From mind to hand A landscape portfolio
Julien Revel 1
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From mind to hand A landscape portfolio The following pages expose essentially a work of my two starting years at the Nationale Superior School in Landscape Architecture. The first part of this work deals with some of my studies projects whithin diferent kind of landscapes. Then, folow exemples of what we can call extra-project. In fact, documents near of landscape analyse. Finally, it’s on some extracts of my drawing abilities that finish that book. This document have been, temporary, traducted with the help of googletranslate, I wanted to send you this document as soon as possible that’s why it is waiting for a better translation. All of pictures inside this portfolio are available in a better quality on
Contents : ( interactive )
Curiculum Vitae
SĂŠquence 4 : Coastal Workshop , The Three littoral
Sequence 3: Tomorow, how to live in the mountain?
Sequence 2: A public space in the city.
Sequence 1: A belvedere in a large natural landscape.
Approach of the public space, examples of measures of sites.
Ecology: The Queyras, a mountain territory.
Leisure activities, vocation of montagne for how long?
Volumes, proportions, light and shadow; Studies sketches.
Curriculum vitae Julien Revel 17 rue de Crimée, résidence St Charles 13003 Marseille , France
Studies followed 2009 Baccalauréat Scientific
Spéciality Biology, « Notre-Dame de la Merci » High school Montpellier, 34 France. 2009 - 2010 Licence of Art History and Archeology University Paul Valery, Montpellier, 34 France. Drawing improvment «Atelier 31» Montpellier. 2010 - 2012 BTSA Landscape design Agricultural High school, «LPTAHP Gignac» Gignac, 34 France. 2012 Admission to «Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versaille / Marseille.» At the present time in Master 1, Marseille, 13 France.
Work experiences
2009 February internship in architecture Sarl Boyer Percheron, Montpellier France 2010 November internship in a landscape firm « ejp », Mauguio, 34 France 2011 February / June - August internship in landscape architecture « David Abéradère », Biarritz, 64 France 2011 December internship in landscape architecture « Atelier des sites », Lyon, 69 France 2013 April internship in horticulture « Olivier Filippi », Mèze, 34 France 2014 June - August internship in Landscape architecture, work on « Canal du Midi » « Avril en Mai - Cécile Mermier », Montpellier, 34 France
Professional skill
Informatics tools : Macbook pro 13’’ Wacom Intuos 5. CAD - Photoshop CS6, AutoCad, Sketchup, Blender, Maya, Publication - InDesign CS6, Pages, Word, OpenOffice, Keynote, PowerPoint Video & sound - FinalCut pro, Audacity languages : French - Mother tongue. English - 9 years learning. Read, writen and spoken. Spanich - 5 years learning. Read,writen and spoken.
Other International driving licence Focus - Art, landscape, architecture, landart, sociology, ethnology, xenoculture, books, science-fiction, cinema, design, music, animation, sport, triathlon, photography, drawing, informatic.
Séquence 4 : Coastal Workshop , The Three littoral April to June 2014 . Project Supervisor : Guerric Péré & Jean Baptiste Lestra Students: Julien Revel & Jérémy Brightman The sequence Coast confronts the students with the diversity and the confliction of the practices of the littoral spaces, between city, industry and nature. The littoral site was indeed used in apparently contradictory functions. The project has for ambition to imagine the future of littoral spaces in situation of relative escheat, resting on the uses and the social and political representations of the coast on one hand and on a global urban vision on the other hand, in three western scales of Etang de Berre, municipality, and canal.
Lavéra, a futur garden-factory ? > Lavéra today: an industrial project at the world level and a subway put on a denied Julien Revel Jérémy Brightman
Analyse territoriale a. aerial photo b. old pictures of factories into Ponteau and Lavéra c. outilne base denial d. Analysis of the evolution of the site of Lavéra
by J.Revel
base? > A «sector with stakes», between PPRT and envisaged development > The weight of the industry: externalities which extend over a vast territory > A site which was always industrial > An industrial logic which developed fan-shaped until the disappearance of the base
by J.Revel toward + of technique ?
Lavéra «closed egg»
Cultural pole Littoral walk
First split
Rafinery pole Vegetable net on crests Chimical pole
or + nature ?
Purge pole
abandon ?
Towards a chain of permeable poles
by J.Revel
Energetic pole by J.Revel
Lavéra, a futur garden-factory ? > Find a decisive geography, towards a chain of permeable poles Julien Revel Jérémy Brightman
Stratégie de projet a. schématic view of the project b. picture of the site c. prospective outline d. evolutionnary patern, towards a chain of permeable poles e. ground plan
by J.Revel
> A succession of sequences along the coast, between nature and industries > Take advantage of the past openings of the factory to connect more easily the coast > Find crests become invisible within the factory > Stage the entrance to the refinery and extend the pine forest of the garden city > Find a passage on the road of Augette in direct link with the village of Lavera > Find an access up to the Fort de Bouc > Liberation of the coast and creation of a zone of phytoremediation > Clear the coast of the industry, and stage by the walk of the bunker > Emphasize the wet zones and the natural circles protected by the industry.
by J.Revel
Séquence 3 : Tomorow, how to live in the mountain? September-October 2013. Project supervisor: Rémi Duthoit & Cécile Berthoux Students: Julien Revel & Imane Elkatrani The sequence Mountain aims to understand the specificities of mountain environments and the approach of a territory in the long term. It should enable students to understand the current issues of development in the mountains, and the work conditions of the landscape architect, through meetings with many local actors. The question of the representation of the territory and the project is fundamental. Artistic exploration Workplaces then used to develop the use of the video tool.
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Essence of a territory, the sense of a landscape from Ceillac.
Our analysis is based on the finding of a distorted reading of the landscape by the immigrant, not taking into account the work of men on this mountain territory. We propose to give meaning to his landscapes. In the valley of Ceillac we were seven identity landscapes carry with them intrinsic values.
Ceillac, a large view of emblematic spaces. 0
6 5
3 4 2 For each of them we give a theme or a management track. The proposal are of various kinds: Art for Larch forest or green to Mirror Lake. It is through contemplation to understand the essence of these landscapes and recreate a link between immigrant and indigenous. But also to be able to interpret.
6-Ceillac Man nature relationship Meeting place between nonnative and native Represents the work of man on its territory Center of the glacial valley
5-Prairie Agropastoralism: Opening environments by mowing and grazing An unobstructed view of the mountains: provision circus
PROPOSED THEME : Encounter between indigenous and non-indigenous around the local economy.
