Harbor Beach Security Event - Overview

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Harbor Beach Security Meeting

Harbor Beach, Fort Lauderdale

1. Joe Ban (Board Member)

2. Mike Barn (Board Member)

3. Jake Wurzak (Board Member)

4. Michael Rinzler (Board Member)

5. Steve Power (Assisting Member)

6. Tim Stocksdale (Assisting Member)

7. Amy Carr (Assisting Member)

8. Other Community Members HBI Board Members:

*To receive ongoing communications regarding HBI updates and news, please email SecureHBI@Gmail.com

• Julie Jones, Jacqueline Gilbert and Monica Filpo from JP Morgan proudly sponsored the event. Linda and Doug Von Allmen graciously hosted the evening at their beautiful estate.

• Assessment of Community Security Needs

Joe discussed the ongoing assessments conducted by the board regarding various security aspects such as guard gates, entry points, roadways, lighting, and camera systems.

• Goals: Effective, Transparent, Cost-effective Security Program

Emphasized the board's goal to establish an efficient, transparent, and cost-effective security program for the community.

• Julie Jones mentioned the importance and increased demand for gated and secured communities in Fort Lauderdale. Potential Buyers such as Lionel Messi are seeking out top security as a priority in their purchase criteria.

Recent Assessments and Goals

• Joe's Experience: Embassy Security, Military Special Operations

Joe shared his professional background, highlighting his experience in embassy security, nuclear programs, and special operations in the military.

• Joe spoke on security aspects of Harbor Beach throughout the presentation.

Background of Joe Ban

• Interviewed 4 Security Companies

Detailed the process of interviewing four security companies for potential collaboration.

• Scenarios and Assessments for Optimal Selection

Discussed the scenarios evaluated to determine the bestsuited security company for the community's needs.

• Considerations: Signage, Traffic Control, Financials, Insurance

Mentioned considerations such as signage, traffic control measures, financial implications, and insurance coverage.

• Deliberation on Law Enforcement Partnership (Fort Lauderdale PD or Others)

Explored the possibility of partnering with law enforcement agencies like the Fort Lauderdale PD or exploring alternatives.

Security Company Evaluation

Board Neutrality and Transparency

Assured guests about the board's commitment to neutrality and transparency in handling security matters.

HBI's Role in Community Security

Clarified the role of the HBI in providing security for the neighborhood.

Guest Concerns about HBI


Community Identity and Security Goals

Discussed the importance of community identity and security goals reflected in the branding packet.

Signage Consistency and Effectiveness

Highlighted the need for consistent and effective signage across the neighborhood.

Examples of Signage and Updates for Enhanced Security

Presented examples of signage and proposed updates aimed at enhancing security measures.

Branding Packet Overview (Provided by Patricia Kennedy)

Hybrid Guard System Implementation

Shared updates on the implementation of a hybrid guard system to optimize security coverage.

Discussed previous and current costs of security operations.

Current Cost: Due to the need for continuous 24/7 security, the cost was increased to $995 per household to maintain a full-time guard force. This adjustment was necessary to ensure ongoing security measures.

Approximately 90 households (roughly 30% of the community) signed up for this service.

Utilizing Technology for Enhanced Security (RFID, Cameras)

Described plans to leverage technology, such as RFID and enhanced camera systems, to bolster security measures.

Neighborhood Engagement for Support and Awareness

Encouraged community engagement to garner support and raise awareness about security initiatives.


Utilizing Technology for Enhanced Security (RFID, Cameras)

Described plans to leverage technology, such as RFID and enhanced camera systems, to bolster security measures.

Neighborhood Engagement for Support and Awareness

Encouraged community engagement to garner support and raise awareness about security initiatives.

Enhanced Security & Support

Additional Charges by HBI and Community Participation

Addressed concerns regarding additional charges by HBI and discussed community participation rates.

Suggestions from Guests: By-law Changes, Law Enforcement

Tag Readers, Harbor Beach Stickers

Listened to guest suggestions regarding by-law changes, implementation of law enforcement tag readers, and the introduction of Harbor Beach stickers for enhanced security.

Questions and Discussion

Financial security starts with taking simple steps to implement additional controls to safeguard your accounts and personal information.

