Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust - Medical Director Candidate Pack

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“WE HAVE AUDACIOUS GOALS AND ENCOURAGE OUR CLINICIANS TO THINK CREATIVELY.” Our recovery college courses include music as therapy


Liverpool Waterfront

CONTENTS Introduction 3 Excellence 4 Mersey Care at a Glance


Perfect Care


Our Strategy


Our Priorities


The Team


Recovery 12 Our Buildings


Merseyside 14 CQC 16 The Board


Structure 17 The person we’re looking for


Job Description


Application Process


Our Services


Thank you for your interest in Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and in considering an application to become our Medical Director. The role is an exciting position at an interesting transformative time of our evolution. We are one of the largest trusts providing mental and physical health services in England, serving more than 11 million people, offering specialist inpatient and community services that support physical and mental health and specialist inpatient mental health, learning disabilities, addictions and brain injuries services. At Mersey Care our ambitions are bold. To strive to achieve ‘Perfect Care’. To some, such an achievement, even within such a pioneering mental health trust, might be considered optimistic to the point of impossible. However, just as with the launch of our national Zero Suicide Alliance movement (Mersey Care is a founder member), we realise we won’t be able to completely eradicate suicide. But it has to be our intent to try. Because if zero is not the right number what is? Because surely one life lost is one too many? We’re looking for a Medical Director, to help direct our Perfect Care mission and lead the development of the highest quality services, we are looking for someone who shares our values, beliefs and ambition. A unique individual who knows perfect care may not be a target but an aspiration.

You will bring your insight and clinical intelligence to the complex range of issues which the Board of Directors deals with on a daily basis. You will be central to the Trust’s pursuit of Perfect Care in your role of executive lead for our Centre for Perfect Care and head the Medical Senate which provides direction for and stewardship of the clinical strategy for the Trust. You will be a candidate who can provide strong clinical leadership within our organisation during a period of significant transformation and growth, while contributing to the wider agenda across our health and care system. Please read on and discover more about the size, scale, reach and influence of Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust. And if you think you’re the ideal candidate to help drive our mission, we’ll look forward to receiving your application.

Beatrice Fraenkel Chairman

Beatrice Fraenkel Chairman

Joe Rafferty Chief Executive

Joe Rafferty Chief Executive


Antony Gormley, Another Place

“EXCELLENCE DIFFERENTIATES THE EXTRAORDINARY FROM THE ORDINARY.” A trust providing services in the North West is set to become the largest in England.


t’s an exciting time to be part of Mersey Care. Mental and physical health and wellbeing is our core business. We serve more than 11 million people, offering specialist inpatient and community services that support mental health, learning disabilities, addictions, brain injuries and physical health in the community, and we are one of only three trusts in the UK that offer high secure mental health facilities. Since summer 2016 we have successfully become a Foundation Trust. We acquired specialist learning disability services provider Calderstones Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust in 2015 and more recently became a provider of local community physical health services in Liverpool and Sefton, mental health services in HMP Liverpool and personality disorder at HMP Garth.


In 2018 the CQC rated us as ‘good’ overall and ‘outstanding’ for well led. We have also won, amongst many others, the National Patient Safety Awards prize for Changing Culture. We are committed to providing perfect care. As part of this we support our staff to do the best job they can and work alongside patients, service users and carers to design and develop future services together. We’re currently delivering a programme of organisational and service transformation to significantly improve the quality of the services we provide and safely reduce cost as we do so. We call this continuous improvement in quality and cost, ‘striving for perfect care’.

Our aim is to play a full part in the health and social care economies we serve, by promoting and driving greater integration between mental and physical health and social care.







growth from 5k in 2016



Serve a population of

in North West England and beyond









in 2018/19


ONE of only FIVE NHS inpatient addictions services in the country


1 OF 3

providers of high secure services




100 Community physical health services received



Thriving research and development programme from drug trials, bibliotherapy, app development to genomics




(Statistics based on audited figures for 2018/19)




t the heart of everything we do is our commitment to provide Perfect Care and a Just and Learning Culture for the people we serve. Care that is safe, effective, positively experienced, timely, equitable and efficient. We are an organisation that does not accept compromises, either in the quality of care or minimum targets set by others. On the contrary, we strive to support learning and improvement in our services so that we get the basics of care right every time, for every patient and service user.

We are the first Trust in the UK to publicly commit and develop a policy to have zero suicides among people in our care by 2020. We encourage staff to innovate in ways that create better quality and outcomes for the people we serve while reducing cost. We have established a Centre for Perfect Care, its mission is to help our staff continuously improve the services we provide today, whilst addressing the mental health and wellbeing challenges of the future.

WE BELIEVE THAT EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF STAFF HAS A ROLE TO PLAY With engaged and motivated staff and supportive commissioner and partner organisations, we firmly believe our perfect care ambition is possible and that our service users and carers deserve no less.

“Our aspiration to achieve Perfect Care in a Just and Learning Culture is a strong ambition led by our people for our people”




s Medical Director you will play a key role in directing our ongoing plans, based around the following four aims

“As Medical Director you will play a key role in directing our ongoing plans.”

• Our services – we will improve the quality of our services and strive to provide safe, timely, effective, equitable and person-centred care every time, for everyone. As we strive for continuous improvement in quality, we will also strive to find ways to save time and money • Our people – we will have a productive and high performing workforce that work in great teams, and we will work side by side with service users and carers • Our resources – we will make full use of our resources, ensuring our buildings work for us, and using technology to help improve our care • Our future – we will create opportunities for improvement and grow in the future, by working more closely with primary care and other organisations, delivering the benefits of research, development and innovation, and by growing our services.