PROPOSED THEME : Scenography and Land Art, resume Murget to an amphitheater (for choir Ceillac and various events.)
7-Forêt de Mélèze 4-Le Torrent des Songes Tree of Light Has its source in the No Cur Forest with meadow Feeds the waterfall of Dream undergrowth ecological Followed by GR5 diversity violence amid peacefu Compared to long-time slow- Some larch forest growing tree A landscape feared and logging admired PROPOSED THEME : Art installation contractor larch PROPOSED THEME : wood in the forest: relationship 7J[MZ^I\WZa ÆWWL ZQ[S between the object and the living.
re ms
by J.Revel
Interpretation : Interpretation is a communication process that aims to reveal to the public the significance of natural and cultural heritage, the opportunity for direct contact with objects, artifacts of website set of landscape. (Peart and Wood 1976 Canada) 1-Lac Sainte-Anne Altitude : 2900 m Lake ice deepening View the remarkable summit Place picnic farmers Ceillac ,QٻK]T\ KTQUJ NMMTQVO WN satisfaction upon arrival, visual breathing Lunar landscape aesthetics: the open lawn, rocks and peaks peeled PROPOSED THEME: Hiking with farmers and development landscape reading
1 by J.Revel
2-Lac Miroir Altitude : 2200 m Lake ice deepening devote to disappear: slow closing of the medium. Transformation bog PROPOSED THEME : Ecological Observatory 3-Cascade des Songes Versatile place between cultivated areas, the river, the _I\MZNITT NWZM[\ IVL KTQٺ Contrast between the left bank and right bank Fluid reading of the landscape, blurred only by poorly integrated architecture of tourist facilities
6 PROPOSED THEME : Meditative contemplation and tracking.
by J.Revel
Cascade D 60 Torrent
710 m 432 m
2238.9 m
PLANNING OF THE CASCADE: meditation Trails
Installation Trails
Waterfall Piss is selected as an example of project management for the sketch. On this occasion we take the decision to rename the Cascade of Dreams. This example is of interest because of its complexity: - Landscape - Fluidity glance - Physical Ascension - Variation between both sides of the banks - Multiple uses of the site, between agricultural tourism and sports activities. The project is to create quads meditation trails that cross all environments offered by the waterfall These trails are dotted with stations where the walker can take a break and let your senses awaken in the valley.
Passage from one bank to another
Larch bridge to enter the right bank
Path in fo
Trail of
Sitting meditation only by J.Revel
orest moss by J.Revel
Sitting meditation two
f needles and stone stairs
by J.Revel
Furniture being echoed in the valley The furniture consists of a seat calschiste and larch, local materials. This furniture echoes the project do not only among other sites, but also in the whole valley, and even in the most unusual places. For example you will notice sawmill La Viste who do echo the larch forest.
Calschiste MÊlèze
Le vent des forêts Lorraine
Grâne (26), le site perché du Château, APS
Vedahaugane,LJB, Norvège
Ecological Lake Trail Rose
It is proposed to change the existing buildings to rebuild better integrated into the slope and into the landscape.
Séquence 2 : A public space in the city. December 2012 - January 2013 . Project supervisor : Cécile Mermier Alexandra Bielher & Etienne Balhan Student: Julien Revel The « exploration « Urbagramme # 2 is an introduction to working on an urban site by work writing and sound. This sequence provides an approach to the historical, theoretical and concrete of the city once. The approach to public space project workshop is based on a knowledge of the historical and theoretical processes that are at the root of current urban morphologies , as a basis for the development of a renovation project of a public space. The analysis, synthesis issues , the expression of the complexity of an urban site and its context as a significant diagnosis and a proposed project to transform the venue will be the subject of the workshop project . Concepts covered : techniques of public space ( grading, leveling ) ; computer .
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Considered one of the oldest d Marseille , the space of the Carm great history of 2000 years of ob one of those features that at the tends to make a clean sweep of h rebuild without taking into acc surrounding urban structures e time. Marseille and stands like a mil previous architectural layers s under the foundations of the past is then placed in Marseille on tim the city . Attributed to grain products , he will keep the tech geographical identity until medieva was during the Second Empire th will experience their first major mo Napoleon III ordered the mid-n century the junction between the o new port will finance a brea Haussmann straighter , disfiguring cross the face of the beautiful M Separating the space of the Car the Basket, the new development not directly affecting the neig retains its medieval identity, stren back on itself. Share this divide architectural space of the Carmelit
districts of melites is a blivion. It is e city, this his past to count the erected by
lle-feuille , ucceeding . The site me limits of n storage hnical and al period. It hat places odification. nineteenth old and the akthrough g scar of a Marseilles . rmelites of , although ghborhood ngth to fall e between tes and his
new surroundings , the area deteriorates. Its narrow winding streets promote the formation of a pseudo ghetto, up to bidonvilliser , unsafe settling there , places move in the same direction as the cart but still seems to be amplified , as condensed by difference in scale of the two spaces . Faced with this evil , the city required after the second great war rehabilitation places . In addition to implementing a world center street on its periphery , it orders in the 70 full destruction of medieval developments are preserving the Carmelite church at the top of the highest hill. Taking advantage of this work, a series of excavations was conducted before building a group of residential rent moderated marked by architectural trends of the time. The main idea of the design of this new space is so similar to the Rue de la RĂŠpublique , open places on the outside and make a social mix .
The site of the project is one of three entrances to the neighborhood. Hackberry planted a thirty year , the space is a playground for children but dilapidated identitairement occupying the major part of the square , it raises the middle of a floor structure consists of three earthworks defined by a row of calade not practicable by its slope. All Bound buildings , rises half a dozen meters above the level of the artery Haussmann , supported by a retaining wall dating from the great breakthrough and in which is concealed in a narrow corner staircase U. Sociological studies on this area highlight a number of issues. Development does not properly meet the expectations of both a transition space between the exterior and interior, a serene and secured access, a playground and a recreation area and meeting . By studying pedestrian flows spring a major point of the activity places , and the mismatch between your practice and the places that is made . On a slice an hour at midday , cross an average of 70 individuals, of which only 5% make a stop in the square. This low percentage is composed almost entirely of unaccompanied children come to play . Aside from moving, games and supervision are the only activities made possible by the development, all benches facing towards the slide enthroned in the center. Circulations are on they moved to the sides and drawing the main stream places . The sun knows no concordance with the development , are actually carrying on the periphery of the latter . Finally, if one is interested in the visibility of the site from its surroundings, its identifiability , we see two major axes aligned , one overlooking the Rue de la RĂŠpublique , the other towards the door Aix . However, the strong grip potential they have is thwarted , firstly because of parking that blocks the view of the latter, the other by the elevation of the retaining wall just hide visually the scene of the first , not letting appear the treetops.
