XI Festival Iberoamericano de teatro de Bogotá 2008. The best and biggest festival theatre of the world. Pages 48-73. Photos. Kibbutz contemporary dance company, Dumb type, Düsseldorfer schauspielhaus, Needcompany, Cie. des quatre saisons, CHAmber theatre 55, Kedele, Mladinsko,
The Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, Ballet flamenco de Andalucia, Centro cultural de la villa de madrid, Tomaz Pandur, Tito Lozada, Deabriu Beltzak, Luis Debiá, Teatro Corsario, Cantárida teatro, La abadía, Animalario, Ville walo, Kalle Hakkarainen, Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Transe express, Odeon Theatre de l'europe, Circo da madrugada, Groupe F, La belle image fanfare.