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An Independent Weekly Newspaper Serving the Backcountry Communities of Julian, Cuyamaca, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley, Mt. Laguna, Ranchita, Sunshine Summit, Warner Springs and Wynola.

Julian News

PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036


Change Service requested


For the Community, by the Community.


SDG&E Forum Some Answers/ More Questions SDG&E held a community forum to address wildfire danger and power outages at the Town Hall in Julian on the afternoon of Friday, March 2. A presentation on safety procedures was made by a representative from the Red Cross to the small audience, then Steve Vanderburg, Senior Meteorologist with SDG&E and Julian resident talked at length about SDG&E sophisticated system of weather measurement and the factors that go into a decision to cut power in the interests of safety. Vanderburg said that the decision to cut power to some circuits because of the danger of wildfires caused by debris in the power lines or downed lines as a result of high and/or erratic winds was always a difficult one and not based on a set formula. SDG&E considers many factors as they try to determine the best course of action. These include: --The projected speed, duration and intensity of the wind during a Santa Ana event --How much fuel (brush and grass) is on the ground --How dry it the fuel is/moisture content --Projected temperatures --Whether San Diego County fire resources are here and available in case of emergency or whether they are deployed to help on fires elsewhere in the state --Whether SDG&E air resources can be used, given wind conditions Complicating the decision is the fact that, given of the way circuits work, cutting power because of conditions in one part of the circuit can affect other customers down the line who don’t need to have their power shut off. Further, once the power is turned off to an area, turning it back on can be a long process. All circuits must be checked physically; to do that, there need to be appropriate conditions— daylight, a period of low to moderate wind, etc.—to send out teams. The long power outage in December was a particularly difficult one because the Santa Ana event was an unprecedented thirteen days in length. Usually Santa Ana’s last two to three days. During the question and answer session, members of the audience raised the problems caused by electrical outages, especially for persons with medical conditions, the difficulty for many in buying generators and problems associated with wells dependent on electricity. Several persons suggested that SDG&E provide a generator to an agreed upon center where people could go during such outages; the Julian Library was one suggestion, the Elementary School another. SDG&E representatives agreed that such a center would be a good idea. More forums will be held in Descanso and Warner Springs, plus a return to Julian in the near future with responses to the community’s concerns.


Volume 33 — Issue 32

Julian, CA.

ISSN 1937-8416


Spencer Valley Hosts 21st Anniversary Shakespeare Production

March 14, 2018

Daffodils After All Community Comes Through

January 2018 marked the kick-off for the 21st annual Shakespeare season at Spencer Valley School. This year the Spencer Valley players will put forth the well beloved tale of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The play chronicles the mad cap adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of six amateur actors (the mechanicals) who are controlled and manipulated by the fairies who inhabit the forest in which most of the play is takes place. Set to delight people of all ages, this year’s presentation will be directed by local stage and acting Director, Joe Gallina, sets a scene in Spencer Valley’s A Midsummer guru, Joe Gallina. Spencer Valley’s Shakespeare Night’s Dream. tradition allows students to become well versed in both the art and craft of theatre and participate in visualizing and creating their costumes and some set pieces. Shakespeare’s works contain such a treasure trove of rich language for students to explore, and they take delight in scrutinizing plot, setting, character, and point of view. Of course, this year they’ll be adding in a dash of whimsy, hopefulness, and a happy ending, too. Performances will take place at Spencer Valley School in Santa Ysabel on Tuesday, March 20th and Thursday, March 22nd at 6:00 p.m. Donations greatly appreciated at the door. All are welcome. Wednesday’s March 21st performance will include a silent auction and dinner theater show, with advance tickets only, at $35.00 each. Call 760-765-0336 for ticket reservations. Dinner begins at 5:00 p.m. with the silent auction at intermission. Revenue from performances of Spencer Valley’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream will raise money for the Spencer Valley Educational Association, a non-profit foundation that funds the Shakespeare production, after-school tutoring, transportation for field trips such as the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Floating Marine Lab, San Diego Archaeological Center, Balboa Park museums, Cabrillo Monument, additional fine arts and science supplies, library books, and high school scholarships.

Spring Sports Schedules Softball

Wed, February 28 W 9-5 @ Calvary Christian Academy Tuesday, March 13 4:00 @ El Cajon Valley Friday, March 30 6:00 @ Calipatria Monday, April 2 3:30 @ Borrego Springs Thursday, April 5 3:30 Home vs Escondido Adventist Academy Friday, April 5 3:30 Home vs Foothills Christian Wednesday,April 11 3:30 @ Mountain Empire Friday, April 13 3:30 Home vs Borrego Springs Wednesday, April 18 3:30 @ Vincent Memorial Friday,April 18 3:15 @ West Shores Wednesday, April 25 3:30 Home vs Calipatria

Boy Scouts Get Behind The Scenes Look At Jeremy’s


In Memoriam Jay John Pengra

It is with great sadness to inform you that Jay passed away on Tuesday June 13th, 2017 from complications after a heart attack and heart surgery. Jay was a long time Life Member of the American Daffodil Society and will be very much missed by all who knew him. Our sympathy to his beloved wife Faye and his three daughters Renee, Carlene and Gina. It was Pengra who conceived the idea of the first daffodil show for Julian after the Cedar Fire. He had been wanting to start a daffodil show in Southern California and someone had mentioned to him Julian was known for its daffodils. After hearing of the devastating fire, Pengra and his wife Faye felt it might be a way they could help the community of Julian. "To us it seemed a great fit, the wonderful feeling of daffodils in the spring and the feeling of rebirth of Julian after the fire loss." Pengra contacted Sally Snipes, coordinator of the Julian Daffodil Project and the first show was held at The Julian Coffee House. Each year Pengra and his wife volunteered their time to make the show the success it has been. Julian’s Boy Scout Troop 690 is currently working on an extensive, Eagle-required cooking badge. One requirement for earning the badge is to learn about the education and experience needed for at least three jobs in cooking. To help the boys investigate culinary careers, Jeremy’s on the Hill generously hosted our Monday night meeting on February 26th, in the restaurant, at a long beautiful table set up for the troop and parents. Chef Donald talked about careers in cooking and his passion for excellent food as the boys feasted on some of the restaurant’s signature appetizers, generously supplied by the Jeremy’s staff. Troop 690 left the restaurant full of delicious food, new knowledge and an awareness of how committed Jeremy’s on the Hill is to our community. Thank you to Chef Donald, Jeremy, Teresa and the whole Jeremy’s team for investing in Julian scouts!

Thursday, March 8 W 7-5 Home vs Ocean View Christian Tuesday, March 13 3:15 Home vs Army-Navy Friday, March 16 3:15 @Liberty Charter Thursday, March 29 3:30 @Victory Christian Tuesday, April 3 TBA Home vs Calipatria Thursday, April 5 3:30 @ Borrego Springs Friday, April 6 3:15 @ Calvary Christian Academy Thursday, April 12 3:15 @ West Shores Tuesday, April 17 TBA Home vs Vincent Memorial Thursday, April 19 4:00 Home vs Calipatria Friday, April 20 3:15 Home vs Liberty Charter Tuesday, April 24 TBA Home vs Borrego Springs Wednesday, April 25 3:15 Home vs Army-Navy

Check out all the things going on in Julian at www.visitjulianevents.com Check Out the Julian Live Webcam at www.VisitJulian.com


Friday, March 9 Crusader Classic @ Calvin Christian Saturday, March 17 15th Annual Elmer Runge invitational @ West Hills Saturday, April 7 Calvin Christian Small Schools Invitational @ Escondido Friday, April 13 Dennis Gilbert Small Schools Invitational @ Mountain Empire Friday, April 20 Citrus League #1 @ Julian Saturday, April 28 Dick Wilkins Frosh-Soph Invite @ Del Norte Friday, May 4 Citrus League #2 @ Julian Thursday, May 10 Citrus League Championship @ Julian Saturday, May 19 CIF Prelims @ Mt Carmel Saturday, May 26 CIF Finals @ Mt Carmel

March 14, 2018

2 The Julian News

Son-rise Celebration “Resurection Sunday” 6:30a.m. — April 1st Vista Point

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Join Orchard Hill’s Supper Club and experience fine dining in an exclusive private setting.

Orchard Hill is serving its fabulous fourcourse dinner on Saturday and Sunday evenings through the spring of 2018.


Chef Doris’s fall menu includes tried and true entrées with seasonal sides and perfectly grilled Brandt’s beef.

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Dinner is $45 per person. Reservations are required. Please call us for more information at 760-765-1700.

We look forward to seeing you!

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ISSN 1937-8416

Michael Hart and Michele Harvey ..... Owners/Publishers Michael Hart .................................. Advertising/Production Circulation/Classified Michele Harvey .......................................................... Editor Don Ray .............................................................. Consultant


1985 Featured Contributors Kiki Skagen Munshi Pastor Rick Hill Bill Fink

Jon Coupal David Lewis

Syndicated Content King Features Syndicate E/The Environmental Magazine North American Precis Syndicate, Inc. State Point Media The Julian News is published on Wednesdays. All publications are copyright protected. ©2018 All rights reserved. The Julian News is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the State of California, Case No. 577843 Contacting The Julian News In Person

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Julian, CA 92036

760 765 2231 submissions@juliannews.com The Julian News @JulianNews Information may be placed in our drop box located outside the office front door. The phone will accept succinct messages 24 hours a day. Member National Newspaper Association

Dear Editor, On Monday, February 26th, I was life-flighted from Dudley’s Bakery to Palomar Medical Center in Escondido. I cannot express in words how grateful I am to the Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District and the Shelter Valley Volunteer Fire Department for literally saving my life. The medical professionals that helped me were simply amazing. Without their quick actions I would not be alive today. I feel truly fortunate to be a part of such a wonderful community. I am getting stronger every day and will see you all around town! With Thanks, Elisabeth Jacobsen In response to Michele Harvey’s article “Controlling Guns” by Volker Brückmann (Your Highway 78 Cleanup Guy) Since the subject matter is very serious, it’s my desire to make you understand why I write what I write. It was 1945, the sirens for the “Bomber Alarm” were warning us about the incoming British and American bombers. They were unloading their destructive loads onto the VW factory which was not far from our multi-family dwellings and nearby bunkers. My Mama held me in her arms while my five year old brother dragged the suitcase into the bunker. This is my first memory. Papa was assigned to protect the factory after he came home from Russia with a bad knee that he received as a Medic at the Russian front. We survived the war. My Papa built a small Pharma wholesale company after the war while I learned the trade of an auto mechanic, specializing in VW and Porsche. On March 19, 1968, aboard the USS United States, we sailed past the Statue of Liberty into the Harbor of New York at 5 a.m.. After a two year waiting period that included health inspections, a sponsor contract with Superior Motors of Nashville, Tennessee, signing many documents and in particular, a document stating “I would never to be a burden to the USA,” we were in our new home. After five years of learning and living a clean life in the USA, I received my US citizenship. Meanwhile, I purchased several Winchester rifles, a shotgun and a Rugger 22 revolver. I learned to handle all weapons safely and also learned to shoot at Gun City’s range in Nashville. I had seen what happens to a disarmed country and a dictator that ruled with the Nazi party through great force. This brings us to here and now. (And, my Papa did punish me for taking my savings to buy a BB gun.) Our “Founding Fathers” were very wise men. The Second Amendment is far-reaching as Michele pointed out step by step. She is correct on every point but there is one problem in her thinking. None of the weapons shoot by themselves! Would you like to hear a few reasons why there are so many shootings in schools and other places? 1. The moral quality is missing. Somewhere along the way, the value of life was lost. 2. Gun free zones invite this mentality since there is little danger of getting hurt. 3. The attention and fame is craved and received, mostly through the internet/news. I believe schools should be secured just like courthouses and banks if we really after security! I find it interesting that no one is against armed guards at banks to protect money but so many are against armed guards at schools to protect our children. What went wrong? In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled against the life of babies in Roe v. Wade. Life suddenly lost its value. If we look at 14 Supreme Court decisions which are clearly designed to keep everything Godly out of the schoolhouse, then we can see how the value of life changed and how the moral quality sunk! Check into the communist propaganda that is taught in the universities and you can see how this country has turned to the far left so that even an open communist like Bernie Sanders probably would have beaten Hillary had that fight been honest. We can be thankful that we still have the Second Amendment because if the leaders of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Hillary and Obama had it their way, they would have impeached the only man who is able and willing to take common sense and Godliness to lead us out of the sewage of Washington and out of the school shooting situation. It is easy to see why the Dems want our guns. The guns, in our hands, are a good thing, they will keep us free from a run-away government. Did you hear our legally elected President today speaking at the CPAC? Get yourself a copy! He will take care of most of it, but we need citizens who have respect for people, property and authority. NRA members live this! If the Dems really want to stop school shootings they should stop going after the guns, but help to improve the morality and quality of all citizens, especially the young!! Why did the FBI not stop the Florida shooter? They had plenty information! continued on page 12

3731 Wynola Road

Jesus Has Risen! HOME SERVICES

9/17/17 11:39 AM

The Julian News

Michele Harvey Greg Courson

10:00 a.m Service Calvary Chapel Julian

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March 14, 2018

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An Extraordinary Organization Of Extraordinary Women

The Julian News 3

by Pat Landis, President

On May 5th, at a Scholarship Luncheon, the Julian Woman’s Club honored eleven women who have been members of the club from twenty to forty years. Eight are past presidents of the club and several others have served as officers at the District and State level of the California Federation of Women’s Clubs. These are truly exceptional women.


