JFS Bergen and North Hudson Annual Report 2014

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2 14 Jewish Family Service

of Bergen and North Hudson

“ Our Care Manager was incredibly helpful, professional, and sympathetic to our situation… She was a godsend to our family. I am extremely grateful to your organization.” — JFS Client

“ I enjoy listening to client’s stories; I find them interesting. They contribute to my life as much as I’m contributing to theirs. There’s no doubt about it, it’s a win-win.” — JFS Volunteer

B a s e d u p o n J e w i s h t r a d i t i o n a n d v a l u e s … Th e m i s s i o n o f J e w i s h Fa m i ly S e rv i c e i s to s t r e n g t h e n a n d p r e s e rv e t h e w e l l - b e i n g o f i n d i v i dua l s a n d f a m i l i e s ; t o h e l p t h e m e f f e c t i v e ly m e e t t h e c h a l l e n g e s a n d c h a n g e s t h r o u g h l i f e b y p r ov i d i n g q u a l i t y h u m a n s e r v i c e s a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l counseling to all who call upon its services.



President’s Report – Geoffrey Lewis



am proud to say on behalf of the Board of Trustees of Jewish Family Service (JFS), that 2014 was a year of expanded and outstanding service to our clients. The many accomplishments that were achieved this past year are outlined elsewhere in the Annual Report. Suffice it to say, JFS cannot perform at the high level we are currently operating at, without the dedication, hard work, expertise and accomplishments of every one of our employees and volunteers. So from Susan Greenbaum, our Executive Director, all the way down to a volunteer that may be only help an hour a month, I say a big thank you on behalf of the community we serve and a Yasher Ko’ach to each and every one.

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The past three years it has been my privilege and honor to serve as the President of JFS. It has been a challenging time not only for us, but for all not-for-profits. We have made changes with a view to positioning JFS to grow and prosper so that our mission, which is to strengthen and preserve the well-being of individuals and families, to help them effectively meet the challenges and changes through life by providing quality human services and professional counseling to all who call upon its services, can be preserved. These changes do not happen in a vacuum and could not have been achieved without the support of the Board of Trustees. So, to my fellow Trustees, I say thank you for all that you do for JFS and the support you have personally provided to me. In passing the baton, so to speak, to Shira Feuerstein, I have no hesitation in saying that the incoming President of JFS is a remarkable person who will lead the organization to new heights.

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JFS Aid & Advocacy ... By the Numbers


n 2014, the JFS Aid & Advocacy Department arranged for 19 households to receive rental assistance totaling $22,000, enabling approximately 60 individuals or families to remain in their homes. An estimated 500 individuals benefited from our food pantry and about 700 more received critical information and referrals. Through Kosher Meals on Wheels, now in its 18th year, more than 120 volunteers delivered 28,000 meals in 2014. KMOW serves as a lifeline for the elderly and disabled, providing not only necessary nutrition, but a lift to their day. Helping clients downsize, find subsidized housing, declutter, and manage a myriad of personal concerns, are a small sampling of services provided to aid them in establishing financial freedom and in managing daily life. More information about services provided by the JFS Aid & Advocacy Department is available by calling Faith O’Connor, 201-837-9090, or e-mailing faitho@jfsbergen.org.

Executive Committee/Trustees Geoffrey Lewis President

Shira Feuerstein Vice President/President Elect

Beth Nadel Vice President

Joan Oppenheimer Vice President

Sheryl Sarnak Corresponding Secretary

Ilene Gelman* Immediate Past President

Steven L. Davis* General Counsel, Trustee

Trustees Joan Atler Doug Bern Bruce Egert Larry Eisen* Barry Feigenbaum Diane Fink Ximena Florez Laurie Goldman Helen Graf Debra Harris Dr. Terri Katz Bernard Koster Frederic Leonard Lisa Marcus Abramowitz Dr. Carole Miller Dianne Nashel* Jack Nelson Lisa Oshman Liesa Rosner Diane Seiden Hon. Harvey Sorkow Robin Wallace Wanda Wasserstrom* Arlene Weiss Tzvee Zahavy Honorary Trustees Allan Bell Myrna Block Rebecca Citron Dr. Leonard Cole Ruth Cole* Chaiki Feldman Dr. Sandra Gold Dr. Bernard Hammer James Janoff Jacqueline Kates Michael Kates* Melinda Maidens* Sidney Schonfeld Z”L S. David Shapiro* Lloyd Sokoloff Rabbi Irving Spielman Sen. Loretta Weinberg Barbara Wild *Past Presidents

To the entire JFS family,


ongratulations and Yasher Koach! 2014 was a tremendous year of transition and change at JFS of Bergen and North Hudson. Unprecedented growth and development of staff, programs and services resulted from renewed focus and dedication to continually improving and enhancing the quality of life for all whom we touch. As you peruse these pages, you will glean an understanding of the breadth of our reach and the quality and standards JFS is attaining in fulfilling our vision, in partnership with all of you!

