Futures and Innovations

Page 27

APPENDIX 1Transcript Q1. When you shop, do you shop locally?

Q3. How do you feel when purchasing from a small business?

A1. “I do try my hardest to shop locally, sometimes it is easier to just pop to the supermarket or Primark for a few bits” -A

A1. “So good, I have ordered a lot clothes through lockdown and they usually come with little hand written notes saying thank you, so you know they really appreciate it.” – A

A2. “Yes, depends what I’m getting but most of the time I will try to go to my local shop, say for example I wanted flowers I would go to my local florist instead of the supermarket” – B A3. “Yes, I shop locally however I do get a lot of stuff online for convenience” - C A4. “Not really, I would like to, but I don’t really have the time to look around for nice things” -D A5. “Yes, it makes me feel much better about what I’m buying as the money is going to someone deserving rather than some millionaire” -E Q2. Are you more likely to shop locally in the future since COVID-19? A1. “Yes, I will go out of my way to go into my local shops, I think it is better for the community, I don’t want to see any more businesses closing down, it breaks my heart” -A A2. “Yes, I am. My friend’s parents own a pub and COVID have really affected their business, they do a lot for the community so I will go out of my way to support them and others in the same situation” - B A3. “Well I usually order most of my stuff online, I do follow some small businesses on Instagram from people I know who I like to support, but most of the time it will be from the main brands for convivence” - C A4. “I live in the city centre, so all of the main retailers are on my doorstep, so I usually shop there however there is a local market that I like to visit on a Sunday” - D A5. “Well I already did in the first place, I’m a student and a lot of the time the prices are better and your supporting someone who will appreciate it a lot more.” – E

A2. “Good, they are always very happy when you’re in their shop and very helpful, it shows they genuinely care not like when you go into the Primark and the workers look like they want to die” – B A3. “I feel like I’m helping the community, which is important since covid” – C A4. “I feel like I’ve done something nice and by choosing them I have done something good for the community” - D A5. “I feel really good, it’s nice to know you are helping someone out and they really apricate it. If it helps them keep their business open, I am more than happy to help.” - E Q4. If you had the choice would you buy clothes from a local business or from a corporation? A1. “Obviously a small business, most of them are handmade and a lot of effort has gone into it …. It’s so much nicer getting a parcel from a small business they usually put sweets and daft things in there for you ....The clothes are unique and a lot of the time better quality” -A A2. “It depends, sometimes I find it hard to find things I like and it’s just a lot easier to just go onto Zara. I would like to but I can’t be bothered sometimes to scroll through pages and pages on Depop and things like that when I know I can find something easier on the main retailers. – B A3. “I would choose a small business if the quality is just as good, to be honest I would mind even paying a bit more for something as long as it will last, especially if it’s going towards someone who deserves it.” – C 27

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