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An Independent Weekly Newspaper Serving the Backcountry Communities of Julian, Cuyamaca, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley, Mt. Laguna, Ranchita, Sunshine Summit, Warner Springs and Wynola.

Julian News

PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036


Change Service requested


For the Community, by the Community.

Citizen Journalism Defined In The Library Tuesday Night

Please join us as we welcome journalist Peter Rowe from the San Diego Union-Tribune on Tuesday, June 26 at 6 PM to speak about Citizen Journalism. Have you ever wondered how reporters come up with the news they publish? Or maybe you’ve wanted to try reporting news yourself? Then come to this session on how to be a citizen journalist! Learn the basics of the news business from local working journalists who will answer your questions on what goes into covering the news of the day. Learn the difference Peter Rowe between real news and “fake” news, and how you can be a responsible citizen reporter. Peter Rowe joined the U-T in 1984. Surviving numerous ownership changes, he has yet to be fired. A native Californian who grew up in Encinitas, Rowe is a graduate of UC Berkeley and Northwestern University. He is past president of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists and a former Fulbright scholar. He has won a few journalism awards, but would trade them all for a chance to avenge his 1994 "Jeopardy!" loss. Married to a terrific woman who has saved him from errors in writing and in life, he has three sons. At the U-T, Rowe writes profiles and features and is even paid to review beers, which hardly seems fair. (SDUT Bio) Rowe will be presenting a program that was developed by the Society of Professional Journalists Citizen Journalism Defined: Imagine you're walking by the San Diego Harbor and a protest suddenly forms in front of the main administration building. You decide to pull out your camera phone and record the incident, and then provide it to a news outlet or share it on social media. You've just contributed to citizen journalism. Citizen journalism is news reporting that is done by the people instead of professional journalists. This type of journalism can uncover facts not typically revealed by professional journalists because the public uses alternative sources to find information. Citizen journalism can be delivered to the public via regular news outlets, online news outlets, social media, and video streaming sites such as YouTube. We encourage you to attend this program and become better informed how to discern fact from fiction how to report information, and how to present facts without (undue) bias. This program is presented by the San Diego Press Club, San Diego Society of Professional Journalists, and the San Diego Union-Tribune. The Julian branch library is located at 1850 Highway 78, Julian. For more information about all things library related, please call 760-765-0370.

Julian FFA Prepares San Diego County Fair

As the school year ends, the students of the Julian FFA continue to work hard. The Julian Chapter has installed new officers for the next school year, President: Rylie Boyd, Vice-President: Nikki Arias, Secretary: Erin Conitz, Treasurer: Dakotah Audibert, Sentinel: Kameron Flint, Reporter: Dusty Flack. In addition Rylie Boyd has been elected as the San Diego Section FFA Sentinel. This year students have entered 25 Ag Mechanic projects to the San Diego County Fair, including metal and wood working projects. We also have 9 students exhibiting 12 livestock projects, cattle, goats and sheep. The students will move in on June 26 and will be exhibiting their animals through July 4. The livestock auction will be held at 10:00 am on Saturday, June 30, students will sell their animals through the auction and in the barn. If anyone is interested in purchasing hand fed livestock and support the local students at the fair, please contact Mr. Martineau at cmartineau@juhsd.org to learn how you can register to be a bidder and support the students. We hope to see you at the fair and show you our projects.


June 20, 2018

Julian, CA.

Volume 33 — Issue 46


Gray Wolves Born At California Wolf Center As Wild Counterparts Make History In Our State

ISSN 1937-8416

Budget Approved At JCFPD

by Michael Hart

At least two gray wolf puppies have been born at California Wolf Center. These two pups join their parents, Wintu and Yana, as part of the North American gray wolf pack residing at the nonprofit’s conservation center. Born on or around May 6th in a den dug by their parents, these two puppies represent a much larger story of conservation in our state. Gray wolves are returning to California after being eradicated by government run anti-predator campaigns in the 1920s.

California Wolf Center is a leader in wild wolf recovery throughout the Pacific West and the Southwest. The newly born puppies and their pack are part of educational programs hosted at the nonprofit’s conservation center in Julian, although they remain off exhibit at this time. Beyond their physical site, California Wolf Center staff also work in the field supporting communities living with returning wild wolf populations. Ranchers are the stewards of much of the open space where wild wolves have returned to and will return to in the future. California Wolf Center values building on common ground, so wolves, livestock and people can thrive on shared landscapes. California Wolf Center’s Range Steward program is the first of its kind in the Golden State and is driven forward by a leadership team of Northern California ranchers. Range Stewards are trained ranchers working to rekindle the ‘herd instinct’ in cattle, thus reducing the chance of wolf-livestock conflict. These actions increase connection and tolerance of ranchers, ensuring livestock are safe and wolves achieve long term recovery.

The JCFPD board approved the budget for fiscal 2018-19 with the caviat that actual expenditures will change because of the recent working agreement with the County Fire Authority. The board meeting held Tuesday the 12th was attended by 20 or so citizens. The board also reviewed the audit from the 2016-17 fiscal year. The audit did include a warning for the district Note 17. Subsequent Event/ Going-concern On September 12, 2017, the District’s Board of Directors opted not to join the San Diego County Fire Authority (the County), but to remain as independent fire district. As a result of the opt-out, on January 1, 2018, the county withdrew a fully staffed paramedic fire engine, its automatic response commitment, and a water tender truck. The county also ended a $60,000 subsidy of the volunteer department. As a result of these factors, it raises substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern without the resources that the County provides. On February 13, 2018, the District’s Board of Directors voted to negotiate with the County of San Diego for terms and conditions for possible dissolution. The District is seeking mutually agreeable terms for the use of County resources for the District’s independent fire suppression efforts or in the absence of such agreement, mutually agreeable terms for dissolution of the District If neither of these agreements reached, the District has the option to withdraw from negotiations and remain independent.

The pups residing at California Wolf Center will continue to be cared for in as wild a way as possible allowing their relationships with their parents and each other to be the priority. These new additions join over twenty wolves living at California Wolf Center, many of which are part of the Mexican Wolf Species Survival Plan, a captive breeding and reintroduction program for the critically endangered Mexican gray wolf. With less than 150 individuals in the wild, California Wolf Center’s role in the program is crucial.

ABOUT CALIFORNIA WOLF CENTER: California Wolf Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to the return of wild wolves to their natural habitat and to the people who share the landscape with them. We foster communities coming together to ensure wolves, livestock, and people thrive in today’s world. Our organization is at the forefront of creating a new model for long term wolf recovery through a scientifically based, socially acceptable approach that provides real and practical solutions to those sharing the landscape with wild wolves. We offer tours of our conservation center in Julian, CA with a reservation. Visit www. californiawolfcenter.org or call 760-765-0030 for more information.

The California DMV Announces Plans To Open 40 Select DMV Offices On Saturday The offices will be open on Saturday, June 16 and June 23, then transition to the first and third Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. to continued on page 5


Father-Daughter Day in Julian — June 23rd. Get details at www.visitjulian.com

June 20, 2018

2 The Julian News Featuring the Finest Local Artists

30352 Highway 78(at Hwy 79)

OPEN Thurs-Monday 11 am - 5pm








Orchard Hill is serving its fabulous fourcourse dinner on Saturday and Sunday evenings through the spring of 2018.

The The most most dangerous dangerous animals animals in in the the forest forest don’t don’t live live there. there.

Chef Doris’s fall menu includes tried and true entrées with seasonal sides and perfectly grilled Brandt’s beef. Dinner is $45 per person. Reservations are required. Please call us for more information at 760-765-1700.

We look forward to seeing you!

OH203_AD_2018_Julian News_press.indd 1


Dear Michael Hart, Thank you for your wonderful letter in today's Julian News. So calm and so balanced, and with a great last paragraph. You are a community treasure. Julie Olfe


Join Orchard Hill’s Supper Club and experience fine dining in an exclusive private setting.


ONLY YOU CAN PR E VE N T W I L D FIRE S. w w w. s m o k e y b e a r. c o m

Dear Mike and Michele, Often in this life, one does not stop to thank those whose efforts have greatly enhanced and informed our community. So we thank you, Michael Hart, for your heartfelt letter of June 12, 2018, and also thank you and Michele for manning The Julian News for so many years. Rudy’s parents lived in Julian from 1945 to 2014. They loved this mountain community and loved to read The Julian News, as do we. We are saddened by the strife permeating our small community. You have provided fair and balanced coverage regarding the controversial Fire Board issue, and you have published letters from both sides, unpleasant though some were. It pains many of us Julianites to see our friends slandered, and to see so much misinformation put forth as “truth.” Thank you for attempting to clarify the coverage on this confusing and volatile issue. And thank you for the many hours weekly you spend to bring us our Julian News. You are appreciated. Sincerely, Rudy and Bettie Rikansrud

The July Fourth Parade Committee is excited to announce that the 2018 Parade T-Shirts are now available at the Corner Market for $15.00. Stop by and get yours before they are gone.


POPE TREE SERVICE All Your Tree Service Needs Commercial & Residential Oak and Pine our Specialty CA. State License #704192 Fully Insured for Your Protection Workers Comp.


9/17/17 11:39 AM

Listening Sessions On Ambulance Services For San Diego County's Rural Communities


NOTE TO PUB: DO NOT PRINT INFO BELOW, FOR I.D. ONLY. NO ALTERING OF AD COUNCIL PSAS. Wildfire Prevention - Newspaper (2 1/16 x 2) B&W WFPA01-N-03259-C “Animals” 85 screen Film at Schawk 212-689-8585 Reference #: 127801

Your Input is needed - You are invited to attend one of the listening sessions listed below to provide input on ambulance services in communities in the unincorporated area of San Diego County. The County of San Diego has retained The Abaris Group, an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) consulting firm, to conduct the listening sessions. All the sessions will cover similar material, so you are encouraged to attend the session that best fits your schedule. If you cannot attend and would like to provide input, please call or email using the contact information below. Friday, June 22nd Pine Valley County Library 1:00-3:00 PM 28804 Old Highway 80, Pine Valley Friday, June 22nd Jamul Intermediate School 6:00-8:00 PM 14545 Lyons Valley Road, Jamul Wednesday, June 27th Co. Fire Sta. #53 (Shelter Valley) 1:00-3:00 PM 7260 Great Southern Overland Stage Route, Julian

The Julian News ISSN 1937-8416

Michael Hart and Michele Harvey ..... Owners/Publishers Michael Hart .................................. Advertising/Production Circulation/Classified Michele Harvey .......................................................... Editor Don Ray .............................................................. Consultant


1985 Featured Contributors

Michele Harvey Greg Courson

Kiki Skagen Munshi Pastor Rick Hill Bill Fink

Jon Coupal David Lewis

Syndicated Content King Features Syndicate E/The Environmental Magazine North American Precis Syndicate, Inc. State Point Media The Julian News is published on Wednesdays. All publications are copyright protected. ©2018 All rights reserved. The Julian News is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the State of California, Case No. 577843 Contacting The Julian News In Person

1453 Hollow Glen Road Office Hours: 3pm — 5pm Monday 3pm — 5pm Tuesday 9am — 5pm Wednesday — Friday

By Mail

The Julian News PO Box 639

Phone / Fax email

After Hours Printed on Re-Cycled Paper

Julian, CA 92036

760 765 2231 submissions@juliannews.com The Julian News @JulianNews Information may be placed in our drop box located outside the office front door. The phone will accept succinct messages 24 hours a day. Member National Newspaper Association

Member California News Publishers Association

Wednesday, June 27th Co. Fire Station #85 (Intermountain) 6:00-8:00 PM 25858 Highway 78, Ramona

Over 20 Years in Julian

• • • •

Trained Experts Difficult Removals Artistic Trimming Brush Clearing


Chris Pope, Owner


Thursday, June 28th Alpine County Library 10:OOAM-12:00 PM 1752 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine Thursday, June 28th Lake Cuyamaca Restaurant 1:00-3:00 PM 15027 Highway 79, Julian Thursday, June 28th Julian County Library 6:00-8:00 PM 1850 Highway 78, Julian Thursday, June 28th Jacumba County Library 6:00-8:00 PM 44605 Old Highway 80, Jacumba Hot Springs

Please contact Mike Williams at The Abaris Group with questions or input, or to request special accommodations for a session: 888EMS-0911 or mwilliams@abarisgroup.com

*** Using social media to hurt and destroy is callous, acted out by cowards hiding behind computers. My advice is to ignore negativity. Focus on the love around. — Martin Garrix ***

Residential • Industrial • Commercial Serving Southern California

Ben Sulser, Branch Manager

Julian Branch: (760) 244-9160 Cell: 760-315-7696 • Fax 714-693-1194 emai: ben@allstatepropane.com • www.alstatepropane.com WE INVITE YOUR OPINION! The views expressed by our contributing writers are their own and not necessarily those of The Julian News management. We invite all parties to submit their opinions and comments to The Julian News. All contributed items are subject to editorial approval prior to acceptance for publication. Letters must include your name and contact information. Letters may be mailed to: Julian News P.O. Box 639 Julian, CA 92036 email: letters@juliannews.com in person: Julian News Office 1453 Hollow Glen Road Deadline is Friday Noon for the next weeks issue

Reminder All Letters submitted must be signed by the author. The publisher reserves the right to refuse publication of anonymous and third party submissions.


