Topology and construction.
Degree: Bachelor in Architecture Subject: Construction Systems 1 Group: 2A
Date of proposal: Sept 18, 2009
Delivery date: Sept 25, 2009
Practice: Each group will design a small construction piece. It may be both based on the topology exercises developed during the past year, or completely new. The piece should be combinable, allowing you to create small structures. The exercise will consist of a precise geometrical definition of the piece, a study of building materials in which it is feasible to build, and an analysis of the types of construction that allows for each of these materials.
Documents to submit: Each group will deliver a single digital document, which must include a precise geometrical definition of the piece, and a study that should analyze the possibilities of the types of construction that the piece allows for each material. Be submitted basic information only. All drawings and details will be properly defined. The study will justify the appropriateness of the strategies adopted. Bibliografy: In addition to chapters on design of pieces in Deplazes 2009 (pages 38-39, for example) the following books and articles are recommended: Hensel, M. Morpho-Ecologies. Architectural Association. London, 2008. Killian, A. Design Innovation Through Constraint Modelling, in International Journal of Architectural Computing, Issue 01, vol 04. (on www.designexplorer.net)
Diseño de una envolvente.
Titulación: BA in Architecture Asignatura: Construction Systems Curso y grupo: 2ºA
Fecha de propuesta: 18/09/2009
Fecha de entrega: 25/09/2009
Enunciado: Cada grupo de trabajo diseñará un pequeño edificio de 10 m2 de planta y una sola altura, y definirá con detalle su cerramiento y su cubierta teniendo en cuenta las siguientes reglas: A) Es obligatorio emplear sistemas pasivos de optimización de energía. B) El cerramiento debe incluir los huecos de luz y de paso que sean convenientes; uno, al menos, de cada tipo. C) La cubierta debe ser coherente con el cerramiento propuesto. El edificio se ubicará en una zona concreta, nacional o internacional, de la que se estudiarán condicionantes climatológicos (fundamentalmente temperatura y humedad), recursos del medio y de la industria (materiales y humanos), relación con el terreno, etc. El objetivo del ejercicio no es diseñar una envolvente cualquiera (de entre las válidas, al menos en teoría, para la zona) sino el cerramiento y cubierta óptimos de entre los posibles, respetando los mínimos anteriores.
Documentación a entregar: Cada grupo de trabajo entregará un único documento, en formato papel y digital, que deberá incluir un pequeño estudio higrotérmico (ubicación, análisis de temperatura y humedad, etc.), definición del edificio en planta, alzado y sección (incluyendo el tipo de sistema estructural elegido), detalle de todos los nudos singulares (esquinas, encuentros entre el cerramiento y la cubierta, etc) en secciones vertical y horizontal, y una pequeña memoria. Se entregará únicamente la información básica, valorándose la síntesis de los datos ofrecidos. Todos los planos y detalles estarán correctamente definidos y acotados. La memoria debe contener un razonar y justificar la idoneidad de la estrategia adoptada. Bibliografía: Además de los capítulos correspondientes al diseño de envolventes del manual de la asignatura (Deplazes, 2009) se recomiendan los siguientes textos: Oliver, P. Dwellings. The Vernacular House Worldwide. Phaidon Press. Hong Kong, 2003. Sacriste, E. Casas y Templos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, 1990. Van Lengen, J. Manual del Arquitecto Descalzo. Pax México. México DF, 2002.
Se recomiendan además los cuadernos del Instituto Juan de Herrera elaborados por Neila, J. dedicados a estrategias constructivas frente al clima.
Research and construction.
Degree: Bachelor in Architecture Subject: Construction Systems 1 Group: 2A
Date of proposal: Oct 01, 2009
Delivery date: Nov 06, 2009
Practice: Each group will develop one of the following topics: 01- Materials. Recycled materials and construction. 02- Systems. Building with bamboo. 03- Design. Antifunicular structures. 04- Experiences. The work of E. Dieste. Each exercise will consist of a deep analysis of the material/system/design/experience proposed and a new proposal based on that analysis.
Documents to submit: Each group will deliver a single digital document, which must include a deep analysis of the material/system/design/experience proposed and a precise description of a new proposal based on that analysis, including models if necessary. Be submitted basic information only. All drawings and details will be properly defined. The study will justify the appropriateness of the strategies adopted.
The Niemeyer Center.
Degree: Bachelor in Architecture Subject: Construction Systems 1 Group: 2A
Date of proposal: Oct 13, 2009
Delivery date: Nov 13, 2009
Practice: Each group will draft an analysis of one of the four buildings in the Niemeyer Center in Aviles, including a short description of the building, its conception, function, relationship with environment, with other buildings, etc. With an emphasis on its construction: foundations, structure, facades and roofs will be carefully studied and detailed.
Documents to submit: Each group will deliver a single digital document, which must include a deep analysis of the building chosen and a precise description of all the construction systems involved. Be submitted basic information only. All drawings and details will be properly defined. The study will justify the appropriateness of the strategies adopted.
A construction sketchbook.
Degree: Bachelor in Architecture Subject: Construction Systems 1 Group: 2A
Date of proposal: Oct 30, 2009
Delivery date: Nov 13, 2009
Practice: Each student will prepare a small construction sketchbook of the topics included in the program: elements (foundations, the wall, horizontal elements, facades, openings, roofs, finishing) and materials (stone, ceramics, concrete, wood, steel, new materials). The sketchbook will include a small description of each topic, including a summary of systems, parts of the element, function of each part, properties of materials, etc.
Documents to submit: Each student will prepare a small construction sketchbook. No specific size is required. The sketchbook will be used and delivered to the teacher in the final exam. All topics included in the program will be resumed in it: elements (foundations, the wall, horizontal elements, facades, openings, roofs, finishing) and materials (stone, ceramics, concrete, wood, steel, new materials). Every sketchbook will include a small description of each topic, including a summary of systems, parts of the element, function of each part, properties of materials, etc. Be included basic information only. All drawings and details will be properly defined.