Here are a few quick actions you can take today:

Identity Theft: Contact each of the major credit bureaus to freeze your credit profile to prevent criminals from opening new credit in your name

It’s quick, easy and free to do You can unfreeze at anytime

Check Fraud: Most check fraud happens when your personal information is exposed when criminals steal your checks from the mail.

Stop using checks and enroll in online solutions instead, such as online bill pay and paperless statements

If you continue using checks, store them in a secure location, limit the personal information you print on the face of the check and enable account alerts so you are notified of potential suspicious activity

by JP Morgan
Prevention Best Practices Presented

Mobile Device Takeover: Stop criminals from stealing your phone number and data

Activate account controls offered by your provider and enable those features available on your device Should you fall victim, immediately alert all contacts that use your phone number to authenticate you, such as your financial institutions

Keep yourself and your business safe: Improve your security posture by ensuring you have controls in place when conducting personal and professional business

Personal: Be wary of scams geared to get you to share your sensitive data (DOB, SSN, etc.) and learn to spot red flags in emails, texts and phone calls

Business: Verbally verify all payment requests by calling the source/beneficiary of the instructions on a known phone number. Adopt secure processes such as periodically conducting internal audits by a third part, ensuring employees have unique log ins and are educated to spot red flags and know how to escalate

You are the first line of defense to keeping yourself safe from fraud.

Our JPMorgan Banking and fraud teams are here to support you.

Prevention Best Practices Presented by JP Morgan

HBI Security's efforts to enhance and enlarge the Guard coverage within the neighborhood continues to gain momentum. The updated fees have been a positive impact to the budget and hopefully you have all seen the security at the western gates after a brief pause to reset the service. Our finances continue to strengthen, and we are starting to look to build upon the success of these past 3 months.

An HBI fundraiser was held on May 6th, and we would like to update everyone on the results.

*We would like to take the opportunity to thank Linda and Doug Von Allmen for graciously extending their home to host our first Harbor Beach Security Fundraiser. We have had an incredible outpouring of support from our homeowners and have raised over $82,795 to support Capital improvements and have more donations on their way.

from The HBI Security Committee

Continued >>>

Through the generosity and connections of our members, we were also donated a security vehicle from Rita Case, President and CEO of Rick Case Automotive Group.

Attached is a list of the biddable items that were committed by our neighbors and some that are still available.

Overall, it was an authentic, transparent conversation and HBI will continue to communicate openly. For additional comments, suggestions or if you are interested in contributing to our Harbor Beach Security Fund please feel free to reach out to Amy Carr - SecureHBI@Gmail.com.

A continued thanks to everyone,

The HBI Security Committee

from The HBI Security Committee

Summarized the key points discussed during the meeting, including:

Assessment of community security needs

Goals for establishing an effective, transparent, and cost-effective security program

Evaluation of security companies and considerations for partnership with law enforcement

Addressing guest concerns regarding HBI's role and community neutrality

Overview of the branding packet and proposed updates for enhanced security measures

Updates on the implementation of a hybrid guard system and utilization of technology for security enhancement

Clarification on previous and current costs of security operations

Suggestions from guests regarding by-law changes and additional security measure.

Summary of Key Points Discussed

Outlined specific action items and the follow-up plan to address the discussed points:

Board to finalize the selection of a security company based on evaluations and community feedback.

Further discussions on potential partnerships with law enforcement agencies and exploration of alternatives for enhanced security measures.

Continued transparency and communication with the community regarding HBI's role and ongoing security initiatives.

Implementation of proposed updates from the branding packet to ensure consistency and effectiveness of signage across the neighborhood.

Monitoring and assessment of the hybrid guard system's performance and integration of technological solutions for improved security.

Review of community feedback and suggestions for potential amendments to by-laws and additional security measures.

Scheduling of regular community meetings to provide updates, address concerns, and gather further input on security matters.

Establishment of a dedicated communication channel for residents to voice their security-rela concerns and suggestions.

Collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including homeowners, security companies, and law enforcement, to ensure comprehensive security solutions tailored to the community's needs.