OUR PRIORITIES We have seven key quality improvement priorities. As Medical Director you will share our vision and play a key role in delivering on these. Our priorities are:

No Force First – reducing restrictive practice Our award winning ‘No Force First’ initiative, to eliminate the need for seclusion and restraint on people who are mentally ill, delivers safe, appropriate and dignified care for some of the most vulnerable people in NHS care. We now have one of the lowest rates of restrictive and face down restraint in our region and we are leading on delivering this change across the healthcare system.

Improving physical health pathways We are improving access to end of life care by developing clear pathways for each clinical division to access this care for their patients. Nine out of ten service users on a care programme in their community have undergone an annual physical health check. Every inpatient screened as a smoker has been prescribed nicotine replacement therapy on admission.

Learning from deaths Our Board of Directors have requested four thematic reviews to be conducted per year on analysis of mortality figures. We have developed, and are implementing, a process for undertaking pathway reviews. Data from GPs, specifically the cause of death, will be used as part of the mortality review process.


The Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) – towards zero suicide We are a founder member of the Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA), a collaboration of more than 800 organisations and partners and individuals committed to suicide prevention in the UK. ZSA’s aim is to improve support for people contemplating suicide by raising awareness and providing skills to help someone in crisis. The free accessible online training has Government backing with funding to support the development of digital resources. To date more than 425,000 people have accessed the training.

Zero community acquired pressure ulcers We have a target of zero deterioration of pressure ulcers in those under our care. Our decision making and strategies are informed by the use of SEM scanners giving us objective data that highlights increased risk of developing pressure ulcers. We consistently share best practice in community settings and received a EUPAP Quality Award for continuous improvement in pressure ulcer reduction. We are supporting the Innovation Agency to write a Real World Validation Report.

Reducing delayed discharges in mental health We aim to have zero delays in discharging our patients, with a set of clear goals to reduce length of stay.

Striving for a Just and Learning Culture We aim to create an environment for staff where there is equal emphasis on accountability and learning. It’s a culture which instinctively asks in the case of an adverse event ‘what’ rather then ‘who’ was responsible? This not an uncritically tolerant culture in which anything goes, we want to do things in a way that is just for staff and also for patients, carers and families.


OUR PRIORITIES CONTINUED AND THERE’S MORE... INTEGRATION Following the acquisition of community physical health services in both Liverpool and south Sefton, Mersey Care is responsible for delivery of both physical and mental health services across the north Mersey footprint. Integral to the Trust’s model when bidding for those services was the delivery of integrated care that breaks down barriers between physical and mental health which is based on a bio psychosocial model of care addressing the holistic needs of the people using services. The model aims to address the wider determinants of poor health and wellbeing and how these impact upon service utilisation, delivering a shift towards prevention and early intervention that will result in better health and social care outcomes for patients/service users, their families and support delivery of a financially sustainable local health and care system. To meet growing demand for services and meet people’s needs holistically, we’re going to integrate our physical and mental health services into one division. This will enable delivery of fully integrated care at neighbourhood and primary care network level. The integration is being carefully managed and phased, in recognition of the scale of organisational change for our staff.

THE CENTRE FOR PERFECT CARE Our Centre for Perfect Care, was established to help our staff continuously improve the services we provide today, whilst addressing the physical, mental health, addiction, learning disability care and wellbeing challenges of the future.


This award winning initiative is allowing our clinical and medical teams to work on a truly national and international scale; attracting partnership working with others including the Risk Authority Stanford, Stanford Medical Hospital, the World Health Organisation, Health Education England and the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Find out more at:

GLOBAL DIGITAL EXEMPLAR Information Technology is increasingly recognised as a major enabler of change and transformation. As a Global Digital Exemplar, Mersey Care has a number of innovative projects to deliver exceptional care, efficiently, through the use of world class digital technology and information. In 2017 Mersey Care successfully attracted £5m of central NHS funding to accelerate our ambition to digitally transform our services. This means that we use technology and digital systems in all aspects of the services we offer, and that we design systems and apps with the insight and co-production of our service users and staff. Our ambitious estates programme includes augmented reality and virtual reality technology integral to new secure services, aimed at ensuring vulnerable service users access appropriate therapeutic technology safely and to their benefit. Avatar therapy is already the norm in medium secure mental health services.

INNOVATE DEMENTIA We’re a partner in the £5.4 million Innovate Dementia project that has been developed with partners from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the UK. Our dementia awareness programme combines world class clinical expertise with academic and business development skills to address the issues faced by people living with dementia in an innovative way.

PROSPECT Mersey Care is the lead provider in the PROSPECT partnership, a wave two new care model for low and medium secure mental health services across Cheshire and Merseyside. We work collectively, rather than individual organisations, to deliver our PROSPECT model of care with the aim of; reducing length of inpatient stay, improving local community care and support and eliminating unnecessary out of area placements. We seek to improve the service users journey through secure care and their experience of our services. We have successfully secured national funding to develop and pilot a Specialist Community Forensic Team that will extend our current community offer and is integral to our model of care. We have also been fast tracked for the Lead Provider Collaborative process which is the next stage in mainstreaming the new care model programme and will see the delegation of certain commissioning responsibilities from NHSE to Mersey Care as lead provider.