Faced with this dilemma the new development aims to be more open , both to free space that hug sensation but also to make it more visible. Can not then save space on the surface of places , it would take ownership over the height . In the same principle as a room with a high ceiling seems larger , gain space on the vertical allow places to breathe. For this, the scene will be completely transformed. A staircase comprises two decks will occupy the space present over its entire length . Removing the retaining wall in its entirety , it will promote the visual cue from the Rue de la RĂŠpublique , also canceling the scary nature of prior steps. The implementation of these two terraces, extensions of technical levels , then allow the separation of employment. The first swallows advances promontory on the steps , space and form a barrier zone, a point of relaxation and socializing . The second platen is then associated with the game space that it is positioned in the recess of the retaining wall formed by the installation of the staircase . This space-saving uses pole supporting the journey upstream to come integrate the playground who will then take the form of a pirate ship. Locating in the childish imagination , the flexible floor stained blue form near the set of wave structure , including the recess will be similar to a cave in which there would come the ship aground . Disbursement necessary for the development requires the establishment of a fruit of a grip 2m in its highest point 4m . Treatment like the wall of the tower skyline Jean Nouvel in Boulogne Billancourt , wants reference to archaeological excavations at the site , in the past, as a resurgence of the soil. Its color black mark the contrast with the white limestone broke from the rest of the organization , marking over the edge of the stairs, the fruit and the retaining wall of the respondent and recalling the color of the wood nettle . Trees , old enough to warrant transplantation and young enough to resist , adorn the ascent by locating along this one. Gazebo formed by the retaining wall at the foot of homes, give their peak, offering a new experience out of buildings, as well as upstream sparking intrigue at the front of the church . The railing is worked so do not cut the
eye , as well as allow it to lean to escape, carried by the wind noise strolling among the foliage . Combining wood and steel , it will refer in particular to that of a ship entering then in parallel with the playground, evoking both a sense of travel, outward . Two structures as resulting from uplift of the land mark in some way the identity of the two terraces. Inclined they seek to break the formality that could connote the right angle. Bowing in two opposite directions, they seem to respond particularly from creating a break point in the ascent. Dividing and thereby shifting the axis of the staircase two , they provide sequentiality in the process then being the center between the two terraces, thereby prompting the stop on one of them . The space will then be sprinkled with seating available with a three deriving from the initial sitting . The first in its simplest form, without records is the basis , an oval base slightly rounded on top, offering a completely free positioning. The concept of this foundation is then allow a certain inclination to direct our gaze to the sky , only open space of the site, hackberry branches are drawing structures such as a stained glass window which Haussmann buildings form the framework . Thus, the two variants have different implementation of a file , one inclined at 75 ° , 90 ° to each other for comfort .
Séquence 1 : A belvedere in a large natural landscape. September to November 2012 . Project Supervisor : Jean Luc Brisson & Sophie Anne Perrot Students: Julien Revel The «exploration» How to take the site dedicated to «transport» a crossed during the trip to present at the workshop site. Sequence 1 is focused on the observation and interpretation of the landscape and the introduction to the handling of forms through experimentation of the main tools of representation. It leads to a proposed development project gazebo . The objective is to put the student in an attitude of research and a constant requirement to develop a discourse on the landscape, a position and a reflex attention to the adequacy of tools and ideas. Concepts covered : fundamental archetypes of the Mediterranean landscape ; peri-urban forest sites; history of the idea of nature ; issue of « high places « in social representations ; notion of perspective in art history .
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What good give what is already possessed?
Looking for a new experience on a site seen and reviewed, the point of implementation is a major factor. So he had to find a place outside of conventional circuits to allow a first rediscovered the site. It is then the hollow of the rock that alights the project, a point difficult to access due to its proximity to the vacuum and its steep slope. In a space marked contrast, both conducive to calm by its hostile fetal and serenity by its dizzying character form, one of the project's objective is then to play, highlight the strong characters of identities.
Il est alors question de penché du coté de l’amplification afin de faire ressortir certains aspects particuliers non forcément remarquable ordinairement lors de la lecture du paysage.!
! !
0 1 30
Before looking away, this is where our focus is doing our feet that look. In other words, the process, at least in rough terrain restricts vision to the ground, parking permits on his elevation. And the first movement of the eyes lays the foundation for this viewpoint, namely a vertical swipe landscape. To mark this, the project will be two spaces,
a first part highlighting the specificity of this already rugged terrain making it any time practicable, a second flatter portion and terminating in three points of contemplation. The first phase is then characterized by a tangle of block forming a chaotic appearance structure, inspirations deconstructivist.
His firs establi comple and inc eyes to remain that fre structu parking viewpo
st interest lying in the ishment of a level of exity that ambulation centive to bring the o the ground, it ns important to note eedom tracking the ure offers, and free g for a multitude of oints.
! The second phase is reected in turn by a ledge is discerning in three linear branches, marking not only a recovery of ambulation (going from one phase down to a at phase.) But also an upward gaze as explained above. So this section of the gazebo wants more "strict" directive to guide more without necessarily forcing the eyes of the individual, to this vertical landscape perception.
So out with this classic vision of the landscape screen with a horizontal swipe , the project gives to see , not something else, but otherwise the same.! This new way of seeing the site that offers before us, a movement from the bottom up , is renewed in reverse once arrived in tip gazebo. The look that is worn on a abstract skyline hiding behind the mountains and hills, is then called by the rustle of the water owing downstream of our situation. Therefore , by these two vertical swipe , landscape we appears otherwise as chromatic layers varying function of time.! The report time , when one is in the year, the day comes to echo this new landscape approach and ampliďŹ ed. Similarly , the structures of white concrete gazebo will be surprised to echo the white rocks of the Sainte Victoire which both teinteront tones of light.
