1 minute read
In a world where people thank strangers We explore the impact of the pandemic for keeping their distance, and every on some of society’s most vulnerable – and granny knows how to Zoom call, we how technology is keeping them, and us, take a look at the new normal. connected.
Do all angels have wings? Have a peek on page 24 to find out. This issue celebrates and applauds the ways community nurses and other colleagues have found to support people in difficult times.
It’s important to have some normality.
We talk to a prison psychologist about lockdown behind bars. And to people who’ve gone outside their comfort zone to contribute to the national effort.
And we ask, what does the future hold? Our experts talk about how it’s ok to be scared, but if we embrace the new normal it might bring benefits. Take care and enjoy this issue.
The MC Magazine Team.
The £1.7 million haircut – we talk to the barber helping to save men’s lives.