Take into account‌ When applying, remember that you are applying to the Executive Board of AIESEC in Central 2016 and preferring a position, not the other way around. This means that reallocation can occur.
You must be part of: 1. EB Planning: November 28th and 29th 2. NPM (National Planing Meeting): December 13rd to 17th
Application Process Your application will be composed by: 1. Your profile (CV): Where you have to describe your AIESEC and external experience, and main achievements in each role (max. 1 page). 2. General questionnaire: Answer all the questions (max 1 page) 3. Specific questionnaire: Answer questions depending of area you are applying (max 2 page) 4. 2016 Goals you plan for the area and three drivers (1 Page) 5. Video: Attach the link of no more than 3 minutes video where you explain the summary of your application and tell why do you want to be part of the AIESEC in Central EB 2016. The entire application (Your profile, questionnaire, goals and video link) should be maximum 5 pages. 1 PDF file Late applications won´t be received, no exceptions. Format: “ LCVP2016_applicationArea_AIESECinCentral_name surname.pdf” Example: “ LCVP2016_applicationOGCDP_AIESECinCentral_JuliethVargas.pdf” DDL: November 5th , 23:59 Sent application through: http://bit.ly/EB2016Application and also sent the application to julieth.vargas@aiesec.net and santiago.rubio@aiesec.net
Process 1. Submit application DDL: November 6th, 11:59 am 2. You will Schedule an interview with the LCP 2015, LCP 2016 and VP IGCDP (for the case you will apply to be LCVP IGCDP)DDL: November 7th, 11:59 am 3. Elections: LCP 2016 take the decision according with application and interviews 4. Annoucement: November 8th (Indication of this date will say after) Information LCP 2015 Santiago Rubio santiago.rubio@aiesec.net
Las realizarรก desde las 12:00 m del viernes 6 de Noviembre Agendar con tiempo
LCP 2016 Julieth Vargas julieth.vargas@aiesec.net LCVP IGCDP Laura Camila Reyes lauracamila.reyes@aiesec.net
Questionnaire GENERAL 1. How can AIESEC in Central be more relevant and grow distuptively? Write 3 strategies
Specific Answer according with area you are applying: 1. What are next steps inmediatly you be elected (if you be elected) as a EB Member of AIESEC in Central? Mention a Wildly Important priority and maximum 3 priorities more. 2. Build a SWOT of the area reality in AIESEC in Central
@Central is waiting for you
? Julieth Vargas LCP
Laura Fl贸rez F&LM
Melissa Rodriguez TM
Camilo D铆az OGIP
Erika Gaspar Marketing
Ricardo Otalora S&S Manager