Staff and leadership are linked in an on-going process of strategic thinking about expanding our funding and fundraising opportunities in ways that will have maximum positive impact on the greatest number of lives. During 2014, with a new Executive Director, leadership has courageously committed their time, resources and passion to the strengthening of our core services — mental health and elder care — and the numbers of those served. The variety of services and programs clearly reflect those commitments. Professional staff has grown to meet the increasing needs of our community and we boast a staff team that is upbeat, dedicated, incredibly competent and thoroughly dependable. Staff training has been frequent and stimulating during 2014, covering areas of clinical practice and concerns that are relevant to our work. Our standards for quality control and supervision are impeccable and feedback from our clients reflects this. This is our opportunity to formally thank all of you who make our important work happen. Thank you to our Board of Trustees, to our staff, to our donors and sponsors, and to our volunteers who have engaged with your time, your hearts, and your generosity to work with JFS in repairing our world. This family of hundreds, the JFS family that is described in these pages, together lift up the most important members of our family — our clients, and patients, and service recipients. Together, we look forward to continuing our tradition of caring for our community for many years to come! With sincerest thanks,

Revenue 2014


Top 3 Growth Areas

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Geoffrey Lewis Susan Greenbaum President Executive Director


Jewish Family Service:

Answering the Call

JFS STAFF Susan Greenbaum, LCSW Executive Director

Julye Myner, Ph.D. Director of Operations

Marilyn Perez, Controller

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When a man in his 50’s suffering from depression, facing eviction, and a step away from moving into a homeless shelter reached out to JFS for help, his call was answered. This former professional who was no longer able to maintain his job, was promptly aided with food from the JFS pantry, supermarket gift cards, and referral to a pro bono attorney who helped him get approval for Social Security Disability benefits. The next step will be therapy. And when he’s ready, JFS will be here for him again, to schedule the first appointment at our offices, with a highly qualified, caring professional.

Patricia Stoll, Director of


Allison Limmer, LCSW

t began with a phone conversation. One, however, that had the potential to make a huge impact for this man, and for nearly 3,000 people and their families who reached out for help to the JFS’ Aid and Advocacy staff in 2014 alone. Whether providing assistance with rent or utility bills, food from the pantry, counseling, or referral services to JFS’ listing of pro bono professionals who assist clients with legal, health, and financial planning issues, the JFS’ Aid & Advocacy Department provides support that ultimately helps stabilize lives. The information and referrals provided have far reaching effects, as entire families are often aided as a result of an individual’s phone call. Dedicated JFS professionals follow up with the client after the initial call, to ensure they have been able to access and subsequently benefit from the services they need.

Senior Services

Suad Gacham, Director of School Based Services

Mary Bongiovanni, Office Manager/ Assistant to Executive Director

Jaymie Kerr Development Associate

Senior Clinical Social Worker

Anna Ostro, LSW, Social Worker Dassi Lowenstein (Hadassah) Database Management Assistant

Debbie Fox, LCSW Senior Clinical Social Worker

Donna Bernstein, Receptionist Faith O’Connor, Information & Referral/Aid & Advocacy Coordinator

Florence Remes, LCSW Social Worker

Gila Cohen, Social Worker Jennifer Navarro, Accounting Clerk Jill Hellman, LSW, Social Worker Jose Posos, LAC, Social Worker Maria Vazquez, Accounting Clerk Meg Barry, Care Manager

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JFS’ Food Pantry


etween 2013 and 2014, there was a 20% increase in the number of people assisted by the JFS Food Pantry. 156 visitors and their families benefited from the kindness and generosity of our community. Non-perishable food donations make a huge difference for those in need. The pantry is located at the JFS building, 1485 Teaneck Road, and is open from 9-5 daily. In 2015, we hope to double the amount of donations and number of people we serve.

