2014 9 15 req admission attach a

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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION - ATTACHMENT A ________________________________________________________________________________ PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: JULIUS BOGAR CASE NUMBER: III/16.B.35837/2012/18/I/1 DEFENDANT/RESPODENT: SANDOR SZABO ________________________________________________________________________________


Admit or deny that you discussed with Rev. Bertalan Negyessy that you possibly will take over his position. Response:


Admit or deny that you left the Church of Cigand without a notice. Response:


Admit or deny that your wife, Judith was sick with leukemia in Hungary. Response:


Admit or deny that you have ever been to Holland. Response:


Admit or deny that you have ever received any letter from the church council of Ontario. Response:


Admit or deny that the Free Magyar Church of Ontario has sponsored you. Response:


Admit or deny that you did fill out and signed the INS I-9 - Employment eligibility form. Response:


Admit or deny that the Ontario church did not give you an employment visa. Response:


Admit or deny that you received salary from the church soon after you arrived in Ontario, but you don't reported as income and you received welfare aid. Response:


Admit or deny that you did not take a test before the Synod examination Committee and you not have a pastor diploma to be eligible to fulfill a pastor position in the USA. Response:


Admit or deny that you give any amount of money to rev. Negyessy for giving you his position. Response:


Admit or deny that you signed the Church's checks for cash. Response:


Admit or deny that you obtained $10,000 loan from the Church's account in 1990. Response:


Admit or deny that the Free Magyar Church of Ontario is a California Corporation. Response:

Pesti Központi Kerületi Bíróság

Request Admission



Admit or deny that you made a Constitution and By-Law for the Ontario, Kalifornia Független Magyar Református Egyház tagjai számára. Response:


Admit or deny that the tenants on the church apartment were asked to sign a loyality oath stating that they would not speak about you, otherwise they will be evicted. Response:


Admit or deny that you evicted numerous tenants, among them Mrs. Ilona Fenyves. Response:


Admit or deny that you testified under oat that Mrs. Fenyves beat and cursed you. Response:


Admit or deny that Mrs. Ilona Fenyves sued you. Response:


Admit or deny that the judgment was favor of Mr. Fenyves and you had to pay court costs and a monetary find. Response:


Admit or deny that attorney Mr. Tibor Toczauer offered his service defend you free of charge. Response:


Admit or deny that you and you wife ask the tenant to sign a untrue declaration on your behalf and your attorney filed to the Court when you had been sued. Response:


Admit or deny that your attorney filed a statement that you were appointed by the bishop to be a pastor for the Hungarian Reformed church of Ontario. Response:


Admit or deny that the Hungarian Reformed Church in America By-Law does not allow to anyone appointing a pastor. Response:


Admit or deny that the Constitution and By-Laws of the Hungarian Reformed Church In America required that a pastor shall be elected from among ministers examined and qualified by the Ministerial Qualifying Committee elected by the General Assembly of the Synod. Response:


Admit or deny that you have not been qualified by the Ministerial Qualifying Committee to be a minister or to hold a pastor position. Response:


Admit or deny that the Hungarian Reformed Church in America By-Laws required that election of the pastor, the voting shall be by secret ballot. Response:


Admit or deny that you were not elected to be a pastor with a secret ballot. Response:

Pesti Központi Kerületi Bíróság

Request Admission



Admit or deny that you paid Tibor Toczauer a $150.00 per hour attorney fee for defending you and the total amount was over $160,000.00. Response:


Admit or deny that you asked Mr. Steve Dezso to beat up and kill Julius Bogar. Response:


Admit or deny that you asked Mr. Karoly Kiss to kill Julius Bogar Response:


Admit or deny that you give unnumbered receipt for the Meeting Hall and the church rental. Response;


Admit or deny that you refused to answer for Mrs. Fenyves attorney's question "Were you affiliated with the Communist Party in Hungary?" Response:


Admit or deny that the Hungarian Reformed Church of Ontario sponsor you and you came into the USA with an employment visa. Response:


Admit or deny that you said under oath that the church council sent a letter to the immigration service that allowed you to come to the USA. Response:


Admit or deny that you manipulated to obtain a high salary for yourself much more than an average salary for a similar small congregation's pastor. Response:


Admit or deny that your wife and her son received a salary from the church account. Response:


Admit or deny that you and your wife Zsoka on numerous occasions received signed blank checks from the treasurer. Response


Admit or deny that Mrs. Ilona Peters was the treasurer or gondnok of the Church continuously over 20 years. Response:


Admit or deny that when Mrs. Ilona Peters was the treasurer her daughter, Judith was the controller. Response:


Admit or deny that you did not allow inspect the treasury book by the church's members. Response:


Admit or deny that you write the meeting minutes, not the secretary and they do not reflect the true occurrences that took place in those meetings. Response:


Admit or deny that the Dean never inspected the treasury book and meeting minutes. Response:

Pesti Központi Kerületi Bíróság

Request Admission



Admit or deny that you did not obtained $100,000 loan secured to the church's property and that you asked Mr. Sandor Varga to sign the loan document as he is the pastor. Response:


Admit or deny that you did not obtain any amount of loan which is secured to the church's property beside the $10,000 and the $100,000 which was mentioned before. Response:


Admit or deny that you or any of your associates never sold alcohol on the church's property without obtaining a permit. Response:


Admit or deny that you did not record in the treasury book more than $9,000 from the Meeting Hall rent. Response:


Admit or deny that you recorded twice the fence installation cost, approximate $17,000 and used it for personal use. Response:


Admit or deny that you used the church's money for your personal attorney fee. Response:


Admit or deny that you used the church money for your personal travel expenses. Response:


Admit or deny that you was terminated by the Church Council for good cause. Response:


Admit or deny that you and your associates filed false Church Exemption under penalty and perjury. Response:


Admit or deny that at the time election of bishop you claimed that you are a pastor of churches that did not actually exist. Response:


Admit or deny that you helped you wife Zsoka cross into the USA by way of the Canadian border illegally. Response: I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURYUNDER THE LAW OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING ANSWERS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT

Date: ____________________________,

______________________________________, Sandor Szabo, Answering party

Date: ____________________________,

_______________________________________, Julius Bogar, Requesting Party

Pesti Központi Kerületi Bíróság

Request Admission


Pesti Központi Kerületi Bíróság

Request Admission


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