Approach of the public space, examples of measures of sites January 2013. Supervisor: RenĂŠ Girard, Philipe Cadoret, Etienne Balhan. Students: Julien Revel History of urban form and public space. Observe, understand and measure public space.
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First place date 1755. The history of the place is punctuated by the fires of the theater in 1785 and 1881 , rebuilt each time. It is then located on the former right of the wall of Montpellier at the height of the door Lattes, near buildings governor of Languedoc .!
Overcome the fountain sculpture of the Three Graces ( Aglaia , Euphrosyne and Thalia ) is installed on the comedy in the late 1790s. It was carried out by Étienne d' Antoine , a sculptor of Carpentras . In 1794 , she sat on the Place de la Canourgue then where was the mayor . In 1989, the original sculpture was moved to the Musée Fabre and gave way to a molding. Following work in the Museum , the statue was moved again and now in the throne hall of the Opéra Comédie .! In the nineteenth century , from the office of Julius PAGEZY , it becomes borrowed with the drilling of Foch Street and Rue de la Loge and the opening of the railway station. While attractive places in the city were at the top ( halls Castellanes prefecture ) and north (university, cathedral) , the Place de la Comédie is now on the easiest route between the station and the center.! Until the Second World War, two cafes located south of the square, between rue de Verdun and rue Maguelone become the scene of an informal wine market every Tuesday , the Grand Café de France and the Museum of the one part, and Grand Café de Montpellier other part1 . After the war, they give way to a supermarket Monoprix brand.
A 18 m
B 14 m
58,5 m 26,2 m
42 m
210 m B’
6,3 m
,5 m
10,8 m
P. 1
Capitol Square is located in the city center overlooking the Capitole Toulouse the same name. It measures 12,000 m² and contains no building except what this ground Occitan cross. Only access to the underground car park below is visible in the southwest corner. The square is surrounded by three streets giving access to cars. Recently , the South Street is limited to residents and taxis by a regulated access . The center is exclusively reserved for pedestrians , demonstrations or daily markets .! During the construction of underground parking, excavations have revealed the foundations of the " gatehouse ", the carved stone door that marked the entrance of the city and lasted until the middle of the Middle Ages.! The sheriffs decided in 1676 to create a Place Royale , to bypass the Parliament of Toulouse, who opposes the project, they include in the plan instead a statue of Louis XIV, who concurred with him . Administrative difficulties delaying the project , the plan of the place has been prepared by the painter Antoine Rivalz in 1730 , fifteen years after the death of Louis XIV , which probably explains why the statue has never emerged , following the renovation of the facade of the Capitol in 1739 , it was decided to expand the site in a plane Pierre Rivalz , work could begin in 1750 . The current site was not completely cleared in 1792 .! Throughout the political history of the city, the place was successively named Place Royale and Place de la Liberté ( the Revolution ) , Common Place , Town Hall Square , Imperial Place ( in 1812 ) and finally Place Capitol in 1848. She also bore the name of Place de l'Hotel de Ville. The name of the Place d'Armes is dated a troubled period ( 1790 to 1800 years of events including the royalist insurrection ) . Cannons were placed on the site as well as hundreds of men and horsemen. We counted up to several thousand men on the Place d'Armes , despite lower than the Capitol Square area today .! Place is completed in the middle of the nineteenth century (1850) . The work is first led by Jacques -Pascal Virebentpour standardize the buildings surrounding the place.La facade of one of these buildings has eight columns symbolizing the first eight capitouls.Il realizes the south overlooking the rue Saint -Rome in 1809 which is then available a few months later (1812) , it is the sector " Saint Martial ." then traveaux the northern part facing the street du Taur start from 1823 ( the work is completed after his death , 1835 ) . The western part , carried out from 1850 to 1852 , was designed by the architect Jean Bonnal after a change in the alignment plan Virebent : the front is lengthened ( to align the Capitol ) and provided with arches inspired by the rue de Rivoli in Paris . The three sets of facades , as the Capitol , coated white and regain their original brick color in 1951 . The square is itself ended in 1972 after completion of the underground parking. It takes are present name in 1848.
13 m
15,4 m
95 m A’ A 71,5 m
4,5 m 3m
23 m A’
P. 7
23,5 m
132 m
17 m 12 m 6m
14 m
9,5 m
Designed by Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill from 1977 under the leadership of Montpellier Georges Dumaire Frêche. Most of the buildings was built on a design inspired by the architecture of ancient Greece style according to the plans of the architect along an axis which is intended to echo the one that is structured the city to the west, with walk Peyrou and Arches aqueduct.! The area lies southeast of the downtown Crest in the "polygon" which was the former range of the barracks Joffre. It extends from the mall to Lez Polygon along a perspective of about 900 meters. On the left bank, Hotel in the Languedoc-Roussillon region also built by Ricardo Bofill keeps close to that of Antigone architecture. The development of the area was completed in the early 2000s
P. 9
Beach prophet is below the ledge, between the Old Port and the beaches of Prado. This beach is completely natural. It is a language sandy, protected from the sea by a dike and open to the sea in the North West and South West. The beach is very crowded in summer, the morning that families prefer to come to swim and sunbathe. In the evening, the beach is very much alive. Young invest places with percussion. Circles are formed, barbecues are organized here and there, and love watching the sun! bedtime.! There trouveune refreshments, a yacht club and a leisure center for young people. There is a beach volleyball court for lovers but be aware wait. Prophets on the beach swimming is monitored. 3m A
A’ 10 m
85 m
71 m
113 m
24 m
140 m A
9,9 m
42 m
Ecology: The Queyras, a mountain territory. October 2013. Supervisor: Audrey Marco. Students: Julien Revel This paper reports on the mountain landscape of Queyras, in terms of ecology and geology. All pages use respectively show: - The floors in the presence of vegetation through a mosaic of habitats. - The geology of Queyras, from an observation of rock on the ground. - The vegetation in the mountains, focusing on a particular plant training. - Biotic and abiotic components accompanying vegetation present. Educational objectives:
- Observe the various components of mountain ecosystems in a systemic look. - Observe the rocks that form the base of the mountain landscape - Understand the interaction between the environment and the living presence. - Collect a number of observations.