PUBLISHING Our doctors contribute to national NHS policy and publish regularly in peer reviewed journals, blogs, invited articles and via social media.

OUR COMMUNITIES The communities we serve are diverse and mental health need is often great. Working with colleagues overseas has helped us to learn about other cultures and their health conditions so we have crucial knowledge and skills to support people in our own services. Within dementia services for example, our multi lingual dementia champions are reaching out to local black, asian, minority and ethnic communities, elderly members of the Somali and Chinese communities and their carers, so people get help more quickly.



As chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists General Adult Specialist Advisory Committee I’m working towards designing a new post graduate curriculum for psychiatry. The Trust has supported me in influencing change at a national level. I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with the education and training committee at the College and enhance medical education for our Trust.

Dr John Stevens

“Alongside my clinical role I’ve worked with Health Education North West to organise and develop the psychiatry specialist training rotation, and with the Royal College of Psychiatrists to develop and deliver clinical exams - so I’m actively involved in training the psychiatrists of the future.” Dr John Stevens, consultant psychiatrist

Dr Gill Holt

I’ve been involved in the implementation of new care models within medium and low secure services and have taken the lead on the development of a new community forensic service model. As chair of the panel responsible for the administration of the practical clinical examination psychiatrists must complete to achieve membership, I travel to international examination centres such as Hong Kong.

Dr Indira Vinjamuri, consultant psychiatrist, director of medical education



Dr Gill Holt, lead consultant forensic psychiatrist

“I’m proud to be part of a Trust that is a Global Digital Exemplar – an internationally recognised healthcare provider delivering improvements in the quality of care via the use of digital technology and information.” Dr Kuben Naidoo, consultant psychiatrist

Dr Kuben Naidoo


WE’RE ALL ABOUT RECOVERY Recovery is at the heart of everything we do. We’ve adopted the principles of recovery in all parts of the organisation including, in a ground breaking initiative, to our most difficult and complex patients who present with the greatest risks, in high secure services.

Life Rooms, Walton

THE RECOVERY COLLEGE Our Recovery College is an exciting way in which Mersey Care tries to live up to this purpose. Experiences of mental illness really can provide opportunities for change, reflection and discovery of new values, skills and interests that help people build their future. Our Recovery College is not a college in the traditional sense, but a place where courses, learning programmes and activities are designed to recognise, develop and make the most of people’s skills and achieve what they want in their lives. Because we aim to reduce the stigma of mental health in communities, courses are run in community venues. The college has also been adapted for people while they are inpatients at our hospitals.


THE LIFE ROOMS The Life Rooms is a recovery and social inclusion service which is open to all, designed to address the social determinants of mental distress and is situated at the heart of the communities it serves. We have five Life Rooms, with more planned. The Life Rooms offers practical community resources for groups and individuals, wellbeing support as well as opportunities around the social factors that can impact life such as housing, employment, money matters. The Life Rooms also brings together partners across the voluntary, statutory and private sector in order to provide a range of non clinical opportunities for advice, support, learning and self development.

This helps to deliver further integration between health and social care in the creation of a more responsive and efficient wider health community and empowers the individual to look for solutions to social problems before a crisis occurs that might affect their physical or mental health. A key feature of our work rests in creating opportunities for people to learn about their own health, wellbeing and life in general so as to help the individual make simple changes in life so as to build a life that is fulfilling, connected, enjoyable and ultimately healthy. Interestingly, our evaluation of the Life Rooms demonstrates impact both in terms of people moving beyond services as well as a means of preventing people needing to access services in the first place.

Artist impression of the proposed low secure unit



he Trust fully recognises the importance of delivering high quality services in first class accommodation for both inpatients and community facilities. We have uniquely developed a Design Board to advise on estate planning which ensures that all accommodation is designed to fully support the very best recovery for the people who need it and the very best environment in which staff can work. In 2016 we opened Clock View hospital in Walton with 80 acute mental health beds. This multi award winning hospital set the benchmark for the very best mental health inpatient facilities across the country. We have just opened a brand new, state of the art 40 en suite bed acute mental health hospital in Southport, Hartley Hospital.

Further plans are being developed for the third and final phase for the redevelopment of acute mental health beds in Liverpool. This is a complex development which offers the chance to support new and exciting integrated care for the whole of Liverpool and will lead the way in the support of truly holistic Perón-centres care in the city. Rowan View is our 123 bed forensic mental health and learning disability medium secure hospital it offers a major step change in care for service users and helps to cement the trust’s Maghull Health Park as a real centre of excellence for specialist secure care. The focus here is on a new model of care, with innovative therapies, management of individual care pathways based on an assessment of a person’s needs, risks and vulnerabilities.

The first phase of the Hartley Hospital, our new mental health hospital in Southport opened in 2019. We have also had confirmation from the government regarding funding for a new low secure specialist learning disability unit.

The Trust leads the way nationally in learning disability services and the development of these new facilities will allow us to deliver the very best holistic support in the shortest possible length of stay to support a life beyond care for the people who need them.

“The Trust fully recognises the importance of delivering high quality services in first class accommodation for both inpatients and community facilities.” 13


“It’s a lovely place to bring up a family – house prices are very reasonable, there’s a choice of good state and independent schools, and childcare is much easier to arrange than it would be in London and the south east. Dr Indira Vinjamuri, consultant psychiatrist and director of medical education, lives in St Helens

MERSEYSIDE: A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE Liverpool has been voted as one of the best cities in the UK for work life balance. The city’s famous waterfront is a designated World Heritage site, retail development Liverpool ONE has more than 150 stores and the city boasts the largest collection of museums and art galleries outside London including Tate Liverpool.


