eria and to do so it is recommended to take a daily probiotic from 25-100 billion units. I also advise people to a he Candida Diet for 1-2 months which is the best way to completely get rid of symptoms. to do so stay away f ugars, caffeine, alcohol, fruit juice, and grains/gluten. Instead eat vegetables, low sugar fruit (green apples, lem es), live unsweetened yogurt, meat, fish, nuts/seeds, non-gluten grains (millet, quinoa) and unrefined oils. You t of emphasis on the power of detox. How do you encourage people to put more thinking into getting rid of to heir organism?I believe detox is a huge component in staying healthy or healing ones body. These days our bo inundated with so many toxins creating a buildup which can lead to chronic disease. Because our detox org r, kidneys etc.) are bogged down they aren’t able to get rid of things quick enough. This is due to pesticides on duce, antibiotics in our meats, and harsh chemicals in our cleaning and beauty products. When you assist your b etoxing you are giving your organs the support needed to naturally rid your body of these toxins. the most ge effective way I’ve found to detox is through the use of an infrared sauna. These heat of these saunas perm r skin 1.5 inches deep and draw out the toxins through your sweat. If you do not have access to an infrared sa aditional one will work or even a detox bath with Epsom salt and essential oils. I also recommend people elimi hly processed foods from their diets (especially if they are suffering from negative symptoms) and incorpo e whole organic foods and green juices/smoothies. Could you number 3 foods that you think everyone should y, for the sake of boosting their health?Number 1 would be greens of all shapes and sizes. These leafy greens c ude kale, collards, swiss chard, spinach, turnip/beet/mustard greens, red/green leaf, romaine lettuce, cabbage y have high amounts of calcium, Vitamin A, and potassium. Eat them raw or sauté them with coconut oil and sp cado is another one of my favs that I believe everyone needs to incorporate into their diet. It is well known cado is high in healthy fats but this fruit helps you stay full longer and has incredible health benefits includin ntioxidants, and contain more potassium than bananas. Cut them up in salads, spread on gluten-free toast, or our smoothie for a creamier consistency. Lastly, I love berries. Fresh frozen or in between they are an impor tion to peoples diets. Reason being many people have awful sugar cravings. It has been proven that sugar is m ctive than cocaine and because of this it is important to have foods on hand that satisfy your sweet tooth w viding you relief. Berries also have been known to keep you mentally sharp, boost heart health, help control we t cancer, and lower blood pressure.I also want to add water as an honorable mention (although it isn’t a ‘food’). M he population are chronically dehydrated which leads to headaches, fatigue, and digestive trouble. Chug water, y will thank you! I read that through your long-term illness, you realized that the recipe to get through it alive emain positive and keep a smile on your face. How did you manage to do so, no matter how much you suffer eve mindset is an incredibly important element when it comes to healing that many people do not focus eno t has been shown that 75-98% of mental and physical illnesses come from our thoughts. This means only 2lnesses come from our environment and genes. This also factors into healing. Toxic thoughts lead to stress w cts our body’s natural healing capabilities. Once I found this staggering fact out I KNEW I could beat this dis d everything that I needed to gain wellness and most of it was in my head. I began doing everything possible to e a positive mindset. I only allowed myself to watch and read things that made me laugh or inspired me. I wou eeping it under control?To not get a Candida overgrowth in the first place I recommend staying away from ed foods and only take antibiotics as necessary.When you already have Candida the goal is to restore the hea eria and to do so it is recommended to take a daily probiotic from 25-100 billion units. I also advise people to a he Candida Diet for 1-2 months which is the best way to completely get rid of symptoms. to do so stay away f ugars, caffeine, alcohol, fruit juice, and grains/gluten. Instead eat vegetables, low sugar fruit (green apples, lem es), live unsweetened yogurt, meat, fish, nuts/seeds, non-gluten grains (millet, quinoa) and unrefined oils. You t of emphasis on the power of detox. How do you encourage people to put more thinking into getting rid of to heir organism?I believe detox is a huge component in staying healthy or healing ones body. These days our bo inundated with so many toxins creating a buildup which can lead to chronic disease. Because our detox org r, kidneys etc.) are bogged down they aren’t able to get rid of things quick enough. This is due to pesticides on duce, antibiotics in our meats, and harsh chemicals in our cleaning and beauty products. When you assist your b etoxing you are giving your organs the support needed to naturally rid your body of these toxins. the most ge effective way I’ve found to detox is through the use of an infrared sauna. These heat of these saunas perm r skin 1.5 inches deep and draw out the toxins through your sweat. If you do not have access to an infrared sa aditional one will work or even a detox bath with Epsom salt and essential oils. I also recommend people elimi