The Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project
“Inspire a woman, you inspire a family. Inspire enough families, you inspire a community. Inspire enough communities, and you can change the world.�
To our Supporters and Partners: As you will see in this report, the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project is no longer a project, but a movement. We have grown from 300 women in 2009 to 1,000 women in 2011. We opened up our 2012 spots, and 1,000 were taken in 10 days! We have a growing waiting list of organizations who want to come on-board as partners. In most cities, our partnering organizations do not even have to advertise, as the word of mouth from our best recruiters—the women themselves—is more than enough to flood the organizations with applicants. Highlights from 2011 include a grassroots movement of lay people forming new outreach organizations specifically to recruit and send women on the TAG (Transform and Grow) trips. They staff the buses and then do the important follow-up once they return. The JWRP now has staff who only monitor the follow-up of each organization to insure that the inspiration and growth continue. Our new “JWRP Forum” on the private professional page of our website allows organization leaders to post successful programs that others can implement in their cities. Monthly phone calls with City Leaders also give them opportunity to share challenges and get advice. Another highlight in 2011 was our growing partnerships with Federations and the Jewish Agency. In November, we brought Israeli women from The Western Galilee onto the bus with their “sisters” from Dallas. They formed a fantastic connection and each group gained from one another. We also discovered that The JWRP values-based teachings deeply touched and inspired the Israelis. In order to keep up with our rapid growth, we are currently building a solid and professional infrastructure, both by hiring new staff, as well as putting clear policies and procedures in place. Thank you for your wisdom, partnership and support—you are not only changing countless lives, but communities. And we could not do this without you. May you and your family be blessed with wisdom and resources to continue to help the Jewish People and the world. In gratitude,
Lori Palatnik Founding Director The JWRP Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011 I 1
Taking Back Jewish Values
“This trip was beyond my expectations! The information was thoughtfully presented in a thorough and meaningful manner. I feel like every subject was covered. I learned the “why” of why Judaism is important to the world and to us individually. I now can’t wait to learn the “how” when I go home. Lori is charming, disarming and funny. She presents with accessibility and depth. The other speakers were equally fascinating, intelligent and impressive. Wow! Wow! Thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow. My only regret is that I didn’t come to learn earlier in life.” — Jessica L. TAG 2011 Participant 2
The Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project PURPOSE: To empower Jewish women to change the world
MISSION: To create a Jewish women’s movement that inspires a renaissance of positive values that transform ourselves, our families and our communities
VISION: To create a safe, responsible and compassionate world
oin Jewish women, from all over the world, for the journey of a lifetime to reawaken the passion and commitment that have been the legacy of the Jewish people for the last 4,000 years.
The Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project (JWRP) was established in 2008 with the purpose of empowering Jewish women to change the world. Our mission is to create a Jewish women’s movement that inspires a renaissance of positive Jewish values that transforms ourselves, our families and our communities. Our highly subsidized TAG (Transform and Grow) missions to Israel, offer women a special gift— a nine day, action-packed experience that informs and inspires through living and learning Jewish values. Women travel together, grow as a group and continue their journey back to their communities as sisters, after having shared this significant educational and experiential gift. They now share a common vision of family values, community responsibility, and personal development to reach their potential as Jewish women, wives, mothers and leaders. To date, the JWRP has brought close to 2,000 women from 40 cities and nine countries. In 2012, we plan to bring 1,000 more women from around the world. Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011 I 3
From left, top: Dana Sicherman, Lori Palatnik, Rebecca Lambert, Cindy Zitelman; Bottom: Manette Mayberg, Michelle Leader, Lara Lakenbach, Jeanie Milbauer
MEET LORI PALATNIK Lori Palatnik, author, international speaker and media personality is the Founding Director of the JWRP. Lori lectures all over the world and has been featured at prestigious universities such as Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Brown and the American University. A proud native of Toronto, she currently resides with her family outside of Washington, DC. She has five children ranging in ages from 23 to 13. Her 21 year old son has just finished his service as a sharpshooter in the IDF.
