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An Independent Weekly Newspaper Serving the Backcountry Communities of Julian, Cuyamaca, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley, Mt. Laguna, Ranchita, Sunshine Summit, Warner Springs and Wynola.

(46¢ + tax included)

Periodical • Wednesday


Time Sensitive Material

January 18, 2017

Volume 32 — Issue 24

Julian, CA.

ISSN 1937-8416


Adios Chargers - An End To The Era February 10, 1961 that’s when I became a Charger fan, the day that Barron Hilton announced he would bring the Western Division Champion Chargers to San Diego. By May the city was already starting to add a second deck to Balboa Stadium. That December 24, I listened to my transistor radio as the Houston Oilers shut down the offense and won the AFL Championship 103. As a nine year old I was hooked on pro football, the excitement, the fun at the stadium, all of it (even if you did need to bring a seat cushion for those concrete seats). I’d seen the NFL on TV but that meant the Rams and 49er’s, plus the Lions on Thanksgiving, they ran the ball more than anything and the AFL passed, and they had a 2 point conversion, the ball moved up and down the

Super Bowl later, back to hohum-ville. I could go on up through this year the pattern is the same only the names change on the field, in the owners box, it’s Spanos- now son Dean. The organization has been down longer than up. I lost my enthusiasm back when

by Michael Hart

they went to Navy Blue back in 88, they changed the logo too - to that ESPN-esque script. Inept is what they have been and now in LA, it’s what they will be. The silver lining might be for the Julian business community, people may come here on Sundays. If this year was any indication - they already are.

Soccer - Girls

field. Interceptions where part of the game (the Chargers had 49 one year). And receivers, the Chargers had this kid from Arkansas named Allworth, with

Thursday, January 12 3:15 @ High Tech (NC) Friday, January 13 L 4-0 Home - Tri-City Christian Wednesday, January 18 3pm Home - Vincent Memorial Friday, January 20 3:15 @ Mountain Empire Wednesday, January 25 3pm Home - West Shores Friday, January 27 3:15 Home - Borrego Springs Friday, February 3 3:15 @ Vincent Memorial Wednesday, February 8 3:15 Home - Mountain Empire Friday, February 10 3pm Home - West Shores Wednesday, February 15 3pm @ Borrego Springs

oversized shoulder pads who could catch anything (or so it seemed to me). They had defense too, Ernie Ladd, Earl Faison, Chuck Allen. Ask the Patriots - Chargers 51-10 for the AFL Championship in 63. In 66 NFL and AFL agree to merge and Gene Klein buys out Barron Hilton and a new era, 67 San Diego Stadium opens. Mediocrity reigns until 78 when Don Coryell is named head coach. Then the fun begins again. The “Air Coryell” years take off and being a Charger fan is cool again. 1984 - Alex Spanos buys the controlling interest from Klein. 1985 - Coryell is forced out, back to mediocrity, and the revolving door for head coaches until 1992 when Bobby Ross arrives, 5 years and 1(and only)

Basketball - Girls

Inauguration Week

Looking Back On The History Of A New President

courtesy CBS News, NBC, and Library of Congress

Here is some inauguration trivia


• First outdoor ceremony: George Washington, 1789, balcony, Federal Hall, New York City. George Washington is the only U.S. President to have been inaugurated in two different cities, New York City in April 1789, and his second took place in Philadelphia in March 1793. • First president to take oath on January 20th: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937, his second inaugural. • Presidents who used two Bibles at their inauguration: Harry Truman, 1949, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953, George Bush, 1989. • Someone forgot the Bible for FDR’s first inauguration in 1933. A policeman offered his. • 36 of the 53 Presidential Inaugurations were held on the East Portico of the Capitol. In 1981, Ronald Reagan was the first to hold an inauguration on the West Front.


• First platform constructed for an inauguration: Martin Van Buren, 1837 [note: James Monroe, 1817, was inaugurated in a temporary portico outside Congress Hall because the Capitol had been burned down by the British in the War of 1812]. • First canopied platform: Abraham Lincoln, 1861.


• First ceremony to be reported by telegraph: James Polk, 1845. • First ceremony to be photographed: James Buchanan, 1857. • First motion picture of ceremony: William McKinley, 1897. • First electronically-amplified

speech: Warren Harding, 1921. • First radio broadcast: Calvin Coolidge, 1925. • First recorded on talking newsreel: Herbert Hoover, 1929. • First television coverage: Harry Truman, 1949. [Only 172,000 households had television sets.] • First live Internet broadcast: Bill Clinton, 1997.


• Champion oath-givers: Chief Justice John Marshall administered the oath nine times; the runner-up is Chief Justice Roger B. Taney [pronounced TAWNY], who gave seven oaths, followed by Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller, who gave six. • Only former President to administer the oath of office: Chief Justice William Howard Taft swore in Calvin Coolidge in

1925, and Herbert Hoover, 1929. • First Chief Justice to administer the oath: Oliver Ellsworth, 1797, for John Adams. • 2008, Chief Justice John Roberts flubs the oath to President Obama and goes to the White house the next day to correct the error.

• First First Lady to go to an inaugural ball alone: Eleanor Roosevelt, 1933. • Wives not present: Martha Washington (George), Abigail Adams (John), Louisa Adams (John Quincy), Anna Harrison (William Henry), and Jane Pierce (Franklin).

First Ladies


• First First lady to be called a “First Lady”: Lucy Webb Hayes, 1877. [Also the first college educated] • First First Lady to attend an inauguration: Dolley Madison, 1809. • First First Lady to ride with her husband to the ceremony: Helen Taft, 1909. • First First Lady to participate in the swearing-in ceremony: Lady Bird Johnson, 1965, held the family Bible.

• First inaugural ball: George Washington, 1789, held in May. • First inaugural ball in Washington, DC: James Madison, 1809. • First public building to house an inaugural ball: Treasury Building, 1869, Ulysses S. Grant. • First ball to be held at the Pension Building: Grover Cleveland, 1885. Addresses • Longest address: William Henry Harrison, 1841, 8,445

words. The new President insisted on delivering his lengthy address without an overcoat or hat. He consequently caught pneumonia and died a month later. (First Lady Abigail Fillmore caught pneumonia and died after attending Franklin Pierce’s inauguration in the bitter cold.) • Shortest address: George Washington, 1793, 135 words. • Only president to interrupt his inaugural address: William Henry Harrison, 1841, stopped to take the oath of office in the midst of delivering his address. • Only President to use “affirm” rather than “swear” in the oath: Franklin Pierce, 1853. • Variation in oath: Chief Justice William Howard Taft replaced the phrase “preserve, protect and defend” with “preserve, maintain and protect” at Herbert Hoover’s 1929 inauguration. Weather • Coldest inauguration: Ronald Reagan, 1985, 7 degrees and 10 to 20 degrees below with wind chill. • Some other inclement inaugurations: James Monroe, 1821; William Henry Harrison, 1841; James K. Polk, 1845; Abraham Lincoln, 1865; Ulysses Grant, 1873; James Garfield, 1881; Benjamin Harrison, 1889; Grover Cleveland, 1893, William Howard Taft, 1909, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937, and John Kennedy, 1961. Attire • George Washington wore a brown broadcloth suit for his first inauguration, but for his second oath of office, he wore a full suit of black velet complete with diamond buckles sparkling at the knee. • First completely Americancontinued on page 7

Tuesday, January 10 L 62-22 Home - Mission Vista Friday, January 13 L 40-28 Home - Calipatria Tuesday, January 17 4pm @ San Pasqual Academy Friday, January 20 5pm Home -High Tech (CV) Tuesday, January 24 4pm Home - Warner Friday, January 27 4pm Home-St Joseph Academy Saturday, January 28 1:30 Home - El Cajon Valley Tuesday, January 31 4pm @ Escondido Adventist Academy Friday, February 3 4pm Home - San Pasqual Academy Friday, February 10 4pm @ Warner Tuesday, February 14 4pm @ St Joseph Academy Friday, February 17 4pm Home -Escondido Adventist

Basketball - Boys

Wednesday, January 11 W 65-21 Home - Ocean View Christian Thursday, January 12 L 65-52 Home - Calipatria Tuesday, January 17 6pm @ San Pasqual Academy Friday, January 20 6:30 Home -High Tech (CV) Tuesday, January 24 5:30 Home - Warner Friday, January 27 5:30 Home-St Joseph Academy Tuesday, January 31 6:30 @ Escondido Adventist Academy Friday, February 3 5:30 Home - San Pasqual Academy

Soccer - Boys

Tuesday, January 10 L 7-2 @ Foothills Christian Thursday, January 12 3pm Home - Borrego Springs Wednesday, January 18 3:15 @ Calvary Christian (CV) Thursday, January 24 3:15 @ San Diego Academy Friday, January 25 TBA @ San Diego Academy Friday, January 27 3pm @ Ocean View Christian Tuesday, January 31 3:15 Foothills Christian Wednesday, February 1 3pm @ Mountain Empire Friday, February 3 3:15 Home - Calvary Christian (CV) Continued on Page 7

Julian Chamber of Commerce Wishes You A Happy and Prosperous New Year www.visitjulian.com

2 The Julian News

January 18, 2017

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Orchard Hill is serving its fabulous fourcourse dinner on Saturday and Sunday evenings through the spring of 2017. Chef Doris’s fall menu includes tried and true entrées with seasonal sides and perfectly grilled Brandt’s beef. Dinner is $45 per person. Reservations are required. Please call us for more information at 760-765-1700.

Julian News 760 765 2231

We look forward to seeing you!

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The Julian News ISSN 1937-8416

Michael Hart and Michele Harvey ..... Owners/Publishers Michael Hart .................................. Advertising/Production Circulation/Classified Michele Harvey .......................................................... Editor Don Ray .............................................................. Consultant


1985 Featured Contributors Albert Simonson Greg Courson Kiki Skagen Munshi Pastor Rick Hill

Jon Coupal David Lewis Marisa McFedries Joseph Munson

Syndicated Content King Features Syndicate E/The Environmental Magazine North American Precis Syndicate, Inc. State Point Media The Julian News is published on Wednesdays. All publications are copyright protected. ©2016 All rights reserved. The Julian News is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the State of California, Case No. 577843 Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at Julian, California USPN 901125322 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Julian News PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036-0639 Contacting The Julian News In Person

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Member National Newspaper Association




Michele Harvey Bill Fink H. “Buddy” Seifert Lance Arenson

the 23th Chicken Patty Sandwich - Mixed Veggie Salad/ Fruit the 24th Pizza Bites - Veggie Salad/Fruit


Member California Newspaper Publishers Association

Printed on Re-Cycled Paper

Greetings from the Julian High School Junior Class! We invite you to our fundraiser dinner on Tuesday January 24th from 4 to 7 in the high school multipurpose room. The students will be serving a pulled pork dinner complete with beans, coleslaw, a drink and dessert all for just $10! The meal coincides with an evening of basketball with both the girls and boys teams playing Warner Springs. Tickets can be purchased at the door and also at the snack bar in the gym. We will also have meals to go---and runners who can bring you a delicious meal while you enjoy the game! Thank you so much for your support! Please pass the word to your friends and neighbors— all proceeds go to pay for Prom 2017, THANK YOU! Michelle Huggins Junior Class Advisor