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Thelma Rose Brown

January 10, 1917 - February 3, 2018

Thelma Rose (Larkin) Brown of La Mesa died on February 3, 2018 at St Paul's Health Care Center. She is survived by her two sons, Patrick (Gretchen) who lives and works in Julian, and Thomas (Linda) who resides in San Diego, five grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Her husband Curtis, a surveyor and part time Julian resident, predeceased her in March 1993. Thelma was born January 10, 1917 in Milford, Nebraska and was adopted by Grant and Alice Lakin. They moved to San Diego in 1918, Alice died in 1919 during the influenza epidemic. Since Grant was with the U.S. army in France, Thelma lived with her grandparents. Thelma attended Jefferson grammar school, Woodrow Wilson Jr H.S. and Hoover high school, graduating in 1934. She completed two years of college at San Diego State College after her marriage. Thelma met Curtis Brown in May 1936 and they married on July 1936. After living in Rancho Santa Fe for seven years they purchased property and built a home in La Mesa where they lived for 41 years. It was here that Thelma's interest in purebred dogs and dog shows began. When her sons left for college Thelma began volunteer activities at Children's Hospital which led to becoming the staff Volunteer Coordinator from 1961 until 1971. Thelma and Curtis bred and showed Beagles until the 1950's. Thelma judged her first dog show in 1954 and continued her judging career until 1990. Over the years it led to many articles and seminars shared with Curtis all over the world. They co-authored books on "The Art & Science of Judging" (1974) and "K-9 Structure & Terminology"(1996). In 1987 Thelma was voted one of the top dog show judges in the U.S., judging in; Madison Square Garden three times, the AKC Centennial show and had many over seas' assignments. In 2002 Thelma moved to St Paul's Health Center where she remained until her death.

Julian Woman’s Club President Pat Landis , Past President Marion Moore, California Federation Area Membership VP Stephanie Stark Recognition awards went to: Janet Baker, Diana Garret and Barbara Mitchell for 20 years; Jan Mattias and Edie Seger for 25 years; Susan Fowler, Ruth Rabenberg, Diane Boyer and Norma Quirk for 30 years; Gig Ballinger for 35 years; Marion Moore for 40 years. Marion spoke about the reason she joined and has remained a member of the Woman’s Club. The meeting was a full house with husbands and daughters of the award recipients. The club holds three Scholarship Luncheons each year. Donations received go toward scholarships for graduating students of Julian High School. But this only scratches the surface of what this extraordinary club and these extraordinary women accomplish each year.

2017 “Hunter’s Star” Quilt 2016 “All Star” Quilt The Heritage Quilt Show is a major event in the life of the community. A dedicated and enthusiastic group makes an “opportunity quilt” under the direction of Eleanor Burns, a world renowned quilter. The quilt is raffled off on July 4th. The Quilt Show is held in Julian Town Hall and is free to the public during the last week of June and first week of July. The show displays antique and contemporary quilts contributed by local residents. It is a wonderful display of colorful, artistic and historic designs. Visitors come from the local community, the state, the nation and around the world. It serves as a major fundraiser for our club with income from donations, the sale of tickets for the raffle quilt and sales of items handmade by club members. The 2018 Quilt Show will be held on Friday, June 29th and July 1st through July 4th and is free to the public. The Eleanor Burns’ Show is both a performance and instruction for quilters. Over forty years ago, Eleanor Burns introduced her first “Quilt in a Day” book and by doing so cultivated a quilt-making revolution. The Julian Woman’s Club is very fortunate to have this wonderfully personable and famous quilter as a member. She presented her interesting, informative, and humorous show the first day of the 2017 Heritage Quilt Show. There is always a lot of interest in her event, even among non-quilters. Her 2018 show will highlight her accomplishments as she announces her retirement (not). The club is very grateful for her contribution. The 2018 Eleanor Burns’ show will be on Saturday, June 30th @ 11:am. The Julian Backcountry Quilt Trail is the first in Southern California, joining over 130 Quilt Trails throughout the nation. It is an art form that celebrates our history and heritage and promotes the economy by bringing visitors to Julian and the surrounding communities. A Quilt Trail is a driving route along which property owners display painted wooden quilt blocks viewable from the road. The Back Country Quilt Trail was established in 2014. There are now over 30 quilt blocks

Woman’s Clubhouse

Buffalo Ranch on HWY 78/79

displayed on Highways 78 and 79, within 15 miles of Julian. Heifer International is sponsored by local, state and international women’s clubs. In 2017 a raffle of outstanding art was held and profits were sent to Heifer. They provide animals, seeds, technology and training to empower women, farmers, and families to improve their livelihood and standard of living. This creates a domino effect by asking recipients to pass the first offspring or seed production to other families. The club is proud to participate in this outstanding Stained Glass by Jan Law raffled for Heifer International organization. The Julian Wildflower Show is an historical event that began in 1926 as an afternoon garden party and has grown into a much anticipated happening every spring. “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” was the humorous name chosen for the 2017 show. This event is designed to

Parade Fund Raising Auction and Dinner

Come Support the Julian 4th of July Parade Auction and Dinner Fundraiser Monday, April 9 at 6 PM - 8 PM Wynola Pizza & Bistro 4355 Highway 78, Santa Ysabel, California 92070 The Silent Auction is held at Wynola Pizza, 6pm on April 9th, 2018. Come and enjoy a meal, some drinks, and friends. Attending the event is free. A portion of the food/drink sales go to the Parade on July 4th. Auction items are displayed for the first half of the evening. Items are randomly closed throughout the second half of the evening. Winner need not be present. 100% of auction proceeds goes to the Parade on July 4th. If you have something to donate? Please contact us at julianparade@ gmail.com To learn more about the parade visit www.julianparade. com educate and delight both tourists and community members with rich botanical variety and diversity, from the mountains to the low desert to nearby mesas. Three expert botanists and one photographer helped identify flowers, contribute pictures, and present information for the displays. The Woman’s Club partnered with San Diego River Park Foundation and the Volcan Mountain Foundation for Jonna Waite, Winner of “Ugly activities on the final day of the Weed” contest show. The 2018 show will be in Julian Town Hall on May 4-5-6. The show is free to the public. Pennies for Pines has been a project of Julian Woman’s Club for so long that no one really remembers exactly how or when it started. Its purpose is to plant trees where fires have denuded the landscape. Members who have been through the Cedars Fire of 2003 and the Witch Fire of 2007 completely support this project and are acutely aware of its importance. Donations from members are forwarded to this organization. The Apple Blossom Tea is held on the second Friday of June, with a morning and afternoon seating, serving over 100 guests from around the county. With its beautifully decorated tables set in lovely pastels, scrumptious food, and tea served in vintage style tea cups, the Apple Blossom Tea has become one of the most popular fundraising events held by the Julian Woman’s Club. Donations for the tea and raffle baskets donated by generous local merchants make this a successful fundraiser for the club. The 2018 Apple Blossom Tea will be held on Friday, June 8th, with seating at 11:00 am and 1:30 pm. Apple Days Festival allows the opportunity for two events. First, there is an apple pie baking contest that is judged by chefs of local establishments. It was advertised widely and promoted on television along with the festival itself. Winners receive cash awards. The pies are sliced, boxed and sold at the Festival held at Menghini Winery, along with additional slices of pie made at Mountain Bakery. The 2017 event saw thousands of visitors, sold whole or slices from 200 pies, and raised over $2000 in one day. The Holiday Home Tour is truly a favorite start for the holiday season. Every year brings a different challenge. We have had rain, wind and snow. In 2017, we had no electricity. Due to very high winds, power was shut down in Julian and the surrounding area. Can you have a Home Tour with no electricity? The answer is OF COURSE!! Julian Woman’s Club members are smart, resilient, creative and persistent. This year four homes and the Woman’s Club Historic Clubhouse itself were selected for the tour. The homes ranged from spacious and elegant to truly tiny and they were all beautifully decorated. Home baked goods and handmade crafts were sold at the beginning of the tour and the club made a healthy profit for this event. The 2018 Holiday Home Tour will be on Friday, December 14th. The Julian Fourth of July Parade provided the opportunity for ladies to be chauffeured in a 1926 Cadillac limousine (same year the Julian Woman’s Club was established). The limo was made available and driven by a member of the Julian Historical Society. The goal for Julian Woman’s Club is to support our community. The club recognizes the need for education beyond high school is more and more vital to secure employment, build a career and improve quality of life. Our Scholarship Program is one of the most important ways that the club serves this community and contributes to the success of our young people. In 2017, the club donated $7,030 in scholarship awards. In addition, the club donations afforded two students from Julian to attend the Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership program, and subsidized one student for the Freedoms Foundation program in Valley Forge. These programs stimulate these students to strive for high ideals and give them the tools to achieve. Last but not least, the Julian Woman’s Club made donations to a dozen local charitable organizations. The club has a number of retired educators and there is a love for working with children. Julian Pathways has provided the opportunity to work with elementary school children by sharing talents and instructing the children in their afterschool program. Creating a wallhanging quilt, having a tea party, learning how to write haiku and painting a cherry tree are just some of the projects the club members continued on page 8

4 The Julian News


Join us for our Easter Sunday Service


Back Country Happenings Haywire Friday Night In The Red Barn

Childcare provided for Birth to 5th Grade Hillside Community Church 2517 C Street 760-765-3691



Julian Community Planning Group 2nd Monday Every Month Town Hall - 7pm Architectural Review Board 1st Tuesday of the Month Julian Town Hall Downstairs - 7pm Julian Chamber of Commerce Mixer - 1st Thursday of Month Board - 3rd Thursday of Month Town Hall - 6pm 760 765 1857 Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District 2nd Tuesday of The Month 10am at the Fire Station, 3407 Hwy 79, Julian Julian Community Services District Third Tuesday of every month at 10:00 A.M. at the San Diego County Sheriff ’s Office, Julian Substation, Public Meeting Room, 2907 Washington Street, Julian Julian Women’s Club 1st Wednesday - 1pm 2607 C Street information: 760 765 0212 Julian Historical Society Presentations, 4th Wednesday of the Month Julian Historical Society Building, 2133 4th Street - 7 pm Julian Arts Guild General Meeting: Second Wednesday of the Month, Julian Library - 3 pm Program: Fourth Tuesday of Month Julian Library - 6:00 ESL Class - Tuesday/Thursday Improve your English skills with a Palomar College Instructor Julian Library, 4-6pm Zumba Aerobics with Gaynor Every Monday and Thursday Town Hall - 6pm, info: 619 540-7212 Julian Arts Chorale Rehearsals at JCUMC Monday @ 6:15 Every Tuesday Tai Chi with Rich. Julian Library - 9 AM Healthy Yoga with Lori Munger HHP,RYT Julian Library - 10am Every Wednesday @ Julian Library 10am - Baby Story Time with Miss Colleen 10:30am - Preschool Story Time and Crafts with Miss Linda 11:00am - Sit and Fit for Seniors - Gentle Stretching and flexibility exercises with Matt Kraemer 4:30 - Qi Gong - An ancient Chinese healing system using physical postures and breathing to guide and replenish energy, with Vika Golovanova. Second & Fourth Wednesdays Feeding San Diego Julian Library parking lot - 10:00am Every Thursday VET Connect - VA services available at Julian library. Call 858-694-3222 for appointment. Thursdays, 9am-4pm. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday Julian Lions Club 7pm downstairs at the town hall Every 1st & 3rd Thursday Lego Club, Lego building for kids grade K-5. All materials supplied. Julian Library - 2:30pm. Every Saturday Techie Saturday at Julian Library - We now have a 3D printer! Come in on any Saturday and get individual instruction and assistance. Every Sunday (Weather permitting) Julian Doves & Desperados historic comedy skits at 1 pm, 2 pm & 3 pm – stage area behind Julian Market & Deli.