June 20, 2018

TREE N C A O I M L U J E Experience Since 1988PANY HT Local

Blues Bash - Cool Day, Hot Tunes

50% off

One regularly priced item with this ad Exp. 7-31-18

Not for profit 501(c)(3) tax id# 33-005939 since 1983

Mary Joan Lansill Dawkins 1924-2018

I’ll find you in the morning sun And when the night is new I’ll be looking at the moon But I’ll be seeing you

Licensed and Bonded Fully Insured for Your Protection


License #945348


Want to help protect our San Diego Wildlife?

The Wildlife Research Institute is looking for volunteers to assist with the following tasks: clerical, data entry, photographic analysis and cataloguing, field research, scanning photographs to digital, trip planning, and a variety of others. Our office is less than a mile from downtown Julian off of Pine Hills Road.


773 Main Street, Ramona 760-789-4458


PO Box 254 JULIAN, CA.

Ramona Food and Clothes Closet Brand New and Gently Used Items

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ERIC DAUBER H: 760-765-2975 C: 760-271-9585

The Julian News 3

Robb Bower addressing the crowd.

Golden Eagle

Interested persons should e-mail dbittner@wildlife-research.org or call 760-765-1957 to arrange a meeting.

*** False news, when combined with social media, can wreak havoc thanks to its potential of reaching millions in a short span. The effects can be quite disturbing. — Fabrizio Moreira ***

Blues Bash 20 has come and gone. The question on many attendee’s mind was “what happens now?” Long time promoter and MC Robb Bower has announced this would be his last, so he can persue other interests. This did not effect Saturday’s show as all of the band put on stellar performances for the packed tight as usual crowd. In the 20 years that it has been going on the Father’s Day weekend seems to be the date of choice for most as crowds have grown and more sponsors/ vendors have participated. The future looks bright as festival finishes off it’s second decade. Whoever takes the reigns should be able to move in and keep it going into the future. Over the years we have seen it move from the small stage at the Menghini Winery to the event it is today with a full size portible concert stage being brought in. Nationally recognized musicians have been willing to play. It has become a must attend event for many. Should this have been the final show Robb went out with his head held high. He built it up and kept it growing every year to turn ithe Blues Bash into one of the better concerts/festivals held anywhere in Southern California. We’ll have to wait and see about next year

Joan Lansill Dawkins, born Mary Joan Lansill on February 9, 1924, in Buffalo, New York, to Gertrude (Powers) Lansill and Bradbury Lansill; and sister of William Lansill, passed away at her home in Blue Lake, California, on June 8, 2018 after a brief illness. Joan and her family lived in many places during her youth including Detroit, Atlanta, Reading, Pennsylvania, and Columbus, Ohio. Some of Joan’s fondest memories were of summers spent at the family home on Silver Lake, New York, where she loved to row and fish. In her junior year of high school Joan moved with her family to San Diego, California, where she attended Hoover High. In the autumn of 1942 Joan met Marine Lieutenant George Dawkins stationed at North Island as a fighter pilot, at The Little Club in the U.S. Grant Hotel, downtown San Diego. Joan and her friend Eleanor had obtained false IDs to allow them entry in the 21-and-over club. When Joan spotted a close friend of her older brother in the bar she knew she would be in for big trouble if he saw her and spilled the beans. So Joan and Eleanor hatched a plan to ask someone in the bar to pretend they were Joan’s uncle, chaperoning the young women, and that someone ended up being George. The plan worked and later that evening, while dancing at the Officer’s Club on Point Loma, George told Joan he wanted to marry her. Six weeks later they were. After World War II and many long military separations, Joan and George settled in Point Loma for a number of years before moving to Rancho Santa Fe. There Joan and George had their two daughters, Cornelia (Neil) and Anne, then settled in El Cajon in the mid-sixties. In 1969 the Dawkins family moved back to Columbus, Ohio, longing to be near extended family, and lived in the town of Powell, along the banks of the Sciota River. But they were back in southern California two years later, settling again in El Cajon. By the early 1980’s Joan and George found themselves living in the mountain town of Julian so they could be closer to their daughter Neil and her growing family. They bought the historic Kettner House, a block off Main Street, and filled it with many years of cherished memories with their granddaughters. At the age of seventy Joan began a five year career as chef at Orchard Hill Country Inn where she earned a reputation creating and preparing delicious meals for the guests at the five star inn. Shortly after Joan retired George passed four weeks shy of their 56th wedding anniversary. A year later Joan survived a diagnosis of breast cancer and two years later was courted and engaged to Ceasar Cappella who tragically died in a car crash two months before they were to wed. Joan was critically injured in the same accident but survived the loss of Ceasar and recovered physically. By the mid-2000s Joan, along with the help of her daughters, opened a garden gift shop in the front of the Kettner House. The Blue Heron Garden Shop and Gallery was open for five years attracting both locals and tourists and was the location of the Julian Daffodil Shows for two years. Joan moved with her family to Humboldt County in 2016 to be closer to her great-grandchildren and family. Joan was preceded in death by her husband, George E. Dawkins, Jr., her mother, Gertrude Lansill, her father, Bradbury B. Lansill, her brother, William Lansill, and her fiancé, Ceasar Cappella. She is survived by her daughter Cornelia “Neil” Kruske and husband Mike Kruske, her daughter Anne Dawkins and partner Michael Welch, her granddaughters Molly Kindley and husband Willis Kindley, and Rebecca Kruske and partner Chris Hancock, her great-grandchildren Lacie and Jarett Kindley, her former son-in-law Randal Colby, her extended relatives in California, Ohio and beyond, the dear friends she met through St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church, Julian, and Community United Methodist Church of Julian, her many, many friends, and her Chihuahua Honey. A celebration of life will be held on Sunday, July 22, 2018 at the home of Neil & Mike Kruske in Eureka, CA. In lieu of flowers the family suggests donations to Hospice of Humboldt County, to whom they are very grateful. *** Let parents bequeath to their children not riches, but the spirit of reverence. — Plato ***

4 The Julian News


Integrity Stables We’re serious about riding (but we have a lot of fun too!)

Horse training at our stable or yours. Lessons for the young and the young at heart. Beautiful trail rides on well-trained, fun horses. • English • Hunter/Jumper • Dressage • Western: Pleasure / Trail • Gymkhana


June 20, 2018

Back Country Happenings

Enter the Blue Sky Friday Night At Wynola Pizza


Horse Camp

July 2nd through th July 6 . Campers will get to

in the 4 of July Jennifer Smith 760 484 2929 rideParade with us ! th

Calendar CALENDAR LISTINGS If you are having or know of an event in Julian, Lake Cuyamaca, Ranchita, Warner Springs, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley Sunshine Summit or elsewhere that should be listed in the Backcountry Happenings column, please contact the JULIAN NEWS at PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036, voice/fax 760 765 2231 email: submissions@ juliannews.com or bring the information by our office.


Julian Community Planning Group 2nd Monday Every Month Town Hall - 7pm Architectural Review Board 1st Tuesday of the Month Julian Town Hall Downstairs - 7pm Julian Chamber of Commerce Mixer - 1st Thursday of Month Board - 3rd Thursday of Month Town Hall - 6pm 760 765 1857 Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District 2nd Tuesday of The Month 10am at the Fire Station, 3407 Hwy 79, Julian Julian Community Services District Third Tuesday of every month at 10:00 A.M. at the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office, Julian Substation, Public Meeting Room, 2907 Washington Street, Julian Julian Women’s Club 1st Wednesday - 1pm 2607 C Street information: 760 765 0212 Julian Historical Society Presentations, 4th Wednesday of the Month Julian Historical Society Building, 2133 4th Street - 7 pm Julian Arts Guild General Meeting: Second Wednesday of the Month, Julian Library - 3 pm Program: Fourth Tuesday of Month Julian Library - 6:00 ESL Class - Tuesday/Thursday Improve your English skills with a Palomar College Instructor Julian Library, 4-6pm Zumba Aerobics with Gaynor Every Monday and Thursday Town Hall - 6pm, info: 619 540-7212 Julian Arts Chorale Rehearsals at JCUMC Monday @ 6:15 Every Tuesday Tai Chi with Rich. Julian Library - 9 AM Healthy Yoga with Lori Munger HHP,RYT Julian Library - 10am Every Wednesday @ Julian Library 10am - Baby Story Time with Miss Colleen 10:30am - Preschool Story Time and Crafts with Miss Linda 11:00am - Sit and Fit for Seniors - Gentle Stretching and flexibility exercises with Matt Kraemer 4:30 - Qi Gong - An ancient Chinese healing system using physical postures and breathing to guide and replenish energy, with Vika Golovanova. Second & Fourth Wednesdays Feeding San Diego Julian Library parking lot - 10:00am Every Thursday VET Connect - VA services available at Julian library. Call 858-694-3222 for appointment. Thursdays, 9am-4pm. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday Julian Lions Club 7pm downstairs at the town hall Every 1st & 3rd Thursday Lego Club, Lego building for kids grade K-5. All materials supplied. Julian Library - 2:30pm. Every Saturday Techie Saturday at Julian Library - We now have a 3D printer! Come in on any Saturday and get individual instruction and assistance. Every Sunday (Weather permitting) Julian Doves & Desperados historic comedy skits at 1 pm, 2 pm & 3 pm – stage area behind Julian Market & Deli.


Thursday, June 21 Julian Make Music Day Part of a global event taking place in over 120 countries around the world, on the summer solstice. Julian Station (in Wynola) 5 - 8pm Friday, June 22 Meet The Julian Artists - Open Reception Julian Arts Guild Gallery, in the KO Corral at 2608 B St Meet, greet and see the work of our wonderful back country artists and enjoy refreshments 5-7 pm Saturday, June 23 Father Daughter Day in Julian details at visitjulian.com

Julian Historical Society

Enter the Blue Sky began in 2014 and have been evolving and pioneering their way through gig after gig, gaining momentum with no end in sight. Enter the Blue Sky is an all original Americana band. While some selections have a forward up-tempo, the majority of their sound is a composite of poetic, smooth, original and unique rock melodies supported by warm harmonies and textures. The songs are lyrically- and vocally-driven, backed by exciting instrumentalists in an atypical yet harmonious blend. An award-winning vocalist, Sandé Lollis has played locally in several bands over the years. Her lyrics are thoughtful with melodies that are hard to forget. As lead vocalist for Enter the Blue Sky, Sandé is a powerhouse of energy and melodic bliss. Not a back burner type, Karen Childress-Evans on viola, jumps in with both feet and keeps smiling. Possessing an inate sense of groove, Alberto González, the band's bass player, believes each song tells him what and how to play. John Seever plays harmonica for the band, his underlayment of dreamy chords and explosive leads adds depth to the band's unique sound. Come out to Wynola Pizza Friday for a great kisten between six and nine,

Lisa Sanders Returns To The Red Barn

Tuesday, June 26 Be a Citizen Journalist Learn how to tell real news from fake news, with Union Tribune journalist Peter Rowe Julian Library, 6pm Wednesday, June 27 Feeding San Diego Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. Julian Library - 10am Thursday, June 28 Batman Crafts Join us for Batman craft stations dedicated to the iconic book and movie superhero Julian Library - 11am Friday, June 29–Wednesday, July 4 Julian Women’s Club Annual Quilt Show Julian Town Hall Saturday, June 30 Eleanor Burns Quilting Show Saturday, June 30th 11:00 am Price of admission is $20 Saturday, June 30 Julian Historical Society Annual Meeting and Picnic Lewis Family Orchard 11 - 3 (pay your dues)


Tuesday, July 3 Music On The Mountain Special performance by Roots, Rhythm, & Blues Washtar Gitboard player Nathan James Julian Library - 6pm Wednesday, July 4 Independence Day Parade Streets closed at 9am Parade at Noon BBQ at the American Legion Bands: Brad Johnson and the Killin Time Band, The James Kelly Band 1pm Saturday, July 7 California Surf Museum. Learn about China Beach and its surf history with Museum President, Jim Kempton Julian Library, 2pm Wednesday, July 11 Feeding San Diego Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. Julian Library - 10am Wednesday, July 11 Julian Historical Society Field Trip to Rancho Santa Margarita leaves at 7:30am from Methodist Church (1½ hour tour begins at 10am) Must be registered by June 25 contact Rudy Rikansrud 760 765 0757

Tuesday, July 24 Julian High School Registration Day 9:00AM - 1:00PM Multipurpose Room

Lisa Sanders and Karen "Brown Sugar" Hayes are a pair of electrifying, bodacious, harmonizing singers of genuine heartfelt songs. This country-bluesy duo have been performing there unique style of music for over ten years to enthusiastic fans across America. Lisa and Karen's friendship began long ago when they met briefly at a high school party. Later on in life, both older and much wiser, the women met again when their kids were in the same class at school. They became the best of friends. Neither one of them realized that one day they would be a couple of moms writing and performing music all across the country. With eight CD’s to her name and song featured in film Lisa Sanders has elevated herself to one of the County’s true musical treasures. Saturday Lisa and Brown Sugar will be live - hopefully on the patio at Wynola Pizza for three hours of great hamonies and highly entertain original music for the first time in over a year, starting at six. Upcoming Wynola Pizza & Bistro Shows:

Every Thursday — Open Mic Nite 6 to 8 Friday, June 29 – TBA Saturday, June 30 – Three Chord Justice

For more information call Wynola Pizza & Bistro 760-765-1004

• On June 22, 1611, the starving crew of the Discovery mutinies against its captain, English navigator Henry Hudson, and sets him, his teenage son and seven supporters adrift in a small, open boat in Hudson Bay. The castaways were never seen again. • On June 20, 1782, Congress adopts the Great Seal of the United States after six years of discussion. The front of the seal depicts a bald eagle clutching an olive branch in its right talon and arrows in its left, with a shield marked with 13 vertical red and white stripes on its breast. • On June 23, 1902, German automaker DaimlerMotoren-Gesellschaft registers "Mercedes" as a brand name. A three-point star was registered as a trademark in 1909 and used on all Mercedes vehicles after 1910. • On June 24, 1948, the Soviet Union blocks all road and rail

traffic to and from West Berlin. Panic set in as its population worried about food, water and medical aid. Just two days later, the United States began a massive airlift of supplies into West Berlin. • On June 19, 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, are executed at Sing Sing Prison in New York. Both proclaimed their innocence right up to the time of their deaths. • On June 21, 1965, the Byrds' debut album, "Mr. Tambourine Man," is released and marks the beginning of the folk-rock revolution. In just a few months, the Byrds had become a household name. • On June 18, 1983, the space shuttle Challenger is launched on its second mission. Aboard the shuttle was Dr. Sally Ride, who as a mission specialist became the first American woman to travel into space. Ride, an astrophysicist from Stanford University, operated the shuttle's robot arm, which she had helped design. ® 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Monthly presentations on the fourth Wednesday of the month The Historical Society Building 2133 4th Street


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June 20, 2018

760 765 1020



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• Wednesday - Sunday


by Kiki Skagen Munshi

The Music Tour Continues Leipzig--Potatoes allowed the population of this north German plain to grow enormously when they were brought from the new world. The armies that galloped around the area could steal stores of wheat and leave the hapless peasants to starve over the winter, but potatoes in fields were harder to scoop up and carry off. Nowadays the plains are dominated by wind turbines rather than horsemen, changing the scale of the world, making tall trees look small and bringing modern wind-energy to complement the excellent highways. This land used to be East Germany but now it’s hard to imagine it anything less than modern, prosperous and privatized. Eventually we enter rolling hills where forests replace wind turbines and the scale is back to human. The trees are tall again and the forests are dark enough to make Hansel and Gretel real and in danger. Wicked witches lurk where there is no renewable energy to light the world. And eventually we arrive in Eisenach , the birthplace of Johann Sebastian Bach. Doesn’t everyone long to go the to birthplace of Johann Sebastian Bach? It’s a lovely small town, a forest (suitably dark) and a castle nearby, exactly what you’d want in 17th century Saxony. Lots of trees to hide from marauders, a castle for defense, all the accoutrements. It wasn’t clear what the source of income was in particular at the time of Bach; better than the blue dye made from woad, water and urine (obligingly supplied by the men of the household) in Erfurt. The dyers were very wealthy but their houses….ah, the smell. The Museum in Eisenach, however, is absolutely 21st century. The house Bach may or may not have been born in but where he absolutely did live some three and a half centuries ago is there along with a modern addition, but there aren’t that many artifacts. Bach wasn’t attentive to the needs of 21st century museums; he and his family didn’t leave much lying around. What one finds is a wonderful juxtaposition of explanation and illustrations with earphones and the appropriate Bach (or at least period) music. Museums gotta do what they can and this one did it well. All of this gallivanting about is a prelude to the Main Event—9 concerts (or 18 hours of beautiful music and hard wood church pews) over two days and an evening. Ah, bliss… but by the end even we were just about cantata-ed out. On to the next adventure.

California Fire Safe Council Announces Re-Opening Of 2018 Fire Prevention Grant Program Sacramento, Ca – June 13, 2018--Funding for fire protection planning, education and fuels reduction projects in California California Fire Safe Council (CFSC) will be re-opening its $5.45 million grant competition for 2018 Fire Prevention Grants Program for funding for fire prevention education, planning and hazardous fuels reduction projects. The 30 day extension will encourage applicants to utilize CAL FIRE’s 2018 CCI grants to meet the match requirement. Applications submitted during the first round may be revised or left as-is. Approximately $5.45 million are available in two grant programs: State Fire Assistance “SFA and SMG” Grant Program • $4.15 million in funding available • Funds are available for all fire prevention activities including training, planning, hazardous fuel treatment, and fire prevention education. • Projects must be located in California or the Tahoe region of Nevada. • The maximum amount that can be requested has been increased from $200,000 to $250,000 • The match requirement is 100% or dollar-for-dollar. Tree Mortality “TMG” Grant Program • $1.3 million in funding available • Funds are available for all fire prevention activities including training, planning, hazardous fuel treatment, and fire prevention education. • Projects are restricted to the 10 ear marked “Tree Mortality Counties” Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Fresno, Kern, Madera, Mariposa, Placer, Tulare and Tuolumne. • The maximum amount that can be requested has been increased from $130,000 to $300,000. • The match requirement is 25%. Acknowledgements This grant program and publication are funded in full by the U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region under the terms of Grant numbers 17-DG-11052012-122, 17-DG-11052012-139, and 17-DG-11052012-147. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Forest Service. CFSC is an equal opportunity provider.

DMV Open Saturday continued from page 1

1 p.m., beginning in July 2018. Behind-the-wheel exams will not be available on Saturdays. Cities with offices selected for Saturday services in in San Diego and close to San Diego include: Chula Vista, Poway, San Marcos and Temecula. Saturday appointments can be scheduled up to 90 days in advance

My Thoughts by Michele Harvey

Yard Sale Season

It seems like this is yard sale season. Probably the lack of rain is a good reason to haul all of the things out to the yard that we’ve been tripping over and sell enough of our things to create space in our homes. Years ago I read in SAIL magazine that if we don’t use a thing at least once a year, then we don’t need it. Toss it. This is good for people who live on sail boats and it’s good for people who live in houses or apartments of any size. It allows us to keep our holiday decorations. This past weekend my son Thomas and I bought some really nifty things that people decided they could part with. At one sale we found a huge amount of tools, kitchen items, Christmas decorations, books and art work. They were all priced and the people who worked the sale didn’t hesitate to find places for us to stack our stash, giving us free hands to pick up more items. They were smart. We went from there to a yard sale that was totally disorganized. I picked up an item and was told that it wasn’t for sale. Only things on the other side were for sale. The items that were not for sale didn’t look any different from the items that were for sale. Many were packed tight in boxes and storage containers. These people had a huge box of sheets and mattress pads so they could have used them to cover things that they wanted to keep. Among all of the items were empty boxes. Lots and lots of empty boxes. The boxes seemed to be everywhere. I did get some yard tools there, but had to ask for prices. Nothing was labeled. I don’t like going to yard sales where items aren’t priced. It always makes me think that the sellers are looking at potential buyers and deciding what they think the buyers can pay. After that experience we drove to the next 2 yard sales. Two sales were across the street from each other. They were both well organized. It was obvious what was for sale and what wasn’t. I know that having a yard sale can be difficult when you already have things in your yard that you want to keep, so at one place we saw a line of tape, similar to caution tape, separating the sale items from the keepers. The other sale had yard sale items in a very specific place. The last 2 yard sales that we went to had a really nice variety of things that were well marked. I bought a few classical CDs, an Eagles CD (remember Hotel California?) a post hole digger that I’ve been needing for quite a while and a few kitchen utensils. My brother collects cereal boxes that have baseball players on them, so I’m familiar with sports figures on cereal boxes. However, at one of the yard sales, we saw a huge collection of cereal boxes that had pictures of Nascar drivers on them. At one yard sale I saw a complete camera and darkroom set that included 2 Nikon cameras, extra lenses and a Besseler 23cll enlarger. Years ago I owned a Besseler 23c enlarger. After working in camera stores for over 10 years, it was the only enlarger I would ever want to own. The entire set had a price tag of just $500.00 on it and I’m sure it was worth at least $4000.00. If you want to hold your own yard sale, here are some tips from a long time seller and buyer. Make certain that the signs leading to your sale are very visible. Many people seem to think that when a person drives at normal speeds of 25mph or more can read a sign that may be only 5” x 7”. If possible, make your signs on a bright cardboard, like a fluorescent color. Use a thick marking pen on your signs or if you only have a regular ink pen, make your letters wide and tall, filling them in with ink. Check your signs from a distance to see if they are visible to drivers. Label all of the items for sale with price tags or label boxes such as “CDs $1.00 each”. If an item is not for sale, such as a display table, put a sign on it that says “not for sale”. If you are holding your sale inside and you don’t want the public in some of your rooms, put signs on those doors that read “Nothing in here”. Group items. All kitchen items can be together, all dining room linens should be separate from bedroom or bathroom linens. Dishes can be stacked in the dining room or kitchen. Make your sale easy for people who want to buy things. My favorite estate sale story is about a painting. Many years ago when I was involved with the Julian Arts Guild, I bought a painting by Dorothy Mushet. The watercolor was of the old jail and Helen Clark’s geese. I remember Helen Clark and I remember her geese. I kept that painting for several years, but my previous husband didn’t appreciate art, so I donated it to the Friends of the Library for their fundraising auction. I’ve missed that watercolor all of these years, and this past weekend I bought it back. I saw it at an estate sale and the only reason it was up for sale was because my friend who bought it at the auction recently died. I have my watercolor back and can once again relive the memory of Helen Clark and her geese. Yard sales don’t seem to be just for buying and selling. They are also good places to meet new people and to catch up with friends. These are my thoughts.

*** The petty man is eager to make boasts, yet desires that others should believe in him. He enthusiastically engages in deception, yet wants others to have affection for him. He conducts himself like an animal, yet wants others to think well of him. — Xun Kuang ***

The Julian News 5

Health & Personal Services

Julian Medical Clinic A Division of

• Complete Family Practice Services Now accepting: Covered • Monthly OB/GYN California, Medi-Cal, • Digital X-ray Medicare, Community CLNTSLab Services 1 WV B/W DOL 127093 22:03 1/15/02 Health Group, Molina, • Daily Borrego Pharmacy Delivery Sharp Commercial, CHDP. • Behavioral Health (Smart Care) Most PPO’s and Tricare. Sliding Fee Scale and Financial Assistance Available.

Monday–Friday 8-4 pm 760-765-1223 Blake A. Wylie, DO Unneetha Pruitt WHNP , Women’s Health Randy Fedorchuk MD, Pain Management

WHAT A CHILD LEARNS ABOUT VIOLENCE A CHILD LEARNS FOR LIFE. Teach carefully. We can show you how. Call 877-ACT-WISE for a free brochure or visit www.actagainstviolence.org.

General Dentistry & Orthodontics


Act Against Violence - Magazine & Newspaper (2 1/1 6 x 2) B&W APARD2-N-05130-D “What a Child Learns” Line Work

Film at Horan Imaging 212-689-8585 Reference #: 127093

“Dr. Bob” Goldenberg, DDS

Specializing in fixing broken teeth and beautifying your smile ! It’s time you had the smile you’ve always dreamed of ! Call today ! Most Insurance Plans Accepted Visa and Master Card

2602 Washington St • 760 765 1675 Summer Learning Program

Henna Tattoos And Face Painting

Please join us at the Julian Library as we continue to celebrate our Summer Learning Program on Thursday, June 21 at 11 AM. We are pleased to welcome back Natasha of Crescent Moon Designs and Free Spirit the Clown. Natasha will be providing Henna or glitter tattoos for children of all ages, and Free Spirit the clown will be set up in the community room, offering face painting or balloon animals. Natasha of Crescent Moon Designs has been interested in henna art since 1997, but it wasn’t until she received a kit from her husband for her birthday that she knew she was hooked. Shortly after that she began doodling on her friends, and that’s how Crescent Moon designs was born. Natasha has her International Certification for Natural Henna Arts (ICNHA) and has been a member since 2004. Free spirit the clown has been in the industry for 17 years entertaining children and adults with face painting, balloon animals, magic, and games. She is a certified professional, and has been a regular entertainer with the Julian Library for many years. For more information, please contact the Library at 760-765-0370, check out our Facebook page @SDCL.julianbranch, or check out the library’s online calendar at www.sdcl.org. We are located at 1850 Highway 78, Julian CA 92036.