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Novembre 2013 / J. Revel DPLG2
Alpine Lawn :
The alpine lawns contain a wide variety of plants. There are Gentiana verna, Aster alpinus, Globularia cordifolia, Viola calcarata, leontopodium. The management of alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands is strongly related to pastoral practices must comply forage potential of each type of lawns, including advocating a change, duration and grazing period
(always poor soils and dry, superďŹ cial, medium to slow dynamics, the open herbaceous vegetation, often in mosaic, possible presence of bush, bushes or shrubs (recovery rate <10%).
Larch forest: :
Larch, located in an intermediate position is assisted in its seed dispersal by squirrels, woodpeckers, or crossed beaks. In the herbaceous stratum is crossed Hepatica nobilis, Geranium sylvaticum and Pulsatilla alpina. There are also lichens, such Parmeliopsis ambigua, Letharia vulpina, Cetraria pinastri.
Scree area: :
Scree are really unstable environments, not in the ground, where the wind blows fine abrasive particles particularly for plants, there are times any suitable plants such Ranunculus glacialis and Linaria alpina
( On a somewhat more stable rocks, plants saxicole (Erirtichium nanum, Primula latifolia, Artemisia umbelliformis, Xanthoria elegans, umbillicaria cylindrica Rhizocarpon geographicum, Acarospora oxytopa) found. Boulders high altitude conditions have particularly austere life. )
flowery meadow: :
Hay meadows are located on the upper floors and subalpine mountain, usually on moraine terraces and rather basic rocks. They are mainly composed of grasses such as Dactylis glomerata, Trisetum flavescens, Trollius europeus, Polygonum bistorta, Geranium sylvaticum.
(always thick soils, eutrophic (medium enriched minerals), not undergoing the nature of the rock, herbaceous vegetation dominated by grasses dependent soil moisture and type of use: Hayfield and meadow pasture. )
Novembre 2013 / J. Revel DPLG2
( joined ) View of the snowy ridge Veyres. and dolomitic limestone cliff. Dolomitic limestone is a limestone which part of the calcite has been replaced by dolomite (carbonate sedimentary rock) during diagenesis (dolomitization).
Queyras limestone, schist Queyras
Generally it is customary to distinguish the Queyras limestone , west , Queyras schist to the east . Queyras limestone consists mainly of former passive margins and sediment deposited thereon . It consists of limestone, dolomitic limestones and dolomites which form the highest peaks and most cut Queyras ( Massif de la Font Sancte Massif Rochebrune Mountain Assan ) . Shale Queyras , east , consists of former accretionary prism and here and there fragments of oceanic crust. The former accretionary prism today form the lustrous schists that offer more open and less rugged than the Queyras limestone reliefs . Indeed , upstream of ice bolt Fort Queyras valleys open contrasting with the deep valley of the
Guil . In the midst of these emerging shale glossy pieces of oceanic crust. This is often called green or ophiolite rocks and consists of a wide variety of rocks: gabbro , basalt, serpentine. The highest peaks of the Queyras shale are formed by these rocks ( Bric Bouchet, Head Pelvas , Head of Toilies ... ) . In extreme eastern margin of the Queyras include Mont Viso is a huge mass of Gabbro . Here is the gabbro particular hardness which is why it is less subjected to erosion and thus made clear its current altitude. This simple geological summary of Queyras enough to explain some hydrological and ecological characteristics thereof . Indeed, the Queyras limestone because of its topography and chemical property of rocks that compose it can not hold enough water surface. Queyras limestone is the driest part of the
Queyras superficially . However deep , a multitude of galleries converge to groundwater large sizes making it a karst region like sedimentary Vercors or Chartreuse. Shale Queyras , meanwhile , is characterized by a high permeability of the soil surface which explains its relative greenery compared to Queyras limestone. However, this specificity, related to the particular climate of Upper Guil by its feedback is frequent , also explains the recurrent floods this part of Queyras .
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" The geology of Ceillac. "
The city of Ceillac has the distinction of being at the limit of two geological Queyras . Indeed, if the valley Mélézet is essentially cut in the Queyras limestone valley Cristillan is in the most part , in the Queyras shale . Note, however, that the boundaries between Queyras limestone and shale Queyras are not as simple as it seems. We can consider that the hastily valley Albert is the limit in the town of Ceillac . The massive Font Sancte , the highest Queyras ( 3385 m) , is composed of dolomitic limestone . The massive Cristillan is representative of greenstone Queyras . It includes serpentine large quantities formerly used for the construction , under the " Green Marble " misnomer . Basalt is also present in the Pico Black Rock even if not present in a huge cliff as the massive Chenaillet world famous neighboring municipalities of Cevières and Montgenevre . Tray Ceillac , where is the old village , is completely included in the Queyras limestone. This vast therefore constitutes an exception in the Queyras limestone. Indeed, this particular situation is related to the more recent history of this valley. When four Quaternary glaciations have succeeded resulting in a widening of the valley. However the optimum glaciation during the Quaternary not allowed to dig further than Viste . This is why, after the complete withdrawal of the glaciers of the valley , the accumulation of sediment transported by the Cristillan and Mélézet against glacial lock the Viste license training, little by little, a lake whose bottom overwhelmed with time.
n right ) etailed geological est Veyres
( joined ) Geological map of the town and its surroundings Ceillac. Section showing geological formations associated with panorama footer.
( on bottom of page ) Panorama of the hills and the valley of Ceillac Mélézet view from the opposite side.
Novembre 2013 / J. Revel DPLG2 !
MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPES, VEGETATION IN THE MOUNTAINS. Dominant vegetation type, the Alpine lawn.
The lawns are always on poor , dry soil surface , they are slow dynamic environments , the open herbaceous vegetation , often in mosaic , with a possible presence of bushes , shrubs or bushes ( recovery rate <10 % ) . Lande = poor nutrient environments , slow dynamics , plant training in open and low speed, shrub dominance (H < 1m) Evergreen " heather " type frequent presence of shrubs spots. Prairie = always thick soils, eutrophic ( medium enriched with minerals) not undergoing the nature of the rock , herbaceous vegetation dominated by grasses dependent on soil moisture and type of use : Hayfield and meadow pasture. The alpine meadows contain a wide variety of plants . Depressions where snow lingers are called snow patches . The snow patches are characterized by the short growing season and abundant moisture . The management of alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands is strongly related to pastoral practices must comply forage potential of each type of lawns , including advocating a change, duration and grazing period . there are Gentiana verna , Aster alpinus , Globularia cordifolia , Viola calcarata , leontopodium .