How To Raise A Child Who Is Not A Bully

Parents Play A Huge Role In Whether Their Kids Are Bullies — Positive Communication Is A Must by: Jessica Kelmon (GreatSchools.org) Bullying is all over the media. Over the past couple of years, more and more victims have stepped forward to share their stories — and they’re horrifying. Our hearts melt. Collectively, we wonder how on earth this can happen. Secretly, many of us squeeze our eyes shut and hope the awful school bully will never be our kid. But just hoping your kid won’t be a bully won’t work. Luckily, we’ve learned some important nuances about bullying in recent years. Despite pop culture depictions, the bully is less likely to be the most popular or least popular kid; instead, bullying is more likely to be relational — done by the child who hopes to climb the social ladder. But as adults excluded from the kid world in many ways, this knowledge only gets us so far. However, research points to two simple parenting strategies that make a difference: 1) Knowing your child’s friends 2) Having a free exchange of ideas with your child Dr. Rashmi Shetgiri, assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Texas Medical Center and Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, analyzed data from two massive CDC phone surveys of 46,000 parents. The first survey was in 2003, the second in 2007. Shetgiri and her team of researchers dove into the results to identify bullying trends over time. Here’s what they found: • Parents play a key role in whether their child is a bully. Period. • Meeting your child’s friends is even more effective in preventing bullying now than it was in 2003. Basically, it’s a must. Researchers don’t know exactly why this is the case, but it seems to be a good indication of high parental involvement, which Shetgiri says is key to preventing bullying. • A free exchange of ideas means having an open communication style. When parents reported communicating “very well” or “well” with their children, the kids were less likely to be bullies. • The number of kids who bully is on the rise: In 2003, 23 percent of children had bullied another child. In 2007, that rate had increased to 35 percent. • There’s reason to worry about kids who bully: About one in five has an emotional, developmental, or behavioral problem (more than three times the rate in non-bullies). • Good students aren’t the culprit: kids who usually or always complete their homework are less likely to bully. • English being the second language is not the issue: children who live in non-English-speaking homes are less likely to bully. Two factors show a consistently strong link to bullying behavior in children. Not surprisingly, they both have to do with parents. Children are more likely to be bullies if their parents often feel angry at — or even bothered by — them. Maternal mental health is also a factor: children are more likely to bully if their mothers have even minor mental health issues. It would be a shame if this information were used as an excuse to stigmatize parents. Remember, it takes a village. How can we make sure parents get the resources they need — for themselves and for their children — so we can put an end to bullying?

Wednesday the 25th

Turkey Sandwich or PBJ - String Cheese/Veggies/Fruit

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*** Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. — Martin Luther King, Jr. ***

The Julian News 3

January 18, 2017


Julian Arts Guild

Using Your Cellphone Camera To Make Art

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Julian Wrestlers Begin The New Year With Victories

The young wrestling squad from Julian High School traveled to Army Navy Academy in Carlsbad last Thursday for their first Citrus League meet of the new year. The boys competed against other grapplers from Guajome Park Academy, Mountain Empire, and host ANA. Senior Captain Nic Ritchie posted two pins against his opponents from GPA and ME in the 195 lb. weight class and Freshman Horst Williams secured a pin against his opponent from GPA in the 126 lb. weight class. Freshman Noah Muller displayed great courage and determination against a couple of tough opponents in the 170 lb weight class. Wrestlers who did not compete due to illness and injury were senior Cary Gannon (195 lb class) and sophomore Joey Romano (160 lb class). This year’s only home meet will be held in the Julian Gymnasium on Thursday, January 26th. Wrestling will begin at 4:30 pm and end by 6:30 pm.

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The Julian Arts Guild will host a demonstration on “Using Your Cellphone Camera to Make Art” on Tuesday, January 24, at 6:00 p.m. in the Julian Library. The demonstration will be given by Catherine Koch who has been a professional photographer for over twenty years. Koch, who has studied her art primarily through assisting and mentorship, has worked closely with several photographers who have greatly influenced her development and growth as a photographer. They include Jim Noel, a master in large format, platinum printing, and darkroom, Tomas Sennett, a

Highway 78 in Santa Ysabel

760 765 3272

fax 760 765 3939 Bill Pay Phone & Utilities


Horst Williams squares off against Mountain Empire

CAL FIRE Highlights the Importance of Trees in California 2017 California Arbor Week Poster and Video Contest Announced

Nic Ritchie sets up his takedown against ANA

Noah Muller goes for the pin his ANA opponent *** The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. — Martin Luther King, Jr. ***

Magnum photographer who Koch assisted on projects for Rockefeller foundation as well as several Conde Naste publications and Gene Nocon, printer for Linda McCartney, Norman Parkinson and Cecil Beaton. It is under Gene’s guidance that Koch learned photoshop and large format digital printing. As a freelance photographer Catherine’s clients make an impressive list, including Border X Brewery, Chicano Park Restoration, Chelsea Investment Corporation, Naomi Nussbaum Design, Daisy Mae PR, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, CityArts San Diego, Tyler Blik Design, San Diego Downtown Partnership, The San Diego Symphony, San Diego Chamber Orchestra, Tulsa Philharmonic and Alexander Fitzgerald Promotions. The demonstration is open to the public without charge.

Sacramento – Trees are an essential part of California’s climate and are vital to improving air quality and conserving water. To help educate Californians on the value that trees provide to building successful, healthy cities and neighborhoods, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) and California ReLeaf are announcing the annual statewide Arbor Week poster contest for students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. Rules and details can be found online here. In addition, CAL FIRE and California ReLeaf are also holding a video contest for students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. Rules and details for the video contest can be found here. For each contest, students are asked to create original artwork or video based on the theme “Trees Are Superheroes!” (¡Los Árboles Son Superhéroes!). Also available now are lesson plans that align with Common Core Standards. Submissions are due to California ReLeaf by February 14, 2017. Winners will be featured at the State Fair, displayed on the California ReLeaf/CAL FIRE websites, and awarded cash prizes provided by CAL FIRE, the California Community Forests Foundation, and California ReLeaf. CAL FIRE and California ReLeaf are partnering to encourage cities, nature groups, schools, and youth organizations to celebrate California Arbor Week by planting trees in their communities. California ReLeaf works statewide to promote alliances among community-based groups, individuals, industry, and government agencies working to protect the environment by planting and caring for trees and the state’s urban and community forests. “Trees are truly earth’s superheroes,” said CAL FIRE Deputy Director Helge Eng. “They can combat the impacts of climate change and help provide cleaner air and water. . Those are some real superhero powers.” The goals of Arbor Week include educating Californians about trees, encouraging tree planting, teaching elementary school children the environmental, social, and economic benefits of trees, and protecting the state’s valuable natural resources. “Trees are amazing superheroes for our cities and towns and perform many extraordinary feats every day to protect our communities,” said continued on page 8

4 The Julian News

Julian Calendar

CALENDAR LISTINGS If you are having or know of an event in Julian, Lake Cuyamaca, Ranchita, Warner Springs, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley Sunshine Summit or elsewhere that should be listed in the Backcountry Happenings column, please contact the JULIAN NEWS at PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036, voice/fax 760 765 2231 email: submissions@ juliannews.com or bring the information by our office.


Julian Community Planning Group 2nd Monday Every Month Town Hall - 7pm Architectural Review Board 1st Tuesday of the Month Julian Town Hall Downstairs - 7pm Julian Chamber of Commerce Mixer - 1st Thursday of Month Board - 3rd Thursday of Month Town Hall - 6pm 760 765 1857 Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District 2nd Tuesday of The Month 10am at the Julian Women’s Club House - 3rd Street Julian Community Services District Third Tuesday of every month at 10:00 A.M. at the San Diego County Sheriff ’s Office, Julian Substation, Public Meeting Room, 2907 Washington Street, Julian Julian Women’s Club 1st Wednesday - 1pm 2607 C Street information: 760 765 0212 Julian Historical Society Presentations, 4th Wednesday of the Month Julian Historical Society Building, 2133 4th Street - 7 pm Julian Arts Guild General Meeting: Second Wednesday of the Month, Julian Library - 4 pm Program: Fourth Tuesday of Month Julian Library - 6:00 ESL Class - Tuesday/Thursday Improve your English skills with a Palomar College Instructor Julian Library, 4-6pm Zumba Aerobics with Gaynor Every Monday and Thursday Town Hall - 6pm, info: 619 540-7212 Julian Arts Chorale Rehearsals at JCUMC Monday @ 6:15 Every Tuesday Tai Chi with Rich. Julian Library - 9 AM Healthy Yoga with Lori Munger HHP,RYT Julian Library - 10am Every Wednesday @ Julian Library 10am - Baby Story Time with Ms Sandi 10:30am - Preschool Story Time and Crafts with Miss Linda 11:00am - Sit and Fit for Seniors - Gentle Stretching and flexibility exercises with Matt Kraemer Second & Fourth Wednesdays Feeding San Diego Julian Library parking lot - 10:00am Every Thursday VET Connect - VA services available at Julian library. Call 858-694-3222 for appointment. Thursdays, 9am-4pm. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday Julian Lions Club 7pm downstairs at the town hall Third Thursday Book Club Meets at the Julian Library - 3pm Every 3rd Thursday - Lego My Library, Lego building for kids grade K-5. All materials supplied. Julian Library - 2:30pm. Every Friday Stories In Motion with Miss Edith - Julian Library 10am Homework Helpers. Math tutoring for grades 1-6. Julian Library 2:30pm.


Back Country Happenings

Familiar Faces With A New Band Punk Grass Comes To Wynola

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Friday, January 20 Presidential Inauguration Day Friday, January 20 Friday Afternoon Movie. NEW! Join us for popcorn and a movie! All films shown will be new releases, and a PG or PG13 rating Julian Library - 3pm Saturday, January 21 Coloring Club for Adults We’ll provide the colored pencils and coloring pages but you can always bring your own! NEW DAY AND TIME! Julian Library - Every 3rd Saturday. 2-3 Wednesday, January 25 Feeding San Diego Free produce and staple goods. No eligibility requirements. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, (Except holidays) Julian Library - 10am to 11am

Punk Grass will take the stage at Wynola Pizza and bistro January 20 Friday night. The duo of Lani Stuart and Tom Schwend play a mix of originals and covers that always entertain. Friday night they will welcome their full band to join them.

Nathan James Brings His Blues To The Red Barn Saturday


Julian Historical Society

Thursday, February 2 Groundhog Day

Monthly presentations on the fourth Wednesday of the month The Historical Society Building 2133 4th Street

Tuesday, February 7 Music On The Mountain Kini Dye NEW TIME - 3:30 Wednesday, February 8 Feeding San Diego Free produce and staple goods. No eligibility requirements. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, (Except holidays) Julian Library - 10am to 11am


Tuesday, February 14 Valentines Day Saturday, February 18 Coloring Club for Adults We’ll provide the colored pencils and coloring pages but you can always bring your own! NEW DAY AND TIME! Julian Library - Every 3rd Saturday. 2-3

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Monday, February 20 President’s Day Washington’s Birthday Wednesday, February 22 Feeding San Diego Free produce and staple goods. No eligibility requirements. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, (Except holidays) Julian Library - 10am to 11am


Tuesday, March 7 Music On The Mountain Wednesday, March 8 Feeding San Diego Free produce and staple goods. No eligibility requirements. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, (Except holidays) Julian Library - 10am to 11am Saturday, Sunday - March 11, 12 Daffodil Show Julian Town Hall 12-5 Sunday, March 12 Daylight Saving Time Begins 2am = 3am Friday, March 17 St. Paddy’s Day

Never one to follow convention, and always one to think for himself, Nathan James has created a musical identity with his homemade instruments and self taught skills. Saturday night from six to nine you can catch Nathan James as his true one man band pickin' and scratchin' on his own incarnation of the washboard guitar, stomping out time on his custom suitcase drum set while singing and blowing harmonica or kazoo. Nathan James is a well respected and experienced artist in his field. For 15 years now, he has successfully made his living touring and recording, solely specializing on his passion of blues, and American roots music. Starting his career of full time gigging musician at age 18, Nathan is no stranger to live performance. Nathan returns to Wynola Pizza and the Red Barn after an extended absence for another evening of Blues the way he likes it, right up against the audience. Every Thursday — Open Mic Nite 6 to 8 January 27 – Hoot and Holler January 28 – Sara Petite For more information call Wynola Pizza & Bistro 760-765-1004 www.wynolapizza.com

760 765 1020

Home Crafted & Vintage Items


• Baskets • Glassware

• Candles and Accessories Open 11-5 • Wed — Sun closed Monday & Tuesdays

2116 Main Street - Downstairs

Rise & Shine Breakfast Specials - 7 to 10 weekdays

Something different 5 days a week, includes house coffee

Upcoming Wynola Pizza & Bistro Shows:

Wednesday, March 22 Feeding San Diego Free produce and staple goods.


