An Independent Weekly Newspaper Serving the Backcountry Communities of Julian, Cuyamaca, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley, Mt. Laguna, Ranchita, Sunshine Summit, Warner Springs and Wynola. For the Community, by the Community.
(46¢ + tax included)
Periodical • Wednesday
Time Sensitive Material
July 19, 2017
Julian, CA.
Volume 32 — Issue 50 ISSN 1937-8416
The Future Of Fire Service - Whose In Control, Who Will Foot The Bill?
'Jungle Book' To Be Shown At Jess Martin Park
by Michael Hart
The movie "The Jungle Book" will be shown July 22 at Jess Martin County Park as part of the Summer Movies in the Park series. The free event is scheduled from 6 to 10 p.m. Picnics and leashed pets are welcome. The County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation, provides opportunities for residents to enjoy themselves outdoors in the summer evenings.
Mystery Dinner Theater Returns To Town Hall Move over Sherlock Holmes because Julian Triangle Club is hosting a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater. Dust off your magnifying glass and become a dogged detective for a night to solve a hilarious crime while feasting on a Jeremy's on the Hill catered dinner with dessert by Apple Alley. Town Hall downstairs will be transformed into the County Fair where you can have a drink and try your hand at some Carnival Games like Ring Toss, Knock Down, Lift the Bottle and Threein-a-Row. Then take your seats and watch the mystery unfold as you keep mental notes and compare clues with the other mystery sleuths at your table. A well-seasoned County Fair opens under a cloud as a real estate tycoon plots to buy it out and close it down. This riles the locals who adore the fair, especially the pig races – which are being targeted by protesters. Add in a couple of female country singers who will stop at nothing to claw past each other to get to the top, and some romancin’ and you have the stage set for shenanigans…and murder! Proceeds will go toward remodeling the Town Hall bathrooms.....while having some theatrical fun, the hallmark of the Triangle Club members! Friday and Saturday nights, July 28 and 29 and August 4 and 5. $35 a person for the dinner and interactive show. Doors open at 5:30. Seating is limited so reserve your seats NOW on EventBrite.com (type in Julian, CA) or at the Chamber Office! The table that gives the best correct answer of “whodunit?” before the killer is revealed will walk away with a stellar prizebasket. Don't miss out, reserve now!
Legion To Host A Honky Tonk Night BackCountry HonkyTonk featuring the Music of Nancarrow. Opening Band will be "The Earmuffs." Tickets $20 includes: Basket of "Fair Inspired Foods," Drink ticket for Speciality Cocktail Bar and Popcorn Extravaganza. Friday, August 4 at 6:30 PM - 11 PM Dancing available as space allows, the event is open to all. This is fund raiser for the Post. Tickets are on sale at The American Legion. There are only 100 tickets so get yours today!
You have to start with a premise: Fire protection is an essential service, medical aid is a necessity. That said, how much are you willing to pay for it? That is the dilemma that faces the Julian community when you consider the proposal that was presented to the JulianCuyamaca Fire Protection District (JCFPD) board at Tuesday’s meeting. Although it was clear the majority of the over 40 people in the room where against the idea of the County Fire Authority taking over, the proposal from Chief Tony Mecham and County Administrator Herman Reddick had not yet been made. Once he started his presentation, Chief Mecham made it clear that CalFIRE would be reducing service and placing more responsibility on the JCFPD to maintain current levels. Including funding and support services currently provided through the County. The proposal, which would require the disillusion of the district as it currently exists, provides: • Firefighter paramedics on duty 24/7/365 in Julian • CAL FIRE Station 50 Julian and CAL FIRE Station 51 Cuyamaca staffed 24/7/365 • Maintain Water tender in Julian • Addition of Light & Air Unit in Julian (breathing apparatus • 9-1-1 dispatching • Fire Marshal and Fire Prevention Services • Fleet Services (vehicle maintenance) • Support Services • Information Technology Services • Training Services • Improved ISO rating upgrade from a 5/8 to a 3/3X Additionally, San Diego Fire will invite: • JCFPD Fire Chief Rick Marinellito remain, although his position was not defined. • The existing JCFPD Volunteers to continue to serve in Julian and Cuyamaca as San Diego County Volunteer Reserve Firefighters. This would require volunteers to pass physical and competency tests. • The existing JCFPD Board Members to serve on the San Diego County Fire Advisory Council. • The Julian Fireplugs, a 501c3 organization to continue their work in the community to fundraise* for the Volunteer Reserves (*All funds would be dedicated to support the fire station and the Volunteer Reserves serving in the Julian Cuyamaca area.) The process would involve the San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission (http:// www.sdlafco.org/). There are a number of steps both the Fire Authority and JCFPD would need to complete to start the action in accordance with State law SB 239. “Public agencies interested in providing new or extended fire services should contact the San Diego LAFCO to determine whether the proposed contract will require LAFCO approval. A pre-application discussion is recommended to address any possible issues associated with the expansion of fire protection services. If the proposed contract is determined to be exempt from LAFCO purview, a Certificate of Exemption will be filed. The Executive Officer’s determination of exemption is appealable to the
Commission within 30 days of the issuance of the determination. Such appeal must be filed in writing with the Executive Officer and must include specific substantiation for the appeal, directly related to fire protection and SB 239 requirements. The appeal shall be heard at the next available Commission meeting that permits adequate public notification. SB 239 does not expedite the LAFCO process when all public agencies agree to the proposed contract. Therefore, in the event that all affected agencies are in agreement to the proposed change in services, the surcharge for the consideration of a fire protection contract will be waived for the applicant and a streamlined administrative approval process will be followed. For more information on the processing fee regarding fire protection contracts, please review the “Processing Fee Schedule” section of this policy.” Here is an overview of the most pertinent sections: Section VII INITIATION CRITERIA – Public agencies interested in providing new or extended fire services must complete the following steps prior to adopting an initiating resolution: • Obtain and submit a written agreement validated and executed by each affected public agency and recognized employee organization that represents firefighters of the existing and proposed service providers consenting to the proposed fire protection contract with their adopted resolution; or • Provide, at least 30 days prior to the hearing in regards to the initiating resolution, a written notice to each affected public agency and recognized employee organization that represents firefighters of the existing proposed service providers of the proposed fire protection contract and submit a copy of each written notice with the resolution of application. The notice shall, at minimum, include a full copy of the proposed contract; and • In addition to completing one of the above steps, public agencies must also conduct an open and public hearing on the resolution pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act or the BagleyKeene Open Meeting Act, as applicable. If a resolution is adopted, the clerk of the public agency or the director of the state agency adopting the resolution of application shall file a certified copy with the LAFCO Executive Officer. A request by a public agency for commission approval of new or extended services provided pursuant to a fire protection contract shall be made by the adoption of a resolution of application as follows: • Non-State Agency: In the case of a public agency that is not a state agency; the application shall be initiated by the adoption of a resolution of application by the legislative body of the public agency proposing to provide new or extended services outside the public agency’s current service area. • State Agency: In the case of a public agency that is a state agency, the application shall be initiated by the director of the state agency proposing to provide new or extended services outside the agency’s current service area and be approved by the Director of Finance. • Local Agency Under
Julian Triangle Club Presents:
Contract: In the case of a public agency that is a local agency currently under contract with a state agency for the provision of fire protection services and proposing to provide new or extended services by the expansion of the existing contract or agreement, the application shall be initiated by the public agency that is a local agency and be approved by the Director of Finance. Section VIII. PLAN FOR SERVICE An application cannot be submitted to LAFCO unless the legislative body of a public agency or the director of a state agency completes a plan for service and independent comprehensive fiscal analysis as part of the application. The plan for service must address the following items: 1. The total estimated cost to provide the new or extended fire protection services in the affected territory; 2. The total estimated cost of the new or extended fire protection services to customers in the affected territory; 3. An identification of existing service providers, if any, of the new or extended services proposed to be provided and the potential fiscal impact to the customers of those existing providers; 4. A plan for financing the exercise of the new or extended fire protection services in the affected territory; 5. Alternatives for the exercise of the new or extended fire protection services in the affected territory; 6. An enumeration and description of the new or extended fire protection services proposed to be extended to the affected territory; 7. The level and range of new or extended fire protection services; 8. An indication of when the new or extended fire protection services can feasibly be extended to the affected territory; 9. An indication of any improvements or upgrades to structures, roads, sewer or water facilities, or other conditions the public agency would impose or require within the affected territory if the fire protection contract is completed; and 10. A determination supported by documentation, that the proposed fire protection contract meets either 25% threshold. The documentation must include a copy of the proposed contract. In addition, if the contract affects 25% of the service area, a map and/or Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefiles recognized by the San Diego LAFCO must be provided in order for data verification by LAFCO. If the contract affects 25% of the employment status, budgetary documents disclosing employment statistics must be provided to LAFCO. Once the Commission receives all documents and JCFPD and the Fire Authority have come to agreement there would be public hearings to approve the absorbing JCFPD into the County Fire Authority. All of the terms presented to JCFPD would have to be negotiated and agreed upon prior to filing for consolidation. The JCFPD could counter the proposal in an attempt to remain independent. That would require a public vote to increase the current service fee that the district collects. The most recent attempt was defeated by the community (Prop P – 2014).
A How To - Brew Craft Beer At The Library Tuesday
Please join us at the Julian Library on Tuesday, July 25 at 6 PM as we welcome Tom Nickel from Nickel Beer Company to speak about craft and home brewing. Nickel Beer Company was founded in 2013 by Tom and Lindsey Nickel, owners of O’Brien’s Pub in San Diego. Tom started homebrewing at the age of 18 and has wanted to open a brewery in Julian since 1995. He worked in local breweries from 1996 to 2005 and in 2004 he was named the World Beer Cup Small Brewing Company Brewmaster of the Year. Tom Nickel, popular as an award-winning brewmaster at Pizza Port and Oggi’s Pizza, is well established in the Craft Brewing industry. He and his wife Lindsey own a home in Julian, and have spent a great deal of time establishing Nickel Beer Co., the brewery and tasting room located on Hollow Glen Rd in Julian, a half-mile from the unincorporated town’s business and tourism core. In the Craft Beer competition at the San Diego County Fair, Nickel was awarded one Gold medal and two Bronze medals for his creations. If you have ever wondered about how beer is made, where to get supplies, including local hops, please join us at the Julian Library for this educational and informative talk. The Library is located at 1850 Highway 78, Julian. For more information, please call the branch at 760-765-0370.
Cruise Night In Julian
A group of local automobile affectionados have started a “Cruise Night” on Sundays to show off their vehicles and in some cases restoration skills. The small group meets at 6 for good conversation and to cruise Main Street.
Arguments were made in the public question and answer period that most of the calls responded to are medical and inferences to most of those being tourists. After reviewing the local fire calls since the first of the year, the majority of medical calls are locals at home, traffic accidents and tourists visiting are not tracked specifically to where they are from and this unscientific appraisal is based solely on addresses that have been responded too. There are many question yet to be answered. Will the volunteers buy in and continue to serve with the Fire Authority? Can The Fire Authority staff the stations with personnel familiar with the
area, to expedite finding some of the less accessible residences? What influence will the board have serving on Fire Authority Council? Can the Board of Supervisors commit to long term funding for fire services, Diane Jacob and Bill Horn, the back country supervisors, are termed out and Ron Roberts will be replaced in 2018. Three votes could end the Fire Authority, which is what happened in 1972 when the JCFPD was started up. The proposal is now on the table. The board will need to respond, with community input. What it comes down to is money and commitment for the long term.
“A Fatal Night at the County Fair”
July 28, 29 and August 4, 5 on the Town Hall Stage www.visitjulian.com
2 The Julian News
July 19, 2017
Tips to Keep Outdoor Summer Fun Going After Dark
Featuring the Finest Local Artists
30352 Highway 78(at Hwy 79)
OPEN Thurs-Monday 11 am - 5pm
Tuesday evening, July 11 at the Julian library with singer Gino Walker and pianist Mark Danisovszky was just what our Librarian quoted from Gino in the JN article; SPIRITFUNKnSOULFUL BLUES. Gino's rich expressive singing, stories and the spirit to get everyone out of their comfortable chair to clap, raise their arms, and dance, including our beautiful librarian Colleen. Gino exuded love for us and for the world community. Please, let's invite them back. Personally, I was moved to joyful tears. Thank you,Colleen, for finding and booking this unforgettable duo, and as always, thanks to the Friends of the Julian Library for their support of this and other terrific events throughout the year. Laurel Granquist
Join Orchard Hill’s Supper Club and experience fine dining in an exclusive private setting.
Orchard Hill is serving its fabulous fourcourse dinner on Saturday and Sunday evenings through the spring of 2017. Chef Doris’s fall menu includes tried and true entrées with seasonal sides and perfectly grilled Brandt’s beef.