DEVELOPING TOGETHER: Our well developed appraisal system ensures all doctors revalidate and develop professionally through their career. We’re proud of our track record in providing excellent training to doctors in their undergraduate and postgraduate years, throughout foundation, core and speciality training, and beyond into consultant life.




Consultant psychiatrist and director of education, Dr Indira Vinjamuri lives outside the city in St Helens. “It’s a lovely place to bring up a family – house prices are very reasonable, there’s a big choice of good state and independent schools, and childcare is much easier to arrange than it would be in London and the south east.”

Merseyside has many excellent road and rail links - commuting from the suburbs is fast and easy. London trains run several times daily and you can fly from Liverpool Airport to more than 200 worldwide destinations.

House prices on Merseyside are among the lowest of any in the UK. The average price in April 2019 was £197,073 compared to the national average £305,449. (source Rightmove).

EDUCATION The city is home to 149 state funded schools, 13 independent schools, several further education colleges and three universities.


OUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS If you are a successful candidate, you will be a crucial member of a high performing Board with a strong ambition to lead the development of the highest quality services, supported by cutting edge innovation and research. We operate as an integrated Board but we all have very different backgrounds, skills and ages. Joe Rafferty Chief Executive Beatrice Fraenkel Chairman


Trish Bennett Executive Director of Nursing and Operations


he Care Quality Commission (CQC) last inspected the Trust between October and December 2018, and the report following this visit was published on 5 April 2019.

The current CQC rating is GOOD following that process of inspection, and the position has strengthened, with the Trust attaining the rating of GOOD for the Safe, Effective, Caring and Responsive domains and OUTSTANDING for the well led domain.

Louise Edwards Director of Strategy Non-Voting Member Murray Freeman Non-Executive Director



Are services effective?


Are services caring?


Are services responsive?


Are services well led?


Gaynor Hales Non-Executive Director Amanda Oates Executive Director of Workforce

“We rated well led (leadership) from our inspection of Trust management, taking into account what we found about leadership in individual services. We rated other key questions by combining the service ratings and using our professional judgement.” Care Quality Commission.


Elaine Darbyshire Executive Director of Communications, Corporate Governanace and Estates

Aislinn O’Dwyer Non-Executive Director Gerry O’Keefe Non-Executive Director Vacant Post Executive Medical Director Neil Smith Executive Director of Finance Deputy Chief Executive Pam Williams Non-Executive Director Nick Williams Non-Executive Director

Medicines Management Building










• Medical qualification and appropriate Royal College membership or fellowship

• Experience in a board/sub-board level leadership role


• Full GMC registration

• Experience as clinical lead working in a multi disciplinary team

• Consultant psychiatrist with CCST • Evidence of revalidation with license to practice.

DESIRABLE • Previous experience as Caldicott Guardian

• Line management experience • Proven track record of leadership and management within a provider of community physical health and mental health services

• Previous experience as CCIO

• Experience of managing medical and clinical resources and budgets

• Masters degree or equivalent in business/ management

• Experience of job planning, appraisal and medical revalidation

• Forensic psychiatrist

• Track record of achieving sustained organisational and service change and improvement with evidence of embedding organisational values successfully and achieving workforce engagement delivering improved outcomes in quality, performance and service

• Specialist qualification in psychiatry • Natural communicator.

KNOWLEDGE ESSENTIAL • Extensive knowledge of community physical health and mental health services • Significant knowledge of roles and responsibility of Caldicott Guardian • Extensive knowledge and understanding of clinical governance.

DESIRABLE • CPD in Leadership role.

• High degree of political sensitivity and experience of dealing with a range of complex issues within a political or demanding stakeholder environment

• Strong analytical and problem solving skills • Strong influencing skills • Ability to think and act strategically and articulate a clear sense of direction and vision to a diverse audience • Ability to engage, lead and develop a high performing medical workforce • Able to relate and adapt to the perspective of others, including those with protected characteristics • Confident of general management ability to be credible in dealing with both clinicians and senior management staff • Calm and rational approach to situations where conflict arises, a skillful diplomat with integrity • Shows commitment and compassion for service users and carers in a community physical health and mental health setting

• Understanding of and exposure to community physical health and secure and community based mental health services.

• Ability to demonstrate a collaborative and inclusive leadership style that is consistent with the Trust


• Commitment to ongoing personal development.

• Proven track record of leadership and management within a provider of community based physical health services • A knowledge and interest in digital technologies in relation to the health and care sector • Educational management role.


• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with nautral ability and willingness to actively seek out opportunities to communicate confidently about the Trust

• Able to embrace and champion the Trust’s values and behaviours


JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: Medical Director BAND: VSM HOURS: It is expected that the postholder will have a clinical workload as well as the medical leadership responsibility of the Trust. The precise division of time will be agreed with the postholder but will not be constructed in a way which adversely affects Mental Health Officer status. Hours worked will be sufficient for the fulfilment of the duties of the post but the duties will be arranged to ensure a balanced lifestyle is possible.