Michael Dworkis, LAC Social Worker

Nancy Gillon, LSW, Social Worker Nina Ashurov, Administrator of Senior Services Volunteer & Nutrition Services

Ohene Yeboah Club Ed Administrative Assistant

Orly Gal, LSW, Social Worker Ornit Peleg, Israel Connection Pearl Taylor, Receptionist Reema Zahr, Social Worker Rivki Pelberg, LSW, Social Worker Rivi Katz, J.D., LSW, Social Worker Rocky Ahn, Staff Accountant Shari Brodsky, Cafe Europa Program Coordinator

Sheila Steinbach, LPC Social Worker

Sun Kim, LSW, Social Worker Susan Goldstein, Care Manager Six-year old Zachary Kooper of Paramus, New Jersey, organized a food drive and delivered 167 items to the Jewish Family Service Food Pantry in Teaneck.

Yana Ovcharik, Care Manager

Wheels for Meals


145,000 was raised by more than 1,000 Wheels for Meals riders, walkers, donors, and volunteers, aged 5 to 75, on the June 14th fourth annual JFS bike ride to raise awareness and fight hunger, on June 14th. Proceeds enable JFS to pay for meals — 28,000 were delivered in 2014 alone — and help maintain the JFS’ Food Pantry. People in need, including the disabled, and homebound seniors of every ethic background in Bergen and North Hudson, are recipients of these services. All four non-competitive rides and the three-mile walk started and finished at the Jewish Home in Rockleigh, with a rest stop along the cycling route sponsored by the Tenafly Bicycle Workshop. Additionally, corporate sponsors included Stop and Shop, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Shop Rite, Unilever, Degree, Sharp Electronics, Becton Dickinson and Company, Gatorade, PepsiCo, Optima, Benzel-Busch, New Jersey Jewish Standard, TD Bank, Ben & Jerry’s, Newman and Leventhal Caterers, If You Care, The Jewish Home at Rockleigh, New York Sports Club, and Crestron. Wheels for Meals begin in 2010, when 15-year-old David Feuerstein of Alpine, came up with the idea. Dozens of teens from area high schools have been participating for community service credit or for their mitzvah projects ever since. The range of ages and backgrounds participating in this annual event truly reflects what JFS is all about – people helping people.

JFS’ Club Ed: Celebrating a Decade and Growing!


hen a parent of a Club Ed participant went to the school principal regarding a bullying situation, school administrators were prepared to hear just about anything. What they did hear, in fact, was that bullying taking place during regular school hours had been rectified with the help of the Club Ed staff, after school. The 3-6 pm daily enrichment program is where caring and dedicated individuals helped his child learn how to confront and resolve the bullying. The parent had actually gone to the principal to thank him for the support and intervention provided by concerned professionals at the Jewish Family Service’ Club Ed! Throughout the school year, approximately 78 Club Ed staff members greet and engage children from kindergarten through 6th grade in the Cliffside Park, North Bergen, Fairview, and Fort Lee school districts. Since 2005, a combination of academic enrichment and structured recreation has provided students with a fun learning experience in a safe and nurturing environment. With a daily extra dose of TLC, many families, like the one in this story, also benefit in ways that cannot be seen. Club Ed is celebrating its 10th year providing families with a place for their children to experience meaningful and joyful interaction with the supervision and guidance of passionate and committed professionals. We look forward to welcoming a third North Bergen school to the program in September 2015! For more information about Club Ed please call Suad Gacham, 201-837-9090, ext 242, or e-mail suadg@jfsbergen.org. You can also visit www.clubednj.com.

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In 2014, 630 children in 11 Bergen and North Hudson elementary schools engaged in a multi-faceted afterschool program where they found fun and friendship. Some also overcame real challenges with a little help from their friends and the dedicated Club Ed staff.


Annual Gala



lose to 400 supporters helped raise $300,000 for Jewish Family Service of Bergen and North Hudson at our 3rd Annual Gala at the Rockleigh Country Club. An impressive $66,000 was earned in only eight minutes, during a highly energetic and enthusiastic services auction run

by the notable auction professional, Kathleen Guzman, of Heritage Auctions in New York. Auction


proceeds were allocated to emergency assistance for families in crisis, supporting eldercare and

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Holocaust survivors, providing counseling, delivering holiday meals, and funding support groups for adolescents in crisis. We thank our generous sponsors and guests who made Celebrating 62 an overwhelming success!

Honoree Theresa de Leon and husband, Jaime David

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Dr. Mickey Harris and Debbie Harris, Sponsorship Chair

Matthew Oshman, Lisa Oshman, honoree, and family

Geoffrey Lewis, JFS President, and Beth Nadel, Event Chair

2nd and 3rd from left: Dr. Terri Katz, honoree, and husband, Lawrence Katz, and family

A special thank you to Dr. Terri Katz and Mrs. Lisa Oshman for their leadership, support and dedication to JFS. We were honored to award Ms. Theresa de Leon, Senior Vice President, PNC Wealth Management, the JFS Corporate Community Leadership Award.

