Dear Applicant, I know this a very important moment for you. I know you may be are nervous, indecisive or so excited. This is normal, because you are ahead of a great opportunity, a challenging opportunity, which will permit you grow personal and professionally. Sometimes we think we do not have the properly or enough knowledge, but this is just an excuse, believe me. I felt the same in your position, applying to be LCVP and even I felt that when I applied to LCP 2016. I am conscious I do not know everything, but I really believe that together we can achieve more than we can imagine. So, I understood I just need a team, which move together for a better world, a team committed with replicate our leadership chain. I invite you, as my Duck parents (Hector and Santiago) taught me, to be an opportunities hunter and to believe you could achieve more and do everything the best it can be done, striving for excellence with integrity. Enjoy all you do and take risk, because if you take it you can learn more and discover a lot of wonders this world have to show us. This is YOUR opportunity. The risk is you fall in love with everything you do, so JUST TAKE IT!
Table of Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Take into account EB Member Profile Timeline and Interviews Application Process Nomination Process EB Structure General Questionnaire Specific Questionnaire Challenge
Take into account… 1. When applying, remember that you are applying to the Executive Board of AIESEC in Central 2016 and preferring a position, not the other way around. This means that reallocation can occur. 2. Feel free to ask for help, for people can coaching you in the process. 3. Please, PLEASE, do not wait until the last moment to send your app, we never know what can happen. You can lose a lot of opportunities for that, believe me. For that… 4. … ENJOY. Enjoy the best and most complete process to be run for EB 2016 in AIESEC in Colombia and try to take out of it as much as you can. 5. Sometimes it is preferable for a candidate to show a lack of knowledge than a lack of results to support his/her application. So, please do not leave your obligations behind this time, as this will count towards the final decision. 6. You must attend the National Vice Presidents Meeting on December 14th and 15th in Bogotá and NPM 2015 on December 16th and 20th. 7. LCVP TM and F&LM must attend RPW, a regional meeting, on November 7th and 8th 8. Each applicant must attend Peace Week organized for AIESEC in Central between October 26th and November 1st
A broad understanding of the association is required in order to execute an LCEB position properly. An understanding of our vision, values, identity, current direction, country development, and systems is certainly something we will look for in all candidates.
Society knowledge
Many aspects of one’s personality can effect being part of a leadership team in AIESEC in Central. Some of them are obvious: constant learning, systematic thinking, creativity, adaptability to change, sense of responsibility, capacity of analysis, patience, listening, proactive and supportiveness but also you have to keep in mind that the most important thing is to understand why as a leader of this amazing organization in AIESEC in Colombia you are doing what you are doing. Great leaders inspire action and lead consciously.
A broad knowledge of world and organizational systems, current trends and issues facing society and cultural issues are important to lead a Local Committee. Practical understanding of new management theories (e.g. learning organization, selforganizing systems) is also important in managing the diverse environments in which AIESEC operates. In addition, each position requires skills and knowledge in the areas of financial management and budgeting, project management, human resources management, and good understanding of English.
AIESEC understanding
Intellectual and psychological
EB Member Profile
Overall, there is no perfect candidate profile; however, good candidates will possess strong competencies in the areas of social behavior, motivation, task orientation, and people management skills. The key component is balance within the individuals and within the team of individuals!
Duck Calendar October
• App Launch: October 6th • App Submision: October 16th • Interviews: October 17th to October 26th • Assembly: October 31st • Challenge: October 6th • Virtual capacitation Days: • October 8th • October 13th • October 15th
1st Round of Executive Board Member applicants 2016 Interviews and 2nd Round of Executive Board Member applicants 2016
Growth Meeting Peace Week Capacitation Cycle and RPW* Assembly and “Papalito” Planning EB 2016 * RPW: Capacitación LCP, VP TM y VP Finanzas 2016 (7 y 8 de Nov)
Team Days EB
Take Over Graduation
Application Process Your application will be composed by: 1. Your profile (CV): Where you have to describe your AIESEC and external experience, and main achievements in each role (max. 1 page). 2. General questionnaire: Answer all the questions (max 4 pages) 3. Specific Questionnaire: Answer according to the role you are applying (max 4 pages) 4. Resume: General explanation of your application (max 1 page) 5. Video: Attach the link of no more than 3 minutes video where you explain the summary of your application and tell why do you want to be part of the EB 2016 6. Attach: Enneagram: http://similarminds.com/test.html (Sent your results as a JPG) 7. Fill this link https://podio.com/webforms/13666014/922653 to send you THT test (DDL October 12nd) If you already did this test, comunícate it to LCP 2016 The entire application (Your profile, general and specific questionnaire, resume and video link) should be maximum 10 pages. 1 PDF file + Enneagram results as a JPG Late applications won´t be received, no exceptions. Format: “ LCVP2016_applicationArea_AIESECinCentral_name surname.pdf” Example: “ LCVP2016_applicationOGCDP_AIESECinCentral_JuliethVargas.pdf” DDL: Octuber 16th, 23:59 Sent application through: http://bit.ly/EB2016Application and also sent the application to julieth.vargas@aiesec.net and santiago.rubio@aiesec.net