Downtown Julian - Cole Bldg.


January 18, 2017

* On Jan. 22, 1779, famed Tory outlaw Claudius Smith meets his end on the gallows in Goshen, New York. Legend has it that Smith's skull was filled with mortar and included in the edifice of the Goshen Court House. * On Jan. 17, 1893, on the Hawaiian Islands, American sugar planters under Sanford Ballard Dole overthrow the Hawaiian monarch and establish a new provincial government with Dole as president. The coup occurred with the knowledge of the U.S. minister to Hawaii, and

300 U.S. Marines were called, allegedly to protect American lives. • On Jan. 20, 1909, General Motors buys into Oakland Motor Car, which later becomes GM's Pontiac division. It was founded in 1907 in Pontiac, Michigan, by Edward Murphy, a manufacturer of horse-drawn carriages. • On Jan. 21, 1950, in one of the most spectacular trials in U.S. history, former State Department official Alger Hiss is convicted of perjury in testimony about his involvement in a Soviet spy ring. • On Jan. 16, 1970, star centerfielder Curt Flood of the St. Louis Cardinals files suit to protest baseball's player reserve clause, which prevented players from moving to another team

OPEN DAILY - HOME STYLE COOKING 1921 Main Street 760 765 2900

unless they were traded. The Supreme Court ruled against him in a 5-3 decision in 1972. • On Jan. 19, 1983, Klaus Barbie, the Nazi Gestapo chief of Lyons, France, during the German occupation, is arrested in Bolivia for his crimes against humanity four decades earlier. Barbie had sent thousands of French Jews and French Resistance members to their deaths in concentration camps. • On Jan. 18, 1990, District of Columbia Mayor Marion Barry is arrested and charged with drug possession and the use of crack cocaine. Barry was sentenced to six months in prison, but in 1994 was again elected mayor for an unprecedented fourth term. © 2016 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

January 18, 2017


The Julian News 5

My Thoughts


by Michele Harvey

All Your Tree Service Needs

Later This Week

by Kiki Skagen Munshi

The Demands Of Cats Now that the cats finally convinced their Personal Human (PH) (or so they think) to stop the rain, they have moved on to the next request. Or, more accurately, demand. They want a security camera outside the cat door. This is, Scruff y Claws said, so they can be sure that none of the Outside Cats, those Feral Felines, are around before they exit the house. We pointed out that the cat door is transparent. Nixie sniffed and indicated that it was dirty (well, true) and, furthermore, that even if it weren’t dirty the plastic has become cloudy over the years. “That,” said fat little Nixie, “is why I so rarely go outside. Think of the damage to my delicate health not having a security camera…” She stopped when our glare hit her right in the avoir du pois. A new cat door? No. A security camera. “The reasoning here,” explained Two-Fer, “is that even if we could see through the door which we can’t because,” she looked sideways at me, “it’s never washed… (Snarl. From me.) …we can only see what is directly in front.” “YES!” chimed in Draga. “What if one of those (shudder) Outside Cats was lurking, ready to pounce…” Yeah, right. On a poor, innocent, and extremely not underfed House Cat. “…when I went out,” she finished. The other cats nodded in unison. We then pointed out that none of the feral cats, as far as we knew, had ever dared attack a House Cat. Ha! Little did we know. Besides, they MIGHT attack and one Needs to Be Prepared. There ought, in fact, to be a law… But, we said, though we don’t know a lot about security cameras we thought you had to take the tape out and look at it later, that there wasn’t something like a…oh, a baby cam type of thing is what they had in mind. We’ll look into it, we promised. The cats sniffed again. They knew what THAT meant. A security camera for the cats indeed. What will they think up next?

New Book By Ramona Author Dan Story It is estimated that 70 — 80 million dogs and 74 — 96 million cats are pets in the United States. Whether or not we will be reunited with our beloved pets in the next life (and for that matter with wild animals) is a heartfelt concern for millions of people. Although "Will Dogs Chase Cats in Heaven" will certainly comfort and encourage people grieving over the death of their pets, there is much more to the book than the eternal destiny of animals. People who have previously read books on this subject will immediate see why my book differs from others in this genre. It is not sentimental fluff. Nor is it a superficial treatment of the topic. It is written for ordinary readers, yet it is comprehensive enough to satisfy the theologically and scientifically minded. At the same time, the book is just plain fun to read. I include many of my personal experiences as well as anecdotal stories and accounts from popular novelists, animal researchers, and even well-known theologians and scholars. Written from a Christian perspective, Will Dogs Chase Cats in Heaven? reveals God's great love, concern, and provision for the animals He created—here on Earth as well as in Heaven—and the tremendous joy and pleasure He derives from all non-human life. The book explores the biblical record of human/animal relationships on this Earth, what the "New Earth" (Heaven) will probably look like, where it will be located, and the relationship between humans and animals in Heaven. Most fascinating of all, I look closely at the biblical evidence for the immortality of animal souls, and provide compelling evidence for why we can be certain that earthly animals will be resurrected alongside God's people, and join us in the prophesied new heaven and earth. I know this is an incredulous statement, but this book will demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that it's true. Amazingly — as I'll also show — this conclusion is supported by modern studies in animal behavior and brain science. It is also corroborated by well-known Christian theologians and scholars. Altogether, Will Dogs Chase Cat in Heaven? is a gratifying book to read: a thoroughly researched and thoughtful treatment of the relationship of God, humans, and the animal kingdom — here on Earth and in Heaven.

This week I thought of so many subjects to write my column about. More recipes using ingredients from Feeding San Diego or from Mountain Manna would probably be welcome. Maybe people expect me to write about the presidential inauguration. No thank you. That is not a band wagon that I choose to jump on. I could write about all of the rain we’ve received this winter. I could certainly write about the 13 inches of rain that we’ve received since October 1st or about our Christmas Eve snow fall which incidentally fell on the first evening of Hanukkah. Well, I haven’t been able to concentrate enough on those subjects to write a complete column, or even a full paragraph about any of those subjects because on Friday morning I will be under the knife, so to speak, getting my gall bladder removed laparoscopically. I looked up laparoscopy so I would know more about what I will be involved in on Friday morning. Here is some of what I found on the internet. “Laparoscopy is a surgery that uses a thin, lighted tube put through a cut (incision) in the belly to look at the abdominal organs or the female pelvic organs. Laparoscopy is used to find problems such as cysts, adhesions, fibroids, and infection. Tissue samples can be taken for biopsy through the tube (laparoscope)”. ”Laparoscopic surgery, also called minimally invasive surgery (MIS), bandaid surgery, or keyhole surgery, is a modern surgical technique in which operations are performed far from their location through small incisions (usually 0.5–1.5 cm) elsewhere in the body.” Apparently a laparoscope can suck an entire gall bladder out of my body. I’m a curious person, so this process fascinates me. I don’t know how big my gall bladder is, but it seems to be full of gall stones which will also be sucked out of my body. If I told you the sound effects of that operation that come to my mind, my husband would immediately stop me by saying that describing them would be way too much information. After listening to me describe some of the pains I’ve experienced through the past year, my primary physician, Doctor Blake Wylie gave me a referral to a radiology office for a CT scan. I looked up CT scan and found this explanation. “A computerized tomography (CT) scan combines a series of X-ray images taken from different angles and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images, or slices, of the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues inside your body. CT scan images provide more detailed information than plain X-rays do.” A CT scan is the scan where you lay down with your arms positioned above your head while you slowly go into and then out of the scanner. While you are in there, the machine talks to you. It tells you to hold your breath and when you think you can’t hold your breath any longer, it tells you to let your breath out. Whew! I just made it! Reading the report from my scan, my doctor thought it would be good for me to have a consultation with a surgeon because he said that for me, gall bladder surgery is inevitable and it would be best to get all the preliminary work taken care of in case I have an emergency. This is how Dr. Wylie thinks. Do what you can now, so you won’t have to think about these things during an emergency. I like how he thinks. I called the surgeon’s office to get an appointment for my consultation. The surgeon’s receptionist sent me all of the papers to fill out ahead of time that medical offices always need filled out. They needed my medical history, history of previous surgeries, list of allergies and pages of more information. I was glad that I was able to fill those papers out in my own time and in a comfortable place instead of at the surgeon’s office. Once I arrived at the office I had the consultation with the surgeon. She answered all of my questions and anticipated some. Before surgery, she needs to see my CT scan and I need to give her the results of my most recent chest x-ray, blood work and EKG. Yes, I looked up EKG and found this definition. ”An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of your heart. An EKG shows the heart's electrical activity as line tracings on paper. The spikes and dips in the line tracings are called waves.” I believe that a person needing surgery that is not an emergency surgery needs to be fairly healthy before surgery so that person can come out of surgery in a healthy state. For instance, when my uncle was in his 90s, he needed surgeries. His heart was too weak to make it through the kidney surgery that he needed and his kidneys were too weak to make it through the heart surgery that he needed. He needed both surgeries, but either surgery would have killed him, so he lived weak but almost comfortable for the remainder of his life. It seems that I know a lot of people who have had gall bladder surgery. They tell me that it’s easy because to use the laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon just makes one or 3 small slits in the skin and they heal quickly. What people don’t seem to agree on is in telling me what I will be able to eat after surgery. My surgeon told me to plan on eating gelatin and drinking broth the first week or 2. My friends all say they never heard of that and one friend refuses to ever eat anything that jiggles. The consensus is that I should stay away from fried foods for about a year and forget eating spicy foods ever again. I don’t eat spicy foods now, so that won’t be a problem. One lady told me that a week after surgery she ate pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream on them. Real soon after that, while in extreme pain, she found out just how bad that idea was. Other than that, people tell me to try eating a food and if it makes me sick, don’t eat it again. Okay, I can’t resist. The sound I imagine gall stones making as they are sucked out of a body is a continuous thwop, thwop like machine gun bullets. These are my thoughts.