Fescues have inflorescence panicle rower , in rare cases can be spike-like panicle . Several species have panicles geminal branches uneven. The spikelet contains several flowers. Glumes shorter than spikelet . The terminal flower is sterile. Other flowers are hermaphrodite with three stamens , two lodicules and an ovary with 2 plumose stigmas terminals ( in brominated stigmas subterminal ) . Glumes are keeled . The lower hull is shorter than the upper hull . The husks are rounded lower back ( in the back is ducted bluegrasses ) and when they have edges , these are in the terminal position , rarely subterminal . Fescues are very small membranous ligule sometimes , some also have headsets . The seed has a wand. In sum, the characteristics that distinguish the Fescues of Bromes , bluegrass and Dactyls are high enough and they leave a lot of confusion in the botanical nomenclature , the same species are often placed by various authors in two or three different kinds . Finally, the various species of Fescues differ considerably in their size, yield and feed value .
The dominant species, fescue.
Fescue (Festuca L. ) is a genus of grasses (Poaceae) , many species are cultivated as fodder plants . Gender fescue includes a large number of species , many of which are interesting from the point of view feed , some of them are even of prime importance. The word Festuca , which is a Latin names hay, proves that long plants of this kind have been considered a prime fodder . Botanical characters Fescues based on the shape of the glumes , which are keeled , the almost complete absence of beards and the oblong shape of the seed.
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View to North-E orienta ink on
ght ) ng west on the e lawns bordering r Lake.
color and ink on paper.
ottom of page ) tion of Valley zet having red e design and on of the exposed on.
o the South-East, East / South-West ation, watercolor and white paper.
mirror Lake
(Above, left to right) Festuca ovina L. & Festuca ovina duriuscula L.
Novembre 2013 / J. Revel DPLG2
Always in the same place.
The ridgeline of Veyres consists of sharp peaks and rocky walls slightly semicircle . This is called a glacial cirque . In the shale (approximately 75% of the area of Queyras) Queyras , we mainly observe sketches of glacial cirques , broad shapes, flared identified peaks ruined or very dull . Bumpy formations are the moraines. These masses of rock debris (also called till) , eroded and transported by a glacier or an ice sheet are sometimes observed during transport, or on the ice, here , they were placed on the ground subunderlying , traces of ancient glaciers . Mirror Lake is a lake of glacial over- excavation . Ie it was formed by the melting of an ancient glacier . Moraines formed having accumulated a lock , thus stopping the glacier advanced . We observe different shaped between steep walls formed in the
heart of Alpine folding , limestone , formed in the Alpine sea sedimentary layers fractured ; clearer the smaller rocks that are constantly moving scree areas, corridors preferential erosion and alpine meadows .
and strongly attract pollinators actors to promote rapid reproduction.
The boundary between the alpine (defined in the mountainous temperate regions, between 2 300-2 500 meters and up to about 3000 meters. ) And sub-alpine stage ( including from 1 700 to 1 900 m and 2 300-2 500 m) is called the combat zone. Snow can appear as a factor of disadvantage, because installing a short growing season but this one appears to be very rich in the iron. The alpine meadows are very heterogeneous , making the display of a wealth of very floriferous species with a range of very brightly colored . The anthocyanin pigment (natural pigments of leaves, petals and fruits, located in the vacuoles of cells from red and orange to purple blue in the visible spectrum. ) Can withstand UV
( on top ) The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) in flight.
( on left ) View Mirror Lake, the peak Veyres and the transition between forest and alpine larch lawn.
On top : Mapping in two lake over-excavation.
Highland lake and wildlife presence.
" "
Biotic factors governing the interactions between plants within communities. In a disturbed and stressful environment, structuring species will facilitate the development of subordinated protecting species. We talk about facilitation to describe situations where the presence of a species has to install, life or survival of other species, without the relationship of dependence or interdependence is as strong as in the case of symbiosis. In rich media talking about competition.
" The altitude lakes:
Wetlands and aquatic environments are composed of bogs, petrifying springs (which are developed vegetation at springs or seeps on limestone ) . The lakes are lined aquatic species ( Sparganium borderei ) but also Eriophorum sp. The wetlands are generally dominated by willow . Mirror Lake in his case, is the beginning of a bog. Being an open water formed following a topographic depression carved by the glacier, is currently host a set of pioneer plants that form over time a raft. The organic material is then bound to accumulate and the original pond has to be completely invaded. Finally, the bog is intended to bulge under Sphagnum growth (mosses bryophytes) . Throughout the development of
this environment, biota changes to adapt to new conditions occurring at each stage. This lake overexcavation is doomed to disappear , although any time on a millennium scale.
" Local wildlife:
" "
About wildlife roaming the edges of the lake, it is noted that the grassy slopes beneďŹ t 2500 Chamois Queyras. Although they do not attend all the same, it is sometimes possible to notice. Prey of the Golden Eagle, the large local population of Alpine Marmot explains the high density of this raptor in the Queyras. After hibernation, from the end of March, it leaves its burrow and then signals especially by his whistling. Within the lake, it is possible to mix common frogs, tadpoles (which makes sense if there are frogs) or Alpine newt.
( below, from left to right) The Alpine newt (Ichthyosaura alpestris) in a breeding plumage. surrounded by Sparganium borderei left and Eriophorum sp. right
" " "
Red frog (Rana temporaria) A marmot (Marmota marmota) A chamois (Rupricapra Rupricapra)
Leisure activities, vocation of montagne for how long? September 2013. Supervisor: Mathieu Leborgne & Christian Tamisier. Students: Julien Revel & Florent Cautiello.
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F. Cautiello / J. Revel
RECREATION,VOCATION OF THE MOUNTAIN, FOR HOW LONG? "Morning in White Lake," 1932 Charles Henri Contencin Exhibition of French Artists.
* Charles Henri Contencin, French painter of the early twentieth mountain. He held the position of head of structures for the SNCF and the Society of Northern Railway.
Mountain story of a budding interest.