Kids who drink before age15 are 5 times more likely to have alcohol problems when they’re adults.
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Dinner is $45 per person. Reservations are required. Please call us for more information at 760-765-1700.
We look forward to seeing you!
The Julian Fourth of July Parade Committee held their wrap-up meeting to discuss the 2017 parade. We continue to try and make improvements as we strive to present the "Best small town parade." We are a volunteer committee and rely on many members of our community to make the parade a success. We would like to thank all of our volunteers, sponsors, Senior Volunteer Sheriff Department, California Highway Patrol, San Diego County Sheriff Department, our local American Legion Post #468, and countless other local and out of town businesses. This year it became evident we need more volunteers to help us prepare for the parade at crunch time: placing flags and bunting up and down Main St. a few days before before the parade and taking them down a few days later. On parade day we need pacers, individuals to carry banners, pass out programs, and distribute water. Please contact Dana Pettersen at 760-703-7593 if you are interested in helping!
220 Cities, 140 Million Americans To Lose Amtrak Service Federal Budget Will Kill U.S. Train Network WE INVITE YOUR OPINION! The views expressed by our contributing writers are their own and not necessarily those of The Julian News management. We invite all parties to submit their opinions and comments to The Julian News. All contributed items are subject to editorial approval prior to acceptance for publication. Letters must include your name and contact information. Letters may be mailed to: Julian News P.O. Box 639 Julian, CA 92036 email: letters@juliannews.com in person: Julian News Office 1453 Hollow Glen Road (9am - 5:00pm Wed-Fri) Deadline is Friday Noon for the next weeks issue
The Julian News ISSN 1937-8416
Michael Hart and Michele Harvey ..... Owners/Publishers Michael Hart .................................. Advertising/Production Circulation/Classified Michele Harvey .......................................................... Editor Don Ray .............................................................. Consultant
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(NAPSA) – This summer travel season may be the last year with train travel as an option for millions of Americans. The AdministrationÕs proposed 2018 budget wipes out funding for almost all Amtrak trains except on the East and West coasts. More than 220 cities and towns will lose train service completely and 140 million people will completely lose an entire transportation mode. “If Congress enacts this budget, our national passenger rail network will largely cease to exist,” said Jim Mathews, National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) president and CEO. “These cuts will have a profound economic impact both nationally, regionally and locally.” Although the trains impacted are often called long-distance trains, they are also local and regional transportation for the areas they serve. In Montana and North Dakota, for example, the Amtrak line goes across both states and connects 19 towns and cities. In Florida, 28 communities are bound together by Amtrak trains that offer a real option for family and business travelers. This summer, the National Association of Railroad Passengers is organizing Americans across the country to participate in ÒRally For TrainsÓ in an effort to demonstrate the significant impact trains have on the lives of Americans. ““Rally For Trains” symbolizes the broad support Americans have for trains and passenger rail,” Mathews continued. “We will push back until our collective voice is heard, and get the funding passenger rail deserves – and America needs.” Although the White House budget is regularly ignored by the Congress, it is often seen as an opening bid in the federal budget negotiation process. This budget slashes infrastructure investment and completely eliminates funding for long-distance rail across the United States. Cuts to Amtrak, transit, and commuter rail programs, and even air service to rural towns, would not only cost construction and manufacturing jobs, but will place a disproportionate amount of pain on rural and working-class communities. The people who will suffer the most are those who rely on passenger rail to get to their job, for an ADA-compliant mode of travel, and for people in so-called Òflyover country,Ó where other transportation options are limited. The full list of towns at-risk of losing Amtrak service is published at www.TownsWithoutTrains.com, and information on the rallies being planned continues to be added.
With the right lighting tools, your summer adventures can last long after the sun has set. (StatePoint) Your outdoor where guests will be moving summer fun doesn’t have to stop about. Battery-powered or after sundown. hardwired options will give Whether you’re hosting a guests sure footing throughout backyard barbecue, enjoying an your yard. evening hike, or simply hanging • Incorporate flashlights into out with friends and family, these the fun itself. On your next lighting tips from the experts at camping trip, stake out a space Energizer can keep summer fun for a game of flashlight tag. Bring going long after dark. enough lights so everyone can • Barbecuing? Ensure the grill join in on the fun. Afterward, master has sufficient lighting to head back to the campfire and let do the job safely. Strategically your flashlight make your scary placed lanterns on patio tables story that much spookier. • Use the right lighting tools for and near the grill will ensure the meat is cooked to perfection evening hikes and neighborhood and guests enjoy a well-lit dog walks. A lightweight headlight al fresco dining experience. with pivoting functionality can help Consider lanterns which provide you direct light where it’s needed 360-degree uniform lighting, and keep your hands free to clear such as those from Energizer, bramble, get a tighter hold of that which have dimming capabilities, leash, or snap a photo of the offering you more control of your evening sky. Consider headlights outdoor lighting scheme. from Energizer, which are water • You may be closely familiar resistant and drop-tested to with every rock and stick in your stand up to tough conditions. For more lighting solutions that backyard, but guests probably aren’t. Before your next party or will brighten your summer nights, barbecue, illuminate pathways visit Energizer.com/lighting.
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Back-to-School Medical Musts
helps prevent infection by the two types of HPV that cause most genital warts. However, the vaccine works only if given well before an infection occurs. That's why, in part, the American Cancer Society recommends that boys and girls get the vaccine at ages 11-12 to achieve the best immune response and most complete coverage against cancer-causing strains of HPV. Despite the power of the HPV vaccination to prevent cancers caused by HPV, in 2015, only 28 percent of boys and 42 percent of girls completed the series. Many boys and girls in the United States are not getting the HPV vaccine and are missing the protection it could provide. More than 200 million doses of the HPV vaccine have been distributed worldwide, with more than 80 million doses in the U.S. Safety monitoring of the vaccine in 80 countries has revealed that most side effects were mild and similar to those seen with any other vaccine. For more information, contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 or visit cancer. org/hpv. HPV 101 * HPV is short for human papilloma virus. * HPV's are a large group of
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related viruses, each of which is given a number called an HPV type. * Most HPV types cause warts on skin of the arms, chests, hands and feet. * Genital HPV types are found on mucous membranes, such as the vagina, anus, mouth and throat, rather than on skin. * Cancers linked to HPV infection include: cervical, vulvar, vaginal, penile, anal, mouth and throat. * HPV is common. Most men and women who have ever had sex will get HPV at some point in their lives, but in most cases it goes away without treatment. * There is no treatment for HPV, but there are treatments for the cell changes that HPV can cause. * Most HPV infections that lead to cancer can be prevented with vaccines, and most cervical cancers can be prevented with regular screenings. HPV Vaccine Facts and Fears As a way to help protect children from getting cancer as they get older, the American Cancer Society recommends HPV vaccines as a safe and effective practice. However, there are myths and rumors surrounding the potentially lifesaving vaccine. The vaccine is safe. While it may make some people dizzy and nauseated following injection, the vaccine rarely causes bad side effects. Instead, there may be common side effects like pain, redness or swelling where the shot was given. The vaccine doesn't cause fertility problems. Research shows that HPV vaccines don't cause fertility problems, and can actually help protect women from future
fertility problems linked to cervical cancer. The vaccine doesn't contain harmful ingredients. Some parents may worry about the presence of aluminum in the vaccine, but it's a safe amount. Vaccines containing aluminum have been in use for years and used on more than 1 billion people. The vaccine is for males and females. While cervical cancer is one of the main cancers caused by HPV, the HPV vaccine is for both males and females. There are also cancers found in men that can be caused by HPV, including cancers of the anus, penis, throat and tongue. Ages for Vaccination To increase the chances of successful vaccination, the American Cancer Society recommends the following: * Routine HPV vaccination for girls and boys should start at ages 11-12. The vaccination series can be started as early as age 9. * HPV vaccination is also recommended for females 13-26 years old and males 13-21 years old who have not started the vaccines, or who have started but not completed the series. Males 22-26 years old may also be vaccinated. However, it is important for people 22-26 years old who have not started the vaccines or completed the series to know that the vaccination at older ages can be less effective in lowering cancer risk. * HPV vaccination is also recommended through age 26 for men who have sex with men and for people with weakened immune systems (including people with HIV), if they have not previously been vaccinated.
Make No Mistake Play Is Crucial, Experts Say
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(NAPSA) - While most kids score an ‘A’ in play, many parents need to understand just how crucial play is for their children’s development. That’s the consensus experts share in “The American State of Play” report published by The Genius of Playª, a national Parenting experts and educators say movement to raise awareness of that if parents understood just how play’s vital benefits. crucial play was for their children’s “The latest research shows development, they’d encourage that children are spending less their kids to play more often. time playing than ever before and it’s a problem,” says Dana Points, a parenting expert and one of the report’s contributors. “Play is one of the most essential elements of learning, helping kids develop social, emotional and cognitive skills. Yet overly structured schedules, increased screen time and diminishing recesses in schools are getting in the way.” To help your child learn, explore, create and evolve through play, check out these tips: • Engage in All Types of Play. Kids learn through all play, but not all play must be structured and not all play is the same. Kids may take part in active, cooperative, creative, even solitary play in a single afternoon, with and without actual toys. • Use Play as a Learning Tool. Enrolling children in a program to learn a skill is not the same as just letting kids play. The pressure parents feel to make sure their kids are getting the best training can be counterproductive to the positive emotional, social and skill-based learning they get through play. • Recognize the Power of Recess. Recess helps kids learn. Research shows that children are more attentive after recess. • Trust Your Kids, Within Boundaries. Teach kids problem-solving skills to help them make better decisions and then set certain parameters in terms of knowing where they are, giving them space and trusting their judgment. That’s how kids learn independence, competence, and confidence they need for success in life. • Guide Children’s Tech Use. Give kids time to explore virtual worlds and tech-based play but set limits, just as you do with everything else. Parents can be role models in how to use technology in a responsible way. • Let Kids Lead the Way. Parents learn much more from children when they interact and play with them on their terms. Just being present plays a significant role. More expert advice and everyday play ideas based on a child’s age or developmental stage are available at TheGeniusofPlay.org. To support The Genius of Play’s mission to bring more play into kids’ lives and get daily play inspiration and facts, follow @GeniusOfPlay on Facebook and Instagram.
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(Family Features) It's the time of year when school supply lists, new shoes and first-day photos are on every parent's checklist. Back-to-school season is also the time when pre-teens should receive the tetanus-diphtheriaacelluar pertussis (Tdap) vaccine, the HPV vaccine and meningococcal vaccines to get the best protection from serious, sometimes deadly, diseases. Protecting Your Child In the United States, approximately 30,000 cancers caused by HPV are diagnosed each year. Nearly all cases of cervical cancer are caused by infection with high-risk types of HPV. The virus also has been linked to five other types of cancer. It is estimated that 79 million Americans are currently infected and that there are 14 million new HPV infections each year. Many people who are infected will never know it. However, there is a safe and effective tool to prevent this cancer burden - the HPV vaccine. Cancer Prevention The HPV vaccine prevents the nine types of HPV that cause 90 percent of all cervical cancers and pre-cancers, as well as most cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus and throat. It also
kat@julianyarn.com www.julianyarn.com
A Look At The Vibrancy Of The Human Spirit (NAPSA) – As a special tribute to the people involved in a 75-yearold atrocity, modern American veterans and others participate in the annual Bataan Memorial Death March challenge. What Happened Then It commemorates the forced march of Filipino and American civilian and service members captured in 1942. Approximately 10,000 individuals died along the roughly 62-mile route to the Japanese camps. What Happens Now Today’s 26.2-mile trek tests participants’ humility, endurance and perseverance. It originates on high desert trails that consist of sand, gravel, and paved roads within the Organ Mountains in southwestern New Mexico. The Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, located 10 miles east of the city of Las Cruces, was created in May 2014. The elevation of Las Cruces, 3,908 feet above sea level, adds an extra challenge for participants who hail from lower altitudes. This year, the challenge included the first five-person blinded veteran team: Operation Peer Support’s Nate Gorham, Steve Baskis, Lonnie Bedwell, Dan Standage and Tim Hornik. They all trekked the entire route with support from Blind Endeavors’ Victor Henderson and Kevin Baskis, the Southwestern Blind veterans Nate Gorham, Blind Rehabilitation Center’s Steve Baskis, Lonnie Bedwell, Dan Nancy Standage and Terry Standage and Tim Hornik walk the Kebbel, and friends and family. 26.2-mile Bataan Memorial Death Operation Peer Support is one of March challenge. the many programs through which the Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) helps veterans with vision problems and their families. Through its programs, regional groups, resources, and advocacy before the legislative and executive branches of government, BVA makes life better for blinded veterans regardless of how their blindness was acquired or whether they belong to the organization. How They Did It The blind marchers used a combination of trekking poles, white canes, iTunes music and other vocal commands. The formation possessed a center point consisting of Kevin and Steve Baskis walking in single file connected with a cane. Steve carried a Bluetooth speaker that pumped out a series of play lists from iTunes music on his iPhone 7, which allowed everyone else to orient themselves with the audio cues and help from sighted guides. How They Felt About It As Dan Standage put it, “The greatest thing about the march to me was the chance to be surrounded by my fellow veterans. This provided the opportunity for each of us to share where we are in our lives, share questions and offer advice.” Added Lonnie Bedwell, “One of the toughest aspects of being blind is making time and developing strategies to engage in physical activities. We have great opportunities like VA’s Move program and networks like www.UnitedInStride.com, which pairs blind individuals with sighted guides. Blindness should not cause your life to stop but provide you with the chance to solve problem situations.” One Inspiration They were all heartened by meeting and walking with actual veterans of the Bataan Death March. One, Colonel Ben Skardon, was 24 years old when captured by the Japanese. This year marked the tenth time the now 99-year-old walked 8.5 miles of the route. Learn More For further information on the trek, go to bataanmarch.com. For facts on Operation Peer Support and other Blinded Veterans Association programs, go to bva.org.