Share To Prepare In an effort to promote disaster preparedness and inspire individuals to share their unique stories, the County of San Diego Office of Emergency Services (OES) is launching the 2017 Share to Prepare social media campaign. Here is how you can participate: • What motivates you to prepare for disasters? Is it your family? Your pets? Maybe you were helped by a volunteer or you’ve served as one. Have you ever experienced a disaster first-hand? No matter how big or how small, we want to hear your stories! • From Jan. 12 – Feb. 23, upload a photo or short video to Facebook or Twitter explaining what motivates you to be prepared for disasters using the hashtag #SDSharetoPrepare. The photo or video with the most likes and shares will receive a voucher for a two-day camping site in any County park, courtesy of County Parks and Recreation, and a two-person tent, donated by Target. • In addition, the first 1,000 San Diego County residents to register for AlertSanDiego, the County’s emergency mass notification system, will receive a 13-piece pocket ReadySanDiego first aid kit in the mail. So, if you have a story to share, get out your camera phone and upload your story today! And don’t forget the hashtag #SDSharetoPrepare. Don’t have a story to share? That’s okay too! All we ask is that you please share our Facebook or Twitter posts on your accounts to help spread the word. For more information visit www.ReadySanDiego.org/ SDSharetoPrepare

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Better Bus Safety

(Family Features) For millions of school-age children, each day begins and ends with a bus ride. While parents entrust their children's safety to the capable hands of bus drivers, these tips from the National Association for Pupil Transportation provide some measures parents can take and lessons they can teach to increase safety going to and from the bus, and even during the ride. Before the Bus Arrives * Ensure backpacks are packed securely so papers and other items don't scatter as the bus approaches. * Create a morning routine that puts kids at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled pickup time. This helps avoid a lastminute rush, when safety lessons are easily forgotten, and ensures kids are safely in place for boarding. * Encourage children to wear bright, contrasting colors so they can be seen easier by drivers. * Instruct children to walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, advise them to stay out of the street, walk single-file, face traffic and stay as close to the edge of the road as possible. * If kids must cross a street, driveway or alley, remind them to stop and look both ways before crossing. * Verify that the bus stop location offers good visibility for the bus driver; if changes are needed, talk with nearby homeowners or school district officials to implement changes. Never let kids wait in a house or car, where the driver may miss seeing them approach the bus. * Remind children that the bus stop is not a playground. Balls or other toys could roll into the street and horseplay can result in someone falling into the path of oncoming traffic. On the Bus Ride * Instruct children to allow the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching it. * When boarding the bus, items can get bumped and dropped. Caution children that before picking anything up, they should talk to the driver and follow instructions to safely retrieve their possessions. * Teach safe riding habits: stay seated with head, hands and feet inside at all times; use a seatbelt (if available); keep bags and books out of the aisle and remain seated until the bus stops moving. * Remind kids that just like when riding in your car, loud noises are off limits so they don't distract the driver. Leaving the Bus * Remind children to look before stepping off the bus. If they must cross the street, teach them to do so in front of the bus by taking five big steps away from the front of the bus, looking up and waiting for the driver to signal that it is safe to start into the street. * For parents who meet their kids at the bus, remember that in their excitement kids may dart across the street. Eliminate the risk by waiting on the side of the street where kids exit the bus. continued on page 8

6 The Julian News



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1. ASTRONOMY: What makes the planet Mars appear red? 2. INVENTIONS: What is the Latin meaning of the velocipede, an early type of bicycle? 3. GEOGRAPHY: What is the largest freshwater swamp in North America? 4. MEDICINE: What are vasodilators? 5. HISTORY: When did Canada win its independence? 6. MUSIC: Which 20th-century bandleader was known as “the king of swing”? continued on page 12

Chef’s Corner Chicken Pie Warms Up Winter Chicken pie is one of the first dishes I successfully made as a newlywed. It has become one of my favorite comfort-food recipes. Savory pies date back to medieval times. Originally, the sole purpose of the double crust was to protect the ingredients from the metallic flavor of the pot. The crust wasn’t designed to be eaten and was discarded after the filling was cooked. This single-crust chicken pie recipe is a savory combination of modern convenience products and classic homemade touches. Use a leftover baked chicken or a store-bought rotisserie chicken, leftover cooked vegetables or frozen mixed vegetables, and a frozen pie crust to cut the prep time in half. The creamy sauce combined with the chicken and vegetable filling, and topped with a layer of sharp cheddar cheese turns this

classic pie into a hearty, one-dish meal. The filling can be made in advance and either refrigerated or frozen. Just make sure that you heat the filling before sprinkling on the cheese and topping it with the pie crust. This savory chicken pie recipe is great way to warm up during a cold winter day. CHEDDAR CHEESE CHICKEN PIE 1 (2 to 2 1/2 pounds) cooked chicken, meat cut into chunks, skin and bones removed and discarded 1 stick butter, divided 1 medium onion, diced 3 stalks celery, diced 2 cloves garlic, diced 1 (16-ounce) bag frozen soup or stew vegetables 2 teaspoons poultry seasoning, divided 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, divided 1 teaspoon pepper, divided 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/4 teaspoon sugar 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 cup cream, evaporated milk or buttermilk 1 cup chicken broth 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese 1 (9-inch) frozen pie crust 1. Heat oven to 350 F. Lightly grease a 2-quart casserole dish. 2. Melt 4 tablespoons of the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Stir in onion, celery and garlic. Cook until tender, about 5 minutes. 3. Stir in chicken and frozen vegetables, 1 teaspoon of the poultry seasoning and salt, 1/2 teaspoon of the pepper, the cayenne pepper and sugar. Cook, stirring occasionally for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove chicken mixture from skillet and place in the prepared casserole dish. Set aside. continued on page 12

The Julian News 7

January 18, 2017

Continued from page 1

Friday, February 10 5:30 @ Warner Tuesday, February 14 5:30 @ St Joseph Academy Friday, February 17 5:30 Home -Escondido Adventist


Thursday,January 12 3pm @ Army-Navy (Citrus Quad) Saturday, January 14 7am @ Rancho Bernardo Invite Thursday, January 19 3pm @ Mtn Empire (Citrus Quad) Thursday, January 26 3pm Home (Citrus Quad) Thursday, February 2 3pm @ Guajome Park (Citrus Final) Saturday, February 4 7am @ Mount Miguel

Inaugural History continued from page 1

made inaugural wardrobe: James Madison, 1809. • Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953, broke tradition by wearing a

• Oldest president at inauguration: Ronald Reagan, 69 in 1981; second oldest is William Henry Harrison, 68. • Youngest president at inauguration: Theodore Roosevelt was 42 when he was sworn in on September 13, 1901 after the death of William McKinley. At 43, John F. Kennedy was the youngest President to be formally inaugurated on January 20, 1961. Bill Clinton became the third youngest President in history, at age 46 when he was sworn in January 20, 1993. • In 1841, William Henry Harrison had an inauguration that literally killed him. Harrison

We are going to make lanterns and...

Newspaper Fun! www.readingclubfun.com

...go downtown to watch the parade. Kids: color stuff in!

Annimills LLC © 2017 V14-03

The Chinese New Year begins this year on Saturday, January 28th. It is the biggest and most important holiday of the year for Chinese families. It is a time for honoring family and visiting friends. It is a time of wishes for good health, good luck, peace, joy and wealth. This celebration is also called "Spring Festival" because it is a time for new beginnings. Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. On the first day it is important for family and friends to be together. People warmly remember and honor ancestors. The seventh day is everyone's birthday. Everyone turns one year older at the same time! The New Year celebration ends on the fifteenth day, the day of the Lantern Festival. Lanterns are carried out into the street. There are parades, at the end of which a "dragon" dances for good luck.

Chinese New Year 2017 Gung Hay Fat Choy! (Best Wishes and Congratulations!)

ter Roos 11

3 8. vases of beautifully arranged ______ and bowls debts of tangerines and oranges decorate homes 9. families cook special ________ like Sprin 8 g Eight Treasures Rice, which can be 5 made from many things: rice, walnuts, 1 dry fruit, raisins, sweet red bean paste, 14 jujube dates, almonds, cherries 10. children may get red envelopes (Hongbao) filled with ________ 11. the Chinese ________ has 12 animals; each animal standing What do you know about the Chinese New Year? 13 for one year Read these clues to fill in the puzzle: 12. 2017 – Year of the ________ 1. Chinese New Year, also called 13. on the 7th day, which is ________ Festival, is a 15-day celebration 10 everyone’s ________, people 2. it comes between the fall ________ and the Two favorite flowers: eat very long noodles to season for spring planting 1. orchid for elegance 4 7 bring long life 3. it is celebrated in parts of Asia as well as 2. peony for “riches 14. people make ________ for in U.S. ________ like San Francisco 9 and peace” the Lantern Festival and 4. families work hard preparing themselves lan ter hang them or carry them and their ________ for the holiday ns into the street 5. they clean the house, ________ away “the old” 6 15. “dragons” dance in 6. during the holiday, some get new ________ for good luck on haircuts and wear new ________ DRAGONS BRING the final day of the celebration 7. paying back ________ is important at this time GOOD LUCK! Yay! 2017 is all about me and the people born in my year. Read my clues to learn about roosters and a bit about the people born in the Year of the Rooster:



home 12



es rad a p flow ers 15 2











The Year of the Rooster


e wattl 12




1. The Year of the ________ begins on the first day of the new year. 10 2. People born in this year are thought to be very __________. ns 3. Roosters are often symbols for ________ and strength. crows latio u p o 5 p 4. A rooster is a male chicken; the red flap below its beak is called a __________. 4 r Rooste 5. There are 65 recognized chicken __________. ted 6. Farm chickens are one of the largest bird __________; a c i 2 est there are about 24 billion chickens in the world! m o d 7. A rooster __________ at sunrise. ds hea t i d 8. Roosters do a dance called __________, in which bitt 11 ing they bob their heads while picking up food. tale nte 9. The larger and brighter the combs on the top of their d 1 y t _______ are, the more likely roosters are to find mates. hones 10. Roosters have been __________ – or tamed – and raised for food, Gee! I was a big shot in 2016. for almost 10,000 years; many live on farms or in back yards! Now, according to the Chinese zodiac 11. Roosters are ____________ – they eat both plants and animals. calendar, I have to wait 12 years for 12. One type of chicken that comes from China is the my turn to come around again. __________, named after its soft and fluffy feathers.

Good luck and good fortune! What noisy items used during the New Year celebration will drive away bad luck?

Year of the Rooster

Chasing Away Bad Luck!


s omnivore

3 Silkie 7

In what year were you born? • Rooster (2005, 2017) • Dog (2006, 2018) • Pig or Boar (2007, 2019) • Rat (2008, 2020) • Ox (2009, 2021) • Tiger (2010, 2022) • Rabbit (2011, 2023) • Dragon (2012, 2024) • Snake (2013, 2025) • Horse (2014, 2026) • Goat (2015, 2027) • Monkey (2016, 2028)

Use the color code to fill in the puzzle: R = Red = joy Y = Yellow (Gold) = wealth











Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills LLC © 2017

Basketball - Boys

©2016 King Features Synd., Inc.


separate carriages. Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, 1837, rode in the same carriage. • All but four presidents attended the swearing in of their successor: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Johnson, and Richard Nixon. • First mother to witness her son’s inauguration: Eliza Ballou Garfield, 1881. • Only President to be elected and inaugurated four times: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 19331945. • The second inauguration of James Monroe featured the first appearance of the Marine Corps Band in an official ceremony. • Friday, January 20, 2017 Donald Trump will take the oath to become the 45th President of the United States of America.

caught pneumonia after braving the elements with no coat or hat and delivering an especially long (8,445 words) inaugural address, and died exactly one month later. • First president inaugurated in Washington, DC: Thomas Jefferson, 1801. • First time Washington, DC city officials participated in an inauguration: Andrew Jackson, 1833. • First President to ride to his ceremony in a car: Warren Harding, 1921. • First to ride in a bullet-proof car: Lyndon Johnson, 1965. • The carriage built to transport Martin Van Buren to his inauguration on March 4, 1837, was constructed of timber from the dismantled U.S.S. Constitution. • First president to escort a president-elect to the ceremony: James Monroe escorted John Quincy Adams, 1825, rode in


1. In 2015, pitcher Dallas Keuchel set a Houston Astros record for most strikeouts by a left-hander (216). Who had held the mark? 2. Lucas Duda tied a New York Mets record in 2015 for most multi-homer games in a season (seven). Who else did it for the Mets? 3. Who holds the Cleveland Browns mark for most passing yards in a regular-season game? 4. When was the last time before 2016 that Clemson’s men’s basketball team beat consecutive ranked opponents? 5. With which NHL team did Hall of Fame goalie Rogie Vachon begin his 16-season career? 6. Who was the only Robert Yates Racing driver to win NASCAR’s Cup championship? 7. Who was the last nonEuropean tennis player before Milos Raonic in 2016 to reach the final of men’s singles at Wimbledon? Answers on page 12

Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@aol.com. Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor does he do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring return mail.

homburg instead of a high silk hat. • Jimmy Carter took the oath of office in a $175 business suit purchased the week before in Americus, Georgia.