DIVISION: Corporate ACCOUNTABLE TO: Chief Executive JOB OUTCOMES As a result of the postholder being effective in their role, the Trust would expect to see the following outcomes for the Trust, service users and the wider community: • Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust continues to be a leading provider of community services, mental health care, physical health, addictions services and learning disability care • Service users receive a high quality service and one which is free from stigma, discrimination and harm • Staff are engaged with the delivery, innovation and continuous improvement of services to benefit service users • Engaging, visible and responsive leadership, leading by example and setting the standard for others, as a role model throughout the Trust • The Trust values of Continuous Improvement, Accountability, Respectfulness, Enthusiasm and Support will be embedded across the whole organisation for all staff and evident to service users.

PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Medical Director is an Executive Director of the Trust and as such is expected to play a full and general part in the life and business of the Trust. The specific duties attaching to the role of Medical Director are: • To provide managerial and clinical leadership to doctors and some other professionals within the Trust • To take responsibility for the consultant body and other Trust medical staff, Chief Pharmacist, Operational Medical Director, SRO for Global Digital Exemplar and the Director of Security in high secure services • In conjunction with the Director of Nursing, lead on the Trust’s integration agenda to improve outcomes and value for patients • Develop and embed the Trust’s strategy in relation to patient safety, in line with NHS national guidelines and recommendations • To oversee medical staff training and development • To hold Trust executive director responsibility for research and development • Caldicott Guardian • Responsible officer for revalidation • Accountable officer for controlled drugs • Named executive director for high secure hospital services • Executive responsible for digital strategy and CCIO.

PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP • To be an exemplary practitioner in their own medical practice • To ensure the medical voice is heard in all parts of the work of the Trust • Develop and maintain systems of support to medical staff to enable them to better do their work • Together with the other professional heads lead the development and delivery of a strategy for professional development

• In conjunction with colleagues spread the Trust values and behaviours • Develop strategies to influence staff towards behaviours consistent with those values • Ensure the provision of comprehensive, efficient and effective professional supervision for all medical staff • Implement and manage a Trust wide comprehensive medical staff appraisal system which is capable of fulfilling re accreditation requirements if necessary • Anticipate professional staffing needs and ensure their contribution to staffing and training plans • Ensure the provision of medical advice and involvement in all aspects of the life of the Trust • Accountable executive for developing patient safety strategy and practices in line with Just and Learning Culture • Accountable executive for patient experience • Accountable executive for equality and inclusion regarding experience of service users and patients, including reducing health inequalities for protected groups by improving access to services.

SERVICE GOVERNANCE • The Medical Director will hold responsibility for service governance. In order to provide effective leadership the postholder will be expected to develop systems and practices in governance which involve service users and carers, the public and professional staff • As an integral part of service governance the postholder will develop and implement the use of professional regulation, standards and scrutiny.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT • The postholder will be the Trust’s nominated executive director for research and development and is responsible for the development of systems and practices for appropriate research governance.


RESPONSIBLE OFFICER FOR REVALIDATION In relation to monitoring doctors’ conduct and performance, the responsible officer: • Regularly reviews and seeks to explain variations in the general performance and quality information held by the designated body including • Routine performance data and quality indicators • Complaints • Significant events and significant untoward incidents • Audit • Ensures relevant information relating to all the doctor’s roles is available for monitoring fitness to practise and appraisal • Maintains records of all fitness to practise evaluations, including appraisals, investigations and assessments • Establishes a system for tracking completion of structured patient and colleague feedback exercise by doctors in compliance with GMC requirements. In relation to medical appraisal, the responsible officer: • Ensures that the designated body maintains a medical appraisal system which complies with national guidance and requirements • Ensures there are sufficient numbers of trained medical appraisers • Ensures that doctors undertake annual appraisals

In relation to governance and reporting, the role description includes a description of:

• Requiring the doctor to undergo training or retraining

• The responsible officer’s governance and reporting responsibilities

• Offering rehabilitation services

• The responsible officer’s responsibility to advise the Board (or equivalent governance or executive group) on resources required to fulfil the statutory obligations

• Providing opportunities to increase the doctor’s work experience • Addressing any systemic issues within the designated body which may contribute to the concerns identified • Ensures that any necessary further monitoring of the doctor’s conduct, performance or fitness to practise is carried out • Ensures that a doctor who is subject to these procedures is kept informed about progress and that the doctor’s comments are taken into account where appropriate. In relation to contracts of employment or contracts for the provision of services with doctors, the responsible officer: • Ensures that doctors have qualifications and experience appropriate for the work to be performed

• Recommends to the designated body, only where appropriate in line with Just and Learning Culture

• To provide executive lead for the pharmacy service. To ensure an effective medicines management policy and service development.


• Takes any steps necessary to verify the identity of doctors

• Contribute to the Trust’s controls assurance and risk management objectives.

• Where the designated body is a primary care trust, manages admission to the medical performers list in accordance with the regulations • Maintains accurate records of all steps taken

In relation to communicating with the General Medical Council (GMC), the responsible officer:

• Initiates investigations with appropriately qualified investigators and ensures that all relevant information is considered

• To liaise with the training providers and the trainee’s employers to ensure suitable training for the trainees and satisfactory performance from and supervision of the trainees.

• Comply with Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions

In relation to responding to concerns, the responsible officer:

• Establishes procedures to investigate concerns about the capability, conduct, health and fitness to practise of a doctor


• Ensures that appropriate references are obtained and checked

• Provides structured references to a prospective new responsible officer in a timely manner.

• Takes any steps necessary to protect patients

• The indemnity arrangements for responsible officer.


• Ensures that medical appraisals take account of relevant information relating to all the doctor’s roles.

