China increased its overall forest cover by 11,500 square miles (an area the size of Massachusetts) between 2000 and 2010, with ordinary citizens alone planting upwards of 60 billion trees—the situation is only getting worse. Analysts think China loses just as many square miles of grasslands and farms to desertification every year, so reforestation has proven to be an uphill battle. The encroaching Gobi has swallowed up entire villages and small cities and continues to cause air pollution problems in Beijing and elsewhere while racking up some

$50 billion a year in economic losses. And tens of millions of environmental refugees are looking for new homes in other parts of China and beyond in what makes America’s Dust Bowl of the 1930s look trivial in comparison. “The desertification of north and western China is arguably the most underreported environmental crisis facing China today and is little understood outside the circles of NGOs [non-governmental organizations] and groups of scientists who are desperately fighting against it,” reports Sean Gallagher, an activist with Greenpeace. While climate change is certainly a big factor, Gallagher adds that overgrazing, water mismanagement, outdated agricultural methods and the swelling of human populations are also contributing to this wholesale conversion of the region’s once arable and habitable landscapes into sand dunes. “In China, approximately 20 percent of land is now classified as desert or arid, and desertification is adversely affecting the lives of over 400 million people in China alone.” More recently, the Green Wall project has taken on additional importance for its potential as a “carbon sink” to store greenhouse gases that would otherwise find their way into the atmosphere and exacerbate global warming. But critics point out that it’s hard to quantify just how much carbon the Green Wall can store, and that plantations of fast-growing non-native trees going in as part of the project don’t store as much carbon as more diverse, naturally occurring native forests.

Students Learn To Seek A Cure And Enjoy STEM Learning

Dust storms in the Gobi Desert (as seen from space) highlight the need for China's Great Green Wall. Credit: NASA Regardless, the Chinese a solution for some of China’s government is already talking (and the world’s) most vexing up the Great Green Wall as key environmental problems. CONTACT: UN Global Forest weapon in its arsenal to fight global warming and as proof Resources Assessment, www.fao. to the rest of the world that org/docrep/013/i1757e/i1757e.pdf. EarthTalk® is produced by Doug China is taking strong steps to Moss & Roddy Scheer and is a mitigate carbon emissions. With registered trademark of Earth Action completion of the Great Green Network Inc. View past columns at: Wall still 35 years out, only time www.earthtalk.org. Or e-mail us your earthtalk@emagazine. will tell how effective it will be as question: com.

*** Nothing travels faster than light, with the possible exception of bad news, which follows its own rules. — Douglas Adams ***


Nestled on hillside with panoramic views, this custom 3br/3ba, 2835 sf home on 5 acres boasts absolute quality through-out! Tumbled Travertine & antique pine flooring, 3 zoned HVACs, cement fire proof siding & 50 year architectural roofing. Custom Kitchen, top of the line SS appliances including 6 burner Jenn-Air Cooktop & hand chiseled granite counters. MLS#150000631

(NAPSA)-For parents and teachers tired of answering the question "Why do I have to learn this?" comes an exciting new activity series called "STEM Behind Health." Developed by top medical experts and researchers, it provides teachers and students with an interactive, hands-on way to explore the math and science concepts behind diseases still in need of a cure. Aimed at getting more students interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects and careers, the program puts students on the front lines of the medical field, helping real patients manage very real diseases. The free online activities let students explore the math and science behind managing diseases such as breast cancer and diabetes. For example, students learn how to keep blood sugar in a safe range, why small changes in DNA can cause big problems and how cancer cells replicate. The first activity in the series, "Managing a Critical Ratio," engages students in the math and science behind insulin replacement therapy by sharing the daily struggle of nursing student and diabetic Chelcie Weber. "For me, life is a never-ending math problem," said Weber. "By bringing awareness of type 1 diabetes to students and teachers around the country, I hope to inspire a student to go on to one day develop a cure." Weber is studying to become a pediatric nurse so that she can help other kids diagnosed with the disease. The program was created by Sanford Health and Texas Instruments Education Technology, which provides a wide range of tools connecting the classroom experience with real-world applications, helping students and teachers to explore mathematics and science interactively. Teachers and students can download "STEM Behind Health" to the TI-Nspire CX graphing calculator, Student Software or TI-Nspire Apps for iPad or visit www.STEMbehindHealth.com. Learn More

For further information, visit www.sanfordhealth.org, www.education. ti.com, www.twitter.com/TICalculators, www.facebook.com/TICalculators