Q: I spend my summer vacations in New Hampshire, where I have found dozens of excellent Indian artifacts, including arrowheads and an occasional tool. Can you recommend a good reference book so I can find out more about the specimens I have? -- Jon, Atlanta, Georgia A: There are several excellent references, but my favorite is "The Official Overstreet Indian Arrowheads: Identification and Price Guide," by Robert M. Overstreet and published by House of Collectibles. Overstreet's guide features more than 8,000 actual-size photographs, up-to-date regional market reports, tips on grading and advice on how to buy authentic relics. This is the professional standard reference for America's oldest collectible. I found several copies at www. abe.com. *** Q: I have a plate that my mom purchased during the early 1950s. It is signed Anna Mary Robertson Moses. What can you tell me about it? -- Rhonda, Davenport, Iowa A: Anna Mary Robertson Moses was known throughout the world as Grandma Moses, a famous folk artist who began her art career in earnest when she was 78 years old. She was born in Greenwich, New York, in 1861, and died in Hoosick Falls, New York, in 1961. Her artwork can be found in major museums.

done properly, it isn't cheap. For wallpaper, I suggest you contact Bradbury & Bradbury, P.O. Box 155, Benicia, CA 94510; info@ bradbury.com; and 707-7461900. The reproduction papers by this company, founded in 1979, are stunning and feature authentic designs. ***


Indian Arrowheads

Her painting "The Sugaring Off" sold for $1.2 million in 2006. In 1950, a registration mark was secured, and soon the Atlas China Company was issuing plates that featured some of the designs of Grandma Moses. They are identified with marks that say either "A Grandma Moses Product" or "Anna Mary Robertson Moses." *** Q: I am renovating and restoring a house that was built in 1885 and is considered to be a good example of the Victorian style. My problem is that I would like to wallpaper the downstairs parlors, a hallway, entryway and master bedroom, but I can't find appropriate designs. Can you help me? -- Brad, Gulfport, Mississippi A: I have restored not one, but two Victorian homes, and I learned a valuable lesson that if

Solution Page 11

8 The Julian News

January 18, 2017

Ask Pastor Rick


by Bill Fink

Religion In The News Gay Couple Will Pastor Historic Baptist Church In Washington

Les Levie

by Bic Montblanc

Commemoration Committee, our local 91 year old Veteran of the war in the Pacific, Les Levi got to attend the event with his chaperone Judy Halliburton. You may recall a previous column in which our protagonist Les Levi was the guest of Honor Flight on a trip to Washington D.C. Nothing seems to hold this globe trotting nonagenarian down, so when the invitation to go to the ceremonies in Hawaii came about he said “dude, I’m there.” He didn’t really say that but he did go. The Honor flight send off for the Vets was in L.A. on December

Cindy Blain, Executive Director of California ReLeaf. “They cool the air, clean the air, clean and capture rainwater, reduce our blood pressure and increase our mental concentration. All this is just another way of saying that trees keep our communities safe and make us healthier and smarter. Arbor Week is the perfect time to honor and recognize the trees - the superheroes we see every day.” Contest rules and the new educational materials can be downloaded at http://arborweek. org/for-educators/. The contest is sponsored by California ReLeaf, CAL FIRE, and the California Community Forests Foundation. California Arbor Week runs March 7-14 every year to mark famed horticulturist Luther Burbank’s birthday and to raise awareness of the benefits of trees in our communities. In 2011, legislation was passed to define California Arbor Week in statute. Visit www.arborweek. org for more information.

Why do Protestants disregard the Petrine Doctrine? [Petrine Doctrine - Supremacy of Peter added by Pastor Rick]

Bus Safety

continued from page 5 * Make the bus ride part of your daily "how was school?" discussion. Encourage kids to talk about the things they see and hear on the bus, so you can discuss appropriate behaviors and, if necessary, report any concerns to school administrators. * Bullying is more prevalent than ever and buses are no exception. Ask your child to tell you about any bullying they observe, whether against another child or themselves, and talk about how to shut down bully behavior. Another Safety Solution Beyond teaching safety precautions around the bus, there is another option to ensure kids are transported to school and arrive home safely each day. Many school districts are moving away from noisy, pollutioninducing and expensive diesel buses in favor of buses powered by an alternate fuel, like propane, which offers numerous benefits for school districts and their students. Safety Jenna Bush Hager, a teacher, author, journalist and parent of two, has partnered with the Propane Education & Research Council to educate parents and school districts about the benefits of propane school buses. School buses powered by propane offer numerous safety advantages, including being quieter than diesel buses when operating, making it easier for drivers to hear both inside and outside the bus. This can have a

*** Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others? — Martin Luther King, Jr. ***

continued from page 3

Ask Pastor Rick

Rick Hill is the Senior Pastor at Hillside Church on 3rd and C Streets in Julian, CA. Direct all questions and correspondence to: hccpastorrick@ gmail.com or Hillside Church, Religion In the News, Box 973, Julian, CA, 92036. (Opinions in this column do not necessarily express the views of Julian News, its editor, or employees.)

The JUHS boys basketball team wanted me to send their thanks to the community for their great support of the breakfast last Sunday sponsored by the Sons of the American Legion. And you’re hearing it here first that on Friday, January 27, the Auxiliary is having one of their great Baked Potato Dinners.

Arbor Week Contest

Calvary Baptist Church, a progressive Baptist landmark in the heart of downtown Washington, has named a gay couple as co-pastors. Sally Sarratt and Maria Swearingen are set to begin their new jobs at the end of February. The 155-year-old church severed ties with the Southern Baptist Convention in 2012. Calvary Baptist still affiliates with American Baptist Churches USA, the Alliance of Baptists, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and the District of Columbia Baptist Convention. Source: Baptist Global News, summarized by Pastor Rick

The doctrine of Petrine supremacy seems to overlook two biblical passages. The first is in Acts 15.13 where James is the lead spokesman of the earliest church in Jerusalem. The other is in Galatians 2.9 where Paul listed James, Cephas (Peter), and John as the three pillars of the church – Peter being listed after James. Historically, Peter was not the first leader of the church.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Les and his chaperone; Judy Haliburton whites, saluting the crowd. At controlled waters receiving the precisely 7:48 a.m., the time of Presidential Unit Citation and the attack, the ship’s bell tolled. Air Medals. His aircraft was the Then the 199th Fighter Squadron first four engine to land on a screamed overhead in the small, undersized strip on Iwo “missing man formation.” Jima and came under mortar The Vets also went to attack at the end of the runway ceremonies at the Missouri where by the Japanese who held the there were bands and 1,200 kids high ground. As Les describes from all over the country singing it, with the plane nearly out of and performing. There was also fuel, the pilot chose the runway a hundred member girls drill rather than ditching the plane in team from Texas performing at the ocean. what Les called a very emotional While Les’s story is but one of ceremony. Another one of the 16 million or so, with so few of our great remembrances of the trip WWII Veterans left, it’s nice to was the concert featuring Gary know there are groups that honor Sinise and the Lieutenant Dan our Veterans and are paying Band. attention and paying tribute to The band of Veterans and those heroes among us. their chaperones left Hawaii on the 9th. The excitement in Les’s voice about the trip was still evident when he described the events to me a few weeks later. On the flight home, Gary Sinise took the role of server, fetching meals and drinks for Les and the other Vets and he gave Les souvenir drumsticks from the band. How Les joined the Navy was a common story but unique to each man of the era. He grew up in the country in McGill, Nevada which even today is a small town of a little over a thousand people. Guns and hunting were common for kids in that area and one thing Les loved to do was shoot. Everything he did as a kid as far as employment went for the purchase of bullets. America was still in the Depression and bullets were expensive. With the world at war, seventeen year old Les Lily is a four year old spayed Lab/Pointer Mix who weighs 65lbs. could think of nothing he wanted Her previous family moved and could not take her with, however, she to do more than join the military, was raised with a toddler and a feline pal. Lily takes a bit of time to fly in airplanes and shoot, “it warm up to new people, but once she's comfortable, she becomes couldn’t get any better than that.” an incredibly loyal companion. Lily gets along with other dogs who The problem was that at can be calm and respectful. To meet this beautiful gal, ask for seventeen you needed your ID#A1751118 Tag#C467. Lily can be adopted for $69. parents permission to join and with the battle death of his cousin Clete six months earlier, his parents said NO! So seventeen year old, 5’11, 130 pound Les, ran away and stayed with his sister. Some time later he went back to McGill and gave his parents the ultimatum that if they didn’t sign he would leave again and he would join up at eighteen anyway. His parents signed and Les went off to Basic Training in 1943 and after that he was assigned to Aviation Gunnery School. Not only was he flying but he “was in heaven with all the ammunition” he got to shoot. He was assigned to a PB4Y Privateer, a four engine patrol bomber. The Privateer was heavily armed with six turrets of twin fifty caliber Browning machine guns. Les describes his aircraft’s role, primarily for use against enemy ships, flying ten feet off the water’s surface skipping delayed fuse bombs into Japanese vessels and rising Koko is a two year old neutered feline who weighs 9.7lbs. A dramatically to avoid contact. handsome guy, he has a gorgeous smokey black coat. Koko's Les was a port waist gunner previous owner could no longer care for him so he is looking for and based on his service in a forever home looking to add a spunky companion to the family. battles for Tinian, Okinawa, and Playful, energetic, and affectionate, he will fit right in. Meet Koko by Iwo Jima, and raids into China asking for ID#A1660389 Tag#C122. He can be adopted for $58. and Japan, he was living the All adoptions will include vaccinations, spaying/neutering (upon adoption), dream so to speak, flying and a microchip and free Vet visit. Dog fees also include a 1 year license. Lily shooting bullets albeit under and Koko are at our Central County Shelter, 5480 Gaines Street, San Diego. stressful and deadly conditions. The Shelter hours are 9:30AM to 5:30PM, Tuesday through Sunday or visit He flew 25 missions over www.sddac.com for more information.


On December 8, 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed a joint session of Congress and the American people in what has become one of the most important and consequential speeches in American history. “Mr. Vice President, (Henry A. Wallace) Mr. Speaker, (Sam Rayburn) members of the Senate and House of Representatives, yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date that will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” … “But always, will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.” … “No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.” On December 7, 2016 America took notice and honored the fallen on the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Through the graces of Honor Flight’s referral to the Pearl Harbor

3rd. Les said that there were girls dressed up as WACs singing and dancing for the old troops. Judy says that Les was singing and dancing with them. When they arrived in Hawaii, they were welcomed and Les got “leid” for the first time in a long time. They, along with the Pearl Harbor survivors were feted at numerous first class galas featuring hors d'oeuvres, wine, champagne and fabulous entrees of seafood and tournedos of beef. Orchestras entertained playing the music of the 40’s era. The day of the ceremony started at 5 a.m. with the trip to Pearl Harbor with the distant lights of the Arizona Monument in view during the pre-dawn hour. A current member of the military was assigned to and escorted each and every Veteran to their seats. There were speeches by the Governor of Hawaii, Commander of the Pacific Fleet Admiral Harry B. Harris Jr. and some Japanese dignitaries as well. Then almost silently, a missile frigate passed with sailors at the rail in their

direct impact on student behavior, and many districts have reported fewer disciplinary issues as a result. An interactive audio quiz detailing the difference can be found at QuieterSchoolBuses. com. "As a former teacher, I know that parents often overlook how the ride to and from school can impact a child's performance in the classroom," Hager said. "A child's attitude or behavior before they arrive at school can set the tone for the whole day." In addition, these buses meet rigorous U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and each is equipped with an automatic shut-off feature that prevents fuel flow to the engine when not running. Another safety consideration is the health impact of older diesel buses. The shorter height of younger students can put them face-to-face with a black cloud of diesel smoke every school day.