*** No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true. — Nathaniel Hawthorne ***
4 The Julian News
Julian Calendar
CALENDAR LISTINGS If you are having or know of an event in Julian, Lake Cuyamaca, Ranchita, Warner Springs, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley Sunshine Summit or elsewhere that should be listed in the Backcountry Happenings column, please contact the JULIAN NEWS at PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036, voice/fax 760 765 2231 email: submissions@ juliannews.com or bring the information by our office.
Julian Community Planning Group 2nd Monday Every Month Town Hall - 7pm Architectural Review Board 1st Tuesday of the Month Julian Town Hall Downstairs - 7pm Julian Chamber of Commerce Mixer - 1st Thursday of Month Board - 3rd Thursday of Month Town Hall - 6pm 760 765 1857 Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District 2nd Tuesday of The Month 10am at the Julian Women’s Club House - 3rd Street Julian Community Services District Third Tuesday of every month at 10:00 A.M. at the San Diego County Sheriff ’s Office, Julian Substation, Public Meeting Room, 2907 Washington Street, Julian Julian Women’s Club 1st Wednesday - 1pm 2607 C Street information: 760 765 0212 Julian Historical Society Presentations, 4th Wednesday of the Month Julian Historical Society Building, 2133 4th Street - 7 pm Julian Arts Guild General Meeting: Second Wednesday of the Month, Julian Library - 3 pm Program: Fourth Tuesday of Month Julian Library - 6:00 ESL Class - Tuesday/Thursday Improve your English skills with a Palomar College Instructor Julian Library, 4-6pm Zumba Aerobics with Gaynor Every Monday and Thursday Town Hall - 6pm, info: 619 540-7212 Julian Arts Chorale Rehearsals at JCUMC Monday @ 6:15 Every Tuesday Tai Chi with Rich. Julian Library - 9 AM Healthy Yoga with Lori Munger HHP,RYT Julian Library - 10am Every Wednesday @ Julian Library 10am - Baby Story Time with Miss Joanne 10:30am - Preschool Story Time and Crafts with Miss Joanne 11:00am - Sit and Fit for Seniors - Gentle Stretching and flexibility exercises with Matt Kraemer 4:30 - Qi Gong - An ancient Chinese healing system using physical postures and breathing to guide and replenish energy, with Vika Golovanova. Second & Fourth Wednesdays Feeding San Diego Julian Library parking lot - 10:00am Every Thursday VET Connect - VA services available at Julian library. Call 858-694-3222 for appointment. Thursdays, 9am-4pm. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday Julian Lions Club 7pm downstairs at the town hall Every 1st & 3rd Thursday Lego Club, Lego building for kids grade K-5. All materials supplied. Julian Library - 2:30pm.
Back Country Happenings
Gary Starkey Debut On The Patio
Rise & Shine Breakfast Specials - 7 to 10 weekdays
Every Friday Stories In Motion with Veronica - Julian Library 10am Afternoon Movie Time - 3pm Every Saturday Techie Saturday at Julian Library - We now have a 3D printer! Come in on any Saturday and get individual instruction and assistance. Every Sunday (Weather permitting) Julian Doves & Desperados historic comedy skits at 1 pm, 2 pm & 3 pm – stage area behind Julian Market & Deli.
Wednesday, July 19 Chamber of Commerce Merchants Picnic at Menghini Winery 6-8 Saturday, July 22 Movie In The Park “The Jungle Book” Jess Martin Park - sunset Tuesday, July 25 JHS Registration
Something different 5 days a week, includes house coffee
Gary Starkey will bring his barritone to the patio at Wynola Pizza and Bistro Friday night. A singer of country and pop tunes that all can relate too. If you haven’t already checked out the new bar inside the Red Barn this could be your opportunity to sample a craft cocktail and enjoy an evening of music and libation. Wynola Pizza and Bistro summer hours are; Monday - Wedesday: 11:00 am until 8:00 pm Thursday and Sunday: 11:00am until 9;00pm. Friday and Saturday 11:00am until 10:00pm. No cover charge live music on Thursday(Open Mic Night), Friday and Saturday Nights. 6-9:00 pm
Wednesday, July 26 Feeding San Diego. Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. Julian Library - 10:00 Thursday, July 27 Hot & Cold Summer Finale Celebrate the end of summer with an ice cream social, and a demo from the Fire Department, with a real fire truck Julian Library - 11am
*Newly Renovated*
All 23 rooms combine modern comforts of A/C, private baths, flat screen TV and free WiFi Vintage mountain charm perfect for groups or romantic getaways
4th and ‘C’ Street
Friday, July 28 FINE FREE FRIDAY Julian Library Friday, July 28 Triangle Club Presents: Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre “A Fatal Night at the County Fair” Julian Town Hall Stage Saturday, July 29 Triangle Club Presents: Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre “A Fatal Night at the County Fair” Julian Town Hall Stage
Tuesday, August 1 Music On The Mountain Trevor McSpaden Julian Library - 6pm Friday, August 4 Back Country Honky Tonk with Nancarrow American Legion Tickets $20 includes: Basket of “Fair Inspired Foods,” 6:30pm - 11pm Friday, August 4 Triangle Club Presents: Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre “A Fatal Night at the County Fair” Julian Town Hall Stage Saturday, August 5 3rd Annual “Sip of Julian” Tickets are available exclusively at Brown Paper Tickets (juliansip2017. brownpapertickets.com) for $25.00 each, ages 21 and up only. Sales are limited 11am - 5pm
760 765 1020
Home Crafted & Vintage Items • Home Sewn Kitchen Items • Baskets • Glassware • Books • Souvenirs Open 11-5 • Wed — Sun closed Monday & Tuesdays 2116 Main Street - Downstairs
OPEN DAILY - HOME STYLE COOKING 1921 Main Street 760 765 2900
Whole Lota Swinin’ Going On Liz Grace - Saturday
Tuesday, July 25 Craft Brewing Join Tom Nickel and local hops growers as they discuss how to brew at home and where to get local hops. Julian Library - 6pm
Downtown Julian - Cole Bldg.
July 19, 2017
(760) 765 1420
The Swing Thing Trio at Wynola Pizza and Bistro on the Patio, under the summer sky from 6-9 for great food and music from The Great American Songbook. Jon Garner on guitar, Mark Markowitz on drum with Liz Grace interpeting the music. The Swing Thing celebrates songs from the Golden Age of music with a modern groove all their own. “Liz Grace sings these dusty, deepfried and well-written tales with lilting ease and genuine accessibility.” — Scott McDonald, San Diego CITYBEAT. A love for this era in musical history was the reason the band was formed as all of the musicians involved also play with a variety of different bands & talents. From Rock & Roll to Gypsy Jazz to Country, the band can cover it all. Playing LIVE music is not only a passion for Liz but also for all the boys in the band. Your ears will be treated to everything from Frank Sinatra to Peggy Lee, from Nat King Cole to Ella Fitzgerald & songs made famous by many stars of a bygone era in music. The band is proud to keep this great American music alive & bringing it to as many ears as will listen with a modern twist you will enjoy.
Julian Historical Society
Monthly presentations on the fourth Wednesday of the month The Historical Society Building 2133 4th Street
Upcoming Wynola Pizza & Bistro Shows:
Every Thursday — Open Mic Nite 6 to 8 Friday July 28 – Enter The Blue Sky Saturday July 29 – Folding Mr. Lincoln For more information call Wynola Pizza & Bistro 760-765-1004 www.wynolapizza.com
• On July 18, 64 A.D., the great fire of Rome breaks out and destroys much of the city. Despite the well-known stories, there is no evidence that the Roman emperor, Nero, played the fiddle while Rome burned. The fiddle did not even exist at the time, and Nero was 35 miles away when the fire broke out. • On July 21, 365 A.D., a powerful earthquake causes a tsunami that devastates the city of Alexandria, Egypt. The tsunami wave carried ships over the sea walls, landing many on top of buildings. Some 5,000 people lost their lives. • On July 23, 1918, Della Sorenson kills the first of her seven
victims in rural Nebraska. Over the next seven years, friends, relatives and acquaintances died under mysterious circumstances. Sorenson was arrested and confessed, saying, "I like to attend funerals. I'm happy when someone is dying." • On July 17, 1955, Disneyland opens on 160 acres of former orange groves in Anaheim, California. Today, Disneyland hosts more than 14 million visitors a year. • On July 20, 1973, actor and martial-arts expert Bruce Lee dies in Los Angeles at age 32 from a brain edema, possibly caused by a reaction to a prescription painkiller. Growing up, Lee was a child actor who appeared in 20 Chinese films. • On July 19, 1989, 21-yearold actress Rebecca Shaeffer is murdered at her Los Angeles home by Robert John Bardo, a mentally unstable man who had
Proudly serving visitors for over 25 years, including friends and family of our backcountry neighbors and residents
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Our adjacent BLACK OAK CABIN provides another option for your getaway! www.butterfieldbandb.com
For More Information: 760-765-2179 or 800-379-4262 been stalking her. Schaeffer's death helped lead to the passage in California of legislation aimed at preventing stalking. • On July 22, 2003, Army Pvt. Jessica Lynch, a prisoner of war who was rescued from an
Iraqi hospital, receives a hero's welcome when she returns to the U.S. Critics -- and Lynch herself -- later charged the U.S. government with embellishing her story to promote the Iraq war. © 2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
The Julian News 5
July 19, 2017
Another Grand Opening On Main Street
Saturday - Chamber President Ed Glass helped cut the ribbon At Yogi Picnic Baskets at 2112 Main Street, recently relocated from Wynola. Shop owner Gloria Andrews is all smiles. You can also check them out online at: yogipicnicbaskets.com.
by Kiki Skagen Munshi
Welcome To The 19th Century
Bantry, Cork, Ireland – The Cork Chamber Music Festival was a revelation. Out of the way, renowned in chamber music circles, concerts held variously in a church in the small town of Bantry and in a 16th century Irish manor house. Fourteen concerts in six days for us; more for those who stayed on till the end of the week. Mainly, it has dragged us kicking and screaming into the musical 19th century.