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The Julian News 13

May 13, 2015

California Commentary

California Motorists ‘Don’t Get No Respect’

by Jon Coupal

Now there is no question that road and bridge maintenance is lagging in the Golden State. Most counties have an average pavement rating of “at risk” or “poor” according to a finding by the California Transportation Commission. In addition to the safety hazards caused by poor road maintenance, there is a direct cost to the average California driver of hundreds of dollars for vehicle maintenance and tire wear. Before assuming that that the Sacramento politicians are justified in seeking to dig deeper into drivers’ wallets, it is important to point out that billions in transportation tax dollars have been spent on other programs. State government has been diverting a billion dollars a year in annual truck weight fees to pay debt service on general obligation bonds and another $100 million annually in gas tax revenues to the general fund. Now, in theory, all transportation tax revenues are to go for transportation purposes. Voters have passed several propositions they were assured would guarantee this result. However, Sacramento has used slight-of-hand to divert these revenues. For example, after voters approved $20 billion in transportation bonds in 2006, bonds that were to be repaid from the general fund, officials later decided to use transportation tax revenue for bond repayment, freeing up general fund revenue for other purposes. Some will argue that it is appropriate that transportation taxes repay transportation

bonds, but voters were lead to believe the money would come from the general fund. When the state passes school bonds, they are repaid from the general fund. When water bonds are passed, they too are repaid by the general fund. There is no reason transportation bonds should be different. By using transportation tax revenue to pay off bonds, there is not enough money left to maintain the improvements the bonds pay for. Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff has a better idea that will slap the hands of those who have been reaching into the transportation tax cookie jar and diverting funds from road and bridge maintenance. Huff’s legislation, Senate Constitutional Amendment 7, would close the loopholes and stop this theft of transportation dollars. SCA 7 is the only plan in the Legislature that would provide funds to improve state roads and highways without raising taxes. However don’t look for quick or easy passage of SCA 7. Its flaw? It does not require a tax increase and for the majority party in Sacramento, which is obsessed with extracting more money from taxpayers, this flaw is likely to be fatal. It is hard to blame California drivers if they feel a like a lot like the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield who would complain, “I don’t get no respect.”


2019 Main Street


3 Bedroom Home with Finished Attic in Historical District Ready for your personal renovations.

Shabby-Chic project Whispering Pines on large lot quanset house large detached garage/workshop.



Pristine Home

On 4.26 park-like acres. 3 bd room, 2 bath, 2 car garage, hard wood, granite, 2 wells and huge steel building. Close to town and totally private.


Available Land

Pine Hills

1 acre lot w/water meter. . . . . . . $ 75,000

Cuyamaca Woods

Jon Coupal is president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association — California’s largest grass-roots taxpayer organization dedicated to the protection of Proposition 13 and the advancement of taxpayers’ rights.

Large decks w/ views + Privacy Electric, well, septic.Live-in while building dream home. 402 sq. ft, 1 br, 1 ba. tiny home w/ washer - dryer hookups.

Large townhouse is one of four units. One bedroom, 1 1/2 bath with washer/dryer hookups. Updated but retains that turn-ofthe century charm with high ceilings and big windows, and an oak banister. Large level yard for a garden. It is in town so walking to everywhere is as easy as Julian's apple pie.


$975 per month

Kaaren Terry

Carre St. Andre

5 Acres - Beautiful Views

A klazomaniac is a person who has a compulsive need to shout.


cell 619-417-0481 CA BRE LIC #01231449

When Auguste Rodin exhibited his first important bronze sculptures in 1878, it was so realistic that it's said that some people thought he had sacrificed a live model inside the cast

2.5 Acres - privacy, view . . . . . $ 47,000 1 Acre - Gentle slope . . . . . . . . $ 50,000 2.5 Acres - Driveway, pad, water meter and view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 85,000 2.63 Acres - Borders State Park, Private . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 135,000 8 Acres - Excellent well, seasonal creek, fabulous views and privacy. . . . $ 110,000 139 Acres - Remote, private, three (3) legal parcels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 499,900

Oakland Road

8+ Acres - Close to town, driveway, pad, approved for 3 Bedroom, terraced for orchard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 239,000

Julian Estates

6.14 acres with mature trees . . . $ 129,000

Wynola Estates

2.5 Acres - Large Oaks with water meter, approved grading plan, approved septic layout, House plans included. . . . $ 149,000

cell 619-922-9687 CA BRE LIC #01878143

Paul Bicanic

cell 760-484-7793 CA BRE LIC # 00872978

• It was noted 20th-century British playwright Tom Stoppard who made the following sage observation: "It is better to be quotable than to be honest." • You've probably seen ventriloquists perform, but you may not realize that it's a skill not limited to humans. The crested bellbird, which can be found in the wetlands of Australia and Venezuela, throws its voice in order to misdirect predators. • Bibliophiles beware: Using a public library can carry hidden risks, as a 20-year-old woman in Wisconsin discovered when she checked out "White Oleander" and "Angels and Demons." Heidi Dalibor never returned the books, and she didn't respond to letters or phone calls requesting that she return the books and pay the overdue fine. Eventually, Dalibor was arrested by local police, who handcuffed and fingerprinted her, and she wasn't released until her bail was paid. • We've all heard the childhood tale of George Washington chopping down a cherry tree, then 'fessing up because he could not tell a lie. Most history books don't mention other aspects of his childhood, though; for instance, did you know that our first president, when he was 10 years old, was a champion wrestler and long jumper? • If you were a member of the middle class in Victorian England, you might have spent an enjoyable afternoon with friends on a boat, searching for bizarre sea creatures. This popular pastime was known as "monster spotting." • Those who study such things say that the smallest vertebrate in the world is a type of carp: The Paedocypris progenetica grows to be less than half an inch long. *** Thought for the Day: "A husband is what is left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted." -- Helen Rowland