• Responds appropriately when variation in individual practice is identified


• Ensures that appropriate measures are taken to address concerns, including but not limited to:

• Co operates with the GMC in carrying out its responsibilities • Makes recommendations to the GMC about doctors’ fitness to practise, taking all relevant information into account • Where appropriate, refers concerns about the doctor to the GMC • Monitors a doctor’s compliance with conditions imposed by or undertakings agreed with the GMC.

CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT • Each executive director will be expected to deliver an individual contribution to the whole organisation and add value through their own strengths and interests • The strategic nature of the wider contribution will develop over time but is likely to include involvement in strategic developments and implementation, the creation of the corporate culture and behaviours and input into business planning and performance management.


Application is by CV and covering letter, detailing your experience in relation to the job description. This should be sent to All applications will be acknowledged by a return email.

RECRUITMENT TIMETABLE The deadline for applications is: Sunday, 2 February Shortlisting interviews will be held: Wednesday, 12 February Final interviews will be held: Friday, 6 March For a confidential conversation or further information regarding the position, please contact our recruitment partner at Finegreen: Joe Joyce, Head of Permanent Recruitment on: 0345 130 4006 or

ABOUT FINEGREEN Covering the UK from offices in London, Nottingham and Manchester. The Finegreen Group is an established leader in executive search and senior appointments within the healthcare sector. We care passionately about the healthcare system in the UK and fully appreciate the fundamental need for outstanding leadership during these challenging times. We acknowledge our responsibility in identifying outstanding candidates who can meet these demands.

The company intends to treat everyone equally and with the same attention, courtesy and respect regardless of disability, gender, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, race, colour, religion or belief, age, nationality or ethnic origin, or gender reassignment. Any allegations of discrimination on any of those grounds will be treated seriously, and dealt with confidentially and speedily.

EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY The Finegreen Group is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting equality and diversity in its own policies, practices and procedures and in those areas in which it has influence. This applies to the Company’s professional dealings with clients, candidates and any other third parties.


OUR SERVICES Services are provided by three clinical divisions which are supported by corporate services.

COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION Adult Bladder and Bowel Service This team of expert nurses offer advice, assessment, treatment and management of bladder and bowel dysfunction to all patients who are registered with a Liverpool GP. We also provide advice, support and education to healthcare professionals about patients with complex needs. Adult Community Occupational Therapy The community occupational therapy adult rehabilitation team works with patients, and where appropriate, their main carer


to support people to remain in their own home. Our aim is to maintain or increase their level of independence and ability to carry out daily living tasks. This is usually following illness or injury but also because of the effects of ageing or long term or life threatening, physical or medical conditions. Adult Community Physiotherapy This team of state registered physiotherapists offers physiotherapy services to adults and aims to promote independence and improve quality of life for people with physical problems caused by accidents, ageing, disease or disability. We assess, treat and support people and depending upon the person’s needs they will be directed to one of our specialist pathways: neurological rehabilitation, care homes, falls prevention or specialist community pathway.

Adult Speech and Language Therapy The specialist therapists support people who are experiencing communication and/or swallowing difficulties and require special intervention from a speech and language therapist. Armistead Centre LGBT Services The Armistead Centre is a free and confidential support, information and sexual health promotion service for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) community. Support for street based sex workers is provided as well as: a safe space for LGBT groups, one to one support, harm reduction, advice on lifestyle, support for parents and carers of LGBT people, counselling and rapid HIV testing.

Blood Sampling

Dental Services

The phlebotomy service take blood samples from patients who have been identified as needing a blood test. Blood tests have a wide range of uses and are one of the most common types of medical test.

This dental service provides personal and specialised dental care, 365 days a year.

Children and Young People’s Service 0 to 19 (up to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities) This integrated service provides support to children and their families from conception, through birth and early years into young adulthood, giving them the opportunity to achieve the best possible outcomes. The service strives to influence and deliver improved health outcomes and a reduction in health inequalities as set out in the Healthy Child Programme 2018. Community Assessment Team This is a team of experienced nurses that work closely with a multidisciplinary team from Liverpool University Hospitals (Aintree site) to ensure patients have a timely and appropriate discharge. The service aims to reduce the time people stay in hospital and discharge them safely home. If patients are nearing the end of their life, they’re transferred to a place of their choice so that they can die with dignity. Community Matrons They support patients who have complex long term conditions and currently have a high intensity use of health care. With the community matrons advanced specialist nursing care, patients are able to remain at home longer and have more choice about their health care. The community matrons work proactively with patients and carers to coordinate the individual health and social care a patient needs, ensuring people get the right help at the right time.

Diabetes Nurses They aim to provide high quality care for people with diabetes and work with other community health care professionals, such as district nurses and community matrons, to provide the right support for people to manage their diabetes. Dietetic Service The dietitians offer one to one support and research based advice on a range of clinical conditions: diabetes, heart disease, digestive problems, other conditions such as cancer, coeliac disease and food allergies, providing assessment, advice and individualised treatment planning. District Nursing These nurses work seven days per week, 365 days per year and are accessible 24 hours per day providing care to vulnerable and housebound people with complex needs within their own home or home environment. Equipment Service This service provides prescribed equipment to meet the needs of people who live in Liverpool. They help people stay independent and mobile in their own homes, prevent untimely hospital admissions and support safe hospital discharges back into the community. Heart Failure This is a specialist service geared towards the management of patients with a diagnosis of heart failure. The aim of the service is to manage patients with a clinical diagnosis