Event Chair Beth Nadel Honorary Co-Chairs Elaine & Mike Adler Bernie Koster Norma Wellington Sponsorship Chair Debbie Harris Ad Journal Chair Suzette & Harry Diamond

Karen, Robert and Shira Feuerstein, JFS VP and President Elect

Platinum Elaine & Mike Adler PNC Bank Diamond Optima Fund Management, LLC Russell Berrie Foundation Ellen & Lloyd Sokoloff Silver Diamond Chemical Englewood Hospital Feuerstein and Maier Families Terri & Larry Katz Beth & Jay Nadel Lisa & Matthew Oshman

Bronze Ronit & Mark Arginteau Lisa & James Cohen Englewood Radiologic Group Barbara & Aron Forem Laurie & Barry Goldman Three Generations of the Graf Family Debbie & Mickey Harris Holy Name Medical Center Viviana & Robert Holzer IAMINDEPENDENT, Wanda & Steven Wasserstrom International Technology Solutions Mark Seiden & Jeffrey Young The Jewish Standard Susan & Fred Leonard Joan & Robert Oppenheimer Oshman & Mirisola Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti LLP Joan Robins – Beatman Foundation Inc. Sheryl & Neil Sarnak Diane & Mark Seiden Cheryl Spielman & Myron Bari Randi & Barry Weiss

Planning Today for a Better Tomorrow


eventeen donors joined the Jewish Family Service of Bergen and North Hudson’s Legacy Giving Program in 2014. Their generosity, values, and shared vision ensure that JFS can provide essential services to our community and continue to expand its outreach. Their commitment strengthens our ability to meet critical needs of the next generation. Gifts directed to programs including child and family services, care for seniors and Holocaust survivors, emergency assistance, career services, camp scholarships, and support for victims of domestic violence, are key in aiding individuals and families facing traumatic circumstances. JFS’ unswerving dedication to providing these services to all who are in need for years to come, is supported substantially by these beneficent individuals. Legacy gifts uniquely structured to meet each donor’s lifestyle, family, and financial goals, contribute enormously to JFS’ capacity to help turns lives around with dignity and respect. Learn more about JFS’ Legacy Giving Program by contacting Susan Greenbaum, JFS’ Executive Director, 201-837-9090, ext. 208, or e-mail susan.greenbaum@jfsbergen.org.

Senior Services


00 older adults were served by JFS between 2013 and 2014 and ninety-five percent of these individuals were able to remain safely in their homes because of the support of JFS.

Supportive Care Management Services including Kosher Meals on Wheels (KMOW), volunteer services to isolated seniors, emergency assistance, and specialized services and caregiver support for Holocaust survivors, are some of the types of aid provided to seniors and their families. Measuring the quality of life of our senior clients in a “before and after” survey it was reported that: • 70% served indicated experiencing a better quality of life after services were delivered • 41% experienced an improvement in psychological and emotional well-being

“ My daughter was staying with me while I recuperated and she researched ways to help me. She contacted Jewish Family Service. The people that came were very nice, it was wonderful.” — JFS’ Senior Client

We acknowledge with gratitude, our outgoing Board of Trustees members, and warmly welcome new appointees. OUTGOING Wanda Wasserstrom – JFS Board member since 1999, Wanda was the Vice President of the Executive Committee from 2003-2005. She has served on numerous committees during her tenure, most recently serving on Marketing and Public Relations, Development, Special Events, and our Nominating and Gala Committees. Tzvee Zahavy – JFS Board member since 2001 and Secretary from 20032005, Tzvee most recently served on our Development Committee. Laurie Goldman – JFS Board member since 2008, Laurie is currently on our Honorary Trustee Committee, Gala, Special Events, and Marketing and Public Relations Committees. Fred Leonard – JFS Board member since 2009, Fred has served on various committees during his service to JFS. Most recently he served on our Development, and Budget and Finance Committees. Carole Miller – JFS Board member since 2009, Carole has served on our Professional Services, Government Relations, Gala, and Wheels for Meals Committees.

INCOMING Barbara Bender has been an integral part of the JFS’ Wheels for Meals event, securing thousands of dollars in sponsorships and serving on the committee since 2012. She is also on our Public Relations and Marketing Committee, and is very involved in the food pantry. Suzette Diamond has been on the Gala Committee for a number of years. In 2014, she was Gala Journal Chair and was instrumental in raising more than $95,000 for the ad journal. She also served on our Night of 100 Dinners Committee and was previously a host for the event.