Friday, March 9th thru Sunday, March 18th Laguna Mountain Rendezvous at Mataguay Scout Reservation, 27955 Highway 79, Santa Ysabel (watch for the red buffalo signs to point the way) Enjoy an authentic 1840’s Rocky Mountain Fur Traders encampment, Campers and day visitors welcome. Many kid-friendly activities available. More info at: www. lagunamountainrendezvous.com visit us on Facebook Wednesday, March 14 Feeding San Diego Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. Julian Library - 10am Friday, March 16 Friday Afternoon Movie Julian Library - 2:30 Saturday, March 17 Cuyamaca Rancho State Park Clean Up Help maintain trails, campgrounds, and other park features. Teens ages 14 and up are welcome with a legal guardian. 8:30am-1:30pm Saturday, March 24 3rd Annual Warner Fundraiser Golf Tournament 8:15 - Registration 9:30 - 4 person scramble shotgun start $80/player - $300 foursome* *early registration deadline March 10 contact: Mark Cabrera (760) 782 4270 Tuesday, March 27 Julian Arts Guild Workshop Julian Library - 6pm Wednesday, March 28 Feeding San Diego Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. Julian Library - 10am Saturday, March 31 Easter Egg Hunt Julian Library - 9:30am Frank Lane Park - 10:30am


Sunday, April 1 Easter Sunday Sunrise Service at Vista Point Highway 79/Pinecrest - 6:30am Hillside Church - 10am Methodist Church - 8:30/10:am Thursday, April 5 Meet The Candidates Forum Judge, District Attorney, Sheriff, State Assembly Hosted by: Julian Indivisible Julian Town Hall - 6 to 8pm

760 765 1020



Home Crafted & Vintage Items • Home Sewn Kitchen Items • • Grape Tray Wall Art • • Candles • Soaps • Lotions •

April 1st, 10:00 AM

CALENDAR LISTINGS If you are having or know of an event in Julian, Lake Cuyamaca, Ranchita, Warner Springs, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley Sunshine Summit or elsewhere that should be listed in the Backcountry Happenings column, please contact the JULIAN NEWS at PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036, voice/fax 760 765 2231 email: submissions@ juliannews.com or bring the information by our office.

March 14, 2018

Downtown Julian in the Cole Building

Open 11-5

• Wednesday - Sunday

Friday is a night for and with locals, Haywire - Kathleen, Meril, Jim and Paul, brining their eclectic folk provide an uplifting musical experience. Guitars, accordion, fiddle, flute and original tunes is what we’ll be serving up this Friday night from six to nine in the Red Barn.

St. Paddy’s With The Sporadicals

It’s a St. Paddy’s Evening in the Red Barn with the Sporadicals, a San Diego based acoustic Irish folk and classic rock medley oriented group with a wide variety of infl uences ranging from the Dubliners to the Doobies…and all the other alphabet letters too. The instrumentation includes guitars, fl ute, recorders, Irish whistles, mandolin and ukulele…sometimes a kazoo. The music is progressive and fun with harmonies and surprises mixed throughout. Members: Glen Weischedel (percussion and wind instruments), Chris Naire (Guitar and vocals) and Chris Cornish (guitar, mandolin, ukulele and vocals) have been friends and played in various ensembles for years. They joined together in 2014 out of the love of music and an uncanny camaraderie. Showtime 6 - 9. Upcoming Wynola Pizza & Bistro Shows:

Every Thursday — Open Mic Nite 6 to 8 Friday March 23 – Jimbo Trout Saturday March 24 – Lightnin’ Luke For more information call Wynola Pizza & Bistro 760-765-1004

• On March 17, 1762, in New York City, the first parade honoring the Catholic feast day of St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland, is held by Irish soldiers serving in the British army. • On March 16, 1802, the United States Military Academy -- the first military school in the United States, also known as West Point -- is founded by Congress. West Point was the site of a Revolutionary-era fort that Patriot General Benedict Arnold agreed to surrender to the British in exchange for 6,000 pounds. However, the plot was uncovered and Arnold fled to the British for protection. • On March 12, 1903, the New York Highlanders join baseball's American League, changing its name to the New York Yankees in 1913. • On March 18, 1942, the War Relocation Authority is created to "Take all people of Japanese

descent into custody," as well as some Germans and Italians, and put them in internment camps. One Japanese American, Gordon Hirabayashi, fought internment all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled against him. • On March 14, 1950, the FBI institutes the "Ten Most Wanted Fugitives" list in an effort to publicize particularly dangerous fugitives. Only eight women have appeared on the Most Wanted list. • On March 13, 1965, Eric Clapton leaves the Yardbirds. The English guitarist, singer and songwriter was enough of a purist to quit when the band drifted from the blues toward experimental pop with its 1965 hit "For Your Love." • On March 15, 1970, Boston Bruin Bobby Orr becomes the first defenseman in NHL history to score 100 points in a season. Orr was a young phenomenon, signed by the Boston Bruins to a "C" form at the age of 12. His contract included $900 worth of stucco for his family's home and a secondhand car. ® 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved


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by Kiki Skagen Munshi

Oh, The Vanity Of It All A run of great vanity plates caught the old attention the other week. Vanity license plates run the gamut from the predictable (JLNNEWS for a certain publisher who will remain unnamed but not unknown) to the indecipherable (MLBNJSF seen in Ramona, which is about what would expect from Ramona) but some are… well, they arouse veritable flights of fancy and contemplation. There was, for instance: TVDNR KD Now: Was that the “KD” complaining about the way he had been raised? Was it Mom, advertising her maternal deficiencies. Or, perhaps, Mom was such a bad cook that TV Dinners were a blessing? And, in any case, if the Kid were driving, how long doe resentment linger? Then there was what would have been a fairly usual license plate: LUV MK 98 Which we would have interpreted as a longlasting attachment were it not for the license plate holder which read: My life Has gone to the dogs This made it a veritable novel. Or the beginning of a ballad. A sad ballad. Or perhaps MK was a dog… Similarly, I LUV MARY Would have been straightforward, almost banal and dull, were it not for the license plate holder on the plate from the state to our north: Oregon Trout So: Are we dealing with a couple who likes fly fishing? Or is Mary a trout? Whichever, it makes being stuck in traffic almost fun. Let’s hear it for vanity gone awry.

The Julian News 5

My Thoughts Goodwill

by Michele Harvey

Lately I’ve heard a lot of talk about people who demonstrate good will. It’s in the Bible as part of the Annunciation to the shepherds in LUKE 2 verses 8-20. The Annunciation is translated in different ways in possibly every version of the Bible. However, in every reading, an angel or angels come down to speak to shepherds to tell them of the birth of Christ. The angels also tell the 3 Magi. The shepherds were thought to be Jewish and the Magi were thought to be Gentiles. This is important because the phrase, no matter how it is said, is meant for all people. “Peace on earth and good will to men” is generic. It means all humans, not just one sect or class of people. I’ve written about being kind to others. It’s one of the subjects I like to write about because it’s close to my heart. I think that if we all could be kinder to more people, then maybe our world could be more peaceful. I know, I’m naïve, and that’s okay. Peace on earth and good will toward men goes beyond doing kind acts. It has to do with how we think. It has to do with our attitudes toward other people. We need to think that all people are good until we find out otherwise. Just as the angels came to the shepherds who were on the bottom rung of the social ladder and to the Magi who were on the top; the news of the birth of Jesus was brought to all, the lowest and the highest in the social order at that time. I don’t think we will ever have a classless society; however, I’d like to think that we can all treat each other fairly, no matter who we are or where we come from. I have a friend whose fiancé is a VFW Chaplin. That particular VFW has a number of vets who are in wheelchairs or otherwise disabled. My friend and her fiancé open doors for them, they greet them and in their most sincere way they show these people good will. Wouldn’t it be terrific if we all would do just that? My internet dictionary defines good will as a noun “friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude. “The plan is dependent on goodwill between the two sides" synonyms: benevolence, compassion, goodness, kindness, consideration, charity; cooperation, collaboration; friendliness, amity, thoughtfulness, decency, sympathy, understanding, neighborliness "your acts of goodwill have not gone unnoticed" These are good words to live by. The person I think of most often when I think of the purest good will is Mother Teresa. She gave all that she had for others and then she gave even more. “Our Lord wants me to be a free nun covered with the poverty of the cross. Today, I learned a good lesson.” While looking for a home she walked and walked till her arms and legs ached. She thought how much the poor people must ache in body and soul, looking for a home, food and health. She learned that the poverty of the poor must be very hard for them. On 7 October 1950, Teresa received Vatican permission for the diocesan congregation which would become the Missionaries of Charity. In her words, it would care for "the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, and all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone". By 1997 the 13-member Calcutta congregation had grown to more than 4,000 sisters who managed orphanages, AIDS hospices and charity centers worldwide, caring for refugees, the blind, disabled, aged, alcoholics, the poor and homeless and victims of floods, epidemics and famine. Good will can go as far as Mother Teresa took it or it can be a simple act of sincerity like my friend at the VFW. I do what I can to help others and I know many people who feel the same way. I really do think that good will has a lot to do with a person’s attitude. Years ago I had a boyfriend who constantly thought that people lived to take what he wanted. If he wanted a campsite, someone was always there first. He took it personally. If he ordered something at a restaurant and it had just run out, he took it personally. He never seemed to be happy with his life and I felt sorry for him at times because it can be so easy to be calm instead of constantly finding reasons to fight and feud with people. The old saying of “Take a deep breath” works well in these situations. Picking a different campsite was never a problem and finding something else that sounded good to eat on a restaurant menu should never have been difficult. Many of us call that Plan “B”. Plan “B” helps to keep our blood pressure down and living a calm life is more satisfying for most of us that fretting about things that are beyond our control. Good will toward others is a good way to feel good will toward ourselves. When I do a nice thing for another person I feel good about myself. These are my thoughts. *** Your feet will bring you where your heart is. — Irish proverb *** May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. — Irish blessing ***

Annual Meeting – a huge thank you to all of the Board Members and volunteers taking on various tasks to make the meeting a success: from planning, posters and advertising, set up, refreshments, membership, mailings, elections, financial report, and more. A new Board was elected. Thank you to new and renewing Friends. It was a pleasure to listen to Michael Lang – what an honor to have him reside in Julian. Annual Newsletter – to prepare the newsletter required approximately 16 volunteer hours with 275 digitally mailed and 202 sent by U.S. Mail. Are you supporting the library by being a “friend”? Volunteer! The Bookstore helps fund programs along with annual memberships. Come help. Events and committees can use assistance, i.e., Arts & Letters, Music on the Mountain, Book Sales, etc. Library of the Future: Colleen Baker, Librarian, has met with County managers to continue the planning for a new, much larger community room, kitchen, and patio gathering area. New Art: A large yarn art painting donated by artist Timothy Hinchcliff has been hung on the wall behind the front desk. Visit the library and check it out! Rock Painting: You may have noticed some very nicely painted rocks around Julian. The next Rock Painting class/gathering is scheduled for Saturday, March 24 at 12:00 noon. Bring Rocks and supplies, or if you are new to the craft, just show up and there will be materials available to share. Fun Facts March 14 – Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14 (3/14 in the month/ day date format) since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π. Source: Wikipedia Summer Reading Theme: “Reading Takes You Everywhere” 10 Facts about Reading Reading is the best exercise for your brain Reading prevents Alzheimer’s Reading reduces stress and anxiety levels Reading helps in building vocabulary Neighbors will never complain that your book is too loud Books have stopped bullets. Reading may save your life Reading can motivate and inspire Dinosaurs didn’t read. Look what happened to them Reading isn’t expensive. You can beg, borrow (never steal) or read online Knowledge can’t be stored in a beaker. Be a regular reader! Source: Tell-a-Tale