of heart failure, in order to optimise heart health, improve quality of life, empower self care, less frequent hospital cardiology follow up and provide the support and care required in understanding their condition. This reduces hospital admissions and mortality rates. Health Technology Service (or Telehealth) This is a way of using technology to monitor your own health with the support of health professionals. It can help people stay well, become more independent and give peace of mind at home whilst reducing the likelihood of the need for emergency hospital treatment. It can help people to learn more about their condition and how to manage it more effectively. Intermediate Care - Ward 35 The intermediate care ward is located in Liverpool University Hospitals Aintree site. Patients admitted to the ward are referred from the acute trust, following hospital admission for further rehabilitation. Our team consists of registered nurses, general practitioner, advanced nurse practitioner, health practitioner assistants, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, therapy instructor, social worker, pharmacist, pharmacy technician, hostesses, podiatry and community care assessors. Intensive Community Care Team (ICCT) These are multi disciplinary teams which include health and care professionals. They focus on helping people to manage long term conditions, improve access to information about healthier lifestyles and provide more care out of hospital so that people can stay as well and as independent as possible.




Practice Nurse Development Team

Treatment Rooms

This service provides a wide range of intravenous therapies to patients in their own homes or in clinics. The aim of the team is to prevent hospital admissions and facilitate early hospital discharge.

This team provides support to general practices in the management and monitoring of long term conditions, immunisations and vaccinations, cervical sampling, contraception advice and peer support to nurses in general practice.

The team performs the following treatments:

Palliative Care This team supports people, their families and carers when they have a palliative diagnosis. They use a holistic approach encompassing physical, social, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. The team uses their knowledge and expertise to provide education, information, support and symptom control for those living with disease, to help improve their quality of life, and that of their families and carers. The team is attached to a group of GPs and works closely with: district nurses, intermediate care, other professionals, hospitals and hospices. Pharmacy services This provides a comprehensive range of services including providing supplies of medication for inpatients, out patients and some community based patients. Podiatry This service treats and manages foot complications related to diabetes and other disorders that may affect the feet, arthritic conditions and those that affect circulation, nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Qualified podiatrists supported by podiatry assistants offer a service to adults and children at community venues and in patients’ own homes, residential and care homes. Podiatry includes the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the lower limbs.

• Compression • Doppler assessment • Ear syringing (over 16 years of age)

Occupational Therapy This team works with patients, and where appropriate, their main carer to support them to remain in their own home. The aim is to maintain or increase the patient’s level of independence and ability to carry out daily living tasks. This is usually following illness or injury.

• Catheter care

Rehab at Home

• Injections (not immunisations/travel)

This team aims to support adults to achieve independence through intensive, short term therapy sessions for patients having hip and knee surgery in Liverpool University Hospitals (Aintree site) with a GP within the catchment area of the team and are referred by the multidisciplinary team at the hospital.

• Pressure ulcers

Respiratory community service team This team provides a rapid access, specialist service, to help people with a diagnosed respiratory condition including: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis and asthma, to manage their condition and prevent exacerbation of their symptoms. We offer a combination of early supported discharge from hospital services, and a ‘hospital at home’ (hospital admission avoidance service) for our respiratory patients. We also offer optimisation reviews either in community clinics or at home for our housebound patients.

• Removal of sutures/clip removal • Wound/skin care. Vaccinations and Immunisations The service runs vaccine programmes to protect children against disease in later life. We also offer recommended vaccines for adults of certain ages or for those who suffer from chronic diseases. The service coordinates school vaccine programmes, alongside school nurse team leaders. Walk-In Centres The team provide consultations, advice and treatment for minor injuries and illnesses, examples include: minor infections and rashes, stomach upsets, superficial cuts and bruises, strains and sprains, coughs, colds and flu like symptoms. Also provided is emergency contraception and advice and Chlamydia screening for under 25s.

Sexual Health Services

Wheelchair service

The sexual health services provide free and confidential advice and support for both women and men on a wide range of sexual health issues.

This service offers assessment and provides wheelchairs to people. Referrals for assessment can be made by for example, GPs or any health professional, or by self referral once the client is known to the service.

Single Point of Contact This is an established, innovative team of nurses and call handlers responsible for facilitating discharges into community settings. They signpost patients and health professionals to the appropriate setting and services such as: district nursing, treatment rooms, phlebotomy clinic and domiciliary. Skin Service The skin care service supports people with a complex skin condition, leg ulcers and tissue viability issues. They also offer leadership and support to clinicians in the management of people with a complex skin condition, leg ulcers and tissue viability.


Brain Injury and Trauma Rehabilitation This offers assessment, treatment and care for people with an acquired brain injury, including cognitive and psychological and behavioural rehabilitation. We have unrivalled expertise in this field and our brain injury rehabilitation centre has approved provider status by Headway, the national brain injury association.

Older People: Memory and Dementia Services The community and hospital based services offer specialist assessment, medication, post diagnostic support, peer support groups and courses for carers. Our treatments are recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and our memory services are accredited by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Early Intervention in Psychosis

BACKGROUND INFOMATION LOCAL SERVICES DIVISION Addiction Services They provide specialist community and inpatient drug and alcohol services. The community teams provide assessment, advice and information and community detoxification programmes combined with a recovery focused approach to care planning and delivery. The inpatient service offers medically assisted detoxification programmes for people with complex problems and those who are unable to detoxify from alcohol and drugs within the community and need 24 hour care to enable them to do so.