6 The Julian News



Back Country Dining

Lake Cuyamaca


June 20, 2018

Winery Guide




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1. GEOGRAPHY: The island of Saipan is a commonwealth of which nation? 2. LANGUAGE: How many lines are in a limerick? 3. U.S. STATES: What is the only U.S. state name that ends in three consecutive vowels? 4. ASTRONOMY: Where is the Lowell Observatory located? 5. MATH: What is the longest side of a right triangle called? 6. HISTORY: Which European conflict was ended with the Dayton Agreement in 1995? 7. LITERATURE: Who wrote the novel “Mansfield Park”? 8. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president gave the famous Gettysburg Address? 9. COMICS: What was the real name of the Green Arrow? 10. TELEVISION: What was Kramer’s first name on “Seinfeld”? continued on page 12

Chef’s Corner Drink Up! June Is Dairy Month Whether it’s in coffee, cereal, smoothies or dairy-based dressings, adding one more serving of milk to your family’s day can help ensure they get the nutrients they need to build strong bones and teeth. Dairy farm families pride themselves on producing wholesome dairy foods that help their families grow up strong and healthy. There is no “moo-staking” the facts about dairy! June was officially declared “Dairy Month” in 1939. Originally, it was a way to distribute extra milk during the warm months of summer by grocer organizations. Dairy provides three of the four nutrients that are typically lacking in American diets: calcium, potassium and vitamin D. It’s unique combination of nutrients plays key roles in preventing heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure,Êdiabetes and osteoporosis. Dairy also is important for building strong bones and teeth.

When planning meals, choose milk, cheese and yogurt, all of which are excellent sources of calcium, vitamin D and potassium to help fuel your body. Cow’s milk offers a superior nutrient package over alternative beverages such as soy, almond, rice or coconut. Despite rising fuel and feed costs, milk continues to be a great value at about 25 cents per 8-ounce glass. Fat-free cow’s milk contains 15 fewer calories per glass, 70 percent more potassium and almost twice as much protein as many calciumfortified soy beverages. Most milkalternative drinks have only half the nutrients of real milk and cost nearly twice as much.

Both organic and regular dairy foods contain the same essential nutrients that are key to a healthy and balanced diet. People who are sensitive to lactose can consume dairy foods that are lactose-reduced or lactose-free products. Dairy farming is a family tradition, one that has been a way of life for many generations. Ninety-eight percent of dairy farms are family owned and operated. Dairy farmers are dedicated and take pride in caring for their cows by working closely with veterinarians to keep them healthy and comfortable. Dairy cows receive regular checkups, vaccinations and prompt medical continued on page 12

June 20, 2018

The Julian News 7

...a horse and carriage ride with a guide.

On our visit, our family will take...

Newspaper Fun! www.readingclubfun.com

by Bic Montblanc

Volunteers of America There have been times in the past when I’ve sat down to write this column and have come up blank, so I just made things up. I’m blank today, mostly because I never realized the energy expended in putting on “The Dance” and how the Sons throw their hat right back in the ring with another breakfast for the 4th of July parade. There is a core group of men at SAL, like any organization that lead, perform and get things done all in the name of giving back to the community they love. What is it that causes men and women to volunteer? Why is it that American, more than any nation on earth always seems to rise above all obstacles with a force of zealous volunteers trying to accomplish great feats? My experience with the Sons has been a lesson in Volunteerism at its finest (Voluntarism - the policy or practice of volunteering one’s time or services, as for charitable or community work). Volunteerism is a long tradition in America. It was Volunteers that threw the yoke of the British Empire from the backs of a fledgling nation. Americans volunteer forces fought in all our wars. They were the decisive factor in defeating the Kaiser during WWI. Without America defeating Nazism and Japanese Imperialism during the 1940’s the world would not be, as we know it. Still today, America leads the fight against terror through Volunteers. American Volunteers have paid the ultimate price with their lives and blood on the battlefields throughout our history. The early years of America saw colonies of people band together for the common good. Those of us who have Grandparents from the great migrations to the U.S. in the late 19th and early 20th century tell of processing at Ellis Island and walking around New York City until they heard their native tongue or something close to it and were taken in or helped by others. There was no welfare, unemployment or safety net other than the charity of others. Throughout my life I have seen great examples of Americans helping each other and others throughout the world. Americans are the most generous people the world has ever known. U.S. financial contributions in the form of foreign aid to the world, pales in comparison to the private dollars that are generously expended every year by Americans. When there is a disaster due to fire, flood, tornado, earthquake or hurricane there are always people or some group in this country that will pick up and go to help. I’m not talking about the Red Cross or FEMA, but the legions of Volunteers across America that will help with their backs, bucks, and brains. When there is disaster in the world the Stars and Stripes are there “fustest with the mustest” (Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest). While American volunteerism may seem to be waning at home due in part to government entitlements, it is alive, well and strong in this small town. I’ve talked to scores of locals over the years about the fire disaster in Julian in ’03 and listened to angry accounts of trying to recover and rebuild and the frustration of dealing with public agencies. But I have heard glowing reports of how neighbors, friends, volunteer organizations and churches provided food, lodging and comfort to a devastated community. One of the things that strikes me in this small town, is how

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What do you know about the Battle of Gettysburg? It was a major turning point of the Civil War. ettysburg G Hmmm, where was it on my map? Gettysburg National Military Park contains the battlefield and the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. Washington DC Read my clues to learn about the battle and to fill in the puzzle.

Battle of Gettysburg


Pennsylv Maryland

13 1. The Battle of Gettysburg was the largest battle n Richmond fought during America’s ________ War (1861-1865). col n i L 8 2. The Civil War started after southern ________ began Virginia 4 to leave the union of the United States of America. 10 3. These states called themselves “Confederate States of America” y arm and elected their own ________, Jefferson Davis. 4. Abraham ________ was just becoming the new president of the 9 United States – and he did not want these states to break away. 5. Lincoln declared ________ to try to keep the union together. soldiers 6. He also wanted to put an end to ________. y 7. The Confederates raised an ________ to fight for their way of life, which included slavery. slaver 8. The northern army fought the Confederate army; members of some ________ had to 3 choose sides, and former friends sometimes had to fight one another on the battlefield. 9. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought in and around the small town of Gettysburg, ________. 10. On the first day of ________ 1863, in Gettysburg, Confederate soldiers under General Robert E. Lee began fighting with Union soldiers led by Major General George Meade. 11. They fought for ________ days. By July 4th, General Lee was withdrawing his army. 12. At the end of the fighting more than 50,000 ________ were dead, wounded, captured or missing. 13. Even with the battle raging around the town, only one townsperson, Mary Virginia Wade, was killed while baking ________ for Union soldiers – by a bullet that came though the door of her sister’s house. 14. The town was filled with wounded and sick people. People were afraid that ________ would spread. 15. Homes, churches and other buildings became ________. Volunteers buried the dead. Horses and mules that had been killed had to be burned.



July 1, 1863 – July 3, 1863






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Soldiers from the North and South carried their own units’ flags into battle at Gettysburg. The flag on the left below, carried by the 26th North Carolina, was shot down 14 times on the first day of fighting. The flag on the right was carried by the 125th Regiment NY Volunteer Infantry. It had 34 gold stars.

Gettysburg National Military Park


The Visitor’s Center will give you information: • like maps/guides and recordings to listen to as you drive a route to see and learn about the war • on the hundreds of statues, cannons and the battle • to find the train station where President Lincoln arrived to give his Gettysburg Address • to watch a movie about the soldiers, their struggles, their days at Gettysburg and after • on reenactments of the camps and the battle • for biking, horseback riding and camping fun Can you find your way from the visitor’s center to two of the flags carried into the battle?

A Soldier’s Life

Soldiers’ lives in the Civil War were hard. When they weren’t marching or fighting, they camped. When bored they played cards and made instruments. Match these words that soldiers used to their meanings: A. soldier standing guard 1. drill B. hard, tasteless cracker – 2. muster had to be soaked to eat it 3. sentry C. practice marching or firing 4. hardtack D. to call the troops together 1. flank 2. bedroll 3. private 4. goober peas

many local organizations and clubs that are listed in the phone book. While all are not charitable groups, a lot are. Groups like the Merchants and Chamber might not be charitable in nature, but in my experience, their members have been great benefactors of local causes. On the stage at the JHS scholarship assembly, local groups and foundations gave thousands of dollars to local kids who wanted to further their education. None of the groups there are in it for profit, just the pure unadulterated act of giving to their community. Quite frankly most of the organizations there, don’t have a bigmouth trumpeting their events and accomplishments like SAL does, but they’re all doing good things in a quiet way. So if you see a bake sale, play, Melodrama, Fiddle Contest, or Oktoberfest or

A. nickname for peanuts (a good snack on the move) B. battle position – to cover the side of the enemy C. easily carried for use sleeping outdoors D. lowest rank in the army other events going on in town that might cost a few bucks, chances are that some Volunteers are working pretty hard for the benefit of others. Maybe you have some time to contribute to a favorite cause, but if you don’t, a few dollars go a long way in helping out. One of the things that I love about living in a small community like Julian is that even the simplest act of kindness or charity goes a long way. I don’t really make things up, at least in this column anyway.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Join the American Legion Post 468 for our annual 4th of July Barbecue. Good food, good music, and good fun Bands: Brad Johnson and the Killin Time Band The James Kelly Band

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal...” A few months after the Battle of Gettysburg, President Lincoln traveled by train to that town to dedicate the Soldiers’ National Cemetery for soldiers from the north. The President‘s speech at the event was so short that some people are said to have missed it entirely because they weren’t paying attention. Yet, this powerful “Gettysburg Address” became Lincoln’s most famous speech. After Lincoln spoke, he did not feel well. Doctors said he had smallpox. Lincoln is said to have joked that now he had something he could give to everyone who came to ask for something from him!

Solution on page 12

Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills LLC © 2018


Kids: color stuff in!

June 20, 2018

8 The Julian News

What’s Happening At Your Library

Provided by Friends of the Julian Library (FOJL) Bookstore Need a gift? Are you on a budget? Stop in the bookstore inside the library for current and clean used books. Think birthdays, Father’s Day, graduates and more. Topics on animals, gardening, cooking, crafts, California history, biographies, fiction, classics, poetry, and more! We are always looking for new volunteers for 2 hour shifts at the Bookstore and several new volunteers have gotten excited about organizing and updating the look of the store. New 2018 novels are only $3, all other novels are: hardbacks $1.50, trade paperbacks $1, and mass paperbacks $.50 or 3/$1. Nonfiction books have special pricing, most from $1 - $3. Arts & Letters San Diego Union-Tribune reporter Peter Rowe on the topic of Real News/Fake News - Be a Citizen Journalist - Tue, June 26, 6 pm FREE Lunches Children ages 1-18 may receive lunch through August 3. Hours are 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. These meals are USDA funded and are available only to children. Music on the Mountain Nathan James, July 3 at 6 pm. Nathan has a collection of very interesting guitars and his Americana stylings provide an excellent evening of entertainment. Refreshments will be served. Watch for a biographical write-up in the paper before the concert. Bookmobiles Do you know someone or somewhere without access to a library? Two bookmobiles, now called mobile branch libraries, visit areas like Warner Springs and Sunshine Summit. These mobile libraries even offer hands-on learning events. If you live in these areas and would like to help as a Friend of the Library for the East or North Mobile, contact Bill Sannwald, Principal Librarian, William.Sannwald@ sdcounty.ca.gov - Cell: (858) 465-0211 Are You on Facebook? Library events are published on Facebook as “Julian Branch Library.” Each event and the monthly calendar are uploaded to the branch Facebook page. Follow Us! Summer Learning Challenge There are more ways to learn than by reading a book. Check out the display in the library to sign up. Prizes can be won and there will be a grand prize. Prizes for children and adults. Look at the origami cranes on the wall behind the main desk. Join the fun! More information online at sdcl.org Special Activities This Summer – Children, Teens, Adults Something will be going on at the library for every age group. Pick up a monthly calendar or go online to see the calendar for Julian at sdcl.org. Do You Have News We Can Use? What have you read or done? Have you enjoyed a special library event? Let us know by sending a short paragraph for this column to Jonna Waite, jakwaite@pacbell.net Library Contacts: FOJL President: Melanie Klika, Quail1805@aol.com Branch Manager: Colleen Baker, colleen.baker@sdcounty.gov, 760.765.0370, for more information.