Library Contacts: FOJL President: Melanie Klika, Quail1805@aol.com

Branch Manager: Colleen Baker, colleen.baker@sdcounty.gov 760.765.0370 for more information. Amazon Smile – Select Friends of Julian Library as the non-profit you support. Amazon will send 0.5% of your purchases to the Friends. A painless way to donate money! smile.amazon.com

6 The Julian News



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March 14, 2018



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1. LITERATURE: What American poet wrote the line, “My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night”? 2. MATH: The Roman numerals MCDXIV are equal to what Arabic number? 3. MONEY: Which U.S. president’s image appears on the $50 bill? 4. MEASUREMENTS: What does a “candela” measure? 5. MOVIES: What was the original name of Disney’s Mickey Mouse? 6. HISTORY: What war is the Battle of Leipzig associated with? 7. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the birthstone associated with March? 8. GEOGRAPHY: What is the most populous city in the world? 9. NOBEL PRIZES: Who was the first American to win a Nobel Prize? 10. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president had a yacht titled the “Honey Fitz”? continued on page 12

Chef’s Corner Fast Food From The Freezer Let’s just face it, after a long day at work (or play), most of us don’t want to prepare a meal. But with just a little planning, your freezer can become your favorite “fast food” place. Filling your freezer with pre-prepared meals saves time and money. It also ensures you’ll be eating something that is healthier than the typical fast-food meal. When you freeze meals in advance, you control the quality of the ingredients and the amount of salt. Almost everything from appetizers for dinner parties and breakfast dishes to complete meals and desserts can be frozen in advance with the proper planning and preparation. I usually prepare all of my family’s meals for the week on either Saturdays or Mondays. Sometimes I just cook all the meat or main dishes. Then all I have to do is steam some vegetables or prepare a salad, and dinner is served. I also prepare a few extra meals -- using some of the same meats, spices or

ingredients I already have on hand -- and freeze them. By using a few freezer fast-food tips, you can serve a well-balanced meal in minutes, and save money by preparing meals in advance and freezing them. Preparing meals in advance means you’ll have large amounts of food to shop for and to put away. Plan your meals, make a list and shop in advance. It’s never a good idea to cook on the same day that you grocery shop. It’s better to plan the shopping trip for one day and cooking for another day. This also allows you to take advantage of any sales you might find on meats or vegetables. You also can cook several different kinds of meats or

main dishes and stock your freezer so that you have enough “fast food” meals for two to six weeks. I try to use recipes with similar ingredients or cooking times so that I can chop up all the vegetables I need at one time, or bake more than one dish in the oven. You also can stock your freezer by doubling the meals you make during the week. You can serve one of the dishes and then stock your freezer with the other. Make sure you securely wrap and seal your make-ahead meals to prevent freezer burn. Write the name of the dish and the date on a label or on the plastic wrap or plastic freezer bag to make the dishes easier to identify.

continued on page 12

March 14, 2018

The Julian News 7

...in the fun at parades and dinners.

You don’t have to be Irish to join...

Newspaper Fun! www.readingclubfun.com

Kids: color stuff in!

Annimills LLC © 2018 V15-10

Your Eye Upon a Leprechaun!

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated: 1. with big meals of corned beef and ________. 2. by people wearing something ________. 3. with marching bands and floats in ________.

parades green cabbage


Ireland: 1. lost millions of people in the 1800s (who died or moved ) due to ________, or lack of food. Irish Setters and 2. is an ________. Connemara Ponies 3. has beautiful green lands - its 3 nickname is the ________ Isle. are famous animals 1 of Ireland. The Irish St. Patrick: elk, now extinct, was 1. is the patron slave a giant deer with saint of ______. Ireland huge 2. at the age of 16 was snakes antlers. taken to Ireland as a ________. 2 3. is said to have driven all 3 of the ________ out of Ireland. The famous Blarney Stone is at the top of the castle.



1 2

Old Irish folklore and stories tell us that the leprechaun has a pot o’ gold hidden. It is said to be almost impossible to find a leprechaun as he does not care for human company. If you do spot one, make sure that you keep an eye on the leprechaun while you trick him into showing you his treasure. If you do not, he’ll disappear!

3 Where does the leprechaun go when spring rains make the ground soggy?

Emerald famine island

__ __ 9 14

Use the alphabet code to fill in the blanks:

__ __ __ 8 9 19

__ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ ! 13 21 19 8 18 15 15 13

A __ 1

B __ 2

C __ 3

D __ 4

__E 5

F __ 6

G __ 7

H __ 8

N __ 14

O __ 15

P __ 16

Q __ 17

R __ 18

S __ 19

T __ 20

U __ 21

Traveling the Island

I __ 9 V __ 22

J __ 10

K __ 11

L __ 12

M __ 13

W __ 23

__X 24

Y __ 25

Z __ 26

Every good gardener knows that a shamrock is a plant that has leaves with three small leaflets. Every good leprechaun grows and takes care of his own patch of this green symbol of Ireland. But, this leprechaun has a special “green thumb.” 3 5 16 26 28 30

Ireland is a beautiful, green island in the North Atlantic Ocean. Great Britain is to its east, separated by the Irish Sea 1 18 14 Connect the dots and two channels. 25 6 13 to see what 19 27 29 31 35 36 2 21 4 53 17 It is a land of low mountains and a 15 54 treasure he 10 11 24 32 central plain. The climate is fairly mild. 12 20 55 keeps on 57 7 34 22 9 37 There are some well-known landmarks 52 the top of his 42 33 47 8 23 and special places in Ireland. pot o’gold. 56 38 43 Match the names of places that 41 48 46 51 you might visit in Ireland to their definitions: One place that you 40 will never see is a 44 A. it is said that if you dare to kiss this 50 1. Blarney Castle 49 45 39 Fairy Door. It may be rock you will get the “gift of gab” in the base of a 2. Blarney Stone B. capital of Ireland and largest city tree. C. tallest and largest church in Ireland 3. Ring of Kerry D. fort built, and mostly due to war, 4. Dublin destroyed and rebuilt over the years E. 111 mile road, circles around the 5. Giant’s Causeway coastal area of southwestern Ireland (Northern Ireland) F. over 4,000 basalt columns formed here It is said to be a 6. St. Patrick’s Cathedral after a volcanic explosion 60 million years ago Gateway to the fairy world.

K = Black








Leprchauns love to dance too!




Irish dances such as jigs and reels are an important part of Irish celebrations. Flat, goatskin drums called bodhrans and drumsticks called bones are used by drummers. Reed pipes are played by pipers. At one time, the music of harps was the favorite sound in Ireland. Follow the color key to color in this puzzle to see what fiddlers play:

Use this Color Key: B = Brown G = Green


Music to My Ears!

Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills LLC © 2018

A Green Thumb


Bic’s got the week off so enjoy my annual treatise on corned beef and cabbage, enjoy. Like a lot of the world, we celebrate the Irish Patron Saint on March 17th. We don the green and tell Irish jokes and celebrate St. Paddy’s Day in America with parades, speaking in an Irish lilt and enjoy a great feed of corned beef and cabbage. I grew up on corned beef in the great melting pot of New Jersey where all the ethnic refugees of New York fled for a better life, opportunity for their kids and the lack of density the suburbs could offer. Needless to say, the Irish were well represented. Now a lot of you Americans that have dined on corned beef since childhood may take it for granted. It’s obviously not as widespread as I thought as my ex-wife who’s an ethnic Norwegian who grew up in the Northwest had never had it. One night she greeted me at the door and queried, “Guess what I made you…ooo?” I shrug and she says “corned bee…eef.” Well I’m delighted but I don’t see the pot on the stove nor sense the house filling aroma that one would expect. So I ask, “Where is iiiit” to which she replies “in the uh...vennn.” Must be keeping it warm thought I. Anyway, my salivaries are causing me to drool in anticipation. She served it on a platter with this odd colored coating and I query “what’s that?” To which she replies, “A delicious strawberry glaze.” Uh huh. Lo - I digress. As kids we had it all ethnically and called each other by the derogatory names that I think is illegal today. Nevertheless, we were raised by parents with great tolerance and they afforded neighborhood kids the opportunity to learn their cultures by breaking bread with their families on Sunday nights. I ate Polish, Cuban, Filipino, German, Southern fried and greens, and Italian which I loved because Frankie’s Grandmother always made something with ricotta cheese on Sundays. What I really loved though was getting invited to some Jewish kid’s house or to the Kelley’s or O’Donnell’s for a corned beef dinner with little red potatoes, carrots, a great spicy deli mustard and cabbage which I’m sure added to the flavor but I wasn’t too wild about. The cabbage that is. Anyway, St. Patrick’s Day was a big deal especially if you got invited to supper in the afternoon and scored dinner that evening. Heaven. So the Patron Saint of Ireland has spawned an international holiday and one of the great culinary traditions of all times. Can you even imagine the day without corned beef? So let’s take an historical look at how the Irish, their special day and its association with corned beef came to being. The term “corn or corning” of meat came about in the 800’s in England when rock salt kernels or corns of salt, in addition to other spices were acknowledged to effectively preserve meat. Of course nomadic and other people had been using this practice for centuries prior to preserve meat and fish. As England conquered and colonized Ireland, they seized more and more fertile land for the purpose of grazing cattle. While the Irish had cows, the luxury of eating them was reserved for when they ceased producing milk. Prior to the 1600’s and centuries later, the chief source of protein for the Irish were hogs and of course dairy from the cows they did have. But as they were pushed more and more from productive land, the potato


I’m going to eat my share of corned beef and cabbage!


by Paddy O’Furniture

I have traveled to Ireland to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day! I came here to swim around the Emerald Isle to try to spot a leprechaun. I haven’t seen one yet. Do you see one on this page? After you spot him read my clues to fill in the mini puzzles.

Lep I spy a rec guy haun !

Corned Beef and Cabbage

Northern Ireland Belfast

Solution Page 12

became their primary crop as well as their dietary staple. The British though, were grazing tremendous amounts of cattle and the process of corning the beef created tremendous markets for them worldwide. They exported beef to their colonies as well as to the French who considered it a cheap source of protein for their burgeoning slave trade. The British Navy was also a big consumer of corned beef. Though Dublin, Belfast and Cork became large producers of corned beef, it was considered a product that was associated with the poor (kind of like Homarus Americanus) and slavery. Still beef, be it fresh or corned was beyond the means of the Irish who subsisted primarily on pork, dairy and increasingly on potatoes. When the potato famine hit

Ireland in the mid 1800’s, the Irish immigrated in hordes to America. In New York they found corned beef in great quantities and much cheaper than their native land. Living in great numbers on the lower east side of Manhattan they made another discovery…Jewish butchers, who were corning beef, albeit with more spices than the British version (have you ever eaten British food?). They were making their version spicier and from the brisket, which is generally pretty tough but when simmered all day, becomes very tender. The efficiency of cooking methods of the day was such that a stove heated with wood or coal was relatively inexpensive for a “boiled” meal because the stove was doing double duty as it was used for heat as well. Corned beef was cheap as was cabbage so “voila” Irish cuisine in America

was born in the 1800’s but didn’t really become associated with the Irish until the 1920’s. So on the 17th of March the Irish are responsible for that great, delectable, now an American tradition of the corned beef and cabbage meal. For rest of the year, go to a Jewish deli for your fix or how about the smoked version, pastrami.

*** Walls for the wind, And a roof for the rain, And drinks beside the fire -Laughter to cheer you And those you love near you, And all that your heart may desire! — Irish blessing ***

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

The best place I know for the best corned beef and cabbage dinner in Julian is at the American Legion. The American Legion Auxiliary is hosting this years annual event on Friday, March 16th. Corned beef and cabbage with red potatoes and carrots a roll and salad. How about that for 12 bucks. Not only that but your friends and neighbors will be there enjoying the evening as well.

1. The Baltimore Orioles had only 19 stolen bases during the 2016 season. Name the last time a major-league team had fewer stolen bases for a season.

