An Independent Weekly Newspaper Serving the Backcountry Communities of Julian, Cuyamaca, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley, Mt. Laguna, Ranchita, Sunshine Summit, Warner Springs and Wynola. For the Community, by the Community.
(46¢ + tax included)
Periodical • Wednesday
Time Sensitive Material
October 11, 2017
Volume 33 — Issue 10
Julian, CA.
ISSN 1937-8416
Fall Sports Schedules Cross Country
Homecoming Crowning Glory
Friday, September 8 Citrus league Meet #1 (Ramona Community Park) Friday, September 15 Woodbridge Cross Country Classic Friday, September 22 South Bay Invitational Friday, September 29 Coach Downey XC Classic (Formerly Saints Invite) Thursday, October 5 Citrus League Meet #2 (Ramona Community Park) Saturday, October 7 36th Annual Running Center Southern Cal Invitational Friday, October 20 70th Annual Mt. SAC Cross Country Invitational Friday, October 27 Citrus League Meet #3 (Lake Morena) Friday, November 3 Citrus League Finals (Lake Morena) Saturday, November 18 San Diego CIF Cross Country Championships Saturday, November 25 CIF State Championship
The team burst the banner before the game - ready for action
Ozzie Martinez and the Eagles put on a show for the crowd
Thursday, August 17 L 1-3 @ Borrego Springs Tuesday, August 29 L 1-3 Home - Borrego Springs Thursday, August 31 L 3-0 @ Mountain Empire Monday, September 18 L 0-3 Home vs Ocean View Christian Tuesday, September 19L 0-3 Home vs Mountain Empire Tuesday, September 26 L 0-3 @ Escondido Adventist Tuesday, October 3 L 0-3 Home vs San Pasqual Academy Tuesday, October 10 4:00 Home vs Warner Thursday, October 12 4:00 Home vs Escondido Adventist Tuesday, October 17 TBA @ St. Joseph Academy Thursday, October 19 TBA @ San Pasqual Academy Tuesday, October 24 5:00 @ Ocean View Christian Thursday, October 26 TBA @ Warner
2017 Homecoming King, William Hatch Queen, Jessica Ramos Homecoming has not always been a joyous occasion, often cold and wet and the football team has often struggled. The year homecoming had nearly perfect weather both for the parade (see photos pages 13 and 14) and for the game, with a “Harvest Moon” over the eastern end of the stadium. On the field the Eagles had an
easy time of it against last years league champions who came into the game a shadow of the team they where in 2016, having graduated most of their players and this years group made up of mostly Sophomores and Freshman. The Eagles racked up 22 points by the end of the first quarter. In the middle of the second quarter
the officials and coaches agreed on a running clock. At half time it was Julian 50, Crusaders 0. The Eagles would add two more scores in the second half to bring the final to 68-0. The Eagles travel to Ocean View Christian Friday. The final home game will be October 20 against the Rams of Borrego, it will also be a salute to Seniors.
The Cheer Squad filled in with some routines while half time was set up.
Friday, September 1 W 30-6 Home vs NOLI Indian School Friday, September 8 L 28 -24 @ Calvary Chapel (Downey) Friday, September 15 L 21-12 Home vs Desert Christian Academy Friday, September 22 W 62-0 Home vs Warner Friday, October 6 W 68 - 0 Homecoming vs St. Joseph Academy Friday, October 13 3:00 @ Ocean View Christian Friday, October 20 7:00 Home vs Borrego Seniors Game Friday, October 20 3:00 @ San Pasqual Academy Friday, November 3 6:00 @ West Shores
61st Triangle Club Melodrama on the Town Hall Stage
October Friday, Oct 20 at 7pm, Saturday, Oct 21 at 2 www.visitjulian.com
2 The Julian News
October 11, 2017
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Thank you Julian for two decades of support and encouragement with service activities, clubs, and athletics. I have resigned many of my extra duties this year, one of them being Julian Youth Basketball. If anyone is interested in picking up any service protects to volunteer for, please contact the high school. If you are interested in organizing the local youth basketball program, please contact me at jennifer@ wylies.net. Thank you Jennifer Wylie
There are five seats up for election on the Julian Chamber of 85 Iris Commerce Board.. This is for a two year term beginning in January 2018. If you are interested in helping shape the direction of the business community you may submit an application for the ballot. Send a statement of qualifications/intent (25-50 words or so) to the Chamber office by Oct 19, the date of the Chamber Board meeting. You must be a member in good standing of the chamber in order to run. Ballots will be sent to the membership in November and results reported at the December meeting.
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In my Opinion In the interest of full comprehension and understanding we Join Orchard Hill’s Supper Club discover that most people get their “news” from social media sites, and experience fine dining in an blogs and hearsay, and few read newspapers or go to known reliable exclusive private setting. media sources for clarity of important issues. And so it goes here in The The most most dangerous dangerous Orchard Hill is serving its fabulous fourJulian where many have no idea of the recent Fire Board decision animals animals in in the the forest forest course dinner on Saturday and Sunday don’t don’t live live there. there. for complete independence and support from the County of San evenings through the spring of 2018. Diego and State of California. In addition many do not have factual Chef Doris’s fall menu includes tried information about the decision, not that facts have not been discussed and true entrées with seasonal sides and at meetings or printed in this newspaper. perfectly grilled Brandt’s beef. I think the people of this village need to get informed and get serious Dinner is $45 per person. Reservations about this very serious matter. Here are a few of my suggestions: are required. Please call us for more 1. Lessen the amount of time spent with self-serving rhetoric. information at 760-765-1700. 2. Study Conflict of Interest Laws and how they apply to Board ONLY YOU CAN PR E VE N T W I L D FIRE S. w w w . s m o k e y b e a r. c o m We look forward to seeing you! decisions. 3. Learn about the liabilities associated with Board decisions and actions. WE INVITE YOUR OPINION! The views expressed by our 4. Think through the long-term implications, realities and applications OH203_AD_2018_Julian News_press.indd 1 9/17/17 11:39 AM contributing writers are their own and not necessarily those of The of a volunteer Fire department in today’s world. Julian News management. We invite all parties to submit their 5. Think through the financial liabilities and costs for the residents opinions and commentsNOTE to TO The News. contributed PUB:Julian DO NOT PRINT INFO All BELOW, FOR I.D. ONLY. items NO ALTERING OF AD COUNCIL PSAS. and town Wildfire Prevention - Newspaper (2 1/16 x 2) B&W WFPA01-N-03259-C “Animals” 85 screenof Julian. are subject to editorial approval prior toFilm acceptance for publication. at Schawk 212-689-8585 Reference #: 127801 6. Take into consideration the interests of all property owners, partLetters must include your name and contact information. time residents and vast tourist market supporting the town. Letters may be mailed to: Julian News 7. Require a long-term, sustainable and certified financial plan for P.O. Box 639 an independent volunteer Fire department. Julian, CA 92036 8. Get beyond wishful thinking when it comes to ability, capability email: letters@juliannews.com and financial sustainability of such a volunteer organization. in person: Julian News Office 9. Learn about the regulations, training and certifications written 1453 Hollow Glen Road (9am - 5:00pm Wed-Fri) into OSHA, State and County laws for Volunteer Fire Departments Deadline is Friday Noon for the next weeks issue or fighters. 10. Find out the implications from your fire insurance company. 11. Deal fairly, logically and responsibly with reasonable challenges to your positions. ISSN 1937-8416 12. Get into the concept of interactive, critical and analytical thinking. Michael Hart and Michele Harvey ..... Owners/Publishers C. Englund
The Julian News
Michael Hart .................................. Advertising/Production Circulation/Classified Michele Harvey .......................................................... Editor Don Ray .............................................................. Consultant
1985 Featured Contributors
Michele Harvey Greg Courson Jon Coupal Bill Fink Kiki Skagen Munshi David Lewis Lance Arenson Pastor Rick Hill Marisa McFedries The Students Of Julian High School (The Eaglette)
Syndicated Content King Features Syndicate E/The Environmental Magazine North American Precis Syndicate, Inc. State Point Media The Julian News is published on Wednesdays. All publications are copyright protected. ©2017 All rights reserved. The Julian News is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the State of California, Case No. 577843 Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at Julian, California USPN 901125322 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Julian News PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036-0639 Contacting The Julian News In Person
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Medicare Open Enrollment Season Is Here
By Greg Dill
When you shop for a new car, you don’t just buy the first one you see, do you? Probably not. You usually shop around, looking for the best deal you can get on a vehicle that fits your driving needs as well as your pocketbook. Well, it’s the time of year when you should think about shopping around for a Medicare health or drug plan. Medicare’s open enrollment period begins Oct. 15 and runs through Dec. 7, 2017. If you have Original Medicare, meaning that you can choose any doctor or hospital that accepts Medicare, you don’t need to think about open enrollment. But if you have a Medicare Advantage (Part C) health plan, or a Medicare (Part D) prescription drug plan, you may want to see whether there’s another plan on the market that would be a better match for you, at a lower price. continued on page 14
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The Julian News 3
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Warriors And Survivors Celebrating Six Months Julian Warriors and Survivors, our local cancer and rare disease support group, is celebrating its six month anniversary this month. The group, which provides guidance, education and spirit to patients, survivors, caregivers and family was formed by Evelyn Goldschmidt in April, in an effort to bring much needed support services to our rural community. Says Evelyn, “The outpouring of good will, participation, and help from our community at large has been amazing. The group is non-sectarian, but Cindy Arntson, Pastor of the Julian United Methodist Church, has been the greatest inspiration of all. A huge thanks also goes to Julian Mountain Spa, whose professionals have been so present and supportive.” Julian Warriors and Survivors is now a 501©3 corporation, and is a recognized Support Group with the American Cancer Society. Plans are underway to bring in expert speakers from beyond Julian to share their knowledge with our members.
Star Party On The Horizon The next star party will take place at William Heise Park on Saturday, October 14, beginning at Sunset, in the Amphitheater. The current issue of Julian Journal has a great article on the Volcan Mountain sunset hike & star party. The star party was very memorable, thanks to the efforts of SD Rec. staff, the astronomers, preservationists and hikers.. The JDSN website has a video of Janice Bina-Smith singing "When Fire Falls from the Sky,"an unforgettable song about the the awe of the night sky on Volcan. The "Return of the Eclipse Chasers" gave the audience a chance to see some great eclipse images and relive the adventures that went to capturing them. South America in 2019 anyone? Great news: San Diego County has adopted a new improved lighting standard for all county street lights, as well as residential and business lighting. This will apply to all unincorporated areas of SD County. Lastly, the JDSN is conducting a membership drive. the form will be on the website very soon. membership dues will help us acquire more resources, such as the 4 pairs of binoculars we recently bought for star parties. Clear, dark skies.
Clean Up At Lake Cuyamaca Join us next Sunday Oct. 15 for a community clean-up at Lake Cuyamaca & help us in our efforts towards conserving the backcountry. We need volunteers to help throughout the day, or any other support that you'd be willing to provide. Lake Cuyamaca is a very important natural resource & we must do our part to ensure its preservation.
Did Julian Have Saloons And Dance Hall Girls In The 1870’s?