Cracking The Code On Curiosity

Curiosity Wanes As Kids Grow Up. Here's How Parents And Teachers Can Re-Ignite The Spark “I have to write a stupid outer space story in class next Tuesday,” says my 11-year-old daughter. “I hate astronomy. It’s so boring.” “Boring?” I say. “You don’t see the universe as … amazing?” “Too far away,” she grumbles. “And I just don’t care.” She trudges to her room to examine the assignment’s three reference papers. My daughter — let’s call her Hailey — is cheerfully giddy 99 percent of the time. But her consternation about a cosmic assignment worries me. I’m one of those science nerds who fantasizes about space travel. I speculate about life on Ganymede, Jupiter’s largest moon, and, of course, colonizing Mars. Potentially habitable exoplanets. I am very curious about them — why isn’t Hailey? But then, she’s fascinated by soccer, a passion I find confounding at best. I wish I could transform my daughter’s interest in astronomy from a tiny dead speck like 2013 RZ53, into a hypergiant star like UY Scuti. Where’s her curiosity? What is curiosity, anyway? This childlike state is essential to human consciousness; one 2007 study found that preschool children ask an average of 107 questions per hour. Yet it remains a conceptual curiosity. • Child development guru Jean Piaget defined curiosity as “the urge to explain the unexpected.” • Curiosity researcher Daniel Berlyne characterized it as “an optimum amount of novelty, surprisingness, complexity, change, or variety.” • Research psychologist Susan Engel suggested curiosity “can be understood as the human

by: Hank Pellissier

need to resolve uncertainty.” Despite so many definitions, curiosity still seems to dance at the edge of understanding. It may be as old as humankind, but only in very recent years have neuroscientists attempted to understand exactly how it works. The inquisitive ones Meandering through the vaults of pubmed.gov in search of studies that would help me crack the code on my daughter’s curiosity, I learn that inquisitiveness is highly predictive of intelligence. A 2002 study that identified “high stimulation seeking” (meaning highly curious) 3-year-olds found that at age 11, they had higher academic grades, superior reading ability, and IQ scores 12 points higher than their less inquisitive peers. Curiosity also helps us maintain our intelligence — by protecting against mental decline. A study of older Minnesotans published in JAMA Neurology, found that keeping curiosity alive reduces

Alzheimer’s risk and delays its onset by 8.7 years. I also learned that curiosity has a powerful emotional component. It works on our pleasure center: the dopamine rush delivered by curiosity resembles the rush obtained when we win at the racetrack, inhale nicotine, or gobble chocolate. But the curiosity habit is more fragile than, say, a nicotine addiction. In her recent book The Hungry Mind Susan Engle chronicles how children begin losing curiosity at a relatively young age: “When they’re between the ages of 5 and 12, their curiosity diminishes.” Why? Engel suggests that childhood curiosity diminishes because of lack of listening support from adults. Kathy Koch, author of How Am I Smart? A Parent’s Guide to Multiple Intelligence echoes this view: “Too many children tell me they stop asking questions because parents and teachers respond too often with

statements like these: ‘You don’t need to know that.’ ‘Look it up yourself.’ ‘That’s not important.’ … Not allowing children to ask questions and not taking their questions seriously are easy ways we shut down the logicsmart intelligence.” Engel also notes that the decline of curiosity coincides with schooling. “[Curiosity] that is ubiquitous in toddlers is hard to find at all in elementary school,” she says. A recent breakthrough in curiosity research piques my interest. At the Dynamic Memory Lab at the University of California at Davis psychologist Matthias Gruber studies how the brain files long-term memories of events. His recent study with researchers Bernar Gelman and Charan Ranganath — published in Neuron — found that curiosity changes the brain in ways that enhance learning. The study tested the memory of participants on a series of topics

that they had rated in regards to their curiosity. Participants also underwent MRIs during parts of the study. Basically, when the brain’s curiosity was triggered, thereby releasing dopamine, the person later could remember “incidental information.” In other words, participants didn’t just remember more about the topics they were curious about, but they remembered more information about unrelated topics when their brain had recently experienced a spike in curiosity. The magic spark The research has convinced me that curiosity is the magic spark I need to ignite in my weary little girl, but how? Hailey is oddly radiant Tuesday, like the star Canopus in the southern hemisphere. Today she has to write the dreaded “stupid outer space story,” so I thought she’d be miserable, but she dashes off smiling before I can question her. With Matthias Gruber working

only 75 minutes from my home, I meet with him at a Starbucks in Davis, CA, to chat about his research. His PhD was on longterm memory encoding; his determination to comprehend the neurology of memory led him to his present investigation of curiosity. “We looked at the neurocorrelates of curiosity – and we found that dopamine, the ‘wanting system,’ is only active when you’re in the curious state,” Gruber explained. Research suggests that dopamine should now be more associated with our need to discover things, of wanting to know more, than making us feel pleasure. It keeps us motivated. Dopamine drives our goaldirected behavior. It causes us to want, desire, seek out, and search. It may have kept cavemen alive. When asked if dopamine and curiosity have implications for education, Gruber says he assumes that good teachers are already doing it instinctively. “If they turn on the ‘wanting system’ in their classrooms, the hippocampus works better,” he explains, referring the part of the brain associated with long-term memory storage. “If teachers find a way to inspire each student by telling them something every student wants to know, they will all remember the incidental information. Once the ‘wanting system’ is turned on, it remembers everything.” I find myself explaining that I was an odd student who got either an A+ or a C- because I was either wildly interested in the subject, or paralytically bored. “How would you teach math so that it’s not boring?” I ask. “That was one of my C- subjects.”

The Julian News 9

June 20, 2018

Curiosity Code continued from page 8

“Have the students solve complicated, world real-life problems,” he suggests. When asked what sparked his curiosity about psychology, he smiles. “I had an excellent professor who taught memory,” he recalls. “Dr. Karl-Heinz Baeuml at University of Regensburg. He sparked my curiosity and warmed up my hippocampus. Learning should be a ‘flow experience.’ ” “My daughter doesn’t like astronomy,” I blurt out, suddenly. “She says ‘outer space is too big.’ What’s wrong with her?” Matthias doesn’t hesitate. “Her teacher,” he suggests, “needs to find a little detail in astronomy that fascinates her, something to spark her. Once she catches fire, she will love the subject.” Driving home, I wonder about what made me love astronomy. What sparked my interest? Then I flash on a memory: Gazing at the stars after eating s’mores at Boy Scout campouts in the Sierras and listening to a goldentongued counselor point out Orion’s Belt. Universe downsized; curiosity upsized Arriving home, I discover that Hailey is glowing, like Venus in early summer. “How did you like writing the astronomy paper?” I ask. “Great!” she enthuses. “You know what comets are?” I open my mouth, but she launches into a breathless, extemporaneous lecture. “Comets are giant snowballs full of rocks, when they get too close to the sun the snow melts so if the pebbles smash into our atmosphere they burn up as shooting stars, but there are other ways to make space pebbles too, space is full of pebbles, if asteroids hit each other little chips fly off and asteroids do hit each other all the time because they’re spinning around the sun in different circles at different speeds and the real name for

shooting stars is meteors, but if they don’t burn up and land on Earth, they’re called meteorites and the biggest one weighs 60 tons and it’s made of 84 percent iron and 16 percent nickel!” On and on she yammers, her brain swirling with wonder like a galaxy, expelling words excitedly like a solar plume, snagging my attention in her gravitational orbit. Obviously her “wanting system” had been turned on. We went outside and looked at the waxing crescent of the moon. “What changed?” I ask Hailey. “Astronomy bored you.” “Astronomy seemed impossible,” she confesses. “The speed of light? Billions of stars? The temperature of the sun? I don’t get it. Too big. But if a comet is just a flying snowball, I like that. That makes sense. Can we see a meteorite someday soon?” “There’s a great collection at UCLA,” I tell her. “In Los Angeles, where your uncle lives. Hundreds of them!” “Can we go see them, pleeese?” I quietly thank those on-point reference articles from her teacher for charting a pathway from my daughter’s fifth grade brain into the cosmos. With her curiosity awakened her learning spree will take off like a rocket. About the author Hank Pellissier Hank Pellissier is a freelance writer on education and brain development, the author of Brighter Brains: 225 Ways to Elevate or Injure Intelligence, the founder/director of the Brighter Brains Institute, and a consultant on scholastic topics like gap years, at https://www. hankpellissier.com/

*** Everyone's like sheep on social media; like, one person starts making noise, and everyone's like, 'Hey, yeah!' and then you got a whole bunch of people making noise at you. — Earl Sweatshirt ***

Millions Of People With Medicare Are Getting New, More Secure Cards (Family Features) Millions of people with Medicare will receive new, more secure Medicare cards in the mail in 2018. The new cards replace Social Security Number-based Medicare numbers with a new unique, personalized Medicare Number, known as the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier. Each person with Medicare will have his or her own number. The cards will be mailed automatically, free of charge, and there will be no changes to Medicare users' current benefits. The new Medicare cards no longer contain a person's Social Security number, but rather a unique, randomly-assigned Medicare number that protects people's identity, helps reduce fraud and offers better safeguards of important health and financial information. Removing Social Security Numbers from Medicare cards is one of the ways the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is helping to protect the identities of people with Medicare. The unique Medicare Number not only increases protections from fraud for people with Medicare, it also makes it harder for criminals to use Social Security Numbers to falsely bill Medicare for care services and benefits that were never performed. CMS is mailing the new Medicare cards in geographic waves. This means people with Medicare may not get their new card at the same time as their friends or neighbors. People with Medicare and their caregivers can visit medicare. gov/newcard to find out when cards will be mailed to their areas. They can also sign up for email notifications about the card-mailing and check the cardmailing status in their states. As soon as people receive their new Medicare cards, they should safely and securely destroy their old Medicare cards and start

using their new cards right away. Make note of these facts to help ensure a smooth transition to your new card. 1. Your card will have a new Medicare Number that's unique to you, instead of your Social Security Number. This can help protect your identity and keep your personal information more secure. 2. Your card will automatically come to you at no cost. You don't need to do anything as long as your address is up-to-date. If you need to update your address, visit socialsecurity.gov/myaccount. 3. You can find out when your card is mailing by signing up for email notifications at Medicare. gov/NewCard. 4. Your Medicare coverage and benefits will stay the same. 5. Mailing takes time, and Medicare will mail the new cards by April 2019. Your card may arrive at a different time than your friend's or neighbor's. 6. Once you get your new Medicare card, destroy your old Medicare card and start using your new one right away. Rather than simply throwing the old card

away, shred it or cut it into small pieces. 7. Your card will be paper and not laminated, which makes it easier for many providers to use and copy for their records. 8. If you're in a Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO), your Medicare Advantage Plan ID card is your main card for Medicare. You should still keep and use it whenever you need care. However, you also may be asked to show your new Medicare card, so you should carry this card, too. 9. Doctors, other health care providers and facilities know your new card is coming and will ask for your new Medicare card when you need care, so carry it with you. 10. Only give your new Medicare Number to doctors, pharmacists, other health care providers, your insurers or people you trust to work with Medicare on your behalf. Treat your Medicare Number like you treat your credit card numbers. Medicare will never contact you uninvited to ask for personal information.

1. When was the last time the Seattle Mariners made the playoffs? 2. Name the first pitcher to beat all 30 teams in the major leagues. 3. Against which team in 1984 did the Rams’ Eric Dickerson break the NFL mark for most rushing yards in a season? 4. Since 1985, how many winners of the Wooden Award (most outstanding basketball player) also went on to win the NCAA men’s basketball championship in the same season? 5. Which two teams had the longest winning streak during the 2017-18 NHL season? 6. When was the last time before 2016 (Simone Manuel) that a U.S. woman won an Olympic swimming gold medal in the women’s 100 freestyle? 7. Entering 2018, five golfers had won an NCAA championship and the U.S. amateur in the same year. Name three of them. Answers on page 12

10 The Julian News

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Doing your part to help bees come back will not only help guarantee that we can continue to enjoy the diversity of agricultural products we have come to expect on grocery store shelves. Credit: Neil Dalphin, FlickrCC. least partially to blame. Designed to eliminate insect pests that most commonly afflict agricultural crops, neonics—which are now genetically engineered right into the crop seeds themselves— are wreaking havoc on so® called “non-target insects” like bees as well. And the shifting habitat zones and crazy weather Dear EarthTalk: What can I do that has accompanied global to help bees back from massive warming is only exacerbating the bees’ survival issues. die-offs in recent years? But NRDC remains optimistic -- Bill Gorman, Albuquerque, NM that we can bring back bee populations if we each do Major declines in populations our part to create pollinatorof bees in North America and friendly habitat. For starters, beyond is a big problem for you can welcome bees to your farmers who depend on this free backyard by laying off the intense natural pollinator to help fertilize landscaping and letting things go their crops that end up as food on a little wild. A greater variety of our tables. According to the non- plants—especially native ones— profit Natural Resources Defense will encourage bees to set up Council (NRDC), $15 billion a shop nearby. Researchers at Michigan State year in U.S. crops—including apples, berries, cantaloupes, University (MSU) Extension cucumbers, alfalfa, and almonds report that bees especially love among others—are pollinated to forage on purple, blue, white, by bees. Meanwhile, U.S. honey yellow, mauve or violet flowers bees produce some $150 million that direct them via markings and patterns unseen by the human in honey annually. Simply put, fewer bees means eye to a “landing pad” where they less food on our shelves and can get pollinating. Find more a major economic hit to the regionally appropriate plants agricultural sector. “The global that will work to attract bees and economic cost of bee decline, other pollinators by downloading including lower crop yields and the free Bee Smart Pollinator increased production costs, has Gardener app, which helps users been estimated at as high as $5.7 select pollinator-friendly native plants to use in landscaping billion per year,” reports NRDC. While we still aren’t 100 projects large and small based percent certain what is causing on location, project scope, flower the decline across the board for color and other options. You can also encourage bees bees, most researchers believe a class of pesticides called neonics to move right in by creating (short for neonicotinoids) are at habitats tailor-made for them.

“Revisit how you approach a fallen tree or a dead limb: it’s not an eyesore; it’s a potential bee nest!” counsels NRDC. “Drill bee-inviting holes in that dead wood, build nest blocks, or simply buy a premade bee box.” And be careful about the plants you bring home from the garden store. A 2014 report by the non-profit Friends of the Earth (FOE) found that more than half of plant samples purchased at top garden stores across North America contained neonics. NRDC advises to only buy plants or seeds that aren’t pretreated with pesticides, and to read the fine print on the label: “If a plant is marked ‘protected,’ that may mean it’s chemically treated.” Patronizing smaller, organic plant nurseries is the best way to avoid neonics. CONTACTS: NRDC, www. nrdc.org; FOE, www.foe.org; MSU’s “Gardening for Pollinators,” ht tp: //msue.anr.msu.edu /news / gardening _ for_ pollinators _ choosing _smar t_ plants _to_ support_pollinators; Bee Smart Pollinator Gardener App, pollinator. org/bee-smart-app. EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss for the 501(c)3 nonprofit EarthTalk. To donate, visit www.earthtalk. org. Send questions to: question@ earthtalk.org.