2. Kendrys Morales set a Royals team mark in 2015 for most total bases in one game (15). Who had held the record? 3. When was the last time before 2016 that the NFL had two games end in a tie in the same season? 4. How many consecutive years has the Kansas men’s basketball team won its opening game in the NCAA Tournament? 5. When was the last time before the 2016-17 NHL season (Toronto Maple Leafs) that three rookies each reached 60 points for the same team? 6. When Josef Newgarden (26 years old) won the 2017 IndyCar series championship, he was the youngest to do so since who? 7. When was the last time before 2017 that tennis star Venus Williams reached the semifinals of three majors in the same year? Answers on page 12

8 The Julian News

March 14, 2018

Indian Toy Cradle

This is an Indian-style beaded cradle, but it holds a European doll. It was made about 1900 at an Indian boarding school and sold for $11,070 Many American Indian tribes almost lost their culture by the 1960s because of 19th- and early 20th-century U.S government rules. American Indians could be removed from their land, resettled on reservations and even have their children sent to special boarding schools to be taught a new way of life. The children were punished if they continued to practice their ceremonies or speak their native language. Children from the Potawatomi tribe went to either a boys' or girls' boarding school, where they learned English and a trade. The American Indian Religious Freedom Act passed in the 1970s led to the end of the boarding schools and the beginning of efforts to bring back

the Indian culture. A recent auction sold a toy Indian cradle decorated with beads and silver buttons, but holding a European porcelainheaded doll. It was made by Millie R. Hall, who lived at a Potawatomi boarding school in 1900, an important historic source for a handmade doll. It sold for $11,070. *** Q: I'd like to know the value of a violin that is about 100 years old. The inscription inside reads "Copy of Antonius Stradivarius, made in Czechoslovakia." What is it worth? A: Antonio Stradivari (16441737) made violins, violas, cellos and other stringed instruments at his workshop in Cremona, Italy. Fewer than 600 of the original Stradivarius violins still are in existence, and they sell for several million dollars each. Thousands of copies have been made and don't sell for high prices. Your violin was made after 1918, when Czechoslovakia was created. Recently, a violin like yours that included the case sold for $57. *** Q: I have a brass tea set that has sat unused for many years. Should I polish it or leave the natural patina? A: You should polish your brass tea set with a commercial brass polish. If it's heavily tarnished or corroded, take it to a professional. Some brass has been lacquered to prevent tarnish and should not be polished. Polishing damages the lacquer. If the lacquer is peeling, you should go to a professional restorer. *** CURRENT PRICES Button, animal rescue league, Boston, Mass., dog photo, tin lithograph, blue and gold, pinback, 1930s, 1-inch diameter, $25. Musical instrument, temple drum, ritual, wood with yak skin, double leather, symbols, forged nails, Tibet, c. 1905, 7 x 23 inches, $450. Button, plique-a-jour enamel

glass, green and white, silver dome frame, mistletoe design, openwork, 1800s, 1 1/2-inch diameter, $2,525. *** TIP: Nineteenth-century Indian blankets generally are not restored by museums. They are stabilized, mounted on a backing fabric to prevent further damage, and hung or framed. It is thought that even the dirt may be wanted in original state in the future. ###

READERS: Keep up with changes in the collectibles world. Send for a FREE sample issue of our 12page, color-illustrated monthly newsletter, "Kovels on Antiques and Collectibles," filled with prices, news, information and photos. It's a must for all collectors. Write Kovels, P.O. Box 292758, Kettering, OH 454298758, or call 800-829-9158. (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

2020. Those who qualify will receive a credit on their SDG&E bill by the end of September or sooner. This credit is only for electric vehicles registered at a residence, not for commercial fleets. How to qualify If you own or lease an allelectric or plug-in hybrid vehicle and you live in the area served by SDG&E, then you may qualify for the Electric Vehicle Climate Credit. To apply, you'll need: A copy of your CA DMV registration card (or new vehicle dealer notice of temporary identification) To be the registered owner of the EV in the area served by SDG&E as of May 31, 2018 Your SDG&E residential account number (if applicable)

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Electric Vehicle Climate Credit

Women’s Club continued from page 3

If you drive an all-electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle, you may be eligible to receive an annual credit on your SDG&E bill. Last year, those who applied received a $200 bill credit.* The Electric Vehicle Climate * Applications will be accepted Credit is part of a statewide March 1, 2018 through May 31, greenhouse gas reduction 2018. All applications must be program administered by the postmarked by May 31, 2018 to California Air Resources Board. be accepted. The program is not funded by You will receive your credit by utility rates but by regulation the end of September or sooner. meant to increase the adoption of clean-vehicle fuels such as *** electricity. Creativity is a habit, and the best If you continue to own your creativity is the result of good work electric vehicle, you'll be able to habits. apply for the credit every year — Twyla Tharp until the funding period ends in 8SDG15012_CARE Trails_English__Run: 03_14_18__13x11__BW ***

have organized. Social events for club members are a strong focus. The club has a Book Club that meets in alternate months and Ramblers Hiking Group that schedules a monthly hike in interesting areas nearby. It is not necessary to be a club member to join this group. The club also organized a trip to a winery and social gatherings at several local establishments. There was a Holiday Party held between Christmas and New Years’ Day at Wynola Pizza, including a re-gifting exchange. The goal is to provide opportunities for members to meet in casual and relaxing circumstances and to develop friendships doing activities they enjoy.

The club requires its members to be active and participate in its events. It is the belief that this involvement is what attracts members (six new members joined in 2017) and maintains membership. Being involved also creates an environment for making new friendships and taking great pride in the accomplishments of the club. Any person desiring to find out more about the club, or to join the club, is welcome to attend a meeting and learn more from our members. Our meetings are always at 1:00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month, except for July and August (vacation time). For more information regarding membership, events and how to make reservations, go to: www.julianwomansclub. org



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High energy use could result in removal from the program. These programs are funded by California utility customers and administered by San Diego Gas & Electric under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. ©2018 San Diego Gas & Electric Company. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

8SDG15012_CARE_Trails_JulianNews_13x11_BW.indd 1

3/7/18 1:13 PM

The Julian News 9

March 14, 2018

6 Ways To Help When Your Child Is Excluded

Parents may feel powerless when their child is excluded, but there's actually much you can do to help your child cope and overcome this painful experience.

by Katie Hurley

The mom of a third grade girl sits in my office, her face buried in her hands. Through muffled sobs, she tells me that she’s at a loss. She’s tried everything to help her daughter repair her friendships at school — arranging coffee dates with the families of the other girls, meeting with the teacher and school director, and even trying to organize a group sleepover to get the girls together — but nothing has made a difference. Her daughter is on the outs with a peer group she formed in preschool, and this mom feels powerless to help. Her daughter is the victim of what’s called relational aggression. For reasons she might never understand, her three close friends have built a new alliance and excluded her. They taunt her, spread rumors about her, and leave her out of their activities, encouraging others to do the same. They seem to have no remorse, while she experiences anxiety, nightmares, and academic difficulties. Relational aggression can occur in person or online and can include gossiping, spreading rumors, public humiliation, alliance building, and social exclusion. Unlike physical bullying or verbal aggression, relational aggression can be difficult to spot. Recess, passing periods, lunch, and the walk to and from school are hotspots for relational aggression, but the damage can also be done outside of school, often under the radar of adults. Unfortunately, this girl — and her mother — are not alone. According to statistics compiled by The Ophelia Project, a national nonprofit with expertise in relational aggression, 48 percent of students in grades 5 to 12 are regularly involved in or witness relational aggression,

and students between the ages of 11 and 15 report being exposed to 33 acts of relational aggression during a typical week. The proportion of youth who experience cyberbullying is estimated to be as high as 40 percent or more. As I detail in my book No More Mean Girls, being the victim of relational aggression can come with some longterm consequences. In fact, relational aggression is said to be as painful as physical blows, and its negative effects can last for years to come. Children who experience relational aggression are more likely to be absent from school, perform worse academically, be socially isolated, and exhibit headaches and stomachaches, behavioral problems, eating disorders, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, symptoms of depression and anxiety, loneliness, and low self-esteem. No wonder that mom is concerned! But there is good news: Parents can help their kids deal with social exclusion by teaching them coping skills and empowering them to seek healthy friendships. While your natural instinct may be to get the school involved, communicate with the parents of other kids, and jump into problem-solving mode, what kids need most is support, empathy, and space from the problem. Try some of these strategies adapted from No More Mean Girls. Watch for the signs Given that kids experience feelings of shame and embarrassment when being victimized, they don’t always come forward right away. Many wait until they feel like they’re falling apart before they reach out for a lifeline. To that end, it helps parents to watch out for the red flags that a child is experiencing

relational aggression: • Anxious or nervous behaviors • Frequent physical complaints, such as headaches or stomachaches, particularly before school or social events • Talking about sitting alone at lunch or playing alone at recess more often than not. • Appearing withdrawn or

that it’s difficult to discuss. They don’t want their parents to think that they’re incapable of making friends. Open and honest communication with kids is essential during middle childhood and the tween/teen years. They need to know that parents will listen without judgment and provide unconditional love and support. To get in the habit of deep,

environment and helps your child open up about difficult topics. Make a friendship tree Kids are usually tasked with making a family tree at some point in school, but making a friendship tree is a great way to help kids realize that they have many different friends in life. Just as family extends beyond the people living in your home, friendships blossom in a variety

depressed • Changing academic performance • Acting out in class or at home, or even turning the tables and acting as the bully • Talking about having no friends or being “hated” • Talking about death or engaging in self-harm (cutting) • Sleep disturbance: Difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, frequent nightmares, or excessive sleeping • Changing eating habits Once you see these signs, you will want to check in with your child or the school to see if relational aggression may be causing them. Use conversation starters One reason kids hesitate to come forward when dealing with relational aggression is

distraction-free conversations, create a pack of conversation starters to use when you have downtime together. It helps to start a weekly ritual of quiet conversation and hot chocolate (or some other cozy treat). Examples of conversation starters might include: • Something funny that happened this week was… • If I could escape anywhere for just one day, it would be… • Something hard that I had to deal with this week was… • I wish my friends… • Something you don’t know about me is… • My favorite way to spend a day off is… Taking turns pulling conversation starters for each other from an envelope helps you connect in a low-stress

of contexts. Start the tree with the friends your child knows the best (even the ones she doesn’t spend much time with), but cue your child to think about friends made in sports, through religious organizations, in extracurricular classes, or even at your local park. In filling the branches with friends from a wide variety of settings, girls learn to focus on the positive relationships in their lives. When kids see that they have more friends than the people sitting at their lunch table, they are empowered to strengthen those other branches and even add new ones by trying new clubs, sports, or activities. Create a personal billboard When friends constantly leave a child out, that child internalizes the message that he or she is

unlikable or not a good friend. It’s important to help kids tap into their inner strengths and recognize that they are good friends to others. Give your child a small poster board and ask her to think about her positive qualities. This can include anything from cracking funny jokes to creating cool games to giving great compliments. Next, explain that billboards are used to draw attention to things and showcase the highlights. Have your child put her name in the center of the poster board and ask her to create an eye-popping billboard that includes her positive traits. This is a great way to help kids recognize and focus on their strengths. Problem-solve together One thing I see over and over again is that parents are determined to “fix” things for their kids. When kids finally find the strength to come forward and share their feelings and experiences, parents whip out their phones and begin texting other parents, emailing the school, and even reaching out on social media to garner support. Kids tend to retreat inward again in response. A better strategy is to problemsolve with your child. The first step is to really listen to what your child is saying. Ask followup questions to make sure you understand. Empathize with your child. Ask your child to help you jot down notes so that you can remember the specifics to share with helpers. Communicate that you understand how painful the situation is and that you are there to help and provide support. Next, move into problemsolving mode. It’s important to brainstorm possible solutions together to empower your child continued on page 10

10 The Julian News

International Lilac Society Annual Meeting



The International Lilac Society will be meeting in Riverside, CA this year, April 19-21. This is a rare opportunity to meet and visit with aficionados here in the west and to tour Gary Parton's lilac garden in Idyllwild. For more information and reservations, contact Karen McCauley at 952-443-3703 or mccauleytk@aol.com. For general information, contact Giles Waines at 951-682-3838 or gileswaines@ucr.edu. , or Woody Barnes at 760-765-0516.