The Utah 8
n February 2008, eight Jewish women came together from all walks of life and traveled to Utah for a four-day retreat. The group consisted of married, single, older, younger, observant and non-observant women, and all agreed the values of the world were spiraling out of control. The result is the deterioration of family, community and the very fabric of the Jewish people. They had one mission: to create a movement that brings values back to the world. And, just as Jewish women were the leadership of the feminist movement in the 1970’s that created real social change, so too, Jewish women must be the leaders in a new social movement based on Jewish values. Thus, the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project (JWRP) was born.
4 I Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011
Inspiring Women
“Thank you! I am so grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to be here — you are literally changing thousands of lives around the world. Thank you for the brilliance of allowing women to leave their children and husbands so that they can focus 100% on their own growth and absorb fully this experience and feel celebrated as a Jewish woman. I pray that I can ignite many other sparks as a result of this trip.” — Shari K. TAG 2011 Participant 5
Original Goals and Current Outcomes Connect tens of thousands of Jewish women to their Jewish identity so they can inspire their families and communities. › Since the summer of 2009,
over 2,000 women have connected to their
Judaism on these high-impact trips. 2012 sold out in 10 days with 1,000 women set to participate. Unite a network of outreach organizations to help realize our mission. › We are currently partnering with
44 organizations from nine countries.
Create a solid follow-up system to ensure real change.› Our expert staff helps partnering organizations create, implement and monitor high-impact educational and social follow-up in each city.
Inspire women to take a leadership role in impacting other women. › JWRP participants are active in recruiting, raising money, organizing events/speakers and are engaged in their Jewish communities, most for the very first time.
6 I Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011
See How We Have Grown
Partnering Organizations Thornhill Woods Shul, Toronto
Aish Los Angeles
The Jewish Agency P2G
Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis
Women 2009 2009
2010 2010
600 900
2011 2011
2012 2012*
■ Number of participants
50 44 40
Chicago Torah Network
Aish Minnesota
Aish Chile
Project Inspire – Bergen, NJ
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Project Inspire – Long Island, NY
Gardens Jewish Experience, FL
Project Inspire – Manhattan
Aish Cleveland
Project Inspire – Rockland, NY
Jewish Federation of Colorado
Aish Philadelphia
Aish Costa Rica
Sarah’s Place, Cincy Kollel
Dallas Area Torah Association (DATA)
Seattle Kollel
Aish Washington DC
Jewish Federation of Kansas City
Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas
Aish St. Louis
Torah Outreach Center of Houston (TORCH)
The Beis, NY
Denver Community Kollel
The Jewish Experience, Denver
Aish Denver
Aish South Africa
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
Thornhill Community Shul, Toronto
23 19 12
11 3 Cities
■ 2010
Torah Links of Middlesex, NJ
EdJewcate (LA and NY)
Torah Links of Monmouth, NJ
■ 2011
2009 Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indy
Village Shul, Toronto
Forest Hill Jewish Centre, Toronto
Westmount Learning Centre, Toronto
Indy Jewish Experience
Western Galilee Israel — Jewish Agency P2K
Jewish Education El Paso (JEEP)
Aish Toronto/Thornhill Shul
Jewish Education through Torah (JET), Ottowa Jewish Experience, Montreal
■ 2009
Aish Detroit Etz2010 Chaim, Baltimore
Aish Mexico
Atlanta Scholars Kollel
■ 2012*
Jewish Family Experience (JFX), Cleveland Jewish Learning Experience, NJ Jewish Study Network Palo Alto
* projected
Kansas City Kollel
Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011 I 7
Post-Trip Survey from our 2011 Trips
survey is given to all the participants on the last day of the mission. This survey collects results on every trip, class, speaker and venue that women experienced during the trip. This information helps us to continue to fine-tune our program. At the end of the survey, we asked how the trip has impacted them and the results are‌
2011 Given me a deeperto connection Deeper Connection Israel to Israel
Deeper Understanding of Judaism of Judaism Given me a better understanding
Deepened Jewish Pride Deepened my Jewish pride
me to want to learn more Inspired me to Inspired want learn more
Inspired me to increase my Jewish observance pired me to Increase Jewish Observance
8 I Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011
How the Trip Has Impacted Me One Year Later
n online survey was sent out to all 2010 participants in the Fall of 2011 to see how they are doing one year later. 34% of the participants responded to the survey.
We asked the women: “How would you sum up the impact the JWRP Mission to Israel has had on your life?”