This team supports young people between 14 and 35 who are thought to be experiencing their first episode of psychosis, or appear to be at increased risk of developing psychosis. Our teams include mental health practitioners who are from a mental health nursing, social work or occupational therapy background, consultant psychiatrists, psychologists and pharmacists.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Asperger’s Services This service provides diagnosis and support for people living with Asperger’s Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other neuro developmental conditions. Our person centred care uses creative interventions which help with the social and communication difficulties faced by people with Asperger’s Syndrome and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, their families and carers.


This specialist community mental health service supports women with seriou mental health problems during pregnancy and in the first year after birth. It greatly improves access to evidence based treatments, as well as training for other frontline staff caring for local women to ensure consistent, high quality care.

Eating Disorder Services

Psychiatric Intensive Care

The team offer specialist assessment, psychological education and outpatient therapy to men and women aged 16 and over who have psychological difficulties associated with eating including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and atypical eating disorders.

The psychiatric intensive care service cares for patients with an acute episode of mental ill health and who have become so severely distressed that to continue to care for them elsewhere may cause distress or risk to themselves or others. A core team of specialist doctors and nurses organise and supervise all treatment. The service provides a lower stimulus environment and includes access to the intensive one to one care and support that may be needed to aid recovery.

Improving Young People’s Mental Health We are leading a partnership to build links, improve knowledge and understanding and design a youth mental health service model with planned whole service redesign to ensure young people receive the right interventions, by the right staff at the right time to promote recovery.

Ambition Sefton This service provides help and support to the residents of Sefton who have a drug and alcohol problem, offering a wide range of recovery focused treatment pathways. They support the many issues that are involved in drug and alcohol misuse and provide a range of responsive drug and alcohol services.

Perinatal Service

Liaison Psychiatry Services This offers a 24 hour liaison psychiatry service for people admitted to accident and emergency departments who are identified as having a mental health issue to help bridge the gap between the physical and mental health needs of complex patients with psychosomatic problems, reducing hospital stay and improving quality of care whilst being cost effective. Neuropsychiatry and Neuropsychology The team provide neuropsychiatric and neuropsychology assessments and treatments to patients affected by trauma that result in complex mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, or adjustment reactions.

IAPT: Talk Liverpool We use a stepped care model to provide assessment and treatment for common mental health problems such as depression, generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder and other diagnosable mental health disorders. Street Car Triage Service Up to 20 percent of all calls to the police in Liverpool are related to mental health issues. Our street car triage service involves a police officer and psychiatric nurse providing on the spot assessment and advice. This increases specialist mental health support to help people in crisis. Patients detained on Section 136 of the Mental Health Act have reduced by over 40 percent since the introduction of street cars.

BACKGROUND INFOMATION SECURE AND SPECIALIST LEARNING DISABILITY SERVICES DIVISION The secure mental health and specialist learning disability services have recently integrated to form one clinical service. This merging together of two highly specialised services provides opportunity to improve patient outcomes and experience, share best practice, provide development opportunities for staff, create efficiencies in resource allocation, and effectiveness in patient pathways. Through the building of two new ‘state of the art’ medium and low secure facilities on the Maghull Health Park, it will allow the Trust to concentrate the majority of its secure mental health and learning disability services at one geographical location. This will further progress our aim of developing the Maghull Health Park as a centre of excellence and enhance the reputation of Mersey Care as national and international leaders in the provision of secure, forensic and specialised mental health and learning disability care and treatment.

Learning Disabilities

Secure and Forensic Services

Specialised inpatient and community services are offered to people with learning disabilities and complex needs, (including forensic needs). Human rights based services are uniquely designed to enable people to be supported in their own community, preventing the need and expense of out of area packages.

This service provides 24 hour specialised assessment, treatment, inpatient care, rehabilitation and after care for people who are mentally ill and within the criminal justice system. Care is provided by consultant led multidisciplinary teams using the care planning approach in conditions of varying levels of security.

Our specialist learning disability service provides highly specialised care to people presenting complex behavioural, mental health and social needs in addition to their learning disability. They accept referrals for adults who require care in conditions of medium and low security including offenders detained under the Mental Health Act who present a risk to themselves or others.

They believe patients in secure services should experience the least restrictive care environment that is safely possible. They have created a streamlined assessment for admission and discharge system that means patients experience very responsive yet efficient care. In one year the average stay at Ashworth Hospital has fallen from over seven years to around five and a half years. A similar situation exists in our medium secure services.

Offender Health Assessment, intervention services and group and individual therapy programmes are delivered by a team of highly specialised clinical and forensic psychologists with expertise in assessing and reducing risk of reoffending.

Showreel of Trust services as of 2019: Search youtube for Mersey Care AGM 2019.


APPLY NOW... Application is by CV and covering letter, detailing your experience in relation to the job description. They should be sent to All applications will be acknowledged by a return email.

RECRUITMENT TIMETABLE The deadline for applications is: Sunday, 2 February Shortlisting interviews will be held: Wednesday, 12 February Final interviews will be held: Friday, 6 March For a confidential conversation or further information regarding the position, please contact our recruitment partner at Finegreen: Joe Joyce, Head of Permanent Recruitment on: 0345 130 4006 or

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, V7 Building,

Contact Details

Kings Business Park, Prescot, Merseyside L34 1PJ. Telephone: +44 (0)151 473 0303

MerseyCareNHSFoundationTrust @MerseyCareNHSFT 28

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