Drying Rack

This strange wooden carving is an early drying rack that was handmade from a single branch. Collectors of primitive pieces bid it up to $6,500. It measures 17 by 11 inches Our ancestors were clever and could make many tools, containers and cooking utensils from wood or iron. It was not until the mid-19th century that helpful gadgets like iron apple peelers with gears or other complicated tools were invented. Hundreds of patents were issued for improved household inventions. But during the 17th century and in rural areas, talented wood craftsmen

June 20, 2018 created one-of-a-kind utensils for home use. Bowls, scoops, baskets, ladles and boxes were carved from wood harvested from nearby trees. The shape of the tree sometimes inspired the work. At a recent Skinner auction, a wooden drying rack was auctioned. It was made from a single large branch with five upright "rods" for holding the drying fabrics. The largest branch had a hole at the top where it could be hung from a nail on the wall. It was primitive, but useful. The drying rack, made in the 1700s, sold for $6,500, because it was such an unusual relic of the early days of do-it-yourself tools. *** Q: I have a Cracker Jack AM radio my dad gave me when I was 8 years old. It runs on a 9-volt battery. It's in perfect condition and tunes in clearly. Is it worth anything? A: Cracker Jack was first made in 1896 by Rueckheim & Brother. The company became Rueckheim Bros. & Eckstein in 1902. Prizes were included in the packages beginning in 1912. Cracker Jack radios like this were made in the 1970s in Hong Kong for Just Products, a New York company. They sell for about $25. *** Q: I would like to know what a set of silver teaspoons is worth. The set has been in my family for more than 140 years. My greatgreat-grandmother received it as a wedding present from family in the Netherlands, and it has been passed on from generation to generation. One teaspoon and the sugar spoon both have "EPNS" on the back. A: The initials "EPNS" stand for "electroplated nickel silver," and mean your teaspoons are silver-plated, not sterling silver. Your set of teaspoons has great sentimental value, but not much monetary value. Silver-plated flatware is hard to sell, and it is not worth as much as sterling silver. *** CURRENT PRICES Cabinet card, black-and-white photograph, father and daughter portrait, bevel cut board, oval cutout, 1878, 4 x 3 inches, $20. Milkshake mixer, single serving, metal with stainlesssteel cup, square white base, electric, Arnold No. 15, 1920s, 18 inches, $75. Birthing chair, wood, vinyl covered seat with metal studs, narrow plank splat, cutout crest, carved, midwifery, late 1800s, 30 inches, $160. Aquarium, steel frame, molded metal rose blossoms, swags, original glass, cone shaped feet, c. 1905, 15 x 20 x 14 inches, $515.


Phoebe is a three year old spayed blue Pit Bull Mix who weighs 73lbs. Energetic and strong, Phoebe will need an active home to keep her exercised. She is guaranteed to make you laugh with her impersonations of Scooby Doo and her overall goofy demeanor. Her previous owner could no longer care for her through no fault of her own. Meet Phoebe by asking for ID#A1782654 Tag#C461. She can be adopted for $69.

Sasha is a three year old spayed brown and white Tabby who weighs 8.2lbs. She arrived to the shelter as a stray but with her beautiful, green eyes, she will be scooped up quick by a forever family. Sasha may have outgrown the kitten stage but has plenty of spunk for playtime while also being content to nap on the couch with you during your next Netflix binge. Meet Sasha by asking for ID#A1834695 Tag#C987. She can be adopted for $58. All adoptions will include vaccinations, spaying/neutering (upon adoption), a microchip and free Vet visit. Dog fees also include a 1 year license. Sasha and Phoebe are at our Central County Shelter, 5480 Gaines Street, San Diego . The Shelter hours are 9:30AM to 5:30PM, Tuesday through Sunday or visit www.sddac.com for more information.

TIP: If you collect the decorated glasses from fast-food restaurants, never wash them in the dishwasher. The heat and detergent will change the coloring and lower the value. For more collecting news, tips and resources, visit www.Kovels.com (c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.



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The Julian News 11

June 20, 2018

California Commentary

After All These Years, Liberals Are Still Wrong About Proposition 13

by Jon Coupal

Forty years ago this week, California voters began the modern tax revolt movement that spread across America like wildfire. The idea that citizens could take back control from an overreaching government helped to propel Ronald Reagan to the presidency. Reagan, who had a close friendship with Howard Jarvis, took his message of limited government to Washington and his message of freedom to the world. Proposition 13 cut property taxes, put limits on their rise, and toughened the requirements for passing other tax increases. It passed overwhelmingly in June 1978, and ever since, liberals have failed to acknowledge how wrong they were about it — both in terms of politics and policy. Two months before the vote, California’s then Gov. Jerry Brown (version 1.0), was quoted in the New York Times as saying “I don’t think there is one credible observer who thinks Proposition 13 will endure over the long period.” Forty years later, it’s Brown who is heading into the political sunset while Proposition 13 continues to protect grateful California taxpayers. So-called “experts” were also wrong in their dire predictions about the harm that would be inflicted on California if Prop. 13 were to pass. One of the TV commercials run by the wellfunded opposition campaign featured a doom-saying UCLA economist who predicted that California would be plunged into a deep recession if voters approved the measure. But in the years immediately following passage, California had an extraordinarily booming economy. Progressives like to perpetuate another falsehood about Prop. 13 in their ceaseless efforts to divide and conquer the taxpayer coalition that supports the law. They seek to target the owners of business properties who, like homeowners, benefit from predictable taxes under Prop. 13. A false argument is advanced that during the 1978 campaign, voters weren’t told that Proposition 13 protections would be extended to business properties as well as homes. This simply isn’t true. The opponents of Prop. 13 themselves repeated that fact throughout the

campaign and, specifically, in the official ballot pamphlet. Perhaps the granddaddy of all lies about Proposition 13 is how it “destroyed education” in California. This falsehood is repeated so often and with such vigor that it is accepted as established fact by liberal elites and mainstream media. For example, just a couple of weeks ago, Sacramento mayor and former Senate leader Darrell Steinberg blamed Prop. 13 for “years of cutbacks to arts funding in public schools.” This despite record revenues being pumped into education. To be specific, it is true that just prior to Prop. 13’s passage in the late 1970’s, schools in California were top notch with good facilities, high test scores and competent teachers and administrators. It is also true that, around the same time, education in California began a steep decline. But the cause has not been a lack of revenue. Today California is spending 30 percent more on a per-student, inflationadjusted basis than it did in the mid-70’s. The cause of the decline is the subject of another column, if not a book, but there were two other big changes to the law in the late 1970s: court decisions that redistributed education funding, and legislation granting California teachers the right to unionize and go on strike. Today’s higher spending on education is mirrored throughout the California government. Property tax revenues have far outstripped population and inflation increases, so it’s not Prop. 13 that has caused the ills that plague California. Waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars on top of heavy-handed tax burdens and overregulation are what’s draining the gold from the Golden State. Despite a persistent and powerful coalition of tax-raising, big-spending special interests arrayed against us, California taxpayers are prepared to defend Prop. 13 for another 40 years. We have the truth and the facts on our side, and as John Adams observed, “facts are stubborn things.” *** Jon Coupal is the president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.

• It was the multitalented Brit G.K. Chesterton -- he was a poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, lay theologian, biographer, and art critic -- who made the following sage observation: "The men who really believe in themselves are all in lunatic asylums." • Those who study such things say that the word "daisy" started out as "day's eye" and was shortened over the years. Similarly, "God be with you" became "goodbye" and "whole be thou" became "hello." • Becoming a sports star is the dream of many young people, so you might think that someone who is signed to a professional baseball contract has it made. You'd be wrong, though: Only 1 out of every 10 athletes who sign such a contract ever becomes a major-league ballplayer. • The shortest song in the world is "You Suffer," recorded in 1986 by the British band Napalm Death. It lasts precisely 1.316 seconds. • In France in the 1700s, capital punishment was not uncommon, and criminals thus condemned were decapitated by the country's Chief Executioner. This position was hereditary, which posed a problem when, in 1726, the holder of that title, Charles-JeanBaptiste Sanson, suffered an early death, leaving his 7-year-old son, Charles, to take up the grisly duties. It was obvious to all that a child could never wield the heavy ax required for the decapitations, so it was deemed acceptable for a helper to actually perform the executions. Only the official office-holder could put the official seal on the act, however, so the poor boy had to witness every one. It wasn't until the ripe old age of 12 that he began to take over the full duties of the office. *** Thought for the Day: "It's best to give while your hand is still warm." -- Philip Roth ® 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

® 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

*** Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore. — Ogden Nash

The Julian News 12



Case Number: 37-2018-00028948-CU-PT-NC

IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: KIELE DANIELLE HOWARD FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: KIELE DANIELLE HOWARD HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: KIELE DANIELLE HOWARD TO: JENNA MACY MOOR IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on JULY 31, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON June 13, 2018. LEGAL: 07980 Publish: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9015263 JSG PLEX 4900 Rosehedge Drive #305, La Mesa, CA 91942 (Mailing Address: PO Box 122785 San Diego, CA 92112) The business is conducted by An Individual Jarvis Stephan Gandy, 4900 Rosehedge Drive #305, La Mesa, CA 91942. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON June 8, 2018. LEGAL: 07981 Publish: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9015691 AXE VENTURES 4575 30th Street, San Diego, CA 92116 (Mailing Address: 3232 Old Heather Road, San Diego, CA 92111) The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company - Axe Ventures, LLC, 3232 Old Heather Road, San Diego, CA 92111. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON June 14, 2018. LEGAL: 07983 Publish: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018




Case Number: 37-2018-00028458-CU-PT-CTL

Case Number: 37-2018-00027817-CU-PT-NC

Case Number: 37-2018-00027675-CU-PT-CTL









Battle of Gettysburg

July 1, 1863 – July 3, 1863



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Living the Soldier’s Life


1. flank 2. bedroll 3. private 4. goober peas

A. nickname for peanuts (a good snack on the move) B. battle position – to cover the side of the enemy C. easily carried for use sleeping outdoors D. lowest rank in the army

















continued from page 6








11 I



























treatment. Dairy farmers work hard to provide your family with the same safe and wholesome dairy foodsÊthey give to their children. People sometimes decrease milk products in their diet because they think it’s fattening. Low-fat and fat-free milk products are the best choice for the fat- and calorie-conscious. An 8-ounce glass of whole milk has 150 calories and 8 grams of fat (4.5 grams saturated). If you choose an 8-ounce glass of fat-free milk, you’ll consume 85 calories and less than 1 gram of fat. The weight conscious may want to think twice before decreasing dairy products in their diet. The National Dairy Council reported


Placing a Classified Advertisement: To order a classified ad by mail, please send your advertisement with a check or Money Order to Julian News PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036. Phone Orders are accepted Wednesday, Thursday 9 am to 5 pm, Friday 9 am to 12 noon. Visa & Master Card are accepted. Ads must be paid for at time of placement and will appear in the next issue. NO refunds for Classified Ads. Office phone - 760 765 2231.




Annual Neighborhood

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Labor Policy, The Julian News will not publish, any advertisement for employment that discriminates on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. The Julian News encourages equal opportunity employment in the work place.


ORCHARD HILL COUNTRY INN - Top wages paid for housekeeper with experience and good references. Excellent working environment. Must work weekends, Thanksgiving and New Year’s, Christmas off. Orchard Hill in Historic District – Drop in to fill out application or call 760 765 3282 for interview. 7/11 JULIAN HOTEL HIRING FOR HOUSEKEEPER - looking for dependable, attention to detail and works well with others. Hours aprox. 28 a week. Please call 760-765-0201. 7/11 LAKE CUYAMACA - SEASONAL PART-TIME - Lake Cuyamaca is now hiring for seasonal / part time positions. Must be willing to work weekends. Some physical labor is required. We are a government agency so drug testing and background checks may occur. The jobs include checking permits, property maintenance, and boat rentals. If interested, contact the bait and tackle shop at (760)765-0515 or just come in and pick up an application. 7/11










Chef’s Corner





FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9015783 INDIGO POST 3044 Harding St., Carlsbad, CA 92008 The business is conducted by A Corporation Toltek, Inc. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON June 14, 2018.

15 O






LEGAL: 07985 Publish: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018

LEGAL: 07986 Publish: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018





1. drill 2. muster 3. sentry 4. hardtack




A. soldier standing guard B. hard, tasteless cracker – had to be soaked to eat it C. practice marching or firing D. to call the troops together


IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 903 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA 92101) on AUGUST 2, 2018 at 9:00 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON June 6, 2018.