My Thoughts by Michele Harvey
June 23 1942 - April 9, 2017
A Fresh Memory This past week a fire burned between Lakeside and Alpine, in the Flynn Springs area, along the south side of Interstate 8. Many of us watched the progress of firefighters on our televisions as we listened to the news reporters update us on how many acres had burned, how many houses were evacuated and how many people were allowed to return to their homes after the fire danger had passed. That was during the day. That night, as I lay in bed, I smelled smoke. It wasn’t cigarette smoke and it wasn’t the stale smoke that the east wind sometimes pushes down the chimney of our fireplace into our house. The smoke I smelled that night took me immediately back to my memories of the Cedar Fire of 2003. I don’t think I can ever forget the odor of so much burning vegetation. We didn’t lose our house, but the fire came onto our property from 3 different directions. It burned a lot of our land and burned down our out buildings. I wasn’t frightened by the odor of the Jennings Fire last week. Mostly the fact that the fire was so far away and the fact that it wasn’t moving toward us helped me to sleep decently that night. When I first moved to downtown Julian in 1984, I once stood on my front porch above our road and saw smoke drifting through town. I thought it was a bit scary until my neighbor told me the smoke was from a fire in Poway. It took me a few years of living here in the back country to understand that the many canyons in San Diego County cause smoke drifts to move around in what may seem to many of us to be in odd directions. I’m still impressed by smelling smoke that has drifted over 50 miles. I don’t like smelling smoke from a distant brush fire, ever; however I am impressed that it can travel so far. I have developed a philosophical mind set about wild fires. If I’m in a good position to evacuate my entire family who live on our property and if I can evacuate all of our cats and the chicken, then that’s what we will concentrate on and any of our possessions that we can remove from danger will be a bonus. Since Mike and I depend on our computers for our incomes, they would be packed next. Water is always important, so I keep a few bottles in the trunk of my car at all times. I always do my best to keep plenty of gasoline in our vehicle gas tanks because our vehicles are vital to get us away from a wildfire. Each of us has a different idea of what would be important to take if evacuation is necessary. Not only do we need to be aware of fire danger; we also need to remember that we live in an area that is prone to having earthquakes. Either disaster could affect us badly in major ways. Immediately after the Cedar fire and for weeks after the fire raged through our area, many places that were once familiar to us had changed. The greens had turned to all tones of grey. Everywhere a person looked, we essentially saw black and white photos before us. Though the fire will always be remembered for its damaging effects, in some ways it also brought renewal. Thousands of beetle infested dead and dying pine trees burned. The thick carpets of leaves and pine needles that covered the floors of our local forests burned away and were replaced by ashes that fertilized the newly exposed ground. Clint Powell, our local naturalist at that time told me that wild tulips sprouted on Volcan Mountain that hadn’t been seen for 75 years. Cuyamaca exploded in wild flowers that were nourished by the ashes from the Cedar Fire. Wild mustard also became more noticeable because after the fire the plants were huge compared to previous years. I don’t want to make less of the losses that so many people dealt with, including the loss of faith in their insurance companies. Some areas like Harrison Park, which lost all but 8 of its 120 homes, lost its character. So many people felt rushed to rebuild their homes that many homes look modern and similar in ways that never happened before. Previous to the Pines Fire of 2002, the Cedar Fire of 2003 and the McCoy and Witch fires of 2007, houses were built in this area one by one. Some of the earliest houses were built in the 1800s in the style of houses and cabins built in that time period with supplies available during that time. Each decade has its own style of houses that are built and it was always apparent that individual houses have been built here throughout the decades. Since the fires, many of the new houses look similar and it will take time for all of them to gain individual character. Meantime, I see that weeds are getting thicker and taller each year. Maybe we put the major fires to the back of our minds. Maybe we have forgotten how little wind and how few sparks it takes to make a small fire into a very large wildfire. We haven’t done a very good job of keeping our land as clear as we should. I think we need to freshen our memories of how frightening those wild fires were and do our best to prevent fire spreading to our properties again. These are my thoughts.
How To Make Practicing Music Fun For Kids It's not solely because of Beethoven and Schubert and such. It's because the 20th century works.... well, they're not all unpleasant and some are actually pretty worth listening to but many of those presented here are indeed modern. VERY modern. Screeches and scrapes and thumps and howls kind of thing. Some are interesting, some are lovely (well, one or two) and most are, shall we say, challenging. At this point it's a relief to hear something as old-fashioned as Brahms. All this is a bit esoteric but the whole Bantry Festival scene is a bit out of a dream for a Californian. In the first place, there is the Irish weather. In this SW corner of the (really, truly) Emerald Isle it's gray 90% of the time and often drizzling. Then there is that emerald green, punctuated by flowers, particularly hydrangeas which flourish, great mounds of improbable purples and blues and pinks. The seals are cute, sea lions with fur, better whiskers and twitchy noses. Maureen O'Hara came from here. We had a foray to an island where Kate Middleton was reputedly in attendance at a reception (we weren't allowed in but walked right by, like three feet from, the roped off area) and certainly her sister was... and there was no visible security. And no one stared or tried to get through the velvet rope into the open pavilion. It was on a garden island, only walking paths, reachable by ferry, and the Brits know the names of all the flowers. One feels inadequate and uneducated. In spite of that, all the Brits attending the Festival have been open and friendly and readily entered into conversation belying their general reputation. The Irish, of course, are friendly and helpful but in Julian we're a tourist town and we know how that works. The food, not incidentally, is excellent and the soda bread is brown, not white and, indeed, it's an interesting experience. One we recommend to anyone interested in really good classical music. If they like the modern stuff. Next music trip--Bach cantatas. Forward into the past! Enough of modernity. But we really, really have tried to listen to 20th century classical music and really, really have gained appreciation for the later 19th century.
Melvyn (Merv) Thomas Martin
(StatePoint) While many children enthusiastically elect to study music, not all of them stick with the program. This is because many kids are surprised by the challenges associated with learning to play an instrument. If you are familiar with the many benefits of music education, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to help kids commit continued on page 10
Merv (Melvyn Thomas) Martin, much loved and cherished husband, father, father-in-law and mapa of his family passed away on the 9 April 2017 at Seabrae Manor, Rothwell, Brisbane, surrounded by his family. In September 1999 Merv and his loving wife (Elaine) of 52 years five months and two days packed their bags and set out for an adventure to the USA. Merv had a product he wanted to share with car enthusiasts (which was developed in Canada), Little did they know but the people they met and helped became part of their families. They enjoyed the country life of Ramona and decided to see if they could find some more kind of work suited to their abilities, hence they ended up at Little Iowa Board and Care caring for the residents living there much to their surprise this place felt like home and they entered into the community activities such as the Senior Centre in Ramona and met folk who could entertain the residents make their life more enjoyable. After leaving Little Iowa Board and Care the couple did live in hospice care and took folk to do their shopping as well as their doctors and hospital appointments. Merv was a brilliant mechanic and would often be called upon by folk he met to repair or assist them in fixing their vehicles to run as perfect, as he would say. Something he enjoyed and was able to use his talent helping many folk. In 2006 they decided it was time to return home to the other side of the world to connect with family again. Arriving in New Zealand for two weeks then on to Australia . As Elaine looks back at the past she thinks that Merv must have been feeling not so well and for some reason felt the need to return home to family, As Elaine says it feels more like home here in Ramona than in New Zealand, where she was born, and Australia, where she now lives, but it is nice to be close to family and treasure them being close by. In 2009 Merv suffered a 4.5 cm cerebral haemorrhage. He spent two months in Royal Brisbane Hospital and a month at the Prince Charles Rehab unit recovering.. When he returned home he was cared for by Elaine until July 2014 when he was once again admitted to Prince Charles Hospital and subsequently admitted to Seabrae Manor nursing home. Merv remained bedridden for the the rest of his life and was cared for lovingly by the staff and management until his passing. Elaine visited Merv daily spending time feeding him breakfast, lunch and treats she brought for him. He was aware of everything going on around him but unable to speak or do anything for himself for the last two years. Elaine would like to thank all those in the Ramona and Julian area who took them into their hearts and homes and made them feel part of their family. She has many beautiful memories, as did Merv, of the times they spent here. Including their time as Dorsa O'Dell's caretakers. Any messages of condolences can be sent to : Mr and Mrs Blair Savage 1635 H Street, Ramona CA 92065
From The Supervisor’s Desk
Notes from Supervisor Dianne Jacob Scram, scammers: Many crooks think seniors are easy to rip off, so it’s important we do all we can to fight these frauds. I recently had the chance to speak with leaders of the Greater San Diego Association of Realtors as they launched an initiative to combat financial crimes against older residents. In recent years, the District Attorney’s Office and other law enforcement agencies have stepped up their efforts to fight scammers, with the help of a public awareness campaign called “Don’t Get Hooked.” I’ve held a series of “Don’t Get Hooked” forums across my district to educate seniors and caregivers on the issue. These are lot of different scams out there and folks need tools to fight back. I’m looking to host another forum this fall. Stay tuned for details. Problem pipeline: A pipeline route proposed by SDG&E threatens to disrupt business and traffic -- and could destroy critical habitat. I recently joined Poway Mayor Steve Vaus and others in asking state regulators to take a hard look at the route and consider other options. The pipeline should steer clear of any open space preserves, such as Goodan Ranch and the Sycamore Canyon Preserve. Wildfire warning: It’s a message we can’t say enough this time of year -- be prepared! Peak wildfire season will soon be here and now is the time to make sure you’re as ready as possible. The county, working closely with Cal Fire, has many firefighters and resources at the ready across our vulnerable backcountry, but property owners need to take steps too. Wondering where to begin? Go to ReadySanDiego.org . For more District 2 news, go to www.diannejacob.com or follow me on Facebook and Twitter. If I can assist with a county issue, please call my office at 619-531-5522 or email dianne.jacob@sdcounty. ca.gov Have a great East County day!
ic Tea
6 The Julian News
Back Country Dining
July 19, 2017
Winery Guide
Daily Lunch Specials
Daily Dinner Specials
open 2pm Mon-Thur open 11:30 Fri - Sun SENIORS THURSDAYS $6 -
760 765-1810
Located just 1/2 mile east of downtown off Highway 78
11:30AM - 8:30PM
Julian 760
offering - tasters - pints - 32oz or 64oz jugs of beer to-go dog friendly Patio 1485 Hollow Glen Road Phone 760-765-BEER [2337]
Drive Thru Service For To-Go Orders
Visit us online at: www.nickelbeerco.com
Lake Cuyamaca
Breakfast Lunch or Dinner
Gateway To All of The Back Country Corner of 78 & 79 in Santa Ysabel
Only a Short ride from downtown Julian
Groups Please Call
760 765 3495 Ample Parking
RV • Trailer • Motorcycle
Your Table Awaits
Open Daily 6am to 8pm
Wednesday thru Sunday - 7 to 3
Don’t forget Monday is Donuts Day OPEN: Mon/Tues 7:30 -3:30 Wed-Fri 7 - 5 Sat/Sun 7 - 6
Dine In or Takeout • Wine and Beer 15027 Highway 79 at the Lake
2128 4th Street • Julian Julian
760•765•0700 Julian
2718 B Street - Julian Reservations 760 765 1003
Cool Off In Our Newly Air Conditioned Tearoom
See our menu at www.romanosrestaurantjulian.com
760 765 0832
one block off Main Street
10 am- 4 pm Thursday through Monday CLOSED Tuesday and Wednesday
Friday and Saturday are Cheese Fondue nights A fun party for the family!
3:00 to 6:00
Julian & Wynola
Homemade soups, fried chicken, pot pies, meatloaf, mac ‘n’ cheese and other delights. All homemade, soul-warming and DELICIOUS!!
Pies, Soups & Sandwiches Holiday Baking
Julian Tea & Cottage Arts
STEAKS • SEAFOOD • PRIME RIB • FULL BAR • Lunch and Dinner • Patio Dining 765-0173 2224 Main Street Mid-Week Dinner Specials
Carmen’s Garden Friday Night Prime Rib is BACK!
2018 Main Street • 760 765 4600
2119 Main St. Julian
4510 Hwy 78 Wynola
760-765-2472 Julian
Breakfast served Friday - Monday Open 7 Days a Week
v 760.765.2900
Breakfast & Lunch v Made To Order Organic Fair Trade Coffee & Espresso Bar Pies & Pastries Made In-House (gluten free available)
Wynola Casual, Relaxed
Julian’s First Producing Winery
Julian & Santa Ysabel
Established 1982
Open: *Every Day 11 - 4
Family Friendly
*Except: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day
MORE THAN JUST GREAT PIZZA! Sunday thru Friday and Thursday Saturday 11am - 8:00pm 11am - 9:00pm
ENTERTAINMENT EVERY Friday & Saturday 6-9
WOOD-FIRED PIZZA • Every Sat & Sun afternoon BBQ/Grill Specials • “From Scratch” Salads, Soups, Desserts (760) 765-1004 3 miles west of Julian on Hwy. 78/79
Dine Inside, Outside Take Out Conference Facilities
Over 35 varieties of beer, ale and hard cider
Two locations to serve you:
Santa Ysabel
2225 Main Street 21976 Hwy. 79 (760) 765-2449 (760) 765-2400 www.julianpie.com
Your Location Here
Showcase Your Restaurant In Our Dining Guide 13 Weeks - $175 26 Weeks - $325 52 Weeks - $600 You Can Do It, for Tips!
1. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of kangaroos called? 2. MEASUREMENTS: How many tablespoons are in a gallon? 3. LANGUAGE: What does the Spanish word “verde” mean in English? 4. U.S. STATES: Which U.S. state has the longest freshwater shoreline? 5. ANATOMY: What side of the brain is believed to be important for logic and rational thought? 6. FOOD & DRINK: What was the first successful brand of instant coffee? continued on page 12
Tasting Room and Picnic Area
1150 Julian Orchards Drive
2 miles North of Julian out Farmer Road
760 765 2072
Chef’s Corner Zucchini Season
I call summertime zucchini season because it is so abundant in farmers markets and backyard gardens. Anyone who has grown zucchini knows that a little planting goes a long way. Nothing inspires a gardener to be generous to friends and neighbors like an abundant crop of zucchini! Zucchini is the most popular squash in the U.S. It can be eaten raw with dip or added to salad, stirfry, soups, casseroles and mixed vegetables. It also can be served as a side dish -- freshly sauteed by itself or with other summer squash. As long as it’s not fried, zucchini is a very low-calorie vegetable -- 1/2 cup of cooked zucchini is just 18 calories and has 1 gram of protein. Zucchini is 94 percent water. There is no recommendation for canning zucchini because of its high water content, which causes zucchini to get soft and tightly packed during the canning process. This makes it hard for zucchini to reach the required temperatures it needs to assure
safety for low-acid foods. Maybe you’ve run out of ways to prepare zucchini, and friends and neighbors are no longer returning your phone calls. Here are some recipes to transform your abundant crop into tasty snacks, plus tips for preserving your bumper crop for future dishes. And remember, with zucchini recipes, you’re only limited by your imagination! SUMMERTIME ZUCCHINI PASTA 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 small onion, finely diced 2 pounds zucchini, sliced into 1/4-inch-thick pieces (cut larger zucchini in half lengthwise
before slicing) 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 ounce basil, about 2 cups loose leaves 1 pound ziti or other dry pasta 8 ounces ricotta, about 1 cup 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper Zest of 1 lemon 2 ounces grated Parmesan, pecorino or a mixture, about 1 cup, plus more for serving 1. Put a pot of water on to boil. In a large skillet over mediumcontinued on page 12
July 19, 2017
The Julian News 7
Birds, snakes, alligators and mosquitoes.
What might you see in swamps?
Newspaper Fun! www.readingclubfun.com
by Bill Fink Gitche Gumee, 46°59.91’N 85°06.61’W
by Bic Montblanc
Edmund Bacon Fitzgerald was born in 1926 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was well educated at private schools and went to the University of Michigan. In 1943 he joined the Marine Corps and served until 1946 and again in 1950 until 1952. Edmund was rooted in the upper midwest as was his business career. He was chief executive officer for a number of companies and served on the board of directors for other large firms. He was known in the baseball world for tirelessly working to bring baseball back to Milwaukee after the Braves pulled up stakes for Atlanta. In 1970 he cofounded the Milwaukee Brewers and baseball was back in Wisconsin. He was a respected and well known figure in the baseball world and at various times he served on major league baseball executive committees. Though he was a successful businessman, Edmund B. Fitzgerald’s fame would forever be linked to the disaster of his namesake, the Great Lakes freighter, the SS Edmund Fitzgerald. While serving on the board of Northwest Mutual Life Insurance he directed the construction of the largest Great Lakes freighter of its time. When he was not present at a meeting of the board, they voted unanimously to name the ship after him. The ship was 729 feet long with a 75 foot beam. It could do 14 knots with a load of over 25,000 tons. Its keel was laid in August 1957 and less than a year later it was christened by Fitzgerald’s mother and launched on June 7, 1958. The ship was a huge commercial success and the pride of the fleet transporting iron ore from ports in Wisconsin and Minnesota across Lake Superior to mill cities on Lakes Huron and Erie. The “Fitz” was about to meet its fate though as it left Superior, Wisconsin headed to Detroit with a full load of ore at 2:15 p.m. on November 9, 1975. By early evening she was sailing in tandem with the freighter Arthur M. Anderson across Lake Superior. Weather reports called for a storm to pass by morning to the south of the freighter’s position. At 7 p.m. the weather service altered its report calling for gale conditions for the entire region. By 1 a.m. the Fitzgerald and the Anderson were in a serious storm with 60 mile per hour winds and 10 foot waves. By 3 a.m. it began to snow and the ships lost sight of each other. At 3:30 a.m. the Fitzgerald radioed the Anderson that it was damaged by wind and waves. It was taking on water and listing. Its radar was knocked out and the ship was effectively blind with the Coast Guard advising all ships to seek safe harbor. In effect the Anderson was trying to guide the Fitzgerald through its radar, to the relative safety of Whitefish Bay. By early evening on the 10th, the Anderson was reporting wind gusts of 86 miles per hour and
I live in the ocean. I meet my “swampy” friends at the mouth of the Suwannee River, whose waters flow from the Okefenokee Swamp in southern Georgia to empty into the Gulf of Mexico! Look these up on a map!
Annimills LLC © 2017 V14-26
Have you ever heard of a biome? It is a community of plants and animals that have adapted to their environments – such as a desert or a wetland. Wetland biomes are often found inside of another biome such as a rainforest. A wetland is wet most of the year. It hosts plants and animals that can live in its wet soil and shallow water. Water, mud, plants and living creatures make up the wetlands. There are many fascinating things to see in swamps, bogs, marshes and fens. If you explore these areas, be careful. A wetland with a boardwalk is safest! Read the clues to fill in the crossword puzzle:
1. wetlands have ________ above the surface of the soil at least part of the year 2. wetlands have fresh water, salt water or z bzz a mix of both called ________ water 3. wetlands have a large variety of plants and animals; this _______ of life makes wetlands important to preserve 4. about half of U.S. birds nest or ________ in wetlands 5. as water flows through a wetland’s soil, harmful materials are ________ out by plant life; cleaner water returns to nearby ponds, rivers, lakes, zzz... oceans and the underground ‘water table’ 6. like a sponge, wetlands absorb and hold a lot of water; may take on millions of gallons of extra water, thereby stopping ________ 7. some wetlands only appear in the fall or ________, when the weather allows water to build up 8. this wetlands ecosystem becomes flooded during wet seasons or high tides; see cattails, cranes, reeds, muskrats 9. __________ is an ecosystem similar to a marsh, but it can support trees such as red maples or cottonwoods; other plants like pussy willows
Antarctica 5 spri ng 8 ter a bog w
6 11
12 fen
2 3
filtered div ers ity
10. the __________ gets its water from rain or snowfall; soil contains few nutrients, which is perfect for peat and sphagnum moss 11. a __________ gets some water from mountain streams; water picks up nutrients as it moves; supports plant life – grass, sedge, rushes 12. world’s largest tropical wetland is the __________ of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay; 75,000 square miles in the center of South America 13. wetlands are everywhere except __________; soil there isn’t wet, but frozen; not enough plants to support a wetland 14. most famous wetland in the U.S. is the Florida __________; people say the sawgrass there is so sharp that it can cut through clothes 2
47 48 49 50
12 10 11 19 15 18 16 17 39 26
13 40 14
43 42
Hidden Wetland Treasures!
AT-FILLED wetland
S and snakes
LORIDA S and reeds GY BOGS W waters S and canoes
bears ES
A Well-Known Swamp! RS
Sometimes swamps in the southeastern area of our country ALLIGAT are called bayous. BLAC Each word in the list is a clue to a CYPRESS TR famous swamp’s G E O R G I A and name. Fill in the GRASS missing letter of SPO each word to spell it correctly. SHALL KAYA
38 35
34 33
25 24 27
32 31
Looking for animals in wetlands is like looking for hidden pictures in a puzzle! The animals blend into their environments for safety. You cannot walk everywhere, so follow the dots above to see what might help you to have a better look.
Whoa! That’s a big one.
What Kind of Wetland Is It?
G = Green
Sometimes it is hard to say if a wetland is a marsh, bog, or swamp. It may have some characteristics of each. One area that is hard to define is located in Florida. These famous wetlands are protected in a U.S. National Park. Have you ever heard about the:
Y = Yellow
Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills LLC © 2017
Kids: color stuff in!
Solution Page 12 rogue waves of 35 feet. At 7:10 p.m. the Anderson radioed Captain McSorley of the Fitzgerald who reported “we are holding our own”. Within minutes all radio communication from the Fitzgerald ceased and the ship disappeared from radar sixteen miles short of Whitefish Bay. On November 10, 1975, the SS Edmund Fitzgerald was lost to the icy depths of Lake Superior with all twenty nine hands who have never been recovered. Gordon Lightfoot portrays the experience of the wreck on a personal level of the sailors and loved ones in his song, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead When the skies of November turn gloomy With a load of iron ore twenty-
six thousand tons more Than the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed empty That good ship and crew was a bone to be chewed When the gales of November came early The ship was the pride of the American side Coming back from some mill in Wisconsin As the big freighters go, it was bigger than most With a crew and good captain well seasoned Concluding some terms with a couple of steel firms When they left fully loaded for Cleveland Then later that night when the ship's bell rang Could it be the north wind they'd been feelin'? The wind in the wires made a tattle-tale sound When the wave broke over the railing And every man knew, as the captain did too 'Twas the witch of November come stealin' The dawn came late and the breakfast had to wait When the
gales of November came slashin' When afternoon came it was freezing rain In the face of a hurricane west wind When suppertime came, the old cook came on deck Sayin, "Fellas, it's too rough to feed ya." At seven PM a main hatchway caved in He said, "Fellas, it's been good to know ya." The captain wired in he had water comin' in And the good ship and crew was in peril And later that night when his lights went out of sight Came the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald Does anyone know where the love of God goes When the waves turn the minutes to hours? The searchers all say they'd have made Whitefish Bay If they'd put fifteen more miles behind her They might have split up or they might have capsized They continued on page 12
the NCAA Tournament in men’s basketball? 5. Since the Tampa Bay Lightning began play during the 1992-93 NHL season, how many times has the team reached the Stanley Cup playoffs? 6. Who won the first gold medal for Puerto Rico in the Olympics? 204985A02 7. Name the golfer who was the first to win the Masters four times.
answers on page 12
1. How many consecutive years, following the 2009 season, did the Kansas City Royals increase their win total? 2. Name the Cleveland Indians pitcher who won two games in the 1997 World Series. 3. Entering the 2017 NFL season, how many teams reached the Super Bowl the year after winning it, and how many successfully defended their championship? 4. Which Division I school holds the current mark for most consecutive appearances in
get history buff.
8 The Julian News
Ask Pastor Rick
Religion In The News Lee Singers Go Viral With “What A Beautiful Name” Video The Voices of Lee, a singing group from Lee University, has reached over 15 million people with their recently-released (July 2, 2017) video covering the song “What a Beautiful Name” by Hillsong. The Voices of Lee also achieved recognition with another video posted back in May of their cover of “No Longer Slaves.” This video received 10 million views, according to CBN News. The group’s director Danny Murray says they are blessed to be able to share their music. "We are so thankful for the number of people who have indicated they were blessed by these two videos.” Lee University is a Christian University in Cleveland, Tennessee. The University was also in the spotlight last year when one of its students, Jordan Smith, won the singing competition “The Voice.” Source: CBN, summarized by Pastor Rick
Ask Pastor Rick
When you quote the Bible to prove the Bible, isn’t that circular reasoning? Many years ago, I had Dr. Walter Martin (AKA “The Bible Answer Man”) as an Apologetics professor in Seminary. I remember someone basically asking him the same question. His response is as valid now as it was back then. I may not quote it
July 19, 2017 exactly, but this is the essence of his answer: “Who told you the Bible is one book? It’s actually a compilation of 66 books, written over centuries by different authors. So, when I quote Moses in Exodus to prove something Paul said in Romans, it isn’t circular. I quoting different authors and a different source. That’s anything but circular.” Rick Hill is the Senior Pastor at Hillside Church on 3rd and C Streets in Julian, CA. Direct all questions and correspondence to: hccpastorrick@ gmail.com or Hillside Church, Religion In the News, Box 973, Julian, CA, 92036. (Opinions in this column do not necessarily express the views of Julian News, its editor, or employees.)