Nomination Process To be officially nominated as a EB Member you have to get a score of 80% The process application is composed by the follow percentages: • Application 50% (Evaluated for LCP Current and LCP Elected) • Interviews 40% • Personal: External (40%) • Functional Knowledge: VP Area you are applying (30%) • Strategic and Organizational Knowledge: LCP 2015, LCP 2016 and MC (30%) • Challenge 10%
EB Structure
General Questionnaire 1. Please list your 3 main strengths and 3 main weaknesses and answer the following questions for each. • Personal strength: How this will make you a better LCVP? • Personal Weaknesses: What are you doing to overcome these weaknesses? 2. How are you living AIESEC values and how you could live them as a EB Member? 3. What is the commitee of your dreams and What you can do to do every member move to achieve it? 4. How can AIESEC in Central be more relevant and grow distuptively? Write an strategie, taking into account a Wildly Important Priority and máximum 3 priorities more and what will be the action plan (activities and timeline)
Specific Questionnaire LCVP Talent Management and Communication (TM & Comm) 1. Make a SWOT of the TM area actual state. Taking into account the TM growth model, which will be your 3 focuses, and 3 strategies for each of them that will take TM to their level. 2. How you will ensure that in every actions of TM & Comm as functional area leadership will be in the centered? 3. How you are going to ensure each member connected her/him own purpose with AIESEC purpose and Duck culture? 4. Create a rewards and recognitions plan for the membership according to a system you propose to track both; the members' performance and development.
LCVP Finance and Legal Manament 1. Which Strategy will you propose to ensure a legal and financial culture in AIESEC in Central? 2. What would be the main investments that Finance should focus in order to increase operations, maintain the membership empowering and develop the leadership potential in your LC?
3. The Financial basic objective of a business is to reduce costs and increase profits, AIESEC Is considered as a Global Youth Movement, what do you think should be the basic financial goal in AIESEC in Central and how this is reflected in the impact of what our movement cause?
LCVP Marketing 1. Today, at a local level, the conversion rate from Open to Match in OGX* is around of 10%, what would you do in AIESEC in Central to guarantee a 50% conversion rate? Make a 6-month plan. 2. How would you get 2.000 opens for TXP in 2 months? Make the 2 month plan. 3. What would you do in order to send 50% of your membership on exchange? Make a 6 month plan. 4. What could be a disruptive, but achievely action to get more Global Families for IGCDP? Explain it in detail *Make a plan for each OGX program; if not, only for OGCDP. ** Every plan should have strategies, timeline, goal and responsible.
LCVP Outgoing Global Community Development Program (OGCDP) 1. What are the three main challenges in growing OGCDP that you can see in AIESEC in Central right now? Please list 3 main initiatives that you as VP would like to work on to overcome those challenges. 2. Imagine that you have goal to deliver +100 oGCDPs during your VP term for this peak. How would your work each target? Your only limitation would be your imagination. 3. How will you guarantee each EP became a Colombian ambassador in their experiences and live an integral experience? 4. Define how you will guarantee the delivery of best experiences of OGCDP for 2016 based on the following aspects: • Area structure • Market Approach • Volume Management
** Take always into account the importance of synergies
LCVP Outgoing Global Intership Program (OGIP) 1. What is stopping oGIP to grow? Based on that, create strategies on how can you make AIESEC in Central grow 150% in OGIP in 2016.
2. How can you work with OGIP synergies (MKT and TM) to guarantee this growth of 150%? Considering the Experience Flow for OGX, what is the role of MKT in Attraction and what is the role of OGIP in Consideration and Value Delivery? 3. Make a segmentation of your market of Universities and make a proposition of which programs (Professional Global and/or Global Startupers) and which sub products (Business, Marketing, Teaching, or IT) would you focus. Based on that, create a structure and a timeline for OGIP in your LC.
LCVP Incoming Global Community Development Program (IGCDP) 1. Make an analysis of our matches realized this year. How are you going to improve the position of AIESEC in Central inside and outside LATAM? Describe the monthly work (depend of your focus) of a person/team in charge of matching. The main activities of that month and how they are going to guarantee those activities. (For example, what is going to be your promotion plan or the weekly minimums to guarantee that you are going to match those forms, etc.) 2. Design a Sales Development Program in which you evolve private sector in order to collect funds based on Corporate Social Responsibility. 3. Analyze the current state of Standards and Satisfaction processes during the last and coming projects in the LC, what do you think that should be the next steps to guarantee a great NPS Score and the sustainability of the projects?
Challenge • 2 IP OGCDP (Product Packaging or Singles) per applicant • 1 Referal of Global Family
Dates From October 6th to October 25th