The Julian Hotel, built in 1872, was operated by George and Katherine Hoskings. The hotel burned down around 1900. photo courtesy Julian Historical Society With the 61st annual comedy Melodrama coming up soon, complete with performances in between the acts of the play by the volunteer singing ladies fondly known as the “Julian Floozies,” I decided to explore whether Julian actually had any saloon girls during the Gold Rush years. While it did have “several saloons,” I can’t find any record of any saloon girls who were in town to provide entertainment for the miners. According to one early historian, “Julian was never the ‘hell roarin’ town that is commonly associated with mining camps.” Horace Fenton Wilcox remembered “during the gold rush Julian and Banner was pretty tough places, but I reckon they wasn’t any tougher’n most minin’ camps of that time. Every other place of business was a saloon, a gamblin’ joint, or a dance hall; but on the whole, things was pretty orderly…respectable women was perfectly safe.” In fact, Julian survived beyond the mining boom due to the large number of women and families, not just single men, who migrated to the region. One local historian suggested that Julian did not became a “ghost town” like other California mining camps largely because of the women of the families, and the men not actively engaged in mining, had found that the soil was miraculously productive. Many of the families chose to stay in the district. Several women in town managed their own hotels or boarding houses, and served meals and did laundry for the miners. Julian hosted a small but stable number of downtown businesses. A San Diego Union article noted, “Julian is what may be called a ‘rising town,’ not only with reference to its altitude, but as to its rapid settlement and building up.” Six hundred people populated the town soon after the discovery of gold and more arrived over the next few years. Between 1870 and 1880, Julian boasted two hotels, five stores, two cafes, two blacksmith shops, two livery stables and several saloons. The town did not, however, have a bank until September 1870. In their absence, general stores served as banks. Markets in San Diego and Los Angeles gave credit to the stores in Julian for the gold deliveries they received and the stores, in turn, gave credit to the miners to use for groceries or, the most widely purchased good, alcohol. Aside from the difficulty of bringing in such store-bought supplies as coffee, sugar, and flour, living was easy in the mountains. Boarding houses and hotels catered to Julian’s growing population. Before that, people slept in tents. Emily City, for example, was considered a “tent city” prior to the creation of boarding houses in the area. The Pioneer Hotel, run by Mrs. M. A. Clough, “could accommodate forty guests, who, the year before, would have been sleeping outdoors.” George and Katherine Hoskings built and ran the Julian Hotel (not to be confused with the Hotel Robinson). The Wilcox store in Julian served as a general store, post office, and stage coach stop, circa 1885. Restaurants served as working kitchens for everyday meals as well as places of entertainment. Police Captain Francis Marion Hopkins served dual roles as saloon owner and policeman. He even held court in his bar and managed to “dispense justice and whiskey in the same room without mixing results.” The most popular and frequent social gatherings in Julian revolved around dancing and the Wilcox family usually provided the music. Horace Fenton Wilcox played the bass viol, his father the fiddle, and the Wilcox daughters played the piano. Mr. Wilcox used this as a supplemental source of income when his mine was not producing. Some dances were thrown for the simple purpose of dancing. Other times, dances were held as fundraisers for a new town hall or road construction. James Jasper recalled, “In pioneer days everyone danced in Julian. Eventually, news of new gold discoveries in Arizona and Nevada drew miners away from Julian and the population dropped to around one hundred by the mid to late 1870s. Nevertheless, the town survived. Julian’s continued prosperity had a good deal to do with its apple, and later pear, orchards. Close-knit friendships and an active social life kept people from leaving Julian. With what appears to have been a light-hearted, pioneer spirit, residents seemed to genuinely enjoy one another’s company, as they do today. Bring you Julian light-hearted pioneer spirit and come see the 61st annual comedy Melodrama in Town Hall the last two weekends of October. Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite.com (type in Julian as the city and the Melodrama will come up) or at the Chamber Office in Town Hall. Tickets for adults and teens are $10, children 4-12 are $5, and under 4 are free. Performances are the last two weekends of October, Friday and Saturday nights at 7PM and Saturday matinees are at 2PM. See you there!
Junior High-lights
by Gabriella Copeland and Jazmine Pitman
Faith Boyd, Piper Woodward, Haley Simonds and Jazmine Pitman in their Roman outfits. Creativity in Julian has come to life the past two weeks. The homecoming parade was last Friday for the high school. The freshman float was Finding Nemo, the sophomore class did Monsters Inc., the juniors did Toy Story, and the senior class did The Pirates of the Caribbean. The elementary and junior high schools were lucky enough to be able to see these floats in action instead of having their everyday routine. The Halloween carnival at the elementary school is coming up quick. Mrs. Cruz is already preparing the traditional haunted house. The junior high students get a discount on upcoming field trips for giving a helping hand. In other news, the 8th graders came back from their Catalina trip with a smile on their faces and a tan on their backs. While they were gone the 7th-grade class prepared for their Roman fashion show coming up. Soon after they were walking down the red carpet with their new Roman look. A couple days later the 7th graders leaped into another project with Roman wars. With teams of two, students made their plan to assassinate other groups with research and hard work. Political enthusiasm was everywhere.
Ilan-Lael Garden Work Day Saturday, October 21 at 9 AM - 3 PM, Help us ready our gardens and grounds for the coming winter. Ilan-Lael Gardener Mati Moon will skillfully guide the work and share her knowledge of all things that grow in the garden and in nature. Ilan-Lael Foundation 930 Orchard Lane email: ilanlael@mac.com
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4 The Julian News
Julian Calendar
CALENDAR LISTINGS If you are having or know of an event in Julian, Lake Cuyamaca, Ranchita, Warner Springs, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley Sunshine Summit or elsewhere that should be listed in the Backcountry Happenings column, please contact the JULIAN NEWS at PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036, voice/fax 760 765 2231 email: submissions@ juliannews.com or bring the information by our office.
Julian Community Planning Group 2nd Monday Every Month Town Hall - 7pm Architectural Review Board 1st Tuesday of the Month Julian Town Hall Downstairs - 7pm Julian Chamber of Commerce Mixer - 1st Thursday of Month Board - 3rd Thursday of Month Town Hall - 6pm 760 765 1857 Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District 2nd Tuesday of The Month 10am at the Julian Women’s Club House - 3rd Street Julian Community Services District Third Tuesday of every month at 10:00 A.M. at the San Diego County Sheriff ’s Office, Julian Substation, Public Meeting Room, 2907 Washington Street, Julian Julian Women’s Club 1st Wednesday - 1pm 2607 C Street information: 760 765 0212 Julian Historical Society Presentations, 4th Wednesday of the Month Julian Historical Society Building, 2133 4th Street - 7 pm Julian Arts Guild General Meeting: Second Wednesday of the Month, Julian Library - 3 pm Program: Fourth Tuesday of Month Julian Library - 6:00 ESL Class - Tuesday/Thursday Improve your English skills with a Palomar College Instructor Julian Library, 4-6pm Zumba Aerobics with Gaynor Every Monday and Thursday Town Hall - 6pm, info: 619 540-7212
Every 1st & 3rd Thursday Lego Club, Lego building for kids grade K-5. All materials supplied. Julian Library - 2:30pm. Every Saturday Techie Saturday at Julian Library - We now have a 3D printer! Come in on any Saturday and get individual instruction and assistance. Every Sunday (Weather permitting) Julian Doves & Desperados historic comedy skits at 1 pm, 2 pm & 3 pm – stage area behind Julian Market & Deli.
Wednesday, October 11 Feeding San Diego Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. Julian Library - 10am
Lucas Biespiel and Benny Gilbert A Pair Of Portland’s Best
Saturday, October 14 Star Party Julian Dark Sky Network William Heise Park - sunset Sunday, October 15 Lake Cuyamaca Community Clean Up volunteers to help throughout the day
Saturday, October 21 Haunted San Diego Nicole Strickland from the San Diego Paranormal Research Society will be discussing San Diego’s North County haunted locations. Julian Library - 10am
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday Julian Lions Club 7pm downstairs at the town hall
Wynola Pizza has a special weekend planned, not only because they start off Friday night with Sara Petite. All weekend they will have Nickle Beer controlling the taps, offering up five different beers at $5.95, Friday through Sunday, only. All day, each day from opening to closing. Friday night music kicks off in style with Sara Petite and her hand spun musical yarns. “Eleven years from her debut, Tiger Mountain, the title of Sara Petite’s latest album is at odds with the miles of experience in her voice. What had once been a musical pastime turned into a sanity-saving career choice, that in turn transformed her personal struggles into artistic fuel. This latest set explores intimate themes of restlessness, desire, discovery, love, loss and recovery, and though the shuffling rhythms and moody horns suggest Johnny Cash, there’s a delicate vulnerability in Petite’s voice that Cash’s baritone couldn’t have sustained.” In The Red Barn or on the patio always a good time with Sara from six to nine.
Saturday, October 14 Dulcimer & Ukulele Lessons with Dave Harding Julian Library - 10am
Every Tuesday Tai Chi with Rich. Julian Library - 9 AM Healthy Yoga with Lori Munger HHP,RYT Julian Library - 10am
Every Thursday VET Connect - VA services available at Julian library. Call 858-694-3222 for appointment. Thursdays, 9am-4pm.
Sara Petite Friday Honky Tonk’n
Friday, October 13 thru 22 Laguna Mountain Rendezvous at Mataguay Scout Ranch
Friday, October 20 61st Annual Melodrama Julian Town Hall - 7pm
Second & Fourth Wednesdays Feeding San Diego Julian Library parking lot - 10:00am
Back Country Happenings
Wednesday, October 11 Crafternoon Crafts for kids with Crystal at the Julian Elementary Schools Club Jaguar. Only open to current JUESD students. Julian Library - 12:15
Julian Arts Chorale Rehearsals at JCUMC Monday @ 6:15
Every Wednesday @ Julian Library 10am - Baby Story Time with Miss Joanne 10:30am - Preschool Story Time and Crafts with Miss Joanne 11:00am - Sit and Fit for Seniors - Gentle Stretching and flexibility exercises with Matt Kraemer 4:30 - Qi Gong - An ancient Chinese healing system using physical postures and breathing to guide and replenish energy, with Vika Golovanova.
October 11, 2017
Proudly serving visitors for over 25 years, including friends and family of our backcountry neighbors and residents
Saturday, October 21 61st Annual Melodrama Julian Town Hall - 2 & 7pm Saturday & Sunday, October 21, 22 Octoberfest Presented by St Elizabeth’s Saturday & Sunday, October 21 & 22 Julian Arts Guild Studio Tour Tuesday, October 24 Julian Art Guild Demo. Learn about oil painting from artist Catherine Bobkowski. Julian Library - 6pm Wednesday, October 25 Feeding San Diego Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. Julian Library - 10am
Five unique guest rooms, near town, on 3 wooded acres with extensive gardens, benches and pathways. Our guests enjoy a full breakfast each day, goodies in the afternoon and unsurpassed hospitality.
Soulful, passionate, and sincere are the words used most frequently when describing Portland raised singer, songwriter, and violinist, Lucas Biespiel. Wis his bluesy vocals, heartfelt lyrics, and wild fiddle playing, Biespiel has made a name for himself as a versatile musical force in the Rose City’s thriving roots scene. He’ll be joined Saturday night by Benny Gilbert Benny Gilbert (another songwriter from Portland, who is one of the members of King Columbia). The pair will come to Wynola this Saturday for three hours of “imported” music for six to nine. With different Nickle Beers on tap for only $5.95 a glass. Local craft beer and imported music, make for a great evening out.
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Upcoming Wynola Pizza & Bistro Shows:
Every Thursday — Open Mic Nite 6 to 8 Friday, October 20 – Haywire Saturday, October 21 – Three Chord Justice Friday, October 27 – Peter Hall
Julian Historical Society
For more information call Wynola Pizza & Bistro 760-765-1004 www.wynolapizza.com
Thursday, October 26 “Coffee with Constituents” Supervisor Dianne Jacob Julian Town Hall, 9 - 11
• On Oct. 10, 1877, the U.S. Army holds a funeral with full military honors for Gen. George Armstrong Custer, who was killed the previous year at the Battle of Little Big Horn. Custer was buried at West Point, where he had graduated in 1861 at the bottom of his class. • On Oct. 12, 1915, British nurse Edith Cavell is executed by a German firing squad in Brussels after being court martialed for helping Allied soldiers to escape from Belgium during World War I. • On Oct. 9, 1936, harnessing the power of the mighty Colorado River, the Hoover Dam begins sending electricity over transmission lines spanning 266 miles of mountains and deserts
to Los Angeles. At the time, the dam was the tallest in the world. • On Oct. 13, 1967, the Anaheim Amigos lose to the Oakland Oaks, 134-129, in the inaugural game of the American Basketball Association. The ABA offered a looser atmosphere than the stodgy NBA. Its cheerleaders wore bikinis, and trash-talking and fights on the court were common. • On Oct. 11, 1975, "Saturday Night Live," a comedy sketch show featuring Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Chevy Chase and Gilda Radner, makes its debut on NBC. "SNL" would go on to become the longest-running, highest-rated show on late-night television. • On Oct. 14, 1994, writerdirector Quentin Tarantino's crime drama "Pulp Fiction" opens in theaters. Made for less than $10 million, "Pulp Fiction" earned more than $100 million at the box office and received seven Academy Award nominations,
Monthly presentations on the fourth Wednesday of the month The Historical Society Building 2133 4th Street
*Newly Renovated*
All 23 rooms combine modern comforts of A/C, private baths, flat screen TV and free WiFi Vintage mountain charm perfect for groups or romantic getaways
4th and ‘C’ Street
including Best Picture. • On Oct. 15, 2004, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration rules that hearse manufacturers no longer have to install anchors for child-
(760) 765 1420
safety seats in their vehicles. A "funeral coach" manufacturer had petitioned for an exemption, stating that, "Children do not ride in the front seat." © 2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
The Julian News 5
October 11, 2017
My Thoughts by Michele Harvey
Small Victories
by Kiki Skagen Munshi
Let The Negotiations Begin When the cats asked for a meeting it was clear they had something on their feline minds. They lined up on the dining room table (we won’t go there, please, they don’t go on the kitchen counters, at least not when I’m around) as much as cats can manage to line up. Nixie the faux-Siamese/Egyptian queen imitated the Sphinx and looked out the window to show how detached royalty is, Draga examined her right paw, Tabby Two snored gently after a hard day’s night chasing coyotes or vice versa, Scruffy…you get the picture. Little Calico Toofie, Head Cat by virtue of longevity, sat formally, licked her shoulder a minute, fixed her eyes on mine and presented their case. “You,” she said and pawsed, “YOU have been giving us store-brand generic cat food for the last week.” Uh-oh. “We don’t like it,” she added. As if I hadn’t noticed the uneaten lumps of yuck. Look, we said, we know the taste is, uh, not quite the same but prices keep going up in fact, we pointed out, the old social security checks had not increased nearly as much as the price of cat food over the past years. The cats immediately countered with the argument that they kept mice and gophers out of the garden and saved us money all year. They added that they kept us warm by covering us with a five-cat blanket in winter. We didn’t tell them that five cats make it really hard to roll over—it might have hurt their feelings. Okay, we’re a wuss. We added that if the new tax proposals go into effect and we have to pay taxes on money we give to the State and County as income and property tax, disposable (cat-supporting) income would be reduced. AND if proposals to cut Medicare and rejigger the Social Security inflation index are adopted….by this time five pairs of gimlet cat eyes were fixed on us and ten front claws were being flexed. It seems that economics isn’t cats’ favorite subject. All right, we caved. Back to Friskies. Five cats purred in unison. Cats win. Again. As usual.