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JFS Legacy Giving Program

Jewish Family Service of Bergen and North Hudson’s 2014 volunteers Lauren Abrams • Domily Almonte • Domingo Almonte • Sandy Alpern • Celine Alpert • Roselyn Altman • Sheara Arbit • Nina Ashurov • Joanne Bacall • Dina Bassen • Seymour Berkowitz • Miriam Berman • Jacqueline Brickel • Marc Brodsky • Shari Brodsky • Beth Chananie • Michael Chernick • Arthur Cohen • Pearl Cohen • Andrea Collier • Peter Corren • Yocheved Deutsch • Jennifer Eichenholz • Marsha Eisen • Dina Engelsohn • Norman Epstein • Elizabeth Esterow • Laura Esterow • Richard Feldman • Adrian Ferataj • Masahir Fukura • Mimi Fuld • Andreas George • Philip George • Judith Goldsmith • Stuart Goldsmith • Barbara Golub • Sylvan Goodman • Jeffrey Gordon • Mindy Gottesman • Aviva Graf • Judah Haimowitz • Fran Halman-Migdal • Kimberly Harrison • Sue Hecht • Adam Herbst • Peter Hirschel • Estie Hirt • Shari Hollander • Theodora Hunter • Alex Jakoby • Rose Jakoby • Lynn Kaminski • Kaplen JCC on the Palisades • Itay Kazaz • Kevin Kim • Mindy Kolatch • Harry Krigsman • Benjamin Kropsky • Gary Lahm • Daniel Leib • Bonnie Levine • Gila Levine • Betsy Levy • Michael Levy • Tina Lieberman • Naomi Linder • Mark Maluso • Liz Mandelkern • Gale Mark • Hope McTague • George Mwangi • Natalie Mwangi • Rosalie Nagler • Austin Pan • Herbert Picker • Melissa Rosenberg • Daphna Roth • Lisa Rothschild • Avital Rubinchik • Mona Safar • Helene Saffern • Elana Samad • Johanna Samad • Gloria Schackner • Stacey Scott • Noah Shlufman • Sari Shlufman • Elaine Silverstone • Sinai Schools • Sherri Sonnenblick • Gail Stechler • Aliza Strauss • Steve Sugar • Danielle Tamir • Bea Tendler • Chesed Yedei • David Vogel • Dani Volerich • Leonard Weinberger • Marcia Weinblatt

Caring for our Community: Support Groups in Our Living Room Bereavement JFS can guide you through these uncertain times after the loss of a spouse, parent, sibling or loved one. L.O.S.S. (Loved One’s Support System) is a group of peers that are experiencing the overwhelming loss of a loved one.

Establishing Financial Freedom Many yearn for the financial freedom that comes along with living debt free. Establishing Financial Freedom helps support those who wish to establish and follow a plan toward financial sustainability.

Children of Holocaust Survivors Second Generation Discussion Group This group connects people with others who are part of a legacy that impacts their present day life and relationships. Children of Holocaust survivors meet to discuss the familial and societal legacy of the Holocaust, embracing the past to build the future.

Holding Hands - Providing Support After the Death of a Child (beginning 2015) A support group which offers friendship and understanding to families who are grieving the death of a child of any age, from any cause, and who are going through the natural grieving process.

Divorce and Separation Recovery Group How do you cope with the loss of the dream “Till death do us part?” How do you create a new lifestyle after a divorce? Learn to co-parent after parenting together? The Divorce and Separation Recovery Group will help answer some of these questions and many more, and help participants learn to move forward.

Jewish Family Service of Bergen and North Hudson

201.837.9090 jfsbergen.org

Israeli Women’s Support Group This support group is for women who have relocated to Bergen County from Israel and face a variety of challenges. This group provides a safe and warm environment for women to share their feelings and fears, and grapple with problems that result from their transition to a new country.

Jewish Alcoholics and Chemically Dependent Persons and Significant Others – JACS Support, strength, and hope for JACS. Anonymity is respected. Nechama Comfort Helping When Help is Needed Most (beginning 2015) A support group dedicated to helping all family members who have experienced infant and pregnancy loss at any time in their lives. Women Affected by Intimate Partner Violence A confidential and professionally facilitated group of women affected by domestic violence. Group sessions allow individuals to share their inner feelings with others who are going through the same experiences. Survivors lean on each other for support, advice, guidance, and encouragement.

Jewish Family Service of Bergen and North Hudson 1485 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666

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