Dear EarthTalk: Now Trump is going to allow the importing of elephant “trophies” after all! Where do things stand overall now in the fight to protect endangered species, especially as wildlife now also face threats from climate change? -- Mark Harrison, Sumter, SC In what some see as another capitulation to the National Rifle Association (NRA), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) undid an earlier ban on importing elephant parts from Africa, now allowing hunters to get permits on “a case-by-case basis.” News like this makes the whole wildlife situation seem grim— and it is. But many scientists and activists are working hard to try to secure protections for threatened species and wildlife habitat in the face of many assaults by the pro-development Trump administration and Republicancontrolled Congress. Back in mid-2016, candidate Trump’s talk of reneging on the Paris climate accord didn’t bode well for wildlife facing increasing threats due to global warming. After all, many of the 340 species added to the nation’s endangered species list during President Obama’s watch got there due to climate-related threats. Last Fall the White House denied petitions to add some 25 threatened wildlife species— including the Pacific walrus, Florida Keys mole skink, and eastern boreal toad—to the nation’s endangered species list. Officials from USFWS cited “uncertainty” over the future effects of climate change as a rationale. “You couldn’t ask for a clearer sign that the Trump administration puts corporate profits ahead of protecting endangered species,” says Noah Greenwald of the non-profit Center for Biological Diversity (CBD). “Denying protection for these 25 species despite the imminent threat of climate change and ongoing habitat destruction is typical of the Trump administration’s headin-the-sand approach.” The appointment of Ryan Zinke to head the Department of Interior was further proof that President Trump values resource extraction on public lands over conservation of wildlife. And the story only gets worse. This past January, USFWS initiated proceedings to take the

March 14, 2018

Environmentalists are incensed at a recent Trump administration decision to allow the importation of elephant parts collected during trophy hunting trips to Africa, but this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the federal government's efforts to dismantle our endangered species protection mechanisms. Credit: Skip Russell, FlickrCC. Canadian lynx off the threatened list altogether and downgrade a number of other species from endangered to threatened. CBD has led the charge in filing several concurrent lawsuits against these moves by the Trump administration. Most recently, the group filed suit in federal court to overturn the White House decision to deny threatened protection for the Pacific walrus. “We’re confident the court will see this…as a politically driven decision that completely ignores the agency’s legal obligations to protect imperiled wildlife,” says CBD attorney Emily Jeffers. Meanwhile, the legislative branch isn’t helping wildlife or its advocates much either. Congress’ 2018 budget bill is chock full of “riders” aimed to cut endangered species protections for wolves in Wyoming and the

6 Ways To Help continued from page 9

to take action. In doing this, you teach your child how to cope with future similar situations. Try to brainstorm four or five possible solutions, and talk about the pros and cons of each. Make an action plan together. Create a coping kit Whether your child is left out from one or two social events or experiences social exclusion frequently at school, he or she needs to have coping skills available to deal with the emotional upheaval. I encourage parents to tuck a pack of coping cards into the child’s backpack,

Midwest, the greater sage grouse of the Southwest and other iconic American wildlife species, not to mention cuts to funding to bolster states’ endangered species protection programs. Wildlife lovers everywhere can keep their fingers crossed that upcoming mid-term elections will at least be a step in the right direction — as long as Democrats can gain seats in the House and Senate — when it comes to saving the wildlife that helped make America great in the first place. CBD, CONTACT:

biologicaldiversity.org; USFWS, www.fws.gov. EarthTalk® is a weekly syndicated column produced by Doug Moss and Roddy Scheer for the non-profit EarthTalk. To find out more, submit a question, or make a donation, visit us at EarthTalk.org.

as it can be difficult to remember what to do when under stress. Every child is different, so it’s important to create these cards with your child, but you can try a few of these to get started: My touchstone at school is (fill in the blank). I can ask this person for support. Deep breaths help me feel calm. Breathe in (count four), hold (count four), breathe out (count four). Remember this friend (fill in the blank) in another class to hang out with at recess. Tensing and relaxing my muscles helps me release stress. I can start with my hands. It’s perfectly normal for kids

*** May you have warm words on a cold evening, A full moon on a dark night, And the road downhill all the way to your door. — Irish blessing *** to experience ups and downs with friendships, but a pattern of social exclusion (or other acts of relational aggression) should be addressed with the classroom teacher and the school administration. Take notes when your child shares specific stories and capture screenshots if any of this behavior occurs online. If you do notice symptoms of anxiety or depression that interfere with your child’s daily living (school, after-school activities, sleep, eating), it’s best to seek an assessment from a licensed mental health practitioner. Parents really are not powerless to help their kids recover from social exclusion, but they do need the right tools. By acknowledging feelings, finding solutions together, and helping children tap into their own resources, parents can support their kids through this agonizing experience and ultimately prepare them to face any future adversity with more confidence. About the author - Katie Hurley, LCSW, is a child and adolescent psychotherapist, parenting expert, and writer. She is the founder of “Girls Can!” empowerment groups for girls ages 5-11. Hurley is also the author of The Happy Kid Handbook, and her work can be found in The Washington Post, PBS Parents, and U.S. News & World Report, among other places. She practices psychotherapy in the South Bay area of Los Angeles. This article originally appeared on Greater Good, the online magazine of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley.

Freddie is an eight years young neutered Chihuahua Mix who weighs 15lbs. He has a beautiful brindle coat masked with a grey muzzle. However, don't let those grey hairs deceive you, Freddie is a spunky little guy who is only middle aged. He arrived to the shelter as a stray and deserves a forever family looking for a tiny companion with a big heart. Meet Freddie by asking for ID#A1828676 Tag#C275. He can be adopted for the Senior Fee of just $35.

Dolce is a nine years young spayed Lynx Point Siamese Mix with gorgeous pale blue eyes. Her previous owner relinquished her to the shelter at no fault of her own. Dolce is a chatty girl who will tell you all about her day when you come home from work. Not the rambunctious kitten, Dolce is more mellow and content to simply sit in a warm lap. Meet her by asking for ID#A1830134 Tag#C162. Dolce can be adopted for the Senior Fee of just $35.

All adoptions will include vaccinations, spaying/neutering (upon adoption), a microchip and free Vet visit. Dog fees also include a 1 year license. Freddie and Dolce are at our Central County Shelter, 5480 Gaines Street, San Diego . The Shelter hours are 9:30AM to 5:30PM, Tuesday through Sunday or visit www.sddac.com for more information.

Name Change Orders Published for only $45 We send a proof of publication to the Court with a copy mailed to you, for your records.

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The Julian News 11

March 14, 2018

California Commentary

Once Again, California Sees The Unintended Consequences Of Bad Legislation

by Jon Coupal and Kammi Foote

Last July, we wrote a column regarding the foolishness of Senate Bill 2, a new $75 tax on real estate recordings, ostensibly for the purpose of funding housing programs. We pointed out that imposing a tax on real estate transactions to pay for programs to make housing more affordable is like treating someone with a low blood count with leeches. While the fundamental irrationality of SB2 is water under the bridge, a host of implementation problems have now arisen that need corrective action, and quickly. For example, SB2’s language makes it difficult for California’s 58 County Recorders to determine if they should charge the additional $75 for tax liens and lien releases presented by government agencies. These tax liens can originate from small local business activities like selling Avon, from failure to pay your annual income taxes, from a missed tax payment on your jet ski, for childsupport collection and more. You don’t even need to own a house to have one of these liens recorded against you, and worse yet, you may not even know that the lien exists until it shows up on your credit report. These tax liens can originate from small local business activities like selling Avon, from failure to pay your annual income taxes, from a missed tax payment on your jet ski, for childsupport collection and more. You don’t even need to own a house to have one of these liens recorded against you, and worse yet, you may not even know that the lien exists until it shows up on your credit report. State agencies and the IRS have refused to pay the $75, arguing that these documents are exempt from the new tax. The attorney general agrees (see AG 18-101), but California’s Office of Legislative Counsel issued an opinion that contradicts the attorney general — making it even more confusing for taxpayers and county recorders. At this point, most recorders interpret the statute as mandatory, because the legislative counsel has told them this was the original intent of the bill. Therefore, they are mailing back lien releases as unrecorded to state agencies and to the IRS for lack of the $75. For property

owners, this is a real problem because their debt has been paid but their credit is not cleared because the lien hasn’t been released. Some taxpayers are so eager to clear their credit that they are intercepting the lien releases at their county recorder’s office and offering to pay the $75, legal or not. The Department of Child Support Services intends to record all lien releases itself instead of giving them to the redeemed payer to record more quickly on their own, but it is still being held up. Some childsupport payers might be offering to take the release to the recorder themselves and paying the $75 to have their credit cleared. As the situation continues, however, others might be discouraged from paying up their child support arrears or tax debts in the first place. The extra hurdle is not helping the government, the taxpayer, or the children. It is also true that the state of California cannot tax the federal government. Although this has been settled law for hundreds of years, many county recorders are attempting to collect the tax from the IRS. And although this is legal doctrine, it makes common sense as well. Would there be any sense or justice if the states had the power to tax the federal government out of existence? Because the language of SB2 is so confusing, and it relies on many assumptions that the county recorder has no ability to independently verify, payment of the tax on most documents relies on self-certification. Most people do not have law degrees, so many people are paying the tax when they are not legally required to pay it, and others are receiving exemptions when they are not entitled to them. SB2 gives a long but nonexclusive list of “real estate instruments” to which the fee applies. This includes a “release” and a “mechanic’s lien,” but not just a “lien” nor a “tax lien,” and certainly not a “child support lien.” SB2 also uses the words “transaction,” “in connection with” and “relating to real property,” none of which are defined in statute. Is enforcing a government debt a “transaction”? Are IRS tax liens and releases “relating to real property”? Tax liens use specific real property to continued on page 12

• It was Danish scholar and critic Georg Brandes who made the following sage observation: "Poor is the power of the lead that becomes bullets compared to the power of the hot metal that becomes types." • You doubtless know who Thomas Edison was -- the American inventor of such things as the light bulb, the phonograph and the motion-picture camera. You never learned that he was blind, though, did you? Of course you didn't -- he wasn't blind. However, even though he could see, historians say that when he was reading, he preferred Braille to printed text. • Have you ever heard of a lipogram? It's a work of writing that deliberately leaves out one or more letters of the alphabet. For instance, in 1939 a man named Ernest Vincent Wright published a 50,000-word novel titled "Gadsby," in which the letter e was not used once -- the longest lipogram in English. • Those who study such things say that the trunk of an African elephant has more than 60,000 muscles. • You might be surprised to learn that the White House had a telephone installed before indoor plumbing was. • I have some bad news for lovers of the snooze button: Experts say that you're better off not using it. Researchers have found that the last few minutes of sleep are more beneficial if they're uninterrupted, so it's better to go ahead and set your alarm for 10 minutes later to begin with. • A study of prison inmates' medical files revealed this interesting tidbit: The higher the levels of testosterone in a male inmate, the younger that inmate was when he was first arrested. *** Thought for the Day: "I learned compassion from being discriminated against. Everything bad that's ever happened to me has taught me compassion." -- Ellen DeGeneres ® 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

*** Always remember to forget The friends that proved untrue. But never forget to remember Those that have stuck by you. — Irish proverb ***

® 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

*** May you live as long as you want, And never want as long as you live. — Irish blessing ***

The Julian News 12



Case Number: 37-2018-00010776-CU-PT-NC

IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: JONATHAN CACERES FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: JONATHAN CACERES HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: JONATHAN CACERES TO: JONATHAN SANDER-CACERES IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on APRIL 24, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON March 5, 2018.

In accordance with Sec. 106 of the Programmatic Agreement, AT&T plans to install a new telecommunications facility at 3205 Country Club Drive, Julian CA 92036 . Please direct comments to Gavin L. at 818898-4866 regarding site CAL01655 . CNSB-3108142# LEGAL: 07883 Publish: March 14, 21, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9006765 a) XLENT b) XLENT CONSULTING c) XLENT FUNDING 6612 Plaza Ridge Rd., San Doego, CA 92114 The business is conducted by An Individual Ronald H. Salem, 6612 Plaza Ridge Rd., San Doego, CA 92114. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON March 9, 2018.