Action Items and Follow-up Plan


New HB Large Security Signs at entrances (2) $1000 each or $2000 total

New HB Neighborhood Security Signs (8) $700 each or $5600 total

New HB 'Drive Carefully, Children at Play' signs (8) $1000 total

HB Individual House Security Signs (will be property of HBI, No pay-No sign)

$2000 total HB Guard Uniforms $2000 total Generously donated by Matthew and Lana Rizai $12,600.00

Current Donations
by Amy Carr on


1. Update Exterior Lights (4) $2000 total

(1) Generously donated by Gal and Safra Tirosh


(2) Generously donated by Greg and Karen Bellows


2. Red LED-lit Swing Gate (5, entrance only) $1000 each or $5000 total

(1) Generously donated by Michele and Chris Holtzhauser $1,000.00

(2) Generously donated by Cindy and Steven Cone


(3) Generously donated by Laden and Patrick Patel


(4) Generously donated by Greg and Karen Bellows


(5) Generously donated by Phil and Beth Reilly


3. Remote Call Box & Camera- Guard will push button to open gate and take a picture (2) $9,000 each

(1) Generously donated by Patti and Steve Power


(2) Generously donated by Bob and Michelle Powers


(3) Generously donated by Carrie and Keith Marshall


4. RFID Reader- Gate auto opens for paying members, others will be stopped by Guard (2) $7,500 each

(1) Generously donated by Tim and Laura Stocksdale


(2) Generously donated by Jeff and Michele Thomas


(3) Generously donated by Kapila Soneet and Prabodh


(4) Generously donated by Mike and Victoria Nunez


(5) Generously donated by Beth Mcgowan


on Current Donations
by Amy Carr

5. Large Screen for camera monitoring (3) $700 each or $2100 total

(1) Generously donated by Amy and Randy Carr


6. Add missing Exit Gate for first guard house (prevents drive around) $8,000 (1) Generously donated by Judd and Laura Zebersky


7. Roaming Patrol Vehicle for Security Presence $50,000, with lights $1,000 & HB markings $1,000

(1) Generously donated by Rita Case President and CEO of Rick Case Automotive Group $50,000.00 (2) Generously donated by Jake and Kristin Wurzak


(3) Generously donated by Joe Ban and Tricia Kennedy


8. Gas package for HB Vehicle- $5,000 per year (1) Generously donated by Doug and Linda Von Allmen


9. Add 'No Through-Traffic' Signs (2) $300 each or $600 total

(1) Generously donated by Evelyn and Yoni Ashrov

$300.00 (2) Generously donated by Micheal and Zita Rinzler


Update by Amy Carr on Current Donations


1. Thermal window tints for guard houses (3) $1000 each (1) Available (2) Available (3) Available

2. Panic Alarm (3) $2000 total (1) Generously donated by Emily Bennett

$1,000.00 (2) Generously donated by Carrie and Keith Marshall $1,000.00

3. Lighted 'No Trucks' Signage for first guard house (3) $1500 each

(1) Available (2) Available (3) Available

4. Remote Cameras at key cross streets for extra coverage (2) $12,000 each (1) Available (2) Available

5. Yearly Camera Service Data for cross street cameras (2) $1500 each (1) Generously donated by Frank Mancari $1,500.00 (2) Available

Current Donations

Phase III

1. Beautification of Guardhouses, Landscape and Lightning (3) $10,000.00 each (1) Generously donated by Ian and Carla Carter $10,000.00 (2) Available (3)Available

2. Paint Guard houses white (3) $3,000 each (1) Available (2) Available (3) Available

Miscellaneous Items: Generously donated by Tim Schirripa $995.00

by Amy Carr on

Current Donations
Julie Jones VP of Ultra Luxury Sales 954.328.3665 Julie@JulieJonesLuxury.com JulieJonesLuxury.com Jacqueline Gilbert Executive Director J.P. Morgan Private Bank 954.557.9922 Jacqueline.A.Gilbert@JPMorgan.com Monica Filpo Executive Director J.P. Morgan Private Bank 786.525.3704 Monica.Filpo@JPMorgan.com Thank you for dedicating time to review the present issues. We anticipate positive changes ahead, and together, we can work towards ensuring the safety of our Fort Lauderdale neighborhoods. Home Owners taking the initiative to knock on their neighbors doors and raise awareness of HBI and the current financial deficit. Please sign up with Amy Carr - SecureHBI@Gmail.com

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