Julia Toledo C O N T E M P O R A R Y J E W E L L E R Y
Unique jewellery combining metal, gemstones and tex les
contact@juliatoledo.com | +44 (0) 7784336223 www.juliatoledo.com
Biography Born and raised in Brazil, Julia Toledo has always been immersed in the rich culture of nature, colours, music and dance. A er Gradua ng in Fine Arts at Escola Panamericana de Arte e Design (Brazil) in 2004, Julia started a research for different forms of expression and design floa ng through various ac vi es from dance to contemporary cra s. Julia Julia became a jewellery apren ce working for Brazilian designer Taís Francelli and in 2012 took the leap to study abroad in a Master Degree at Birmingham School of Jewellery. There she found a new way to express her sense of aesthe cs and material explora on with Contemporary Jewellery. Throughout this journey, Julia kept her cultural background always present in a celebra on of vibrant colours and unique cra smanship. Cur Currently based in London, she develops an inspiring body of work combining tradi onal jewellery techniques and tex les.
Woven on Stone Each piece receives a woven pa ern in Pure Silk which is then hand-‐dyed on the metal to achieve exci ng gradients inpired by the stones.
Prasiolite Arrow
Long B lue A rrows
Prasiolite Drop
Amethyst Shield
Sterling Silver Ring with Prasiolite & Silk 20 x 26 x 28mm
Sterling Silver Earrings with Topaz & Silk 51 x 26 x 5mm
Steling Silver Ring with Prasiolite & Silk 26 x 32 x 5mm
9ct Gold Earrings with Amethysts & Silk 16 x 19 x 3mm
Ready to Wear Casual jewellery with a twist of colour and texture. All pieces are handmade in Sterling Silver and 100%Pure Silk.
Wo v e n R i n g s Sterling Silver and Silk 10mm wide band £120
Woven Earrings
Sterling Silver and Silk 60 x 60 x 3mm
Sterling S ilver a nd S ilk 20 x 10 x 13mm
Sterling S ilver a nd S ilk 42 x 15 x 15mm
Recent Awards
Arts & Cra s Design Award December 2014
Ar star Jewels / Milan, IT January 2015
Julia Toledo C O N T E M P O R A R Y J E W E L L E R Y
Please scan this code or CD a ached for more informa on and images
@ J u l i a A C T /juliatoledojewellery
contact@juliatoledo.com | +44 (0) 7784336223 | www.juliatoledo.com