This season, Aritzia used lots of big, printed, almost-‐poncho like scar:es to elevate their neut<al black, white and g<ey outfits. Thus, my theme is scar:es. Scar:es are rather inexCensive and can go with any outfit, so I thought it would be a perfect giſt for holiday. My tagline is “Wrap up in HOLI-‐DAYwear”. Like I mentioned above, the scar:es this season are big, almost like a poncho, so I thought it was a clever way to include scar:es into the tagline. There’s also another meaning; I wanted to let the customer know that they should wrap our holiday clothing into their giſt boxes. Lastly, Holi-‐day is separated since a majoritR of the holiday clothes are casual for day, I also wanted that to show when reading the tagline.
The tSo point of purchase items I selected are the socks and headbands. Since Aritzia is a retailer with a higher price point, I knew that I even the POP items had to be of good qualitR in order for them to appeal to Aritzia’s target market. These women are fashion forSard and have a laid-‐back chic stRle, so I thought the socks and headbands would be perfect. Socks are always needed in the winter and there’s a varietR of different paWerXs, lengYhs and fabrics to choose Zom. Also, the t[rban-‐stRle headbands are one of the “it” items for winter, so I am sure I will appeal to the stRlish women shopping at Aritzia.
Unlike my store, my bust for] has a tarYan print and more color to make the store feel a liWle more festive for holiday. Since everRYhing else in the store is neut<al, I wanted to have the bust for]s pop out Zom the rest and get my theme across to the customers. To add on to the neut<al color paleWe, the tarYan print won’t be red and g<een for Christ]as but consist of navy, dark purCle, white and dark g<een hues. These darker colors would add a nice, subtle touch to the store without taking away Zom the minimalistic feel.
These tSo tables accurately represent the overall aesthetic I want regarding fixY[res in the store. The neut<al colors of the these fixY[res will be a g<eat fit for the monochromatic, sophisticated collection for Aritzia’s Holiday 2014. The reason I picked these tSo is because the boWom isn’t closed up, so it will give the illusion of more space in the store. Also, it just looks cleaner and it doesn’t take away Zom the gar]ents.
My theme being scar:es, I wanted my focal point to be on a mannequin wearing a scarf. This mannequin will move side to side, so that when customers are walking through the mall, they can see the gar]ent Zom both leſt and right. There will also be tSo other abst<act mannequins wearing clothes Zom the season’s collection. The whole window will be white, but there will be giſt boxes on the wall because it goes along with the “wrap up” tagline. The giſt boxes will have ribbons be various colors of navy, burg[ndy and dark g<een. The Aritzia logo and sigXage will be in the middle boWom of the window.