Julian News In Montana
Bruce Strachota took some time to get ready for the winter, visiting West Yellowstone Montana, of course he could not resist the opportunity to visit a classic snow plow, with his copy of the Julian News.
Laguna Mountain Rendezvous The Laguna Mountain Rendezvous starting this weekend October 13and continuing until the 22nd at Mataguay Scout Ranch may not be quite as wild and crazy as a rendezvous in the Rocky Mountains of 1830, but we do give it a good try. Men, women and children dressed in their mountain man, Indian or even colonial outfits, gather together to do the best we can to live in the past. Primitive camps, period traders, demonstrations, competitions, music, food & drink and lots of friendly people make the Laguna Mountain Rendezvous a great place to visit. You do not have to be a member to come and enjoy the rendezvous. Day visitors can shop, eat, try their hand at primitive skills and enjoy the beautiful mountain setting of the rendezvous. Don’t forget your camera. There is a lot of interesting things to photograph. Visit our Gallery section to see photos of past rendezvous. To camp at the rendezvous you need to camp and dress primitive. There is also a ‘tin teepee’ camp- ing (RV). Boy Scout units that would like to attend and camp will be provided a special camping area. See registration form for rules, regulations and costs.
After undergoing shoulder surgery on August 28th, I have been cautious in the movements of my right shoulder and arm. I don’t want to go backwards in my healing, so I ask Matt, my physical therapist what I can and can’t do. Occasionally I say that I need to do something, like sewing to make products to sell in my shop, so I say to him, “Don’t tell me I can’t do it; tell me how I can do it.” He sits and talks with me about my current limitations and cautions me not to force my movements. I can now sew a little bit and feel as if I am helping to keep the shop stocked with homemade products. It’s what I like best about my shop and I was well on my way to making plenty of back stock before breaking my shoulder on August 16th. While I was in the hospital I decided to worry about nothing. Not one thing was going to get my attention if I couldn’t do anything to change things. Fortunately I have husband Mike to help me with my personal needs. He has also taken over laundry duties and driving me to doctor appointments along with making bank deposits for me and driving me to stores for supplies so I can continue to create homemade fabric items for my store. Now that I have healed for about 5 weeks and have gained a lot of mobility in my right shoulder and arm, I can type and I can sew using my sewing machine for longer periods of time before putting ice on my muscles. What Mike doesn’t do for me, my son Robert does for me. They both accompanied me on walks in the early shaky days of my healing. Robert and Mike were both ready to fill my ice bag, cook me a meal and cheer me on. The most important one thing that Robert has done for me is running my store. He does his best to keep it open 7 days each week with help from good friends Darlene and Gracie. My son Thomas, his roommate Patty and his 3 children always come to my aid when I call. Sometimes I only need a screw capped bottle to be open because I don’t yet have the strength. They cheerfully help in any way they can. They all live next door, so help for me is always close. My victories are small yet meaningful to me. 5 weeks after my surgery I was able to shower without assistance. It was my first day of not stressing if I might fall in the shower. Falling could mean reinjuring my shoulder and again, that would be a step backwards in my healing, maybe a huge step backwards. I finally have enough range of motion to dry my legs, again with no fear of falling. On October 3rd, husband Mike received a Legacy Award for his “demonstrated commitment to make SDCBUA (San Diego County Baseball Umpires Association) a standout association of Baseball Officials.” Mike worked as a baseball umpire for about 25 years and he was president of the SDCBUA at least twice. I saw him in action as an umpire and as an umpire trainer and he was outstanding. On the evening of October 3rd Mike and many other dedicated sports officials received recognition for their dedication to their chosen sports. The evening was important to me because I am so proud of Mike. I wanted him to be proud of having me with him, so instead of taking his mind off of the evening ahead of us by helping me, I used that goal to shower myself and wash and dry my hair without his assistance. I was ready and knew that I could manage these tasks without hurting my shoulder or arm. This was a victory indeed. That evening marked the first time I felt comfortable in a crowd (200+ people) without wearing my sling. I had gained enough range of mobility to cut up my dinner meat by holding a stationary fork in my right hand and cutting with my left hand. These are more small victories and a step forward toward healing. I still don’t wear my sling, helping my arm to straighten out. October 4th was the first day I could shower, dry myself, and get completely dressed because it was the first day I could button my blouse. These are small yet important victories. I have lots of assistants and I wish everyone who has to go through major surgery could have the support group that I have. My sister is going to have major hip surgery any day now and she has had to line up substitute teachers for the classes she teaches. She has feral cats, a parakeet and horses that will need to be fed and cared for until she can take care of them in a few weeks. She and I have different responsibilities and we are both thankful that we could get our lives in order before surgery. On my 5 week checkup with my surgeon, Dr. Brad Cohen, he complimented me on my rate of recovery. My healing has progressed in large part because of Dr. Cohen’s skills and also because of Matt Kraemer, my physical therapist at Alpine Physical Therapy/Julian Fitness Center in downtown Julian. Matt pushes me and encourages me to do my best without overdoing my exercises. I tell people that I can do everything that I did before breaking my shoulder, except the things that I can’t. If I behave myself, my healing will be complete one day. Matt guides me to heal, not harm myself. Both of these men have shown me the way of small victories. These are my thoughts
*** To live in this world, you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go. — Mary Oliver ***
760 765 1020
Home Crafted & Vintage Items • Home Sewn Kitchen Items • • Grape Tray Wall Art • • Candles • Soaps • Lotions • Downtown Julian in the Cole Building
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2116 Main Street - Downstairs
• Wednesday - Sunday
Michael Hart Receives Legacy Award
(L-R) Michael Carey - NFL referee; Ron Shinkle - San Diego County Basketball Officials Assn.; Michael Hart; Matt Smith and Nicholas Spencer - San Diego County Baseball Umpires Assn. “Rookies of the Year”; Joe Harris - President, SDCBUA. Tuesday, October 3rd - Michael Hart was presented with the Mike Winters Legacy Award at the annual San Diego Sports Officials Hall of Fame banquet. Mike was recognized for his service and dedication to improving baseball umpiring within the association.
6 The Julian News
Back Country Dining
now for thour Harvethst Teas e v r e s e R October 12 thru 16
2718 B Street - Julian Reservations 760 765 1003 Dine In or Takeout • Wine and Beer
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3:00 to 6:00
760 765 0832
11:30AM - 8:30PM
Carmen’s Garden Friday Night Prime Rib is BACK! Friday and Saturday are Cheese Fondue nights A fun party for the family!
See our menu at www.romanosrestaurantjulian.com
Winery Guide
October 11, 2017
2124 Third Street
one block off Main Street
Drive Thru Service For To-Go Orders
10 am- 4 pm Thursday through Monday
Lake Cuyamaca
CLOSED Tuesday and Wednesday
Homemade soups, fried chicken, pot pies, meatloaf, mac ‘n’ cheese and other delights. All homemade, soul-warming and DELICIOUS!!
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STEAKS • SEAFOOD • PRIME RIB • FULL BAR • Lunch and Dinner • Patio Dining 765-0173 2224 Main Street Mid-Week Dinner Specials
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Your Location Here
Showcase Your Restaurant In Our Dining Guide 13 Weeks - $175 26 Weeks - $325 52 Weeks - $600 You Can Do It, for Tips!
1. ANATOMY: Where is the muscle called latissimus dorsi located in the human body? 2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: When did the last Ice Age end? 3. RELIGION: What do the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse represent in the Book of Revelation? 4. GAMES: What color of clothing does Princess Peach wear in the Mario Brothers video games? 5. GEOGRAPHY: What business is London’s Fleet Street associated with? 6. U.S. STATES: Which state’s official song is “Yankee Doodle”? continued on page 14
Tasting Room and Picnic Area
1150 Julian Orchards Drive
2 miles North of Julian out Farmer Road
760 765 2072
Chef’s Corner Great Pumpkin! I know that fall and harvest time are finally here when the colors in the produce section are dominated by warm yellows, dark vibrant greens and rich orange pumpkin colors. Pumpkins are the ambassadors of autumn, ushering in the holiday season and the promise of cooler days and nights. The pumpkin plant originated in Central America and was introduced to the Pilgrims by the American Indians. Pumpkins provide a hefty source of vitamin A, as well as one of the tastiest forms of good-for-you fiber. The gorgeous orange color is an indicator of beta carotene, also found in carrots, beets and sweet potatoes. Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein, minerals and fiber. The seeds also have a rich, buttery taste that lends itself well to pestos, salad toppings or as a healthy snack. I like using pumpkin to update traditional recipes, like this modern version of Beef and Pumpkin Stew. If you’re having a busy
week, you can make this crowdpleasing stew the night before in a slow cooker. Time in the refrigerator allows the spices to infuse the dish and the flavors to deepen. Reheat it as needed, and serve the next day with a flavorful Kale and Brussels Sprouts Salad and a crusty loaf of warm bread. It’s a wonderful way to welcome fall! BEEF AND PUMPKIN STEW 2 tablespoons olive or canola oil 1 beef top round steak (1 1/2 pounds), cut into 1-inch cubes 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 1/2 teaspoons ground black pepper 1 teaspoon chili powder
1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 1/2 cups cubed peeled pie pumpkin (such as a Jarrahdale, Blue Hubbard or sugar pumpkin) 3 small red potatoes, peeled and cubed 1 cup (1 medium-large) peeled and cubed sweet potato 1 medium onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 cans (14 1/2 ounces each) reduced-sodium beef broth 1 can (14 1/2 ounces) diced or crushed tomatoes (fire roasted or with bell peppers, if available), undrained 2 bay leaves 1 tablespoon steak sauce continued on page 14
October 11, 2017
The Julian News 7
...books, movies and computer software.
Check the library for dinosaur...