© 2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

© 2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

May 13, 2015

14 The Julian News $27 FOR 4 ISSUES, 25 WORDS OR LESS; 25¢ EXTRA PER WORD


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - Notice to Advertisers: Any error should be reported to the publisher prior to Thursday at 12 Noon following the publication date. Publisher accepts advertising on the condition that advertiser agrees that at no time shall Publisher’s Liability exceed the cost of space involved and that the Publisher is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Publisher accepts no responsibility for ad contents or errors in spelling or grammar.

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AA Meetings Monday - 7 pm



Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Childcare – Birth Through 5th Grade



MOVING SALE; Everything must go! Household items, clothes, lots of books and more! Saturday May 16, 8-1pm. 5/13 3232 Williams Ranch Road, Julian

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Labor Policy, The Julian News will not publish, any advertisement for employment that discriminates on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. The Julian News encourages equal opportunity employment in the work place.


St. Elizabeths Of Hungary Catholic Church

BATHROOM FIXTURES - (4) new vitreous china waterless black urinals, $275 each; all four, $1000 760 550-3733 5/27

Connecting People With God And Each Other . . . Changing Lives

Tuesday - 7 pm Santa Ysabel Mission (Open Big Book Study)



Tuesday - 7 pm Sisters in Recovery

(open to all female 12 step members)

St. Elizabeths Of Hungary

Worship and Sunday School at 8:30 and 10:00 Blending of traditional and contemporary elements Warm welcome and uplifting music Relevant, thoughtful message

Catholic Church

Wednesday - 6 pm


(across street from Warner Unified School)

Teen Crisis HotLine 1-800- HIT HOME

San Jose Valley Continuation School

Wednesday - 7pm St. Elizabeths Of Hungary

Community United Methodist Church

Celebrating 50 years of loving God and serving our neighbors Location: 2898 State Hwy 78

Catholic Church

Thursday - 7pm

(just west of Pine Hills Road, look for the white rail fence)

St. Elizabeths Of Hungary

Phone: 760-765-0114 E-mail: communityumcjulian@yahoo.com

Catholic Church

Friday - 7 pm

“Friday Night Survivors”


St. Elizabeths Of Hungary Catholic Church

Saturday - 8 pm Santa Ysabel Mission

LEGAL STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 2015-011081 In reference to the activity doing business as: FAB GIRL Located at: 655 Willowspring Dr. South, Encinitas, CA 92024 The following registrant has abandoned use of the fictitious business name: Theresa Scudder, Willowspring Dr. South, Encinitas, CA 92024. This fictitious business name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on October 2, 2013, and assigned File No. 2013-028289. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG, JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ON APRIL 24, 2015 LEGAL: 06931 Publish: April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 2014


Case Number: 37-2015-00013536-CU-PT-NC

IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: JUSTIN-DAVID LESTER MINTON FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: JUSTIN-DAVID LESTER MINTON HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: JUSTIN-DAVID LESTER MINTON TO: JUSTIN-DAVID GRIFFIN HAMMOND IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on JUNE 30, 2015 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON APRIL 23, 2015.



Case Number: 37-2015-00014421-CU-PT-CTL


Date 5/3 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/8 5/9

YOU WILL THEREFORE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Governing Board of the Julian Union Elementary School District will conduct a public hearing of the proposed budget on June 10, 2015, 5:00:00 PM, Staff Room, 1704 Cape Horn, Julian, CA, 92036. Randolph E. Ward County Superintendent of Schools San Diego County Legal: 06940 Publish: May 13, 2014



IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on JUNE 12, 2015 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON APRIL 30, 2015. LEGAL: 06938 Publish: May 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 2015

Regular Meeting: TUESDAY, May 19, 2015 7:00 p.m. Julian High School, Room 4, 1656 Hwy 78, Julian, CA 92036 The Jess Martin Park Advisory Committee (JMPAC) is a voluntary organization that provides community input to the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation regarding the maintenance and operations of Jess Martin Park (Landscape Maintenance District Zone No. 2 - Julian). The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. The agenda will be posted on the message board at the Julian Post Office 72 hours prior to each meeting date. Board Members: Dennis Cantor - Chair; Becky Hatch - Secretary; Art Cole, Kimberly Mitchell, Tom Skibinski, Les Turner, Juli Zerbe. Legal: 06941 Publish: May 13, 2015 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME

Case Number: 37-2015-00014457-CU-PT-CTL


Green Technology continued from page 9

Broadband Access

Time 1400 1800 1200 0600 0800 1000 0900 1500

In accordance with the provisions of the Education Code Section 42103, you are hereby notified of the preparation of the proposed Annual Financial and Budget Report of the Julian Union Elementary School District, for school year 2015-16. The proposed budget, computed district tax requirement, and any recommendations made by the Superintendent of Schools, San Diego County, shall be available for public inspection on June 5, 2015 to June 10, 2015, 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM, District Office, 1704 Cape Horn, Julian, CA, 92036.