LEGAL: 07984 Publish: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018

LEGAL: 07982 Publish: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018


What: Annual Neighborhood Yard sale When: Saturday June, 23 8:00 AM - 3:00 pm Where: Frisius Dr. & Belvedere Dr. Julian, Ca

IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on JULY 24, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON June 6, 2018.

IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 903 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA 92101) on AUGUST 2, 2018 at 9:00 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON May 24, 2018.

What do you know about the ania Pennsylv Battle of Gettysburg? It was a urg major turning point of the Civil War. Gettysb Hmmm, where was it on my map? Gettysburg National Military Park Washington DC contains the battlefield and the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. Richmond




June 20, 2018 that a study showed that women who consumed the most calcium and ate at least three servings of dairy foods per day were less likely to be obese than those who had low dairy intake. There have been similar results in other studies with children and women of all ages. If you just drink milk at each meal, it isn’t hard to get your three cups of milk every day. If milk isn’t your favorite, add cheese to casseroles or your favorite sandwich, choose yogurt as a snack, create your own favorite smoothie or try this “dairy-licious” recipe for buttermilk blue-cheese dressing. Use it on everything as a dip, dressing or as a topping for my chicken pita pizza. Drink and eat more dairy -your teeth and bones will thank you. BUTTERMILK BLUE CHEESE DRESSING 1 cup plain Greek yogurt 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1/3 cup mayonnaise 1/3 cup buttermilk 2 teaspoons hot sauce 2 garlic cloves minced or pressed 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/3 cup crumbled blue cheese 3 tablespoons chopped green onions, both white and green parts Pulse the yogurt, cottage cheese, mayonnaise, buttermilk, hot sauce, garlic, poultry seasoning, salt and pepper into a food processor and pulse several times until blended and smooth. Transfer to a small bowl; fold in the blue cheese and green onions. Cover and refrigerate. Makes about 2 1/3 cups. BUTTERMILK BLUE CHEESE CHICKEN PITA PIZZAS 4 (6 inch) whole wheat or white pita breads 2 cups chopped cooked chicken breast 1/4 cup buttermilk blue cheese dressing


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - Notice to Advertisers: Any error should be reported to the publisher prior to Thursday at 12 Noon following the publication date. Publisher accepts advertising on the condition that advertiser agrees that at no time shall Publisher’s Liability exceed the cost of space involved and that the Publisher is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Publisher accepts no responsibility for ad contents or errors in spelling or grammar.



AA Meetings Monday - 8am

Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Childcare – Birth Through 5th Grade

3407 Highway 79

(across from Fire Station) All advertisements for the sale or rental of dwelling units published in the Julian News are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin or any intention to make such preference limitations or discrimination, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. State laws forbid discrimination based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby served notice that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

ROOM FOR RENT – Male or Female. Large bedroom with bath (shower). Kitchen privileges, No pets, in Historic District one block off Main Street. $560. per month, includes utilities Call: 442 241 4425. 7/11

COMMERCIAL SPACE 85 21:50 9/6/02 AB OFFICE/RETAIL Across from Nickel Beer

Co. Includes trash & water. Apprx. +/- 432sq./ ft. Avail in July Jason (619) 347-6337 7/4

ROOM MATE LOOKING FOR A ROOMMATE - Bright room, attached bath, pets ok, $650 per month first and last, references needed contact: birdsongld@aol.com 760-703-4843 7/4

Monday - 11am

Connecting People With God And Each Other . . . Changing Lives

Shelter Valley Community Center (Information: 760 765 3261 0R 760 765 0527)

Monday - 7pm 3407 Highway 79

(across from Fire Station)

Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. — Charles R. Swindoll


Sisters In Recovery

(open to all females - 12 step members)

St. Elizabeth Church (Downstairs)

Trivia Time

Tuesday - 7pm

continued from page 6


1. United States 2. Five 3.IRIS Hawaii -1 4. Flagstaff, Arizona 5. Hypotenuse 6. Bosnian War 7. Jane Austen 8. Abraham Lincoln 9. Oliver Queen 10. Cosmo

Tuesday - 6:00pm

Santa Ysabel Mission Church (Open Big Book Study)

Tuesday - 7pm


Open Discussion

3407 Highway 79

Teen Crisis HotLine 1-800- HIT HOME

(across from Fire Station)

Wednesday - 8am 3407 Highway 79

(across from Fire Station)

Wednesday - 6pm

® 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

San Jose Valley Continuation School


(Across street from Warner Unified School)

Ignore them and they’ll go away.

Wednesday - 7pm 3407 Highway 79

(across from Fire Station)

Thursday - 7pm

continued from page 9 1. It was 2001. 2. Al Leiter of the New York 1-866-KIDS-TODAY Mets, in 2002. 3. Dickerson broke O.J. Simpson’s mark of 2,003 yards against the Houston Oilers on the way to 2,105 yards overall. Time Date Incident Location Details NOTE TO PUB: DO NOT PRINT INFO BELOW, FOR I.D. ONLY. 4. Six -- Danny Manning (1988), 1000 6/10 Traffic Collision Hwy 79/ KQ Ranch Rd Solo Motorocycle, Injuries NO ALTERING OF ADMinor COUNCIL PSAS. Christian Laettner (1992), Ed Afterschool Alliance - Newspaper 2 1/16 x 2 B&W 1100 6/10 Medical Hwy 79 O’Bannon (1995), Shane Battier 2100 6/10 Medical Manzanita Dr MFNYR2-N-06232-H “Ignore Them” 85 line screen (2001), Anthony Davis (2012) and Film at Schawk 212-689-8585 Reference #: 127931 2100 6/10 Public Assist Hwy 79 Snake Removal Jalen Brunson (2018). 1800 6/11 Medical Hwy 79 Walk- In to Sta 56 5. Nashville and Colorado each 1000 6/12 Smoke Check Deer Lake Park Rd UTL won 10 consecutive games. 0800 6/13 Medical Lot A Rd 6. Nancy Hogshead and Carrie 1000 6/13 Medical Deer Lake Park Rd Steinseifer (tie), in 1984. 1100 6/13 Medical Meadowridge Rd 7. Jack Nicklaus, Phil Mickelson, 0900 6/15 Comm. Structure 4th St Contained to Equipment Tiger Woods, Ryan Moore and 1100 6/15 Public Assist Meadowridge Rd Lift Assist Bryson DeChambeau. 1900 6/15 Public Assist Belvedere Dr Snake Removal ® 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

BYOB - Bring Yer Own Book


Julian-Cuyamaca Fire — Activity Log

Closed meeting; book study

St. Elizabeth Church (Downstairs)

Friday - 8am 3407 Highway 79

San Diego Intergroup of Gamblers Anonymous Toll-Free Hot Line (866) 239-2911 www.sandiegoga.org



*** Fake news is a big thing in the field of Social Media Journalism. Fake news can be as simple has spreading misinformation.or as dangerous as smearing hateful propaganda. — Fabrizio Moreira ***

(across from Fire Station)

Friday - 7pm

“Friday Night Survivors” 3407 Highway 79 (across from Fire Station)

Saturday - 7pm “Open Step Study” 3407 Highway 79

(across from Fire Station)

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. — Frederick Douglass

The Julian News 13

June 20, 2018

Chef’s Corner continued from page 12

2 plum tomatoes, thinly sliced 1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese 4 bacon strips, cooked and crumbled 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1. Heat oven to 400 F. Place pita breads on a large baking sheet; bake 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned. Meanwhile, in a bowl, toss chicken with dressing. 2. Top pitas with tomatoes and chicken mixture; sprinkle with cheese, bacon and poultry seasoning. Bake 8-10 minutes or until cheese is melted. Makes 4 servings. *** Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children's author, culinary historian and the author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is "The Kitchen Diva's Diabetic Cookbook." Her website is www.divapro.com. Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis.

Tips to Prevent Summer Brain Drain (StatePoint) Studies show that summer brain drain can be a formidable force, setting kids’ progress back over the long break from the classroom. But you can help kids avoid losing their academic mojo. Here’s how. • Take a Hike: Not all learning has to happen indoors or while sitting still. Take a family nature walk and ask kids to pay special attention to the plant and animal species you encounter on your journey, as well as any special rock formations or other geological features you see, taking notes and photographs as you go. Once back home, do some research about the most interesting things that you saw. • Make Music: Music education is important for budding minds, and learning music at home in summer can be easy and affordable. Stock your household with a portable keyboard designed for students in mind. For example, the CT-X700 boasts a high-quality sound system, as well as features that are perfect for student musicians, like a six-track recorder, a library of 100 built-in songs, and the Step-Up Lesson system, which allows students to learn the songs with the display showing proper fingering and notation. Its USB-MIDI port connects to any Mac, PC, Android or iOS device with no drivers or installation needed. The included music rest is designed to support tablets, and the built-in smartphone shelf holds your device as you use the keyboard with favorite music apps.

(c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis

Connecting Caregivers To Local Resources And Support (NAPSA) - Americans are living longer these days. The number of older adults is expected to reach 73 million by 2030. With 30 percent of Americans serving in a caregiving role, it is important to remember that caring for a loved one can be both rewarding and difficult. Often, caregivers don’t know where to turn for advice and assistance. That’s where the Eldercare LocatorÑa program of the U.S. Administration on Aging and administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) - Comes in. By connecting older adults and their caregivers to local resources and support, the Eldercare Locator makes life a bit easier all around. The Eldercare Locator connects older adults and their caregivers to local services and supports across the spectrum of need, including in-home and community-based services, transportation and healthy aging.

The Eldercare Locator connects caregivers to local resources. What It Offers Some of the Eldercare Locator’s more popular publications are: • “Before You Give Up the Keys: Create a Roadmap for Transportation Independence” • “Older Adults and Medication Safety” • “You Gave, Now Save: Guide to Benefits for Seniors” •“Living Well with Dementia in the Community: Resources and Support.” Learn More For tips and advice on caregiving, visit www.eldercare. acl.gov or call 1 (800) 677-1116 and see @eldercarelocator on Facebook and @EldercareLoc on Twitter.

To keep minds active all summer long, be sure to combine learning and fun. • Read Outdoors: Summer is the perfect opportunity for students to delve deep into what interests them most. Make a day of it. First stop: the library or bookstore, where kids can find reading materials dealing with their favorite topics. Then, pack a picnic lunch and find a shady spot in a local park or your own backyard, to read outdoors. At the end of the day, everyone can discuss what he or she read. • Math Fun: Make math more fun with a free, all-in-one web-based mathematics resource like Classpad.net, that allows users to draw geometry figures freehand and input calculations as they would on real scratch paper. Geared for K-12+ mathematics students, the app is designed to be equally usable by keyboard/mouse and touchscreenbased platforms, so that students can keep up their math skills wherever their summer adventures take them. • Take a Vacation: Going somewhere new and interesting? In advance of your trip, have kids spend some time learning about the history and culture of your destination. If you’re going abroad, they can even learn some basics of a foreign language.

Tuesday Accident In Santa Ysabel Blocks Access To Town For An Hour

Don’t Let Your Personal Data End Up On The Dark Web (StatePoint) Consumers today give out personal information all the time -- from shopping online to signing up for special promotional offers to filling out job applications. However, there are millions of identity theft victims each year, and when your information is stolen by a cyber-criminal, it will likely be sold on the dark web. Your social security number, for example, could be sold for as little as $1, according to Experian, one of the nation’s three credit bureaus. The end result is that criminals can open a credit card account in your name, steal your tax return, try to hack into your financial accounts and conduct other malicious activities. The Dark What? The dark web is a mystery to many. Only one in four people know what it is and what it’s used for, according to the Experian Cybersecurity Survey. It essentially allows criminals to conduct illegal activities in the deepest pockets of the Internet, undetected. For identity thieves, the dark web is a marketplace for personal information, including phone numbers, email addresses, account passwords and social security numbers that can be used to commit identity theft and fraud. While it’s doubtful that your local dry cleaner or gym will be targeted by an identity thief, any database is attractive to a cybercriminal. Companies can also be victims of rogue employees, and smaller operations have less security. It’s best to err on the side of caution when giving out personal information. Better Manage Personal Data “Having your personal information exposed can be a threat to your identity and financial future, but there are ways to take control,” says Brian Stack, vice president of Dark Web Intelligence at Experian. “In a digital world, all of us are at some risk for identity theft and fraud. One step to get peace of mind is enrolling in an identity theft protection product so you

Your daily routine doesn’t have to lead to a darkened outlook. Taking proactive steps can help you stay vigilant and offer you better protection. are notified if credit is opened in your name or your personal data is on the dark web.” To proactively protect your identity, take the following key steps: • Only provide personal information when it’s required. • Change online account passwords periodically and use a unique password for each account. • Never access the Internet with unsecured public Wi-Fi. Only use secured public Wi-Fi with a password for browsing -don’t shop or access accounts, including social media and email. • To log into accounts, enable authentication questions as well as two-factor authentication when available (and don’t use real answers such as your mother’s actual maiden name). • Several times per year, check your credit reports from all three credit bureaus for possible fraudulent accounts. Wondering if there’s already cause for concern? Experian offers a free Dark Web Triple Scan that searches thousands of dark web pages, networks and forums for your phone number, email address and social security number. This scan will inform you if any of this information is on the dark web. Learn more at experian.com/triplescan. Your daily routine doesn’t have to lead to a darkened outlook. Taking proactive steps can help you stay vigilant and offer you better protection. Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you. Robert Fulghum