Newspaper Fun! www.readingclubfun.com
Chatter and I are at a dinosaur dig. We’re visiting a paleontologist, a person who studies prehistoric life (from a time before things were written down and recorded). She tries to figure out what the earth and animals were like and how animals lived long, long ago. How is this done? People look for, dig up and study fossils. Fossils are bones, footprints or other traces of animals and plants in rocks or in the ground that have been under a lot of pressure for long periods of time. One scientist, Sir Richard Owen, used the word “dinosaur” to name the giant animals that were alive during the Mesozoic Era: Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Dinosaurs died out by the Era’s end.
by Bill Fink
by Bic Montblanc
4 7
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Read the clues to learn about each dinosaur. Then, fill in the puzzle: 1. Spinosaurus – was the largest meat-eating dinosaur (about three times larger than the T. Rex!); had large “fan” of __________ on its back 10 2. Stegosaurus – bony plates stuck out of its back; had a __________ tail 3. Archaeopteryx – name means “__________ bird;” oldest bird discovered 4. Velociraptor – only about 2 feet tall; middle __________ is large and sharp 5. Pteranodon – not truly a dinosaur, __________ lizard with 25-foot wingspan 6. Deinonychus – name means “__________ claw;” up to 5-inch long claw 7. Ankylosaurus – four-ton dino was almost 35 feet long; its back was covered with __________ plates; its tail could smash things with 43,000 pounds of force 8. Parasaurolophus – amazing sense of __________ helped this dino notice sounds of predators from miles away; made a loud foghorn-like noise to warn its family of danger 9. Tyrannosaurus Rex – best-known dinosaur; its bite was 15 times stronger than an __________ 10. Triceratops – one of largest __________ dinosaurs; has three on its head 11. Sinornithosaurus – this dino’s name means “Chinese bird lizard”; was only the size of a __________ 12. Sauroposeidon – largest dinosaur; 60 feet tall; 100 feet long; one neck __________ is 4 feet long.
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A Dino-sized Mistake!
During the 1800’s there was a lot of competition between two fossil hunters Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope. They spent all their money trying to outdo each other. A dinosaur skeleton that Marsh found was put up in museums and labeled. Later, people found out that it had the 18 body of a young Apatosaurus and the head of a completely 17 different dinosaur called Camarasaurus. Follow the dots to see this dinosaur. 16
8 7
9 10
5 4 3 2
70 1
The mistake was discovered only after this dinosaur had become a favorite. Fill in the missing letters to spell its name:
B___ o___ t ___ saurus
61 60
54 53 52
Fill in the blanks with “T” or “R” to spell these dinos’ names:
51 49
47 39 48 38 37
Many people see this “flying lizard,” the Pteranodon, in a movie or in a dinosaur book and think it was a dinosaur, but it was not!
35 36
Break out your crayons or markers and color in these dinosaurs to make them look the way you think they may have looked.
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man’s land” Stubby proved invaluable in locating wounded men. He would bark when he found a wounded comrade till aid came. After the war Robert Conroy attended Georgetown University and Stubby went with him. He became the mascot for the school and entertained the crowds at football games during half time by pushing a football around field to the delight of thousands. Stubby died in Robert Conroy’s arms in 1926. His remains are at the Smithsonian Institute in the Americans at War Exhibit. At the Walk of Honor at the World War One Monument in Kansas City, Stubby was honored with a brick that reads “SERGEANT STUBBY HERO DOG OF WWI A BRAVE STRAY.” So there you go, Sergeant Stubby, WWI Veteran, combat wounded, worthy hero to his comrades in arms and his nation,
31 30
42 41 43
Which Dino Is It?
___ e x
A Small Mistake!
r R
member of the American Legion, very cute in his own inimitable way. Truly a Dogface soldier.
Not to be outdone, the heroine that few have heard of lives on in Marine Corps legend. A Marine Corps Veteran of the Korean War, a war heroine exhibiting incredible valor under fire, winner of two Purple Hearts, Good Conduct Medal, Presidential Unit Citation with Star, National Defense Service Medal, Korean War Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal and Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation Medal.
Bonus: If you know this one you are beyond smart!
___ r i c e r a ___ o p s
Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills LLC © 2017
Sergeant Stubby, was a hero from WWI, lifetime member of the American Legion, constant inspiration to his men, and had multiple decorations for conspicuous action in combat. Sergeant Stubby served in the trenches in France for eighteen months, participating in four offenses and seventeen battles. He saved the lives of his men time and time again, was a victim of mustard gas, recovered and went back to the front. Took shrapnel to the chest and legs, recovered and went back to the front. He single pawedly captured a German spy and literally bit him on the ass and wouldn’t let go till his comrades came to his aid. He was decorated by General Pershing the Commander of the American Expeditionary Force and introduced and shook paw to hand with Presidents Wilson, Coolidge and Harding. Sergeant Stubby… dog. He was a small Pit Bull mix, a stray that stumbled onto the grounds of Yale University where the 102nd Infantry was drilling and preparing to ship out to Europe. He endeared himself to the men but particularly to Corporal Robert Conroy who adopted him. Conroy kept him fed and was amazed by the dog’s intelligence as he learned to respond to the bugle calls and the drills the men were performing. When it came time to ship out, Conroy smuggled him onto the troop ship. The sailors liked the dog so much that they had a machinist make him a set of “dog tags” just like his mates. When the Commander discovered the dog, Conroy commanded Stubby to “present arms” and Stubby saluted the Commander by placing a paw above his eye. Stubby became the official mascot for the 102nd right there and then. In the trenches with the men, Stubby kept morale high. He was gassed and was sent to the rear for recovery and as he recovered he kept morale high among the wounded. He became very sensitive to mustard gas and was credited with saving his men during an early morning attack as he frantically barked and nipped at his men until they woke and donned their masks. He took off until the gas had cleared. Stubby was also wounded by shrapnel from a grenade. Once again he was sent to the rear for recovery and rejoined his comrades at the front when he recovered. Because of his sensitive canine hearing, he was able to detect the whine of incoming fire before his human cohorts and was often able to convey to them to take cover. Outside the trenches in “no
We Dig Dinosaurs!
That way...er... this way!
Sergeants Stubby and Reckless
We’ve all had animals in our lives that we have adored. Aside from our own members of the animal family we’ve adopted from film and fiction Rin Tin Tin, Lassie, Old Yeller, Morris the Cat, Trigger and Silver and even Barney the purple… whatever he is. Few though can match the charming, determined, dauntless, brave and loved, real-life Sergeants Stubbly and Reckless. Here are their stories.
Annimills LLC © 2017 V10-39
Solution Page 12
Named as one of the top one hundred American heroes by Life Magazine in 1997 in their special edition of “Celebrating our Heroes” along the likes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. This story has a very inauspicious beginning. In 1952 while war was raging in Korea, Kim Huk Moon a South Korean boy desperately needed money to pay for an artificial leg for his sister who was wounded by a landmine. He sold his horse to Lt. Eric Pederson. This little mare endeared herself to the Marines initially because of her antics and demand for attention but particularly for her appetite. Her favorite food was scrambled eggs, but she also loved pancakes, coffee, Hershey bars, cake, Coca Cola and whatever she could get her hands… uh, hoofs on. Anyway, in the 50s horses were
still being used to carry weaponry and ammunition over the difficult mountainous terrain of Korea. The little mare was taught to step continued on page 13
1. In 2016, Toronto’s Josh Donaldson became the sixth player in A.L. history to have at least 20 home runs and 80 runs scored by the All-Star break. Name three of the other five to do it. 2. Miami’s Giancarlo Stanton tied a record in the 2016 All-Star Home Run Derby with 61 home runs. Who had held the mark? 3. Cam Newton holds the
Carolina Panthers record for most TD passes in a career (136 entering the 2017 season). Jake Delhomme is second (120). Who is third? 4. In 2014, Florida’s Kasey Hill became the fourth men’s freshman basketball player to dish out 10 assists in an NCAA Tournament Sweet 16 game. Name two of the other three to do it. 5. Nashville’s Peter Laviolette, in 2017, became the fourth NHL coach to take three different teams to the Stanley Cup Finals. Who were the other three? 6. In 2016, Ashton Eaton became the third athlete to win back-to-back Olympic decathlons. Name the other two to do it. 7. Who are the only golfers to shoot a 63 in a men’s major twice? answers on page 14
8 The Julian News
October 11, 2017
Cross Country Eagles Running Strong
by Coach Sandy Balcom
All-wooden Washboard
Julian High School Cross Country has had a busy 3 weeks. We traveled to Rohr Park in Chula Vista where the South Bay Invitational was held. All the boys who ran this course last year ran faster 5k times than the previous year; Ethan Elisara 17:16-2016, 16:57-2017, Nik Carneiro 19:08=2016, 18:11-2017, PJ Davis Scholl 19:58-2016, 18:21-2017, Ryan Lay 23:34-2016, 22:26-2017. Freshmen Cory Lay and Brayden Vickers competed as well.
Debbie Fetterman
CalBRE #01869678
Howdy! From Lake Cuyamaca
This all-wooden washboard sold at auction for $195. It is 22 inches high and still in working condition, although it is at least 80 years old. The 19th century in the U.S. was a time of invention. The patent office at first required a working model of an invention, but later, just accurate drawings and details were enough. Victorians loved gadgets and specialty tools. There were hundreds of patents granted for apple peelers, lighting devices, corkscrews, fruit jars, washing machines, washboards, toasters, napkin rings and cooking pots, and today there are collector clubs for almost every one of these specialties. An unusual all-wooden washboard was sold in 2016 by Hess Auction Group. It has threaded wooden rollers instead of a corrugated metal or glass rubbing surface. The maple rollers rolled in opposite directions and, according to the ads, the "screw threads do all the work." The first wooden rollers were made by the Hubbard Brothers, and the Mother Hubbard Roller Washboard was a popular item sold doorto-door in the early 1900s. The washboards were no longer made after 1935, because they were not needed if you had an electric washing machine. At the 2016 auction, a Mother Hubbard Patent Roller Washboard sold for $195. *** Q: How much are the 1996 edition of Pokemon cards worth? The cards are American and Japanese, and are in albums, but a few are missing. We think some might be worth something. How can we find out? A: Pokemon started out as a video game for Game Boy in February 1996. The name Pokemon is a contraction of the words "Pocket Monster." The first Pokemon cards were Pocket Monster cards issued in Japan in October 1996. There were 102 cards in the set. The first Pokemon cards in English were in the Demo Game pack, issued in limited quantity in December 1998. The first set of 102 cards in English was issued in the U.S. in January 1999. There are over 700 different Pokemon characters today. Incomplete sets of cards sell online for a few dollars. Value is determined by rarity and condition. The best place to find current values is to go to a card show or to a store that sells cards. *** CURRENT PRICES Doorstop, Winnie-the-Pooh, resin, red and yellow paint, seated, arms above head, c. 1975, 21 x 12 inches, $145. Hobby horse, rocker, wood and paint, shaped base, saddle and stirrups, cast-iron wheels, 1960s, 22 x 31 inches, $635. Telephone table, mahogany, drop front, telephone cubby, writing slide, scalloped apron, turned legs, arched stretcher, 1950s, 49 x 31 inches, $700.
Sign up for our free weekly email, "Kovels Komments." Terry Kovel writes about the latest news, tips, questions and her views of the market. If you register on our website, kovels.com, there is no charge. (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
“Dusty Britches” here checkin out the gut barrels to see what’s coming out of the old pond. CATFISH seem to dominate the barrels. The 19 pound channel cat in the photo was part of a limit caught over the weekend. The anglers also happened to snag about a 5’ white sturgeon. It was placed back in the water. Hand size crappie slabs are coming out also, although they were found at the bottom of the water column. Trout are still being caught over at Lone Pine and along the shore at Chambers Park. Our reservations were booked over the weekend but it looks like there will be a break in the action next weekend unless we get a lot of calls. Not many snakes seen around in the area lately. The
PJ Davis Scholl On the girl’s side, Riley Boyd improved her 2016 time on this course by 1:28 and Maya Moniz was the only girl to bring home a medal with a time of 17:13 for 2.5 miles. The following week we competed at Morley Field in the Coach Downey Memorial Invite. We didn’t have full teams on either side; however, we had some outstanding individual performances. Dusty Flack ran 15 seconds faster than last year in 18:02, and PJ Davis Scholl had a tremendous improvement over last year with a time of 18:23, shedding 1:18. On the girl’s team, Maya Moniz ran a 5k personal record in 21:16 and brought home a medal along with Dusty Flack.
Jim Shultz: 858-354-0000
CalBRE# 00669672
Irene Chandler:
CalBRE# 00640902
Dusty Flack. This week we had our Citrus League meet #2 hosted by Julian at the Ramona Community Park; Julian Boys won, with Ethan Elisara taking first. The girls team took second to Mtn Empire with Maya Moniz winning by over a minute and teammate Riley Boyd continuing to improve her 5k with another PR. Saturday 4 boys competed at the So Cal Invitational at Guajome Park in Oceanside. All 4 boys ran personal records for the 5k distance; leading the boys was sophomore, Dusty Flack with a time of 17:19, Junior PJ Davis-Scholl breaking 18 minutes for the first time in 17:54, freshman Cory Lay ran 20:19 and Junior Ryan Lay continues his improvement with a 21:44. We as coaches are very proud of all our athletes this year.