Keeping Your Business Running Smoothly (NAPSA) - According to the latest statistics from the U.S. Small Business Administration, 80 percent of the 28.8 million U.S. small businesses have no employees, placing a heavy burden on the business owner when it comes to juggling every detail of running a company. From IT issues to customer service and even facilities management, a small-business owner must be a jack-of-all-trades. Fortunately, some banks are recognizing the need for more specialized support for smallbusiness owners and are carving out a niche to better serve them. Here are three ways smallbusiness owners can get more from their banking partner: Relationships Matter Banks that specialize in serving small-business clients understand the financial pressures they face and will assign a relationship manager with expertise to help them endure the challenges of today’s competitive market. Relationship managers can be a smallbusiness owner’s best resource when it comes to managing finances; they can anticipate needs, troubleshoot, and provide a wide array of products and solutions to help clients achieve their goals. Small-business continued on page 12
Banish Biting Season Tips For Eliminating Backyard Pests (Family Features) As the weather gets warmer, mosquitoes can prevent homeowners from reaping the benefits of living life outside. According to a Harris Poll conducted on behalf of TruGreen, 85 percent of Americans say that mosquitoes limit their family's outdoor activities during the months they're most active. The same survey also found that nearly two-thirds of Americans are concerned about protecting themselves and their family from Zika or other mosquito-borne illnesses. A majority of respondents reported using bug spray on themselves and their family members to combat mosquitoes outdoors at home. Although it's the leading preventative measure, still only half say it is most effective at preventing mosquitoes from biting. Depending on where you live, the mosquito biting season
Howdy! From Lake Cuyamaca
lasts 5-7 months. If spray isn't adequate to combat the mosquitoes at your home, it may be necessary to take additional measures. These tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the pest control experts at TruGreen can help combat mosquitoes outside of the home:
including low-hanging limbs, ornamental foliage, potted plants and ground cover. The TruGreen Mosquito Defense treatment program targets these places, eradicating the mosquito population in homeowners' yards and allowing people to spend more time living life outside." Make regular rounds to spot
Remove standing water. Mosquitoes generally lay eggs near water, so once a week take time to dump anything that may hold water in the yard. This includes buckets, kiddie pools and birdbaths. Don't overlook items like toys, planters and flowerpot saucers. For containers intended to hold water, like cisterns or rain barrels, regularly check that the lid is secure so mosquitoes can't gain access. A finely woven mesh is a good alternative if there is no lid. If you can't cover the container and won't be drinking from it, use a larvicide to treat the water. Be wary of unexpected reservoirs. Natural features such as shrubbery and tree stumps can also collect water, and they may be more difficult to remedy. Keep dense shrubs thinned and pruned. Increasing the air flow can make these areas less attractive. If removing a tree stump is impractical, a professional can guide you in proper treatment. Apply a broad-application pest eliminator. Use an outdoor insect spray or professional service to kill mosquitoes in areas where they rest all over the yard. A professionally applied treatment such as TruGreen Mosquito Defense targets pests where they live, and the company's professionally trained specialists use an innovative mosquito control formula to treat all areas of the yard where mosquitoes hide, including trees, shrubs, mulched areas and all types of ground cover. "Mosquitoes are a nuisance for many of our customers, inhibiting the time they can spend enjoying outdoor activities," said John Bell, board certified entomologist and TruGreen regional technical manager. "Most people protect against mosquitoes by using a repellant or citronella candles, but these methods do not target the places mosquitoes hide
trouble. Humans are creatures of habit, and that can mean certain areas of the yard receive much less traffic than other spots. Take time each week to tour the entire yard and keep an eye out for potential pest problems, including standing water in containers or low spots in the ground. For more year-round lawn care tips, visit TruGreen.com/ mosquito. Mosquitoes' favorite Habitats Because mosquitoes typically lay their eggs near water, places in the yard where water can pool up are often desired breeding grounds. These areas of stagnating water allow the mosquitoes a favorite spot, but there are some other areas around the house to be wary of as potential habitats: • Ornamental foliage. Keeping foliage like bushes and brush trimmed properly can help them maintain shape while also exposing them to more sunlight, helping to keep them dry. • Low-hanging limbs. Trim limbs to a proper height so that they aren't so close to the ground, which is more welcoming for mosquitoes. • Ground covers. Certain plants, especially those with wide leaves, can sometimes hold water either on the leaf itself or in the axil, which is where the leaf meets the stem. • Wood piles. Consider covering your wood pile tightly with a tarp to help block mosquitoes and other pests from invading. • Mulched areas. Frequently disturbing mulch with a rake or other garden tool, especially when it's wet after a rain, can deter mosquitoes from moving in by helping to dry out the underlying mulch. • Hanging and potted plants. Just like other objects that can hold standing water, be sure to empty saucers underneath plants that could provide a water source.
“Dusty Britches” here. The trout bite has gone from bait to lures and bait. Topping the list is a tie between Panther Martin and Thomas Buoyant in the lures category. The tried and true Power Bait and night crawlers win out in the bait category. Hot spots are Lone Pine and the shore below Chambers Park. Trout size is mediocre, very few rainbows coming out larger than 2 pounds. Black Crappie and Bluegill are being taken using trout teasers from boats mostly. You have to move around some to find their location as they move around the pond and change their level in the water column. The days have been hot and humid with threats of thunderstorm activity... but we are still getting a lot of campers and anglers to come and enjoy the lake despite the heat. And, the carp are doing well although we have had some bow-anglers that have been putting a dent in the population... cudos to them... a free night’s camping or a free days fishing to those who are successful in returning to the main bait and tackle shop with proof... a dead carp. I was fortunate enough to bounce around on the “Mission Belle” ¾ day trip to the Coronado Islands out of Point Loma Sportfishing on July 12th. A great trip with a great captain and crew in Steve, Karen, and Little Steve… not to be confused with Peter, Paul, and Mary (Last names? this is a test). All very good at their job, but the best attribute is their customer service. Young Steve is learning the art of filleting and has the best teacher in Karen... she is like a surgeon... not one wasted motion. The fish of the day being caught were yellowtail up to 27 pounds with a few bonito and barracuda thrown in for good measure. What a group of anglers too. All very good at getting a line wet, all from different walks of life, all with the same passion... fishing. Lance chartered the boat as he has monthly for over a year that I know of. This man has a wealth of knowledge about the history of the San Diego Sportfishing industry as do a lot of the other anglers along for this ride. No last names, no need for them. Nick, John, Alan, Robert, Wendy, Eric, Pat, Glen and the rest of the angling pirates carried on with telling jokes, and stories, and playing jokes on each other like A.D. usually falling asleep half way through the afternoon and John using a piece of hay to tickle A.D.’s ear for at least 10 minutes with A.D. swatting away at hat which wasn’t there until A.D. caught on. Everyone brings something to offer for the group to graze on during the day from dough-nuts to fried chicken with Steve in the wheelhouse ever vigilant watching his electronics for the next school of fish to plunder for the fishermen. Boat limits in yellowtail for the anglers and another memory to stow away... ”Happy Trails” “Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirates life for me…. We pilage, we plunder, we rifle and loot…. Drink up me “earties, yo ho…. We kidnap and ravage and don’t give a hoot…. Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho….. We’re rascals, scoundrels, villans, and naves…. Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho….. Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirates life for me….” “The Human Race has one really effective weapon... and that is laughter...” - Mark Twain “Tight Lines and Bent Rods”... Dusty Britches
July 19, 2017
The Julian News 9
July 19, 2017
10 The Julian News
Dear EarthTalk: Does Volvo’s embrace of electric cars signal the beginning of the end of the gas-powered internal combustion engine? -- Macy Vigneault, New Orleans, LA Volvo has announced that it will only sell hybrid and electric cars beginning in 2019, signaling a shift in the auto industry as a whole toward more fuel-efficient cars that can help reduce drivers’ carbon footprints and fuel costs. “In the next five to 10 years, every car on sale will offer a hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or full EV [electric vehicle] variant,” says Nicholas Roche of Tesla Motors, the innovative Californiabased electric car company, “and the adoption rate of these technologies will increase dramatically.” But while Volvo’s announcement may indicate a sea change coming, the internal combustion engine isn't going anywhere soon. For one, there will be one in every hybrid Volvo coming out of the carmaker’s factories before and surely long after 2019 (given that hybrids by definition include both petroleumfueled and electric drivetrains). The key factor that will keep the internal combustion engine alive and kicking for some time yet is our massive petroleum-based refueling infrastructure; indeed, we have come to expect a gas
station around every corner and off ever highway exit. Meanwhile, electric charging stations are few and far between, and charging up an EV using a regular power outlet can take several hours as compared to filling up a gaspowered car in a few minutes. And most electric cars still can’t make it as far on a charge as their gasoline-fired equivalents can on a tank of gas (this is where hybrids come in handy, giving the driver essentially the best of both worlds). Only recently has Tesla and other EV makers started to crack the code on range with vehicles stocked with new high-performance batteries that can meet or exceed the distances a gas fill-up would normally yield. Only time will tell if such improvements ripple out throughout the EV industry and can start to displace internal combustion engines. That said, Volvo’s recent announcement is still significant, with company CEO Håkan Samuelsson declaring “the end of the solely combustion enginepowered car.” If and when other
traditional automakers follow suit and stop making cars solely powered by gas or diesel remains to be seen, but Renault-Nissan (whose Leaf is the top selling EV in the world), BMW, Volkswagen, General Motors and Toyota are also vying for big slices of the electric car pie. Tesla continues to be the leading EV pure play out there, but a few well-heeled EV start-ups including Faraday Future, Lucid Motors, Fisker Automotive and Nio are no doubt keeping Tesla’s Elon Musk up at night. It’s anybody’s guess when the internal combustion engine car will become a historical relic, but the rapid advance in electric vehicle and battery technologies means that a future free of automotive gasoline and diesel emissions is an achievable dream. CONTACTS: Volvo, volvocars.
com; Tesla, tesla.com; Renault Nissan, alliance-renault-nissan. com. EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of the nonprofit Earth Action Network. To donate, visit www.earthtalk.org. Send questions to: question@earthtalk.org.
Volvo's 40.1 concept car features an all-electric drivetrain and is a symbol of the Swedish automaker's move away from internal combustion engines.
Back-to-School Tips To Help Reduce Stress (StatePoint) School can be a stressful place, from finding a seat at lunch to making new friends, but don’t let supplies be one of those stressors. Make life just a bit easier with the right supplies, so students have more time to focus on the important things. To help reduce stress, consider the following tips and tricks. Lighten the Load Students are always on the go -- shuttling to and from school, attending rehearsals, practices and other extracurricular activities, and moving about from class to class. Managing mobility is crucial toward alleviating physical stress. continued on page 12
Making Practice Fun continued from page 5
to practicing. From learning to read music to getting comfortable with an instrument, the process of becoming a musician is rife with challenges and potential frustrations. But by making it fun, you will give kids more of an incentive to stick with it. Make it Personal While music lessons in the past may have followed a very structured formula, today there is an endless wealth of music available online. This gives students more opportunities to personalize their lessons, even at the earliest stages of music education. As kids make progress, let them pick out increasingly challenging songs they want to learn to play. They will be motivated to hone their skills as they begin to see doing so as an opportunity to play more of their favorite music. Use New Technologies When selecting instruments for kids, consider newer interactive technologies that can make music more fun and aid the learning process. For example, the LK-265, a lighted 61-key keyboard with a Dance Music Mode, which allows kids to get creative while composing and remixing electronic dance music. Tools like Casio’s Voice Fingering Guide, the Step-up Lesson System and Lesson Lite enable beginners to learn builtin songs at their own individual pace. The keyboard also is compatible with an app that allows you to import any standard MIDI file off the Internet, giving users opportunities to learn what they want. Its LCD display and light up function help students master both music notation and correct hand positioning. Users can also track their progress in a way that is fun, with the keyboard’s Scoring System. For more information, visit casiomusicgear.com. Get Together One tried and true method for making music fun is camaraderie. Encourage your child to join the school band or orchestra. These programs can introduce students to a wide-range of instruments, musical styles and theory, and help them make lifelong friendships. Many programs will carry them throughout high school. Or, if they prefer, help them form a musical ensemble or band with friends or family at home. To help your children develop a long-lasting appreciation for music, you can provide them with opportunities to learn and play in ways that are fun and engaging. *** Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. — William James ***
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*** A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties. — Harry Truman ***
Ginny is a nine years young spayed grey and white feline who weighs 9lbs. She is a gentle, affectionate gal who adores attention. She purrs non-stop when petted and also enjoys having her beautiful coat brushed. Ginny resides in the shelters "zoo" with other felines. She doesn't play much with the other cats but seems to enjoy their company. Meet her by asking for ID#A1776627 Tag#C174. Ginny can be adopted for $35.
Daisy is a five year old spayed Dachshund/Chihuahua Mix, or "Chiweenie" who weighs 13lbs. She arrived to the shelter as a stray and no one has come to claim this sweet girl. Daisy enjoys walks with the volunteers, playing with toys, and some quality lap time with her human pals. Meet this wonderful gal by asking for ID#1790355 Tag#C330. Daisy can be adopted for $35. All adoptions will include vaccinations, spaying/neutering (upon adoption), a microchip and free Vet visit. Dog fees also include a 1 year license. Ginny and Daisy are at our Central County Shelter, 5480 Gaines Street, San Diego . The Shelter hours are 9:30AM to 5:30PM, Tuesday through Sunday or visit www.sddac.com for more information.