Tuesday - accident at the intersection of 78/79 in Santa Ysabel, 3 people where hospitalized.

photo by Michael Hart

CDFW Reminds The Public To Leave Young Wildlife Alone Spring and early summer is the peak time for much of California’s wildlife to bear their young. With this in mind, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is asking well-intentioned members of the public to leave young wildlife alone. It may be hard to resist scooping up a young wild animal that looks vulnerable and abandoned, but intervention may cause more harm than good. Young animals removed from their natural environment typically do not survive. Those that do make it may not develop the skills necessary to survive on their own in natural habitat. When this happens, the only alternative is a life of captivity in artificial conditions. “It is a common mistake to believe a young animal, especially a fawn, has been abandoned when found alone,” said Nicole Carion, CDFW’s statewide wildlife rehabilitation coordinator. “But even if the mother has not been observed in the area for a long period of time, chances are she is off foraging, or is nearby, waiting for you to leave.” Such behavior is common across many species. A female mountain lion may spend as much as 50 percent of her time away from her kittens. Fledglings, or young partially feathered birds, found alone and

hopping along the ground in the spring or summer, are actually trying to learn to fly. Though it is tempting to pick them up, what they really need is space and time to master flying. The best course of action is not to draw attention to them, advises Carion. You can help by keeping pets away until the bird has left the area. If a young animal is in distress, or you are unsure, contact a wildlife rehabilitation facility and speak to personnel for advice. Most wildlife rehabilitators are only allowed to possess small mammals and birds. Although some wildlife rehabilitators are allowed to accept fawns, injured or sick adult deer should be reported directly to CDFW for public safety reasons. Injured, orphaned or sick bears, elk, bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope, wild pigs or mountain

lions should also be reported to CDFW directly. Anyone who removes a young animal from the wild is required to notify CDFW or take the animal to a state and federally permitted wildlife rehabilitator within 48 hours. These animals may need specialized care and feeding that is best done by trained wildlife care specialists. It is important to note that wild animals – even young ones – can cause serious injury with their sharp claws, hooves and teeth, especially when injured and scared. They may also carry ticks, fleas and lice, and can transmit diseases to humans, including rabies and tularemia. To learn more about how to live and recreate responsibly where wildlife is near, please visit CDFW’s Keep Me Wild website at www.wildlife.ca.gov/keepmewild.

14 The Julian News


Volume 33 - Issue 46


JULIAN YESTERYEARS Vintage, Collectible & Handmade Items 2116 MAIN STREET

The Julian News is authorized to print official legal notices of all

types including: Liens, Fictitious Business Names, Change of Name, Abandonment, Estate Sales, Auctions, Public Offerings, Court ordered publishing, etc. Please call The Julian News at (760) 765 2231 for our competitive rates. The Julian News is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the State of California, County of San Diego on February 9, 1987. Case No. 577843


Renewal filing of Fictitious Business Name Statements (your DBA) is now required by the County of San Diego every five (5) years. If your business name was originally filed or renewed prior to June 1, 2013; you need to re-file. If you have not renewed since that date call The Julian News office, (760) 765-2231. We can provide this essential legal service at a very reasonable rate. County forms are available at our offices - we can complete the re-filing for you without your having to take a trip to the city. Failure to re-file could result in the loss of the exclusive rights to your business name. You may use the Julian News or any other publication that is authorized to publish Fictitious Business Name Statements and Legal Notices.

Julian Community Services District SPECIAL MEETING/PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PROPOSED BUDGET FY2018-2019 AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 2018-01 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code, the Julian Community Services District will hold a special meeting/public hearing to adopt the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 on Friday - June 29, 2018, at 10:00 A.M. The hearing will be held at the 2645 Farmer Road, Julian, California. A copy of the proposed budget is at the District office on 2645 Farmer Road, Julian, CA 92036. Copies may also be obtained (during normal business hours) at the District office. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, pursuant to Section 6066 of the Government Code, that the Board of Directors of the Julian Community Services District will hold a Public Hearing on the proposed amendment of the current Rules and Regulations, ORDINANCE 2018-01 – ADMENDMENT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE JULIAN COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT. The amendment to the Rules and Regulations, Ordinance 2018-01, was introduced and first read at the special meeting of the Board of Directors that was held on May 30, 2018, at the Julian Community Services District at 2645 Farmer Road, Julian, California. The Special Meeting/Public Hearing will be held at the Julian Community Services District at 2645 Farmer Road, Julian, California, at 10:00 AM on Friday - June 27, 2018, at which time all interested parties may be heard. A copy of the proposed amendment to the Rules and Regulations will be posted at the Julian Community Services District office and copies may also be obtained from the District Office, located at 2645 Farmer Road, Julian, CA 92036, during normal business hours. LEGAL: 07975 Publish: June 20, 27, 2018


Case Number: 37-2018-00023019-CU-PT-NC

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9013892 SAN DIEGO OFF-ROAD & CUSTOM 9817 Maine St. A, Lakeside, CA 92040 (Mailing Address: 10358 Woodpark Dr., Santee, CA 92072) The business is conducted by An Individual Michael Paul Mattern, 10358 Woodpark Dr., Santee, CA 92072. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON May 25, 2018.

Case Number: 37-2018-00024663-CU-PT-NC

IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: VERONICA N. HERNANDEZ FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: VERONICA N. HERNANDEZ and on behalf of: a) BRANDON DEVON WHITE, a minor b) LEVON ENRIQUE WHITE, a minor HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: a) BRANDON DEVON WHITE, a minor b) LEVON ENRIQUE WHITE, a minor TO: a) BRANDON DEVON HERNANDEZ, a minor b) LEVON ENRIQUE HERNANDEZ, a minor IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on JULY 3, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON May 18, 2018. LEGAL: 07959 Publish: May 30 and June 6, 13, 20, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9012908 YAK’S WELDING 9152 Nothcote Rd., Santee, CA 92071 The business is conducted by An Individual Brian Adam Ritayik, 9152 Nothcote Rd., Santee, CA 92071. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON May 15, 2018. LEGAL: 07960 Publish: May 30 and June 6, 13, 20, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9013992 NORTH COUNTY MOTORSPORTS 2333 Montiel Road, San Marcos, CA 92069 The business is conducted by A Corporation - North County Motorsports, Inc. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON May 25, 2018.

LEGAL: 07961 Publish: May 30 and June 6, 13, 20, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9011460 SQUNCH TALES 1255 N. Broadway, Escondido, CA 92026 The business is conducted by An Individual Barbara Lu Morse, 1225 N. Broadway #340, Escondido, CA 92026. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON April 30, 2018. LEGAL: 07963 Publish: May 30 and June 6, 13, 20, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9013756 MANY ROOTS WELLNESS 2118 Poppyfield Place, Encinitas, CA 92024 The business is conducted by An Individual Jennifer April Aveena Morgan, 2118 Poppyfield Place, Encinitas, CA 92024. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON May 24, 2018.

Case Number: 37-2018-00025985-CU-PT-CTL

PETITIONER: ERIC JOSEPH KRUG HAS FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM: ERIC JOSEPH KRUG TO: ERIC JOSEPH BERGSTROM IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 903 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA 92101) on JULY 19, 2018 at 10:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON May 25, 2018. LEGAL: 07967 Publish: June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018


IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on JULY 10, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON May 25, 2018.

LEGAL: 07969 Publish: June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018

LEGAL: 07972 Publish: June 13, 20, 27 and July 4, 2018



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Tires And Brakes



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IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on JULY 3, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON May 18, 2018.



(760) 765-3755

LEGAL: 07970 Publish: June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018



ALL Insurance Companies Welcome

IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 903 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA 92101) on JULY 19, 2018 at 10:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON May 24, 2018.




Why Get Towed Down The Hill?



Monday – Friday 8am — 6pm Saturday 8am — 5pm Sunday 9am — 4pm





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Collision Repair - Body Shop

LEGAL: 07971 Publish: June 13, 20, 27 and July 4, 2018

Case Number: 37-2018-00024663-CU-PT-NC


Automotive Marketplace




*** The new freedom of expression brought by the Internet goes far beyond politics. People relate to each other in new ways, posing questions about how we should respond to people when all that we know about them is what we have learned through a medium that permits all kinds of anonymity and deception. Peter Singer


[K-Mart Parking Lot]

© 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

LEGAL: 07966 Publish: June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018

Case Number: 37-2018-00024575-CU-PT-NC FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9013622 a) SUCCULENT MARKET b) SUCCULENT MARKET.COM 1860 Monte Vista Dr., Vista, CA 92084 The business is conducted by An Individual Nicolas Xavier Britsch, 9751 West Lilac Rd., Escondido, CA 92026. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON May 22, 2018.

LEGAL: 07968 Publish: June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018

LEGAL: 07965 Publish: June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018

LEGAL: 07958 Publish: May 30 and June 6, 13, 20, 2018


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9013705 ELYSIAN PHYSICAL THERAPY 2235 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas, CA 92024 (PO Box 1078, Cardiff, CA 92007) The business is conducted by An Individual Elyse Marie Tomasello Quartini, 2218 Edinburg Ave., Cardiff, CA 92007. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON May 23, 2018.

1811 Main Street

t. aS




IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court in Department 26 of the San Diego County Superior Court at the address shown (325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081) on JUNE 26, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., and show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in the Julian News, a newspaper of general circulation published in this county, at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COURT CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ON May 10, 2018.

LEGAL: 07964 Publish: June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Someone very special in your life finally sends that reassuring message you've been hoping for. You can now devote more time to the tasks you had put aside. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Job pressures begin to ease by week's end, leaving you time to relax and restore your energy levels before you face next week's emerging challenges. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Your spiritual strength helps calm a friend who might be facing an unsettling change in their life. An offer to help comes from a surprising source. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) By midweek you could learn some surprising facts about an associate that might cause you to reconsider a long-held view about someone in your past. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) One of those rare-for-you darker moods sets in in the early part of the week. But by Thursday, the clouds lift and you're back doing nice things for people in need. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Use that sharp Piscean perceptiveness to reel in more information about a promising offer so that you have the facts to back up whatever decision you make. BORN THIS WEEK: Although you prefer the status quo, you easily can adapt to change when it's called for.



ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your creative side is enhanced by indulging yourself in as much artistic inspiration (music, art, dance, etc.) as you can fit into your schedule. Bring someone special along. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Take a little restorative time out of your busy life. Go somewhere quiet this weekend. Or just close the door, turn on the answering machine and pretend you're away. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Your advice might be much in demand by family and friends this week. But reserve time for yourself to investigate a project that could have some unexpected potential. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Work-related issues demand your attention in the early part of the week. Family matters dominate Thursday and Friday. But the weekend is yours to spend as you please. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Try to keep your temper in check as you deal with someone who seems to enjoy showing disrespect. Losing your Leonine cool might be just what the goader hopes to see. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A heated confrontation needs some cool-off time before it boils over. Better to step away than to try to win an argument where emotions overrule the facts.




FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9013873 HIS BUSINESS MANUFACTURING CO. 1180 N. Johnson Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020 The business is conducted by An Individual - John M. Ireton, Jr., 1927 Wedgemere Rd, El Cajon, CA 92020. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON May 24, 2018.

Wednesday - June 20, 2018

15% OFF All New Tires and Service


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9013636 a) COMFORT AND PEACE HOSPICE b) BALBOA HOSPICE 8725 Ariva Court, San Diego, CA 92123 The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company - Comfort and Peace Health Systems, 8725 Ariva Court, San Diego, CA 92123. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON May 22, 2018.


“I Sohrab Alborzian give public notice that I have the intention to record an Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed Of Re-conveyance along with a CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF RESERVED NAME” Legal: 07976 Published: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9015495 PHIEBOTOMYU 3500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 203, San Diego, CA 92103 The business is conducted by A Corporation Health Services Academy, Inc. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON June 12, 2018. LEGAL: 07978 Publish: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018

LEGAL: 07973 Publish: June 13, 20, 27 and July 4, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9014131 SOUTH COAST CARPET REPAIR 1524 Mill Ct., Newberg, OR 97132 (Mailing Address: PO Box 83, Newberg, OR 97132) The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company - A Different Approach LLC, 1524 Mill Ct., Newberg, OR 97132. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON May 30, 2018.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9015326 GUARDIAN HILL RANCH 26088 Bear Valley Heights Rd., Escondido, CA 92027 (Mailing Address: PO Box 491, Valley Center, CA 92082) The business is conducted by An Individual Francoise Young, 26088 Bear Valley Heights Rd., Escondido, CA 92027. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON June 11, 2018.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-9014081 ELLIOTT TECHNICAL CONSULTING 2633 Lot A Rd., Julian, CA 92036 (Mailing Address: PO Box 1704 Julian, CA 92036) The business is conducted by An Individual Keith R Elliott, 2633 Lot A Rd., Julian, CA 92036. THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH ERNEST J. DRONENBURG JR., RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON May 29, 2018.

LEGAL: 07974 Publish: June 13, 20, 27 and July 4, 2018

LEGAL: 07977 Publish: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018

LEGAL: 07979 Publish: June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 2018

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