Exploring The Paranormal At The Library On Saturday, October 21 at 10 AM, the Julian Branch Library will be hosting a presentation by the San Diego Paranormal Research Society (SDPRS). Join Nicole Strickland, founder of the SDPRS, as she discusses San Diego’s North County Haunted Locations, and view the equipment used during paranormal investigations. Look for Nicole’s article The Roles of a Paranormal Researcher in the next issue of the Julian News. For more information, please call the Julian Library at 760-765-0370. The library is located at 1850 Highway 78, Julian. To learn more about the San Diego Paranormal Research Society, please visit sandiegoparanormalresearch.com and facebook.com/SDPRS.
Specializing in Ranch & Equine Properties and the Custom Showing of your Investment Your Personal & Professional Real Estate Expert
cooler evenings have probably pushed them back underground. This year it looks like we are going to lose at least another 2 to 3 Jeffery and Coulter Pine trees and at least a half dozen oaks around the lake. My take is that we haven’t solved the beetle problem yet. Dogs and peanut butter... they love it. I get a kick out of watching them after I give them a piece of bread loaded with Skippy, then watch them for an eternity lick their lips and the roof of their mouths... it’s not cruel, just fun to watch. What do you think about folks who rip you on “Facebook”, but then, are nice as pie to your face? I think I’ll roll on down the trail now and catch you next time... later. “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not”... — Mark Twain “Tight Lines and Bent Rods”... Dusty Britches
State Medicare Help Is Available A terrific resource is the State Health Insurance and Counseling Program. SHIP is an independent, nonprofit organization that provides free, personalized counseling to people with Medicare. You can make an appointment to speak with a SHIP counselor in-person or over the phone. SHIP counselors are welltrained volunteers who often are enrolled in Medicare themselves, so they know the issues. They can help you sort through different health and drug plans and help find one that’s right for you. To contact your local SHIP office, go to www.shiptacenter. org. If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan as of Jan. 1, 2018 but you’re not satisfied with it, you have a 45-day window to dis-enroll. Between Jan. 1 and Feb. 14, 2018, you can drop your plan and return to Original Medicare. You can also sign up for a Part D drug plan during that time. Having trouble paying for your Part D plan? You may be eligible for the Extra Help program, which helps cover your premiums, deductibles, and co-pays. Medicare beneficiaries typically save about $4,000 annually with Extra Help. For more information on Extra Help, go to www.SSA.gov/ prescriptionhelp.
Spacialsts in Julian Properties. Schedule an appointment soon to see this wonderful mountain home. We love the country and especially we love Julian. We would be happy to share the mountain atphosphere and beauty with you, just give us a call!
930 Prospect Street La Jolla, CA 92037
160+ Acres of Pure Paradise $4,200,000
3515 Hwy 78 - Only two miles from Historic Julian, yet incredibly private. Elegant gated entry, stately main house, guest house, quaint caretakers cottage, barns, and a gorgeous five acre 20’ deep, aerated lake, the centerpiece of the property! Majestic old oaks, poplars, cedars and abundant California Poppies. Show stopping views are the backdrop for everyday life and special events. An ideal site for memorable weddings as well as corporate events. A regulation softball field, and a huge gazebo pavilion, with baths & kitchen, enhance the desirability of the ranch. The apple orchard is fully fenced and produces fruit from some 300 trees. 3 reliable wells, and each dwelling has its own septic system. The large wooden barn with horse stalls, has a separate workshop and other animal enclosures.The lake is stocked with large bass, bluegill & catfish and there are several great entertaining areas around the lake. The pavilion easily accommodates a few hundred people, for weddings and reunions. Ideal property for ranching, a corporate retreat or a fantastic bed & breakfast. Four legal parcels can handle three more homes. 3,800’ elevation for perfect four season living.
October 11, 2017
The Julian News 9
October 11, 2017
10 The Julian News
® Dear EarthTalk: Even though I know a vegetarian diet is better for the environment, I love cheeseburgers and a good steak every now and then. If I stick to grass-fed beef, can I live with myself environmentally? -- Jeanine Smith, Hixson, TN Yes and no, depending on how much imperfection you’re willing to tolerate. Calorie-for-calorie, an acre of land can feed more mouths growing vegetables and grains for direct human consumption that it can growing feedstock for farm animals that end up on our plates. But for years beef industry
defenders have pointed to the “carbon sequestration” benefits of grazing cattle on grasslands as an environmental justification for continuing to raise and sell livestock. According to the theory, grasslands around the world hold the potential to store (sequester) enough atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to reverse global warming if they are used to graze livestock “bunched and moving, as a proxy for former herds and predators”—in the words of “holistic management” guru Allan Savory—to mimic what were once naturally-occurring processes in nature. Since grasses, like all plants, consume (and then store) atmospheric CO2—a key component of photosynthesis—to grow to full maturity, using grassland to graze cattle helps sequester untold amounts of greenhouse gases as new grasses shoot up after the livestock has passed through. But a recent analysis by Tara
Zimbabwean ecologist and rancher Allan Savory points to the carbon sequestration benefits of grazing cattle on grasslands as an environmental justification for continuing to raise and sell livestock. Credit: James Duncan Davidson, FlickrCC.
Garnett and researchers at Oxford’s Food Climate Research Network found that the carbon sequestration benefits of even “holistic management”-based livestock grazing are limited at best. They concluded that, even under “very generous assumptions,” livestock grazing could only offset 20-60 percent of the average annual greenhouse gas emissions of grass-fed beef—and only between 0.6 and 1.6 percent of total annual greenhouse gas emissions. This last figure is the real clincher, given that livestock account for some 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions all told. Livestock agriculture—grassfed or otherwise—is already a big contributor to global warming purely as a result of methane gas “emissions” from cattle. (Methane is an even more potent greenhouse gas than CO2.) All of this cattle belching and flatulence, combined with millions of tons of off-gassing manure generated on farms around the world, combine to make animal agriculture responsible for 35-40 percent of annual “anthropogenic” (humancaused) methane emissions worldwide. And it turns out that grassfed cattle actually generate significantly more methane than their feedlot-held counterparts due to how difficult it is to digest wild grasses versus the corn- and soy-based feed offered back in the barn. Meanwhile, agricultural researchers are working on ways to reduce methane emissions even further for feedlot cattle by adding chemical and biological agents into feed that cancel out the “methanogenic” microorganisms that lead to intestinal production of so much methane in the first place. That said, environmentalists warn that we shouldn’t rely on such “interventions” when we can solve our problems the oldfashioned way: Reducing your overall intake of meat, if not going vegetarian or vegan altogether, is the only way to guarantee that our meat addiction doesn’t kill us in the end. CONTACTS: Food Climate
Research Network, www.fcrn.org. uk; “Restoring The Climate Through Capture And Storage Of Soil Carbon Through Holistic Planned Grazing,” The Savory Institute, www.savory. global/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/ restoring-the-climate.pdf; “Carbon, Methane Emissions and the Dairy Cow,” Penn State Extension, https://extension.psu.edu/carbonmethane-emissions-and-the-dairycow. EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of the nonprofit Earth Action Network. To donate, visit www.earthtalk.org. Send questions to: question@earthtalk. org.
Watch Out For Wildlife Motorists Need To Slow Down And Be Alert Caltrans and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) remind motorists to remain alert for wildlife on roadways. “Drivers can improve their own safety by simply slowing down and remaining alert while driving,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “We are committed to safety while being mindful of the environment, using signage, fencing, and undercrossings to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions along roadways, especially in wildlife corridors.” “Between now and December, deer and other wildlife are more susceptible than usual to vehicle collisions,” said Marc Kenyon, CDFW’s Human-Wildlife Conflict Program Manager. “Soon, deer will start their annual migrations to winter range, bucks will be preoccupied competing for mates, and bears will be searching for food in preparation for hibernation. Such natural behaviors can lead these animals into the way of unsuspecting drivers. Drivers can prevent collisions with animals by being careful and paying attention.” Wildlife experts offer the following tips for motorists: Be especially alert when driving in wildlife areas, and reduce your speed so you can react safely. Pay particular attention when driving during the morning and evening, as wildlife are most active during these times. If you see an animal cross the road, know that others may be following. Don’t litter. The odors may entice animals to venture near roadways. The Watch Out for Wildlife campaign is supported by Caltrans, CDFW, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Road Ecology Center at the University of California, Davis. Here are a few of examples of what Caltrans, CDFW, and their partners are doing to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions, improve awareness of key issues, and improve ecological sustainability: Highway 17 Laurel Curve Wildlife Crossing, Santa Cruz County - The Laurel Curve Crossing Project is a planned undercrossing that will enhance wildlife movement to either side of Highway 17. Highway 17 over the Santa Cruz Mountains is a four-lane road that has become heavily-traveled in recent years, continued on page 14
Harry is a one year old neutered Buff Tabby who weighs 8lbs. Surrendered by his previous owner, Harry needs a forever home as he matures from a rambunctious kitten to an adult companion. Harry is playful and active, yet enjoys attention from his human pals in the way of pettings and head scratches. Meet this handsome guy by asking for ID#A1803431 Tag#C197. Harry can be adopted for $58.
Jackson is a one year old Shepherd/Husky Mix who weighs 52lbs. Looking for an active and adventurous four-legged companion? Jackson is your guy! He requires a home with plenty of physical as well as mental stimulation to exercise his body as well as smart brain. He will be the star of any training class you complete with him. Meet this good boy by asking for ID#A1800694. Tag#C297. Jackson can be adopted for $69. All adoptions will include vaccinations, spaying/neutering (upon adoption), a microchip and free Vet visit. Dog fees also include a 1 year license. Harry and Jackson are at our Central County Shelter, 5480 Gaines Street, San Diego . The Shelter hours are 9:30AM to 5:30PM, Tuesday through Sunday or visit www.sddac.com for more information.
*** Everything in nature contains all the power of nature. Everything is made of one hidden stuff. — Ralph Waldo Emerson ***
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October 11, 2017
The Julian News 11
California Commentary
Will The Trump Tax Plan Help California As most people are now painfully aware, California’s progressive political majority has just hit middle-class taxpayers with billions of dollars in new taxes. As a direct result of these actions, the state will soon have the distinction of having the highest taxes in the nation in the following categories: Highest income tax rate; highest state sales tax rate; highest vehicle tax; and the highest gas tax (and that doesn’t even include the added costs of cap-and-trade regulation). For the wealthy, California can be a lovely place to live. For normal folks, life in the Golden State can be a struggle. According to a recent article in the Sacramento Bee, California lost more than 1 million people in net domestic outmigration between 2004 and 2013. Other than leaving the state, perhaps the only relief available for California’s middle class is tax reform at the federal level. And while there’s a lot to love in the “Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code” embraced by both President Trump and the Congressional Republican leadership, there is also a very big caveat. First, the good stuff. The plan calls for lowering the income tax rates for individuals and families. It would shrink the current seven tax brackets into three — 12 percent, 25 percent and 35 percent — with the potential for an additional top rate for the highest-income taxpayers. Second, it would roughly double the standard deduction so that typical middle-class families will keep more of their paycheck. The plan also significantly increases the Child Tax Credit. Third, while it eliminates some loopholes, it does preserve the cherished tax incentives for home mortgage interest and charitable contributions, as well as tax incentives for work, higher education and retirement security. Fourth, it repeals the death tax and Alternative Minimum Tax which forces many Americans to calculate their taxes twice. In addition to helping middleclass Californians, the reform package would also help the state’s small businesses by limiting the maximum tax rate for small and family-owned businesses to 25 percent — significantly lower than the top
by Jon Coupal
rate that these businesses pay today. For larger businesses and corporations, the framework reduces the corporate tax rate to 20 percent — below the 22.5 percent average of the industrialized world. It also ends the perverse incentive to offshore jobs and keep foreign profits overseas. Finally, in a commonsense proposal, the framework would allow “repatriation” of American dollars by imposing a one-time, low tax rate on wealth that has already accumulated overseas so there is no tax incentive to keeping the money offshore. Now, here’s what will undoubtedly cause some Californians heartburn. The proposal calls for the elimination of the deduction for state and local taxes. Currently, Californians are able to deduct from their federal tax returns both property taxes paid to local governments and income taxes paid to the state. Because California is a high tax state, the loss of the deduction would be very significant. In fact, some estimates show that Californians, in total, currently deduct over $100 billion in taxes from their federal tax liability. Losing this deduction will have less of an impact on working families and the middle class, particularly when balanced against the middle class tax relief under the framework. But as one moves up the economic ladder, California’s more wealthy taxpayers will take a bigger hit. While some have suggested that the Republican Tax Reform Framework is revenge against high tax, mostly Democrat controlled, states, the reality is that there are legitimate policy reasons for reducing or eliminating the deduction. In essence, low tax states are currently subsidizing high tax states with funding the federal government. Moreover, the loss of this deduction might spur high tax states like California to rethink their own tax policy and pursue lower taxes as part of tax reform efforts at the state level. In California, that is long overdue. Finally, a bit of irony for hightax California. Because property taxes are included as part of the federal deduction, if it were not for Proposition 13, Californians would be threatened with an
even greater loss of deductibility. So as bad as getting rid of the deduction might be for some, it could be worse. And for that, we can thank Prop. 13 which, once again, rides to the rescue of California taxpayers. *** Jon Coupal is president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association — California’s largest grass-roots taxpayer organization, dedicated to the protection of Proposition 13 and the advancement of taxpayers’ rights.