With propane buses, however, students aren't exposed to the harmful particulate matter in diesel exhaust, which is known to aggravate asthma and has been identified by the World Health Organization as a carcinogen. Savings Not only is propane consistently less expensive than diesel, the buses themselves don't require the same expensive repairs and replacement parts that today's modern diesel buses demand. Saving money on transportation costs puts schools in a better position to meet students' needs in the classroom and other areas, such as fine arts and athletic programs. Speak Up Is your school district exploring a switch from diesel buses to cleaner alternatives? Join the discussion (or start one) by downloading resources including fact sheets, videos and more at BetterOurBuses.com.

January 18, 2017

The Julian News 9

January 18, 2017

10 The Julian News


Dear EarthTalk: What are environmentalists doing to prepare for a Trump presidency? -- Robert Eckholm, Washington, DC Many different interest groups are worried about what Donald Trump’s ascendancy to the White House will mean for their causes, but perhaps none are as concerned as environmental and climate activists. The new administration has vowed to gut the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), cancel the carbon-busting Clean Power Plan, and pull out of the landmark Paris climate accord. And environmentalists are bracing for attempts by the new White House to lift off-shore oil and gas drilling moratoria and re-start the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline projects across the nation’s heartland. In the face of these likely assaults, what are plans to counteract Trump’s anti-green moves? The Sierra Club kicked things off in December by projecting a huge image of rising seas and the words “Don’t Trump the planet” onto the side of the Trump Building on Wall Street in New York City. The group has attracted more donors in the weeks since Trump’s election than in the previous four years, and is focusing in the short term on derailing Scott Pruitt as

Trump’s pick to head the EPA. The Sierra Club has also kicked its Beyond Dirty Fuels campaign into high gear, given Trump’s hints that he would try to green light more oil and gas development projects. Sierra Club activists have helped organize and staff protest camps along the proposed route of the Sabal Trail Transmission, an oil and gas pipeline slated to cross through sensitive natural habitats in Alabama, Georgia and Florida.

petitions to the Trump transition team signed by tens of thousands of Americans opposing Pruitt as well as Exxon’s Rex Tillerson, Trump’s Secretary of State nominee. Come spring, 350. org hopes to turn out 500,000 or more sympathizers at the People’s Climate Mobilization, a march on Washington, DC scheduled for April 29, 2017. Another way activists are rallying support for the environment is by ramping up

huge carbon burden down the line. Activists hope to build on this type strategy in leveraging the support of the vast majority of Americans for increased environmental protections and greenhouse gas emissions cuts to convince the Trump administration to do the right thing. CONTACTS: Sierra Club, www.

sierraclub.org; 350.org, www.350. org; Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Network, www.studentsdivest.org. EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of the nonprofit Earth Action Network. To donate, visit www.earthtalk.org. Send questions to: question@earthtalk. org.


Activists with the Sierra Club's Beyond Dirty Fuels campaign are stepping up efforts to fight oil and gas pipelines given Donald Trump's intentions to increase fossil fuel development. Meanwhile, 350.org, an advocacy group committed to building a global grassroots climate movement, has pledged to spend January fighting to derail Trump’s anti-environment cabinet picks. The group organized a “national day of action” on January 9, targeting key Senators who say they recognize the threat of climate change, but haven’t yet come out against Trump’s EPA nominee Scott Pruitt and other climate change deniers in the cabinet. 350.org is also delivering

efforts to get universities across the country to divest from fossil fuel investments. The Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Network is organizing student walkouts at college campuses across the country on January 23 “to resist and reject the climate denial” of the incoming Trump administration. Indeed, Trump’s very antipathy towards environmental regulations might be just the kind of spur needed to get people excited about environmental and climate activism. Let’s not forget that memberships, funding and influence swelled for green groups when another conservative Republican, George W. Bush, moved into the White House in 2000; groups like the Sierra Club leveraged this backlash to successfully lead the charge against the development of dozens of new emissionsspewing coal-fired power plants at the time, sparing the nation a

Howdy! From Lake Cuyamaca “Dusty Britches” here along with “Nut Buster”, “Cuss Cussler”, and the “South African Queen”. Jess Ranch dropped off 1,200 pounds of rainbow trout on Tuesday including some nice 3 to 5 pound fish... soon followed by an additional 350 pounds from DFW. A group of hearty anglers were checking out our planting schedule and there for the fish to drop. Some of the fish were taken the first day, but not many. Right now we are in the middle of Martin Luther King Jr. memorial day weekend. Not much happening as far as anglers are concerned, but

lots of visitors. When the trout decide to open up, it will be wide open. The waterfowl hunting on Wednesdays and Sunday mornings has picked up with the wet weather pushing some additional waterfowl down our way. 3-mallards, 2- cinnamon teal, 2-gadwall, a ruddy, and 2canvas back. The days was wet, cold, dismal, and dreary…..a waterfowl hunter’s wet dream… .a little humor is always useful. We haven’t had much response so far, so I’m throwin it out there again. On Fefruary 5th we are hosting our annual Lake Cuyamaca Junior Waterfowl Hunt and Competitive Shootout. If you have, or know of, some young guns that would be interested in the event, please send a self-addressed post card to... Lake Cuyamaca Junior Waterfowl Hunt, 15027 Highway 79, Julian, Ca. 92036. We need to know your background and proof of a gun safety course. Jay Blaylock is ram-rodding the event. Names will be picked out of a hat of those chosen to participate. We will have prizes, awards, and more. The last few years the grand prize of the competitive shoot was a “Ruger 10-22” carbine. And during the last two years the winner was Hunter Johnson. He showed the other competitors what sportsmanship was all about. He won the shoot-out, then gave the “Ruger” to another, less fortunate competitor... twice... in a row. It brought a tear to my eye that rolled down this old wrinkled face... you just don’t see that anymore. Hunter’s dad, Van, taught him right. Water levels are up. The west side is full and the east side (upper lake) to date……. 1-15-17, has accumulated about 130 acre feet of water allowing Jay Blaylock to add a couple of waterfowl hunting blinds. Now that the west is full, any additional precipitation will be sent to the upper lake, so , stand back and watch it grow !!! One question quiz... How many gallons in an acre foot of water ? So, how many gallons of water is in the upper lake ?? Bobby Morgan and Dolores

Gomez are giving the Stonewall Mine a run for its money. It was the largest producing gold mine in San Diego County History and the restaurant is setting records in chicken pot pie, apple pie, and berry pie sales. They were so popular over the past snow days, they had to reduce their menu to accommodate all the people... Sometimes Bobby likes to play games with Dolores by showing up to work in spiked pumps, fi shnet nylons, a mini skirt, and a push-up bra (with lots of cleavage). But Dolores sends him to the restroom to change saying...”Bobby, you know the Health Inspector won’t approve of this and I might get in trouble for something you did ! So, get changed before I smother you with my “La Bamba”!!! They really are fun to watch. We took the labs to the back side of the island and check out the moisture content. When we got to the wooden bridge, a bald eagle was just lifting up from the surface of the water with one of our recently planted Jess Ranch trout...this was at sunrise... what a place to live and work... guess I’ve spewed enough from my festering gob... good to be on this side of dirt. “Tight Lines and Bent Rods”... Dusty Britches

Did You Know Residents in many wildfire-prone communities throughout San Diego County are encouraged to take advantage of a free chipping service to reduce fire hazard around their homes. Currently there is no waiting list for this program, which is funded by a National Fire Plan grant from the Cooperative Fire Program of the U.S. Forest Service through the California Fire Safe Council. Rresidents should visit the FSCSDC website at: firesafesdcounty.org/nocost-chipping. Before signing up, homeowners need to prepare their chipping piles. Once the piles are ready and the homeowner has registered, the FSCSDC will schedule a trained, licensed, and insured crew to visit the property and chip vegetation on-site. Chipped materials will be left on-site and can be used as mulch – an added benefit of the program.



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January 18, 2017

The Julian News 11

California Commentary

California Democrats Behave Like Confederates

by Jon Coupal

For fiscal conservatives and free market advocates, the national elections in 2008 and 2012 brought no small measure of disappointment. In its eight-year run, the Obama Administration imposed a host of new taxes – including several as part of the failed “Affordable Care Act” – and, just as egregious, nearly doubling the national debt from $10 trillion to over $20 trillion. Those who advocate for lower taxes, property rights and less burdensome regulation understood and begrudgingly accepted that “elections have consequences.” (As President Obama was known to brag). So it is now with amusement – if not outright schadenfreude – we are watching progressives across the nation, and especially here in California, melt down in shock and disbelief. Particularly frustrating for Progressives is their growing realization that many of the policies and actions of the last eight years that they jammed down the throats of conservatives and center right citizens from “fly-over” country are now coming back to haunt them. For example, former Democrat Senator Harry Reid from Nevada changed longstanding Senate rules regarding how many votes it would take to stop the filibuster of a presidential appointee. Progressives imposed that rule to pack the United States Court of Appeal for District of Columbia Circuit, a powerful court because it reviews most legal challenges over federal regulations. The “Reid Rule” will now be used by the Trump Administration to fill his cabinet quickly over the objections and efforts to obstruct by Democrats and, more importantly, to seat a replacement on the U.S. Supreme Court for the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Another example of their being hoisted on their own petard was discussed recently by California political analyst Tony Quinn who noted that the federal courts struck down most of Arizona’s efforts to enforce border security. The U.S. Supreme Court noted that, in the area of immigration, federal laws pre-empt conflicting and even complimentary state laws. That throws into doubt any efforts by California and other left-leaning states to enforce any so-called “sanctuary” policies.

But all this hasn’t stopped California’s top Democratic leadership from posturing (mostly for the cameras) about how they will “stand up” to the federal government to protect “California’s values,” whatever that means. Apparently, Governor Brown and newly elected Legislative leaders have mistaken Sutter’s Fort in Sacramento with Fort Sumter in South Carolina which heard the first shots fired in the Civil War. They need to be reminded that things didn’t work out so well for the Confederacy back then and if, by taking on the federal government, they think they will get a better outcome, they’re probably wrong. The latest evidence that Democratic leadership has lost its moorings with reality is the hiring of Eric Holder, the disgraced and corrupt former U.S. Attorney General in order to “push back” against both the Trump Administration and the Republican controlled Congress. (Holder advocated for international criminal Mark Rich, and was admittedly running guns to Mexico as part of the “Fast and Furious” scandal). The hiring of Holder is an insult to all California taxpayers. First, California has a multitude of lobbyists in Washington, D.C. (all at taxpayer expense) to represent the actual interests of the state. Second, the action was clearly a provocation intended to generate a response from Washington. But California should be careful what it wishes for. The Congress of the United States has the power of the purse and California would do well to work collaboratively with those upon whom they rely for billions of federal dollars. Near the close of the Civil War, President Lincoln gave his famous Second Inaugural address in which he implored Americans to show “malice toward none, with charity for all.” Let us hope that the petulant, foolish posturing of California’s political leadership receive as much grace from the federal government in the coming years. Jon Coupal is president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association — California’s largest grass-roots taxpayer organization, dedicated to the protection of Proposition 13 and the advancement of taxpayers’ rights.

