4 minute read
By Jo Henwood
As we find ourselves more isolated – either looking after our own health or staying at home to help others – we take an ‘elementary’ look at nature and remind ourselves of what it has to offer.
In the midst of this turmoil, now is the time to think about what remains constant in our lives. The sun still comes up in the morning and goes down at night, the tide goes in and out and the good old British weather continues to surprise us on a daily basis.
Remind yourself of the glorious natural spectacles that are sunrise and sunset. If you are an early bird, check the forecast and if it looks like there is no cloud, set an alarm. If you can’t get out to a good viewpoint, you’ll be able to see it from your own home, depending on which way your windows face. Even if you live in a built up area, you can still watch the sun rise or set over the buildings around you.
Remember that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If you are venturing out, don’t go too far off the beaten track to view the sunset as it will soon get dark afterwards. Look online for sunrise and sunset times.
Research has shown that living near the sea improves mental health and wellbeing, leading to the expression Vitamin Sea. Even if you aren’t lucky enough to have easy access to the UK coastline, a stroll by a river, canal or pond – observing social distancing rules – can make you feel better. If you can’t get out, you can find apps that offer relaxing water sounds like the ebb and flow of the tide, waterfalls in full flow, babbling brooks and even rainfall. Just search Water Sounds on your app store.
Spring is an ideal month to watch the world around us come back to life following the winter months. Daffodils, with their hardy vibrant yellow heads and luscious green stems, always herald the beginning of spring. If you can get outside, take time to look around you and see what is beginning to grow in hedgerows, verges or open spaces close to home when you go for your exercise session. If you are self isolating and someone is bringing you your groceries, why not treat yourself and add a bunch of daffodils or a small houseplant to your list. This will brighten up your kitchen table or sideboard and bring a little sunshine into your home. If you are shopping for someone in isolation and can afford it, add something like a bunch of daffs to their order.
On a clear night, wherever you are, look up at the stars. City dwellers get as high up as you can safely – a loft window, the windows of upper-storey flats or an open space (especially those further away from the centre) can work well as vantage points. To appreciate space from home, NASA has a helpful free app with information about the galaxy and the free SkyView Lite app helps you find and identify stars and planets as well as satellites passing by.
And don’t forget that the birds give us a dawn chorus every day – you might just have to get up a bit earlier to hear it.
As always, nature can be unpredictable. Remember to stay safe, keep warm and let someone know where you are going.
• Grab your camera.- you’ll have memories of the sunset or wildlife forever
• Record birdsong and play it for relaxation
Make a video – maybe on slo-mo so you get the full effect
Draw what you see and pin it on your wall
Make a bug house from dead branches and leaves in your garden
When things are changing fast conflicting messages, opinions and predictions can raise your anxiety levels. Ben Towell from Mersey Care’s wellbeing team gives some useful and practical information that you can start referring to and practicing from today.
It’s normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during times like this. Talking to someone you know and have confidence in can help. Speak to your friends and family on the telephone or Facetime, Skype, and WhatsApp video. If you’ve never done that before or felt it’s not for you, why not give it a try? I NEED TO BE DOING SOMETHING!
This new way of living may be with us for a while so keep your mind and body active. Explore how you can start new hobbies, read new books. Do that job that you have been putting off in the house. If you have a garden seriously consider growing your own veg or upcycling that new project.
Get the facts from NHS or Government websites (nhs.uk or gov.uk)
Reduce worry and agitation by lessening the time that you and your family spend watching or listening to media coverage that you feel is upsetting.
Draw on skills that you have used in the past that have helped you to manage previous adversities in your life. Use these to help you manage your emotions.
Here’s a website we liked and recommend: thriveglobal.com/ stories/10-ways-to-be-resilient-inturbulent-times/
Whether you’re working from home or in isolation, make sure you have a good diet, sleep, exercise and as social contact with loved ones through those new channels.