• It was anti-apartheid activist, Nobel Peace Prize winner and South African president Nelson Mandela who made the following sage observation: "If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner." • In 1946, there were only 10,000 privately owned television sets in the United States. By 1952, that number had grown to 12 million. • Those who study such things say that the mouth of an anteater is only an inch wide. • Alexander III of Macedon earned the moniker Alexander the Great by embarking on an unprecedented military campaign in Asia and north Africa after he became king at the age of 20. By the time he was 30, his empire stretched from Greece to present-day India. One of the things that made his army different is that he required his soldiers to be clean-shaven. He felt that during battle, beards made a convenient handhold and could be grabbed by their enemies. •* You might be surprised to learn that there is no such thing as a poisonous snake. Of course, there are venomous snakes. What's the difference, you may ask. Well, something that is poisonous has detrimental effects when you ingest it -- for example, poisonous mushrooms. As a general rule, eating snake meat won't hurt you. Because snakes inject the toxin into your bloodstream, they're venomous. *** Thought for the Day: "A writer -- and I believe, generally all persons -- must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All things have been given to us for a purpose, and an artist must feel this more intensely. All that happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments, all is given to us as raw material, as clay, so that we may shape our art." --Jorge Luis Borges © 2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
*** The future of the world belongs to the youth of the world, and it is from the youth and not from the old that the fire of life will warm and enlighten the world. It is your privilege to breathe the breath of life into the dry bones of many around you. — Tom Mann ***
© 2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
*** Patience is to wait for the ice to melt instead of breaking it. ― Munia Khan ***
October 11, 2017
12 The Julian News
Ask Pastor Rick
Religion In The News Greek Orthodox Church Attempts To Block Jerusalem Property Sales In Court The Greek Orthodox patriarch in the Holy Land announced that his church will appeal an Israeli court decision that approved the sale of prime church property to companies seeking to expand their presence in Jerusalem’s Old City. The church had challenged the property deal in court for the past decade, arguing it was conducted illegally by the sincedeposed previous patriarch and was therefore invalid. The Jerusalem District Court upheld the deal paving the way for three large properties near the Old City’s Jaffa Gate to be leased for 99 years to Ateret Cohanim, a group that has been buying properties for Jews in traditionally Arab areas of Jerusalem. Patriarch Theophilos III alleged that the lower court ruling was “politically motivated” and said the church would appeal to Israel’s Supreme Court. The church will do “everything within its power so that this unjust ruling will be overturned,” he said at a news conference in the Jordanian capital of Amman. Theophilos leads a predominantly Arab flock of 220,000 Christians in Jordan, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Greek Orthodox church is one of the largest property owners in the Holy Land, including in Jerusalem’s Old City, one of the most sensitive areas of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Homecoming Court
Freshmen Class - Perla Lares and Curtis Hill Osvaldo Martinez and Lakota Booth The Homecoming parade up and down Main Street was, as always, a chance for the high school to show off their talents at float building and some classic cars. This years best car had to be the 56 T-Bird, the Seniors won the best float and the town wins again for showing off to the visitors who always are impressed and surprised by what they have stumbled upon. Another high-light was the cheering contest by the various elementary school class rooms at the east end of town.
*** A weed is no more than a flower in disguise. — James Russell Lowell ***
Sophomore Class - Erin Conitz and Bradley Kaltenthaler
Junior Class - Juliana Luna and Nikolas Carneiro
Jim Shultz: 858-354-0000
CalBRE# 00669672
Irene Chandler:
CalBRE# 00640902
Spacialsts in Julian Properties. Schedule an appointment soon to see this wonderful mountain home. We love the country and especially we love Julian. We would be happy to share the mountain atphosphere and beauty with you, just give us a call!
930 Prospect Street La Jolla, CA 92037
3687 Deer Lake Park Road
Gage Baay and Catherine Skibinski
Source: The Times of Israel, summarized by Pastor Rick
Ask Pastor Rick
I don’t hear much about social justice from you. Isn’t that the goal of the church, to transform our culture? You’ve asked an intriguing question. As I understand Scripture, God will ultimately transform all cultures in the end. That being said, because God is going to do something doesn’t mean that we should, or are able to, do it. For example, the Bible says God will one day pour His wrath out on all sinners, but we are explicitly forbidden to do that [see Romans 12.19]. When we consider God’s work and our human work, the principle of “monkey see, monkey do” doesn’t always work. Furthermore, only God can release creation from its bondage to decay, and the Bible describes this as a radical, one-time event [Romans 8.21]. Nowhere does it give the picture of Christians gradually undoing this bondage to decay. Christians should certainly strive to bring beauty, justice, and peace to the world around them. As they do, many will benefit. At the same time, Christians should not over-emphasize their ability to “transform culture” in some ultimate sense. Nor should they ever forsake the primary obligation to seek the true transformation that all people need through conversion. Rick Hill is the Senior Pastor at Hillside Church on 3rd and C Streets in Julian, CA. Direct all questions and correspondence to: hccpastorrick@ gmail.com
20 Acre Four Season Mountain Paradise
Ethan Elisara and Chelsea Vickers
Enter a 1,000' oak shaded driveway with exquisite stone retaining walls, past the inviting gazebo to the welcoming front porch. Grand great room with 24' ceiling, comforting den with fireplace, huge entertaining kitchen, breakfast nook, spacious master suite with Jacuzzi tub and walk-in closet. Great storage, separate laundry room, huge garage is 32' deep plus separate store room. New 10,000 gallon water tank & 600' deep well. Pristine condition!
Hayley Andersen and Marshall Marriott
There are three garden water features, exquisite stonework by artisan Vincente Guerero. A circular driveway with ancient old oaks and a sprinkler system in the gardens. The master suite is totally separate from the other bedrooms and boasts another vaulted ceiling in the split level bedroom. Every room offers wonderful surprises. Thermopane glass and good insulation throughout. Central air conditioning and security system too. All appliances are included. The large rear covered porch captures the breezes and horizon views to Palomar. The garage can accommodate 3 cars & there is a large storeroom. There is even a rock meditation labyrinth that adds to the peacefulness on the land. The furnishings are all available under a separate bill of $799,000 sale. This is truly a home of peaceful serenity.
October 11, 2017
Jim Shultz: 858-354-0000
CalBRE# 00669672
Irene Chandler:
CalBRE# 00640902
13 The Julian News Spacialsts in Julian Properties. Schedule an appointment soon to see this wonderful mountain home. We love the country and especially we love Julian. We would be happy to share the mountain atphosphere and beauty with you, just give us a call!
Homecoming Floats
930 Prospect Street La Jolla, CA 92037
Sun Hawk Ranch - 2985 Hoskings Ranch
First responders leading the parade
Visually stunning, the Sun Hawk Ranch is a masterpiece of exquisite taste, wonderful country ambiance and fantastic views. Majestic ancient oaks, magnificent year round sunsets & views of Volcan Mountain, Palomar and the Pacific Ocean. Architecturally designed by Erika Goetz, who also designed the famed Orchard Hill Inn. Slate floors downstairs & wood floors upstairs, 24’ beamed living room ceiling, massive stone fireplaces, totally separate master suite with an 8 jet spa tub, large walk-in shower, double sink vanity, 160 sq. ft. walk-in closet, office and an inviting children’s play alcove. Spacious open kitchen, walk-in pantry, huge mud room laundry-store room combo, koi pond, several large tree shaded terraces, outdoor fireplace, finished garage interior with custom workshop area, custom stained glass windows, thermopane glass, and several Exquisite Masterpiece Highlights: charming hand painted murals & frescoes. Even the 10,000 gallon water tank has been tromp-l’oeil painted, The children even have their own playground equipment. There are 11 separate fenced pastures and you will be charmed by the mini belted Galloway Cattle munching away, by the Blue Roan Horse or some of the other friendly horses or gather fresh eggs from the 2 dozen hens at the chicken house. The ranch falls under the State Williamson Act for reduced property taxes. Part of the property backs to the Cleveland National Forest. The full time caretakers make it easy and fun to own this working ranch. The 3,900’ elevation affords a true four season climate - crisp autumns for apple picking, Winters with a dusting of snow, lush sparkling Springtime and warm lazy Summers.
4th Place Freshman - “Finding Nemo”
Post Notes
continued from page 7 over communication lines, get low during periods of incoming fire and not to react to the dreadful noises and explosions of a firefight or incoming bombardment. The five-day battle of Outpost Vegas in March 1953 saw unprecedented shelling. One day saw twenty-eight tons of bombs and shells turn Outpost Vegas into rubble. But the little mare did her duty by carrying weaponry and made trip after trip, fifty-one of them in a single day. She slogged through exposed rice paddies with shelling coming in at 500 rounds per minute. She climbed and descended steep trails of 45-degree inclines, covering over thirty-five miles, carrying ammunition totaling over 9,000 pounds. On the way back down to the ammunition depot, this little 14.1 hand, 900-pound horse carried her most precious cargo, wounded Marines. She made 95 percent of her trips unescorted by any Marine. She was wounded twice but kept going and going. She not only supplied the Marines with much needed ammunition and relief to the wounded, but the morale boost she provided was immeasurable as this little horse kept showing up time after time. The Marines loved her and at their own peril covered her with their own flak jackets when shelling became heavy. This little mare whose Korean name translated to Fire in the Morning, showed the grit, determination, bravery and selflessness in battle as the finest of our finest. Because of her antics, love of beer, voracious appetite including hats, blankets and poker chips if you ignored her, were some of the reasons why she was called Reckless. After the battle of Outpost Vegas she was promoted to Sergeant. In 1959 the Commandant of the Marines, Randolph McCall Pate, promoted her to Staff Sergeant. Sergeant Reckless was retired in 1960, died in 1968 and was buried at Camp Pendleton where her monument still stands. She was interred with full military honors and a review of 1,700 men from her old outfit the 5th Marine.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
As a follow up to last week’s column “Bergdahl”, latest news releases indicate that he will plead guilty to desertion, punishable by up to five years in prison and misbehavior before the enemy punishable by up to life in prison. Penalty phase should begin on or around October 23. My personal opinion is that his attorney Eugene Fidell has negotiated a deal where Bergdahl will serve little or any time and receive a less than honorable discharge.
1st Place Seniors - “Pirated Of The Caribbean” Experts say the silicon from just one ton of sand, if used in photovoltaic cells, could produce as much electricity as burning 500,000 tons of coal.
3rd Place Sophomores - “Monsters Inc”
LEGAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-9024830 TITO’S AUTO CARE 1233 Palm Canyon Dr #A, Borrego Springs, CA 92004 The business is conducted by A General Partnership - Loreto D. Molina, , 3210 Frying Pan Rd, Borrego Springs, CA 92004 and Elias Garcia, 2414 Flying V Rd, Borrego Springs, CA 92004. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON October 5, 2017. LEGAL: 07757 Publish: October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 2017
2nd Place Juniors - “Toy Story”
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-9024891 PRECISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING 245 Venetia Way, Oceanside, CA 92057 The business is conducted by A General Partnership - Joseph Torrez,245 Venetia Way, Oceanside, CA 92057 and Kristy Lynn Torrez, 245 Venetia Way, Oceanside, CA 92057. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON October 5, 2017.
Fossil fuels are depleted at a rate that is 100,000 times faster than when they are formed.