Julian Library Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

closed 9:00 - 8 9:00 - 6 9:00 - 6 9:00 - 5 9:00 - 5 closed

Friends of the Library

Book Store Hours

Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 5 pm 1850 Highway 78 765 - 0370

• It was Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during World War II and the 34th president of the United States, who made the following sage observation: "I would rather try to persuade a man to go along, because once I have persuaded him he will stick. If I scare him, he will stay just as long as he is scared, and then he is gone." • The biggest polar bear ever recorded weighed a whopping 2,209 pounds -- roughly the weight of 12 adult men. •* Russian health authorities are very familiar with cold-weather injuries -- and fatalities. For instance, every winter, about 100 Russians are killed by falling icicles. • Noon and midnight are the only times that have their own names. The origin of the term "midnight" is obvious, since it occurs in the middle of the night, but how did 12 p.m. come to be called noon? The word itself is derived from the Latin word "nono," which means "nine." Still doesn't seem to make sense? Here's how lexicographers trace the evolution of the word: If hours are counted from dawn -- roughly 6 a.m. -- instead of midnight, nine hours into the day would be 3 p.m., or midafternoon. Lacking accurate portable timepieces, ancient Romans used the term "nono" to refer to the midafternoon in a general sense. Over time, as the pronunciation of the word shifted to "noon," the meaning of the word shifted to "midday." Once society began to be run according to the accuracy of clocks, noon was pinpointed as 12 p.m. • Some police departments in Canada are known for giving out "positive tickets" -- citations for doing something good in public. *** Thought for the Day: "Few things are harder to put up with than a good example." -- Mark Twain © 2016 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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© 2016 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

*** The time is always right to do what is right. — Martin Luther King, Jr. ***

January 18, 2017

12 The Julian News

3 Steps To Protect Yourself From Medicare Fraud8/8/02 supplied v1 13:50 127801 (Family Features) Every day, Medicare fraud affects people with Medicare and their families across the U.S. - regardless of background - robbing them of hard-earned money and peace of mind. Scammers know the ins and outs of the Medicare system and their attempts can be well thought-out enough that it's not always easy to know when and where fraud is occurring. By remembering some simple but effective tips, you can protect yourself against scams, including identity theft and prescription drug fraud. Remembering to protect, detect and report fraud helps everyone, including you. 1. Protect Protecting your personal information is your best line of defense against health care fraud. Treat Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security numbers like credit card numbers. Never give them to a stranger and don't carry your cards unless you need them for appointments. Medicare doesn't call or visit to sell you anything. Outside of a trusted health care setting, never give this information to anyone who asks for it.

2. Detect No matter how careful you are, you may be targeted for fraud. Always review your Medicare statements closely. Things to look for include charges for something you didn't purchase or receive, duplicate charges and

charges for services not ordered by your doctor. Compare these documents to your personal records and receipts. Recording medical visits and procedures in a journal or on a calendar can help you keep track of what happened at each appointment and make it

6 D












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Chasing Away Bad Luck! Y R












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E L E A P N 13 B I R T N E R 10 G N M 4 H O M E S N 9 E Y


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AA Meetings Monday - 7pm

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3407 Highway 79

(across from new Fire Station)

Tuesday - 11am

Celebrating 50 years of loving God and serving our neighbors Location: 2898 State Hwy 78

Shelter Valley Community Center

HOUSEKEEPER JULIAN B&B - hours flexible / Fri & Sun + minimum 1 weekday call Linda 765-1890 2/1 SOUPS and SUCH CAFÉ is looking to a hire a full time cook. Apply in person or call 760 765 4761 2/8

Phone: 760-765-0114 E-mail: communityumcjulian@yahoo.com

Tuesday - 7pm

Santa Ysabel Mission Church (Open Big Book Study)

Tuesday - 5:30pm Sisters In Recovery

30' TRAILER IN BANNER PARK. Older model with many updates, full size features and 15x15 addition. $4,900. Lot fee $465. per month. Good for fixer, home or get-a-way. 760-979-3394 text or leave message. 1/18

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(Information: 760 765 3261 0R 760 765 0527)

(just west of Pine Hills Road, look for the white rail fence)

Teen Crisis HotLine

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Tuesday - 7pm Julian Mens Meeting

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*** The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. — Martin Luther King, Jr. ***

Date 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/11 1/11 1/14

Julian-Cuyamaca Fire — Activity Log Incident Traffic Accident Traffic Accident Medical Medical Medical Traffic Accident Medical Medical Medical

Location Hwy 78/ Banner Grade Hwy 79/ Sunrise Hwy Mazanita Dr Woodland Rd Pheasant Dr Hwy 78/ Banner Rd Hwy 79 Farmer Rd B St.

Thursday - 7pm

BYOB - Bring Yer Own Book Closed meeting; book study

Julian United Methodist Church

Friday - 7pm

“Friday Night Survivors” 3407 Highway 79

Saturday - 7pm “Open Step Study” 3407 Highway 79

Big Tex Gooseneck Flatbed Trailer M-2010 - 14GP

Details Solo MC; Moderate Injuries UTL 14,000 GVR Three Axle Bed = 28 feet long X 83 inches wide Diamond Plate Floor Heavy Duty Ramps w/ diamond plate top Heavy duty frame and cross members on 12-inch centers 17-inch side rails with tie downs 9000# Superwinch $10,500 (760) 705-0437 11/30

ROOM FOR RENT for a single person. Must be quiet, neat and No alcohol, smoking or drugs. $150.00 weekly. 12/28 Please call - 760-550-3733

*** We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. — Martin Luther King, Jr. ***

(Across street from Warner Unified School)

3407 Highway 79

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San Jose Valley Continuation School

Time 1300 1400 1600 1100 1500 2200 1400 1400 1400

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Community United Methodist Church

Worship Service: 10:00 a.m.

4. To make the sauce, melt 4 tablespoons of the butter in the skillet over medium heat. Whisk flour and remaining teaspoon of poultry seasoning into the butter; turn heat to low and cook, stirring occasionally, until light brown and thick, about 3 minutes. Turn heat to high and slowly whisk in the cream, evaporated milk or buttermilk. Whisk in chicken broth. Continue whisking until mixture thickens, about 3 to 5 minutes. Stir in remaining salt and pepper, and the nutmeg. 4. Pour the cream sauce over the chicken mixture, stirring to coat the mixture evenly. Sprinkle the chicken mixture with the cheese. Top filling with the prepared pie crust, pressing down crust around the edges of the dish to seal the crust over the filling. Cut three, 1-inch slits in the center of the crust to allow steam to escape. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes until crust is brown and golden. Serves 6 to 8.




Year of the Rooster


continued Iris from page 6 85

*** Angela Shelf Medearis is an NOTE TO PUB: DO NOT PRINT INFO BELOW, FOR I.D. ONLY. NO ALTERING OF AD COUNCIL PSAS. award-winning children's author, Wildfire Prevention - Newspaper (2 1/16 x 2) B&W WFPA01-N-03259-C “Animals” 85 screen Film at Schawk 212-689-8585 Reference #: 127801 culinary historian and the author 11 of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is "The Kitchen Diva's (Best Wishes and Congratulations!) 3 C I T I E S Diabetic Cookbook." Her website A 12 is www.divapro.com. To see how9 to videos, recipes and much, much L R F O W E S 8 H more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, 5 E O The Kitchen Diva! on Facebook and T E D 1 go to Hulu.com. Recipes may not be P R I G N O S A reprinted without permission from D S W Angela Shelf Medearis. 14





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Chinese New Year 2017

Yay! 2017 is all about me and the people born in my year. It’s something to crow about!

4 W

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Chef’s Corner

Lopi Wood Stove New, Never used... around 75,000 BTU we also have some piping that goes with the Lopi Stove $1,500 contact 619 443 5745 2/8

Trivia Time

*** Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. — Martin Luther King, Jr. ***

continued from page 6 7. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What type of plant was used to make the first paper? 8. MOVIES: What was Indiana Jones’ trademark weapon in the movie series? 9. LITERATURE: In Shakespeare’s play, what is Julius Caesar warned about just before his death? 10. LANGUAGE: What is the name for bird eggs that were laid at the same time?

continued from page 7 1. Mike Cuellar, with 203 strikeouts in 1967. 2. Dave Kingman (1976) and Carlos Delgado (2008). 3. Josh McCown threw for 457 yards in a game in 2015. 4. It was 1989. 5. Montreal, in 1967. 6. Dale Jarrett, in 1999. 7. Andy Roddick, in 2009.

1. Abundance of iron oxide 2. Swift foot 3. Okefenokee 4. Medicines that dilate blood vessels 5. 1867 6. Benny Goodman 7. Papyrus 8. Bullwhip 9. The Ides of March 10. A clutch

® 2016 King Features Syndicate, Inc.


® 2016 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

January 18, 2017

The Julian News 13

Martin Luther King Jr. - The Reasons And The Tribute Martin Luther King Jr. (19291968) was a Baptist minister and social activist who played a key role in the American civil rights movement from the mid1950s until his assassination in 1968. Inspired by advocates of nonviolence such as Mahatma Gandhi, King sought equality for African Americans, the economically disadvantaged and victims of injustice through peaceful protest. He was the driving force behind watershed events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington, which helped bring about such landmark legislation as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 and is remembered each year on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a U.S. federal holiday since 1986. The second child of Martin Luther King Sr. (1899-1984), a pastor, and Alberta Williams King (1904-1974), a former schoolteacher, Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15, 1929. Along with his older sister, the future Christine King Farris (born 1927), and younger brother, Alfred Daniel Williams King (1930-1969), he grew up in the city’s Sweet Auburn neighborhood, then home to some of the most prominent and prosperous African Americans in the country. A gifted student, King attended segregated public schools and at the age of 15 was admitted to Morehouse College, the alma mater of both his father and maternal grandfather, where he studied medicine and law. Although he had not intended to follow in his father’s footsteps by joining the ministry, he changed his mind under the mentorship of Morehouse’s president, Dr. Benjamin Mays, an influential theologian and outspoken advocate for racial equality. After graduating in 1948, King entered Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, where he earned a Bachelor of Divinity degree, won a prestigious fellowship and was elected president of his predominantly white senior class. King then enrolled in a graduate program at Boston University, completing his coursework in 1953 and earning a doctorate in systematic theology two years later. While in Boston he met Coretta Scott (1927-2006), a young singer from Alabama who was studying at the New England Conservatory of Music. The couple wed in 1953 and settled in Montgomery, Alabama, where King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. They had four children: Yolanda Denise King (1955-2007), Martin Luther King III (born 1957), Dexter Scott King (born 1961) and Bernice Albertine King (born 1963). Martin Luther King Jr. and the Montgomery Bus Boycott The King family had been living in Montgomery for less than a year when the highly segregated city became the epicenter of the burgeoning struggle for civil rights in America, galvanized by the landmark Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision of 1954. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks (1913-2005), secretary of the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People chapter, refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery bus and was arrested. Activists coordinated a bus boycott that would continue for 381 days, placing a severe economic strain on the public transit system and downtown business owners. They chose

Martin Luther King Jr. as the protest’s leader and official spokesman. By the time the Supreme Court ruled segregated seating on public buses unconstitutional in November 1956, King, heavily influenced by Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) and the activist Bayard Rustin (1912-1987), had entered the national spotlight as an inspirational proponent of organized, nonviolent resistance. (He had also become a target for white supremacists, who firebombed his family home that January.) Emboldened by the boycott’s success, in 1957 he and other civil rights activists– most of them fellow ministers–

widely regarded as a watershed moment in the history of the American civil rights movement and a factor in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The march culminated in King’s most famous address, known as the “I Have a Dream” speech, a spirited call for peace and equality that many consider a masterpiece of rhetoric. Standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial–a monument to the president who a century earlier had brought down the institution of slavery in the United States—he shared his vision of a future in which “this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:

founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), a group committed to achieving full equality for African Americans through nonviolence. (Its motto was “Not one hair of one head of one person should be harmed.”) He would remain at the helm of this influential organization until his death. King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference In his role as SCLC president, Martin Luther King Jr. traveled across the country and around the world, giving lectures on nonviolent protest and civil rights as well as meeting with religious figures, activists and political leaders. (During a month-long trip to India in 1959, he had the opportunity to meet family members and followers of Gandhi, the man he described in his autobiography as “the guiding light of our technique of nonviolent social change.”) King also authored several books and articles during this time. In 1960 King and his family moved to Atlanta, his native city, where he joined his father as copastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. This new position did not stop King and his SCLC colleagues from becoming key players in many of the most significant civil rights battles of the 1960s. Their philosophy of nonviolence was put to a particularly severe test during the Birmingham campaign of 1963, in which activists used a boycott, sit-ins and marches to protest segregation, unfair hiring practices and other injustices in one of America’s most racially divided cities. Arrested for his involvement on April 12, King penned the civil rights manifesto known as the “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” an eloquent defense of civil disobedience addressed to a group of white clergymen who had criticized his tactics. King Marches for Freedom Later that year, Martin Luther King Jr. worked with a number of civil rights and religious groups to organize the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, a peaceful political rally designed to shed light on the injustices African Americans continued to face across the country. Held on August 28 and attended by some 200,000 to 300,000 participants, the event is