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July 19, 2017
The Julian News 11
California Commentary
Why Some Cities Won’t Be Paying Los Angeles’ New Homeless Tax
by Jon Coupal and George Runner
Los Angeles County’s sky-high sales tax will rise not once, but twice, this year. In recent elections, Angelinos voted two new tax hikes upon themselves — one to fund transportation (Measure M) and the other to fight homelessness (Measure H). As a result, the county’s 8.75 percent tax rate jumped to 9.25 percent on July 1. It’ll rise even further — to 9.5 percent — on October 1. Of course, some cities in Los Angeles County have even higher tax rates. Seven of them — Compton, La Mirada, Long Beach, Lynwood, Pico Rivera, Santa Monica and South Gate — have rates of 10.25 percent that are among the highest in California, if not the entire nation. Here’s where it gets interesting: Rather than increase their tax rates another quarter cent on October 1 like the rest of the county, those seven normally taxloving cities will get a free pass — at least for now — in funding the fight against homelessness. The seven cities will, of course, benefit from the estimated $355 million in annual tax payments the measure will raise but they will do so only by the courtesy of taxpayers in other cities. It’s a subsidy, plain and simple. Why was Measure H drafted this way? It appears to have been a rather clumsy attempt to dodge a state law capping local sales taxes. The law requires localities to limit voter-approved “district” sales taxes to 2 percent (on top of the state rate of 7.25 percent) unless they obtain specific legislative authorization. Los Angeles County has received legislative approval twice in the past to increase this limit for transportation-related taxes. For some unknown reason, Measure H proponents didn’t want to bother with this step. But the poor planning came back to bite them. Proponents claimed the new tax would take effect July 1, at the same time as Measure M. That would have been a lot simpler for everyone, including business owners who must now go through the
trouble of reprogramming their registers twice to adapt to the rate increases. Since the Measure H language was both unprecedented and legally questionable, the Board of Equalization rightly refused to collect the tax until the Legislature specifically voted to authorize it. These delays have pushed back the start date of Measure H, resulting in lost funding for the fight against homelessness, and more confusion and headaches for taxpayers. Even more troubling is the dangerous precedent this sets statewide. Will other local governments soon craft tax proposals that exempt politicallyfavored constituencies? We believe the cap on local sales taxes exists to protect taxpayers and should be respected. Not every good cause merits a tax increase. Governments are hungry for more taxpayer revenue, and seem increasingly impatient to add more and more taxes. They are also becoming more creative at disguising their efforts, and using public dollars to pay for them. The Fair Political Practices Commission, for example, is conducting an investigation into whether the county of Los Angeles illegally spent taxpayer dollars for political advocacy in its campaign for Measure H. Before asking voters to approve more and more taxes, shouldn’t local governments identify and eliminate ineffective taxes that haven’t accomplished their promised goals? If taxpayers are concerned about how local governments spend their money, then that question is certainly worth asking. If not, how else do we ensure taxpayers receive value for the dollars they are already paying? *** Jon Coupal is president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association — California’s largest grass-roots taxpayer organization, dedicated to the protection of Proposition 13 and the advancement of taxpayers’ rights. George Runner is vice chair of the California State Board of Equalization.
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Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 5 pm JN
1850 Highway 78 765 - 0370
• It was American journalist and political satirist P.J. O'Rourke who made the following sage observation: "No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power." • If you're like many Americans, you celebrate the Fourth of July by cooking out. In fact, it's estimated that in the United States, 150 million hot dogs and 700 million pounds of chicken are consumed on that single day. • Those who study such things say that the milk from a mother hippopotamus is pink. • The Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 men from 13 colonies, but only one of them -John Hancock -- actually signed it on July 4, 1776. Only two signers went on to become president of the United States: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. In a striking coincidence, both men died on the same day, July 4, 1826 Ð exactly 50 years after the adoption of the Declaration. Jefferson died first, at 12:50 p.m., at Monticello, his home in Virginia. At 6:20 that evening, at his home in Quincy, Massachusetts, John Adams died. Unaware of Jefferson's death earlier that day, Adams acknowledged his longtime friend and rival with his final words: "Thomas Jefferson survives." • It was once believed that people with the bacterial infection cholera were suffering the wrath of God for their sins. In fact, the disease's name comes from the Spanish word for anger. • The typical horse walks at a speed of 3 1/2 miles per hour. *** Thought for the Day: "We all have our time machines. Some take us back; they're called memories. Some take us forward; they're called dreams." -- Jeremy Irons © 2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
*** Life has a tendency to obfuscate and bewilder, such as fating us to spend the first part of our lives being embarrassed by our parents and the last part being embarrassed by our children. — Ogden Nash ***
© 2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
*** Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. — Robert Schuller ***
July 19, 2017
12 The Julian News
Post Notes
continued from page 7
Back-to-School Tips
continued from page 8
may have broke deep and took water And all that remains is the faces and the names Of the wives and the sons and the daughters Lake Huron rolls, Superior sings In the rooms of her icewater mansion Old Michigan steams like a young man's dreams The islands and bays are for sportsmen And farther below, Lake Ontario Takes in what Lake Erie can send her And the iron boats go as the mariners all know With the gales of November remembered In a rustic old hall in Detroit they prayed In the Maritime Sailors' Cathedral The church bell chimed 'til it rang twenty-nine times For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee Superior, they said, never gives up her dead When the gales of November come early
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
The SS Arthur M. Anderson built in 1952 is still in service. The legend and lore of Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world not giving up her dead is actually based in science. Bacteria growth that creates gases in a body causing it to float is inhibited due to the constant and extreme cold at the depths of the lake, When Superior takes you, it keeps you.
continued from page 10
A good relationship with the bank can give small businesses a big boost. owners who take the time to get to know their relationship managers can find them to be valuable and trusted partners. Money to Grow With Whether a business owner needs to acquire upgraded equipment, finance expansion plans or smooth out cash flow, a well-capitalized bank with decision makers at the local level can provide quick access to loans, lines of credit, letters of credit and much more. Clients who already have established relationships with their bank may have an easier road to accessing the funds they need. Since documents don’t always tell the whole story, it helps to have someone at the bank who understands the business and can speak on its behalf. Products and Services Tailored to Fit Banks that offer a full suite of treasury management products and services help business owners perform banking activities quickly and easily, leaving more time for growing the business. Treasury management professionals are made available to consult with business owners to better understand their unique needs and implement solutions to optimize cash flow, streamline receivables and manage accounts. For example, “at BankUnited, we recognize that small-business owners’ needs are vastly different from individual consumers’,” explained Gerry Litrento, senior executive vice president, retail and business banking. “Our teams of experienced professionals are prepared to help small businesses thrive in today’s competitive environment.”
Chef’s Corner continued from page 6 Find a few systems that help keep mental and physical stress low, and work hard to keep them in place throughout the year. Use multifunctional tools Five Star Storage & Organization that can help them carry less, Divider features mesh storage such as the Five Star Flex pockets that are great for smaller Hybrid NoteBinder. It acts like school supplies; plus, it can snap a notebook and works like a into a notebook or be stored in a binder with flexible, durable rings binder for easy organization of that open and close, allowing important papers. students to add, remove or reWrite it Down sort their papers. Carrying less Write down assignments as means less to worry about. soon as they are given. Being Further lighten the load by proactive will make sure there carrying only what is needed. are no surprises. A planner is Pack backpacks the night before great for accessing information to avoid bringing textbooks or anytime, however you may want binders that won’t be used. to display this crucial information Another tip is to look for a backpack on a wall calendar or planner at that features ergonomic straps home as well. to help distribute weight evenly Remain Balanced and reduce physical stress. A Beyond selecting smart gear, backpack that has this feature students can help ensure a is the Five Star Expandable successful school year by making Backpack; not only that, it also room in their schedules for has expanding compartments activities that help reduce stress, offering extra room when whether that’s listening to music, needed. Other things to look for going for a run or spending time are pockets to help keep small with friends. supplies organized and easy to find, and padded sections for holding and protecting technology. Stay Organized Being organized can reduce so many headaches. Yet somehow, it’s all too easy to let backpacks, lockers and even bedroom floors get messy. Use effective organizational tools to ensure assignments aren’t misplaced Oregon and New Jersey are the in the shuffle. For example, the only states without self-serve gas stations.
Placing a Classified Advertisement: To order a classified ad by mail, please send your advertisement with a check or Money Order to Julian News PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036. Phone Orders are accepted Wednesday, Thursday 9 am to 5 pm, Friday 9 am to 12 noon. Visa & Master Card are accepted. Ads must be paid for at time of placement and will appear in the next issue. NO refunds for Classified Ads. Office phone - 760 765 2231.
Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Childcare – Birth Through 5th Grade
AA Meetings Monday - 11am
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Labor Policy, The Julian News will not publish, any advertisement for employment that discriminates on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. The Julian News encourages equal opportunity employment in the work place.
3407 Highway 79
(across from new Fire Station)
Tuesday - 6:00pm Sisters In Recovery
(open to all females - 12 step members)
St. Elizabeth Church (Downstairs)
Tuesday - 7pm
Santa Ysabel Mission Church (Open Big Book Study)
Tuesday - 7pm Julian Mens Meeting
3407 Highway 79
Wednesday - 6pm
San Jose Valley Continuation School (Across street from Warner Unified School)
Wednesday - 7pm 3407 Highway 79
Teen Crisis HotLine
*** An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. — Victor Hugo ***
Date 7/9 7/9 7/11 7/11 7/11 7/12 7/12 7/13 7/15 7/15 7/15 7/15 7/15 7/167
Incident Medical Alarms Ringing Vegetation Fire Traffic Collison Vehicle Fire Res. Structure Traffic Collison Traffic Collison Medical Medical Medical Medical Traffic Collison Medical
Location Hwy 79 Main St Pile St Hwy 79/ MM5 I-8/Corte Madera F St Main St./ B St. Hwy 79/ Royal Rd Heise Park Rd Main St Farmer Rd Pine Ridge Ave. Hwy 79/ KQ Ranch Rd Tall Pine Rd
Thursday - 7pm 3407 Highway 79
Thursday - 7pm
BYOB - Bring Yer Own Book Closed meeting; book study
St. Elizabeth Church (Downstairs)
Friday - 7pm
“Friday Night Survivors” 3407 Highway 79
Julian-Cuyamaca Fire — Activity Log Details
False Alarm Tender Assist to Ramona Solo MC; Minor Injuries Tender Assist to Pine Valley Tender Assist to Ramona Vehicle vs MC; Minor Injuries Solo Vehicle; Minor injuries
Solo Vehicle; Minor Injuries
Monday - 7pm San Diego Intergroup of Gamblers Anonymous Toll-Free Hot Line (866) 239-2911
© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis
Shelter Valley Community Center
Connecting People With God And Each Other . . . Changing Lives
*** Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children's author, culinary historian and the author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is "The Kitchen Diva's Diabetic Cookbook." Her website is www.divapro.com. To see howto videos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva! on Facebook and go to Hulu.com. Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - Notice to Advertisers: Any error should be reported to the publisher prior to Thursday at 12 Noon following the publication date. Publisher accepts advertising on the condition that advertiser agrees that at no time shall Publisher’s Liability exceed the cost of space involved and that the Publisher is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Publisher accepts no responsibility for ad contents or errors in spelling or grammar.
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high heat, cook onions in 3 tablespoons olive oil until softened, 5 to 8 minutes. Reduce heat as necessary to keep onions from browning. Add zucchini, season generously with salt and pepper, and continue cooking, stirring occasionally until rather soft, about 10 minutes. Turn off heat. 2. Meanwhile, use a mortar and pestle to pound garlic, basil and a little salt into a rough paste (or use a mini food processor). Stir in 3 tablespoons olive oil. 3. Salt the pasta water well and put in the pasta, stirring. Boil per package instructions but make sure to keep pasta quite al dente. Drain pasta, reserving 1 cup of cooking water. 4. Add cooked pasta to zucchini in skillet and turn heat to medium-high. Add 1/2 cup cooking water, then the ricotta, crushed red pepper and lemon zest, stirring to distribute. 5. Check seasoning and adjust. Cook 1 minute more. Mixture should look creamy. Add a little more pasta water if necessary. Add the basil paste and half the grated cheese and quickly stir to incorporate. Spoon pasta into warm soup plates and sprinkle with additional cheese. Serve immediately. To freeze slices: Choose young, tender zucchini. Wash and cut it into 1/2-inch slices. Blanch in boiling water for 3 minutes. Cool promptly in ice-
cold water. Drain and package in freezer bags or containers, leaving 1/2-inch head space. Seal and freeze. To freeze grated zucchini: Choose young, tender zucchini. Wash and grate zucchini, then water blanch it for 1 to 2 minutes or until it is translucent. Put the zucchini in freezer containers and place the containers in cold water to cool it off. Seal and freeze. Pour off excess water when the zucchini thaws. Freezing tip: Divide zucchini into portions so each container has just the amount needed for one recipe or meal. This way you won’t have to thaw more than you need. Dehydrated zucchini: Choose young, slender zucchini. Wash and cut into 1/4inch slices for cooking purposes, or 1/8-inch slices for chips. Dry in a single layer in a 125 F oven until brittle. Use slices in soups and casseroles, or sprinkle zucchini chips with seasoned salt and serve with dips.