LEGAL: 07758 Publish: October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 2017
Case Number: 37-2017-000373000-CU-PT-NC
IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: SAMANTHA GALLAGHER FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: SAMANTHA GALLAGHER and on behalf of: RYDER GUY, a minor HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: RYDER GUY, a minor TO: RYDER GALLAGHER, a minor IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on NOVEMBER 21, 2017 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON October 6, 2017. LEGAL: 07759 Publish: October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 2017
October 11, 2017
14 The Julian News
Watch Out For Wildlife
continued from page 10 particularly by people who commute between the Santa Cruz and San Francisco Bay areas. The part of Highway 17 that includes Laurel Curve is in an essential connectivity area for wildlife, cutting through prime habitat. Deer, bears, mountain lions and smaller wildlife attempt to cross the highway in their normal migration and foraging patterns, creating hazards for themselves and motorists. The Laurel Curve Wildlife Crossing project is a collaboration of several local and state partners including the Santa Cruz County Land Trust, Pathways for Wildlife, the UC Santa Cruz Puma Project, Caltrans, and CDFW. Funding sources include Advance Mitigation Program funds from the 2016 State Highway Operation and
Protection Program. Highway 89, Sierra County On a stretch of Highway 89 between Truckee and Sierraville, a recently-completed $2.08 million project consists of two new 12-foot by 10-foot wildlife undercrossings, providing a safe path for animals to cross under the roadway. The project also includes four escape ramps and over 14,000 linear feet of deer fencing on both sides of the highway to help prevent wildlifevehicle collisions. Highway 246, Santa Barbara County - Six new highway undercrossings have been designed for California tiger salamanders and small animals to pass safely between breeding ponds and upland habitat on the opposite sides of Highway 246 between Buellton and Lompoc. This species is protected under both the state and federal Endangered Species Acts. In addition to
the design and implementation of these six undercrossings, Caltrans has proposed a fiveyear monitoring study to assess the undercrossings’ effects on California tiger salamanders and other animals crossing the highway. The project is in the final stages and is expected to be completed this fall.
Medicare Enrollment continued from page 2
If you’re enrolled in a plan and you’re happy with it, you don’t need to do anything. But Medicare health and drug plans – run by private insurers approved by Medicare – can change from year to year. A plan can raise its monthly premium or drop a medicine that you need. So it makes good sense to review your coverage each year. Make sure your plan still is a good fit for you in terms of cost,
coverage, and quality. If it isn’t, look for another plan. During open enrollment, you can sign up for a Medicare Advantage health plan or Part D prescription drug plan, or switch from one plan to another. Your new coverage will take effect Jan. 1, 2018. How do you shop for a new plan? One way is the “Medicare & You” handbook, mailed each fall to every Medicare household in the country. This booklet lists all the Medicare health and drug plans available where you live, along with basic information such as premiums, deductibles, and contacts. There’s also the Medicare Plan Finder, at www.Medicare.gov. Look for a green button that says, “Find health & drug plans.” Click on that, plug in your zip code, and you’ll see all of the Medicare Advantage and Part D plans available in your area.
We Dig Dinosaurs! Which Dino
That way...er... this way to the dino dig!
Velociraptor 3
Is It?
2 1 S P I K Y
Tyrannosaurus Rex
A N E C 7 I E R
A Dino-sized Mistake!
Bonus: If you knew this one you are beyond smart!
AA Meetings Monday - 8am Monday - 11am
Shelter Valley Community Center 3407 Highway 79
(across from Fire Station)
Tuesday - 6:00pm
Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Childcare – Birth Through 5th Grade
Connecting People With God And Each Other . . . Changing Lives
Sisters In Recovery
San Diego Intergroup of Gamblers Anonymous Toll-Free Hot Line (866) 239-2911
St. Elizabeth Church (Downstairs)
Tuesday - 7pm Tuesday - 7pm Julian Mens Meeting
3407 Highway 79
(across from Fire Station)
Wednesday - 8am 3407 Highway 79
(across from Fire Station)
San Jose Valley Continuation School (Across street from Warner Unified School)
Teen Crisis HotLine
Wednesday - 7pm 3407 Highway 79
(across from Fire Station)
Thursday - 7pm
BYOB - Bring Yer Own Book Closed meeting; book study
St. Elizabeth Church (Downstairs)
Friday - 8am 3407 Highway 79
Trivia Time
continued from page 6 7. TELEVISION: What comedy show introduced the McKenzie Brothers? 8. MUSIC: How many characters were represented in the Village People disco group? 9. LITERATURE: How does the following proverb end: “Beggars can’t ... “?
(across from Fire Station)
Friday - 9am Book Study 3407 Highway 79
(across from Fire Station)
Friday - 7pm
“Friday Night Survivors” 3407 Highway 79 (across from Fire Station)
Saturday - 7pm “Open Step Study” 3407 Highway 79
(across from Fire Station)
Time 1100 0700 1500 1700 0900 1500 1100 1200 1200 1400 1500 2100
Date 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/7 10/7 10/7 10/7 10/7 10/7
10. HISTORY: What kind of plane did Charles Lindbergh fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927?
1. In the back 2. About 11,700 years ago 3. Pestilence (or conquest), war, famine and death 4. Pink 5. The British national press
6. Connecticut 7. “SCTV” 8. Six 9. “... be choosers.” 10. The Spirit of St. Louis was a single-engine, single-propeller monoplane
Julian-Cuyamaca Fire — Activity Log Incident Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Alarms Ringing Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical
Location C St Hwy 78 Sunset View Dr North Peak Rd Hwy 79 Harrison Park Rd Black Oak Ln KQ Ranch Rd Main St Hwy 78 4th St. Pine Hills Rd
*** Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children's author, culinary historian and the author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is "The Kitchen Diva's Diabetic Cookbook." Her website is www.divapro.com. To see howto videos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva! on Facebook and go to Hulu.com. Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Labor Policy, The Julian News will not publish, any advertisement for employment that discriminates on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. The Julian News encourages equal opportunity employment in the work place.
Please submit a Letter of Intent and Resume to: Yvonne Fleet, yfleet@juhsd.org or P.O. Box 417, Julian, CA 92036 10/11
Wednesday - 6pm
Thursday - 7pm
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg or allspice 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Season beef with 1 teaspoon each of the salt and black pepper, and the chili powder. Brown the beef in batches to prevent overcrowding the skillet and steaming rather than browning the meat. Remove the beef with a slotted spoon and place in the bowl of a 4- or 5-quart slow cooker. 2. Add the tomato paste to the skillet and cook 1 minute, scraping up the brown bits left by the meat in the pan. Add the pumpkin, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onion and garlic to the skillet, stirring occasionally, for 2 minutes. 3. Stir in the broth, tomatoes, bay leaves, steak sauce, Worcestershire sauce, the remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper, the nutmeg or allspice and the cayenne pepper. Pour the pumpkin mixture over the beef in the slow cooker and stir to combine ingredients. Cover and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours, or until meat is tender. Uncover and cook on high for 30 minutes to reduce and thicken sauce. Serves 6.
POSITION: Julian High School Boys Soccer Coach – Paid Stipend QUALIFICATIONS: for this position are as outlined in the JUHSD Athletic Program Policies and Procedures Manual and JUHSD Board Policies regarding Coaches. JOB REQUIREMENTS: Practice every day after school, Travel periodically through the season; Work well with others. EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION: Demonstrated successful ability to work with young adolescents; to coach and teach designated sport; to teach, enforce, advocate and model appropriate behavior, character traits and educational values to student athletes.
Santa Ysabel Mission Church (Open Big Book Study)
3407 Highway 79
continued from page 6
WYNOLA PIZZA currently interviewing for cook/chef position. Full time. Looking for focused work ethic and experience in the kitchen. Please contact Sabine 10/18 at 760 550-3737.
(open to all females - 12 step members)
(across from Fire Station)
Chef’s Corner
KALE AND BRUSSELS SPROUTS SALAD This delicious salad is a wonderful side dish to serve with the Beef and Pumpkin Stew. To toast the almonds before chopping them, place in a small, heavy bottom pan over mediumhigh heat. Stir the almonds occasionally for 2-3 minutes until they turn golden brown and have a nutty aroma. They make a nutritious and crunchy topping for this salad. 1 bunch kale (1 pound), thinly sliced 1 pound Brussels sprouts, finely shredded using a mandolin or sharp knife 1/4 cup almonds, toasted and chopped 3/4 cup Pecorino, Parmesan or Romano cheese, finely grated For dressing: 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar 1/2 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 small clove garlic, finely minced 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1. Combine the lemon juice, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper in a medium bowl or the bowl of a food processor, and mix well. Add in the olive oil, whisking or processing until combined. 2. Mix the sliced kale and 1/4 cup of the dressing together, squeezing and massaging the kale to coat it with the dressing. Add the shaved Brussels sprouts, almonds and cheese. Pour the remaining dressing over the top, and toss the salad until all ingredients are distributed throughout. Serves 6
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - Notice to Advertisers: Any error should be reported to the publisher prior to Thursday at 12 Noon following the publication date. Publisher accepts advertising on the condition that advertiser agrees that at no time shall Publisher’s Liability exceed the cost of space involved and that the Publisher is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Publisher accepts no responsibility for ad contents or errors in spelling or grammar.
(Information: 760 765 3261 0R 760 765 0527)
Monday - 7pm
Greg Dill is Medicare’s regional administrator for Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii, and the Pacific Territories. You can always get answers to your Medicare questions by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (1800-633-4227).
Placing a Classified Advertisement: To order a classified ad by mail, please send your advertisement with a check or Money Order to Julian News PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036. Phone Orders are accepted Wednesday, Thursday 9 am to 5 pm, Friday 9 am to 12 noon. Visa & Master Card are accepted. Ads must be paid for at time of placement and will appear in the next issue. NO refunds for Classified Ads. Office phone - 760 765 2231.
3407 Highway 79
(across from Fire Station)
9 8 H E A R I L A R I B L E 6 T N I M T G O 12 B A R O T E N H O R N E D O 11 T U R K E Y ‘S
5 W I N G G E D
You can compare them based on benefits, premiums, co-pays, and estimated out-of-pocket costs. Contact information for the plans is listed. If you don’t have access to a computer, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). Our customer service representatives can help you with questions about Medicare health and drug plans. The call is free.
False Alarm
POSITION: Julian High School Girls Basketball Coach – Paid Stipend QUALIFICATIONS: for this position are as outlined in the JUHSD Athletic Program Policies and Procedures Manual and JUHSD Board Policies regarding Coaches. JOB REQUIREMENTS: Practice every day after school, Travel periodically through the season; Work well with others. EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION: Demonstrated successful ability to work with young adolescents; to coach and teach designated sport; to teach, enforce, advocate and model appropriate behavior, character traits and educational values to student athletes. Please submit a Letter of Intent and Resume to: Yvonne Fleet, yfleet@juhsd.org or P.O. Box 417, Julian, CA 92036 10/11
YARD SALE Women’s Empowerment YARD SALE! Saturday - October 21 - 8 to 4 Wynola Pizza Parking Lot Great things you can not live without. Handy Household and Kitchen Items Fashionable apparel & accessories.
Bargains Galore
All advertisements for the sale or rental of dwelling units published in the Julian News are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin or any intention to make such preference limitations or discrimination, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. State laws forbid discrimination based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby served notice that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
MISC. FOR SALE Big Tex Gooseneck Flatbed Trailer M-2010 - 14GP
14,000 GVR Three Axle Bed = 28 feet long X 83 inches wide Diamond Plate Floor Heavy Duty Ramps w/ diamond plate top Heavy duty frame and cross members on 12-inch centers 17-inch side rails with tie downs 9000# Superwinch $10,500 (760) 705-0437 11/30
continued from page 7 1. Lou Gehrig (1936), Ted Williams (‘46), Reggie Jackson (‘69), Frank Thomas (‘94) and Alex Rodriguez (2000). 2. Bobby Abreu hit 41 homers in 2005. 3. Steve Beuerlein, with 86. 4. Magic Johnson (1978), Keith Gatlin (1984) and Jason Kidd (1993). 5. Dick Irvin, Scotty Bowman and Mike Keenan. 6. Daley Thompson (1980, 1984) and Bob Mathias (1948, 1952). 7. Greg Norman and Vijay Singh. ® 2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
October 11, 2017
The Julian News 15
Dennis Frieden
Owner/Broker - CA 00388486
Dennis has 35 years of real estate experience in Southern California. A skilled and experienced agent can be a tremendous benefit when considering buying or selling property in the Back Country. Dennis was born in San Diego and has brokerage experience in both San Diego and Orange Counties. His grandfather owned two gold mines in town during the 1920’s and he has loved Julian since his youth.