‘We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal.'” The speech and march cemented King’s reputation at home and abroad; later that year he was named Man of the Year by TIME magazine and in 1964 became the youngest person ever awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In the spring of 1965, King’s elevated profile drew international attention to the violence that erupted between white segregationists and peaceful demonstrators in Selma, Alabama, where the SCLC and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) had organized a voter registration campaign. Captured on television, the brutal scene outraged many Americans and inspired supporters from across the country to gather in Selma and take part in a march to Montgomery led by King and supported by President Lyndon Johnson (1908-1973), who sent in federal troops to keep the peace. That August, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act, which guaranteed the right to vote–first awarded by the 15th Amendment–to all African Americans. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Final Years and Assassination The events in Selma deepened a growing rift between Martin Luther King Jr. and young radicals who repudiated his nonviolent methods and commitment to working within the established political framework. As more militant black leaders such as Stokely Carmichael (1941-1998) rose to prominence, King broadened the scope of his activism to address issues such as the Vietnam War and poverty among Americans of all races. In 1967, King and the SCLC embarked on an ambitious program known as the Poor People’s Campaign, which was to include a massive march on the capital. On the evening of April 4, 1968, King was fatally shot while standing on the balcony of a motel in Memphis, where he had traveled to support a sanitation workers’ strike. In the wake of his death, a wave of riots swept major cities across the country, while President Johnson declared a national day of mourning. James Earl Ray (1928-1998), an escaped convict and known racist, pleaded guilty to the murder and was sentenced to 99 years in prison. (He later recanted his confession and gained some unlikely advocates, including members of the King family, before his death in 1998.) After years of campaigning by activists, members of Congress and Coretta Scott King, among others, in 1983 President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) signed a bill creating a U.S. federal holiday in honor of King. Observed on the third Monday of January, it was first celebrated in 1986.

A Fitting Memorial

in Newport, Rhode Island. He is both a designer and a carver, with distinctive architectural lettering that is an original font drawing on both classical Greek forms and contemporary sans serif script. He has worked not only on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, but on the World War II Memorial, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island, National Gallery of Art, among other works. Symbolism Each part of the memorial is significant. The many entrances and approaches to it symbolize the openness of democracy. From the looming Mountain of Despair, a Stone of Hope surges forward as the focal point for the memorial. This references a line in King’s speech, “With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.” There, the striking likeness of Dr. King captured him in a moment of reflective thought, determined and resolute. The detachment of the Stone of Hope from the Mountain of Despair symbolizes victory borne from disappointment. A wall of quotes spanning Dr. King’s long civil rights career represents Dr. King’s ideals of peace, democracy, justice, and love. As much as the quotes acknowledge the history of the civil rights struggle in America, they can continue to serve as inspiration to others fighting for civil rights around the globe. The memorial’s location enhances the core of the “city beautiful” that Pierre L’Enfant envisioned in 1791, and the McMillan Plan expanded in 1901. The plans aimed to create an entire city to remind us “what we should be trying to achieve as a nation, as a society [and] as human beings on this planet.” For the “I Have a Dream” speech, King stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and referenced the Declaration of Independence,

The winning design by Roma Design Group incorporated the major thematic elements seen in the finished memorial. Roma Design Group The Martin Luther King, for a sculptor. Their search led Jr. Memorial is located in them to St. Paul, MN where West Potomac Park at 1964 an international collection of Independence Avenue, S.W., sculptors were creating public referencing the year the Civil artwork to be installed throughout Rights Act Of 1964 became law. the city. After approaching all 15 The memorial’s official dedication artists, they found that four of date is August 28, 2011, the them recommended the Chinese 48th anniversary of the March artist Master Lei Yixin. After the on Washington for Jobs and Foundation interviewed him in Freedom, though the ceremony Washington D.C., and examined was postponed until October 16 his work in China, Master Lei due to Hurricane Irene. Yixin became the official sculptor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was in 2007. a Baptist minister and social Lei filled the walls of his studio activist who became a notable with hundreds of photographs figure during the U.S. civil rights of Dr. King, and studied them movement from the mid-1950s until he held the essence of the until he was assassinated in man’s spirit firmly in his mind. 1968. He played a pivotal role in He created a three-foot scale ending the legal segregation of model of the sculpture amongst African American citizens in the other sculpture models, before U.S., influencing the creation of sculpting the 30 foot final version. the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Along the way, Lei worked the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He closely with the Foundation and received the Nobel Peace Prize the King family to choose the in 1964, among other honors. material - shrimp pink granite This memorial is the first - and to generate the likeness African American honored with reflected in the final product. a memorial on the National Mall A 30 foot fiberglass replica of and the fourth non-president the entire sculpture served as a to be remembered in such a reference for the stone sculpture. way. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s The sculpture and the mountain message is universal: a non- are composed of 159 granite violent philosophy striving for blocks that were transported to freedom, justice, and equality. Master Lei’s studio in Changsha, Selecting the Design In 1996, Congress authorized Martin Luther King, Jr.’s fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, to establish a Memorial to him in Washington, D.C. The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation held a design competition, and identified the Tidal Basin site for the memorial’s location. The Foundation held a design competition. Entrants’ registration materials contained ten posters with images and chronology of Dr. King’s life, information about the memorial’s site in D.C., and the Foundation’s vision for the memorial. Every prospective designer submitted three 24” x 36” display boards to an international panel of artists, historians, and architects. A total of 906 entrants joined the competition, though jurors only knew the registration number of each entry. After three days, the panel narrowed the submissions down to 23 finalists. Unable to reach a decision, the jury asked the 23 finalists to submit a fourth China, where he assembled penned by Thomas Jefferson. and sculpted 80 percent The symbolism helped to board. of the artwork. It was then reinforce core American values In 2000, the judges selected that appealed to all Americans, disassembled and transported ROMA Design Group’s plan for highlighting the injustice by ship to Baltimore, and a stone with Dr. King’s image perpetuated by segregation. emerging from a mountain. reassembled at the memorial. The Martin Luther King, Jr. The plan’s theme referenced a Master Lei completed the last 20 Memorial’s location along the line from King’s 1963 “I Have a percent of the sculpting on site in line connecting the Thomas Dream” speech, “With this faith, Washington, D.C. Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials The words engraved in the helps to reinforce the connection we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of memorial were done by Nick between these three leaders at hope.” The final design includes a Benson and his team. Benson, three important moments for civil massive carved mountain with a a third generation stone carver, rights in our nation’s history: from slice pulled out of it, symbolizing spent more than two years on the promise that “all men are the “Stone of Hope” being hewn the project. His company, The created equal,” to the freeing of the slaves, and the final push for from the “Mountain of Despair.” John Stevens Shop, is located full and equal rights. Reinforcing this motif, the edges of the Stone of Hope and the Mountain of Despair incorporate scrape marks to symbolize the struggle and movement, as well as an engraving of the words “Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope.” Visitors may enter the memorial through the Mountain of Despair and tour the memorial reflecting on the struggle that Dr. King faced during his life, approaching the plaza where the Stone of Hope stands. In the stone, a carving of Dr. King gazes to the horizon and encouraging citizens to strive for equality and justice. President Obama and the First Family tour the Martin Luther King Jr. Creating the Sculpture To create the likeness of Dr. National Memorial courtesy: The White House King, the Foundation searched

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Case Number 37-2016-00042218-CU-PT-CTL ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 PETITION OF RUBEN LUNA LOPEZ III for change of name TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 1. Petitioner: RUBEN LUNA LOPEZ III filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: RUBEN LUNA LOPEZ III Proposed name: RUBEN LUNA ARCEGA 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING a. Date: JAN 27, 2017 Time: 8:30 A.M. Dept.: 46 b. The address of the court is other (specify): 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 3. a. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be pub-lished at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: JULIAN NEWS Date: DEC 08, 2016 JEFFREY B. BARTON, Judge of the Superior Court


your goal. Use this time to reexamine your plans and see where you might need to make some significant changes. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Some missteps are revealed as the cause of current problems in a personal or professional partnership. Make the necessary adjustments and then move on. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Jupiter's influence helps you work through a pesky problem, allowing your naturally jovial attitude to reemerge stronger than ever. Enjoy your success. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Set aside your usual reluctance to change, and consider reassessing your financial situation so that you can build on its strengths and minimize its weaknesses. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Some recently acquired information helps open up a dark part of the past. Resolve to put what you've learned to good use. Travel plans continue to be favored. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Act on your own keen instincts. Your strong Piscean backbone will support you as someone attempts to pressure you into a decision you're not ready to make. BORN THIS WEEK: You embody a love for traditional values combined with an appreciation of what's new and challenging.


LEGAL: 07512 Publish: December 28, 2016 and January 4, 11, 18, 2017

Case Number: 37-2016-00044180-CU-PT-NC

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your batteries should be fully recharged by now, making you more than eager to get back into the swing of things full time. Try to stay focused so that you don't dissipate your energies. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You're eager to charge straight ahead into your new responsibilities. But you'll have to paw the ground a little longer, until a surprise complication is worked out. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Rival factions are pressuring you to take a stand favoring one side or the other. But this isn't the time to play judge. Bow out as gracefully as possible, without committing yourself to any position. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Reassure a longtime, trusted confidante that you appreciate his or her words of advice. But at this time, you need to act on what you perceive to be your own sense of self-interest. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You need to let your warm Leonine heart fire up that new relationship if you hope to see it move from the "just friends" level to one that will be as romantic as you could hope for. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) There's still time to repair a misunderstanding with an honest explanation and a heartfelt apology. The sooner you do, the sooner you can get on with other matters. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Expect a temporary setback as you progress toward


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2016-030692 a) TINY TELEPHONES b) SHARK ATTACK c) PATRICK RYAN HEANEY MUSIC 437 19 St, San Diego, CA 92102 The business is conducted by An Individual Patrick Heaney, 437 19 St, San Diego, CA 92102. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON December 16, 2016.


Wednesday - January 18, 2017

Volume 32 - Issue 24


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-000403 CURRY CONSTRUCTION 3301 Yaqui Pass Rd. #A, Borrego Springs, CA 92004 (Mailing Address: PO Box 788, Borrego Springs, CA 92004) The business is conducted by An Individual Scott Curry, 3301 Yaqui Pass Rd. #A, Borrego Springs, CA 92004. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON January 06, 2017. LEGAL: 07527 Publish: January 18, 25 and February 1, 8, 2017

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-001062 a) BIG BAY YACHTS b) BBY 2811 Dickens St., Suite 130, San Diego, CA 92106 The business is conducted by A Corporation Big Bay Yachts, Inc. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON January 12, 2017.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-000961 a) POSITIVE PATH b) POSITIVE PATH LIFE 235 Pine Ave. Apt i, Carsbad, CA 92008 The business is conducted by An Individual Keenan Jacobsen, 235 Pine Ave. Apt i, Carsbad, CA 92008. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON January 11, 2017.

LEGAL: 07526 Publish: January 18, 25 and February 1, 8, 2017

LEGAL: 07528 Publish: January 18, 25 and February 1, 8, 2017

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