“Coming on this trip at this stage in my life (as a wife and mother of 2 young children) couldn’t have been more perfect. It touched me in my soul. I never realized that there was a Jewish journey still ahead of me and so much deeper than holidays and community.” — Ellen R. TAG 2011 Participant
92% 80
86% 79%
74% 76%
92% 90%
75% 68%
59% 45%
Being Being Jewish
HaveGroup put Youth
Increased Financial Support
Jewish is more important to me
my kids in youth group
my financial support of my local Jewish community
■ 2009
Increased my Volunteerism volunteerism in my local Jewish community
Encouraged Considering Plan totoreturn Increased my Increased Friends to IsraelConsidering Moving to Israel Return Israel Attendance at Services Mitzvot my family and friends to go to Israel
moving to Israel
to Israel
attendance at Jewish services
observance of mitzvot
Increased Shabbat my observance of Shabbat
Increased Kashrut my observance of kashrut
Increased my Jewish Study Jewish study
■ 2010
Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011 I 9
How the Trip Has Impacted Me One Year Later, cont’d. Children now attending Jewish Day Schools
Increase in Jewish activity for children
Volunteering Jewish Youth Group
Secondary Sunday School
Trip to Israel Connected Jewishly at a post-secondary level
Trip to Israel
Sunday School
Youth Group
Other (Shabbat observance, synagogue attendance, Torah learning, volunteering)
■ No
■ Yes
55% 77%
Husband Involvement
Increased Jewish involvement
■ No
Been to Israel since wife’s return
■ Yes
“This trip has been a life changer and a game changer. It has given me a foundation to build a strong Jewish family and confidence as a woman to do so. It was truly a mind-blowing experience! It has changed my perception of what being Jewish is about and the misconceptions I have carried with me up until now.” — Jackie S. TAG 2011 Participant
10 I Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011
Federation Partnership Year
Federation Partnership(s)
Jewish Federation of Colorado
Jewish Federation of Cleveland Jewish Federation of Colorado Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
The Jewish Agency P2G Jewish Federation of Cleveland Jewish Federation of Colorado Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
The Jewish Agency P2G Jewish Federation of Cleveland Jewish Federation of Colorado Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas
hen local Federations partner with the JWRP, their women visit their sister city/ project in Israel for one afternoon/evening. They see first-hand the work of their local Federation. The results from our one year later survey of women who went to Israel with JWRP in 2010 showed: ›3 4.8% of the women went to their Federation Partnership City on the trip ›O f those who went to their partnership city, 63.1% of them had never had a connection to their local Federation ›2 3.5% subsequently increased their volunteerism with their local Federation ›3 7.3% increased their attendance at local Federation events ›3 9.2% increased their financial support of their local Federation
Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis Jewish Federation of Kansas City Jewish Federation of Los Angeles Jewish Federation of Greater Washington In negotiation with other Federation cities
* projected
Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011 I 11
Making it all happen
“They say saving one Jewish soul is as if saving the whole Jewish Nation. What you have done by sponsoring this experience is to impact, inspire and rebirth not just 300 Jewish souls, but those of our families, plus – because you’ve sent women in groups – you are truly impacting entire communities. Thank you for making the most worthy investment you’ve ever made in your lives.” — Miriam G. TAG 2011 Participant
How We Reach Our Target Market › Women apply online through the JWRP website, › E ach woman must complete a personal interview with the organizational leader to determine if they qualify for the trip. Some of the attributes we are looking for include: “I feel very inspired and motivated by what JWRP is doing for our Jewish world. It is incredible to see the women transform right before your eyes.”