LEGAL: 06937 Publish: May 6, 13, 20, 27, 2015

continued from page 9 a broadband-oriented world, along with finding solutions that promote affordable rates for consumers, no matter where they live. With that in mind, NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association is working with the FCC and legislators to give the rules a makeover. “Rural telecommunications providers need a support mechanism in place to ensure that consumers in their coverage areas are able to afford and receive telecommunications services of their own choosing,” says Bloomfield. “An outdated set of rules will represent an obstacle to a broadband future.” Take Action Consumers can learn more about these issues at www. N TC A . o r g / b r o a d b a n d f a c t s . To take action, they may also consider getting in touch with their congressional representatives to learn more about their positions on the issue.



CoDA - Co-Dependants Anonymous: Saturdays in Ramona, 323 Hunter Street (corner of Main & Hunter) 5 - 6pm

In addition, Casio’s portfolio of projectors, including its SLIM series, takes environmental consciousness a step further by eliminating harmful mercury bulbs from the equation. Solar Chargers You may rely on multiple devices to get you through the day, from your mobile phone to your tablet to your laptop. It’s easy to keep these items running without draining electricity, even when you’re on the go. Solar chargers come in all shapes and sizes these days -- clam shell, tree branches, foldable -you can even buy a backpack or laptop case equipped with a solar panel. With so many manufacturers greening their offerings, consider taking stock of your tech gear and making eco-friendly swaps.

IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on JUNE 12, 2015 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON APRIL 30, 2015. LEGAL: 06939 Publish: May 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 2015

Julian Library Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

closed 9:00 - 8 9:00 - 6 9:00 - 6 9:00 - 5 9:00 - 5 closed

Friends of the Library

Book Store Hours

Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 5 pm 1850 Highway 78 765 - 0370

Julian-Cuyamaca Fire — Activity Log Incident Traffic Accident Medical Medical Medical Medical Alarms Ringing Medical Medical

Location Hwy 79/Paso Picacho Bonita Vista Dr. 1st St. Royal Dr. C St. Main St. Ridgewood Dr. Main St.


Details Solo Motorcycle Down; Minor injuries

False Alarm

Chef’s Corner

continued from page 6 2 tablespoons chili powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1 small bay leaf, ground in a spice grinder 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 1 cup diced and peeled potato 2 teaspoons canola oil

continued from page 10


1. Gonzaga vs. Washington State in 2006. 2. Ron Kittle, in 1983. 3. Barry Foster, with 1,690 yards in 1992. 4. It was 1982. 5. Fifteen. 6. It was 1948 and 1952. 7. Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods and Rickie Fowler. © 2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Trivia Test

continued from page 6 7. PRESIDENTS: Who was the only Roman Catholic president of the United States? 8. MOVIES: What early movie star made a career based on his portrayal of “The Tramp”? 9. LANGUAGE: What word describes the next-to-last event or item? 10. ANATOMY: What is the scapula more commonly known as?


1. A bale 2. Astronomy 3. 24 4. Scotland 5. Louis XIV 6. Nine 7. John F. Kennedy 8. Charlie Chaplin 9. Penultimate 10. Shoulder blade

© 2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

All advertisements for the sale or rental of dwelling units published in the Julian News are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin or any intention to make such preference limitations or discrimination, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. State laws forbid discrimination based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby served notice that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

STUDIO APARTMENT with sleeping loft. Full Kitchen, Tile Floors, High Deck with view. In Separate building. Free DirectTV with Flat Screen. Laundry facilities. Walk to town. $850. phone 760 765 1129 5/13

