juliano machado graphic design
Juliano Ijichi Machado Borne in São Paulo, Brazil, in 1988. Graduated in 2012 in Architecture and Urbanism College of University of São Paulo. Experience Between 2009 and 2011, worked in SACI network, an University project to help people with disabilities. Developed images for the project´s website. In 2011 to 2012, worked as intern in the architecture office 23 SUL, a young office, but already internationally awarded in American Institute of Architects´ contest New Practices São Paulo, which had an exhibition in New York City in 2011. Contests Selected in the international poster competition Poster4tomorrow in 2008 e 2009. 2012 - Selected to the 26th MCB (Brazilian House Museum) Award poster exhibition, the most important brazilian poster competition.
2012 - Selected to represent the Architecture and Urbanism College of USP in Archisur, the graduation work contest of public architecture schools from South America, with the graduation work: Between the neighborhood and the metropolis - A library project Skills Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Photoshop Autodesk AutoCad Google Sketchup contact: julianojim@hotmail.com 917 863 1939
26º Prêmio Design Museu da Casa Brasileira
Inscrições: 1° de agosto a 22 de agosto de 2012 Premiação: 22 de novembro de 2012 Exposição: a partir de 22 de novembro de 2012 www.mcb.org.br
;m One of the most tradicional Brazilian design competition, the Design Award of Brazilian House Museum makes a contest every year to choose the promotional poster of the exhibition. In 2012, the 26th edition, my proposal was selected to join the poster exhibit, which happened in the museum itself, with the posters that stood out in the competition.
24º Prêmio Design
Museu da Casa Brasileira
Inscrições: 19 de julho de 2010 Premiação: 23 de novembro de 2010 Exposição: 24 de novembro de 2010 a 16 de janeiro de 2010 Informações: www.mcb.org.br
24º Prêmio Design Museu da Casa Brasileira Inscrições: 19 de julho de 2010 Premiação: 23 de novembro de 2010 Exposição: 24 de novembro de 2010 a 16 de janeiro de 2010 Informações: www.mcb.org.br
POSTER 4TOMORROW 2009 Poster 4tomorrow is the main project of 4tomorrow, an independent, non-profit organisation based in Paris, sponsored by Council of Europe and Amnesty international. In its first edition, in 2009, the theme was freedom of expression. The poster was selected to be exposed in 24 events all over the world.
poster 4tomorrow exhibition in Paris
;m 2010 in 2010 the theme was death penalty. The Barcelona chair, symbol of the modern design, as an electric chair, shows the contrast of old habits in a modern age. The exhibitions were held in New York, Paris, Brussels, Geneva, London, Beirut, Seoul and other cities for a total of more than 50 exhibitions showing the 100 best posters as selected by the jury.
Exhibition in Beiruth
IEB CONTEST The Brazilian Studies Institute (IEB) called brazilians students to participate in a contest to create their new visual identity. These three proposals were made in group, with Bhakta Krpa, Georges Boris and Ricardo Nucci.
PROPOSAL 1 A tree´s section cut tells its story. The rings grow yearly, and its size can tell whether it was a bad or a good climate year for the tree. This identity represents the Institute mission of investigating and preserving the Brazilian culture. The tree´s rings graphically express the acculumated knowledge of the Brazilian culture.
instituto de estudos brasileiros
ntidade visual | instituto de estudos brasileiros
nova marca| instituto de estudos brasileiros
assinatura preferencial
;m PROPOSAL 2 This proposal is a geometrical abstraction of the acronym IEB. The colors and the geometrical shapes are related to the brazilian art and the brazilian architecture of the Modern movement, which in its quest for the national identity is very similar to the institute´s mission.
ieb Nova identidade visual Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros
Nova identidade visual Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros
i e b
instituto de estudos brasileiros
Three typographical signs represent the three internal sectors of the institute.
] represents the collection, its shape suggests protection } represents the library, its shape suggests an opened book ) represents the art collection, its shape Concurso Logotipo assinatura horizontal Instituto de EstudosaBrasileiros suggests brush stroke.
Concurso Logotipo Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros
Vídeolegal is a SACI Network project, a website that shares videos about people with disabilities. The symbol is a reference to a roll of film, shaping a “v”, from videolegal, and an “s”, from SACI.
Another SACI Network project, the accessible USP Guide is a site with information about services to people with disabilities in the University of São Paulo. The logo is the acronym USP written in Braille and the circle represents a finger “reading” it.
Promotional banner of Vídeo Legal project.
Banners to special reports. Monthly, the SACI jornalism team writes a special report about disabilities issues.
10 YEARS In 2009, SACI Network completed 10 years, and to celebrate it, I developed a series of posters in order to exalt some of the SACI´s achievementes.
;m Poster to celebrate 6 million visits in the SACI website
GRADUATION WORK BOOK This is the graduation work of Architecture and Urbanism College of University of S達o Paulo. Between the neighborhood and the metropolis - A library project http://issuu.com/ julianomachado0/ docs/ caderno_final_juliano_issuu SILK WORKSHOP FORREST SUNSHINE T-shirt print mixes two iconic pop references: Forrest Gump and Little Miss Sunshine