Saturday - 7pm “Open Step Study” 3407 Highway 79
JANITORIAL SERVICES – Pinecrest Retreat seeks reliable experienced person to clean 2 sets of restrooms/lounge weekly on Tuesdays (approx. 8 hrs). Set rate of $120/ wk. Email interest and references to info@ 8/2 pinecrestretreat.com JULIAN HOTEL - Innkeeper/Front Desk Manager Friendly attitude, Quick Learner, Able to Multitask, Must be good with people. Call to 7/26 inquire 760-765-0201 WYNOLA PIZZA - is interviewing for the following position: Line/Prep Cook. Will Train, hours negotiable. Please call Sabine @ 760 7/26 550-3737
SERVICES OFFERED HAVE WEED WHACKER, CHAIN SAW, will travel, 56volt string trimmer(THE QUIET ONE). $20/hour - $40 minimum (cash daily). Call Mike 760 458-7583 7/19
AUTOS FOR SALE 1986 Nissan 300zx Turbo - 110k miles, good mechanically, needs paunt, appolstry, 8/2 tires. $4000. 619 840-8595
*** If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them. — Isaac Asimov ***
Trivia Time
continued from page 6 7. MATH: How many letters are used in Roman Numerals? 8. ASTRONOMY: The Mariner probe program was developed to explore which planets? 9. COMICS: What was the secret identity of Batwoman? 10. GAMES: What is the first railroad you can land on after starting Monopoly at “Go”?
Egyptians used a form of toothpaste over 5,000 years ago. The formula called for one drachma of rock salt (about one hundredth of an ounce), two drachmas of mint, one drachma of dried iris flower and 20 grains of pepper, crushed and mixed together.
All advertisements for the sale or rental of dwelling units published in the Julian News are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin or any intention to make such preference limitations or discrimination, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. State laws forbid discrimination based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby served notice that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
1. A mob 2. 256 3. Green 4. Michigan 5. Left 6. Nescafe 7. Seven 8. Mars, Venus and Mercury 9. Kathy Kane 10. Reading Railroad
® 2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
MESA GRANDE $1900/mo. Secluded, spacious, rustic 3 Bedroom, 3 acres. Breathtaking views! Den, appliances, deep well. 1 Bathroom+Shower room. pics:ProgressRealty.net 619-995-3000 7/26 FOR RENT LARGE STUDIO APARTMENT with full kitchen and dining area plus additional large living space with pellet stove for heat, tile bathroom with shower. Want 1 year lease, quiet, steady income, nonsmoker, no drugs, no pets. In town. Rent includes water, electricity and shared laundry facilities. Tenant to provide pellets for heating. 8/2 $850 per month. Call 760 445-1642
continued from page 7 1. Six consecutive seasons after 2009, with a high of 95 wins and a World Series title in 2015. 2. Chad Ogea. 3. Twelve teams have returned to the Super Bowl the year after winning it, and eight have won it in consecutive seasons. 4. Kansas, with 28 consecutive seasons. 5. Nine times, including winning the Stanley Cup in 2004. 6. Tennis player Monica Puig won the gold medal in women’s singles in 2016. 7. Arnold Palmer won his fourth, and last, Masters in 1964. ® 2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
July 19, 2017
Daytona 500 Program Q: I attended the first Daytona 500 stock-car race held at the new track in Florida in 1959. I have the official souvenir program that features the history of Bill France, NASCAR and the building of the track. The program also has photos of all the drivers of that era, including Junior Johnson, Tim Flock, Lee Petty and so forth. Does it have any value? -- D.L. C., Hapeville, Georgia A: I found several Daytona programs issued in 1959 for sale. They seem to be selling in the $50 to $75 range. There is a nice one on eBay, full framed, listed for $60. *** Q: I have inherited two bowls produced by Marblehead Pottery. I love the simplicity of the pieces. Can you tell me how much they are worth? -- Susan, Virginia. A: Marblehead Pottery was hand-thrown and first produced in 1905 as part of a therapeutic program for patients in a sanitarium located in Marblehead, Mass. Operations ceased in 1936. In recent years, this line of pottery has become quite collectible, especially in Massachusetts, where it was made. Most pieces are, as you indicated, rather simple in design and finished in a single color. You need the services of a good appraiser to determine current values. *** Q: I have a collection of sheet music, "Music of the Modern World," published in 1895 by D. Appleton. The musical selections were edited by Anton Seidl. Do they have any value? -- Stephanie, Florida A: After consulting with several sheet music collectors, I have come to the conclusion that your music has very little value. The series was published primarily for music teachers in public schools and, although more than a century old, are not very collectible. *** Q: I came across a goldcolored frame with a copy of Whistler's Mother and a child's prayer encased. Does it have any value? -- Doris, Rhode Island A: Prints, such as the one you describe, were popular throughout the 1920s and '30s. Most currently sell in the $35 to $50 range, with certain exceptions. Prints by such artists as Maxfield Parrish and Wallace Nutting are much more valuable. ***
Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@aol.com. Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor does he do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. ©2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
Did You Know Transitioning from driving as you age doesn’t have to mean losing independence. A geriatrics health care professional or Area Agency on Aging (www.eldercare.gov) can point you toward a range of transportation alternatives. Learn more at www.Healthin Aging.org. *** If your refrigerator is 15 years old or older, replacing it with a new Energy Star certified model can save you more than $270 over the next five years and reduce your carbon footprint. For information on rebates and other special manufacturer offers, visit www. energy star.gov/flipyourfridge. *** In an emergency, generators such as those from Generac Power Systems can keep critical appliances running. Lights stay on, devices stay charged and weather updates are available on television, radio or online. A list of power outage safety tips is at www.Generac.com/ hurricane-prep.
The Julian News 13
14 The Julian News
JULIAN YESTERYEARS Vintage, Collectible & Handmade Items 2116 MAIN STREET
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-016704 MY HR BRAIN TRUST 187 Calle Magdalena, Suite 205, Encinitas, CA 92024 (Mailing Address: 3460 Marron Road #103-132 Oceanside, CA 92056) The business is conducted by A Corporation HR Brain Trust, Inc. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON June 28, 2017.
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-015892 GPS REALTY 3405 Randy Ct., Chula Vista, CA 91910 The business is conducted by An Individual Dean Kelly, 3405 Randy Ct., Chula Vista, CA 91910. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON June 19, 2017. LEGAL: 07676 Publish: June 28 and July 5, 12, 19, 2017
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-017684 PACIFIC LOCK AND KEYS 612 Los Arbolitos Blvd #69, Oceanside, CA 92058 The business is conducted by A Married Couple - Greg Schwalm, 612 Los Arbolitos Blvd #69, Oceanside, CA 92058 and Arlene Schwalm, 612 Los Arbolitos Blvd #69, Oceanside, CA 92058. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON July 11, 2017. LEGAL: 07690 Publish: July 19, 26 and August 2, 9, 2017
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IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on AUGUST 15, 2017 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON June 26, 2017.
IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on AUGUST 25, 2017 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON July 7, 2017. LEGAL: 07686 Publish: July 12, 19, 26, and August 2, 2017
LEGAL: 07681 Publish: July 5, 12, 19, 26, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-016069 INCEPTTEK SERVICES 578 Paseo Rosal, Chula Vista, CA 91910 The business is conducted by An Individual Robert Howard Johnson Jr., 578 Paseo Rosal, Chula Vista, CA 91910. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON June 21, 2017.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-017258 MOUNTAIN MADE 3233 Dolores Drive, Julian, CA 92036 (Mailing Address: PO Box 1593, Julian, CA 92036) The business is conducted by An Individual Evelina Alma Hatch, 3233 Dolores Drive, Julian, CA 92036. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON July 6, 2017.
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-016163 QUICK N’ EASY APPLIANCE SERVICE 40300 Washington St #J105, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 The business is conducted by An Individual Nikita Liukakin, 40300 Washington St #J105, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON June 21, 2017.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-016427 MCLINICAL SOLUTIONS 800 The Mark Lane, Unit 2007, San Diego, CA 92101 The business is conducted by An Individual Joseph Waldron, 800 The Mark Lane, Unit 2007, San Diego, CA 92101. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON Juune 26, 2017.
LEGAL: 07683 Publish: July 5, 12, 19, 26, 2017
LEGAL: 07688 Publish: July 19, 26 and August 2, 9, 2017
1811 Main Street
[K-Mart Parking Lot]
Open 7 Days A Week
Monday – Friday 8am — 6pm Saturday 8am — 5pm Sunday 9am — 4pm
LEGAL: 07678 Publish: June 28 and July 5, 12, 19, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-016634 a) YINGERHAUS b) YINGERHAUS HOMEMADE SOAP 9132 La Larga Vista, Spring Vallet, CA 91977 The business is conducted by An Individual Nischel Lee Casteel Yinger, 9132 La Larga Vista, Spring Vallet, CA 91977. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON June 28, 2017.
LEGAL: 07689 Publish: July 19, 26 and August 2, 9, 2017
LEGAL: 07677 Publish: June 28 and July 5, 12, 19, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-017873 THE FINE TUNE ACADEMY 2240 Encinitas Blvd, #120 Suite D, Encinitas CA 92024 The business is conducted by An Individual - Fintan Gerard Roche, 506 Canyon Dr #43, Oceanside, CA 92054. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON July 12, 2017.
LEGAL: 07684 Publish: July 5, 12, 19, 26, 2017
October 22) That uneasy mood could be your Libran inner voice reminding you that while it's great to be with your new friends, you need to take care not to ignore your old ones. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) A sudden spate of criticism could shake the Scorpion's usually high sense of self-confidence. Best advice: You made a decision you believed in -- now defend it. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Your reluctance to help restart a stalled relationship could be traced to unresolved doubts about your partner's honesty. Rely on a trusted friend's advice. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The capricious Sea Goat is torn between duty and diversion. Best advice: Do both. Tend to your workaday chores, then go out and enjoy your wellearned fun time. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Cutting back on some of your activities for a few days helps restore your energy levels. You should be feeling ready to tackle your many projects early next week. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A co-worker might be secretly carping about your work to mutual colleagues. But associates will come to your defense, and the situation will ultimately work to your advantage. BORN THIS WEEK: Your ambition makes you a success at whatever you choose to do -especially if it's in the world of the performing arts.
IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on AUGUST 15, 2017 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON June 30, 2017.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Aspects favor socializing with family and friends, but an irksome workplace situation could intrude. No use grumbling, Lamb. Just do it, and then get back to the fun times. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) There's still time for you Ferdinands and Fernandas to relax and sniff the roses. But a major work project looms and soon will demand much of your attention through the 24th. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Your enthusiasm persuades even the toughest doubters to listen to what you're proposing. But don't push too hard, or you'll push them away. Moderate for best results. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Your energy levels are rising, and you feel you can handle anything the job requires. That's great. But don't isolate yourself. Keep your door open to your workplace colleagues. LEO (July 23 August 22) A workplace change could lead to that promotion you've been hoping for. But you'll have to face some tough competition before the Lion can claim his or her share of the goodies. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Your rigidity regarding a difficult workplace situation could be the reason your colleagues aren't rushing to your assistance. Try being more flexible in your demands. LIBRA (September 23 to
IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on AUGUST 1, 2017 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON June 14, 2017.
Wednesday - July 19, 2017
Volume 32 - Issue 50
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Automotive Marketplace Tires/Brakes • Trailer • Auto • Trucks
2560 Main St Ramona Mon-Fri: 8 - 6 Sat: 8 - 4
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-018039 PRO PERFORMANCE HVAC 521 Myrtlewood Ct Unit D, Escondido, CA 92027 (Mailing Address: PO Box 2, Valley Center, CA 92027) The business is conducted by An Individual Lance Rheinhart, 521 Myrtlewood Ct Unit D, Escondido, CA 92027. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON July 14, 2017. LEGAL: 07691 Publish: July 19, 26 and August 2, 9, 2017
ALL Insurance Companies Welcome
(760) 765-3755 3582 Hwy 78 at Newman Way Locals Discount
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-012672 DC LUX 14229 Rios Canyon Rd., El Cajon, CA 92021 The business is conducted by An Limited Liability Company - DC Lux LLC, 14229 Rios Canyon Rd., El Cajon, CA 92021. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON July 14, 2017. LEGAL: 07692 Publish: July 19, 26 and August 2, 9, 2017
Legal Name Change Published for only $45 We send a proof of publication to the Court with a copy mailed to you, for your records
Fictitious Business Name Filings Published for only $30 We send a proof of publication to the County Clerk with a copy mailed to you, for your records.
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