1/2 cup diced, purple onion 1/2 cup shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese 8 corn or whole-wheat tortillas The Salsa: 1/2 ripe avocado 1/2 cup chopped tomato 1/2 cup diced purple onion 1 large garlic clove, minced 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves 1/2 Serrano chili, minced 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper To prepare the Quesadillas: 1. Combine the chicken, chili powder, salt, pepper, bay leaf, cinnamon, Italian seasoning, cloves and vinegar in a bowl, mix well. Set aside. 2. Boil the potato in lightly salted water in a saucepan until tender, drain. Heat 1 teaspoon canola oil in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Saute the chicken mixture, stirring to break up the pieces, until the chicken is almost cooked through. 3. Add the potato, onion and remaining canola oil, cook until the potatoes begin to brown. Remove from heat and mash mixture. Top each of 4 tortillas with an equal amount of chicken mixture. Top with shredded Cheddar cheese, then another tortilla. Spray a griddle or nonstick skillet with non-stick cooking spray. 4. Cook the Quesadillas over medium heat until both sides are crisp, turning once. To prepare the Salsa: In a small bowl, mix together the avocado, tomato, onion, garlic, cilantro, chili, lime juice, salt and pepper until wellcombined. Cut Quesadillas into wedges and serve with the salsa. Makes 4 servings. *** Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children’s author, culinary historian and author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is “The Kitchen Diva’s Diabetic Cookbook.” Her website is www.divapro.com. To see howto videos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva! on Facebook and go to Hulu.com. Read Gina Harlow’s blog about food and gardening at www.peachesandprosciutto. com. Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis

CAMP MARSTON is HIRING: P/T Kitchen Aide We are looking for a dependable self-starter with a good attitude and willingness to learn for an entry level Kitchen Aide. Part-time position is $9.50/hour, up to 35 hours/week. An excellent opportunity with one of San Diego’s leading non-profit organizations! Contact Terry 760.765.0642 Apply online at: http://www.camp.ymca.org/employment.html Camp Marston YMCA 4761 Pine Hills Rd • Julian, CA 92036 5/6 LAKE CUYAMACA RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT is looking for people interested in the positions of dockhand and ranger. Applicants must be able to lift moderate weights up to 30 pounds. Physical labor is part of the job. We have policies on discrimination, harassment, drugs, and violence in the workplace. If interested, please stop by at 15027 Highway 79 5/13 and pick up an application. Thank you. CAMP CEDAR GLEN is looking for a motivated individual with WSI Certification willing to start a swim program at the camp this summer. Pay rate is negotiable based on experience. Apply on line at CampCedarGlen .org or in person at 743 Farmer Road, Monday through Friday 9-2. 5/13 SOUPS & SUCH CAFE needs a dishwasher/ busser. Must work weekends... Experience a plus call 760 765 4761 or apply in person at 2000 Main Street. 5/13 CUYAMACA LAKE RESTAURANT - Now accepting applications for servers and cooks, apply in person 15027 Highway 79 5/13 at the Lake.(No Calls Please) PINECREST RETREAT a seasonal cleaner to for 8 hours. Must have references. Contact (760)

is looking for work Tuesdays experience and 765-0464. 5/20

WHISPERING WINDS - Maintain ground of Julian year-round camp. Weed, prune, operate irrigation, maintain landscaping. Email resume to hr@whisperingwinds.org 5/13 or call 619-916-9552. JULIAN HOTEL - Housekeeper wanted. Must work one weekend day and holidays. Approx 1930 per week. Call 760-765-0201 to inquire. 5/27 CARMEN’S PLACE - In search of a dishwasher. 6/3 Come by and ask for Carmen or Tina.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY GIRLS VARSITY VOLLEYBALL COACH LOCATION: Julian High School Julian Union High School District San Diego County JOB REQUIREMENTS: Season; Fall, Practice every day after school; Travel periodically through the season. Work well with others. EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION: Meet the qualifications outlined in the JUHSD Athletic Program Policies and Procedures Manual and JUHSD Board Policies regarding Coaches. Demonstrated successful ability:  to work with young adolescents;  to coach and teach volleyball;  to teach, enforce, advocate, and model appropriate behavior, character traits, and educational values to student athletes. SALARY: Stipend - $1700 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Open Until Filled HOW TO APPLY: Application for coaching positions available atthe Julian Union High School District Office and Edjoin: Julian Union High School District Office 1656 Hwy 78, Julian, CA 92036 (760) 765-0606 Ext. 103 Online at – Edjoin.org 6/17

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY BOYS VARSITY BASKETBALL COACH LOCATION: Julian High School Julian Union High School District San Diego County JOB REQUIREMENTS: Season: Fall/ Winter; Practice everyday after school; Travel periodically through the season; Work well with others. EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION: Meet the qualifications outlined in the JUHSD Athletic Program Policies and Procedures Manual and JUHSD Board Policies regarding Coaches. Demonstrated successful ability:  to work with young adolescents;  to coach and teach basketball;  to teach, enforce, advocate, and model appropriate behavior, character traits, and educational values to student athletes. SALARY: Stipend - $1,700 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Open Until Filled HOW TO APPLY: Coach applications are available at the Julian Union High School District Office and Edjoin: Julian Union High School District Office 1656 Hwy 78, Julian, CA 92036 (760) 765-0606 Ext. 103 Online at – Edjoin.org 6/17

The Julian News 15

May 13, 2015




FREE www.JulianRealty.com


Available Land

Dennis Frieden Owner/Broker CA 00388486

760-310-2191 Dennis has 35 years of real estate experience in Southern California. A skilled and experienced agent can be a tremendous benefit when considering buying or selling property in the Back Country. Dennis was born in San Diego and has brokerage experience in both San Diego and Orange Counties. His grandfather owned two gold mines in town during the 1920’s and he has loved Julian since his youth.