LEGAL: 07882 Publish: March 14, 21, 28 and April 4, 2018

LEGAL: 07886 Publish: March 14, 21, 28 and April 4, 2018



St. Patrick’s Day 1 is celebrated: C 3 2 A G B R B E P A R A D E S G E

Chef’s Corner

Why do those agents stay on the job and receive their high pensions? Same goes for those hoods James Comey, Andrew Mc Cabe, Andrew Weissmann, Agent Strzok, Loretta Lynch, Rod Rosenstein and many more which are all part of the “coup” to unseat our legally elected President! The truth is slowly oozing out! Had Hillary won the election, we would never have known any truth on these matters and we perhaps would hold secret meetings in order to find a way to undo the results of that “coup!” Some of us may be looking for a weapon in order to bring liberty and truth back to our country! Godspeed, Volker Brückmann p.s. Good citizens DO NOT throw trash out of their vehicle windows onto the roadside!

Using freezer- and microwavesafe divided plates is one of the best ways to store individual, homemade frozen dinners. Leftovers are the perfect choice for these frozen dinners. The divided plates make the meals easy to defrost and re-heat in the microwave. FAST FREEZER TURKEY PATTIES These turkey patties are great as a main dish topped with some sauteed mushrooms and served with a side of rice and a salad. They’re also great for a quick sandwich using pita bread or on a hamburger bun. You can season and shape the patties and then wrap and freeze them all, or cook and serve some of them and freeze the rest. 5 pounds ground turkey 3/4 cup heavy cream 4 Eggland’s Best eggs 2 tablespoons Italian seasoning 2 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil, divided 2 tablespoons chopped garlic 1 small onion, diced 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons pepper 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1 1/4 cups fine breadcrumbs 1. Mix the cream, eggs and Italian seasoning together in a large bowl. Cover and refrigerate. Using a large skillet, add 1/2 tablespoon of the oil to the pan and saute the garlic and onion in the oil until tender. Leave the vegetables in the pan and set aside to cool. 2. Add the turkey, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and the vegetables to the cream mixture and combine well. Slowly add the breadcrumbs; don’t overmix. Divide into 7-ounce, 1/2-inchthick patties. 3. Add the remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons oil to the skillet. Heat on medium. Add the patties, a batch at a time. Cook 5 minutes on each side, or until no longer pink in the center and meat

continued from page 6 continued from page 7 1. The Detroit Tigers stole only 17 bases in 1972. 2. George Brett had 14 total bases in a game in 1979. 3. It was 1997. 4. Eleven consecutive years entering 2018. 5. It was the 1980-81 Quebec Nordiques (Peter Stastny, Anton Stastny and Dale Hunter). 6. Sam Hornish Jr. was 23 when he won the title in 2002. 7. It was 2002 ® 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

*** Walls for the wind, And a roof for the rain, And drinks beside the fire -Laughter to cheer you And those you love near you, And all that your heart may desire! — Irish blessing ***

Your Eye Upon a Leprechaun!

Northern Ireland Belfast



continued from page 2



March 14, 2018

1 F A E M I N E




2 I


2 3

1 I R E St. Patrick: S L A V E A S N A K E S D

Where does the leprechaun go when spring rains make the ground soggy?


I __ N __ 9 14

1. D 2. A 3. E

M __ U __ S __ H - __ R __ O __ O __ M! __ 13 21 19 8 18 15 15 13

What do fiddlers play?

Traveling the Island

4. B 5. F 6. C


H __ I __ S __ 8 9 19

Music to My Ears!


Placing a Classified Advertisement: To order a classified ad by mail, please send your advertisement with a check or Money Order to Julian News PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036. Phone Orders are accepted Wednesday, Thursday 9 am to 5 pm, Friday 9 am to 12 noon. Visa & Master Card are accepted. Ads must be paid for at time of placement and will appear in the next issue. NO refunds for Classified Ads. Office phone - 760 765 2231.




In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Labor Policy, The Julian News will not publish, any advertisement for employment that discriminates on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. The Julian News encourages equal opportunity employment in the work place.


San Diego Intergroup of Gamblers Anonymous Toll-Free Hot Line (866) 239-2911

AA Meetings Monday - 8am

Teen Crisis HotLine 1-800- HIT HOME

(across from Fire Station)

REGISTERED DENTAL ASSISTANT for quality practice in Julian and Borrego Springs. Willing to train new graduate, must be a team player with outgoing personality, willing and able to work front and back. Send resumes only to: PO Box 4/4 2300. Borrego Springs, CA 92004 WYNOLA PIZZA - is currently interviewing for experienced Cook/Chef, Servers, Bartender, Dishwasher. Contact Sabine at 760-5504/4 3737 to schedule an appointment. GRANNY’S KITCHEN - is accepting applications to work in a very busy and fast paced environment. Must be available to work weekends and at least 6 hour shifts. Share your excellent interpersonal skills and learn the art of being a barista. Team players only, with a positive attitude. Experience not required but attitude counts! Pick up an application at 1921 Main St Julian 4/11 CAMP CEDAR GLEN Administrative Assistant Accountability and scope: Serves as an administrative assistant for the site ministry and operations as supervised by the site/camp director. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: phone and walk-in hospitality, word processing, public relations, guest hosting, financial record-keeping, coordinating calendars, making reservations, maintaining records and databases, on-line communications, processing mail, and ordering supplies as needed. Part time with flexible hours. EDUCATION High School Diploma Some college or technical training preferred EXPERIENCE Minimum of 2 years of secretarial/ administration experience, preferably in the non-profit religious environment. Experience with and knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet software. Supervisory or office management experience. http://www.calpacumc.org/classifieds/ administrative-assistant-camp-cedar-glen/ To apply for this position please complete this application and submit with your resume, cover letter, and three professional references to hr@calpacumc.org. 4/4

All advertisements for the sale or rental of dwelling units published in the Julian News are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin or any intention to make such preference limitations or discrimination, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. State laws forbid discrimination based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby served notice that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.



Date 3/4 3/5 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/9 3/9 3/10 3/10 3/11

Monday - 11am

Shelter Valley Community Center (Information: 760 765 3261 0R 760 765 0527)

California Commentary

continued from page 11 enforce a debt, but they are not like a mechanic’s lien where the contractor performed work on that specific property. There are many other types of liens where intent could vary as to whether to charge the $75: liens for postponement of property taxes for senior citizens, government liens recorded in error, government liens released due to discretionary re-prioritizing, and, less sympathetically, liens for graffiti nuisance abatements or violations of various safety codes. It is unclear whether the legislature intended to extend the tax to these recordings, although they were aware that this was a potential issue and chose not to address it. Clean-up legislation is needed promptly. SB2, as substantive legislation, was bad enough. Its implementation is almost worse.

*** Jon Coupal is the president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and Kammi Foote is the clerk-recorder of Inyo County.

*** May you have warm words on a cold evening, A full moon on a dark night, And the road downhill all the way to your door. — Irish blessing



Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Childcare – Birth Through 5th Grade

Connecting People With God And Each Other . . . Changing Lives

Monday - 7pm 3407 Highway 79

Tuesday - 6:00pm Sisters In Recovery

(open to all females - 12 step members)

St. Elizabeth Church (Downstairs)

ROOM FOR RENT - Private entrance, located in Kentwood $350/month. call 760 765 3180 03/14

Tuesday - 7pm

Santa Ysabel Mission Church (Open Big Book Study)

STUDIO APARTMENT with sleeping loft - Complete kitchen, separate building, private, Free direct TV, view deck, Utilities included. $850/mo 760 765 1129 4/4

Tuesday - 7pm


Open Discussion

3407 Highway 79

FREE WOOD CHIPS - Available For The Community… To Pick Them Up, Please Contact Anyone At Lake Cuyamaca.

(across from Fire Station)

Wednesday - 8am 3407 Highway 79

(across from Fire Station)

Wednesday - 6pm

San Jose Valley Continuation School (Across street from Warner Unified School)

Wednesday - 7pm 3407 Highway 79

*** Humor to a man is like a feather pillow. It is filled with what is easy to get but gives great comfort. — Irish proverb ***

Location Hwy 79 Hwy 78 OakLand Rd Hwy 79 /Sunrise Hwy Hwy 79 Pine Hills Rd Payson Dr Mountainbrook Rd Mountainbrook Rd Sunny Point

(c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis

(across from Fire Station)

Julian-Cuyamaca Fire — Activity Log Incident Medical Medical Res. Structure Traffic Collision Medical Medical Medical Medical Res. Structure Medical

*** Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children's author, culinary historian and the author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is "The Kitchen Diva's Diabetic Cookbook." Her website is www.divapro.com. Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis.

3407 Highway 79

(across from Fire Station)

Thursday - 7pm

BYOB - Bring Yer Own Book Closed meeting; book study

St. Elizabeth Church (Downstairs)

Friday - 8am 3407 Highway 79

(across from Fire Station)

Time 1000 1500 1100 1100 1600 0300 1800 1500 1700 0600

(Adapted recipe courtesy of the National Wild Turkey Federation, www.nwtf.org)

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - Notice to Advertisers: Any error should be reported to the publisher prior to Thursday at 12 Noon following the publication date. Publisher accepts advertising on the condition that advertiser agrees that at no time shall Publisher’s Liability exceed the cost of space involved and that the Publisher is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Publisher accepts no responsibility for ad contents or errors in spelling or grammar.



thermometer reaches 165 F. 4. Serve immediately, or cool and wrap patties individually in plastic wrap and place them into a large freezer bag. Label and date the bag. Makes 15 servings.


Friday - 7pm

“Friday Night Survivors” 3407 Highway 79 (across from Fire Station)

Fire in jacuzzi. Solo Vehicle; Non-injury

Saturday - 7pm “Open Step Study” 3407 Highway 79

(across from Fire Station)

Fire in Chimney.

*** A scholar's ink lasts longer than a martyr's blood. — Irish proverb

Trivia Time

continued from page 6


1. Edna St. Vincent Millay 2. 1,414 3. Ulysses Grant 4. Luminous intensity 5. Mortimer Mouse 6. The Napoleonic Wars 7. Aquamarine 8. Shanghai 9. Theodore Roosevelt (Peace) 10. John Kennedy

® 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.


(Store & residence combined) Julian Mountain Emporium 1933 Main Street, Julian (corner Main & "C" Street) Thursday - Sunday ~ March 15, 16, 17, 18 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Daily All remaining inventory and household misc.; displays; fixtures; retail supplies; POS System;antq. general store display case (6'); costumes/hats/vtg clothing; antqs/furniture; Hoosier Cabinet; sterling/ costume jewelry; toys; kids to adult shoes/ boots/clothing; purses/belts; hutch; baker's racks; chandeliers; tent w/ wood floor; antq. sign post; carved wood bear (4'); partyware/ gifts/wrap; sofa/olevseat; washer/dryer; tables; trunks; tools & garage misc.; garden furn. & misc; onyx table; sm. flatbed trailer; portable AC; "Party Supplies-Partyware Business (55+ boxes NIP Inventory) *call pre-sale to buy as a single lot;" sm. enclosed trailer w/ surveillance equip.; bookcases; and so much, much more! DON'T MISS THIS VERY SPECIAL "DOWNTOWN JULIAN" SALE!! All sales final - Cash/Credit (no checks) Kris - 760-419-0167 3/14

Drink is the curse of the land. It makes you fight with your neighbor. It makes you shoot at your landlord, and it makes you miss him. — Irish proverb

The Julian News 13

March 14, 2018





Dennis Frieden


Owner/Broker - CA 00388486

Dennis has 35 years of real estate experience in Southern California. A skilled and experienced agent can be a tremendous benefit when considering buying or selling property in the Back Country. Dennis was born in San Diego and has brokerage experience in both San Diego and Orange Counties. His grandfather owned two gold mines in town during the 1920’s and he has loved Julian since his youth.