Like the landscape , the recognition of the Mountain was originally done in writing , botany , then painting in the eighteenth . The mountain is starting to make themselves known to the elite through broadcasts of paintings, prints and various tests in literature , especially in Switzerland (see CH Contencin *) . Becoming a part of the picturesque she no longer appears to be dominant but perfect . Travellers hunters picturesque and English writers have shaped a whole sensitivity back to nature that affected the company and its order beyond questions of paintings, gardens and their modeling. At the end of the eighteenth century, began to circulate a model of preromantic image on the mountain territory that is discovered in small steps , whose territory is
distrusted previous-ly . Jalabert in 1777 provides the first realistic view of the mountain and across the valley from Chamonix . This brings the beginnings of popular interest in the valley and the mountain more generally. The tourism development of the mountain realizes because of the interest of the English aristocracy for this one. Alpin English Club created in the early nineteenth then created a French Alpine Club introduced later development adapted to the visitor century structures . The development of the train after the Industrial, new mode of mass transportation revolution , then amplify this effect. Attracting tourism facility in the late nineteenth , it gives access to many flagship stations especially in the Southern Alps . Parallel structures it induces the first
public reception namely : hotels, hostels , refuges and carriage rides at the foot of glaciers. At the same time , the Academy of Medicine praised the qualities of the local climate to fight against lung disease. And opens a new facet of tourism for the region: spa tourism or " climatism ."
CAUTIELLO REVEL. Hobbies / Vocation / Mountains / evolution
The mass leisure perspective, a rise in two stages. 1900 marked a break with the old days. A time ruled by fear , fear of heights practice , the glory of having overcome . This is when a failover morals which operates; "the city rises to the mountain." While the last rail routes are set up between 1900 and 1903, the 1920s marked the declivity of a new urbanism . Megève and Chamonix to endow adapted to meet the leisure facilities. Skiing is the primary motivation and automotive new means of access. Winter competitions pass a military record to a public register. Current 1924, the French Ski Federation is created and the entry of snow sports in the Olympic circle exalts popular interest . We now speak of the era exploits a transition between classic mountaineering and climbing solo describing the feat . In the 30s is so successful that he is finally admitted that women can wear pants for skiing , even before he is allowed to society. Moral values transited through these leisure will be one of the engines , with " bathing " new social practices and therefore a changing mores . Construction of the first cable car in 1933 in Megève launch the beginnings of a long landscape impact . Coupled with these developments , the law in favor of paid leave , passed in 1936, induced tourism flows constantly growing in the Alpine Arc .
The second World War is synonymous stop regarding the tourism economy. However in 1945 , the machine is restarted, the population ravaged by five years of conflict is looking for an outlet. Courchevel and many second generation stations are built and participate , although in a timely manner urbanization slopes in high mountains. Their aim is to welcome the winter mass tourism. Practices related to sports snow will (Left) Samivel 1980 "Today for tomorrow, Save the mountain." Illustration of a desire to preserve these landscapes so as not to make them real "Alpinodromes." About a man too attached to his precious words of a vertex or preachers notified? Fully ideas news.
(Right) Chamonix, 1924 The city hosts the eighth Olympiad, an international instituants week of winter sports.
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"Man of the plain, why you climbed the mountain? To better appreciate the plain ... " Chinese proverb
then experience a very rapid growth. Facilities such as the first gondola multiply , land stations and maintains mechanized tracks become commonplace . The 60s are so euphoric period for skiing , real orchestra various sports Alpine head as corresponding to the " white gold" rush era . This system will then revolutionize the entire economy of the mountain is now open to trade. The development of tourism and the construction of major infrastructure developments, such as the dam of Serre -Ponçon and those of the course of the Durance , will participate , in addition to the gain summer , demographic revival of the region where quality of life and coordinate economic dynamism . What follows is the era of modern stations ( 3rd Generation) , can be inserted into the mountain. The implementation of these complex that disrupts a positive economically formerly pristine environment of the human hand and sensitive to the slightest variations. Also a new look and a new social demand begins to emerge from the 80s. Felt desires born of better integrated , more authentic and rewarding a landscape without it undermining amenities.
CAUTIELLO REVEL. Hobbies / Vocation / Mountains / evolution
The example of the Hautes-Alpes, Strengths in numbers. In response to this urban mass that translates ! some denaturalization of the mountain, the people turned to simpler practices, communion with nature. This application is one of sustainable development where the mountain would not reflect the classic resorts and a Costa Brava denatured foot roof of Europe. It was then, after decades of political redistribution in favor of the mountain and its inhabitants, France gradually distanced himself from these measures of financial assistance . Initiated by law Mountain (1985) , the conditions governing the organization of tourism development and environmental protection , this turnaround encourages " self-development " around projects designed and implemented by local actors. Development becomes differentiated advantage anxious to benefit local specificities , the characteristics of the mountain become valuable assets for the development of their future. And if the mountain became a "laboratory" for local development ? By focusing specifically on the image of environmental quality that is often associated because of its roots in a political landscape protection and nature , she even acquired a copy appearance for the promotion of sustainable development. Over the past 30 years , creating in the French mountains many Regional Nature Park and National Park like the Ecrins has shown the success of this idea and its necessity.
Two dates: . 1954: 12 705 assets . 2006 48 835 assets.
If the extraordinary appeal of the High Alps appears to be an inexhaustible source of its economy, it seems that it is also the source of its own decline. For Man door effect genes in him of his own loss . Are those of the trivialization , brinkmanship performance and eternal dissatisfaction. The third generation stations were erected after the euphoria of Seventie 's to anticipate the increasing flow of tourists but the enthusiasm of developers will quickly turn against them. Following the crisis of the current 85 leisure, we see that the interventionist logic Mountain have caused structural and flagrant excess property for tourist purposes ( Hautes- Alpes the capacity is 2.5 times the population of department) . Risoul , Les Orres and other superleisure complexes in the image of M in 2000 and Plagne in Haute-Savoie, emerge and integrate into their site is not considered a major problem . The implementation of slopes and lifts often appears , besides the impact on the landscape , such as land degradation and imbalance cycle of soil formation and the logic flow of the waters. The fauna is generally most directly affected . Meanwhile overcrowding causes a massive ozone pollution extreme in some valleys . Grenoble , although The arguments of a special case, or with the Chamonix Mont -Blanc sustainable tourism. tunnel and without reference to the tragic accident The Alps offer exceptional mountain setting . in March 1999 , are undeniable facts showing the Considered the largest wilderness in Europe they average saturation sites and Mountain High . host an impressive biodiversity. 3/7 of the Moreover, the shadow of a mono- economy European flora is recorded ! They provide an subject to market fluctuations and lower moods essential and necessary for the mental and physical populations always looking for consumption raises balance of European companies outlet. questions about the socio- economic future of the Contrasting light and purity of the country, and Alps. Can we still maintain the same strategy? adventures to sports practices , the Alps are truly Once natural barrier in the heart of Europe, they considered the golf games of Europe. The provided a rich array of valleys and passes still possibilities are many activities in winter and intact in modern society . They are unlikely to summer. In addition, the presence close to major turn into a dreary crossroads ? population centers in the plains is an important customer for the region. Hautes- Alpes illustrate this phenomenon. Boasting a spectacular sunshine for a mountain region, especially in winter, it is the subject of a development of air and later sports, current 90 sports whitewater experience the same growth . Finally the rural and cultural heritage is important and contributes significantly to the attractiveness of the region. Part of tourists come just sit quietly in the heart of landscapes exceptions , although somewhat altered by the arrival of mass tourism between 70 and 80 .