Available Land
Julian • Santa Ysabel • Shelter Valley •
1 Acre 7263 Starlight . . . . . . . . . . .$69,000 4.15 Acres Incense Cedar . . . . . . .$109,000 4.91 Acres Incense Cedar . . . . . . .$109,000
This Week's Feature Property
4.42 Acres Yuma . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$309,000 8.99 Acres Eagle Ridge . . . . . . . . .$239,000 27.49 Acres Slumbering Oaks . . . .$299,000
4.42 Acres - Yuma Road
Spectacular Cuyamaca Lake view property. There are two existing pads, water meter is in, and power is nearby. Septic system and leach field are needed. Lots of room for your dream home!
4.91 Acres - West Incense Cedar Road
Located in Julian's Historic District and a short walk to town from this charming 5 Bedroom Country Inn. A great business opportunity on 0.51 Acres, or bring your large family.
"Julian Country Inn"
Located in gated Julian Estates, property is gently sloping with many mature oaks and abundant wildlife and open space. Adjacent 4.15 acres is available - both for $199,000
8.99 Acres Eagle Ridge Pine Hills Area
7263 Starlight Way
Black Oak Gated Community - Underground electric and telephone, septic layout for 3-Bedroom Home. Panoramic western views.
One gently sloping acre with views to the west. Water meter on property. Dirt road may require 4-wheel drive.
JULIAN REALTY supports Julian Dark Sky
JULIAN REALTY 760-765-0818
16 The Julian News
JULIAN YESTERYEARS Vintage, Collectible & Handmade Items 2116 MAIN STREET
The Julian News is authorized to print official legal notices of all
types including: Liens, Fictitious Business Names, Change of Name, Abandonment, Estate Sales, Auctions, Public Offerings, Court ordered publishing, etc. Please call The Julian News at (760) 765 2231 for our competitive rates. The Julian News is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the State of California, County of San Diego on February 9, 1987. Case No. 577843
Renewal filing of Fictitious Business Name Statements (your DBA) is now required by the County of San Diego every five (5) years. If your business name was originally filed or renewed prior to October 1, 2012; you need to re-file. If you have not renewed since that date call The Julian News office, (760) 765-2231. We can provide this essential legal service at a very reasonable rate. County forms are available at our offices - we can complete the re-filing for you without your having to take a trip to the city. Failure to re-file could result in the loss of the exclusive rights to your business name. You may use the Julian News or any other publication that is authorized to publish Fictitious Business Name Statements and Legal Notices.
JESS MARTIN PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE There is a vacancy on the Jess Martin Park Advisory Committee (JMPAC). The purpose of the JMPAC is to provide community input and recommendations to the director of the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation regarding the budget, maintenance, operations, park development, facilities, and recreation programs for Jess Martin Park. Applicants must be residents or property owners within the Landscape Maintenance District Zone 2 – Julian boundaries and demonstrate an interest and knowledge of issues related to Jess Martin Park. For more information or if interested in applying, please contact committee chair, Art Cole, at (760) 765-1771 or artattheranch@yahoo.com. The JMPAC meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in Room 4 at Julian Union High School. The meetings are open to the public. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Board members are: Art Cole – chair, Becky Hatch – secretary, Ralph Deem, Randy Faith, James Schaible, Juli Zerbe Legal: 07753 Publish: October 4, 11, 2017
PUBLIC MEETING JESS MARTIN PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2017 7:00 p.m. Julian High School, Room #4, 1656 Hwy 78, Julian, CA The Jess Martin Park Advisory Committee (JMPAC) is a voluntary organization that provides community input to the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation regarding the maintenance and operations of Jess Martin Park (Landscape Maintenance District Zone No. 2 - Julian). The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. The agenda will be posted on the message board at the Julian Post Office 72 hours prior to each meeting date. Board Members: Art Cole - Chair; Becky Hatch - Secretary; Ralph Deem, Randy Faith, James Schaible, Juli Zerbe Legal: 07760 Publish: October 11, 2017
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District
FISCAL YEAR 2022/2023 $100,000. $100,000., payment toward new station and housing for apparatus and crew. Due to the increased number of homes and businesses in the district, both fire companies have experienced an increase in responses. The increase in homes also increases the fire protection load to prevent loss of property in the event of a structure fire or Wildland fire. The water tender and building addition to house the vehicle and crew will not only upgrade the District, but also allow the District to better serve the newly constructed buildings. The proportion of cost paid from the fire mitigation fund for the new vehicle and station addition is consistent with the proportion of new construction to existing buildings. The balance of the cost will be paid from the capital purchase portion of the Districts budget. LEGAL: 07754 Publish: October 11, 18, 25, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-9022639 JULIANTLA CHOCOLATIER 2126 2nd St, Julian, CA 92036 The business is conducted by An Individual - Yesenia Rodriquez, 2126 2nd St, Julian, CA 92036. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON September 11, 2017. LEGAL: 07739 Publish: September 20, 27 and October 4, 11, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-9022640 JULIANTLA CHOCOLATE BOUTIQUE 2608 B St, Julian, CA 92036 (Mailing Address: PO Box 1814, Julian, CA 92036) The business is conducted by An Individual - Yesenia Rodriquez, 2126 2nd St, Julian, CA 92036. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON September 11, 2017. LEGAL: 07740 Publish: September 20, 27 and October 4, 11, 2017
Case Number: 37-2017-00033327-CU-PT-CTL
IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: SARA JEAN MARIE BRUNETTA FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: SARA JEAN MARIE BRUNETTA HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: SARA JEAN MARIE BRUNETTA TO: ALISHA MARLEE PARARIDGE IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on OCTOBER 27, 2017 at 9:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON September 11, 2017. LEGAL: 07742 Publish: September 27 and October 4, 11,18, 2017
Case Number: 37-2017-00033815-CU-PT-CTL
IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on OCTOBER 27, 2017 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON September 14, 2017.
IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on NOVEMBER 7, 2017 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON September 12, 2017.
LEGAL: 07741 Publish: September 20, 27 and October 4, 11, 2017
LEGAL: 07743 Publish: September 27 and October 4, 11,18, 2017
LEGAL: 07744 Publish: September 27 and October 4, 11, 18, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-9023364 a) TINT TECHNOLOGY b) TINT TECHNICIAN c) TINT TECHNIQUE d) TINT TECH 10659 Prospect Ave, Santee, CA 92071 The business is conducted by An Individual Joshua Sunny Jade Howell, 1570 Souvenir Dr, El Cajon, CA 92021. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON September 18, 2017. LEGAL: 07745 Publish: September 27 and October 4, 11, 18, 2017
1811 Main Street
Open 7 Days A Week
Tires/Brakes • Trailer • Auto • Trucks
2560 Main St Ramona Mon-Fri: 8 - 6 Sat: 8 - 4
760-789-3600 FREE Road Hazard Warantee with Purchase
Over 40 Years Serving All Your Tire and Brake Requirements Collision Repair - Body Shop
ALL Insurance Companies Welcome
(760) 765-3755 3582 Hwy 78 at Newman Way Locals Discount
LEGAL: 07748 Publish: September 27 and October 4, 11, 18, 2017
Free Mini Detail
JulianAutoBody@gmail.com Stefan Mussen
Case Number: 37-2017-00035885-CU-PT-CTL
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-9023653 GRUBER DESIGN STUDIO 6460 Convoy Ct #217, San Diego, CA 92117 The business is conducted by An Individual John F Gruber, 6460 Convoy Ct #217, San Diego, CA 92117. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON September 20, 2017.
Automotive Marketplace
LEGAL: 07747 Publish: September 27 and October 4, 11, 18, 2017
Case Number: 37-2017-00034612-CU-PT-CTL
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-9023502 a) SMITH CREATIVE b) COUNSEL ADVERTISING AGENCY c) COUNSEL AGENCY d) LASTBAG 8583 Aero Dr #2057, San Diego, CA 92123 The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company - Counsel Consultancy, LLC, 8583 Aero Dr #2057, San Diego, CA 92123. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON September 19, 2017.
© 2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
LEGAL: 07746 Publish: September 27 and October 4, 11,18, 2017
Monday – Friday 8am — 6pm Saturday 8am — 5pm Sunday 9am — 4pm
IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on NOVEMBER 3, 2017 at 9:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON September 19, 2017.
[K-Mart Parking Lot]
FISCAL YEAR 2021/2022 $125,000. $125,000., payment toward new station and housing for apparatus and crew.
FISCAL YEAR 2020/2021 $125,000. $125,000., payment toward new station and housing for apparatus and crew
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-9022783 ELYSIAN PHYSICAL THERAPY 731 S. HWY 101, Solana Beach, CA 92075 (Mailing Address: PO Box 1078, Cardiff, CA 92007) The business is conducted by An Individual Elyse Marie Tomasello Quartini, 2218 Edinburg Ave, Cardiff, CA 92007. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON September 12, 2017.
FISCAL YEAR 2019/2020 $125,000. $125,000., payment toward new station and housing for apparatus and crew.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You might surprise everyone by being unusually impulsive this week. But even level-headed Libras need to do the unexpected now and then. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) A period of turmoil gives way to a calmer, more settled environment. Use this quieter time to patch up neglected personal and/or professional relationships. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A new relationship could create resentment among family and friends who feel left out of your life. Show them you care by making more time for them. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Concentrate on completing all your unfinished tasks before deadline. You'll then be able to use this freedup time to research new career opportunities. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) You're right to try to help colleagues resolve their heated differences. But keep your objectivity and avoid showing any favoritism 'twixt the two sides. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your personal life continues to show positive changes. Enjoy this happy turn of events, by all means. But be careful not to neglect your workplace obligations. BORN THIS WEEK: People of all ages look to you for advice and encouragement. You would make an excellent counselor.
FISCAL YEAR 2017/2018 JULIAN CUYAMACA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FIRE MITIGATION FEE MULTI-YEAR FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------FISCAL YEAR 2018/2019 $125,000. $125,000., payment toward new station and housing for apparatus and crew.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Although you love being the focus of attention, it's a good idea to take a few steps back right now to just watch the action. What you see can help with an upcoming decision. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) "Caution" continues to be your watchword this week, as a former colleague tries to reconnect old links. There are still some dark places that need to be illuminated. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Making a good first impression is important. Revealing your often hidden sense of humor can help you get through some of the more awkward situations. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Taking that Cancer Crab image too seriously? Lighten up. Instead of complaining about your problems, start resolving them. A friend would be happy to help. LEO (July 23 to August 22) A widening distance between you and that special person needs to be handled with honesty and sensitivity. Don't let jealousy create an even greater gap between you two. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Congratulations. Your handling of a delicate family matter rates kudos. But no resting on your laurels just yet. You still have to resolve that on-the-job problem.
The Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District Will Hold A Public Hearing To Consider Adoption Of The Mitigation Fee Multi-Year Facilities And Equipment Plan On November 14, 2017 10:00 Am, At The Womens Club, 2607 C. Street Julian, Ca.
Wednesday - October 11, 2017
Volume 33 - Issue 10
IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: SIMONE WEINSTEIN GROSSMAN FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: SIMONE WEINSTEIN GROSSMAN HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: SIMONE WEINSTEIN GROSSMAN TO: SIMONE PIXLEY WEINSTEIN IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on DECEMBER 1, 2017 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON September 27, 2017. LEGAL: 07750 Publish: October 4, 11, 18, 25, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-9024342 PURELY SKIN 1812 Windriver Street, San Marcos, CA 92078 The business is conducted by An Individual - Lisa Marie Dean, 1812 Windriver Street, San Marcos, CA 92078. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON September 29, 2017. LEGAL: 07752 Publish: October 4, 11, 18, 25, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-9024622 PEARL CONSULTING 2180 Garnet Ave, Ste 3D, San Diego, CA 92109 (Mailing Address: 4629 Cass St #360, San Diego, CA 92109) The business is conducted by An Individual - Lisa Marie Dean, 1812 Windriver Street, San Marcos, CA 92078. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON October 3, 2017. LEGAL: 07755 Publish: October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 2017
Case Number: 37-2017-00032268-CU-PT-CTL
SUZANNA CHIN HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: SUZANNA CHIN aka: SUEZANNA CHIN aka: SUEZANNA WONG TO: SUEZANNA WONG IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 46 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101) on DECEMBER 1, 2017 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON October 5, 2017. LEGAL: 07756 Publish: October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 2017