Available Land

Julian • Santa Ysabel • Shelter Valley •



.37 Acres 3316 Sunset . . . . . . . . . . $99,000 1 Acre 7263 Starlight . . . . . . . . . . . $69,000 4.39 Acres Winn Ranch Rd. Lot 1 $149,000 4.43 Acres Winn Ranch Rd. Lot 2 $149,000 6.47 Acres Winn Ranch Rd. Lot 3 $189,000 4.15 Acres Incense Cedar . . . . . . .$109,000




4.91 Acres Incense Cedar . . . . . . .$109,000 7.07 Acres Incense Cedar . . . . . . . $219,000 8.19 Acres Black Oak Lane . . . . . $285,000 8.99 Acres Eagle Ridge . . . . . . . . .$239,000 27.49 Acres Slumbering Oaks . . . .$299,000 39.2 Acres Engineers Rd. . . . . . . . . $429,550

This Week's Feature Property

"Julian Country Inn"

Located in Julian's Historic District and a short walk to town from this charming 5 Bedroom Country Inn. A great business opportunity on 0.51 Acres, or bring your large family.


836 Manzanita Drive

2008 Second Street

Excellent townsite location. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home located a short walk from Julian shops, restaurant and schools. A great family opportunity at just

Really cute mountain cabin with large deck. Two bedrooms and one bath on over 1/4 acre with lots of lilacs.




JULIAN REALTY supports Julian Dark Sky

8.99 Acres Eagle Ridge Pine Hills Area

1857 Whispering Pines

Black Oak Gated Community - Underground electric and telephone, septic layout for 3-Bedroom Home. Panoramic western views.

This is a rare, legal 2-unit property with a 796 sq. ft. main home and a detached studio of 261 sq. ft. A recently updated property with lots of mature pines, lilacs and manzanita.


Reduced to only $305,000

JULIAN REALTY 760-765-0818

14 The Julian News



Volume 33 - Issue 32

JULIAN YESTERYEARS Vintage, Collectible & Handmade Items 2116 MAIN STREET

The Julian News is authorized to print official legal notices of all

types including: Liens, Fictitious Business Names, Change of Name, Abandonment, Estate Sales, Auctions, Public Offerings, Court ordered publishing, etc. Please call The Julian News at (760) 765 2231 for our competitive rates. The Julian News is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the State of California, County of San Diego on February 9, 1987. Case No. 577843


Renewal filing of Fictitious Business Name Statements (your DBA) is now required by the County of San Diego every five (5) years. If your business name was originally filed or renewed prior to March 1, 2013; you need to re-file. If you have not renewed since that date call The Julian News office, (760) 765-2231. We can provide this essential legal service at a very reasonable rate. County forms are available at our offices - we can complete the re-filing for you without your having to take a trip to the city. Failure to re-file could result in the loss of the exclusive rights to your business name. You may use the Julian News or any other publication that is authorized to publish Fictitious Business Name Statements and Legal Notices.

NOTICE OF INTENT TO MAKE APPOINTMENT TO THE JULIAN UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD The Julian Union High School District is seeking applications from interested residents within the school district’s boundaries to serve as a member of the Governing Board. A vacancy occurred due to the resignation of Board Member Jennifer Reed, effective March 7, 2018. The Board expects to fill the vacancy immediately after interviews are conducted at a regular Board Meeting on April 19, 2018. The appointee will serve for the balance of a four-year term, which in this case will be up for election in November 2020. If you are interested in being considered for appointment to this vacancy, you can obtain an application from the District office or the District website at www.juhsd.org. If you would like more information please contact Susan Wagner in the District office at 760-765-0606 ext.102 or email swagner@juhsd.org. Please submit your application to: Secretary of the Board/Superintendent Julian Union High School District 1656 Hwy. 78 / PO Box 417 Julian, CA 92036 Fax: (760) 765-2926 Applications must be received in the Superintendent’s Office not later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 6, 2018. Publish: March 14, 21, 28 and April 4, 2018 Legal: 07885

PUBLIC MEETING JESS MARTIN PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting: TUESDAY, March 20, 2018 7:00 p.m. Julian High School, Room #4, 1656 Hwy 78, Julian, CA The Jess Martin Park Advisory Committee (JMPAC) is a voluntary organization that provides community input to the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation regarding the maintenance and operations of Jess Martin Park (Landscape Maintenance District Zone No. 2 - Julian). The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. The agenda will be posted on the message board at the Julian Post Office 72 hours prior to each meeting date. Board Members: Art Cole - Chair; Bill Geckeler - Secretary; Ralph Deem, Randy Faith, James Schaible, Juli Zerbe Legal: 07884 Publish: March 14, 2018

Case Number: 37-2018-00006986-CU-PT-NC

IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: ANDREW RAYMOND MCCLAIN FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: ANDREW RAYMOND MCCLAIN HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: ANDREW RAYMOND MCCLAIN TO: NOAH ZUSHYA SKOLNIK IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on MARCH 27, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON February 9, 2018. LEGAL: 07857 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9003996 RIDE AWAY 5032 Starfish Way, San Diego, CA 92154 The business is conducted by An Individual Mohamed Farhat Hassan, 5032 Starfish Way, San Diego, CA 92154. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 12, 2018. LEGAL: 07858 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9003797 JEWEL LIST LLC 105 West F St. Ste 101, San Diego, CA 92101 The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company - Jewel List LLC, 105 West F St. Ste 101, San Diego, CA 92101. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 9, 2018. LEGAL: 07862 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9003661 JULIAN BOOK HOUSE 2230 Main Street, Julian, CA 92036 (Mailing Address: PO Box 2003 Julian, CA 92036) The business is conducted by An Individual Donald Ray Garrett, 972 Wild Rose Road, Julian, CA 92036. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 8, 2018. LEGAL: 07863 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9003014 SINGLE SHOT 5650 Eagle Peak Rd, Julian, CA 92036 (Mailing Address: PO Box 2311 Julian, CA 92036) The business is conducted by An Individual Frank Scott Martinez, 5650 Eagle Peak Rd, Julian, CA 92036. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 1, 2018. LEGAL: 07864 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9003997 VU TECH 501 W. Broadway Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 The business is conducted by A Corporation Axomix, Inc. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 12, 2018. LEGAL: 07859 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9004219 PACIFIC DENTAL CENTER 156 N. El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92025 The business is conducted by A Corporation James A Snow, DDS, Inc. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 14, 2018.

[K-Mart Parking Lot]


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© 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.


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LEGAL: 07873 Publish: February 28 and March 7, 14, 21, 2018



FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9004305 WHITEROCK SPORTS MANAGEMENT 5360 Bothe Ave, San Diego, CA 92122 The business is conducted by An Individual Yasmin Akkaya, 5360 Bothe Ave, San Diego, CA 92122. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 16, 2018.



LEGAL: 07861 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018


facts if you hope to persuade people to accept what you say. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A family situation takes an unwelcome turn. While others might be looking around for answers, you'll soon sort it all out logically, and the matter will be resolved. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Someone might try to create doubt about your reliability for his or her own agenda. But your reputation and your colleagues' long-standing faith in you saves the day. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) An unexpected change of plans forces you to come up with an alternative by the end of the week. Look for colleagues to offer valuable suggestions. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Nothing upsets the Goat as much as broken promises. But before you vent your anger, consider that this could ultimately prove to be a blessing in disguise. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) An old workplace problem you thought you had solved for good resurfaces. But this time, co-workers will take a more active role in helping you deal with it. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Be careful not to be misled by a negative reaction to one of your more important projects. If you believe in it, then it has worth and is, therefore, worth staying with. BORN THIS WEEK: Everyone appreciates your gift for finding beauty, even where it seems least likely to exist.


LEGAL: 07855 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9003763 a) BORREGO AUTO PARTS & SUPPLY CO. b) NAPA BORREGO SPRINGS 2476 Stirrup Rd., Borrego Springs, CA 92004 (Mailing Address: PO Box 343, Borrego Springs, CA 92004) The business is conducted by A Married Couple - Richardo L. Garcia and Irma J. Garcia, 3443 Swinging V Rd., Borrego Springs, CA 92004. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 9, 2018.

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You could have some problems with doubters who don't share your enthusiasm for that new project you're supporting. But use the facts to win them over to your side. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Someone is impressed by how you managed to get your case to the right people, despite attempts to keep you on the outside looking in. Expect to hear more about this. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Good for you -- your gift for seeing both sides of a dispute helps cool down a potentially explosive workplace situation. Some family-related tensions also begin to ease. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Your determination to prove yourself is put to the test by midweek. Counting all the positive factors you have going for you will help you get over your self-doubt. Good luck. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Several co-workers are still determined to resist coming over to your side. But don't let that stop you from presenting your proposal to the people who count. Stay the course. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) You might prefer to be taken on faith and not have to prove yourself. But the truth is, you need to offer more


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9003499 HAWK EYE HOME INSPECTIONS 4211 Willamette Ave., San Diego, CA 92117 The business is conducted by An Individual Rita McBean, 4211 Willamette Ave., San Diego, CA 92117. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 7, 2018.

Wednesday - March 14, 2018

IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: KIMBERLY ROSE KUSKE FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: KIMBERLY ROSE KUSKE HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: KIMBERLY ROSE KUSKE TO: JACE KIMBERLY KUSKE IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on MARCH 27, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON February 16, 2018. LEGAL: 07869 Publish: February 28 and March 7, 14, 21, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9004962 GOT PIX NOW 850 Knobhill Drive, Julian, CA 92036 (PO Box 965, Julian, CA 92036) The business is conducted by A Limited Liability - Got Pix Now LLC. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 22, 2018. LEGAL: 07876 Publish: February 28 and March 7, 14, 21, 2018


ALL Insurance Companies Welcome

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Case Number: 37-2018-00006970-CU-PT-CTL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9004462 E3 CONSULTING 7705 Calle del Alcalde, Pine Valley, CA 91962 (Mailing Address: PO Box 1252 Pine Valley, CA 91262) The business is conducted by An Individual Casey Whitlock, 7705 Calle del Alcalde, Pine Valley, CA 91962. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 16, 2018. LEGAL: 07871 Publish: February 28 and March 7, 14, 21, 2018

LEGAL: 07865 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9003997 MOJO JACKSON 4433 34th St, San Diego, CA 92116 The business is conducted by A General Partnership - Timothy James Moss, 504 Otdego Dr, San Diego, CA 92103 and Jonathan Albert Walsh, 4433 34th St, San Diego, CA 92116 and Jackson Stewart Price, 389 Shady Lane #D, El Cajon, CA 92021. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 13, 2018.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9004401 MATADOR PAELLA 3685 Alexia Place, San Diego, CA 92116 The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company - Walk Off LLC, 3685 Alexia Place, San Diego, CA 92116. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 15, 2018.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9003446 MEZHAIR 427 9th Ave #1106, San Diego, CA 92101 The business is conducted by Co-Partners - John Patrick Walsh, 427 9th Ave #1106, San Diego, CA 92101 and Colin William Lober, 1132 Archer St. , San Diego, CA 92109. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 6, 2018.

LEGAL: 07860 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018

LEGAL: 07868 Publish: February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2018

LEGAL: 07875 Publish: February 28 and March 7, 14, 21, 2018

Over 40 Years Serving All Your Tire and Brake Requirements

IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER ALLEN deVELARDE FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER ALLEN deVELARDE HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER ALLEN deVELARDE TO: JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER ALLEN IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 903 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA 92101) on APRIL 5, 2018 at 9:00 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON February 9, 2018. LEGAL: 07870 Publish: February 28 and March 7, 14, 21, 2018


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9005504 THE VELVET SHEEP 8885 Mariposa Ln, La Mesa, CA 91941 The business is conducted by An Individual Annie Leigh Bourgeois, 8885 Mariposa Ln, La Mesa, CA 91941. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 28, 2018.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9004064 L.B. MC GILL 1451 MacKinnon Ave, Cardiff, CA 92007 The business is conducted by An Individual Laura Beth McGill-Ardolino, 1451 MacKinnon Ave, Cardiff, CA 92007. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 13, 2018.

LEGAL: 07877 Publish: March 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018

LEGAL: 07880 Publish: March 14, 21, 28 and April 4, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9005628 BARK ON CLARKE 1266 Clarke Dr, El Cajon, CA 92021 The business is conducted by An Individual Jordan Nicholas Nelson, 1266 Clarke Dr, El Cajon, CA 92021. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON February 28, 2018.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9006207 RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL SERVICES, INC. 13617 Calais Dr., Del Mar, CA 92014 The business is conducted by A Corporation - Residential Appraisal Services, Inc. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON March 6, 2018.

LEGAL: 07878 Publish: March 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018

LEGAL: 07881 Publish: March 14, 21, 28 and April 4, 2018

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