•H as children at home (90% of women accepted must have children at home under the age of 18. Impact the women; impact the children.) • Has leadership potential • Lives in a city with an outreach organization to ensure follow-up • Can travel well in a group situation, both physically and emotionally
— Eve Levy, Education Director, The Jewish Experience, Denver
• Not presently Shomer Shabbat
Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011 I 13
Donations from Our Expanding International Network The JWRP began with majority funding from the DC area, but see how our support has grown internationally. ★ indicates donations of $5,000 or more
★ ★ ★
★ ★
★ ★ ★
★ ★
★★ ★★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★
★ ★
14 I Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011
Trip Staffing To handle both the growing number of participants, while increasing our impact, we have designed a new staff structure for every trip: › Bus Leader: Is personable and organized, on the mic, giving instructions, setting the tone for the trip, encouraging women to come up and share their thoughts and feelings, leading the women in song, etc… ›C ity Leader: For every 10 women sent from a city, they must also send a leader, usually a Rebbetzin and/or Lay Leader. She is the one who bonds with her women, answers their questions, and is there for counsel. She also will lead the follow-up upon return. ›M adricha: Women cannot return the next year as a participant, but they can return as a madricha (leader) if they join the Madricha Track once they are back in their cities. To qualify as a madricha, a woman must learn weekly, one-on-one, and show she has taken responsibility in her community (recruiting, fundraising, volunteering, etc…). ›M adrichim: Every bus is staffed with two young men who shlep, pack and trouble-shoot for us (fixing phones, bringing women for first aid if needed, etc…).
Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011 I 15
Follow-Up Success
he success of the trips is dependent upon the effectiveness of the follow-up. We carefully partner with organizations who have the staff to implement ongoing programming that will capitalize on the excitement and desire to grow that every woman has upon her return. Requirements: › A reunion within 30 days of return, the date which is set before they even depart on the trip › A written follow-up plan they submit to the JWRP › Submission of quarterly reports on what events and classes they had, and how many of the women attended › Participation on monthly City Leader conference calls to share their challenges and successes; getting help and ideas from one another › Posting and accessing our brand new “Partner Website and Forum” All of this is overseen by our Follow-up Coordinator, Ruth Baars.
Model Cities
n 2011, we targeted Cleveland and Toronto as JWRP model cities, increasing their numbers substantially to see if we could create a “tipping point” of social change in their communities. 119 women
2009 1 organization
31 women
22 women
47 women ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011
5 organizations 20 0 Toronto Toronto
79 women
65 women
2010 3 organizations 40 2011
100 Toronto Partners
Cleveland Cleveland
Results: ›B oth cities have seen a marked increase in class and program attendance ›B oth cities have told us there is little need to advertise the trip, for it has become “the” trip to be on › Their women are taking responsibility on every level
“I thought I was coming to teach, but really I learned. I thought I was coming to inspire, but really I was inspired. I thought I was coming to give, but really I received. I learned that we are all on a journey and that a person could and should keep learning and growing no matter their age, level or background. You made me believe that we really CAN change the world.” — Edna Jaffa, City Leader, Cleveland
Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011 I 17
Why Invest in the JWRP? › P artners and Unity: The JWRP is bringing existing outreach organizations together at a time when unity is more important than ever, providing a powerful, effective, high-level program that most organizations could not afford to create or execute. We are all working together for the same goal, and together we can accomplish so much more. › S ave on Future Funding: Impact the mothers now, and you won’t have to spend money to reach out to their kids on college campuses in 10 years. › R eal Results Now: Women, their families and their communities are inspired when they return. The support model is there to help the women continue their journey, embrace and connect to their Jewish values. › H igh Return on Investment: When you impact a woman, you impact an entire family, in this generation, as well as future generations. › O ngoing Follow-Up: Because women can only come from existing, active and effective outreach cities who have invested in their trip to Israel, the follow-up is immediate and ongoing. Local city leaders and educators travel with them to Israel, bonding and forming deep relationships. Cities also know that results of careful monitoring of the follow-up on a national level will be a measure of their ability to bring women in the future. › I ncrease Impact of Existing Investments: Return on the investment of outreach organizations can be dramatically increased when you have immediate results through the women. Women create the spiritual direction of the home, and women create community. Women will “fast forward” existing outreach operations.
18 I Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011
Goal: To bring 10,000 women per year by 2020 2009 300
2011 2012
Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011 I 19
The 2012 Schedule Goal: 1,000 women 2012 Dates, already reserved Participants
June 3 -13
July 9 - 19
July 22 - August 1
November 18 - 28
December 2 - 12
Commitment: ALL spots for 2012 were reserved within 10 days from releasing the dates! The interview process has begun and some organizations have already filled most of their spots with participants.
20 I Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Annual Report 2011
Graphic Design: Julie Farkas I 201.280.9437 I
‌ And Together We Can Change The World
For more information: The Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project 12230 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852 I 240.283.6371 I