Today, tourism in the Alps, represents 80% of revenues in the region and 70% of the workforce concerned.
"White Gold" and delusions of grandeur, at what price?
CAUTIELLO REVEL. Hobbies / Vocation / Mountains / evolution
New practices for tomorrow? Territorial complexity to solve.
While the development of the Durance and the creation of water bodies have funded many municipalities in the region ( modernization of villages) , agri -environmental measures, popular in public opinion, have allowed all diversifying the activities of farms , sustain threatened landscapes and limit their closure. Leisure and mute and connects two major economic entities mountain knowledge, services and products related to agricultural activity. The consumer sector producer is reduced to its essence, we now speak of agro- tourism in the department currently represents approximately 60,000 room nights and 35,000 years covered . Crafts of the local population grow by adapting to demand, like the peasants of the nineteenth century , the time of a hike, left their tools aside for climbing peaks in the company of English bourgeois , their serving as a kind of Sherpa . Although people have often faced various problems and sudden changes , it has responded to many situations due to its adaptability. Nevertheless, the decline in summer dating in recent years, common to all French massifs, and the ephemeral nature of the school holidays in the nights , requires both a thoughtful approach to attract spring and autumn new customers. Likewise it is to initiate a global dialogue among various stakeholders not reproduce blueprints as impacting as those that occurred during the second half of the twentieth century.
Queyras, A vision of the Alps of yesteryear, or future Alpinodrome?
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Scenario 02: 2015 departmental cooperation farmers to sustain and diversify their business. The use of agricultural land ( plains and riverine ) allows the rotation of crops through the At present , these developments introduction of new species adapted . weigh heavily in the balance . Dozens Meanwhile , backup pastures and of high mountain stations are already in foothills induces a strong development dire financial straits due to the of agro -tourism. The promotion of obsolescence of their business offerings cultural heritage seems to add his stone and their aging fleet of lifts. This , to the edifice. 2020 Basin Queyras been combined with climate change disrupt subject to prior studies where the local the advance directives, a strong actors establish a rational development incentive to shift stations . Faced with plan. Infrastructure are integrated into this problem , the mayor of Biot, the site and landscape topographic Michel Cothenet takes position : "The term. The development of transport medium mountain stations have no between villages of the valley and the future in ten or fifteen years due to railway station of Mont -Dauphin is climate change. Therefore , a more encouraged to radically reduce the stations reconvert , the sooner it will be impact related to motor flux . Now attractive . " The town of Biot , the practices the mountains begin to annual deficit of the station , totaled € change. 2030 , following the mediation 220,000 , decided to separate its two of agriculture, the sustainability of chairlifts, no longer keeping only two landscapes and cultural openness in the small lifts. The decision was taken region, the summer tourist finds an contrary to the will of local politicians upward curve . 2040 snow is ( elected on 11 , 9 resign after this increasingly falling but the decision). diversification of winter activities such as summer , helps to stabilize the All times , new activities are not yet tourism-related economy. 2050 , the capable of replacing skiing in its ability local economy seems to find the right to generate jobs and economic spinbalance between production of goods offs . Two opposing scenarios then open and services production , landscape about the future of the Queyras region. conservation and public reception . Although open to tourism, it is certainly the area in the French Alps, the least The development of this area affected by it. should enable the mountain society to change without abrupt break with its 01 scenario , the region follows the past while renewing its culture and same pattern as directors of large activities at risk of disappearing values. tourist groups. By 2015 , the CAP subsidies stop and contribute to the progressive loss of local agriculture face fierce competition from large agricultural plain sets ( open field ) in 2025 , agricultural abandonment , the stations are as it leads and contribute to the degradation of landscape qualities . The purely cultural and landscape attractiveness experiencing a rapid decline and a stone hits causes a deterioration of morals. 2040 stations located below 1800m observe a gross reduction in snow cover and winter tourism begins to decline. 2050 stations based essentially on a single economy saw their revenues decline participating in their rural exodus. Hamlets substations again considered the cradle of mountain tradition have lost their identity , depriving the scene of all their tourist attractions.
CAUTIELLO REVEL. Hobbies / Vocation / Mountains / evolution
Paul Veyne : L’Alpinisme. Extrait pages 41 à 51.
Philipe Joutard : La Haute Montagne, une invention protestante ? Extrait pages 123 à 132.
François Petrarque : Récit de voyage au Mont Ventoux ( 1334 )
Bernard Debarbieux : Chamonix en 1860 Stratégies d’appropriation de la Haute-Montagne.
Pierre Bourges/ Robert Mizrahi ( rapport de recherches, S MRS 004 ) : Vision de la Nature chez les pratiquants de loisirs de Montagne.
La Montagne, Les carnets du Paysage, Actes Sud de L’ENSP.
Bernard Debarbieux / Gilles Rudaz : Les Faiseurs de Montagne, CNRS édition, E MRS 090.
Le Paysage, un projet pour la Montagne, Revue du 20 mai 2008, édition ENSP/région PACA, E MRS 228.
Hautes-Alpes, éditions Christine Bonneton, E MRS 124.
Bernard Fischesser : La vie de la Montagne, édition De La Martinière.
Julie Obissier : TPFE, La Plagne, une station de sports d’hiver, une ville à la montagne. DPLG MRS 2001 ( 40 )
TPFE, Saint Jean Montclar, une station à deux temps. E MRS 248.
http://www. Cité de la Culture et du Tourisme Durable.
Volumes, proportions, light and shadow; Studies sketches. 2010 - 2012 Set of sketches of study. Architecture, objects, and body. Fusain gray pencil. Julien Revel.
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