• Acres

Julian • Santa Ysabel • Shelter Valley • Location

0.26 34673 Apache 4.15 W. Incense Cedar Rd. 4.91 W. Incense Cedar Rd. 4.93 Pineoak Ridge Rd. 7.26 Pineoak Ridge Rd.


$ 97,500 $149,000 $149,000 $130,000 $199,000


10.53 11.18 39.2 42.26


Cedar Creek Rd. Lazy Jays Way Engineers Road 3960 Daley Flat Rd.


$ 79,000 $315,000 $409,900 $810,000

This Week's Feature Property


34349 Wolahi Cuyamaca Lake area home with view of North Peak. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1795 sq. ft. manufactured home on 0.98 acre. Located at the end of the street on a cul-de-sac with lots of parking and a detached workshop.


Two on One – 34333-34337 Wolahi 2735 Salton Vista Beautiful cabin in the woods. Built in 2006 and in great condition. There is a 20 foot deck, circular paved driveway, large storage area and stackable washer dryer. An ideal mountain getaway!

Rare opportunity in the Cuyamaca Lake area. Two units – one is a 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1047 sq. ft. and the other is 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 800 sq. ft. Great rental opportunities or for extended families or retirees.



4499 Toyon Mountain Rd. 3740 Lakeview Dr.

Lovely 2170 Sq. Ft. Julian Home on 0.56 Acre. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths and an oversized 2-Car Garage and a huge solar array are just a few of the custom details.

$495,000 $395,000

Beautiful Julian Estates Home on 5 acres with open beam vaulted ceilings and a sauna and Wood burning fireplace in the master bedroom. Deep 5-car garage includes unfinished 1400 sq. ft. room above.


1055 W. Incense Cedar Rd.

Lovely custom built Julian Estates home on 4.83 park-like acres with spacious Trex decking, many mature trees and a seasonal stream. MANY custom features, a must-see Estate!

$895,000 - $1,195,000


16 The Julian News



The Julian News is authorized to print official legal notices of all types including: Liens, Fictitious Business Names, Change of Name, Abandonment, Estate Sales, Auctions, Public Offerings, Court ordered publishing, etc. Please call The Julian News at (760) 765 2231 for our competitive rates. The Julian News is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the State of California, County of San Diego on February 9, 1987. Case No. 577843 IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR BUSINESSES

Renewal filing of Fictitious Business Name Statements (your DBA) is now required by the County of San Diego every five (5) years. If your business name was originally filed or renewed prior to MAY 1, 2010; you need to re-file. If you have not renewed since that date call The Julian News office, (760) 765-2231. We can provide this essential legal service at a very reasonable rate. County forms are available at our offices - we show you how to complete the re-filing, without your having to take a trip to the city. Failure to re-file could result in the loss of the exclusive rights to your business name. You may use the Julian News or any other publication that is authorized to publish Fictitious Business Name Statements and Legal Notices.


Majestic Pines Community Service District PO Box 266

Julian, CA 92036

Whispering Pines Tank Improvements Prospective bidders are hereby notified that the MAJESTIC PINES COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, herein called OWNER, will receive separate sealed BIDS for the construction of: Whispering Pines Tank Improvements Such bid proposals will be received at the offices of Majestic Pines Community Services District, 1405 Banner Road, Julian, CA, until 2:00 PM on 04 June 2015, at which time said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. There will be a non-mandatory pre-bid job walk on 19 May 2015 at 10:00 AM, commencing at the offices of Majestic Pines Community Services District, 1405 Banner Road, Julian, CA. The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following locations during regular business hours: NV5 San Diego Daily Transcript Plan Room 15070 Avenue of Science, Suite 100 http://plans.sddt.com/ San Diego, CA 92128 1-858-385-0500

LEGAL: 06916 Publish: April 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-009507 SAN DIEGO ELEVATOR, INC 2184 Camino del Vecino, Alpine, CA 91901 The business is conducted by A Corporation - San Diego Elevator, Inc., 2184 Camino del Vecino, Alpine, CA 91901. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 9, 2015. LEGAL: 06917 Publish: April 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 2015


Case Number: 37-2015-00010872-CU-PT-CTL



Case Number: 37-2015-00010874-CU-PT-CTL


ALAN SANCHEZ HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: ALAN SANCHEZ TO: ALAN SANCHEZ ZERTUCHE IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on MAY 15, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON APRIL 1, 2015. LEGAL: 06914 Publish: April 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 2015

PETITIONER: JUAN ANTONIO SANCHEZ JR. HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: JUAN ANTONIO SANCHEZ JR. TO: JUAN ANTONIO SANCHEZ-ZERTUCHE IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on MAY 15, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON APRIL 1, 2015. LEGAL: 06913 Publish: April 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-009739 DEN ETSKE HYTTE 2268 Sunset Drive, Julian, CA 92036 (Mailing Address: PO Box 1304, Julian, CA 92036) The business is conducted by An Individual Daniel R. Jennings, 2268 Sunset Drive, Julian, CA 92036. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 13, 2015. LEGAL: 06918 Publish: April 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 2015


IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: AMY JO HEARRON FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: AMY JO HEARRON HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: AMY JO HEARRON TO: ZELLA SAGE IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on MAY 29, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON APRIL 13, 2015. LEGAL: 06915 Publish: April 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 2015

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© 2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc.


Automotive Marketplace

Case Number: 37-2015-00012344-CU-PT-CTL

IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: SARAH MAEGAN HINES FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: SARAH MAEGAN HINES HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: SARAH MAEGAN HINES TO: SARAH MAE BAUCOM IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on MAY 29, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON APRIL 14, 2015. LEGAL: 06919 Publish: April 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-009430 DG CONCRETE DESIGN & COATINGS 1706 Kurtz Street, Oceanside, CA 92054 The business is conducted by An Individual Daryl Ray Gold, 1706 Kurtz Street, Oceanside, CA 92054. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 08, 2015.

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LEGAL: 06921 Publish: April 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 2015

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-008819 MOONSHADOW 90 N Coast Highway #213 Encinitas, CA 92024 (Mailing Address: 315 S. Coast Highway, U-22 Encinitas, CA 92024) The business is conducted by A Corporation Mod About You, Inc. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 02, 2015. LEGAL: 06923 Publish: April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 2015

Case Number: 37-2015-00012186-CU-PT-CTL

your aspect. Perhaps your job will take you to someplace exotic. Or you might be setting up meetings with potential clients or employers. Whatever it is, good luck. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Someone might use deception to try to push you into making a decision you're not fully comfortable with. But those keen Scorpio senses should keep you alert to any such attempt. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Romance dominates this week when Cupid spears the Archer, for a change. Positive things also are happening in the workplace. Expect important news to arrive by the week's end. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Anyone trying to bully the Sea Goat -- whether it involves a personal or a professional matter -- will learn a painful lesson. Others also will benefit from the Goat's strong example. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Congratulations. With things going the way they are, you should be able to spare some time and take a break from your hectic schedule for some well-earned fun and games. PISCES (February 19 to March 21) Your sharp Piscean intuition should be able to uncover the true agendas of those who might be trying to catch the Fish in one of their schemes. BORN THIS WEEK: Your flair for innovative art and design keeps you at least a step ahead of most everyone else.


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-009507 SAN DIEGO ELEVATOR 2184 Camino del Vecino, Alpine, CA 91901 The business is conducted by An Individual - San Diego Elevator/Robert J. DeSimone, 2184 Camino del Vecino, Alpine, CA 91901. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 9, 2015.

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A seemingly stalled romantic situation could benefit from your reassurance that you want this relationship to work. And if you do, use a tad more of that irresistible Aries charm. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Going to new places and meeting new people appeals to both the Taurean's romantic and practical sides. After all, you never can tell where those new contacts can take you. Right? GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) That career-change opportunity that didn't work out when you first considered it could come up again. But this time, remember that you have more to offer and should act accordingly. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) There could be some tensions in relationships -- domestic or workaday. But a calm approach that doesn't raise the anger levels and a frank discussion soon will resolve the problem. LEO (July 23 to August 22) It's a good idea to begin preparing for that career change you've been thinking about for a while. Start to sharpen your skills and expand your background to be ready when it calls. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Bless that Virgo skepticism that has kept you from falling into traps others seem to rush into. But you might want to give a new possibility the benefit of the doubt, at least on a trial basis. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Travel and career are strong in

Take changing weather in stride.

aS on

LEGAL: 06935 Publish: May 6, 13, 2015

JULIAN YESTERYEARS Vintage, Collectible & Handmade Items 2116 MAIN STREET

m Ra

Majestic Pines Community Services District 1405 Banner Road Julian, CA 1-760-765-0532 Electronic copies (PDF format) of Contract Documents may be obtained at no cost via email by contacting: Majestic Pines Community Services District 1-760-765-0532 mpcsd@sbcglobal.net Paper copies of Contact Documents will not be made available by the OWNER. If paper copies are desired, they may be purchased by the interested party at its own cost from Mesa Reprographics, 5560 Ruffin Rd, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 541-1500, http://www. mesareprographics.com/ The project reference is Majestic Pines Community Services District, Whispering Pines Tank Improvements. To receive any addenda and other documents germane to bidding of this project, the interested party must register its contact information with the District. Contract Duration: See Section 00500 of these specifications. Description of Work (Base Bid Only): Installation of one bolted steel potable water tank with a volume of approximately 340,000 gallons (including freeboard volume), site grading, and yard piping. Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (Base Bid Only): $540,000 Prospective bidders shall be licensed contractors in the State of California and be qualified to perform the Work specified in the contract Documents. Each bidder shall have a Class “A” California Contractor’s License. Prospective bidders shall comply with all applicable requirements of SB 854. All contractors and subcontractors submitting bids or listed on bid proposals must be registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) Public Works Contractor Registration Program in order to bid or be awarded contract. The above referenced project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by DIR. Majestic Pines Community Services District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularity, or to award a Contract to other than the lowest bidder. If the Majestic Pines Community Services District elects to award a contract for the Work, the award will be made within 60 days from the date of the bid opening. Bids shall be valid for said 60 day period. Bidders are notified that this contract does not permit retainage to be placed in escrow nor to be invested for the benefit of the contractor. Each bid proposal must be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier’s check, or bid bond issued by a surety admitted and regulated by the State of California. Said check or bond shall be made payable to OWNER and when delivered with a proposal, shall constitute a guarantee that the bidder will, if award is made in accordance with the terms or said bidder’s proposal; execute a Contract in the standard form provided, together with Labor Code Certification thereon; furnish Contract Performance and Payment Bonds with a corporate surety or sureties satisfactory to the OWNER each for not less than 100 percent of the bid price; furnish Certificates of Insurance evidencing that all insurance coverage required by the contract has been secured.

Wednesday - May 13, 2015

Volume 30 - Issue 40

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-010385 a) JULIAN YESTERYEARS b) JULIAN’S YESTERYEARS c)YESTERYEARS GIFTS AND JEWELRY d) YESTERYEARS OF JULIAN 2116 Main Street, Suite A, Julian, CA 92036 (Mailing Address: PO Box 1447, Julian CA 92036) The business is conducted by A Married Couple - Michele Louise Harvey, 1310 Orchard Lane, Julian, CA 92036 and Michael Jon Hart, 1310 Orchard Lane, Julian, CA 92036. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 20, 2015. LEGAL: 06924 Publish: April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 2015





Case Number: 37-2015-00012690-CU-PT-CTL

Case Number: 37-2015-00013192-CU-PT-NC

Case Number: 37-2015-00012956-CU-PT-CTL




PETITIONER: ELIZABETH ASHLEY VILLARREAL HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: ELIZABETH ASHLEY VILLARREAL TO: ELIZABETH SILAS NORTH IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on MAY 29, 2015 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON APRIL 16, 2015. LEGAL: 06922 Publish: April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 2015

PETITIONER: CHANTAL LEWIS and JOSE BUENO BALLESTEROS and on belhalf of: TIMEA LEANDRA BUENO, a minor HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: TIMEA LEANDRA BUENO, a minor TO: TIMEA LEANDRA BUENO-LEWIS, a minor IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on JUNE 23, 2015 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON APRIL 21, 2015.

PETITIONER: ADAM RILEY OGLE HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: ADAM RILEY OGLE TO: ADAM RILEY SABELL-STOLTZ IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on JUNE 5, 2015 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON APRIL 20, 2015. LEGAL: 06927 Publish: April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 2015

LEGAL: 06928 Publish: April 29 AND May 6, 13, 20, 2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-011035 a) WILD RADIANCE DESIGNS b) WILD WOMEN OF WISDOM 2715 Avenida de Anita, #32, Carlsbad, CA 92010 The business is conducted by An Individual Juanita Margarita Jaime, 2715 Avenida de Anita, #32, Carlsbad, CA 92010. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 24, 2015.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-011082 FAB GIRL 655 Willowspring Dr. South, Encinitas, CA 92024 The business is conducted by An Individual Stephanie Scudder, 655 Willowspring Dr. South, Encinitas, CA 92024. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 24, 2015.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-011207 ADVANCED MECHANICAL MOBILE REPAIR 2726 Oak Hill Ln., Santa Ysabel, CA. 92070 The business is conducted by An Individual John Edward Ferguson, 2726 Oak Hill Ln., Santa Ysabel, CA. 92070. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 27, 2015.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-011088 JULIAN MOUNTAIN RV AND TRAILER REPAIR LLC 4135 Pine Hills Rd., Julian, CA 92036 (Mailing Address: PO Box 70, Julian, CA 92036) The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company - Julian Mountain Rv and Trailer Repair LLC., 4135 Pine Hills Rd., Julian, CA 92036. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 24, 2015.

LEGAL: 06930 Publish: April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 2015

LEGAL: 06932 Publish: April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 2015

LEGAL: 06934 Publish: May 6, 13, 20, 27, 2015

LEGAL: 06933 Publish: May 6, 13, 20, 27, 2015

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